i Bohemia Nugget S'a. p. nnni!RwoRTM. rt. COTTAGE GROVE . . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY Cornorehenslvc Review of the Import. ' ant Happening! of tho Past Week, Presented In Condensed i-orm, most Likely to Prove Interesting. Vto ,. ptitMirn linnroM .Wlwra nnvn pnno on ft attiko and many funerals havo been j postponed. The senate with China, ha fetMed Hio treaty IttiMin la ntit nt all pleated by It. f Women have been selected to net as Jurors In n Chicago trial, for the first time In the history of the nation. John It. Benson, a San Francisco tim ber operator, has been arrested on a charge o( bribing a government official. 81r Thomas Upton, in accepting the silver scrvlco presented him by Ameri ca, says ho will try once mora for tho cup. Senator Fulton, before tho senate, slated tho alma of tho 1D05 fair and made an eloquent plea for federal aid. It was Ills maiden speech Tho search for tho -wealth of Tope Leo has been ended by Cardinal Gotti turning over $90,00,000 and an electric - Ian accidentally discovering $1 ,850,000, The lato pope asked Cardinal Gotti to keep the money four months in order that tuo now .popo migm learn now difficult it is to ruts without money Senator Hoar severely criticises the Panama policy of Roosevelt. Japan will reject the answer of Rns sift to her far eastern demands. y Tho house has passed tho pension ap propriation bill carrying f 133,1dU,iuu Tho Nebraska grand fury lias re turned an additional indictment against Senator Dietrich. Tho kaiser's sister la found to be suffering from a cancer and the nows created a sensation in lierlin. American troops who have been landed have discovered a force of Co lombians which ia probably building road toward Panama. Colombia has ordered tho American cruiser Atlanta to quit the gulf of Dar ien, but tho order has not been heeded, The Atlanta haa discovered a detach ment of nearly 2,000 Colombian troopa on the western sido of tho gulf. Siio also camo upon a schooner carrying armed men. The Lewis and Clark exposition is rapidly gaining friends in tho senate. Tho senate committee will recom mend tho promotion of General Wood. Tammany will put up Bomke Cock ran to succeed Mayor-elect McClellan In congress. President Roosevelt has refused to al low a lodge cf Orangemen to use hia photograph on a banner. Perry Heath and other ex-officials are seriously involved in the Conrad Boneparte report on postal irregulari ties. W. A. McKowan, secretary of the board of regnets, robbed the univeristy of California of $40,000 and spent it on racea. The friars are to got $7,250,000 for their lands in the Philippines. They originally asked $13,000,000 and Gov ernor Taft offered tbem $4,000,000. A Santo Dominican plot to kill Min later Powell baa been unearthed. Southern friends of Hanna still have hopes that ho will run for president Mayor Collins, Democrat, haa been , re-elected mayor of Boston by a large plurality,. , f J. Henry Booth, receiver of tho Rose burg, Oregon, land office will not be reappointed. Chicago citizens have organized to put an end to the lawlessness which reigns there. A Connecticut bank cashier, whose accounts are short, on being surprised by the bank examiner, committed sui cide. President Loubet, visit Rome in April. of France, will The remains of Herbert Spencer, the philosopher, were cremated Marines from the cruiser Proirio have been landed at Colon and sent to Panama. Tho Utah fuel company says any miner who desires to return to work must givo up the union Senator Bailoy holds that the Cuban reciprocity bill is invalid because it did not originate in the houso, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, of Bos ton lias been appointed chaplain of the senate for the session beginning Janu ary 1. E Senator Foster has introduced a bill dividing Washington into two judicial districts, north and south. His bill places Seattle in one district and To coma and Spokane In the other. Tho cotton mills at Adams and North Adams, Mass., and Norwich, Conn., - have made a 10 per cent reduction in wages. Tho order affects 0,000 opera tives. O. M. Stuart Is llkley to bs reap pointed postmaster at Seattle. Comment at St. Petorbaurg on Roose velt's message ia very friendly. W. J. Bryan and aon, who are tour ing Europe, held an audience with tho pope. United States Senator Clark, of Mon tana, is much Improved and should bo out In threo weeks. Secretary Hitchcock may remove. J. 1, ,"n5S ! 