Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 25, 1903, Image 3

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1 ,
lloafl the ad on tMt pitRo tlilswctk.
Dr. Lowe oculo-optlclan Kufjeiie
Krosli oysters niijr style at tlx
Krssli lioiuoiimde chocolate crsams
At the Wat.
Look In II. 0. Mailsen's window
for Christmas presents. 4,1-St
CUaii vlieAt for clilcVon food 00c
par Itu. At th flour mill.
Call At tlio Wnvo for all kiwis of
fresh ciuiillos Atul hut aorta ilrluka.
The now ceAti for tha Christian
(Jinircli iirto Arrlruil ami Imn put In
We hare just received a complete Shipment of
Call and See Tliem and get Prices.
Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors.
jrf 'T'T T f 'T T'T T T'T 'f T T'T' T T'T 'T1 T T"''K
An elegant line of
tatlnnsrj At Mm.
hook tore.
(tommies Aim
1. K. KleM'a
Knr all the Intent novels lu illffarsiit
tyis bindings cull nt Mrs. I). K.
I'lslrt'e hook store.
A Hhotmiakcr with 34 vcura z
perlenca nt W. H, II. Hlinp. I'rlcaa
owar than rUowhtre.
Now order of uptoiluln nor la for
the rlrculntlnir lllirury will nrrlrs for
Xhim at Mania Hook More.
(If oren M. (,'oiuer nml family art
occupying ra. lurch's rrahlcnco.
They mornl In Momltiy Morning,
Tlieo. Jennings nml IrwIu.Mnthnwa
IcftrHumlay night for Han l-'rnnclsco
where they will enjoy tho holidays.
Wo have u few slow nrllltlic article
at VV. H. II. shop, which will ha
closed out very cheap. Chirk & Hon' ,
lly pnylng ii small mnouut now,
II. C. MHdm'ii will Iny nshle your
Christmas present for yon, 4.'I-Ct
Write or cull upon Medley ft. Mllns
fur uny InforuiAtlou concerning tho
Inlying, selling or rentlngof property.
Medley Sc. MIIno are making a
snecnlty of mlnlnir itockii. nnd run
furnlNh nil tlio hrst stocks nt joweiit
Ilcrtnnd CI u ii do Hurt took thu
noun train Mouilny enroutn to
Hpoknne, where thty will m-ii(1 the
holiday with their friend,
Wake up nnd huy n piece of Cod'
green earth In Cottage droru nnd
tiitvn n home of your own. We will
I hi pleiiHed to show you sonic of the
(KMt Iniys In town.
Mkiii.kv A
ilr. John Ventch. with the HaUni
Htatcsnmn. wua In tha city l'rlday
and Hatnnlay vliltlnr wltublsalaUr,
Airi. iiarry wynne. Mr. venicnwo
formerly with the Itnaalinra; Iterlew
and Inter with tha Cnpltul Newa, of
liolset'lty, Idaho. At tha head of
the business and or ii paper Johnny
linn few eiial,
II. O. Thompson of Hnrrlsou
Idaho, n nenspsjier man, wu In tha
city a dny or aothla week looking
orcr the field for aotne kind of In
Teitmeut. Mr. Thompson Ii favor
Ahly Impressed with tha outlook of
hnslneaa tu this locality nnd will
likely return toward spring time.
I.iiMt I'rldny XV. C. KlUpntrlek
while nt work upon hl new building
started to chniiKnn tall iteohidder
to Another place, when u InrKu ihnrp
hatchet which he had forirotten to
reinoTM from thu ladder fell nud cut
quite A deep Kinli In the top of hi
TheAlcn mill of the I'livlm- Tine
xtr Co , will Hlnrt up rlffht iiller tha
flrnt of the year. Thla Ih ood iiuwh,
mid hIiowh uti caMlini iii In the oar
V. C Kllipati'lck Ih urectlnir n
hulldliiK hetwevu tlmtiliidy Kltchan
nud thu Mluera' KxcIiiuiku anloon
wheni hu will open n re tiiurant
nhout thu lint of the year.
