Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 04, 1903, Image 1

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S5f l & $ 53
k v y
!3 IIBBidS
. nnnnn
will the l.licky liny ore ic,
M great depth, mid give .-l,,.,.,
out ct lor the ore (Uteri Into tIP
mil I. a the otc will only be ha,,,
lied once front Ihclimc it Is broken
in me mopes until it tenches
i accompany lint tit prcicnt n m-
" to the Mini,,,- l,M)K Itm m , Good Govcm,I)enti flnd j.. for Qrub Stakei
HOLMES i ' "
NO. 45
Ijwcr I'J.,.. nr.d lO-Stamp MHI.aSKtrrS!; k by Sere of a lo 0-
f I ni'lfl' Hnv Mine imIii (if ril,iii ...... .. .. . CI. nil IV..... .. .
Ui i. -"v " " ii ti iihiiiiii, nili) viiniitii;t SCIll 10 IHlKCr UIV
Ilnrd Hacks Home Team.
iinocoi niwiii f.iHK) (imniith, mid
me - Htnmp mill is m oner-
iillon the output will he nt leant
RICH PR0IM2UTY. fr',"1"1f,,;'T J.''"'" ""iiy.
v whli h will lie equal to one per t ent
Pr uioiith oil the par value nf H...
"lock, The Biiiounl of ore in nielli
mi near ns nil expert canjudwe from
present developments, i 400
Ur Kilivurd I,. Half. milling III-
f)Brtf, wii" iimc line fiiiiu Crip-
!lL'irek. Coin., Ittt I H 1 1 . IH jllHI
Kttitnol I'""! 'i month's Kip to the
jlot Klvrr I"'1''"!? Hi'lrtet, where
jflui Nf" engaged In making
(jtniilctc cinfu'r iiml unilergiound
mrvcy k ""' 1 1 i tit-. Mr
wk ev Illicitly of the
Binrthiiiut dlilrlct. which is in
Liiicoji'"' . mil which Is the rci
.)ri Ill' "" N'''"HT devote thin
ipiit li review tilt developments
ismf "' ' 'hat mine- As n fur
thet rc.i-i e will Ktnlc that the
Blue l" 1,1,1 llolieiuln mine arc
,,,-ttbc '" mineral M, nuil tint
Ut (level .(.niriit of the one en
lunees tlx- .ilnriil the other. The
distance liriwcen tiicsc two gient
tiiirt is '"l lo mile, the cniiu
tiAU ''i"K pructicHlly mule
wliWdtfi' ' 1 leitilc field for prut-
! Ills
No a tunnel it in v leel In the
vein iiIomk the foot wall shle No.
I tunnel U iiialxtit v'fTt on the
vein. No j tunnel i in jyj feet.
No . tuiiiicl it in joo feet. No. 5
llfli adorn ij xi feet of ilrifliiiK, .too
feel ol wlnrli i on the vein.
The dm ami necoml levels are
connected hv a raiw, which i nil
in oie l-'ioin t lie Tilth to the ec
011. 1 lutel I'oiuiectioiis hnve liren
itintle liy Mojies mill rniics, sliuuinj;
the ore ihhIii'i lo lie from 6 to 40
feet in wiilth. There me alto ev
eral crotM.ut!i in the filth, fourth
and .second level, showiiiK the ore
Ixxlles to le couiiuitous and of
KlciU width.
HeHldeii the I.ueky Hoy vein
(.i:f i.ite that from ivlmt he ' tliere i what it known iik the Cm.
i the uiiiiiiiet Hiid met
ilniiitiK the vnrioin mines
Id thitsvtl'io. the l.licky Hoy etim
ftny U'lcouiK at their work 111 m
m .re pm lii'Jl tud scientific mini
ft limn 11 inujoiity of the other
H"'iUK ciiitii4iues
btiiifC itMlalled at the mine Nt the
nirKin timr. when 1 oiupleteil, will
plict the uuurriemeiit 111 11 p iiiiion
lideiice vein, which i a Hat vein or
deHxiit brine uietely a great over
(low down the stile of the moun
tain from the I.ucky Hoy v in.