9tr ' U'e nSabUr8' ..tJohn.W. Troctor, president of the civil sorvico commission, died very sud denly In Washington. The eonato committee on privileges f tmutelecuona win ass eunooi to repiy to thech,rgei made against him, " - " The national Republican committee lias chosen Chicago as the convention city and fixed June 21 as the date. RUSSIA MUST HOW. areat Britain Detltvcs That Otherwise Japan Will Qo to War. London, Dec. 22. Official England tonight almost to a unit is convinced thero is but one way to avert war be tween Japan and Russia, and that is for tho latter to accept the demands of tho mikudo, made on the advice of his rr.lanlstry. Thero has been consider able commnnlcatlaon during tho past 12 hours between the British foreign ofFlco and the Japanese legation in Lon. don, nnd the presumption almost aek nowledgM M & tact in offioial etrelw, Is that the British government has asked the Japanese minister for ids ad vices as to Japan's position In tho pres ent state of the negotiations "between that nation ond Russia,. , Freift tho reports current tonight it is assumed that the Japanese ministei has been advised that the relations be' tween his government and Russia hav reached the breaking point. The be lief has become general that the spark which may strike fire into tho inttanv mobility of Japanese sentiment is ni eventuality to bo expected now almost any time. The most that can bo learned from tho Japanese capital is tho acknowledge ment that tho situation Is now more menacing tlian at any previous stage of tho negotiations between Japan ana Russia. Tho dispatches from St. Petersburg are practieally being subjected to a cen aorshin. They are meagre In extreme, and merely announce that In spite of public opinion and alarming newspaper reports, the Itussian othciais ocnevo a peaceable, outcome of the far Eastern situation is still possible. FRIARS TO QET LITTLE MONEY. Syndicate Is the Real Owner ot the Philippine Lands. Rome. Dec. 22. Considerable ex citcment prevailed in the mother houses of the Dominicans, Augustinlans, rran ciscans and the Recollects over the fri nrs lands question in the Philippines, Tho friars were glad tho negotiation had been concluded, but think tho ord- era got little for tho lands, since the price they originally asked, $13,000,000 was, they declare, under tho estimated valuo of "tho lands, the value of which haa much increased, especially since the Ameican occupation and the re- establishment of order in the archipel ago. The friars say the money they will receive is scarcely enough to pay what they borrowed when they were deprived of everything by the revolution, re sides, they point out that only part tho money will go to tho friars, as the lands were really transferred to a com. pany formed in Madrid by the Marnui Di Comillias, the head of tho Spanish Trans-Atlantic navigation company. Tho Dominicans succeeded in so thor- ouchly concaling their ownership lands that the Vatican Itself threatened to punisli them severely for having tried to deceive even the ecclesiastical authorities. GREAT PANIC AT FIRE. Students; at Tennessee College Leap From Windows In Droves. Nashville. Tenn., Dec. 22. Five per sons are known to have been killed and perhaps 30!! injured, 19 of them fatally. in a fire here tonight, which consumed the Central Tennessee college for young negro women, a department of aldcn university. It is possiblo the ruins mavc ontain the remains of other vict ims. Tho property loss la estimated at $25,000. The Arc broke out about 11 o'clock in the tin of the building, which was four stories high and without fire es capes. It was occupied by about 60 students, who were asleep when the alarm was given. The wildest panic ensued, wo men and girls rushing to the windows from which they jumped in droves, tho dead and injured lying in heaps where they fell to bo fallen upon by those following them from the flaming win dows. Every ambulance in the city was soon on the scene, and the injured were hurried to the hospitals. When the flames wero first discovered they seemed to entirely envelop the building and it is considered almost certain that some of tho terrorized oc cupants were overcome by smoke before reaching the windows. Steals $200 per Day far Months Chicago, Dec. 22. While working on a salary of $9 a week, Gua A. Grigs by has robbed his employers at the rate of $200 per day, according to Manager David L. Hose, of 11. I.. Barrett & Uo When arrested $250 worth of costly va- nila beans were found concealed in Grigsby's clothing. In the few months that his meager salary haa kept him aiiacueu to mo urm u is ueueveu ie haa stolen between $12,000 and $15,000 worth of stock. Grixsby held the position of chemist's helper. Ho says he needed tho money. To Carry Out Reforms In Turkey. Washington, Dec. 22. Senator Pen rose has introduced a concurrent reso lution requesting the president to use the good offices of the United States to induce the signatory