t'roHlr o.vwtcru' nuy Wmvi. Ilr. l,ov ouiil(M)itlclan Kiikuiio Knwii li'iiiiciiimliH'lKicdliitiMTcmiiH u ,, l,liti Vuvu. , lioilk lii it. o. MmlHcii'H Ioi'.I.'Iii IhIiiiiih prcMuiitH, Oli'iiu wliuut for olilckcn ln-i'lm. uttliu Hour mill. MIhh (Ii-ulmi Clllllclllll will .iiuimiu.v or i.oh aiikoIvh C llurvny l.co,v roliiriicil HiIm week from it Idiik vlxll In ANlorlii. 'iill ut tint Wave for nil kliulN o( IicmIi ciukIIch mill hot hoiIii ilrlnkN. An i'IckiiiiI. line of prrfiiinrH mill tiilloncry, at Ali-H. I). II. Klclil'n liook Htoro. window IW.t fl'Ull l)()c ll'UVO ii -4t jiii,jit(.jiiiU U-ftUji.i,.U.ii.sUJ.jljl,il, jiiJuitjU-iU-jJ STOVJilS & KAJSTG-'JflSi We have just received complete Shipment 0 A IK TIGHT HEATERS Cnll nml Sec Tltcm mid get Prices. Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors. 1 -.1: 4i Mr. HniiHoii unit fu mf l.v nrrlvril Tiii'Miliiy (nun IVnitlcton uml In IuiiiIh Mturllntc 11 liiimilrr. Hit Iimm tii'i'iircii 11 Hiiitiiiilii imiiiiIIiik nml h initlliiK In nil nucvNHar.r (iii'iiIhIiIiiuh TlnitlMH MtroiiK; Ki'i'ilL- In "Horn" lictwcf 11 old limit Allen nml IiIh mm Will. When tlio old mini Hth.'iiipU lo M'l'Htimle Will to iniirrv D0111 thp liuy decllia-M, Hinting tlmt lie ciiiinot to do lli-Mt cIiim work. We liopoi marry her. Tlio old initti who Iiiih Him ftfifinlM nf fViffitiru fl. ...... ...10 1 1...... t ..11 1.1 nntrimUi' tlio nmv mid tmii-li iii-i-iti.il ill ..1 in, , 1,. Wlll'lll H'li ll in III IMIr iulil.il HlVllI llllllllllK" I'llll I' IcIil'H liook nIoi-i1 Tint two nuw IioIIi'ih were In liillnl ut. II10 Ii'iiik mid IIIiikIiiuii I.iiiiiImi' Io'm mill (IiIh wivU. New order of iiptoiliitu novi'lx for tin I'lrt'iilntliiK lllirury wilt nrrlvit for X tiiiiM ill Kuulo Hook Store.. Wniited 11 kiioiI, cnimlili1 wonimi fur iviiernl lioitHework. (irnluim Hotel, Ali-H, l.iiwhmiKli. 1 1 1 It.v ihivIiik: n niiiiiII iimoimt now. II. 0. AIimIhcii will In.v iiHlde.voiir ClirlHtiniiM priMi'iil for yon. i:.fit V rllii or cull upon Medley Ac Allhiu for nuy Inforiiiutloii concerning tlio Inij Inj;, hpIIIiik or renting of property , Iteineinlii'i' tli now Jewelry h(o e. (iiiiii'iiiitivd itoodH uml low pilrert. ('iri-tclinH wntcli i'.iini'liiur uml op- .Medley At Mil ie ate mnklnj; a NpiTiilty of milling itoi'kH, itn.l emi fiii'liMi nil Hie lii'Mt HtoekHal IcnveMt price, MIhh NIiiii OHtrmnler went to Km- 1 Ali-H. llower, motlier of Mr. U-e Hoy WooiIh. urrlveil In ('ilium. drove from Wlchltii, Kiiiihiim Satin- iih 0110 wliow "will Ih law", niiucrl.v reJortM: "Tlmt It a He; why don't you May you won i innrry ner. IJUICIt IIH lltllllfllllltf from t Hit marry her, II ro la tlio ol J. II. Kink, of J'ortlnnd. wno In the city ontxlay liiMt wink 011 IiIh re turn fr( III UnmtH Phmh. .Mr. Kink wiih itutlicrlim caiMplcH for tlio World'H Kalr at St I.oiiIm mill uIno Hiikv'h Hupcrl) iSconle DlMplny anil Ill;.'li 1 Iiimh Speclnltk'H will niipclir at the Opera Hoiiho tonight nml tomor 101V night. The Htory of Hen llur will liu urandlr portrnpeil wltn in five- . . . . . . . w in iru if 1 .111111 1 nil' I 1011 II1MK IT lltl IIHIICl'l (III llf I ll ..1.1 J. .' mi..' .1...... ui ....'7, . ----- lllllLVill. m:i'liurv. 