BOHEMIA NUGGET. A. P. DHTTERSWORTM, Editor and Business Manager. th poftofflf. l Cottnir. Or.f on ifrond dui mull mlltr. Aafcft.rlptl.n prlr.tttl.50. In uriVMnr.. AHtrrllnlpc It.te. itinV known upon application. TH18 PATKn li kept on flic t K. l Drake". Aitrcrttilnir Areticr, (tinilW Merrhanti Ex .aanrcSan Cnntiwo, California, where con lratt(or adrertlilniran bamaile (or II. Friday, Ducbmbkr 4, 1903. INCREASE THE PENSIONS. It is announced that Pension Comruissioiier Eugene Ware in tends to resign in 1904. It is to be hoped that it will be early in the year. The Washington corres pondent of the Oregouian, while admitting that Commissioner Ware is a man of lofty ideals and honest purpose, says that he is utterly lacking in discretion and kock! judgment. The same authority further says: "Not long ago he undertook, before the public, to determine the constitutionality of a certain pen sion law passed by the last Con gress. He refused to grant pen sions authorized by that act be cause he held the law to be uncon stitutional. His rulings on Indian War pension cases many of the cases arising in Oregon have been in direct violation with explicit in structions issued to hiai by the Sec retary of the Interior, who placed a liberal construction on the Indian War Veteran act, and instructed Commissioner Ware that that act was intended to pension all men who actually served 90 days in the early Indian wars. Ware has utterly disregarded the instructions of bis superior, and continues to administer this act to meet his own personal views. "What he has done with regard to Indian War Veterans he has done in other instances, and in this way has made himself particularly obnoxious to his superiors. In this respect Ware is uncontrollable. He overestimates the importance of his position, and has no regard whatever for the orders of officers who outrank him. He has become a considerable burden to the Ad ministration, and his retirement will take place with the distinct un derstanding that the Administra tion wants some other man for his office." It is a shame that these gray- haired veterans of the Indian wars in Oregou, many of them so old and feeble that they are totally in capacitated, who have waited all these years that justice might be done them, should he deprived of their rights by an over-zealous stickler who sets himself above the law-makers of the land. The Nugget believes that the money paid out in pensioning the "boys in blue," who risked their lives that the nation might live, and who made it possible for we, of this generation, to partake of the bounteous blessings which we en joy, is the wisest and most judicious expenditure of the National gov ernment. Nearly every dollar of this money goes back into the Impossible to travel over by team. The wood could be cut and piltd at convenient points along the track durinff the dry season. The freight charge on firewood to the city is but 6sc per cord. After the rains set in and the roads become had the market price of it goes up to a figure the difference between which and the former price will pay the freight charges. Thus the pre ducer is enabled to get tne same price for his commodity a few months later without the trouble of hauling it several miles. There is always a firm market here for wood. Those who are forehanded enough to take advantage of the opportunity can always have ready money in their pockets. In this issue we give a detailed statement of the improvements and conditions at the Lucky Boy mine, in the Blue River Mining District. To us who have lived near this property this story does not come as a creat surprise, because we have frequently heard of it. But we are aware that il is not known to the great majority of Kastern people. This is also true of many other mines in this state. If these mines had been in Montana, Ne vada, Idaho, Utah, Colorado or California, they would now have a national reputation-, and they would have been the means of bringing capital to those states This clearly proves to us that we have mining districts in this state second to none in the United States. and that it is clearly our duty as cittz'iis of Oregon to advertise our mineral resources and bring in the much-needed to develop tliem. The public stands aghast at the appalling magnitude of the postal department graft, in which officials stand in with law breakers and thieves. We respectfully call the attention of the Street Committee of the Council to the filthy condition of Main street. Gentlemen, please act. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In view of the fact that nearly all of the country, as well as city papers, have been compelled to in crease both their subscription and advertising rates in order to meet the greatly advanced cost of paper and other printing material, action of a similar nature having only re cently been taken by the E'igene papers, notice Is hereby .given that. commencing January 1, 1904, the Bohemia Nugget and Lane Cou,ity Leader will be compelled to in crease their display advertising rates, to 50 cents per single column inch, instead nf iiA rfnfs npr innh I , .jj - - - as heretofore. No advance what ever will be made in the subscrip tion price of the papers, and the price for locals will remain the same 5 cents per line. We feel that our many patrons and friends will recoguize the fact that this newly established rate is even yet below that charged by many of the other Oregon country weeklies of the circulation of our papeis. Thanking our many advertisers for their liberal patronage in the past and soliciting a continuance of the same, we remain, Respectfully, Sohemia Nugget, Per A. P. Bettersworth Lane County Leader, Per W. C. Conner. THEOLD RELIABLE TIM Grocery Store Ol Metcalf & Morse CUSHION-SOLE SHOES is a will is the place to your groceries. buv Absolutely Pure WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE "1 nit iimclt iiIIKi'UmI nilli si'iiitirii," writes Kt C Nml, Iownville, Snlgwlck Co., Kim., ' Koiiw iilwiit niimitclii's hiiiI sudor iir it lieul of piiin. 1 wiiaiiiiliu'cil to try Itjitliinl's Snow l.liiiiiirnt, which leiievctl in". I nnil tlirvt" fttK" IxMtlctr ft is tin- tfreittef t liniment I I'Vi'r iiiil; have roamnm'ixlitl jt to 11 ninnln"r of persons; all espn'i-Mlicnis-elves as being lienelllteil l it. I now walk without enilelu"'. able to perform a crvtit deal of liclit labor tin I lie farm." y.y. Wo, $1.00. New Kia Drue Store. DID YOU KNOW 'Flint every tine who trlea Kennedy rimhi l.lKhttilnir for rliomiintlKtu, neiiriilKln, illiirrlioeu nml nil other pultiM or lutlnmumtiun will uxe no uther liniment, for the reason It Riven instant relief, unci a Kpeeil.v cure fol lows. Ak your ilrtturulHt for Ken nedy'H Chain l.lh t nliiir. Take no other. Write F. I. Kennedy. SiikI nnw, Oregon, for list textimunlnlM. For mile li.v all ilniKKlat. Everything is clean, S new, fresh and of first grade quality. Require no llrcaking in. The Cushion Non-conductor of either Heat or Cold, find keep the Feel at a Natural Tetnpcrture. FOR WOn EN $3.50 When walking or standing the wearer of the "Acme" Cushion Shoes conscious of a delightful sensation of buoyancy and docs not tire us in tin ordinary shoe. We are Sole AenlH. Tor Sale. Double rotary complete nnw mill out lit. excepting power Thin plant IiicIihU-h main belt, liixlde lieltH, miw tliiHt carrier, two Inserted tooth DlNtou sawn. With 1(1 horse power .",000 to S.U00 feet 01 lumber etui be cut ier day. Pacific Timber Co. Col Under Odd Fellow's Hall U rove, recoil lag-,; The Acme Turn 1 TQ- H Bargain REVOLUTION I MM IN KNT. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your ityMeiii is nerv- ousnoHS, leeple;m'i!4, or stoinnch up sets. Kieetrie Hitter? will qtiieklv dU- ineniber the troublesome rauses. It nevpr frill to tone llie tnniiii.i. iftm!iit. 1 the Kldnevs and Ilowels, stimulate the Liver, and ele.irifv the blood Hun down systems lienelit particularly and all the usual attcmliui: aches vanish under its serircliim: anil thorough ctl'cctivciiess. I.lectlli- Itilteis is oulv SOe. and that is returned if it don't nive perfect satis faction, tiiuiranieed by .Morgan o; lire- haul lliiiguist. vest I- i and will pay yon to In v Kate. The entire nlnnt Is In irootl workinir order anil con veniently located. Will cut i true unil entire cut can bo sold on the Kround under, present A contracts, at irood IlKtnvs. "Welch & Woods has it for Less" $300.00 Call nt lloheinhi XtiKKCt for fiirthiir particulars.. LOST. A pair of silver mounted nus.i Klasses, Finder please return to NiigKvt otllce and receive suitable reward. enson s macy Phar Is showing this week a new line of WALL I'AI'KK get our prices before making your purchases. j Our line of Driurs. Faints and 1 j Sundries Is complete. Wn have all I of the latest j HOOKS Successor to J. I'. Ctirrln. channels ot trade as fast as it paid out. The country would be more prosperous were the pension roll double its size. Asa matter of simple justice, Congress should enact a service pension law. Every man who louglit for the preserva tion ot tne union snouirt receive a pension. He took the same risk as those who were wounded. That be was not injured does not diniiu isli tbe debt we owe bim. The lumber business is by far the greatest industry m the state, and will fee for years to come. Oregon has more timber than any state in the Union. Lane county has more tiraoer man any tner county m the United States. Thousands of dollars have been invested