Hood's Sarsoparilla Is unattcstiona- blv tho arcatcst blond nrl l.snt. n,J,! i.... i"r liver medicine known. It positively and permanently cures every humor, from! Pimples tO Scrofula. It i3 tltr IWf ij- 5 I trtlrtftf fl IVitnriiintnA ' -its, AINWMaVIIAVI llv Dlicovtry, oIwiivIiik li full of tin apple," rctiiflrki"! the tnorttlleru, "is'iiwloii ills. covuhhI I lio law of Knivlly," ,TViw," rejoined Dim ilHiiinrnllnT, ' mill t!ini!Ntiiii1 of ynrn pruvlotiH Mother Hvo iIIwiimthI gravity of ilm Inw l,y mciely lilllin-nii Bpphi." ( IiIbmw Now. OlicoorntlnK, "DM ymi inako nny Imprcmlon on tlio young professor?" "(IoiiiIiikw), not? Threo of IiIh aunts, It In Mster inn! u imuaIii with Ihero Helming to overy word 1 kiIi) to mm." Peliolt Iron Vnmi. .Satisfactory HlvlMon. 'I In, old farmer mill his wlfu hud ajtrood lo tt'iHiriilo. They lnul only iinii num. "liver) thing friendly?" Inquired it neluhjior. "Oh, yimj' replied the olil maiicaro- hnsly. "No trouble about making it fair ill Vinton of tin, property?" "Oh, no. Him gets tlio kill mill tliu raunod fruit, mi' I gut Ilm -Ik uinl Ilm nppplug. Hint's uven vnouyli, ain't 117" UllKllKD rout. Tilt Temperature. "Wliy ilo you watch tlio therinnmo lor on the Hall no ilonely?" (piorlod tho invniiii. "lUx-iinne," replied tlio untrained nnnio, "tlio ilm-tor mIiI If tlio li'inncrn tum Kot nny lilnlmr I wim to give yon UllOIIKT () 01 1)111111110." IICMllJcreJ. "John-Henry. I'll tlirnnli yon muni y If I over riilrli ynu telliiiK anotliur Mory Hint lin t trim." "Ami yvt, tun, I heard you my to tlio milliliter Unit 1 hud ureal unnglim tlon." Tli aliarloilWir out (( u, titwk U Rheumatism S Neuralgia lltOUK St Jacobs Oil Whkh iffor di not only tut rtlf, but promrt euro. II ixthft. Price, 25c. and OOc. J Liver Pills That's what you need; some thing to cure your biliousness, end regulate your bowels. You nccu ycr s ijjjis. vegetable; gently laxative. J. a, Ayr004 lit M Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim CTf f? Mi'iKiir-i on n. y nu rn.. nunm n AS OLD That blood poison existed omoiiff the ancients has been proven beyoud question. It has been traced back thousands of years, and is as old as the Pyramids. This blighting curse lias been handed down from nation to natiou and from individual to individual till it has eprcad to all parts of the world. Contagious blood poison, as it U called iu modern times, begins with n small sore or ulcer through which the virus enters the blood. This is followed bv inllaru. illation and swelling of the glands of the groins, a red eruption breaks out on the body, sores appear in the mouth and the throat becomes ulcerated, and ns the disease takes n deeper hold and the blood becomes more thoroughly Infected, the hair and eyebrows drop out, the skin is , spotted with copper-cof- ored splotches, the bon .and muMles ache and it seems to the victim ot i ,'fhe horror of thin awful disease can never be told. 1 ho one who con tracts it sulTcrs in body and mind, nnd if the polstfu is not eradicated transmits the taint to his children, aud Contagious Blood Poison thus becomes responsible for many of the ills of childhood Skin Kruptlons, Catarrhal Troubles, Sore IJyes, Scalp Disease, White Swelling, Scrofula and others just as bad. S. S. S., the great vegetable blood purifier nnd Ionic, Jms long been recognized ns a. radical nnd safe cure for Contagious Wood Poison, It counteracts tho deadly virus and cleanses and puri fies the diseased blood, and under its tonic