This Hat vein or dcxwit varies in
thickness Itom j to to feel. Some
300 feet of drifting lias been done
oil this vein, from which several
thousand tons ol ore was taken and
milled at a profit.
The Lucky Hoy mine was located
Illicit Inw-eriiile ore til a more 111 tKK liy .N. II. blandish and as-
tcoeomical manner than it is Ksi- sociutc. It consists of 12 claims,
bletndowith the etude met hints 1 7 of which are patented, and Mr.
do employed I lulf has just completed the patent
Tlie.ompauy is ItuildiiiK an clee- survey for the other live, which
trie power plant oil the MeKenie ! will n'vc the coniany 300 acres 111
nr, one and 11 half miles from the a solid block. Large Ixxlies of ore
tOMt of little Klvcr mid 7 mlcs , have been opcncil up 011 the new
from the mine This plant will chum, which are acrosi the creek
ive capacity of 500 hoisc-Her. on the nptmsitc mountain from the will lie transmitted to the Lucky Hoy vein, and it is the in
mine This power plant has sufli- teutio i of the company that when
cicni cjii.ulty not only to furnish the new tunnel is connected with
the present working the tramway
will be moved to these ore bodies.
Mr. Haffis V. S. Deputy Miner
id.Snrvc)or lor Colurudo, W'yom
iiiK and Oiegon. He came to the
t-ujst on a vacntion last fall, but has
Ilium-01 tln prettli-Ht kiiiiii-m uv
Imvi'Ms-ii HiIh jcar. l'ottii; llmvi-
iiikii rniKii 1 initlmll 'iViiin. look
lloiiii-H ItimliiPHM CoIIi-ki" down tin-llm-
fur 11 M-on- of 11 to 0.
Tlie Kami-wmh culli-il proinpllv at
I. 111. In lti-fi-ns- lleiini-tt. In Hi.-'s-lli.
IIoIiiii-m IIiimIih-hm Cnll.-i;..
ehiw to klik nil. Tin- liall
iiilun-d liy CIiiih. Mi-KIIiU-ii. uli.,
iidtiiiiii-d It IiiiiiiIhoiiii-I.v fur ten
.liirdn iH'tuiT Ih-Iiiu downi-d. Its- n-N-ti-il
lln,. ImrkM, I dlliiiii- llroNun-liirm-d
tin- linll i tin. l iii 'h.'Ui .vitrd
IIiih, wlii-n- llulini-M took 11 linu-M
mid til-Id I'nttiiKK Drove fur duwiiH
and nut tin- hull, for tin- luilaiire
if t lll tHt lllllf, II WIIMII Clllltllllll-ll
HlriiXKlt- to iiilvaliiu tin- tut 1 1 1 ft rn 1 1
0111-nIiIi-InililltiK for down mid vlrej
n-rnii. Tlio- who wltiK-HM-d tin-
K'lllll Wt-n KIVCII II I'lllllK'l- tllHI'CH
Niili-iidhl i-xlilliltlou of Htri-iiKtli and
-till. II Ih-Iiik ii-adlly mh-ii tluil ttu
I'lirlliiinl Im.tH wi-rt lii-itvli-r In tin-iiKr-KUii-
tlinn ( iiMiiki- lme.
Tin- llrt half t-mled wltlitlu- linll
near tin- 40-ynrd Hue 011 I'urtlaud'H
ti-rrllory, to whli'li point Portland
had iniiili'd, on third down, 11a hud
they lost tin- liall ho near tlii-lr K""l.
II iiiIkIi! have Klvt-u CotliiKt-lirovi- 11
clinmv to Hi-ori- In the II rut half.
