Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 25, 1903, Image 1

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25 &S tiS $ W5
Devoted to the Mlultifi, Lumbering and Panning Interest of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 48
No Excuse for Ignorance in these
days of Publicity Reliable
Mining Papers a Protection
to the Investing Public.
It is hard to realize how confi
dence men promoting their schemes
under the nnme of mining can suc
ceed in these days of publicity.
There enn be only one excuse why
niiy amount of worthless stocks can
Ik: Hold, and that i downright Igno
rance on the part of the buyer.
There are several reliable papers
published solely In the Interests of
mining, and which can be had at
the slight cost of, nay. three dollars
per year. Surely it is not a iues
tion of expense that mining papers
are not read more widely. The
new items of new and paying mines,
the technical articles describing
methods of operation, the news
from new camps, nud in n hundred
others ways the mining papers nre i
giving the public information tlut I
should tench the Investor the dif
ference between u "wildcat" and ii
legitimate milling venture The
new crop oi "suckers" that seem to
grow up after every rain arc re
markable in that they nre cany to
part from their money. Mining
sharks seem to get their proportion
of it, judging from the number of
shadv propositions being floated
just now under the name ol mining
companies. There Is no use taking
about more stringent laws to get
lifter these fellows. '1 he section on N(. qinitiiup
every state stntutc book covering i "u swl-l'"KL;
the crime of "obtaining money tin-1 Gathering news afield for a min
der false pretenses" isn good and ing journal is no sinecure. The re
nmplc one. Mining llurcau. porter who is after facts and figures
. . ' meets many reverses. On account
cirr PATF IIROKER IN HAD REI'UTG -toe prevalence of van-colored re
CUT RATE IlKtjhLK IN UA" KU UIL-, ports fin the press, many oper-
Thc mining press of the countr falors who are doing real develop
has started a crusade ngainst the ment are adverse to giving out Incut-role
broker and it promises to formation for publication.. It is de.
nmke things pretty hot for this piorable Hint groundnntlsts'fortlirs
characterless Individual, who would sentiment. True miners Jecognize
ruin an industry he might be jt ns ti,c i,ane Gf the industry,
able to make a few paltry dollar-, by ,ctuni development in Southern
underhand methods. The follow Oregon is only begun, and when
ing article along this line from an , tue public learns thnt a fabulous
exchange should be rend by every ' strike is only a prospect, they go
one. It mnfccs plain why the cut-1 wny back and sit down, so many
rate broker is n menace to the mill-, years pcr strike. However, owners
ing industry and why investors 0f promising properties should be
should never, under any circtim- j willing to give reliable inlormation
stances, purchase stock from him: !for the general good it will do the
The reputable mining interests of i industry, provided he is assured no
the country are beginning to realize I multi-colored matter will be used in
the fict that the business of the I jls publication. Oregon Mining
broker to "save you" nnywhere journal.
from 10 to 500 percent on a pur- -.
chase of stocks is in reality sapping BRIGHT PROSPECTS
the energies and undermining the President ot the
efTorts of those who make mining;, r. J. i.cko) , 1 resiueiuoi ine
: '" iL ii.l.- mm the MlninL'l.ely Mining Co;, spent several
Review nud Metallurgist. He is
taking away the confidence of the
ordinnrv Investors in the vnlue of
minim? securities. It is by the co
operation of a legion of small in
vestors in most cases thnt money is
found to finnuce, develop and put n
mine on a naving basis. 1 lie Ulvl
.lend-iKivitiir mines in this niul"c'"l' V""
.T..r,nA..,,Yrli were made so ,v
utiles w
ulting Z bull, n hinucaijltries that were badly needed
Sand, of stockholders. You among which w a
1..... .11 In iti it tnr-k wort 1 1
iinvthliip unless money is expended
Gul l in the ground is not of much
11 either as n medium oi ex
to issue 1
il.nimn nr ntrnltmt which
.treasury notes, unty ine 1001 on
!. -,.i thnt It rnn he nicked
U.) or taken from the ground with-j
out, first, a proper system of devel
opment, and, second, equipment.