1 no J'uru ninicmi n . ' "' 1 (!" " lr"-rty. I.iiton HOK m, (nnZe ,irtHtn, will appear account of tlio m'veio ralnn wan i 7, ..vU ...i riri mwi imv Rketch. All the latent HOimn will lie llliiMtrated Uy mnvlniilctui'i-H. Don't fill to attend. AdmlHHlon: 25c; adulU !i."c; reHorvcd BcatH 50c. liualile to inaku tlio lnxiicctloii. Air. l'lHk expreHiieil IiiuihiII iih verv fit,. voralily ImnreiiMfd Willi tlio oeliren found at tht'Ho inliieM nud will return la about two or three weekH to make the report and to obtain MiuuploH to lie Kent to tlio St l.onU Kalr. .InvcntiiM l.oduo. No. IS. K. of I' of thlH eltv, (,'avo a plenmuit nodal at tlio hall laMt WcdiieKilny nlnht, tlio IoiIko'h regular moctlni; lli-Mt. A linmher of ifiiCMtH were Invited, al thoiluli the invitation were iimlnlv rlrculnteil In the family rlrclc of tlio tiovcral nieinhiTM of the order, mid a very pleaMaut time wan had. A .Mr. and Alrn. .lohu I. Hamilton arrived In the eltv from New Vork hiHt .Saturday. .Mr. Hamilton Ih milliliter of tlietlnilivr department of , ilhoO. & S. 10. and hu and AIth. Hamilton will make their future! homo In f'ottaKe llrovc. I A. H. Wood, chief engineer of the I O. &. S. K., wont down to KiiKenej ; WeilncHtlay on IiiihIik'hm. i For Cold Feet take a neat by tlio tiro, or iiiKe to lien wiui you one or our Hot Water Mnga. For Gold Hands take moro exerclne, or Imlld tip yoiirclrculatlon by taking our Blood Tonic. day aiternoon. AlrH. llower expeelH I l,'t' vUvn "'"".th: "Then net onto' i .1 a i ... . i tMV ill yt'i til il tit lift uml nf Inliiu ' " i . t ' "-1,1 lilllinnin HIIIU lifl llfl. t I ylilenlilij conien tho reply lmrt proKrnni wan rendered, after' boy "Well, then I won't which IlKlitrefroHhmoiitH were nerved, ! . Then all the pent-up ono feature of which wih leo creau ' i.-nv' iild inaii h Klven an out- mmlo In colorn unil.lei.mtlc of the, L i.on II'MIIYM! "TIlOll iri.f infn ( I. mi- n 1IOII i iiko ner iiointt with her hoii the eomlnjr' winter and If the cllinnte iiKTei'M with her, will Imlld In the HprliiKand inukoa perniniient ri'Hl dent of our idly. Tlio cllinax of tho flrnt act In "Dora" on that ChrlMtmaR day ho Ioiikiiko, will touch a heartof Ntono. Afier tint old man Iiiih bauliilied IiIh hoii Will mid IiIh wlfu from IiIh home and pri'Honcd fnruvcr, the boy looks In upon IiIh father and irncHtH at tho Idaho, who IiiIuiiiIh KoIiiK ' l',er ,UV,,U ,lHlli' ,,I,''mrtH' U'o.it IniHliie.H on a hirco i1'"1 r,,yH: Sly w."u ,ln'1 '.' '!"."' niiilieirnn mill oil tin' mnnr, idiik 111 upon you by your cheerful lireHlde, aild tliliikliiK and thinking of old klnilucHrt piiHt and k'i, do bid you a .Merry lirUtiiUM anil a happy New Vear." The pielty little liinn.. of (leo. Coiner on Silk creek, waa mill thin Mcel, It.v .Meillev & Alllue to a penile man iroin into tnu go.it DiiHinetH una large Heme. ie iiiih i no correct lileil, unit will make money. onlor.red, liluomiil yellow. .Much attention linn been attracted wIllHltir I III. tf.M.lr til. ft... 1 1 ...v. v - ,,j .in, ,ii. feu mm lino dlH.vlay of platioH ami oigaiiH on tho lloer of the 'iiiiihIc Ktore at their now location near the bridge. A good opportunity Ih offered for a Mvlretlon from Huveral luakcH of In HlriiinentH nt HiIh writing. The Htcady InlHlneHH of the hint few weekn Iiiih kept ntoek coiiHtantly on tho iiiovit. (io and hco