Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 11, 1903, Image 6

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Editor and Basin Manager.
I.tar.4 Ik. Mkfflc. at Ctlr nrnit,
Or.fon at imd4 ratll ailUr-l
TIU8 PATER li kept on al t K. C. make's
AT(rtUln( Acsncr, 4 tnd 64 Merchants Es
.kani., Ban Frtncl, CallloroU. nfcinw
irartilor .tlrettlilnr c.n U in.ile (or It.
Friday, Decbmbhr it, 1903.
The little Nation of Columbia in
Iter statement that she would fight
America over Panama shows very
poor judgment even though she
may display a small amount of in
herent bravery. Columbia has
been very unwise. The canal
treaty was negotiated with Colum
bia partly under the dictates of
Francejand England, and the United
States through a desire to do the
most good for the greatest number
of people conceded several points
that subjected here to severe criti
cism and Columbia had a full hand
in the deal and played as she de
sired and certainly would have re
ceived more than two canals like
the Panama were worth had she
ratified the treaty she helped to
make. In her refusal she not only
showed poor business judgment but
insulted Panama and failed to grasp
an opportunity that would have
placed her far above her sister re
publics in point of opportunity
with the greatest nation on earth
at her back. Now she sees the
lest opportunity. Panama has
successfully seceeded and Columbia
comes to America with a bribe.
"You keep out of the quarrel Uncle
Sam, and let me severely spank
Panama and make her return home
and I will make you a present of
the canal." Uncle Sam is just a
little too big hearted to accept the
bribe ma Columbia will have to
keep quiet. Panama has been rec
ognized as a republic, made a
treaty with the United States and
now stands as an independent na
tion and Uncle Sam says "hands
Their Business Detrimental to
to the Development of Prop
erties Whose Stocks are not
iS Grocery Store
Absolutely Pure
Wo have repeatedly explained
our position in regard to cut rate
brokers. We are always prepared
to hear the other side of any ques
tion, dealt with in these columns,
and gladly give any legitimate
criticism or argument, our earnest
consideration. For this reason, we
are verv nlenspd to note the follow
ing from a subscriber on the sub- no money which will actually go
jectof "Cut Rate Brokers". He into the companies' treasuries fur
says: 1 ucvciopnicui huh (.-tjuiiHiicui ur
"Why always jump 011 the Cutiposes. 1
Rate Broker? What would the in-1 The dealing by Cut Rate Brokers I
vestor do without him? I believe shares of companies winch Have
.i. r.. y, . r 1 ' : rritl,rtm,v tlieir trnnrv srinres
iuc ul nuic i)Ukcr ia just us
necessary as the "Strike Breaker".
For instance, I bought a number
of shares in the , , and
a number of other companies, as an
investment. Matters took such a
turn I needed money,
ing advertised at $150 a
I tried to sell, only to and there
were no buyers, as there was no
market. Hence my only course
is the plnce to
your groceries.
Everything is clean,
new, fresh and of first
grade quality.
Require no Breaking in. The Cushion is a
Non.conluctt'f of either Heat or Cold, and will
keep the Keet at a Natural Tcinpcrture.
FOR WOfl EN $3.50
When walking or standing the wearer of the
"Acme" Cushion Shoes conscious of a delightful
sensation of buoyancy And does not tire us in tin
ordinary shoe.
We are Sole AjjentK.
withdrawn their treasury shares
from the matket is all right pro-1
vided, of course, proper investlga-,
tion is first conducted by the pur
chaser of these shares. The trad-1
inc in stocks of companies not vet
be. 'financed, we hold, is harmful to
thousand, 'hose companies anil harmlulto the
innusiry as a wuoie.
was to go to the Cut Rate Broker.
The fact is the Cut Rate Broker is
the outlet for unlisted
otherwise the holder of unlisted
stocks would be tied
That every one who tries Kennedy
Clmlu l.hrlitiilni; (or rheumatism,
.tvL-.t-! neuralgia, diarrhoea mid all other
I , I ,, fl,,,... ... Ml lltu. 111!
other liniment, for the reason it given
Instant relief, anil it hihimi.v cure lol
It is announced that the South
ern Pacific Co. will undertake to
see that Oregon's industries do not
hereafter suffer from a car famine.
The people along the line of South
en Pacific in this state are abso
lutely dependent uton the road for
the removal of their products 10 the
"To be sure, he is always selliuc i lows. Ask your tirtiKKkt for Ken-
less than the company, but ifibuy ,"?;'-'8 v,.'", " i,K ,,T'r. S "!'
at a cent, and the broker can sell lmw .'orviron. for fist testimonial.
and clear me five cents net, can I j For sale by all ilrii(rKlti.
be blamed for taking a big profit? 1 .- -
The Cut Rate Broker is all right, j REVOLUTION IMMINENT..
