Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 27, 1903, Image 3

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    pr. octilo-oiitlelaii Kumw
'1'hf ItMl tlioi'H nt .1 II Davlilnnu N
KotlnkM mill HUilli'M nt Tin- mi
trn I'linrnwii'y
nur yl,ir n'li'"'1 niipiiiii'm 111 Mm
Pli. iiimk mure.
II will m11" I.'1"1'" Haiiinlay iter
nm,i,. lleiiieniWll,
Aiiiiiillif of NfliM'li'iUiH'il wheal for
ml ni "n ''"'IK'' Uinvn I'lmir
Stucmlicr tlin lillh anil I71li Kr
tMw. uilli'liiii, will Im In Cot
fut ilrtim.
V ti. 4,,, u
S.V I"
1 kL, .1. .c. ..
wv ii,js cvr I? A NO KM
CHI nn, a,,. Tllcm ,,
" imruwxire Co., Proprietors.
tturin icIvk yon mime ojiri iirlreM
)! lllllll'llllll IIIIIIIIIKIHOI'K. nil ItlKl
Mkmlkv .V Mum:
II vi liumlivil dollar In Helim.)
v,H,kH llllll W'lluill Nlllllllt lit I he
ffHgf llnilk Mllltll.
!l Hi re lilil'1" OIll.V olio mill' mil
if K!rlmir"ti'iiiiiit, will o imiIi I, t
I imi MlJIH.KV A Mil
llivi' I'r Lowe euro your heml mnl
Mirli" ri'iinivliiif. lliKPiuiM with
jjntlr .if iila MiiHrlor kIhhmm.
ir l.owe, t In eye nhvIhIImI.
tlto ttrpit l't I here, If mHllili,
nviil II"' mull of IiIh Iiihi iita
'iiiniiir niivi'U ilio vit, Inli'Hi
At tlx t Ul H""k MlDlf. Veil! run
bay eiii-ni initrlKlii or rent Hhmii.
flllll . .
vnllfel fr tf .. , ." " ""- I""
Ill1.ll ivlil , ,,. Wn,' 'I'lH III,
n.H'..(.iih. ti. to
Ma miiiiii. j.wm ,, )IM pi,,,,.. Mli,,r,
nr.n.l'w.riV l'''tT'i ''.
wllllmik niiii-li l.rlulilcr.
I'liHt mnl in veirv Miiecemifiil In i-vmiro-i,1!!.
,,L;jvl11 I'" .xi.irtoil to
li' i 1 """'"K winio Here. ,
lUirUllmiH, nWinll.MM of nrinie- or or-
mi cuiiki. oi our lit-
ilermer mnl ilMru t tie milvntloii of
HOIIIm. liriTIIMllllllt. I,,ll...l '
I In thiw iinvtiiiKK.' WeeurniMily I,,.
I,.,,.,.,, ,,. ... . ' "' jiiiiiik nun hi of nil
II. C. MimIh.ii. ii. i,,. .i;. : , 11 " .IM" "mlerwl
iH i ... j
.... . .-ifhcii i 1 1 1 (-...null.
Ill l'!!m!i, ",l.t;!',.,,."aH ,wl" '.""K'" ut 1 At "cewt US liomex III -ottuKf Ororo .
ii 7-1) i, "r,,,:J'' ""c.',.,,it' '""'"tl'I'lL'rati'lliuvLMiioroto return !
" . "' MIHtOr W "T 1lllltM" fur till, vimr !...., Inuf V
If -1- -l- -1- -X- -1- ! -I, .U -I. .1. .1. J -I- -I- -I
T' 'T' 'T' fi .n fl .. J, f
"' IH'Ill
II.... .. ... . '" " . iM.n .... tilin vvtll bllltll llinii
i, if m-v. n. ii vwilkrr ,,f If lu ii..t ...i .... l i,,
otlitTH. Im h lionie, u lioinu, without
an oran or jilano' Why refu the
loved oiicH, when either can be lin.fl
at IhIcch mnl on teriiin within your'
reach. I,ook anil we. At home In i
our new room, Dr. Nchleef Illiltt.. alter
Nov. isntli, Ulchiirilnon MiinIc IIoiihc. i
Mr. 1'nrl
Ili'iiiimrU. I
.III IliUell r.
ilill-liiK I he
io i niic. i . m. llovli'M. I'lwifir
Wlnlrr n, . "'" 'V""K 1
lllleiHl i L. Vl- . ' V " " r,V""y , '.' ovi'iiiiwth li,TiTiiorlleo. I
fe'iiirhn,,HHf' " i"-r:,:i
tlili year.