wliut tlioy now have. BORN. -To the wife of Frank Kby nn S iioiind hoii on Dec. H. For a Cold 'Heart . . . ! take a look Into the Iioiiiph of I the poor, or get your liver Into better Hhape by taking i A GOOD LIVER TONIC. Vou will Hud Just what you , need at TO MANUFACTURE MINERAL SALTS. The Hoard of Dlrectorn of the Ore gon .Mineral SprlngH AHHOclatlou i held a very Important ImilncHH meet- I lug on hiHt Tiienday evening and de-1 cldcd to at once limtall ueceisary ma-1 chlnery for extracting the medicinal 1 u..l,. f....... ,1... .ul, . ..1,1 ml, 41.. Hamoontho market. All iiweuHary . Amongtl.e many linproveincnts that U-HtHot tho wuter and tho hhIIh It ,mVB lwe" n,ado "', ,i8 '' 11,0 P?"1 contahiH lina been gone through ycr perhaps pne of the most essential ,i, i, ..,...?!.. i fl. onci Is that of the new bake oven, now Htall the olant. The eomiianv will ' couipleteil by the owner, T. K. I'arker, NEW BAKE OVEN. DIED OP BLOOD P0IS0NIN0. (I. W, Howe, of Count Fork, who early In the month Injured one ol Ida lingers with li nail, died nt tlio Cottage Grove hotel In thla city lnt Sunday at U: o'clock after having Hiiffored untold agonies with blood poisoning and after undergoing nan mat reHort tho amputation of tho arm. It nppenrH that the unfortu nate man md been using a box of International (lull Halve In doctoring Home aorca on IiIh horirH, and after he hurt hit finger he applied Home of the same salve to tho Injured mem ber. Immediately pain and Irrltn tlon Hot In and after Htiiiuling the pain for Hovoral daya ho ennie to town and nought the aervlcea of Ilr. Anderson, who gave him no encour- airellicnt. Illlt lanced the arm frmii above tho .vrlst through the palm of me iianu io me I'll 1 1 oi tlio tillilillo linger, although at that time Dr. AudcrHon told tho patient that ha thought It waa ton late to a ivo Ufa ren br amputation of the annul tho Hhouliler. .Mr. JIowo continued to grow worae and .Saturday night summoned Dr Anderson from the Warehouse where he bad gone to aee a patient, to ninku hiiate aa be wanted IiIh arm taken off. Ah aoon as the doctor arrived he oxamtned the patient and told him It wiih no use, that It waa too Into. Air, Howe wouldn't take no for an anuwar. atatlng that ho would take tho one chance In a thousand, and ao with tho assistance of Dr. C'orpron the arm waa removed at o clock Saturday flftArnnnn. The nnttaitt milled mii.1 Wake up and buy a lilceo of f IoiI'h kindness past and gone, do bid you ' ... . . " . 1 ... 7 . ' '""V"" ; . " . .it .i.: uV.f ' ZZSr, i complete.1 by the owner, T. It. I'arker, ' waa rational, adilslmr with I.U wlf. green enrih Hi Cottage drove and "Me'Ty . lirlstniiM and a happy New i V iT.Viii.V ii.Tii .... T.l tttno liecln Imttilnir Hie water for tho ! vl! ''a" ao. auccosafully eondiieted the I Ra attending phyalclan iih to tho iiivit ahoiueof yiniroun. Wo will ear. Ithollltli of Deceinlier. Kvcry char- ,II,ir''et nH H""ii aa bottles, labels. ' DaKery on Main alreet. condition ami I imposition of hla bo p ease, to hIiow on Home of the , . .. . .. . . . actor in Ih ioo'l. The plot ami llneH etc., can bo obtained. Connlderablo , . rker arrived here a year ago property. At 11:30 Sunday he died. '"a ya In town. . .. . V.u.'... .v'..-. ". . MJ"-).'