Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 18, 1903, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Luiaberlng and Farming Interest of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 47
Peal forth to all Christendom, and as we hear the
joyous Christmas bells, all hearts beat in unison. For
more than nineteen centuries Christmas has been observ
ed, and no better way of extending your Christmas feel
ings can be found than that of gilt-giving.
Having forseen this we are prepared to furnish you
presents whether for mother or father, sister or brother,
daughter or son, sweetheart or triend.
for a few Suggestions m Offer the following;
China and GlitHHivurc.
If you with to make your Mother or wife perfectly
happy purchase for lier 0110 of these Chocolate set,
Hcrry Set. Wilier Sit. Wine Set, Fruit Dish, Cake Piute.
Decorated Lamps. Uose Howls, Card Tray, Cup and
Saucer, Ornaments, and in fact anything you can find
in the large. cities in this tine.
The little girl is the one we always try to please,
and nothing makes her feel more happy than to have a
nice doll. We have Ihrni from 3c in small China to $5
in fancy dress dolls, (
In the way of games we have a large assortment of
Crokiuolc Hoards, Checkers, Dominoes, Authors, Jack
straws, I.oto, the funny game of Who? Kau-U-Katch, and
many other just as iutcic-ting.
The question often arises, What shall I buy for him?
We solve this for you by suggesting. Smoking Jackets,
Fancy Vests, Hats, Neckwear, Fancy Suspenders, Golf
or Kid Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas,
Shaving Sets, Collar Boxes, and Necktie Boxes.
LadicH NovclticH.
If you wish to please a lady friend purchase her
some of the following: .Toilet Set, Hankerchief Box,
Glove Box, Album. Chntelain Bag, Box Fancy Writing
Paper, Umbrella, Lace or Battcuburg Collar, Belt, Waist,
Skirt, Umbrella Shawl and the fact is we have made a
specialty of our Ladies Goods.
The children always And entertainment in Chatter
boxes, Fairy Tales, Mother Goose and linen A BJC
L J JJs) Jg We nrc often wondering in whnt way to make mother
and father feel more comfortable. Nothing can make
them feel more ho than 0 have a nice pair of house SLIPPERS to slip on, in
which the Father can read and the Mother do her needle work. Von will
find otir Slippers excel in beauty, style and wear.
We extend to you all a merry
New Year.
Christmas and a happy
Lut ch's Store.
Ivditor Nugget I spent some
thing over four months in tue Bo
hemia Mining District arriving
there about the first of July last.
The greater portion of that time
was employed at the Oregon-Colo
rado Company's property on Annie
The Oregon-Colorado's ground'
Includes a number of large and
promising veins, the principal one,
or at least the one upon which the
greatest amount of development has
been Ynade is covered by the Holy
Smoke, Confidence, Dora, and
Marie claims making a continuous
course upon this ledge or vein of
six thousand feet.
It is upon the Confidence that
the principal work has been done,
what is known as the old or upper
tunnel was driven on the vein a
distance of something more than
four hundred feet, and large bodies
of n Conner ore carrvinL' cold and
I silver was encountered practically
I the entire distance,
i The new or lower tunnel near
: the gulch has entered the moun
Itain some seven hundred feet, it
I also shows the same character of
All along the strike of (his vein
the croppings stand out boldly and
can be traced for at least four
thousand feet when it passes from
Annie Creek over the mountain
toward Horse Heaven Creek, and
as the tunnel progresses great depth
is attained and will furnish slope-
lug ground for many thousands of
tons of ore wlieu it sliall be
wanted for treatment.
The Francie claim, one of the
croup, lies to the south of the Con
fidence. A tunnel was driven on
the vein the past summer about one
hundred and fitty feet, and tne vein
Christmas Presents
The I.arKcut iiHsortmeut ol
Jewelry &
Cut Glass
Hver Bltown In Cottngo (trove. Hold na chuiip, If not
cheaper, than In Urga cities.
H. C. Madsen's
from the mouth to the breast of the
tunnel was trom five to seven feet
in width, some of the vein material
panned well in gold.