Many of the stocks on the market
represent only partially developed
mines; by selling the first Issue of
stock at low prices these have been
given the value they contain, As
the price of the property has in
creased, the price of stock has been
correspondingly raised, the motley
being used In any legitimate com
pany to further develop nnd ulti
mately equip the mine. The cut-
rate broker advertises stock at a
lower price than the company, and
the ordinary investor is thereby
doubly deceived. He thinks he is
getting a bargain and that the sell
ing agent of the company at the ad
vance price of the stock is getting
more than it Is north. Jt may be
that lie will secure some of this
lower price stock, but it is well to
remember that the money for it
does not go into the company to
help make the stock more valuable,
and further, that unless additional
stock can be sold sufficient to carry
to completion the mine as a produc
ing asset, it may likewise well be
that the "bargain" will prove dis
appointing. Any experienced
mining man will tell you that, next
to worthless mines, the greatest
cause for collapie in mining stocks
and loss to stockholders is the im
possibility to raise suiTlcieiir capital.
The case is still harder for the com
pany where the brokers advertise
stocks which they d not possess at
all nt any price, and are not able to
deliver, the effect being to pre
vent the company from selling
stock to carry on its work. Kvcnlu
ally cut rates wit prove a botucraug
to the business of the cut-rater,
but in the meantime It is doing
more thnn anything else, not ex
cepting fakes, to paralyze the efforts
of those attempting to do a legiti
mate mining business through the
sjIc of stocks and the building up
,,, e.or,
dent mines. Daily Mill-
days in the city last week. He
enme up on business. To a repre
sentative of the Nugget he spoke
very hopefully of the outlook for
the coming spring. In fact, he
gave it as his opinion that there
would be more building and im
provements in this city nnd more
1 . . . i .1 :
"e oi"'K season inaii ever oe ore.
w T a1Mi tiiiitiftiifil iirrn I iti
K" ".. ) j
n steam
and a tin and plumbing shop.
I. C. Klopenstein returned to the
Gri"'y Kro,,P last Monday.
. w..
Oreiroti Securities properties, is
spending a short time in the city,
space is reserved
ad. of the immense clearing
that will take place soon at'
hut ch's Store.
Snow II11
dliippcared In this Orexoo
-Work It Being Done.
Cottage Grove, Ore., Dec. 18.
Parties coming in from Uohemia
during the last few days give very
encouragiug reports from that re
gion, Snow has entirely disap
peared with the exception of a few
drifts. Machinery for different
mines, which was held up on ac
count of the heavy snow storms a
couple of weeks ago, has all been
delivered and placed in position for
Among those of note in tiie min
ing world vvlia have come and gone
from Ilohemiu ot late is Prof J. H.
Webber, being now en route to the
east, where he has been called on
important busiuesi. This was his
third visit to the camp during the
fall season. In this time, Prof.
Webber states, marked headway
has been made throughout the
camp in development work. He
states that he has never witnessed
more rapid progress made in the
building of roads nud placing ma
chinery, and that if the camp had a
few more men like C. C. Mathews,
George W. I.Ioyd and I J. Hard,
Iiohemia would be known all over
the United Stales in a short time.
There are, he says, at least a dozen
companies that should have stamps
running on their property at the
present time, there being sufficient
ore on hand to justify the same
without any cessation in the future.
Daily Mining Record.
Guy DcSpniu is down from Ho
hciuia. Pert Willard is a visitor to this
city this week from Uohemia.
Fred Arnold is down this week
from the Oregon Securities mines
at Uohemia.
G. W. Raines, teamster for Ore
gon Securities Company, came
down Tuesday and will remain for
a few days.
Theo Jennings, engineer at the
Oregon Securities .Company, was
town from the udjie,sjmlajtej'Jp.artttrnnyh1.. one
uuwii uuiu i
.Mat I
Irvine Mathews, son of Manager
Mathews of Oregon Securities Com
pany, spent .several uays in uic
Grove recently.