.. '.lr .. i...T.,.. Jji. J .V. .. ..H. l.,..,r,.e...e..t. wllll.., inmln lii th ''t October and puichitHc.1 the knucd- Deceased waa 55 yearn old and AlHl.l.nv&Aln.NK. ' ' . '. " " ' V" rui."?Ji ;V. ;LVn;V '.i ".::..;V.'JV"8. "I a i , , ,,, reH,, ." " the face o opnos tlqn icavea a wife. Hla property Ih Tho ltov..l. H. Colo of the 1111 ho , w Wi I o ur ilitied ' tlioae who areaeoklnga first clasa ' wl"c". waa tlien doing the Drea.l laisi- valued at about 1300. The funeral IhI ui.Ih will el ver oil Hiitiilny nlirltt I or.il WM-kl. tliroifirIiil ii1! A. C'. SIiIvch. who Iiiih been among, health reaort will find tho Oregon new ot t l8 town. In talking with Mr. WIlR held .Monday and the remalna at e M l" I ire , iectiiro on the Aledlev l!lni'. Mr Hi ker la n re, tlft' I"at two yearH. left T.ich- Mineral Springs under aklllcd , 'J'iSiJiL .wy,luli1. 11.?. J" tho Bmvejrnrd 'il,v iiji inn iiiiiiiu in I III Lilllll I WIILTU . flCVUieUt llllll 111 UXUfllCIll firtivr WIICII i i i i u i vuau wm. llf i IIM-.IUM 1 if t I 111 tl.lf tl.l.t .111 1(f ! . I 4 I I ...til. ll t u t I nannH,i,,hi,eT.,!:'ii h!.' llllSffi .,.,r,1,!", '-''"- ' " llll""r'"" mvoraiile c olid tlonn and Vay a' ho , '"'- WiMw the I .Viir. ! 7. .! V . ' .i .. V-J ,M 1 1,1 1 ''- 1 with a .tereoptlcmi. 1 Ih hero to Htay. He thliikn the ell-1 .wll"H' nH,w, tUy MV ollleo for a few iIii.vh. ' .unio u mil l. Iw IiouIpii . i hero and IiIh return will Mih I II mmrlmii. has lie.., "l'' M V"V ,M"1."" Klvo With plenauro. ii,.. ;. 'i r , " .' "" bivllntlon iliiiu-f about Now ,,,,., , , . lined to tho hull c tint iiast week. mirroring fr the effectH of too do o contact with poison .uk. . II. K. l.aWHon Iiiih hoIiI out IiIh furniture liuslne.s In this city, and him accepted a position wlt'i the I'araillu l'aliil (.'()., of Portland. Tho men washing gravel for tho ' thm Church. 11 a. in. ."Ilavo You Veni 's Cv.. nml will rnrnisii mniie ,.i ' "V"'i " wno reHiiiea a mile nun M pieces of their mi n members. i om-hal( aoutb of tills city, was I snowing Home specimens of an out I' A. Itiithlmn, who .has been eon- outcrop of n ledge recently discovered lined lo Ills house for tho past three -In the bed of the liver near Ids place, weeks Willi a dangerous atta.'k of i which Indicates a coal deposit, grip a'toiit tlio a! roots. , l'l .. ..I ... .It.... . , . , , , . .. , . .. ... . ,iiii:iivuiiTiiiit iiicnfiiiiib li 1 1 Kn ii ti Sub eelHfor hllllday at tlir Chris- . .... cll ,.ln)t.rl..'a 8,om.ich and Liver winter. He many mends lie looked fur II 'V have Mlrurk "pay dirt". At leiiHt m-"The Two Way uirjr i ianu in oe wnamiig sue Her- li a U'i.mI .if n...,.i,,,r,. mi..,..,.i off a abort time on IiIh way from En- gene, where hr visitor) with Ida hour out of It. "This la a Joke Air. and Alra. II. I.. I'lekard and P.. 1.1..... Tl ... ...1 1 -.nicreto biilldlug near tho depot ''" ; ' "-t oi r a Mnirch '. 