Clarence Cray, n printer of yenra of
experience now n realdencaof llalMoy,
la apcudlnir tho holiday with 111
hrother-lndnw, Harry Mutcnlf,
Kldellty I-odRC, No. 80.1, Modern
llrotherhood of AmerlcA, meetaerery
lecond nud fourth TuexdAy of eiicli
month, nt our regular meeting lnnt
night tho followlnit olllcer wero
elected: I'realdimt, Dr. Mncyi vice
prrtldant, A. J. Thomna; Hec H. K.
l.ttuditr; chuplnlu, K. Miller; treim.,
M, (lllkeraon; conductor, Hlater Al
hotti Muntluel C. A, N'vlaon; watch
man, llert McDole, The ofllcvr will
ho Inxtnlled nt the next meeting In
Mayor Veatch nnd I'oatinnatcr
HownrdvUlted the Cnpltul Monday
unil arranged for the Introduction of
tho hill for nu iiineuded charter for
Cottagu drove. C. II. Ilurkholder,
who wax iinnoliitod nt I'rlilnv
ulght'a meellug iih one of the cam
mltteo, wax umililo tolenvohomo and
Mr. Howard volunteered to tako lilx
Out of nine plauoa nud orgnnx on
thn floor of t lie mimic houxeonlvnfew
dayx ago, tharo remnlna but three nt
the hour of going to preax. Holiday
illHeoiinlx of 10 per cent I now In ef
fect on thu romalnlng luatrumentx
nnd these will go to tha flrxt cUBto
nierx who lire In u poaltlou to take
udvnutnge of thlx xprclal talu.
Chnrlex J. Hansen, who Iiiih re
cently xtiirU-d a laundry ill the city,
xtntex that at prexent hu Ih doing
hand work only, but that hula ar
ranging for maniclca and other necex-
xnry machinery and hoe to ho la I
in ii running oruerxoonaiterine lirxt
or tlio year.
Tkl weak J. V. Thornton told hi
candy and cigar atore to J, M.
Aliramx, of Kugene, who Ih now In
full poaaeaalon. Mr. Ahrnina la a
mini of many year buxlneaa ex
perience and will no doubt make
many frlenda Id hi new enterprlM,
Itcporta from Jomixon Taylor, who
rectntly underwent a xurglcnl opera
tion In Portland, are to the effect
that ho la rapidly convalescing and .
high hope a of hla permanent recuvery '
nro cnieriaiuuMi.
Altbotigb there baa been a diminu
tion in recent years In tba number of
the blind In Prussia, It la still over 21,-
In a recent after dinner speacb the
chsncellor of tbe German empire aald
that next year 750 years will bave
elap4 Rlnce tbo Drat mention of tbe
Von Butow family,
Tba lateat naveltv In advertlaementa
W. D. Dennla, manager of tho Dlack-, In Ucrlln Is a handsome placard placed
hutto ritilckHllvcr mine, came In Hat- ' tbo electric cara bearing tho names
iirdny and will tako a vacation of . i .. . ,t ...
some two months In tho Kant, .i 1
( aau wiunwciitai i. iv.A
A special maa mectliiit of tha cltl- The popularity of dcrmany'e railway
tenx la called at tho 0era House m,Ur , Ilcrr Uudde. la llluatrated by
Dec !T7tli At 7iV) v. m.. to consider I .... ..A .
Important xahject.. ! very body In-1 ,t,,,, ""'T1,. ...J
yltt, me" boujht hla Inteat portrait, a lltb-
.,.,,,. , , oirrapu cosung la centa.
II. H. Veatch left last TuchiIav i . .... ..i .
morning for Corvallls, In answer to 'a " " "V hi,.i u TZSELZ in
telegram from his wlfu aiinouiiclng! tJnt,m. '"on ' i'!01.0
mo serious uiness oi uer xixicr.
Dr. Oao. Wall Ix seriously III nt his
homo In this city.
lieu 1'ltchernnd wife, of Wild wood.
wero at the (Jraliniii Hotel this
Mrs. N. A. Menrx, of Portland, I
visiting Mrs. Dr. Lnwbntigh for a
fow days.
Mr. Il.Htandly and wife, of Ash
laud. Ix visiting D. Y. Allison and
Ilerlln Uban In any other civilized city.