George Cox, one of the directors
of the Uohemia Mine Owners'
Association, will remain a few days
with friends in the Grove.
I T. Hard, manager of the Ore
gon-Colorado, Vesuvius and River
side groups, alter spending some
days in the Grove, returned to
Portland tlielatter part ot last weeic.
Al Churchill, a mine owner, also
secretary of the llolienua Mine
Owners Association, came down
Saturday afternoon and wiil alter
nate between Kugene and Cottage
Grove while enjoying Christmas
and New Years.
George Cox reports the comple
tion of a large contract with the
Crystnl Consolidated in one of the
tunnels of that company. He
states that there was a continuous
improvement the entire distance
driven, and the breast of the tunue)
shows n large body of good ore.
Mr: Cox will return to camp
.Vm. Wechter,' President of the
Golden Rule Mining Company
which owns n large group at foot
of Hnrdscrabble, Mineral Postoffice,
was in the city a few days last week.
He reports the driving of a tunnel
on the Caribou claim nud the im
provement ol the ore as work pro
for the
grosses. Work will be continued
all winter.
ndward L. IJaff, a mining eugi
neer formerly a resident of Colo
rado, but who has been for some
time past surveying in the Bohemia
and lllue River Districts, left last
Saturday for a visit to Colorado. 1
Mr. Haff is very well plrased with
the mining outlook in this section
and will return sometime after thej
holidays and open an office here.
The strike recently made in the j
lower workings of the Miscellane-i
ous claim belonging to The North
Palrview Company operating in I
Uohemia, continues to improve as 1
work progresses. It fa only an- j
other verification of the conclusions i
arrived at by those who have
studied the formations and veins ot .
the district, that larger ore bodies
and of a better grade will be found
with depth.
Every Amendment at Reported by the
Committee Appointed by City Council j
to Amend City Charter Indorsed by
the Citizens.
The man meeting held last Krlday
night nt the Opera House for the
ptirpoHs ol considering, ratifying, or
rejecting the amendment to the city
charter, an prepared hy the com
tnlltee appointed by th City Coun
cil, and It ratliled by the citizen to
Im prssenleu to me extra session 01
the legislature to couvene In Halem
011 Monday, with a request to that
body that the charter as amenled bs
mudo Uio charter of this city was
largely attended.
Mayor Veatch wn selected chair
man and I'rnfi'SMor lirlggs chosen
The chairman In a clearand concise
uiannei stated the objects of the meet
ing nud explained the nature of the
work done by the committee, and
outlined the proponed changes to
the city charter, unit suggesteu tnei
necessity ot sending n commute to
the capital to possible tlio 1
Introduction of 11 bill; and tosxplaln
the creat need of Immediate action.
TlieHrat duty said the mayor, of the ,
t'ltv Council was to look after the I
health of the cltlieim, ana as the city
Is irrowlmr rnnldly the need
proinT sewerage was oeconiuiK 01
more Important each day. lind the
.anltary'coiidlUon. inust not be ueg-l
. .t
lected, thnt
ine uiueuiiiueiiv mi i
lireimrwt, was conieit f Tne iJiillesTfiidlj
lbron,.of the ablest!
" .V" JIHH.lvi.
lawyers of the state.
M.iiinf Hi nartlMiireseniwailUMl 1
11 i.Mrnlii' read, but t
was decided It would take up too
much time and only that portion
which was to be amended was wad.
1.h fli iinrt on or the cliarter as n
nowslands was read and then ths
proposed amendment, and were all ailllllt(d. At tile COU
elusion of the remllliK pi tiie aiueuu-
... . - - .. ...
ments as reported by tnu comnutiee.
The chairman stated there had been
an amendment nroiigiu -mure mo
meeting which had not been pro-
sentedtotheconiniltteobutasev, ;ry
be randTdUcusseil and nctcil upon.