It is on this claim that the mill
will no doubt be located as it is an
ideal spot for the purpose, having
au immense amount of timber, and
the water from both City and
Annie Creeks can be utilized for
power and other purposes.
The Riverside group of claims
located on Horse Heaven Creek I
were visited and examined several
times during the summer, here also
the priucipil or most developed
vein is covered by four claims and
so located on the mountain that it
can be developed from the creek
bed to the top of the mountain, a
distance of nearly five thousand feet,
with a rise of nearly two thou mud
feet by a succession of tunnels,
wherever work has progressed far
enough to find the vein in place, it
has proven to lie of greater width
than was needed for the tunnel.
This ore is, so far, well oxidized
and suitable for milling purposes.
There is a great supply of timber
anil a splendid water power which
flows acrosa-the eastern portion of
the group.
A trail of a grade suitable for a
wagon road has been built from
this property and connects with
tlie Oregon-Colorado trail, making
an easy outlet to the wagon road
at Bohemia postoflice.
Some two weeks were employed
in and about the Vesuvius Com
pany's property on Fairview Moun
tain, tuts property has a large
amount of development. The main
or working tunnel is in about eight
hundred feet, an upraise has been
made near the breast, a dis
tance of three hundred and fifty
feet, to connect witli a tunnel
above. From this upraise numer
ous levels have been ruu in either
direction on the vein and practlo
ally everything thus tar exposed
by them is milling ore, and some of
it of a very high grade.
From the main tunnel and about
four hundred feet from the mouth a
crosscut was run to the north sev
eral hundred feet and encountered
two very strong ledges which
parallel the vein before mentioned
There is a sufficient quantity of
ore already exposed in this group
to keep a mill busily engaged for a
long period of time.
Since my visit I learn the Stocks,
Harlow group adjoining its ground
has been acquired by the Vesuvius
Company. Tnis is undoubtedly a
valuable addition, as there are
strong veins well filled with ore in
the property and all outside im
provements, including mill, will be
of mutual advantage.
The three groups are separated
by several miles, and should be
fairly representative properties.
Although ray time was largely
limited to these three groups, I
learned enough to justify the
opinion the Bohemia district is
destined to become very prosper
ous and productive in the near
Geo. Cox, the genial prospector
ana nunter is in town.
Jack Klofeusteiu came in from
the mines Monday and reports
tilings moving right at Bohemia.
. Henry Landess came in from Bo
hernia Monday, He is suffering
I r 0111 a fall trom a log which re'
suited iu throwing his left elbow
out of joint.
Andrew Nelson went to Bohemia
Tuesday to look after his interests.
He will have some development
work done 011 bis irixle property
in utiamplon canyon.
Hon. C. A. Johns, of Baker City,
a prominent candidate for the
gubernatorial nomination on the
republican ticket two years aco. de
livered an address on "Mines and
Mining" at the Uuiversity of Ore
Htnlng Newt Continued on Sixth Pie.
Evening Telegram Tells Story
of Great Mining Camp.
The following is an extract from
the livening Telegram, regarding
the great mining camp, Bohemia,
will give the reader some idea of
the immense amout of development j
work now being done on some of
the important properties of the
camp: j
Cottage Grove, the supply point j
of the Bohemia Mines, is situated
T44 miles south of Portland, on the
Southern Pacific road. It is an at
tractive town, surrounded ,by hills :
which produce much wealth an-i
nually, and which contain veins of I
vast size. It is being rapidly I
brought to the front in the mining 1
circles of the state. Here are situ- j
ated many of the minine com
panies' offices, with which th Bo- i
bemia district abounds. It is a j
rapidlyjgrowing town and has two'
live papers to herald to the outside
world the wonderful resource ofthit
At the warehouse is situated the
power plant of the Oregon Securi- I
ties Company, another company
which owes its birth to Mr. Hen-
gen Tins plant is model and
carries with it enough power for all
tne development work of the mines
owned by the Oregon Securities
Company. It is the intention of
this company to run an electric line
to the warehouse, to connect with 1
the new saw millttbat has just been
completed, at a distance of eight
In the Bohemia district are many
paying propositions. The Oreeon
Securities Company owns a large
group of claims.