effects the rrcueral health im proves and soon all signs of blood poison are gone. Tho strong mineral lire so often prescribed lor the disease, I ait external signs, urn leave me stomach you book, describing the different stages directions lor treating one's sen at nonte. lotonuatlou or advice wanted tree of charge. At id Mountain House. Mil Jnrk mill I he yomnf widow went Jji tin) dirwiii Irnut (IMiIiik thin morn-Itilf. Amy 1 ex, mill J wk (nryol lo ln'i '''!" m iiy. ' Hint ilrtr-nii't irtiiller. I iimmi ti.. hoymiy u... ) wiiv is lly '"'"" chicii,ii nu. wh.V Nonary. "Hcro' nn .uilctij for women," l" wild, "on 'How to Muku Yoilrtolf Mi ""llvu lo n Man,' " 'Ikjom or iiftor innrrliiuru?" elm In- , qiilri'il, llilnklinf It nn iihoul time lo ii .V. ilftlTi Of (1HIIH), 111' rt'lllll'll proinplly. "So woman tho knnck until uflrr nlio'H marrli'il, o ilutilit lie hum, in, c)i(- wild, ' nifiiiuilil lliiiiK," Now YorUTImiD. Uolllfn will Ki )l, IVIii.low'n H,mll.lii( rnii Ihn tt-t icimJr lu un lur llielr ilillilrii, lit Utlliluv MH.UU, Mo Kick Coinlni;, Mr, Itoxe TIiIh portrait ilwnn'tlook llko my wlfo at all, Arllnl I know It iIoohii'I, hut It looki, lllui rliti tlilnkx olio looko. Juilgo. Trylnir'Tlnict. "It inimt ho very trying for a inodent Klrl," lie remarked. "Why?" oho miked. "Him eannot turn from tho imkeil truth without riniiiliiK Into n 'lmro He. now it noes. iius is an oiiravngnni ago. .iiy iiiwiur imu n imicii iieuer iiicomo iiiuii I liaye, yet I( spciul dollars whom ho All, )es, )im intuit at tho wiloon. Cloi llnou.h. First Cat Wllllo I'liwy and Tommy J;nS" homes of tbo ancestors of Klttlohudo mllk.ilrlnkliig contest last I'rnnklln and Washington are of espo iiK,t, clal Interest to American readers. Kocoiul Cat Which lieal? Mrs. Wharton's slory, "Hancttiary," I'lrst Cat Tommy Kittle, by a lap. ,tho flrnt work of any length which sbo ' has published nlnco "Tho Valley of Dc- lMso's Curs U nunrt courh iiediclne. clslon," deals with a psychological sit mVT,irS'Cgu,;ace., '0r ,rl,1 nation of n most Interesllng and novel jklnd, arising from a question of hered- Tcttlag a New llncuic. lly and covering two periods a genera- "Say, old man, let's go out and havo a time tonight." "What are you celebrating?" "I'vo Just thought out a new cxcuko to mention to my wife." Hurper's "nInar Quite True. "Kf nomo young men," said Uncle Kbcn, "was as Industrious addln' up ....r. In .,1. ....... n. .1.... I. I..' ..-.., ... v n ... ...J in ros on policy nllw, I reckons dey'U bo savin' money." Washington Star, I'rt ilJent Dlsi'n Costly Ssddle. Col. Cortina of tho Mexican army has presented rreshleiit Dliu with a ernry American family. John Illgolow saddlo that cost t-0,000. Tho colonel wan our minister to France and exec has njient seven years miiMjrinlcndlng utor and trustee of Samuel J. Tllden. Its production. , Otto of bis sons Is I'oultuey Illgelow, Locr Is Dumb, Nell So tho engagement Is broken off? Hello Yes. It seems alio told him one evening that sho wasn't half livitu- tlful enough to bo his wife, and ho didn't deny her statement miick enough to suit her. l'htladelpbhi l'ress. Wyndhsm and Duval. During a recent debato In tho houso of commons on tho Irish land bill an opiKiiii'iit of that measure referred to Mr. ttyndbam, chief secretary for Ire land, who Is very handsome, ns a charming higliuayuian who was rob bing tho Hrltieh taxpayer. Ills critic applied to tho chief secretary tho epi taph on Uluinl Duval in Uovont Harden church: "Hero