powers to the Ber lin congreea of 1877 to convene to seo that tho provisions of tho treaty which guaranteed protection and reforms to the Christian population ot tho Otto man empire may bo faithfully carried out. The resolution sets forth that the enforcement of tho treaty is necessary to insure the safety of citizens of tho United States. Cabinet Finds No Cause for Alarm. Washington, Dec. 22. At the cab inet meeting today the situation in Panama and tho situation In Washing ton, relating to Panama, formed the principal topics of discussion. At tho conclusion of tho meeting Secretary Moody said official advices from Pana ma corresponded in salient features with tho news dispatches from the isth mus. Assurance is given that there "0 important developments to aroues concern. Bloodhounds Unable to Trail Men. Newcastle, Colo., Dec. 22. Blood hounds wero unable to follow far tho trail of the ;nen who blow up five buildings hero occupied by striking union coal miners and their families, and no clew to the perpetrators of the crime has been found. FOR THE 1905 FAIR MITCHELL MAKES ELOQUENT IN THE SENATE. PLEA Sets Forth Facts Showing That "Oregon Country" Well Deserves AM of the Ucvcrnmcnt Holds the Rapt Atten tion ot All by Ills Powerful Argument for the Lewis and Clark exposition. Washington, Doc. 19. "At thocon elusion of this political battle I ask the senate to consider tho Lewia and Clark Centennial Exposition bill," said Sen ator Mitchell, as ho rose and was rccog nited by tho president pro tern ot tho senate, nt tho termination of a heated Pauama debate that had engaged tho leaders of both sides of tho chambc during the fore part of yesterday after noon. Commencing nt 3 o'clock, Senator Mitchell spoke continuously for mora than two hours, Senator Fulton presld Ing over tho senate. During the Itnpressivo delivery of his elaborate appeal for government aid, Senator Mitchell held tho rapt atten tion of tho senators present, among them being Senators Aldrich, Lodge Hoar, Forakcr, Gorman, Ankcny, Fos tcr, Hcyburn, Dubois, Cullom, Warren, Fairbanks, Clapp, Daniel, Scott, Bacon Galllnger, Ncwlanda and others, while every Orcgonian now in Washington i behalf of tho fair occupied a seat in tho gallery. Senator Mitchell's speech will form the main argument on wihch tho Ore gon delegation will base its plea for liberal federal appropriation. Care fully prepared as to facts and details, it forms a convincing argument, not only showing that tho government is in many ways Indebted to the Oregon country, but tho event whoso 100th an niversary it Is proposed to commemo rate is of such importance aa to warrant federal recognition, especially in view of the government aid heretofore given to expositions held In various cities of the United States as well as for exhib its abroad. Senator Fulton bad intended speak ing this evening, following his col league, but, owing to the lateness of the hour, he gave notice he would ad dress the senate for 20 minutes or half an hour at the conclusion ot tho morn ing business tomorrow. Senator Mitchell, in beginning his speech, said that almost half a million dollars had been raised by the sale of stock in the Exposition company, and over $700,000 had been subscribed by different states for the purposo of mak- L. l.tl.tt M.1.tnn - ( -1 I ft. non uiK (.uiiiiu, making a uiiui.i,uou, vji oi available money lor the enter prise, lie said a magnificent site of over 400 acres had been secured on the Willamette river, which had already been graded and planted to shrubbery Speaking of the event which the ex position is intended to commemorate, Mr. Mitchell said: "No other historical event in ourna tional existence of an Individual nature has done so much toward tho develop ment of American occupation and set tlement, American commerce, domestic and foreign, and American civilization as has the geographical scientific and military expedition across the then trackless American contnlent by Cap tains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, 100 years ago." Mr. Mitchell made a careful estimate to show that the contributions of tho "Oregon country" to the national treasury exceeded the amount expended there to the extent of $37,000,000. He said that if the United Etatea could afford to contribute over $0,000,000 to the St. Louis exposition, it could afford to give one third of that amount to the Portland exposition. Arizona Fugitives Caught. Tombstone, Ariz., Dec. 21. Of the 10 prisoners who escaped from the county Jail Tuesday night, two wero captured today. John James, indicted for murder, and Pedro Sandoval, sen tenced to the penitentiary for two years for smuggling. Jamea was captured without resistence. He told the offi cers his comrades had separated and are now trying, to get across tho Mexi can line. Tho Mexican officials appro ended Sandoval. Mexican ruralcs have six of tho fguitives surounded in the San Jose mountains. Rich Strike In Lardeau. Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 21. Poplar creek, in the Lardeau, is again excited over a marvelous strike of free gold on the Swede group. Frank Marquis, one of the original discoverers, has brought down immense chunks of rock at least ono half gold. Marquis states that such rich ore has never been discovered elsewhere. A New York syndicate has snapped up the property and tried to keep tho deal quiet and the nnd a se cret. An armed guard has been placed over tho mine. Noted Bank Robber Again Free. Chicago, Dec. 21. James Dunlap, a notorious bank robber, is again at large, through tho clemency of the par don board. Dunlap was serving time for a bank robbery at Monmouth. Ill which occurred two years ago. His criminal record extends back a scoro of years or more. Among his most dar ing exploits was the robbery of the Manhattan bank in new York, where Ills booty is said to have amounted to nearly $1,000,000. Russia to Make Orcat Exhibit. St. Louis, Dec. 21. According toad- vices reccivod at the World's Fair headquarters Russia will have the most extensive exhibit which that country has ever made at a foreign exposition. The exhibit space will cover more than 750,000 square foot, which will bo oc cupied by more- than 2,600 individual exhibitors. MORI) MONEY TO CRATER LAKIt, Secretary ot Interior Aska Liberal Ap croprlalton tor Park. Washington, Dec, 10. Tho Interior department recognizes that more lllier nl appropriations are necessary for the Improvement ot the Crater Lnkn Na tional Park than have been made In tho past. Tho last sundry civil bill ap propriated only $2,000 tor this work and out of this nn allowance goes to the salary ot tho superintendent. With such a meagre appropriation lit tle progress can lio made in tho direc tion ot constructing roads and making other Improvements which will facili tate tho access to Crater Lake and other points of scenic interest scattered all through tho park. This year, the secretary of tho Treasury hopes to have at least $4,000 made available so that tho improvements can bo made during tho summer ot HUH. Mount Rainier National Park Washington Is so tar without a superin tendent, and, beyond a road survey made last summer, little has been done looking to Ita Improvement. The sec rotary now asks tor $2,000 to bo ex pended In tho management and Im provement ot this park and on tho lm provemont.of roads. Tho Washington delegation will ask for a larger amount although thero is somo doubt it they will succeed in getting it. SAW THEIR WAY TO LID CRT Y. Arizona Prisoners Jail Make a Sensational Drcak. Tombstono, Aris., Dec. 18 A sensa tional jallbreak occurred hero tonlgh and 13 prisoners effected their liberty by sawing tho jail bars and breaking through the jail walls. Two ot tho prisoners, Bert Alvord and W. A Stiles, were held as tho principals 1 the Cochise train hold-up in this conn ty a year ago. Tho former was undo sentence of two years to tho peniten tiary, and tho latter had six indict men la hanging over him on tho si charge. Tho other escaped prisoners are Mexicans held for petty crimes. Tho prisoners left In a hotly, headed toward tho Mexican lino. It was learned that tho fleeing escapes appro priated a horse bolonging to a citizen living below town. The Mexicans on the outside are suspected of assisting tho prisoners to escape. Immediately after the alarm two posses of well armed deputies started in pursuit. Tho territorial ranger force and all tho local officers in tho county liavo been notified, and orders have wen given to patrol tho boundary lino to prevent the prisoners from getting into Sonora. This is tho sec ond jail break made by Stiles nnd AI vord within a year. Stiles wounded Jailor Bravin at the tlmo ot tho first break. SAYS BRITAIN WILL LOSC IT. CarnegU Makss This Prediction Regard Ing South Africa. New York, Dec. 10. At a meeting here today ot the Armstrong associa tion, Andrew Carneglo surprised his hearers by asserting ho believed Great Britain would surely some day loeo South Africa. Ho said: "It is about as certain as we are Ik ing that Great Britain will luso South Africa, becauso tho Dutch population there Is Increasing, whllo the Brltlsli i not. Tho Kaffirs won't work What would Great Britijln give tor 0, 000,000 negroes, as peaceablo and as loving as thoe in this country. These men givo us about 11,000,000 bales ot cotton every year and this, I contend helps make tho United states the most powerful nation In tho world. Supposo a fleet ot British warships would attack us. The president need only raiso his hand and say stop exporting cotton, nnd the war would bo won. What a happy country this Is to havo tho negro. 