7M0 p. I )lo,m.t.8 ,(., . r other ' Mlrurk "imv i rt". At leiiHt ui. The Two nya .,,.. ' ,r ,, .. Krn Drug Store, The Itev. (iardlner will preacJi at , the Methodist ICnlscoiml Church noxt i Wn ni I ay morning. Air. llardlner la Itoadmaater the foutider of the .Methodist Church Tlsltlng with f thla city. and family J nr. ,i .Mr. k a. I.awbaiigh left for a few daya sojourn In Portland Wednesday. They will occupy the new llltchey residence upon tlielr return. ami, Clyde, left last week for a visit at Cortland and other points. They expect to spend a great part of Hie winter visiting friends and relullv.'s. Heat creamery butter. "Com iier ctal" butter mnde at Salem won 1st premium at State Fair thin year. If you want butter tlmt Is nliv.ni fresh and full weight, Just order a situaro of your grocer. Itev. I'Vcae will hold tho llrst iiiarterl.v meeting of the Cottage Drove Circuit of tlio At. K. Church next -nudity. Tlio conference will bo held Saturday irt '-' p. in. Itev Uratit Putnam la tlio pastor. For cold lunch of oyatera, sardines, 'rnckcra, cooklea, allced peaches, deviled hnm, pickles, miiHtnrd.corncd ImtI uml chopped beef, call at tint 'earl confectionary. We alao carry n leading brand of cigars and to ll loco. .1. V. Tiioiinton. ulster, Aln. Dr. Smith. Alra. Ilnuell, wife of Donell of Ashland, la Station Agent laliam Ibis wciik. Itevlval servlcoa Htlll continue at I lie C. P. Church. Those that uilsa hearing Itev. Walker are themselves Inner. Iliu Alel'arlaud and family will Hooii leave for California to Hitend ' the winter. .1. W linker and II. 0. Warner left the fore nart of the week for Hose burg. Hen Pitcher ladown from the I ted llrhlgo to have Home dental work hero thin week. IlllilO. Alra. Madolyii Scheiitder.il ilauirh- ter ol Alrn. S. K. .Morse, arrived Fri day from Iowa to hh-iii1 tho winter visiting relatives and friends In Cot tage ilrovo ami vicinity. Atty. .lohu Long, of Itosoburg, wan l in attendance lauore Uoleree .1 S. . .Medley Tuesday In the timber land contest of I'oter Hiigliuor vh. Henry Haverkainp. Fivd Itussell, of Weiidllng, cami up Saturday to remain over Sunday visiting IiIh mother. Airs. S. K. .Morse, and sister, Mrs. Scheulder. W. I). liuriniin, who Iiiih la-en at (inints I'ass, In the luteivst of the (t. II. Ac II. O. Co., for the past week, haa returned home. We have a few alow Helling articles atW. S. II. Hhop, which will bo closed out very cheap. Clark & Son. A Hhoeninker with '.'I years ex- Shop. Prices Atty. .John Al. Pipes, nf Ktigrne, came up Tuesday on IiusIuch. Alra, Fred Ilyrnes la Hick with ton-salllls, .Miss Olllo Wllliird left Alonibiv for Collusa, Calif., where alio will hikmiiI I perlence at W. S. H. tlie winter with relatlvos. lower than elsewhere. I,. A. Milne waa visiting with hla I Stacey Itussell, the obliging clerk brother. .1. S., and attending to some ' at Hansons of Eugene, took dinner business in the mean time. I at home Sjiuduy. Fred Aleliuer, one of Yoncolla'a L. Long transacted business at rustling men waa doing business points In the southern part of the Htate last week. The new dryer of the Long & Hlng hiim Lumber Co . la rapidly Hearing completion. Attorney .1. Al. Williams, of Eugene, was In the eltv Saturday. arement and the season opens, it Is the Intention of the manager to uiakeall the prepa ration necessary and then keep the springs open to all the year round In the future. CLIJIATIO CUKKS. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption ia very much oveidritwn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Syrup. K.e uxpectoiatiou in the morning la made certain tiy (jerninn every other day and then lie had bread 1 to spare. The llrst day Air. Parker took In 85 cents. However, business i COUGHING SPELL CAUSES DKATII commenceil to improve iroin mat naie, an oven that would meet his wants, This oven is now complete, Air. Parker having put in tlio tirst tire this week for tlio purpose of burning out the crown sheets. Wallace & Sons have the honor Syrup, so is a good night's r.;st and the of doing the brick wotk, and it is cer- absence of that wcakcninir couiili and talnly a creditable job. Ilie new oven until some months since the old oven on Main strict became inadequate. Seeing the necessity of a larger oven, Air. I'arker purchased the old photograph property on Fourth street, last fall, and immediately built on to It and eon.. wa5 , , w, fit of ' , , , TOEi 'I 'J? Hi tC I continued for some time, his wifesent lor a pnysician nut uciore no coum ar "Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years, choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home, In the presence of Ids wile and child. Ho contracted a slight cold a few clays ago and paid but little attention to it. Yesterday morning lie rive another coughing spell eaino on and Duckwell died from suffocation. St tonla filobe-Oeuiocrnt. Dee. 1, 1001." Iinllan'.'e Horehotind Syrup would have saved him. 25c, 50c, and $1.00. New Era Drugstore. debilitating nkdit sweats. Kestless is tlie largest this side of 1'ortlaml, the nights and the exhaustion due to i ouisiue i measurement ueiiig i-xn n nuo .,,-,.., , ,, riuui iniji, t& uiiir.ii. Those who will persist in doling their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, wilt have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not ended and nesmes tlie new uiiuui g aim oven a , earigr by terminatioll; ,u.lld wImt Gcr- new outfit is being installed, consisting T K He;,, of Bei M, , , ) ;ulr of dough I each, trough,, new pans, etc. ,.L t (a;, if d evm-.tom ah uiiereaiuiu " "i" " i of consumption. She look Dr. King's the magnilieent Oregon fir plank Jrom New Dimyery a(ter everytblng else had Si"."? 11, t' inf iniM.'.p M HPrBb I 'aiIed' Implement came at once and wastlie prcsluctofoneof the Mill City four bottles entirely cured her.' Guar- saw mills ami was id it-et long, imriy-1 ateed b M , & ltrehllut Drug?i3t, ono inches wide aild one and one-hall ri.. ,, 5, m T,,, ui ?ro Allss Crista MIcalHou.ofCrawfords vlllo, la visiting with her sister. Mrs. Wyatt. Miss DckhIu IlariiiH visited uiiday with her sister AllssOrplia In Lugetie. eo ghing, tlie greatest danger and dread the insic e is SxlO teet. The capacity of of thecuiisumplive, cm be prevented or the oven is 300 loaves per baking. A stopped by taking German tiyrup liber-1 baker's supply man who was in the city ally and regularly. Should vou be able this week stated that the new oven and to go to a warmer clime, yon will llnd ' equipment is the best in the state, there that of the thousands of consumptives being nothing superior to it in Portland, ihero. the few who nre benetilted and Kesides the new building and oven a regain strength me those who use Ger man Syrup. Trial bottles, 27c; regular size, 7oc. At all druggists, barman & Hemenway Co. FINE SAFE. Tim 1,'lr.f Vinili iiiiil