lies Duval. Header. If male thou art, look on thy purto; if female, to thy heart." Comes to America to Learn. Dr. Itell-ario Pasa, a prominent sur geon of Lima, l'eru, has started for New lork to study tin, latest advances in medicluo and surgery and then re- ort his observations. The Difference. MIbs Languish Mercyl You don't mean to say you destroy all your love letters! I savo mine religiously. ' Miss Pertly Of course; hut, then, ynu know it makes a difference whero ono has only a few. Uoston Trans cript. AS HAD ALZt THE SYMPTOMS. DertrBlrei AanroauHof aaerloun blood disorder my blood became poisoned nnd I Buf fered aeverely with Itheumatlam and other symptoms not ueooaeary to men tion, A friend of mine told me that ha had been cured of my trouble by U. a. U and upon his reoommendatlou I began Its uae. After ualngr It tor aoms time my blood waa thoroughly oleanaed of all poison and mad pura and strong; again- I wlah alao to apeak of Ite tonla prop. Sertiee. While nursing- my blood of inpurltlee, It built up ray central lealth, Improved my apppttte, gava mo noreaaed strongth, and I felt better in every way, lam a great bellaver In 8.B. 8., and with pleasure oommend It to alt lu heed oxaoiooa xneaioiue. erv trulv. 000 Walnut bt., Iisbanon, 1'a. remedies, Mercury and Potash, which dry up the sores, skin eruptions and anu ingestion ruincu unit uic system it. such condition that the disease usually returns in worse form than ever. 8. S. S. is guaranteed n purely vegeta ble remedy, f t,ooo is offered for proof that it contains a single mineral ingredient. If have blood poison write for our special and giving all the symptoms, with uur puysiciaus ynu jurmsu any Mr, Morlpy'H "Life of William iKwart Ohnlslotio" 1 now In IU twentieth thousand. cur,.j tlm American cilltlon'of "Htoven- lonlniitt," liy X A. Ilntntncrton. , .. .. ... ... . ... . ' ' " " 1 Imniltifc' n limited largo paper edition of Klnlio'ii "Duteli nnd Qliakur ColoultH1' In III llliiHlrutcd form. I MIm Helen ICellcr'ii flrnt eay In or IkIumI nml Independent authomhlp In tliortly to appear In n volumo entitled "Opllmlmn," wlilrti I now In proeeB of pulillcallou liy T. Y. Crowcll & Co. I John r.nno announced a beautiful now edition of "Tho Ucfenno of duo lieverii mid Oilier I'ocm"," by William MorrlK, lllimtralcd by Jeralo M. KIiik, whoso admirable lino drawlni; havo been reproduced with reinarkablo del Iracy. 'Tlio Hook of Children' I'artlci," by Mnry and Hani White, gives In con rciilent form descriptions of parlies for tlio. different mouths of the rear, wltli a great number of games and niany Illustrations from photograpbs slid drawings. A nc,v nnd nrcej edition of "Tho Inn()i ,IHUOr,d ,,y tho 8crluncrg, Tho new matter and Illustrations ou tlio tlon apart. Hurra Is lo bo yet another posthu- ', book by Hlr Walter Ilenant. It , ,0 1)0 volumo of essays and will bo mitIl.,i ..A, Wo Arc nnd As Wo May ! Ilo." Tho essays will set forth tho author's plans for the Improvement of the condition of the poor. Kven If they prove to bo lens priictlc.il than his "I'nlaco of Delight." they will be sure , . , ..,, , ,,. ... .,, " "v """"" """" " i"0". The publication of n second edition ' of John Illgelow's ".Mystery of Kleep" draws renewed attention to a very lit- the third volume of whoso "History of tho (icrinan .Struggle for Liberty," bus Just been published 'by the Harpers. Another son, John Illgelow, Jr., wiotu "Itemliilsecuces of tho Hantlago Cam paign." This Is the family's record for authorship thus far. MONTANA'S 8HEEP FLOCKS. Vlelit of ,Ynnl tin, I.nst Hcasou Was :n,r.uo,ono l-onmis. The State of Montana In the wool seiiKon of ltw;i produced, according to the itlmate prepared by Btate olll clnls, aT.rjKl.OCO imunds of wool fn.m the hacks of 1J,.'