Tilt- ws-onil half, Cottnui- ilrnve
kicked off to Portland, and, while
tliBy Hindi- It liaiiilHome ealrli, It
K'thlFil them iiothlnjr. as (irlttln and
Klliiierty were both n-ad.v mid
ttlt-kled the runner oil the nput Tlii-u
It wiim that i'iiIIiir" lirni- irovt-d
their niiii-rlnrlt.v over their oppo
nent liy holdhiK thrill for downs
mid when tlii'.v Inn) Kiit iOKeHHloii of
tlM- hall, riiln-d It down Portlaud'H
territory for the llrst and only touch
down of the KMine. Cnpl. Hill
kli keil a very haiidxoiue IIioiikIi a
illlllciilt Koal.
NothhiK further of Interest occurred
In the Mi-olid half, except an allerca-,
Hon over a tumble, liy Portland, In
which Ucfercc Smith tried tort-mime
a hoiiic what ancient and moxuKrowii
rilllm;, that iiwil to lie In vnuue
when iiHHoclatloii footliall wiih tn lis
Infancy. Hut as he could not hIioiv
iiiiv iiilliu; In the atitliorlied hook of
rnl't-M ithotiKh he took 1'.' iiilmitt-x to
liiuk for It and liiihleiitall.v allowed
the Portland Iio.vh loj,rt-l back tt little
wlmli, lu was llnall.V iKTriiiiided to
allow the kiiiiiu to In that
tltnoCottiiKe (Irovti boys had KOtl
Ciiult-d off and did not have the eu
vrxj they Imtl dlHilayisI lielore. or
they mlKlit Imve m-ored m;nln In tliu
two and a half mlnutcx of piny left
to them, time lH-liiir calletl with the
Our Store Is a Pull !
Santa Glaus was good to our store. He filled it
chock full of all the Christmas novelties from all over
the world Goods made at home, in England, Germany,
Japan, China and the Indies. You will find what you
want at our store. Our success in this line is not ques
tioned. With our experience, we know just what to
buy or what you want.
$ee Our Line ofi
Albums, $1 to 5.00
Toilet Cases, 75c to $8.50.
Dressing Cases, $1.50 to 3.50
Novelty Boxes, 10c to 75c.
Smoking Sets, 1.00 to 1.50.
Assortment of Toys, 5c to 50c
Harmonicas, 5 to 40c.
Autograf Albums, 10c to 60c
Shell Goods, 10c to 60c.
Juvenile Books, lc to 60c.
Large variety Cliinaware
silk Handkerchiefs
" Mufflers
Lac variety Silverware
Necktie Boxes
Work Boxes
Fancy Boxes
all kinds of goods
Iwu-ti luisv mo-.! ol the time since Ills Imll mi Pnrtliuiil.n tt-n vnrd line.
arrival in making patent and under- lteI-.ts--Kor Holme. Siiilth; for
?.' ...i.., Cottitue (irove. Ilcutielt. I oiiciick
Kroillltl surveys mr coni,.n.cs -.. iilm.. Piatt: for Cottiiue
pocr for this mine, but lor any
other mines m the district that
wish to employ ower. mid is so
irrangcd tlulilic o,vcrcuu lw in
creased at any time, il so desired,
it small expense A .lo-stamp mill
u aim now in c-iitrse of erection on
the lower end of.thc proeriy, which
will be completed by January I,
t.i.t. ...Ill I l I ...I.I. ..II .1.. . . . . e ...
nuitii win i cipnppco wim un me were ill uceil ol ine services 01 an nrvi.. liiu k Starr. improvements, men " engineer, lie is so lavornuly nr.- The line up:
oiushcrs, rolls anil concentrators, nte.ssetl with the mineral resources n.n. f. Position.
litem wil also lie connected ,.,i ii, i.,ivri of tin lloliemia Itood I.
...i.,... : "'. .. . . n
wiiu me mine oy uu ucnui iiiini- ,Hj ijue Kiver district!) mat lie
way, 1700 feel In length, which decided lo open an office here,
will be used to transport the ores NtirjauT welcomes him uinoitg
from the ptcscnt No. 5 tunnel lo us, und hope-tiiat he will use his
the mill. A new tunnel is also lc- i,cst oltlcc-H t. ( the mining
tug started ou the level wltn the industry ol this tlt-trict.
GarmanHemenway Co.