'My knowledgo ot tho question leads mo to the opinion that no political measure can over save or benefit tho negro. Tho Hampton Institute shows tho only useful solution." May De Ordered to Isthmus. Washington, Dec. 19 Brigadier-Gen eral Gcorgo E. Elliott, commander of the marine corps, may bo ordered to the isthmus to mako a reconnaissance of the country and, should the situation demand, to ossumo command of tho marine forces thero. Tho matter has not yet been decided, hut It was said by a high official of tho navy depart ment today, that the subject was re ceiving serious consideration. Tho de cision to send General Elliott will do pend largely upon whether ho can.be spared here at this time. America Demands Reparation. Washington, Dec. 19. Acting Secre tary of State Adce has taken a firm stand in the matter of tho assault upon United States Consul Davis by tho Turkish officials and pollco at Axan- Iretta. Ho has cabled Minister Lolsh man to present tho facts to tho Turkish government and Inform that govern ment that the caso is ono seeming to Invito an expression of regret and re paration. Tho statu department docs not indicate wiiat measure of repara tlon Is expected. Warship at Ills Disposal. Washington, Dec. 19, As a result f Minister Lcishman's advices respect ing the Alexandretta affair tho state de partment has requested tho navy depart. ment to place a warship at tho disposal of Consul Davis, now at Beirut, upon which ho might return to Aloxandrotta, at his pleasure. Tho navy department accordingly cabled Instructions to Ad nlral Cotton, on board tho flagship Brooklyn at Alexandria, Egypt, to placo a vessel at his disposal. Friar Land Issue Settled. Manila, Dec. 19. An ngreomcntjhas been reached by Governor Taft and tho friars providing for tho settlement of tho friar land question, Tho popo has given his approval ot the terms of set tlement, and tho approval oi tho war department is awaited. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON I1N0LISII PAKrKllHIUS THRIVE. Covey Turned Loose In Linn Count) Has Multiplied. Albany A number ot Inquiries as to the success experienced It li the l-.ug llsh partridges which were turned loose In l.inu county have been received In Albany. These queries riiiue largely from prominent Portland sportsmen, who were Instrumental in securing the valuable additton to Oregon's stock ot game birds., Edwin Stone, who cured tho covey ol birds that were turned tutu l.inu county Holds, and who has kept nn eyu on tho birds since they wero freed, said today thnt he had heard from the English partridges re cently, nnd they seemed to be thriving Twenty-tout ot tho birds wero turned looso In Linn county by Mr. Stouo In January, 1001. The jiartrldgeawcro secured by popular subscription. When released, tho birds Immediately How away In divers directions, but soon begun whistling tu each other, nnd in a short tlmo they wero gathered Into n covey. They wero turned looso on the Lines place, at the luiso ot Knox lmtto, about four miles from Albany. Wheat was placed In the field tor them, but they did not remain to partake ot tho hospitality ot their lllcrators. They soon took to tho hot to, to orchard small groves, etc. Since that tlmo a numlier ot English game birds have Wen seen about tho butto und in tho surrounding tletds, nnd always are seen in coveys. A Com plaint has been registered that soma ono was following the birds with n gun last fall, and killed a number ot them Several coveys of tho birds, ranging from ten to sixteen In number, have been seen this fall, and any numlier of tlioni hnvo been heard whistling In the fields around tho butto. COAL IN QRANT COUNTY. Expert Saw There Is Every Indication ot Uood Quality. John Day County Surveyor C. G Castutry has returned from tho nowly discovered coal region below Mount Vernon. Ho stated that ho had Just completed the survey ot 22 claims that have been taken up by local Investors, chiefly Canyon City promoters. The claims are located under the United States laws governing coal hind entries, and aggregate 1320 acres. They are sit uated north of tho river, anil n few miles below the original discovery near the farm ot James Small. Mr. Cospnry, in sjienklng of tho probabilities of success in opening up largo bodies of coal said: "You may say fur me that thero is every Indica tion ot good coal in largo bodies in tho newly discovered fields, and there will most certainly ho great coal mines opened up. I havo had a great deal ot experience