The Oregon Securities Company
have a large and valuable tract of
land. Their property is situated
admirably for working, and timber
and water abound, iu fact, more
than is necessary for the working
of the mines for years to come. It
as Deeu compuiea that there is
timber enough on the claims of the
company to pay, were it sold, all
the improvements being made.
They own the Musick. which
has produced many thousands of
dollars, aud which now has blocked
outin tunnels, winzes and upraises.
ore which will net them easily $1,-
500,000. me long Musick tunnel,
known to every miner in Southern
Oregon, shows ore at -every point
which is perfectly free milling and
carrying S19 to $550. It is esti
mated that 50,000 tons of 'this class
of ore is blocked out ready for the
mill. The Champion is another
group owned by this company,
which has been a producer of hisrh-
gradeore and which has yielded
many thousands of dollars.
A large tunnel is being driven to
tap the ledge and cut through the
mountain which will be capable of
accommodating a double track for
cars to cirry the ore from the Mu
sick to the mtlt.
G. B. Hengen. who has been the
backbone ef the proposition, de
serves much commendation. He is
assisted by J. H. Pearsons, who is
his local- manager, and C. C.
Mathews, as superintendent of the
property. Mr. Mathews is an ex
perienced mining man and thor
oughly qualified for the position he
The outlook of the Oregon Se
curities Company is very bright,
ana no doubt it will be among tbe
dividend-payers ofOregon ere an
other season passes. Without
doubt it ranks among the best
properties in the state.
Another property in this district,
and one which is full of promise, is
the Crystal Consolidated mines,
controlled by Mr. George W.
Lloyd. Associated with him is Mr.
F. D. Wheeler, and the ownership
of the property is in the control of
eastern people. The Crystal Con
solidated Company has an ad'
mi-able piece of ground, which con
sists of nine full claims, which are
all surveyed for patent. The work
done 011. this property proves the
existence of great ore bodies; the
trend of the ledge is east and west,
and the dip is south, situated on
the slape of the Champion Basin,
which is a favorable location for
tunneling, and being on the mother
lode, this mine (for it may be called
a mine at the present time) has a
Being only five miles from a rail
road, it is au ideal proposition.
Three thousand feet of this property
is on this mother lode. It has been
opened by three tunnels, besides
open cuts on surloce. Tunnel ro
2 is in 400 feet, and shows an ore
chute of practically the entire dis
tauce. This ore chute is tapped at
the opening of the tunnel, and at
the face of the drift a depth of 200
teet tbey have obtained ore tnat
has proved exceedingly well for
treatment. The vein shows the en
tire width of the tunnel and at
tome places much wider. Tunnel
No, 2 has 500 feet of work done,
and is all in ore. It is 115 feet be
low tunnel Fo. 1. An upraise has
been run, and is nearly completed,
to the upper tunnel, howing con
tinuous ore all the distance. The
ledge in tunnel No. 2) is from 6 to
28 feet wide, and a conservative
estimate would place the average
width ol the ore body at 11 teet,
consequently it will be seen that a
great many thousand tons of ore
are blocked out. The ore is free
mitliug, and will average $10 per
ton. An estimate of the ore in
sight at this time would be placed
at 100,000 tons, making a grand
total of the value of the vein now
open to be $1,000,000. The com
pany is pushing development work
as rapidly as 'possible and during
last season installed a sawmill and
is now arranging for a modern five
sUaip mill carrying a triple dis
charge. Its capacity will be 20 to
25 tons per day.
This mill is situated on an ideal
foundation; in fact, there is not one
in the State ofOregon that has had
as solid a foundation as the Crystal
Consolidated mill. The ore is
never handled from the time it
leaves the face of the drift, or is put
into-the car, until it is run through
the stamp and' comes out in the
concentrators, as everything is on
the plan of gravity, and works by
that process.