Leaders in Merchandising
mill, the first Joo-fool contract of
which was let lust Friday. This is
on a vein that has not Decu devel
oped, the existence of which was
tltherto unknown Commercial ore
his already been opened in the
breast of it. This tunnel will have
1 vertical depth of 700 feet below
he No. 5 tunnel, which is the
lowest tunnel on the property. This
unnel, which is ou a parallel vein ,
vith the Lucky Hoy vein, some 400
1 :ct to the south, the intention!
Iifdnrr tn itrltri In trl n imitlt ntlonxlt I
.he rrnt wnrL-lncs in the old OliernllmiH
V. li. U.S.
I. T 1:. McKlbbeiil
..I, li I. JlcKlblH-n,
..0 Kincrtyi
"It ( Ilawley
"It T MIIhoii
"1, K Taylor
iiuri 11111
Knox 1 .
unnel and then crosscut over. It
"ill thus he seen that this tunnel
I line
Ilnllluin-r -
MltVll.llll Vllt'H.
fnlllH-r Q
1I..V.-.I..,, II II
Hcni. Aiuleiwiii cime down from Hlinonton Ml " '!'"""!!
the Uncle Sail, mine. Hlue Kiver, Mr. .' .I. Hani o Por land
the first ol the week and Monday ""j-'IS,,:,
went to Albany lor - few days visit. n(ll( ,h(l ,,r1)OHuion to the t'ottnw
Mr AnderMiii is employed at the ,IroV(. teniii that If they won d
mine and re,orts the comm.,,-con- elmllt-; the ' 1 y llUrb tml
trolling It s having Muck n not y J .rin.l. for the;
of good-paying oie, but owing to Mth w,1()ll (-iauiiloiiMhlp of the
',,c facl tins S'rly in Sr'tlKi' Progress Being Made by Con-
XIXl siruclion Department.
in enough supplies to coutinue tlllt ,,f .:t,.n Orenou. Tnklmr Mr.
nil winier. nomc iu- nam 111 iiih wihu hh- v.......
n,.pi eilis also tie- Uhiii-iI. HUH nil niixnci m
which is
Hrownsvillc Times.
ill any time now.
Dry Goods, Cloaks, Skirts.
The following "At tlome" card ac
compunled the nnnoiincement: "At
I Home, Cottuue drove, Oregon, After
I Novemlier 21ith.
I Mr. Hamilton In the inaiiaser of
1 the Timber Department of the Ore
gon & Soiitlieimtern Kulirorn. tie
1 left thlx city about live weekx ngo
osteiiKlbly on IiusIiicmh comiecied
with the luterestH of the coiiipanv.
1 However, from the above, It would
neeni that there were other reasons
for bin departure. Mr. llumllton has
a host ot friends In CottiiRe (irove,
not only In railroad clrclex, but
anions the liiiHlnetm men and resl
ItlentH of thu community, who will ex
I tend 11 cordial mid hearty welcome
1 to lilseHthnableladv and himself up
1 011 their return. The happy couple
are expected to arrive, on any train,
aiulwoiild have been here now were
Christmas Presents
Fall Dress Goods
Are now In and wo are tdiowlmr by
the lurneHt lino of llri Ooodaover hIiowii In
Cot Intro drove In all tho new idylcx. Ve
know that we can please- you lu lrenn (lootls
anil W'ulstlngH.
New Fall Styles.
Our speciality Is Ladles Heady to Wear
Sklrtn and Walstn. People are liuylug ready
maile goo.lH m ire every year, anil realltlmr
thin wo will rarry a full nlock. all the time,
of 1111 to dale i?ood.
Shirt Waists and Wraps.
new line of the latest Waists at
$1.50 up.
m. The prices on skirts range from I A
U WW tn $7.75 1
M xv. mrrv for the first time ft full line of Misses blurt.
fen ..w.....w -
mfl ,
1 1
hutch's Store.