There are twclvn of these banks, with
ninety-four brncbea, and In tbe prin
cipal bulldlna 0,000 persona ara on
soma days attsidcd to In alx hours.
In Soulbwark, tbe smallest London
borough, there were more lunatics last
year than In any other metropolitan
England'a National Society For tbe
Prevention of Cruelty to Children now
bos U00 center of work In operation,
For Cold Feet
tak a stat by tba Art, or
take to bad with you one of
oar Hat Water Dag.
For Cold Hands
take more exercise, or build
up yoor circulation by taking
our Blood Tonic.
For a Cold
Heart . . .
take a look Into the homee of
the poor, or get your liver
Into better ahape by taking
You will find Juat what you
need at
..Mr.,,U.,,.Alt;5lnl!,,,,;r'.Hf'cro.Ur'. "' I1'0 TI.ii Dohemla Nugget la not only
I'acllle Umber Co., left '1 uexday fori willing, but Is auxloiix to publlah all
Knn I rniielMcoon mixIuchh. He will the IJemx of news of Cottage drove
Ixi gone for u time. nnd Hiirrounilliiglociilltle. Urlugor
hciiiI anything which you think
would Interext the readers of this
paer nud It will be appreciated.
Mr. E. A. JoluiHou, tunungurof the
Drain Lumber Co.. arrived In the
city Tuexdny on luiHlneHs connected
w,!" ' '" ' The plant for thu preservation ol
MIhh Margaret llriind ilnugliter of , ties by th proretx of pickling, lo
John llriiud of llohemlu. came down rated nt I-utlinin. about onumllennd
When you want plenaunt puriiHtlve Sntiiribiy nml went on to Kiigonu for a half from thu drove, will continue
try Clistnberliilu's Htoiiiueh sml l.lver a short visit
latitats. Tliey are easy In tskn mid
proituees no names, grlpiiiK or other
illssareesble ellrct. l'nr nnln by
Kra Drug Htore.
Heat crenntery butter, "t'oiii'iier
chil" butter Hindu nt Kalem won 1st
pn-inlmn at State l'nlr this year. If
you want butter that Is nlwayx
freehand full weight. Just order a.
wiiaru oi your griH-er.
Win. II. Ilyrne. of Idaho City, Ida
ho, arrived In (own Krlday, to look
around for u day or two. Hu Is a
practical miner.
A genuine Christum dinner nerved
at the tlrahiim Hotel from l'J to 2
o'clock . CO rents Is the price.
For fifty cents you ran Imve
The news that the President lias
caused Secretary Hitchcock to re
voke bis order whereby the stone u,ly "aving ixvn naaca iaai year.
nnd timber entries have for a longl T,l wagona of the London flro com-
time been held up, and that the ex-J Pn'! nr t0 PPlll with bells so
aminations by a special agent will h, meu ,w" u "8
,. . . ' .t .-.I I polled to utter tries to clear tbe streets.
UcuiBuci.uCr,uir,IB.c, wiii oc Tll0 cl)1Idrcl, ln aeventeen work-'
very satistaciory to many in our ' hougei n Irclan(j
are now tent out to
western country who have been rcrevc tUelr education In the ordinary
prevented from making final proof. . national schools, and tbe system la be-
I log extended.
An eminent physician, Dr. James
Cantlle, reasserts a statement be made 1
some years ago that tbe Londoner,
pure and simple, disappears after tbe
Those who will persist inclosing their '
agsinit the continual recoinme
of Dr. King's New Discovery
ry for
Conaumptlon, will have a long and bit- I tblrd generation,
leriigiu wiui meir irouuien, unoienucu I
earlier by fntul termination. Head what j
T. It. Deal of Iteall. Minn, has to say:
"Laet fall my wife had every symptom 1
i r qi. , .... i . n. t-: , .
If there isanvskeotic or spirit
ualist in the city who may find
fault or ignore the church, Chris
tianity or God let bim come to hear
Dr. Drivet lecture, beginning at
the M E church January 3.
Jesse Thornton this week leased
the vacant lot between the Post
office building and the Misses New
land millinery store, on Main street,
and has commenced tbe erection of
a building.