in tbe sawmill business in the past few years. Can the people of Oregon afford to stand idly bv and see this industry stifled in its infancy by the railroad company. The state of Texas has a statute requiring rail roads to supply freight cars within n specified time ater application therefor is made by shippers. Such a law should bs enacted at this special session of the Oregon Legis lature. It would place the lumber industry on a solid basis, and for ever protect the operators of small mills from llie machinations of tlioe who would seek to destroy th-ir business. If the lumber in-du-try is worth protecting, now is the time for the people of the State of Oregon to take the neces sary steps, and a good time for tbe members of the Legislature to prove their fidelity to the interests of their constituents, It would seem as though the residents along the right-of-way of the O. & S. E., that is, those who nave timber on their lands, and most of them have, could flud re munerative employment in furnish ing the local market with firewood. The railroad supplies a convenient mean? of transporting the wood to market durtfj the winter months when the wagon roads are next to COUGHING SPELL CAUSES DEATH "Harry Duckwell, aged '15 years, choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home, in the presence of his wife nml child. He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but Utile attention toil. Yesterday morning fie was seized with a fit of coughing which continued for some time. His wife sent for a physician but before he could ar rive another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation. St Louis filobe-Democrat. Dec. 1, 1901." Ilallard's Horehound Syrup would have saved film. 25c, 50c, ami $1,00. New nru urug store. A DEPARTMENT STORE NOTICE. LOST: Hetwcen the New Em Urns Store and the I'ostolllce, one leather purse containing the following: Three Hundred Dollars ($:I00.00) in bills, seven dimes and thirty-live cents' in nickels nml pennies, also one spool of thread and one box of 'Fop 'Em All Corn Salve." The finder may keep the I'ium". .Money and Thread, lint leameslly request that the COIt.N" SALVE be returned as it Is The Most Valuable I'reperatlon On The etc. I'leaso for the cure of corns, return It to, Yours Itespectfully, Mish Jf. O. (Johns. From now until the Holidays there wl'l be loin ol CI ithiiig. l-'uriiifhiugx, and Shoe mid. Everybody feels like fpriiciug up, anil looking their best during the holiday, and, bytliewav. wlnit in ikes a fellun feel la'ttcr than to know that be has on a periect lining Suit. and Nlinee, and is milking a good 'appearance? We are going to make nume especially entiriiig pried from now till ('hni"tmas Men Suits which nexoldat $8 25, $9.50. $12.00 $15 00 anil $18.00 are going now at 7. 8.25, 10, 12 and $15. These belter g a.le SmtH have the unbreakable fronts, and padded shoulders to gito that military rlt'ect. They are lined with best grade I'anner satin and stitch ed with silk , honcvor, when ve tell yon thai "Krienil Ilros" Milwaukee, n guarantee is sewed on lniilo pocket why. "nuf ccd." We have one es. ciallv gjod iMigaiti in a Pontile I re run .Melton clotli which we sold at $15.00. I' I. VVe handle the famous Washington Logger .Shoes and " Dist "II " Nhoos for Adults and Children. Oak inn hot turns, and unnamed, i none better, ami prices v I nee you Mint It for le I When you see it our ad It's so. WELCH & WOODS us con- I iV WoihIh lias HI The Leaders In Low B The sizes ae broken, and we have nnlv 1 NuiteaehoNI-.IH. ll, rjniiil 4-1 Thcvco now at 11.40 Sub. That Hiving of $il.(K) will buy lots of Christmas presents. We don't Intend to conllnn our bargains to the Clolhlii'X department, however. Wo have just leeelved a new ling of ties, and iiirnisbinuo, . nil haw an elegant as sortment of Snponilcrs, put up one pair in a box loi holiday trade. Come in anil bin .nir licit fellow a handsome pair of Ml'k Mipeuders. bco display in our Hlndon. We have a complete sloek of lubber goods, lined duck coats, Miukiiuiws. and the famous "Can't Dust Em" overalls in all colors, and cuts. We iccclvcd today an addition to our already coinplcto stock of Men's, Women's ami Children's underwear. We have il in all weights, mid qualities. come in ami let Welel NOTICh OP DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby Riven that the old llrm ot Loiiir& llliiL'liuni Limi)er('o. will collect till accounts due the firm mid pay nil outstanding intlebtci ness to October II, 1001. J. C. Lo.Nti. . I, il. IIINIIIIAM. ! Central Gotci - W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bangs morniF.ToitB ok That is Modern and Complete In all lis Appointments. Mr. W. D. aiirmau. of the firm nf unrmnn & iiemeuwiiy