in tho coal fields of Pennsyl vania and tho middle west, and havo mado a careful study, of tho conditions, formation and indications of coal de posits, nnd I , am sum they aro there, that Is In that section. Robert Hinees, one of tho most suc cessful metal-mining men of tho dis trict, has taken chargo of development work on these now claims. He has n crew of men at work sinking and tun neling. This makes tho third enterprise un dertaken in the last few months. Tho first to begin prospecting on a largo scale was tho Sumpter Vnllcy railway people on tho James Small placo. The P. A. Snyder comiiany then began de velopment work near this placo, 20 miles above the original location oi tho Sumpter people nad Boise peoplo. Shlpmint of Decf Cattle. Pendleton Threo carloads of beef cattlo wero shipped to Seattle from this point last week. On Saturday after noon two wero shipped, thus making n shipment of about 200 head. Tho cat tle shipments at tho present time are about tho same ns they were last year at this time. During the enrlv part of tho fall, how over, they wero heavier than they were last year. Tho sales of tho season aro not as great of last year. lluyorsq note lower prices than last sea son, and tho growers aro determined to liold against tiio markets, ' Fine Exhibit of Spruce Timber. Seaside Tho Seasido Spruco Lumber company Is collecting a fine exhibit to lie sent to tho St. Louis exposition and one for tho Lewis nnd Clark fair at Portland. It consists of spruce lumber nnd tlmrjer. A log measuring ninofect In diameter will lie exhibited in Port land, Spruco in its various stages, grain and manufactured products will bo exhibited, Tho company will spend over $500 securing material, and it will probably bo the finest exhi bition of Oregon woods at either expo sition. Handle Much Wool. Pendleton Just ono year ago the scouring department of tho Pendleton woolen mills closed down for tho year's run. This year tllo run will oxtend to January 1C nearly ono and a half months longer. Lstlmatlng tho work ot the coming mouth tho mill will havo handled 8,L'50,000 pounds of wool. About 4,760,000 pounds passed through tho scouring department, whllo tho rest was shipped in tho grcaso form to tho manufacturers. Coming Events. Traveling Passenger Agents' annual mooting, Portland, December 20. Northwest l-rultgrowcrs association, Portland, January 11-13. National Livestock convention, Port land, January 12-16, National Wool growors' association, ortland, January 12-16, Poultry show, Albany, January Anogra Goat show, Dalles, January 1.16. Sales of Swamp Lands. Salem As a result of a rccont con test over swamp land in Southern Ore gon, cast ot tho Cascades, In which con test there was mcuh ovidonco oi keen rivalry over tho right to purchaso, tho state land hoard has adopted a now rulo, ordering that hereafter all sales ot unsurveyed swamp land bo mado to tho hlghost bidder. Sales will be mado after 00 days' advertisement. I SHOULD FORM DISTRICT. Importance of a Corporation la Urgril at I'rccwater. Frfowitler A, 1). Bllllinan, u 'prom inent attorney of Pendleton, delivered nn millions on tho Irrigation question of this district before n largo attendance of fruitgrowers ,o( this district. The mooting was held In Llho sehoulhousu north of here. Ills principal object wns to show why government Irrigation districts should bo formed. An election on this question will lo held December 21. A deep Interest Is taken. Mr, Htllliuan snld in putt) "An Irrigation district, organized un der tho statute, Is nulhlug more not less than a municipal or public cor poration. Tho Irrigation district an a municipal corporation Is ot such recent origin thnt It Is not generally under stood, nnd It Is probably (or this reason that tho Inhabitants of n proposed dis trict hesitate to nsvnno tho powers nnd obligations of an Irrlgntionldlstrirt. "Tho Irrigation district is provided for by the general laws ot the stole of Oregon, act of 18t)ft, which provides thnt tho Inhabitants nt any given or limited area thnt Is Irrigated from common source may form an Irrigation district and assume the powers usually exere.sed by n municipal or public cor poration." NUW LIOIITS AT CAPITOL. Incandcscents Taka the Place of Old Arc Lamfs. the Salem Electricians have finished In stalling a complete equipment of Incnn descent lamps in tho rotunda of the capital, to tako the place ot three arc lights that have been used heretofore Tho arc lamps hung In the center tho rotunda, on each of the threo Moors Tho Incandescent lamps aro arranged around tho edge of the largo circular openings In the second anil third floors There nre 30 lamps In each ot those circles. Around the base of tho Inter! or