Nor is this the only vein on the
property.. It has been proved that
there are at least three parallel
ledges. The work on these ledges
has been done by open cuts aud
small shafts. Water is furnished
from the start, whic runs practic
ally under the mill, and sufficient
timber is on the property to last for
decades. It is the intention of the
management to add more stamps
and more power to the mill, and in
crease the output of the property.
Taken all iu all, the Crystal Con
solidated is one of the best prop
erties in the Bohemia district.
The president is Mr. Geo. W.
Lloyd, a conseraative miuing man,
and well qualified for the position
he holds. He is a Massachusetts
man and has spent much time in
mining. Mr. Frank D. Wheeler,
who is the treasurer of the company,
is a reliable business man of Cot
tage Grove.
The Vesuvius mine, owned and
operated by Mr. F. J. Hard, of
Portland, Or,, who lias associated
with him several Kasteru people, is
a property of merit in the district.
It Is located across Fairview Moun
tain, on the opposite side of Cham
pion Basin, and has been opened by
tunnels and sbaits. A mill lor tue
treatment of ores is on this prop
erty, as much money has been ex
tracted from some of the veins
which run through Vesuvius. Mr.
Hard, by his push and energy, so
characteristic with the mining man,
has taken hold of the Vesuvius and
is carrying the work on to a suc
cessful issue. Some exceedingly
high grade ore has been extracted
from this property and no mining
man can visit the Vesuvius mine
wirhout becoming enthusiastic ove'r
the prospects for this property.
A sawmill, bunkhouse, boarding
house, assay office, all modern in
their completeness, have been
erected on the property. Its ledges
are broad, carrying high grade
veins in gold. The ore is free-milling
and is easily worked. It is
computed that there is in the ore
bends at the present time 5000 to
7000 tons of ore.
Another property of merit is that
of the Le Roy mines. This prop
erty is situated in Champion Basin,
aud joins the Crystal Consolidated
mines on one side and the Oregon
Securities Company's mines on the
other. A modern plant for working
has been installed, a liner drill being
continually at work. The tunnel
which has been driven into this
mine shows ore of exceedingly high
grade, but of a sulphide character,
as it is below the water level of the
district. The mine of itself is a
wonder, in so far as its body of ore
is concerned. The mine is equipped
with steam drills, boarding-house
and so forth. The LeRoy Brothers
have been energetic in its develop
ment and sufficient ore to warrant
the erectio-i of a plant is in sight at
the present time.
The North Fairview mine is
situated between the Crystal Con
solidated and the Vesuvius prop
erties, on Fairview Mountain, aud
is also a promising prospect.
The history of the Bohemia dis
trict is too well known to the miu
men of the state to need any addi
tional facts. Suffice to say that the
old Musick mine, with its wonder
ful production of high-grade ore, is
a lasting example of what energy
can do. Years ago the Jennings
Bros, began the development in
that country, aud the "stick-to-it-iveness
of these men, the Musick
mine became a producer. There is
not a property in the District of Bo
hemia, where any development
work has been done, but what ore
has been uncovered, and that in
paying quantities. The additional
facilities iu transportation will do
much for the district, aud before
another year passes it is believed by
conservative men that Bohemia
will be one of the great producing
sections in the country. Some of
the ore above the water level, nnd
in fact there are large bodies of it,
is free milling, but it is asserted by
owners of property in this section
that a smelter will be erected In the
near future for the treatment of
sulphide ores.
Many Portland people are inter
ested in Bohemia and are -well
pleased with their investments.
The Gold Hill aud B hemia mine,
owned by Ward, Davidson Sc. Co.,
is one which is making a splendid
showing and in fact every claim in
the district has a bright futnre.
Hundreds of Children and growns ups come
to our store to see and buy their Holiday pres
ents, largest and best assortment of toys in
Buy Early and Avoid The Rush.
ic Garman, Hemenway Co.
Lenders in Merchandising.