.0J,(0J slucp. F t this wool Fnktirn buyers paid 5(!,X,0,UW, au avirageof HI cents 11 pound. Few peo ple have any couccptlju of what Is meant when It Is said that there aro 11!, O.UOO sheep within the limits of the State. There Is not a single Stale cast of tho Mississippi In which this gigan tic Hock could graze, says the lioston Transcript. If the U'.r.OO.OOO sheep of Montana were to march nose to tall, crowding (sell other, they would make a line 10,000 miles long, or nearly half way round the earth. This Hue, In clnglo 111c, would be about l.V) days lu pass ing a given point. These sheep oro worlh ?10O,OCO,O0O as they walk the range, aud their flesh would bring JH.IO.COO.OOO for food. Their mutton would feed ono man 2,f.00,000 ycais, or If 1,'JSO people had started to con- sumo It at the time of the birth of Christ they would have some left. I The mutton would feed l!,GOO,O0O ' people on moat for a year, or, allowing tho averago percentage of mutton to. to venture that the Idea of a Penn rach family, It would mote than supply I sylvonhi man for a buttonhole cutting this nation n year. The wcol yielded scissors will develop Into a wonderful by this llock of sheep would mako nld to all thoso dressmakers and oth 15,000,000 suits of men's clothes. Mado ers luto whoso hands It may fall, In cloth of ordinary texture It would There have been buttonhole-cutting form a band a quarter of a mile wldo scissors before, It Is true, but here Is and moro than long enough to bo nn affair that combines an ordinary wound nbout the earth at the equator, pair of scissors with ono that will It would make a carpet on which an army might maneuver. Haled, this wool would fill 3,750 freight cars, or a train nearly forty miles long. U he United States navy could not transport It and an army of 50,000 men might tight behind Its bales nn'd bo eafo from the ordinary small ,r,. Tue silc.0p 0f Montana. If horded Bi10Mer to shoulder ono deep, would mnUe front Di00o miles long. Herded , ,ooso formiltOIli nowlK room to move rapidly, they would cover an area of eight square miles. Allowed to breed In a favorable cli mate theso sheep would become 50, COO.OCO In tho course of a year, cr 0,7O7,'.W,O0O,COO at the end of ten years. Hut man eats ninny of tlietn annually and disease nnd blizzards curry off many more. It Is ostium'' d that .1.000,0(10 Montana sherp peilshed Inside of four days lu n bllzzaul which swept tho Northwest last whiter. City Men In n Quandary. A Now York man tells of two green youths of his neqiialntuiico who, hav ing hired a horso nnd trap for a day's outing, found thomselves nt tho clo30 ot tho expedition confronted with the bowllderlug problem of rehariuHjilng tlio nnlninl. The hit proved their chief ulHlculty, for tho horso mado uo re pponso whatever (o their overtures. "Well, there's nothing for It but lo wait," snld one. "Walt for whirr" grumbled' thn other, "For tho horse to ynwn," replied his cnnp.iiil u liven tho stieuuoiis po t ha moments. A racing ittttoinob L llcctlng fa mo. ABUSE QEflMAN SOLDIERS. 1'rlvnlcs Aro Trenteil with the Oro.it fit Imtlaiiltr lr Tlielr (fllrer. Tbcro havo icecntly been n food ninny convictions of flcrnmn army ofllcors for nbune of mllltniy authority In (lie trifil nifij t of suburilliinli' inn) have recently been cxcllliiK painful at tention. Nlni'o January 1. 