of tho ornamental dome n circle 00 lamps has been placed in such ft po sition that tho light will bo thrown upon tho ornamented surface. At the top of tho Interior dome Is n rlrculn opening about 20 feet In diameter, cov crcu with ornamental colored glass Aliovo this has been nrranged a group of 30 incandescent lamps. When all these lamps are lighted at nlg'it the rotunda of tho capltol will bo a placo o rare beauty. Creamery Talk at La flrande La Grande There Is n move on hero to bring about tho establishment of creamery. George Uoodhiio, of r-alem and Mr. Harper, ot the Union cream ery, are looking over the country with a view to getting the ranchers .Interest ed. The matter has been brought Ix- foro the Commercial club, but no ac tion haa been taken. Mr. Goodhue and Mr. Harper have also been looking over tho field around l'endluton, and they aro desirous ot establishing plant tliore, which they say Is an ex ccllent (ountry for such a plant. Hay Is Scarce at llcppncr. Itcppner Hay Is anoxtremolyscnrco article hero this fall. Loose alfalfa and timothy is selling from $16 to $17 (er ton. This Is a higher prlco than has liecn quoted for loose feed in any other pnrt of hasten! Oregon. Butt creek Is tho only place in this district where there Is n largo supply, but the farmers refuse to sell, as they aro feed ins a largo numlier of cuttle. Because this commodity has raised to such price, there are few of tho cattlemen and sheepmen who ran afford to bring it in. Pendleton Lumber tluslness Pendleton It has been learned from tho management of the lumber yards horo that the lumber business of Pen dloton for tho year Just closing was $160,000. This business Is done by three, yards and Includes the work done by ono planing mill. It Is estimated that 400 carloads of lumber were used in Pendleton and vicinity since tho first of tho year, Tho lumlier men report that this Is tho best year In the history oi mo country. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7172o: bluo- stern, lie: valley, 7nc, Ilarloy reed, $20 per ton: breu nir. suuu,ou; roiled, $21. Flour Yalloy, $378.03.86 per bar rcl; hard wheat straights, $3.9034.10; clears, $3.00(33.70; hard wheat pat ents, $4.20 4.60; graham, $3.78; whole wheat, $4; ryo flour, $4.60 4. YD. Oats No. 1 white, $1.10; gray $1.0Ti per cental. Millstuffs Bran, $18 tier ton: mid dlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, $18; unseen, uairy iooi, viu. Hay Timothy, $10 per ton; clovor, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $12. Vegetables Turnips, 05o per sack; carrois, (oc; ueois, uuc; parsnips, 7fiH uuc; cauuago, italic; tomatoes, $!! 1.25 per crate; caullllowor. 75cMsl per dozen; celory, 4000o per dozen; pumpKins, icpor pound; onions, Yel low wanvers, nuc(l per sack. Honey $3(33,50 por rase. Potatoes Oregon, ciiolco nnd fancy, oousioc 'ncKj common, ooo per sacic, grnwera- prices; sweot potatoes, sacks, 2c; boxes, 2c. Fruits Apples, 75c$2 por box; pears, $11.60 per box; craiiborrlcs, $0010 por barrel. Butter Fancy Oregon creamery, 30o per pound; dairy, 20322Kc; store, 15 0150. Checso Full cream, twins, MQlBo; xuuug simvnvn, iiimioc Poultry Chickens, mixed, 10 lOKo per pound; snrlnc. lloi lions. J 1 12c; turkoys, livo, 13o; dressed, 16o; ducks, $07 per dozen; geeso, 80 per pound, Eggs Oregon ranch; 37o: East ern, 27030c. Hops Choice, 22Jo per pound! prlmo, 20c; modlum, 17c; common 16c. - iTisui viiiiuv. iiuvinn; i:narim Oregon, 1216c; mohair. 32035c, , Beef Dressod, SittOJo per pound, ' over to a representative of tho govorn Veal Dressed, small. HfftRUTo. mnnt nn ...ini , ii,.. ,ii, ti,. largo, 60o per pound. rom Dcseou, usuftc. AIMLI) AT (IUI1S1INO CONTIISTS. Penrose Would Also Amend Postal Law lo Reach (Ict-Ulch-fJutck Mm. Washington, Deo. 17. Two bills havo been Introduced In tho seunlo by Senator Penrose, designed luslrengthen the laws leguhitlng t lm use of mails, Ono la aimed at llio "gct-rlch-qulck" concerns and guessing contests, and In eludes tho Dlsti let ot Columbia nnd "nil territory within (he Jurisdiction ot the llhllcd Hlntes" In the law forbid ding the use of malls for I ho transmis sion of lottery tickets. '1 he hills wero drawn In the law division ot tho post olllcu department, Tho act ot 1890 for bidding lotteries Is uincmlcd by Inrert Ing tho following language In the pro hibitory sec 1 1 on 1 "Or any person, or company, con ducting any competition or contest In volving the award ot prizes, and based upon the relative accuracy nt guesses or estimates) or conducting any schemes or device for lieltlug, wagering or making pools upon horso races or other similar contests." This amendment Is held to be neces sary by reason of thu attorney general holding