Services at the C. P. Church
Sunday morning. Subject, "The
Crowded Inn." Appropriate music
will be rendered. All are cordially
flrand Army Post.
At the last meeting held by Ap
pomattox Post, No. 34, O. A. R
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:
Commander, O W McKeynolds,
Senior Vice Commander, Wu U
Harrison; Junior Vice Comman
der, Sam G Lock wood; Adjutant,
H C Duttonj Officer of the Day, V
E Miller; Officer of the Guard, V
McKibben; Quartermaster, Wm
Dickey: Quartermaster Sergeant,
B T Adums; Sergeant of the Guard,
R BJcb.
Owing to the distance that many
of the comrades reside from the
city, the meetings nre held at one
o'clock p. m.t instead of In the
evening, each second and fourth
Saturday in the month.
Notice la hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween T. w. Blew and J. N. Jont
has this day been dissolved. All ac
counts duo the Ann of Blew Sc Jones
or the Itesort Saloon are payable to
J. N. Jones.
Dated this Dec. IS, 190.1.
T. W. BMW,
J. N. Jones
dreat Football Came.
Tbe game to be played Christ
mas at Portland between the All
Oregonian and Multnomah teams
will likely be of more interest to
lovers of that sport than any in
Oregon this season.
Remember the new jewelry store.
Guaranteed goods and low prices.
First class watch repairing and op
tical work. Geo. W. McQueen, Dr.
Wall Bid.
Mr. Barron having rented the
Opera House will open an Adjusters'
sale for two weeks beginning Janu
ary DXM, with a full line of Ladla
men's and lioys Furnishings.
'Hpli'iulltl Christmas dinner at thu
II..I..I ft...., 1- f. '..!.. b
l-or cold lunch of oynterx, sarillneH,
erackem, cookies, sliced peaehen. 1 Mr. tl. L. McUlynne. of thu Cot
deviled ham. pickles, iniiMtanLcorneil j lagutlrove Knglneerlng t'o..xspend
Iteet and chopped birf. call at thu '"t Christmas In Portland.
IV11H roltfre'thiiiiirv iituiiriii-rv
tli leading brand of elgarx and to
bacco. J. V. TllOIINTOV.
I am moving away and offer for
sale at my homo as followx: I good
cooking range, 1 intension dining
table, 1 mantel folding bed ami mat
tro'H, 1 double IhmI and vln1mattres4,
1 b iby carrlagu. Terms cash This
off,r good only for onti week. II.111
win IIiiimtow
In oieriitlon all winter.
Dice HnxtlngH, of Allison and Hust
ings, barbers. Is 011 the Kick list and
II. M. Hsworth Ix taking his place ut
the shop.
Harry Clarke, who has charge of
the I'acllle Timber Company's store
at .Men was 11 visitor In Cottage
Grove recently.
Mn Mtirt M,ium.. -ihIi1I,iii. hi. flin
Coast Fork, sent the day at the1
home ol Dr. W. W. Oglexby Tuesday, j
The large brick block of Ike Jones I
Ix being plastered and will bo com
pleted ax rapidly as possible.
Itcv. John Dawson, tho Episcopal
minuter refilling at Itoseburg, came
to tbo Grove Monday.
Brick is lelng .delivered for tho new
building of C. I'. Case.
I'hll Cooler was In town from
lllackbutte oiinday.
Miss Nina Ostrandcr returned from Wynno Bennett returned Snndny
KugeiiuNutiirdiiy. 'night from Kugenc.
Amend the World In Flfly-fonr Dsri
In World's Work James Willis Sayre :
telle bow be went around tbe world
New Discovery after everything else had ' In M days, 0 houra and 42 minutes,!
failed, improvement came at once and lowering the next previous record by I
four bottles entirely cured her.' Guur-i e dare and 3 hours. He covered 10.- j
S00 miles, and the trip coat $819. lie
nscd no special trains and made all
his own calculations for boats and
trains. Mr. 8ayre left Seattle for Yo
kohama on June 20. He then crossed
Siberia and Russia, visiting Moscow. ,
Thence the route continued by way of
Berlin. He reached New York on Aug. '
IS and was back In Seattle on Aug. 10. ,
Neclii! Christmas dinner at the
(Iraliam Hotel from 12 to 2 o'clock.