I he KimlMi
in. Wll IJlkl. I.i II... I ....I ......
.Int.... I" ...iiiiHiniin
. i.itm- .LiiuHll HI rat HI I
iiii iiiiiH ii, li.'iiiiiiirU.
Hie I'nrl I v,.oi.i....
i . . '
I.IIWI1 IM 111-.. II
Uncle "lioir Carey, who in vlHltlntf
In .MeLeniiHlioro. Ill . reimeHtH IiIm
imino to Im; entered on the Nnwt
malllnif llHt. I 'licit; "Jioli" Iiiih many
frlcmlH here who will be pleniril to
know that ho In enjoy IiikkooiI health
I llllll Hint ttrlt.... !.. .r.riM.ii imlu lin.t.
Iiiimbi'i'latn itjpulnl..l ami i-oinmu' 1 1" the trei-d" he vr III Jinirney back to
.iiiiIm li.rire
lie ill Milled
In IllllH. Mr
m-l'l.i'W of r. a.
w lie mi
iiiiri-u ......
inline an eti.t, 4 1,1,
Muliituv. t.i.-.i . """"Klo'l'iilliiitrllrove.
n'li Wi'ilm.!,,,., .v,.nil.r III, J7' llTI!" 'Wlnw IhU In the M.Wet
'I'l'l l llr, Imu; the well kiiowu' 'll-l'lny window weir tireHenteil i,l
;i v... Ll,,-Br '"!'" ",iv" I '"' vr",'"'" eini ,,...,ih ,,,,,1
. 1.1.. ...... '..". .... ifiii'i.Ma IWIHl titw :7 " n. im,. w iiiiit. Air.
,i row ii,t, , xnwt that tin.
l.-or...,l.ll,.....,., . V: "." ' J,r'"'1' hiH b
cmeker-. Vli, vJiT' .1 V.. 7' I'foveM lob.
ilev ei nun. ,ilLI. ..Kiii iiii-i
. , . v ...ini.i-,r14,l
l.iiiiiili.ilK,. of iM'wiil llr. II. C. Hchlei-t of thiH i ltv ' ''lH Ore-son home acnln
M'Xl Miimmor 1 "h.h 'leleiralii lo the Klrnt Intef. 1 1. .1 ...
imiionaiKi. 100 llyireiilcCJomtriwM to i . 1 ,"""""j TC'"U. "
fx held In ViimiKZ nKreHM to clnire-h on next .Sunday the coiixre-
wJile'h wll br . 1 , .w o' i 7nT'y, K'ul" wl""-' trailed with a hour
1, V"U,P. 1 iV'rll to A irll rendered bv Mn.bil. nhilMI..
... .n.,, 1., iuirerii'iit tin- NCnteof Oro
K011. Dr. Hclilii'f will leavflien-i-nrlv
In Mnn b ami enromte will vlnlt IiJh
old liome mid hmrtliiK KmiindH In
MlMwnirl He will return Im. about
nil- iniiiiiii. 01 Tim .Niiri:et
exIemU Dr. Srhlwf Un eotiKritiiln-
rendered by .Mm. WooiIh and MImm
IHIlHby. Allure cordially Invited to
I Htteml. There will be no c veiling
Mervlce on account ol the regular
union nervlce at the M B church.
1 Next Sunday moriiliii; nerTlceM will
In? held In honor of theJunlorlA-aKue 1
at the if. H. church. Tlie Hiibjinit,
will ! "The,l,lKht of the World," II
liiHtrated by lighted randies. In the,
evening the monthly union bitvIcim
will take place, llev. .Mr. Mormr will
make the uddriHH.
fLOaR and f 66D
The highest grade of Flour, Feed and Hay
of all kinds. We handle none but absolutely pure
joods of all kinds, and guarantee every pound
Wholesale or Retail.