The Nnitiin' man made u trip to
Wl tlwHOtl Vleilin'Hiia.v iiuiuuik " 1 .,, lv,,i .1.0.. ....! on niiti.
the Hue of the Oreoa & hout ie -, - .',7 '",' BtoppaH at Kasteni
em, for the purpose f 1 all: ig n 1 per-, citlewlM,ri Mr 'u-fmllton has been
Hona supervlHlo of t'1","." look I it,' up the lumber market for
that Is helm: mudo lu extondlii, tne h . Th(J NwlnKT
I "work I. rapidly belli,; pushed 1 extends etmgratulatlous.
the railroad bridge over How rlverat , -
wTl, Htatlon. This bHde Is MINING NOTES.
! ifnilf.r",tS, umiUrioSyllK-l' Alex PuBt. M the nrstor the
I of solid concivte. Chief J;-nlity , week for Bohemia.
K M'SnSSTt !lo Mr. P. J. Hard has been in the
1 rti, ,,. vo ir. The (rradlm,' citv for the past week looking after
mill track laying has Deen iinisiieu u .is u0i,emia properties.
11 pumi aimiii i." "-v ---- -
Wild wood, at which place n Kiuig 1
. 1. .bum nnr 'I lit Pilll.
The Largest assortment of
Jewelry &
Cut Glass
Ever shown lu Cottage (J rove. Sold as cheap, If not
cheaper, than In large cities.
H. C. Madsen's
...j.i.l- ft IIISUI (-Illi. i lit
stiuctfonot the bridge, mid comple
tlouof the cut Is all the construc
tion work that Mr. Wood has map
pe 1 out for the winter, but when
spring breaks work on the roadbed
will be resumed with a Urge force
mid hurried forward as rapidly as
''The'eiigliu'er.s department was
moved this week to Its new quarters
,,u tlie third Hour of the depot build
'"Sr. A. H. Wood, chief engineer of
theO.&S.K., informs the Nuikikt
that ho has reculved a wedding card
as follows:
Mr. Jack James came down a transtormer lor me eiecirtc power
from the Crystal Monday and left plant for the Oregon Securities
for Portland to spend a week. I Company, at Wildwood, for trans-
The recent high water washed I'ortation to the Warehouse. It is
aw. the fine new-bridge over Row 1 -Pted that this plant will be set
river just above Ed Cole's place. P "- ready to run before a fort
' night.
v?-.l rl !!..!. .... nt, ti. tin nf I
nas a new . i-.wi mw nvwwimwwi-
. r!.,r I in it conductor of the O. & S. E is
Mr. John 8turtrt Hiunllton
Miss Evnlyn Clalra Barnes
Church of the TrAiisHguratlon
New York
Tuesday, November tenth, 1003
the O. &S. Ii., now
boat in which to cross
It is reported that Mr. Geo. V.
Lloyd, of the Crystal Consolidated,
has purchased the interest of Mr.
Henry Marcus in the Eutoplati
A new hoist engine for the Ore
gon Securities went out over the
roRd Weduesday morning. It is to
take the place of one that was put
out of commissiou by a tree falling
on it during the recent storm.
Wednesday Joe Cole was loading
011 a leave of absence looking alter
his ranch near Roseburg. Mr,
London iuforms the Nugokt man
that Frank can make two blades of
grass grow "where one grew before,
and that he is entitled to a special
rating in the category of agriculturists.
Last week Mr. C. V. Mitchell, of
the Grizzly mine, brought to the
Nuggkt office a potato 4 inches
long, ?Y inches wide and 1 inches
thick, which grew back of the
cook house at that mine. Two and
a half months ago, he says; the
cook threw out some peelings and
small potatoes, which took root and
grew, and recently they dug a peck
of large, fine spuds, which sprung
from this unexpected source. The
height of this mine is 3500 feet,
and it will be a surprise to most
people to learn that this most im
portant vegetable will thrive at
such an altitude. Another re
markable feature about the case is
the short time that it took for the
potato to grow to maturity six
weeks, Tuey hardly do that in
the most fertile portions of the val
ley. The sample can be seen iu
the show window of the NDGOKT
All that is now left forColumbl
is to mourn a lost opportunity.