We need him. The pawnbroker is 1 A sure sign of approaching revolt mid
held in bad repute, yet he has beeu I serious trouble in your system is nerv
the means of saving man) .' , ".anet, 'fei'lf'"'-". or stonmch up-
. . ; ,. sets. Kleetnc liitters will iiim-klv dis-
Our correspondent charges hts tnemhcr tIP troublesome causes. It
forced realization to matters taking never fulls to tone the stomach, regulate
such a turu he needed the money. ' the Kidneys and liowtl., stimulate the
Invariably the Cut Rate Broker! Uver.aij.l clwrlfr the blood Itunjlown
1 t - . j r j r systems beiielit particularly and all the
charges hts trades to forced real-za- ., atlvmUnc Aches vanish under its
tion, on the part of hts clients, arid searchim: and thorough eflectivenes.
not iufreauentlv the man who sells Electite Bitters is only 50c, and that is
offers the same excuse. The fact
Benson s
Pacific Timber Co.
I'lidcr Odd Fellow's Hall
(Jot (ago G rovt Oreejou.
The Acme Turn
Is showing
line of
this week
WALL PAl'ttlt
get our prices before making: I
your purchases.
Our line of l)rup. I'alnta mid
SuudrlcH In complete. We hove all '
of the lateat
Successor to J. 1'. Currln.
remains that the Cut Rate Broker
encourages speculation, and conse
quently men buy unlisted stocks
lor the purpose of making a specu
lation charging their selliutr to
forced realization, but contentedly
pocketing their profits gained at
the expense of other stockholders.
How many of these forced realiza
tions result, as they rightfully
j should, in loss to the realizer?
If there were 110 Lut Rate
m rket aud, while the prodiiciri : Brokers, shareholders would take a $1.00.
suffers materially from such con- keener interest in the affairs of tlieir 1
ditions as have existed throuchont I company, and work mote for the
returned if it dun t true perfect satis
faction. Guaranteed by Morgan
haut Druggist.
"I w as much atllictcd with sciatica,"
writes Ed C Nud, lowaville, Sfilgwkk
Co.. Kan., ' going about oncrutches and
suffer ng a deal of pain. I was induced
to try Dullard' Snow Liniment, which
relieved me. I used three 60u bottles'
It is the greatest liniment I ever used ; '
have recommended it to a number of
persons; all expiesn tlieuiM-lves as being J
benelitted by it. I uo.v walk without t
crutches, able tn 'rfnrm great ileal ol ' .
niriit lanor nn tiic rami. .m-, fv, z
New bra frog Store,
I gcmrai Rotei
located two block went
5 11111I one block north of 2
theS. I. Depot
sCarge Rooms f
Well ventilated well fur-
J nlnlied ami flrxt-cluxx In J
every particular e
! Rates $l.pcr day!
Board bv the week ?4 M ?
J without lieil iit.M per 2
a week. Itcnifiuhcr tin' a
place. The lient tiiblen
nnd the lant IhhIh, the
llent IICCOIIIIIOllutliiIH In
every paitivillar.
Woods has it for Less"
Wet Weather Shoes
the great timber belt for the past
f jur mouths, it is certainly true that
they have -suffered no greater
loss than the railroad company.
To cripple the industries along its
lines means' simply that capital will
withdraw from the district and go
onto the Great Northern or North
ern Pacific where they prevent car
far famines, consequently one can
hardly believe that it is contrariness
on the part of the Southern Pacific
and the fact that they are endeavor
ing to prevent the recurrence of the
present condition would make one
believe they mean to do the square
thing in the future.
A very noticeable fearture of the
mining industry is that work is
continuing tde same this winter as
during the past summer. Hereto
fore when winter with its heavy
snow fall in the mountains came all
but a few of the miners immedi
areiy sought shelter in the warm
valley below; especially was this
true of Bohemia. This winter.
however, the mining continues in
old Bohemia just the same and ex
cepting work on the roads activity
is as noticeaoie 111 me district as
heretofore. Capital has been at
tracted to Bohemia and plenty of
money is on hand to continue the
work and with the new railway the
transportation of supplies is much
. easier. The great amount of work
being done this winter will make a
wonderful showing to those who
visit the district next summer when
the snow is all gone. Several of
the companies installed machinery
tins lull and will be stamping out
the yellow metal ere summer comes
ngain, in quantities that will sur
prise even the most optimistic,
common good of all shareholders.