Do not make cither large or small purchases without
first examining our goods. Phone Main 293. Call us- up and we
will deliver anything you want to any part of the city.
ettedge it Rtggitis.
-1- 'i- -r -1- -1-
icucn .-lilldri'ii lire liliule happv In ''""I'M IkvI. rail at l
btiiliiiliel', li""ll'0"kM.Mtatloiii.ry. , J,'"," "'"'''vllounry, We 11U0 rnnry
wii.nii'l I'-i.elU at tin. i:nKle llo.ik I 1 ,1' l',,l,'"'K 'Trtnil of rlKnrM ami it
t,nikSl..n- iiareo. .1. V. 'riioiiN roi.
llook Si
jflf,. fiiei(i rwlileniMi tin h In all
uirln .il 1. 'Wll I'll" "ml b" hlieiwn
1"" ... . .1 Mil n ... .,
'.... .' . ..... 'l
lui iiiiverHiiilon with J. K. Hai r,
IiIm ivii-k a reporter hfiiril that M
' "'"'a "no iiiiiierwenl
1011 ninni
Vim rim look aboiitl von In
lown ami kii. the llowerH In MM,m,
Kiirdeti re;elableM wwIiik. tin
imiWillUriil lollai;e of trim. and
tll(.i ciihI voiirei'i. iiv., r i.h,. r... K.111..
and ki-v benvy n'nowM, the mailt of r' ' The larKC Kiiianh at tlie olllce ol
i' nt HiorniH. itlM 11 beautiful Jieniey & .Milne wlilrli lino attracted
iiutraMt and one that would fascinate- "'uch attention han lieuii killed lor
an onrrii-
WeekM mIiui. In ,, I .,- 1 nti I
ami who In mIIII tliei... u
1111 inwiim. ijtMt Moinla
I he man from the frozen eimt.
unit M"'" Hi
i iitliiHt. Unniv
. ,i i iimde mIiim. iirnt rliiMi In
ten li.irlli '"'nr. my perMiiual Kimr
mitre t. iiniki. Kuuil any and nil tie
Kl K"" ''v,'r.v l" I r "old, .1.
II ImiiiUun
ritnek h'rnlii ami frnll farma, niiiiiII
tiUcrii fur u'ardi'i"J--rtml ehlcken rain
fax aI iliuber lainli for miiIu or
lai'lel') MrdWy .V .Millie, ror, '.'ml A
JIiiiii Nl . I 'llliW llrenn
IkMt erfiuuer.v bullrr. "ruin ner
flat i.ntlrr made Hi Salem Won lt
Mvinlillii ol Hiale I'nlr till year. 11
ttiu "on' butter that U alam
IrMli mnl full weluhl. Jimt order a
inure at your Kriwur.
To re-Hen mumMilar Mtralu of the
rim, ilml rub the vluur of the ntt of
III Ini'ly, " Hi" IjiHp'h kIiim'w.
Hi- put the tvHin of over I" jeara'
iTleiiri' Into tlietn They are In
U",..-.! lur iiiun. iiiau ine iiiiiiiik i
tin. ,11 Ii.. mil procraNllimti' In the
mutter ' havlui; your t'yi exam
C V llradf-ird. the ihiiloKrapher,
If now I.H-nte.1 at Itim'biirK. lie lia
nil th ui'tcallvra be In r, I luxe
llmre Anyone MUhlint mole
iiMu-va fniin tliein or waiitliiu en
Mr.'nl iilrtiinw will pleaae ndiltv
blui at (l-webiiri;, On-iiuii VII mall
vr.ifi' tillmtlerarrfiilainl iroinpt
tlrul e W. lira. II. .nl.
All H'ra.itia kllowllIK lli'Mll-rhr- In
ilrlitnl I.. 'h. Ilenaiiu Drill; I'o . re.
trulh aold out, will pleaae rail a I
mi iltliv .mil pay the aauie. tlnia
Mr. iriiulileaud eol A II Mm;
J. tU'-ti wantiil by the llo.iili
Klli'. I ruber 1'. ill Snsiuiin ire
Ill ' t i, Minla ami w.i.kIi III
(iiUre'ifl Walker Munst w ,r
( . .ye i.r !