1W1. tin-re linvo been 1WJ convictions of ufn ors mill lion commissioned o.Hie;. for cruelty to tliolr men, mid the sentences of Imprisonment or Insmcerntkn In a fortress which Imvo been Imposed nmount, wlicn milled tnxcllicr, to orcr fifty yearn, lletwcen llio cml of Juno 'nml Ilm otnl nt K,ilo,nlinr II.om. i o owe Ihnr, , , ly ,Vte ton. " k'"1'- Involving noiitem-ea of lniprlioninont tlio total Iitiiih of wlilcli iiiiiuiiiiivu io over iwuiny-ioor jenrB, to nay nothing of condemn'! tloun in volving Incarceration In a forlren. degradation and other penaltlrfi, i:ieven of thene eighty convictions were ngnlnnt olllcem and hh their pun- UhmcntM varied between four montlm' Incarceration In a fortress anil seven days' ordinary arrest It la naaunird that their oiTimibcs wcro not of sui'li a hellions character an those of tlio iion-commlstiloned offlcer,. In one casv, however, on olllcer wa nentenced two monllis' Iniprlsoniiient and was dlamlssod from tho nervlee- The heovl est sentence waa that vviiTcli was Im- posed upon tho non-commissioned oin rcr iirrlilpnlinrli. r tlm I'ourtli Cnnnls regiment, who was condemned to eight years' lmpriHoiiment for a very largo number of aggravated cruelties Inillct ed upon tho men of his company. among tho Infantry and artillery; there , lias noon omy one caso in me cavairy. tho largest number of cases were In the Prussian contingent, where tho penalties Inflicted amounted to a total of over twenty-three years' Im prlsoument In Ilavarla and about five months lu Saxony. It must be rciuein bcrcd, however, that the Prussian con Ungent represents more than three fourths of the whole strength of the German army. DE8TINY OF HUMAN SOULS. Theory That the Spirits of llepruved Sten I'ass Into the Jfeast, Are tho bodies of animals Inhabited by the souls of human villains dead and gone? Don't sneer too hastily at tho question, for If It should be an swered Anally In the uegatlve science Is at a loss to account for the utter depravity of the animals. It Is ap parent to the dullest observer that dumb beasts exercise a malign Influ ence over man. Think of the tempers ruined by cows that have kicked over half-filled palls of milk. Think of the reputations for truth that have been destroyed by trout Think of the bon esty that has been turned Into deceit by the horse, so that they who trade In that animal arc bywords among the'r less sorely tempted brethren. Think of the Indefinite prolongation of IUU list that might be made aud then con sider If animals are or are not ani mated by tho souls of human wretches that have passed away. Some such theory must be accepted and It Is not open to doubt that rea sonablo people will accept this: Tho souls of the wicked are condemned to pass Into animals and to slay there until they have discovered prospective tenants worse than themsclrcs. This theory explains everything. The liars Inhabit fish, tho tricksters horses and those given to butting in become goats. In the attempt to end their tenitney by finding suitable successors the evil spirits resort to temptation. with, alas! unfailing success. The half pound trout dropping off the hook Haps his tnll lu ecstatic certainty that the angler will proclaim him a five-pound cr at least And the look of human anticipation on the faco of a goat about to knock some unsuspecting per son Into a barbed