When attacked with cold feet, in
other business ventures, experience
teaches the necessity of getting
down and pushing harder. The
I Central Sjoicl
Take ft double iIoah nf Plinmlirliilri'M
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , Mrs- Ida Thompson .
as soon as the first indication of the ilis- I NtoritlKritlM.
ease appears and a thieatened attack 1 SaQaieiOBHPCBeioanaaai
may oe warueu ou. -llumlreda oil
inrcesstiil merchnnt it not lie who ' PJ'10 use "le remedy in this way wi.lh-1
successiui mercmuil is not tie n ho 811cce8S Kor sale by New Era!
unloads upon his partner at the Drug Store. I
lirst attack ol cola teet, caused by i
temporary reverses, or other dis- LOST.
couraRtng lactors. idc same a pair of silver mounted
effect is felt by the partner if the KlaaseH, Finder please return
ells at a sacrifice to 1
The City Council commenced
Tuesday the work of removing the
mud irom Alain street and certainly
none too soon as it had become so
bad that people walking on the
sidewalks were daily and hourly
receiving mud showers from the
horses hoofs as they traveled up
ana uown me beautuui" thor
oughfare. Mam and Wall street
are both well macadamized and but
little effort is necessary to keep
them clean, it is noped t eenort
will be a clean success.
The powers that be at Washing
ton are drawing some exceedingly
fine ljncs of late. Secretary
Hitchcock declines to reinstate
Thompson ns register of the La
Grande land office, on the ground
that the indictment indicated that
"something was wrong." On the
other hand the United States At
torney General appoihts a jail bird,
just out of a prison cell, to assist in
the prosecution of the alleged laud
frauds In Oregon. Kiue line, these.
timid member sells
some one else and the merchant
has no Cut Rate Broker to fly to.
Why, then, should thei share
holder in a mining company have
so little concern or interest in the
welfare of others?
The listed securites are subject to
manipulation. They are specula
tive, and in some xespects supply
the want of an out and out gam
bier. Unlisted securities are not
designed ns speculative, and manip
ulation in them can only be charac
terized as unscrupulous. Manipu
lation in them can only be the re
sult of taking undue advantage of
inside knowledge gained through
or by the controlling interests.
Unlisted securities are designed
as investments. The investor buys I
into them and becomes a partner in
the enterprise. He acquires un in
terest, as he would in any other
business venture, to earn and reap
profits by the legitimate conduct of
the business. When he realizes on
his holdings before the develop
ment 'and equipment period is
reached, before the propo ition is
on d productive and self-supporting
basis, he does,so at the expense of
all other shareholders or partners.
If there were no Cut Rate
Brokers there would be no avenue
through which be could uuload at
other stockholders' expense. The i
Cut Rate Broker encourages such
speculation. Instead of simply in- '
vestors buying unlisted stocks, ,
en.n..t.,n ...,. ,ii :., ti.o.n rr !
aiJtuiaiuia nun uiai 111 iiiwiii. 41 1
the system is encouraged, we main
tain that in the end there will be
ugKet office nnil receive suitable re
Not a minute should be lost when n
child shows RVrniitonifl nf frnnn
Chamberlain's Cough Kemeily givtn as I
soon ns the child becomes hoarse, or
evenairer me crotipy eougn appears,
will prevent the attack. It never fails,
and is pleasant and safe to take. For
sale by New Kra Drug Store.
All accountH due un must positively
be paid by Decemlier 15th, 1903.
'visit DR. JOFIDAN'S oat
Tb lirixiiMwalnl Itmra
In tb Werli. 1
urtaitu aif t tin to as OTA A k
votfUrfut tlgtanr tUUort, 0
IT r h u or ai - oom IrMt.
tba uldml bpvcUJIst ea la FMLfia
'-- r'link we have the best line of wet weather
shoe"! in town. That nmv sound very egotistical
l. in vc Imvc the purchasing puMic to decide that
point. We have the Packard hue, among t which
is virilized shoe made for Railroad men especially.
It is a leather lined shoe and sells at .oo. Just
stop and take a look in our west window. You will
see a 'j shoe showing how the "Old Neptune" is
made. I has n rubber sole between the inner and
outer sole, making it absolutely impossible for
water to penetrate to ones feet from below. Then
between the lining and viimp there is a lining of
oiled canvass to further jiake them waterproof.