Wake up and buy a nleie of ilml'
Hiv. . ii.i .. f V'll,,Kt' "r",W '") a"''. w."" a""w,''l to nit up forth.
lui ,.t.... 1 , 1 ""' wl" "' " " ll'OIIK 1 H he in, v
m p eaii IftHhow you hiui f tk.' "-lurii home mt w,vU.
iK'Mt lni) liiMown. ... ,, ,
.Miilil r.v .V: Mil ni: ' ll"""" llaiilner. who won
jimii.m .x Alll.Ni.. ajeiir'MM.ib-rrlpilon to ll,i..Ni,w..
in iimkliiityiiiir piirehnwM of lilli fr belim the ohUt man 011 the .-7ir
Krnde rlKiim, of eourae you wanti a "roumlM at MIimtuI .StirliiL-a luat f,.n
rliiMH miuke. Vou Will llllll 1l,e waa In the rlly Moiulav. ami ,,,,,.1.'.
riiaiikHuivlnir. and all farinerw to
whom MeedM have been proialKvil inny
call at the real i.'Htate olllce ol the
above mimed firm and weure a
plnntliiK of Herd.
ensons mm fm
Iyx;atcd two blocks wc
m-B t- and one block north
ICV ' thcH.IM)cpot
una inure a pU-iiHitut call. lb.
areompaiileil bjr Jim. liaidner.
MeaarM. Ilerry.V: IIIiiiIh oM'iird their
bowline nliejrM on .Saturday. Mr.
Ilerry reportH that mo far
Iiiim Imi'ii la-tter than they oxMvteil.
Ilereailer net I'iIiIii.vm the ladleM will
Ih allowed tobowl fuu otchnrKc until
a p. in.
at iirlrcN that
on or nililrem
lirv imki. urauilM la-itirtly kept nl
the Wave I iinfcrtlouery.
.Mr. (' r. I iim' liiforiiiH the Ni i.Ncr
thai he evpn ta tOMtart work on hla
ImiIIiIIiih on Stvoinl ami Main MtrtvtH
next .Momlay.
MUe KiililiK'lni'k. one of the ll.t.
Kl'lley l.tllnlMT t'o.'M old mIiiiiiI Iivm,
at I lie WciiiIIIiik iiiIIIm, la home mi n
If you are Innklm? for Mimpa In mil
. estate or inliiluic Mtoek mv u la toie
linylinc. Medley .V Mllm.
Kii'ah O.VMlrra any Mtyle, llyater
eocktatla and hot oda ilrllikM at the
Wave ('onfei'tliiliery,
I Ml nrtxn only 6 iiiIIcm wcm! of town,
one of t le aiiapa yon don't Ilml everv
day. I'rlcT jfujn.
Miuu.i. v ,V Mii.m:.
tti.r..' f., ..n...l,i..u f ......... ...
lion Hon at The .Modern I'haruiiiev. 1 ! 'lnyn hM-atlm; iiewromerM from
1 ae eiiai aim oilier uri'ijon towna.
Mian Krniliie Vealch vlalted frlenilM
In lliiwne a few daj'M last wiuk. rt
turning home Sumlay.
Mm. J. M. AbrauiM of Kii(;eiie,
Mpeut Sunday with her huMbaud In
A miinlNT of ('ottnice liroveV cltl
zenHt amoni; whom were V ( '. Lod
1I011, Dr. OkIcmIi.v, .lameH llemenwar.
om illew. Dr. Wall, lrvlni;.MatheWM.( ., , ,, .
.lohii IVtri-Hoii, Sim llrmitaml Win 1 1h" '' tlio.MctliodlMtclmrcli
IIIkkIiim departed for Kuw-ne 011 1 "reI,1".w ",K, 1,",H,-)' M can lie Kitttiu?
WeilneMilny-M ()reou expreaH to at- .rt'nA,y '."r ' l'.Zir ''ir miel Merchant'H
tend a M.-elon of the KlkM l.odue, at tWal I he program elaborate.
whlrlMi number of candldiileM will ,"lx,,yI)crHonH iVoJi" ,)art'-
be lultlatril. Tlie elate Im December the Otli.