wire fence can only proceed from tlio knowledge that th resultant explosion will lower auothcr soul Into the mire as a stepping stone for himself. Tho theory Is Irrefutable and Its general acceptance would help the world to a higher plane. Portland Oregonlan. UNIQUE BUTTONHOLE CUTTER. Some of the most simple Ideas of the lnrcutlvo genius have proven of tho most value, to humanity, and It Is safe EUTTOSllOLli CUTTER. make tho llttlo silts ,ln the cloth and will avert, nil necessity for laying down ono of tho tools of seamstress' art for tho piecing up of another, Tlds nrrangemont, which Is mado plain by tho accompanying picture, consists of a pair of Bdssors which can bo used la ordinary cutting, to tho IiaudlQ of which Is nfUxcd n peculiarly shaped cutting blado which will do tho buttonhole work In an Instant when tho cloth Is placed beneath It. Thero Is no danker of Its being mis laid or lost, for tlie worker has It over before her, as sho (Iocs tho other cut ling necessary In horSwork. It Isn't nlwnys tho limg-biilicd man tvh.0 bus tho most hrutus, Wise Old Man. Methuselah was showing his friend around tho prtmilsvs, "7nd what In that vast warehouse for?t' asked I ho friend. "Oh, that Is to eloro my birthday presents In," replied (he old man. Tlltis we nvc that a green old ngo lias Its advantage. TITO r'm"wiM uiim. no flti or nrvtmntA r 1 1 u nt firx day's swurtir.K llm'sllnst Utrrt JlMtnrir. Knil fur rr2 trial Ivtlliuw1tfttb Dr. II. II. Kile,-, I.M .mil Ar:b HI . rbin&lptols, I.'nlerprlne and Caullon. "I shall gut thlo," rjuotlr Enter prise, eon Aden tly. "When-?" BSksil Caution. Here Knterprlse ltwel a withering look upon her laggard ftfotar. "At to that I know nothing," nht ropllod, haughtily; "further than tl at, when I get I here it will l somewhere else." Detroit Vree Pre. IllMr-u T1JIST fFe odr Oae Hundred bollsrt Itewerd for ant tue ol Caturrti trial can not kteurwi br Ball) Catarrh cure. K. ). CHENKV 4Co.,I'rops.,Toldo,0. We the undersigned. har knonn F.J. Chen et forth" pa-tl r-er, and brllere him perfect;; honirnbie In all bulnee trarmatlfn and an anclallr ai.le I" carry out anjr oMJfailoca wadf vj iani i I in. , WW A Tnl-ix. Wholesale hriigflttt, Tr.ledo, Waldiks Kihkik A Minns', Wholaaslo hrnsrmaii. Tolrtto. n. IlaU'a Catarrh (Jare tl taken lntrnallr.arUns nlrtcllf on the UrxM and rnticmin inrfnf-fof he iymem. I'ttce 76r p r hottle. Sold by aU liafl'a t amllr Pills are the test Illame All Upon the Herrle. A small parishioner in Aberdeen brought a lrasket of strawberries to the minister very early on Monday morn Ing. "Thank you, my little girl," he said, "they aro very beautiful berrief. Hut I hojie you didn't gather them yes terday, which was the Sebbath day?" "No, sir," replied the child, "I picked them this morning. Hut the? was growin' all day yesterday." Stray stories. Too Suggestive. "That new waltraw must go," said tho landlord of tho select bonnllnp llOUFC. "What has sho dono?" "Why, when she was to ask tin guests if they would havo tea or coffet she said, 'Name ycr drink order.' " Chicago Hocord-IIerald. Pcrrr Clothes. Paper clothes are the latest novelty. A Hcrlin tailoring house is now offcrinii complete paper suits for $2.50, Tin prosiiectus gives full instructions foi measuring one's self, and the firm als advertises in foreign journals, evident) expecting to do an export business. J he material is woven and pressed, of 8 dark cieam color, and apparently nol very light. World's Paper Trade