It proved to bean amendment glv-
Ing the city local option nud signed
by a large number o j tltiwns.
lt ttfiSbb
to hare the "-y"" c
amendmeiit, but .hail I been unsuccoss
which they
the committee itenieu any uuiairu
and stateil It was not caiieu 10 nicu-
attention until the nnienileil charter
had been written and owimr 10 u
length It would be impossible to re-'
write it in tune lor presenumuii iu
tlw li.tvlaljitiirn.
The adoption 01 tn aiuenunn.-ui.
wns strongly argued by Hovs. Keese,
llovles and lllllliigton.und by Mr. A.
II. King and others, the chairman
departed from the usual custom and
spoke strongly against Its adoption.
Also JOUIl .usuiey uiniio
leniftliv speech In opposition, the
principal arguments against Its
adoption were:
The necessary rewniiiig 01 ww
wi,i.. riinrfi-r which there was not
sulHcIent time to do, and ;the further
reason. That there was 110 upuusi
tlon to the four proposed amend-,u..,,t-
wlillit If thlsshouldbeudoiitud
It would cause a tight to bo precipi
tated against them sll, and as the
chances were none to favorable as It
ut,, 1 t.i m-t tiie Itnrlslnturo to take
up the matter It would certainly bo
disastrous to attack this amendment.
When, the vote was nuaiiy mseu 11.
was lost by a large majority. Mayor
Veatch and C. H. Burkholder were
appointed a commutes to proceed to
.1..: ini nmi linve the matter
i.n.imilv Introduced and passed, If
Although it was the desire of
Governor Chamberlain, wheu call
ing an extra session of the legisla
ture that nothing outside of the tax
law should be brought before that
body. It is evidently the iutention
of many of the members, to take
ud other measures. There seems to
be at this time, while the legishv
ture is convened, several special
matters that really need the immt
dlate attention of that body and
1 could be quickly disposed of with
out injury to any one.
The Supreme Court of the State
of Oreeou recently handed down
its opinion on the initiative and
referendum amendment to the con
stitutiou and confirmed the opinion
of the lower court, and stated it is
the province of the legislature and
not of the court to declare on
concernliif; 1110 manner n r.- , p , ... . r.n viuint win I,-- i,..
liad been treated by the 1 me mcraucrs 01 mc icgisiuiuic uim j -.
' TheTalrmiin a. one ot Governor for their prompt atten-' ?-.?Ron wl" ,U1 nnI,nal
Special Bargians
See Our Ad.
City Charter
Bill Passed
Mayor Veatch returned from the ,
pit ol Wednesday morning where
1 Capitol
he had been since bunday in the
interests of the Amended Charter
as prepared by the committee ap
pointed by the City Council and on
Friday eveuing endorsed by the
The mayor reports that the bill !
IUI luc cuanci noa uuiuuiiuu w.Tlip lurt Iwlalritiir,.
the House by Representative Ed
wards of Lane county, and was
designated as House Bill No. 20.
The bill had its first and second
reading and then the readiug rules
were suspended and the vote taken
. . . .
upon its passage, ana was passea
Juuoul a desentimr vote I
W'T ?U,f take, no bv
. .. . , , - . " , : , : ......... - j
theusenate.'had its firstand second Ijilnlnts are made of persons gidlty of
readingrarfd on rnotfcfSeTiatcrrfkllnff ' f in6ii.- in -most
n,,lw.f T r,,.,n.v the mdiTen " complalnlnir does
"7,"' ."rT j "7 ."j .1" 7. . '
wns nnu. wincn was unanimous 111
its favor It was the irst House
Bjl passed and the first House Bill
. . J TH S ilm n.tP.
ine mayor siaies main ine 0111
has not already been signed it will
K ..nvt. !l. manantatinn tn Ut
u- uinjit 119 UI1.AIHHI1U11 k
r. - ... is understood 1
. . ,
that less than two weeks have ,
eiapsea since ine appointment 01
thel corami,tee to draft a new
. ... necessitated there-
writing of the old one, and inserting 1
the amendments, the calling of the
peop-e together to sanction their j
action, its introduction to the legis-'
? Se. the council
a,ld lbe Cmml,)t" e"t lUefd,.t0 ,
greal credlt alia the thanks of the
t,otl t0 the needs of our city
To all those who so tenderly and
muuiy assisicu in anminisienuc i"
belored wife, during her sickness and
demise I wish to express my most
sincere thanks and appreciation.