thnt contests which Involve the award tit prizes uhtiilucd upon the relative nccuracyof guessesor estimates, as to thu uuiiiIht of votes In n political election or tho number of bonus that a certain Jar contains, etc., nre nut In vi olation ut thu present lottery laws. It Is sought by the amendment also to protect the public against fraud, aa well aa lo suppress gambling which ac companies betting on horses. Betting on horse races has Iktii held not tu be within tho purview of the lottery laws. Consequently It Is held thnt the only way by which tlioso turf Investment schemes run Ihi suppressed under ex isting laws Is upon the ground of fraud, In which caes it Is extremely difficult to obtain sulllclent evidence to warrant nn action. Such evidence cannot lie obtained In any event until after tho scheme has been In operation some time, nnd after thu company has In Ha pos session thousands-id dollais of the peo ple's money. PROPOSES AN INCOMU TAX. Williams Also Wants Over-Issue of Stocks Prevtnted. Washington, Dec, 17. Keprrsenla tivu Williams, of Mississippi, has Intro duced a concurrent resolution In the house proposing nn amendment to the constitution to givo congress power to collect tail's on Incomes, andprovhllng that such tax shall not lie construed to lie a direct tax within the meaning of the constitution. Mr. Williams also Introduced the following hills: To put nn tho free list, when coming from countries which permit identical products ot ours to enter free, bitten ol nil animals, leather of nil sorts, hoots, shoes, saddles and harness, To prevent individuals or corpora tions engaged In Interstate commerce from making It a condition of tslo of their products that tho purchaser shall not sell or deal in 1 f ir lli. er persons, firms or rirH,rt',. To prevent tho liver iMin-. t u- br corporations or combinations of ir.r ations and defining oh nyar iau s "public cheating." tleqnlrlnr Oo pjiuit of luiwiwl on public funds dop ,',! will tuik WILL TAKE PART UH Till. OUUT. Panama Will Propose Three Millions el .Canal Money He Used. Washington, Dee. 17. Tho state ment from London'hat England, Hol land and Germany had decided to In sist that thu new republic of Panama must nssurno a part of Columbia's for eign debt, brought an Interesting re port hero today. It Is understood that tho puriosc of Minister llnna-Vnrrlla's recent visits to tho atato department havn lx-cn to make nn agreement on this very point. It is snld that ho has prepared, and will probably sign, In lew nays, an agreement by which tha Panama republic binds Itself to Colom bia, for application on her fnrelcn debt. one-third ot tho $10,000,000 which the United Slates Is to pay Panama. Such an agreement would bo very satisfactory to thu United States government, which is inclined to Iwllovo Panama, aa a mat ter of equity, at least, should assumo a portion of Colombia's debt. Montana Timber Stolen. Butto, Dec. 17. Certain members ol tho Mormon colony In tho Big Horn Basin, Wyo., Just across thotnntana bordor from Iteil Lodge, nru charged with wholesale thefts of timber from tho public domain In Montana, accord ing to a communication addressed to United States District Attornov Carl Itasch last night by the county commis sioners of Carbon countv. Motnana. Tho Mormons aro accused of devastat ing heavy forests In Prvor mountain nnd having sawmills in tho midst o( tho timlier on government land. Sounds Warning to Scrvla. Vienna, Dec. 17. Tho Nouo Wolnor Journal assorts that at u recent private nudlcnco Emperor Joseph gravoly warned tho new Sorvlan minister of the risk King Petor ran In Incurrlnr tho re sentment of Europe by his failure to punish or remove from olllco thoso per sons having guilty connection with tho murder of King Alexander nnd Queen Drngn, and Intimated that stronger lemonstnitlons of European feollmr would follow tho withdrawal of the dip lomats, If tho assassins were permitted to retain influence. Ilodson Miners Determined. Stockton, Cal Doo. 17. There Is a possibility that tho local military com. panics may bo cnlled to Ilodson, owing lo Btrlku conditions thoro, which aro believed to bo gottlng aorlous.. A apoc lal telephone message to tho Mail todav from Secretary Godlovo of tho Iloynl mlno at Ilodson, stating that thoro was held n big meeting of tho strikers last night and that tho strikers had threat ened to take forcible possession of the mine. Canal Treaty In tNew York, Now York. Doo. 17 Tno steamer City of Washington arrived today from Colon, bringing tho signed copy of the canal trcnty with tho republic of Fana- inn 'rim tmnttt in n m. n imv in chargo of tho purser, who turned it wtta no nows ot Importance reported by tho ofllcors ond paseongers.