Ke- view. Childish Amusements In Boston "Aro you going to play horse?" asked the benevolent gentleman wht takes an interest in children. "Certainly not," answered tho little Boston boy. "Wo aro amusing our selves by tho assumption that brothci 1 aldo Is an ichthyosaurus and that 1 am a prehistoric man in pursuit ol him. Washington Star. At 2 la the Morn In jr. "Seen the comet?" "Nope. No uso to me. My wife never asks mo for any excuses.' Cleveland Plain Dealer. Wood Paws. t)ra? t-awa run bv steam nr tram line engines. Also the latftftt In law tnlll mn. chlnery, slump pullers, well drilling machin ery, etc., etc. rue ,or yuur neeua. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Toot of Morrl.on Street Portland Orecon TtMtctkf.' itarffiruftr u.cfl,tdfu.ana( Um niu.IOM.jalu tla wi llolaig-d I'llltUw, of WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY of EnglM,, Cloirrirlir, Oeofrtfy, FtcttoB, Euk TTrcful. Reliable. Attractive. Lasting. The New Edition Ilaa 23,000 New Words Now Oaietteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary tSSOrsffM, tW Illutrstloai. Rich Madias. Why Not Civs Some Cns This Uteful Present? FREE "ATeatln rrononchttlon." laMruclua and nttrtaluin.i Uw tha twl lamOy. llluatrattj pamplart alio tit, O. & 0. MERRTAM CO.. Putlllheri, Sprlngfteld, Mn, u. S. A. dont :? tASK YOUS DEAIED FOD THE. MADE PAMOU5 BY A DEPUTATION EXTENDING OVED MODE THANrtg HALF A CEMTUBY. 'TOWER'5 r,rmntj and' ,?5i flj 6re "lade of the best I i-i maMnali In blach or ytllow rf J for ell kinds of wet work. ' ' ' J3AalON u cuxpaktied if you sna io .THE SIGN OP THE FISH. ... A. J. TOWER CO.. BOSTON. HASVU 4". A. ITOWtO CANADIAN Ca.tli..J TOROMIO I CAM (kI IiaTe been troubled a crreat deal With at torpid liver, which produces constipa tion. I found CASCA RUTS to be all you claim for them, ana secured such relief the DM trial, that I purchased another aupply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rco ommeud Casoareta whenever the opportunity Is presented." J. A. Smitu. 3usquenanna Ave., I'uimaoipuia, ra. Ptaaaant. Palatahla. l-nrant. n-a.la nm, na Good, Nerer Blctea. Weaken, or Qrlre. IDa, Vx, Wo. ,. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lUrllal K..af CaMSaay, CSU.fa, Haatr.al, haw Tarh. 52fl Uft Tfft II AO Bold and sitsrnnteed by all drug, flu-1 U-tlAU UU to CUUKTOhaooo llatlu Laiw imt jrtZSHS!k. 0 CATHARTIC jt S( tbaoi mass Rioiartaeo gf I5l Best Oougli Bjrup. VutesUood. Usa Pri VJ la tlm. Bold br druaiilata. pfif Coughed "1 had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and I grew Very thin. I then tried Aycr's Cherry PectorsI, tnd was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do. We knbw It's the great est cough remedy ever made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's curcinevcrydrop. Thru sins I Jk., He. It. Alt rtjl!. Consult -yoor doctor. If he says tslts It, then At as he say. If fie tells you not to take It, then dvn't una It. Ho knows. JSTO Itwiin runt. n.r.wHnn, J. c AYBK co.. Lowell, Uses. Tnrrirs-rrmsrtnwrTitii 1 1 eti etarr-y As It Sometimes Happens. "How pretty SIIss Govius looks in whitol Who is that girl standing near her, with the big, red hands?" "That's her sister. She washes and Irons Miss Govius' gowns." Chicago Tribune. Cold Beauty. Towne Wlmt a haughty creature she is. She has rather a foreign look, hasn't she? Hrowne Yea; but I'm sure she's from Boston. Her namo is Kleberg. Philadelphia Press. 