F. M. Uviink.
A. W. Ziniker is dowu from the
Bohemia mines and reports very
good weather at the present. He
is doing considerable work on the
Mineral King, his own property,
which is located on Horse Heaven
Creek, opposite the Riverside
XIIO comiort aim caro in iiijt itviirir
Speak kindly to the millionaire;
I'erhnim lie does his best.
Dou't try to drive hliu to despair
With rude, unfeeling Jest.
Don't laugh at portraits which dis
Ills face with common leer.
And when lis gives his wealth uwny,
Don't take It with a sneer.
Speak kindly to the millionaire,
lie nns a ngnt 10 live, 1
And feel the sun and breathe the air
And keep his com or give.
You may be rich yourself, you set, 1
llefore your life Is through,
Speak kindly, and remember he
is numau, jusi line you.
w asiimgiou aiar.
The worn-out stomach of the over-fed
millionaire is often prded In the pub.
lie prints as a horrible example ol the
erlla attendant on the possession ot
grout wealth. Hut millionaires ,nuf
the only ones who areaiillcled with bad
stomachs. The proportion Is farsreater
among the tollers. Dyspepsia and in
digestion are rampant among these
people, and they suffer far worse tor
tures than the millionaire unless they
avail themsetres of a standard medicine
like Green's August Flower, which hai
been a favorite household remedy (or
.11 .ti....v. mmi1iIh fnr over tlilrtr-nve
years. August Fower rouses the torpid
liver, thus creating appetite and InsuM
ing periect uigesuou. -tallies
the entire system and makes life
Tvorth living, no matter what ypur sta
tion. Trial bottles, 25oj regular she,
76c. At all druggists. Qarman &
Hemenway Co.
neonie 01 uouaue throve are uue 10 eiK ami 11 ine inw is nor re-enacteu
on Supplement
Qarman, Hemenway Co;
Leaders in Merchandising'.
Upon taking charge of the office of i
game nnd forestry warden July lHt, 1
1!3, there "exlMted" nnd HtlllexlMtH 11
Kreatnmount of Ignorance n rein-1
tlon to the Unma Laws of Oregon, ,
Mr. Oulmby former game warden, at j
his own expend caused to be printed j
ins own expenHe cauavu 10 imj primea 1
"'j'1 circulated throughout the mate
?Z0 ,STft &
leen of great benefit to partlen who
wish to bo poated upon the law.
The lost BCHHlon of the legislative
usHcmbly of thin state failed to ap
propriate any money for printing
the game laws. I hare !ecn nble to
II nd only six copies. Hundreds ot
IoP 01 tins iiite nave applied lor
The next legislature should make I
some provision to remedy this want.
The most serious violations of the I
law occur In distant pnrts of the
state, places that are very difficult to'
reach, in many Instances It Is neces
sary for deputies to travel seventy
five or even one hundred miles, with
........... rW . ...m.. ..lln.i.n.I
"""" ""V"' , ;"""
0,r,lmyiUB .thcm.. 11 . nn ,mP81-
! ",,.1"" .Z
"ol lI?lre to iinvenw name men
ii"ct mi- "iiu nuu 11-
same have stuck who are afraid the
guilty ones will kill or injure, others
do not desire to report on their
neighbors and in some cases ier-
eounl violence
has lieen threatened
to Informers.
FOlt EST Fines.
n..i.. . . 1.
, "-"
been reported to this olllee one no
-- ........
XhTTlneJ dM not" or
,"1 -1 fi'J ,1 t'' . "i?,1 "!
gard to the origin of the tire.