Co., this cltv lelt on Friday mnrninir's overland for Grnnts 1'ass. This llrm has Jtiht had erected u Una two-story brick innniinir. iiuxiuu reet in Unit cltv. ml. joining the liiilldlnir which tint firm now occupies, and the o'liect of Air. Gnrninn'H visit Is to superintend the moving; oi llie stock from tne old stand to tie mm- 'iho old building will bo used ns n Bioreuouso lor Hour, feed und hav Ihls Is to bo one of the moat com pleto and un-to-datu ileiiai'tment stores in riouiiiern urei;oii. It will no reiiieio wttn mi the modern con veiuences, such as hu'Htorles, toilet iuuiiis, eie. inu niemiicrH of this firm are wide-awake business men. who uiiucitmuj riM wants ot t heir customers and try to please them, mm consequently their business is Hiemitiy increasing-. They have just unci printed at the Niinuivr nin- wuu caimoirues, which will soon ne mallei to their uumerotiH customers. FIUHT WILL HE HITTER. Thosa who will persist incloslm.' their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bit ter light with their troubles. l7nn(. nnilwl earlier bv fatal termination. Iteml wl.ui T. R. Ileal of lleall, Miss, has to Bay: "Last fall my wife had every symptom ui consumption, cue tooK ur. King s New Discovery after everything else hsd failed. Improvement catno t once and four bottles entirely cured her.' Guar anteed by Morgan & Brelmut Druggist. Price 60c, and f LOO. Trial bottles Tree. g Located two blocks west 2 mn! one block north of thuS. i. Depot iDifiC Rooms n Well ventilated well fur- ; ulslied and first-class In every particular ! Rates $1. per day! Hoard by the week $i CO without bed $3..V) per week. Remember the place. The best tables und the best beds, the best accommodations In every particular. Central Vm mTWasio Stables ALSO OFFICE OF HIK Bohcmm and Llack Butte Stages. 1 1101 V1UD0 llllllUUW. JJUUUIW Ul kJlllJlU. CHRISMAN & BANGS COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. Airs. Ida E. Thompson IKOritlKTIIK&l. visit DR. JORDAN'S obiat MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 1051 UARKET 81., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, In tbt WorJi i UrfalMt a'fractU i U CU. J. vonUrfulii)htrUUor. i !... I. . . . 1 4HM,iliU)f ear4 by 4 lb oldMt BptvltilUion tbt raotiU ;omu KaUblUbd M tan. A nit .MDniMIVlTF hltflara ... wwwm i mi in li, viainaia crU wen wb r ti(Trlnf rrom tfa ol youthful Indu. erctlanfl ar fiiMiu m.t.t... yMrm. KtrTuuaaridpbyilcAl lbliitr,ioi. pOtnJ. IOBtMitll4l InalllUnnmnll. c&tloiiti Npfrmftlori-livii, l"raMor KiOWLIS & GETTVS Proprietors of .;.The Miners Supply House... Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.- H lic JDavc purchased The West Side Harness htisiness of Ered Gale and will condnet it at tlje old phiee. A first-elass shoemtiher will lie employed for that elass of work. All goods and work guaranteed to give satisfaetion. We soliet your patronage and will try to please you. CLARK & SON, fej West Side Harness Shop. I IT JUKES JIM? 1 1IJ iniritriifiifiifiiMtnifiiFiintfurnnif ncl(IBBIN HATS HONE BETTER HADE General McrcMmlisc, Miners' Tools and Hmmitnition BOHEMIA, OREGON. Where 3-011 buy your things to consider in selecting Hat. There is three rutKBi, uontrrutM, uimi, rreancnrr f Urlnatllur, !. Uf oombluatloD of J rtmedlat, of srat curative pow tr, t b Doctor T hit trtmM that tt U1 not A only nord fmmedlat rcllrf. but ncrmtni.nt V curt, rbt Doctor doa not laltn to perform miracle, but U welt known to tx a fair a.nd C quart tMiftlctan and tturgeon, pra-amlnaut ablaipacraltr-niaoiiacaor JHn. n x rn 1 1,1 w tborouf hly aradlcated from Tmiixi filial V.. ... ir.n..t na . 1 ear for lluptwr. A quick and radical j wafor 11 1 a, r I satire and rinalaa.byf Dr. Jordan'a aptolal palnleaa matboda. EVKIir MAN annlylnrtotuwliirwalTa oorhotuit opinion ot bfaconiplatnt. . '4 vtUt Ouarantt a JWt&UVM CVSM tn I very nut w vnneTiaK. Coniuiutloii khku and atrlctly prints CilARUKH VSUY SLXAhONABLA Traatmani paraonally or by lattar. Writa far Rook. 1II1T4 OPOTT or UAnBlAOK. faiLurn CAvalMa Wokformaa) Oallar wiita CX. JORDAN k COIOBI UvtaltUa.!1, I Style, Quality and price. 1- -1- -I- -Y 'I' .. .1. .1. .1. .i. .1. i fLoaR and f eeo The highest grade of Elottr, Feed and Hay of all kinds. We handle none hut absolutely pure goods of all kinds, and guarantee every pound first-class. 3 Wholesale or Retail. Do not make either large or small purchases without first examining our goods. PhOfld Main 293. Cnll us tip and we will deliver anything you want to any part of the city. eiledge & Riggins. -i. .1. .. 4. .. '.f. HCIIDBIN HATS INONE BETTER MADE' Here is where 3 we are specially 3 equipped to help 2 you. . 3 iiiiiuiuiiuuiwuauuiiiiuuiiuuiiiuiijiijuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiu 1