'X'lie Kind You Havo Always ISouht litis borno tho signa ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and lias been made imdcr his personal supervision for over SO ysprs. Allow no ono to decelvo you in tills. Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-fTood " arc but Experiments, and endanger tlio licalth of Children Experience against Kxpcrinicnta IS Castorinv Is a liannless substitute- for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Sootlilnpf Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Knrcotla substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Kcvcrlslmcss. It cures Dlarrhaja and AVInd Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tlio Stomach and JJowels, giving Healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend. The KM Yoii Have Always Bought Bears tho Use For NOTIIINQ SO GOOD FfZUSSIASV In !kei Hcoa Lar tad Kce?i them lajrfnr Corel Cholera, Roup and til Diii. It Strenttteoi Yoiinx Chick! and Helpi Them Crow. WOULDN'T BE WITHOUT IT. Cb". Lck, RoiaIIo, wh. uT lie Motil'ln't b without ITuhUd i'oultrr Food. PRODUCES Glees. n trg rroJacer inic!an Poultry Food bu do iuU--H. LI i'aynsj, r&lu TliW, Ohio. rnu-Ua Poyllry Book, FREE. PCbia lirxiDT Co., St. ro1, 11 lan, 5snd 50c nt .'(JUTLAND SUVA CO., Send for Special Circular Portland, - - - oreqon SPOKANI3 S13ATTLE3 BOISE SAUniM MCDFORO WE HAVE FEELINGS AS WELL AS YOU Dr. W. A. Wise has found a f a'o and absolutely palulu way of ex tracting teeth, and his 17 years' ez iertence In plate wort enable him to flt mouths comfortably with any Und of false teeth wauted. Dr. T. P. Wis Is an expert at crown and bridge wort aud sold UlUuff. WISE BROS., Dentists, PIANOS AND A store full of perfect beauties de signed expressly fcr the holiday tride Jl Jl J Ol Jl . The same low prices and reasonable ..terms of monthly 'payments prevail now that do at all other times at our stcre. Write us fcr cata logues and pric:s. Christmas delivery when desired o Stores 35J Washington Street, corner Park, Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle, Washington, San Fran:Uco and Sacramcnto,Cal IT A TtTTTTrt ry msn nr woman so In. W ArilJL.L rllil to lesrn ilte liaroei trade A lilrfllitModrllpatlon, eood wsees,esjs(nlMm,mntaiii prsetlcs. 1 at niethnl Is rui.l anil the ui lus nJlBl tMUlrrd ihs best ivieslWs to sire TatisBeiTr rSmlts, Writ Aw full tiirltnnars In I Me AMHIllUAM UsitnKn Cl.l.KUH (Inc.), U Rvarall U i u.tianii, ..raTtn. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY Ho Cato Eilsts It Will Not Curs L.N.ROSENBAUM Kotity Public Altorneytat-Law , Pension Attlprncy Solicitor of Patents Pliontei Sunsel, Main J3S9 Ind., A 186X) 301 Ntw York Block SEATTLE, WASH., U. S. A. MEET ALL. MEEDS Ezprrlenro his estnMtshod It as a fact. Buld t roll do i rs. You sow they crow. iso Seed Annual postpaid tree to all ap plicunts. D. FEnRY & CO. Wl DETROIT, MICH. pwgvw-jri. . ...AfBiraaasStlsaaM P. N. U. No 50 1 00 J. TV II EN writing to ad ertl sera pleas I i r mention this paper. Signaturo of Over 30 Years. FOR CHICKENS Afl TUT POULTRY Portland, Or. Cuuit Acenta. Sanders Disk Plow Simplest ul roost perfect tnale. Before you Five your orUer for a Diss I'low be mre to ex amine the Sanderi. for sale by the old reli able house ot mitciiell.Lewis&Staver Co., 'ga';2'.'oR3K" ORGANS Largest, finest collection ever shown at., any, season of the year; , 'fy J SLURS ' PIANO HOUSli'K largest, leading, most popular and reliable plana concern on the Pacific coast J J IHE SWIFTSPEGinO CO,, ATLANTA, CA$ '