The law protecting tho killing of
rlk expires Sept. 15th, 101, and
thli ? omlKZwitar to
wle the season opens for killing
The law prohibiting the sale of
! deer meet has done more to protect
them than all the deputy game
1 wardens In Oregon could do. ik-er
In Oregon are on the lucrense. Their
slaughter In Southern Oregon Is not
as extensive as 111 years past.
lu some localities these birds are
plentiful in others they have been
slaughtered In great numbers. Many
farmers 111 tho lllametto valley are
becoming Interested In their protec-l
tlon and will not allow hunters and
dogs on their farms, they have also
rendered good assistance In furnish
ing evidence in a few cases of viola
tions. Tim numtier ot China pheas
ants shipped out ot tills state since
duly 1st, 100:l U very small, a list of
which Is hereto attached.
The Oregon grouse are largely on
I the decrease, as soon as the young
I oues aro old enough the shot gnu
I and the dog, backed by n good shot,
1 "
The Largest assortment of
Jewelry &
Gut Glass
Kver shown lu Cottage. Grove. Sold as cheap, If not
cheaper, thau In large cities.
H. C. Madsen's
of this Paper
I a destroyer of Oregon's upland
oiucaox pheasant.
The native pheasant of this state
are faflt panslnff nwny.
This bird Is largely on the lncrenio
Thin bird Is Iar
!n In03t prts 0f
01 tne Htnte. 1110 uou
xoon lie plentiful It
the sportsmen will gnard thcm lu the
future as they have In the past.
In Southeastern Oregon tho ducks
nnd geene aro abundant.
I tun glad to report the fact that
Deputy Game Warden Hutchison of
Klamath Fulls has been very vigi
lant in watching violators of the
game law in thnt locality, he has
warnad the California hunters to
"keep off".
mucks anu geese are pientuui on
the Columbia river also, Some
hunters are In the habit of shooting
geese on Islands In the Columbia
river contrary to Inw, ono violator
was arrested by a comity deputy at
Arlington ami fined.
The limit of each hunter Is I think
too areat, what use can one man
Jilivc with iiJOlfesip sg. Iu ;onyi ax or
ten China pheasants.
Since July 1st, 1003, eleven arrests
have liecu made nnd ten convictions.
In one instance by order of the dis
trict attorney tlittciifco was dismissed.
(upon this point quote Mr. Qulm
by former game warden "The appro
priation, made by the legislature for
the malntenenco ot this office Is en
tirely too small, this fuctmustbe ad
mitted by nil men who nre Interested
In the protection of Oregon game.
Deputy game wardens no matter
how devoted they may bo In their
efforts to protect tho game can not
be expected to devote tneir tune to
thlsjwork without pay. Tho deer
slayer for Instance away back In tho
mountains, the home of the deer and
elk Is safe from the watchful eyo of
the warden and his deputies. One
chief deputy should bo stationed In
some part of tho state away from
the office of the game warden, lie
should be authorized by tho game
warden to perform nil tho duties
connected with the office should be
paid enough to giro his entire time
to the business connected with the
protection of game, violators could
then havo more prompt attention.
Table showing number of birds
shipped out ot the state:
Jeullto Griffith, Clrvllle, Call! 7
" , Ins Angeles, Calif J
' " , Aimed.. Calif 1
F. A. Stuhr, DeipatiM, III &
L. E. WaKord, Uarllnjcton, S. C "
C. A. Van Dran. San Francisco, Calif 2
11. T. Hudson, Sitka Alaska
F. A. SluLr. Alamela, Calll . . 2
appropriated for talarr ot 1908. .!
expenses of oHU'e....
and salaries ol deputies 2VX1
galanr of sauitf uardeu from Jan, 1st
Rrnftnsesof office
mi a..
IUU lin Ul ucpuim ww
Salarrofgama warden from July 1st to
Dhj 1J, raw 600
Expenses ol ofike 13ft SJ
" and salarr ol depulle Ml M
$3009 23
(lame Warden .1. W. linker left on
Monday's noon train for the Capitol
to present his annual report to tho
1 F"J"J"A