Price ftO cents.
Dr. W. W. Oirlesby was called to
Junction City on professional busi
ness Friday.
State (lame Warden linker left for
Port I and Friday 011 olllclal business,
anteed by Morgan A Ilreliaut Druggist,
rrice ouc, anu i.uu. 1 nai ixjuien irec. 1
The intluence of climatic conditions j
in the cure of consumption is very much j
overdrawn. The oor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
home by proper attention to food digea-1
tlon. and a regular use of German '
Syrup. Frio expectoration in the!
morning Is made certain by German I Capt. Luther D. Mahon, of Port
Syrup, so is a good niglit'a r-st and the 1 and, Oregon, one' of the talented
. f o!?8..0' t'"1, "fkenlnB cou,?,, ,?mlland coming young men of the
debilitating night sweats, llestless . ,, 1 . .1
nlghta and the exhaustion due to country will occupy the pidptt of
coughing, the greatest danger and dread I the M. E. Church next Sunday
of thecuiisumptivc, can be prevented or I morning. M my testimonials from
atoppetl by Uking German tiyrup liber-1 Eastern s(ates declare him to be,
ally and regularly. Should you be able r . .
to go to a warmer clime, you will find of unusual ability and power asa
that of the thousands of consumptivea platform orator and preacher. He
there, the few who are benefitted ani ' will address the union mass meet
regain strength are those who use Ger- jn at the 0pera House Sunday
man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular , . ,r , ,.,,
size, Ihc. At nil drugglsta. German & . "Bt. Capt. Mahon is a veteran
1 111 1 iy vsmn nirzn
of any tool la always a desirable
one, but of equal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality so aa
not to require too frequent sharpen
ing. By making your purchases of
the Griffin A Veatch Co. you always
receive your money's worth In the
best quality of tools nnd cutlery of
properly tempered steel that Is sure
to bold an edge.
Heuienway Co.
of the Spanish war.
Griffin & Veatch Go.
Still Lower Prices?tM Great Going-Out-of-Business Sale
Men's and Ladies' Shoes.
Wo are selling sonic old styles in Ladies' and Men's
Shoes at f()c, 7uc, $1.00, $1.2f and $1.50 per pair, that cost
us as nuieh as $.'i,00 per pair.
"We only have five Overcoats left out of about
40, showing that the prices we make are very
attractive. Make haste and get one. Every coat a
Boy's Clothing.
We are selling ihese goods at less than the regular cost
as we must get our money out of them, and by buying now
you can get a good bargain.
We are selling Hcd Conilorts every day at priccsess than you can buy the material
and make them. I'l'ICVN IIOAV 75c, $1.00 1111(1 $1.25.
Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes in good heavy material at
Fancy Straw Ticking at
iO cents
10c, formerly 12 c
IvIcm'h Working Gloves.
The material, fit and workmanship are of
the very best, and the prices are the lowest.
Prices from 50e to $1.25.
Heavy Underwear.
Something more about Heavy Flannel
Underwear, wc have actually the best values
in the best quality and the lowest prices in
Real I Icirvy material. Do you have rheuma
tism, wc have the Underwear you want.
Ms! Dolls! Dolls!
Many a little girl is going to be made happy this Christmas, just be
cause we fire selling those beautiful Dolls at such low prices that every
body can afford one. We have already sold a great many, and what are
left are going fast, so don't neglect this opportunity to save money. Our
2 5c noil
is the greatest doll bargain you ever saw.
Christmas Toys.
Wc have quite a lot of toys left over
from last year. They are just what you want
for Christmas for the little folks at very 'ow
Men's Heavy all "Wool Socks.
A new offer in Men's Heavy "Wool
Socks, we have 200 pairs of sox, costing
us 25c per pair that we will sell you in lots
of 5 pairs for $1.00. For single pairs, 2uc.
Our Wool Swetaters are the Hicest and CHEAPEST
We are going to Close Out the Balance of
this Stock by January 1st if Possible.
We are Yery Busy, but are Only too'Gl id
to Wait on you all.
The Time is Drawing Near when We will Wind Up Our Business, so Don't Delay.