They sell everywhere at 54 oo but to get them
started we are asking &)-5o. Came hi and ex
amine the shocsand ask us who arc wearing them
so you can leAm from others what satisfaction they
are giving. We have a complete Hub of the Kant
Rip shoe for working wear. Also the "Hist. 76"
school shoe and the rubber heel, kid lined shoes for
women. We invite inspection of our footwear both
leather aud rubber. Comparison of stock and prices
means your our customer. Yours for good goods
and right prices.
f Hf MA
m w m u 1
When you see It
our ad It's so.
Ttia And
aft ST 1? MaaSaal ha ara
from thi ffecu oi Toothful
' IT rr oui ind pbriica! Ibl
t nmntm
lufftrlng A
.Mul tndt. f
11 mattirtr a
On fatal
j J tl M. VJJ J a. -A. Ulll UM
! Wiliest I
catloiii; fliveriiitfttwrrliwa. riir.
mt VrlNMllar. . U7 combination o(
A liMMArrkncad hU trtmnt IhU It will not A
only aiTfird ItnmedlaU ttlitt, km permanent 7
mtraclM. bat U well known to be a fair ami
tquare I'hrlclan and Surcron. pro-eminent
la hlsprU!tr-DlaAa of 21 en.
wr m m iuorouuir r.uicmivu irom
tba eyeiem without the uieeinretrr.
Tra.Mt fltw bran Expert. KIdlI
re for Hiiplure. A. quick and rodlail
rurt tot rilru, riiiBK and Wltmlm,bj
via vwauBita BWVlaW tatAIia UlfkUVUI,
The Leaders In Low
I a . . .
a. it. Ai,mii..x i'.,.t n... .ii,..( cot . i inruMirurnrtTMTiiirururif FttruiUMtr uMtMifitittf tt riiNtiut rA
UKC nrue, ronll ilia Msrnna ami in in in ill III III 111 ill HI ill III III IH 1 1 1 Hi HI III III III HI III III III III ta
T tuiri. Urine, meet I tlie Mirnnd anil i
inn naiuruajr in earn inoiiui ill rujr nan a, j m
clock p. in. All l'oinrilearc luvltcil loai-i y
I n
. W. MlllHVNOMlfl.
I All peimniH knowing thyiumilvcM
ovvIiik (litrnmn llemi'iiwiiy Co. will
lli;nn cull and m'ttle before Jim. 1st,
KTEBT HAN applrlnctouwlUrecatTal
i raon opinion or biacnmpiaini.
rt'oulU Ounrmlt4 a fOUJTIVJI CtJSM ta I
varhoMrt opinion ot blacnmplalnt.
rt' wtU buanmtu a VOtUTIVM
tverv eoi nuun ,.frl.
tnnwiiauoa niEis an. tmcur pnraia,
7 roaunaul prODallr or ar Hilar.
I At Went Hlilu lutrni'HH hIkii nt oui
bootH nud hIioi'S to iniiku mid ii'Wilr
Looks like Latin, don't it?
If you can't make it .out
come in and we will be hanijv
to expiam it an to you.
Morgan &
Wlio is now employed at Davidson's Jewelry
Store, is a graduate optician, holding a
diploma from the Northern Illinois College
of Opthalmology and Otology, and is a
thorough optician. All work entrusted to
him is guaranteed.
You Can See.
A nice assortment of Silverware in a few
days at ... .
Davidson Jewelry Store.
Ww4t fa Dub AttAnitV AfkW 1
MAIiaiAOC. liiiuirua (AvakubUi
ea ioroin co-iosi uvti cu c r.
TA- O. B A
Advertise in the Nugget.
I'roprletorH of
Where you buy your Hat. There is three
. things to consider in selecting.
Style, Quality and price. I
...The Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and flmmunition
Here is where 25
we are specially 2 '
c(tiipped to help 3
you. 3
.U .1. -U -U .t. .U .j.
f Loaft f eeo
The highest grade of Flour, Feed and Hay
of all kinds, We handle none but absolutely pure
goods of all kinds, and guarantee every pound
Wholesale 6v Retail.
Do not make either large or small purchases without
first examining our goods. Phone Main 293, Call us up ni)d we
will deliver anything you want to any part of the city.
GUedge & Rtgguis.
W. S. Chrisman& Ely Bang's
tfir jy.-.r.). -. ). .). ,i ;. .. ) -f
I'llOI'ltlliTOIW OK
1 1 1
lemon Stables
First Class Turnouts.
Bohemia and Llack Butte Stntre.
Iftllllln nil Q'hitp'a