limit- ,il filial city thla week received a new safe ' fnches thick, without a knot or pitch which has already been placed In i seam. Joe Pieri, of Walla Walla, ar lioaitioii In the bank. It la known rived this week and will have direct i as t he M.inganeHe ateel safe, and charge ol the oven, ile Is a tlnishea Undigested food and gas in the stomach, weighs 41100 pounds and la abso- baker and will take care of every spec al ,ocat, u9t below ,,, heart prej9e'' tended tlmt I Mlllllelellt to i Hlllt 111 lilowitig sale, illuming, oper. uuuieu oniy lor ovo aim wsrenoiue wi soon ,)e u , , . N E HEART FLUTTERING. liar proor.lt lielng con- oruer inai semrusie.i wniin. inesaiea aKaillst ft and causes heart palpitation. ;tl.eaniomit o!exploslvea room will still be the Bennett property When your heart troubles you In that ...pen the Hiife would re- on Main attest, the new bidding being way ,ate Horbine for a few days. Yon i.l.... ..r.. I... 11,11.,.. ......,- utilivml nnlir Inr nv. uml u-ii rhnil A I . . atora and money 1 ito Hiiiltheni'iia. room. Drug Store. Still Lower Prices em Great Going-Out-of-Business Sale Men's and Ladies' Shoes. We jirc soiling sonic old t-tyk'S in Ladies' and Men's Shoes fit S()c, 7Ch; $1.00, $1.2") and $1.50 per pair, that cost us as much as $3.00 per pair. Overcoats. We only have five Overcoats left out of about 4-0, showing that the prices we make are very attractive. Make haste and get one. Every coat a bargfiin. Boy's Clothing. We are selling these goods at less than the regular cost as we must get our money out of them, and by buying now you can get a good bargain. We are selling Ued Comlorts every day at prices less than you can buy the material and make them. Prices HOW 75o. $1.00 1111(1 81.25. Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes in good heavy material at Fancy Straw Ticking fit GO cents lOc, formerly 12c Mcii'h "Working Gloves. The material, fit and workmanship nre of the very best uml the prices arc the lowest. Prices from "0e to $1.25. Heavy Underwear. Something more about Heavy Flannel Underwear, we have actually the best values ' in the best quality and the lowest prices in Real Heavy material. Do you have rheuma tism, we have the Underwear you want. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Many a little girl is going to be made happy this Christmas, just be ciuse we are selling those beautiful Dolls at such low prices that every body can afford one. We have already sold a great many, and what fire left ure going fast, so don't neglect this opportunity to save money. Our 25c DOIX is the greatest doll bargain you ever saw. Christmas Toys. We have quite a lot of toys left over from last year. Thev are just what you want for Christmas for the little folks at very low prices. Men's Heavy all Wool Socks. A new offer in Men's Heavy Wool Socks, we have 200 pairs of sox, costing us 25c per pair that we will sell you in lots of 5 pairs for $1.00. For single pairs, 25c. Our Wool Sweaters are the Nicest and CHEAPEST We are going to Close Out the Balance of this Stock by January 1st if Possible. EAKIN & BRISTOW We are Very Busy, but are Only too Glad to Wait on you all. The Time is Drawing Near when We will Wind Dp Our Business, so Don't Delay.