1 lie family of TIiouiiih Ilatlibuu. In
I he h4-InI kIimi Saturdav nl;ht
by the football Iio.vm wiim a decided
HiiceuHM. The ColtiiKe lirove baud
rendered U-autlful iiiiimIc durln the
evi-nliiK. The proceedH auiounU'il ti
very bad
Iloth. p-
Mr. A. .V Pane, mi employe at the
l-oiiK Hlimlium Lumber (,'om mill,
while playfully hciiIIIIiir with a fel
low wiMrkman. Wi'iltiruiln v
We lian-wvi ral larp ranchi- for i"i'l ellalocuteil IiIm elbow.
aie raiiKliiX in Miu- from WJtl to l.VW
nrii'M in one liody
ran't be U-at. Call
.Medley .V .Milne. what yon have tonell with iim.
We are liere to Htay and do aMtrali;lit
biiHlueaM. W i-imi n il Hem II hey
can be Mold. .Medley & Jlllne.
Ily payliiK a miiiiiII amount now,
II. ('. Madaeii will lay iiHldeyour
riirlatiuiiH pivM'iit for you. 4:1-.' t
Medley .V .Milne are nulte Iiiimv
UatB . M.rbii. at the Flour Mill.
I'lioiie In yuur order. tf
lowiiey'a runil lea ut The Modern
New crop KukIUIi waluutMatthe
Wiivv confiH'tlonery.
Dr. l.owe, the Knueue optician,
waa In th" city Tueaday 11 ml
W eiliieadax .
Mm Waller
I iv.rllaii.l
Mi'l'arlaml returned
1ii mvka villi I III
'ile I I' V.inni;
MMit sjtiur.lai
vlalled the
Wnrrcn MrFarland la Inline from a
few elnj-M" vlalt down the valley.
Mm. I.ydla Stouffer Im recoverlin;
from an attack of la Krlppe.
Look In II ' MiiiIm-u'm window
for 1 lirlaiuiiia pivaeiitM 4:VSr
Urn I.nre-li lulled the .'Uiltv Meat
Friday .
Dr. K. A. I.awbaiiKh, of the Iiiir
At lllnnliatu Lumber Co., iiccom
panliMk by .Mm. I.nwbiiucli, left
Wednesday afternoon for I'ortland
toMMwl ThaukKulvliiic.
Thi-l-on;A: IlliiKliam l.iuuberCo.luiM 1
arnrliNiil of WaahliiKton -tar A. Star 1
NhliiKk-Meuroute to meet the demand,
to arrive wllhln a week.
.loi- Dainewooil, one of the O. &. S-.
U. ellltlent coiiMtriictlonforeuieu.waHi
In tlie slty thlM wiuk.
The Southern I'aclllc Companv
contlimoH to Improve their ilepo'tj
KroundM In till city. j
The LuilleMof the W. C.T. L. met 1
at the home of Jim. J. II. Ix-w1h
TueHilay nfteruoou.
J. F. MathewM, of the Oregon Se-
cnritkn Co., wiih In the city tlil 1
wti-k. , ,
I). J. Ke?ywr la vIhUIiik IiIm jMirentH,
.Mr. mnl .Mm. W. T. Keyser ol this
Mr. ifeo. W. I.loyd went to Euwtie
w pilneailay. returnlm; Tliumilay.
Win lleunelt Hieiit TliankHlvlns:
In Salem thla week
Iahi'h addition, are In a
way and need attention,
renin an' InMlIaHt.
Alfred I nabult left WedneMilay tori
JIcIimI, C11I., to join IiIh brother,'
who haH a lare bullilluK contract at
that place.
Mr. lieo. Itichinond, of Woodhiini. !
Iuim joined IiIm parentM, who reNliI
liere, and will make thlM IiIm perma
nent home.
Two llrniM of Oakland, Ore-..i
h1iI,mi1 H.OOO dreHaeil tiirkcyM to tlie
San Fr.mclMCO and Seattle inarlcetM
tor ThankMKlvIu. 1
Mr. C. II. Iliirkholder Im able to at-'
tend to lilHilutk'H at the Mtore iiffjiin.!
after a eoiilliiement at home with '
MIhh Belle Iliirkholder hn been nut
of Hchool for the paMt week on ac
count of HlckllCMH.
.Mr. Felix Currln wiim In the city
Jim. .1. I. Strong returned .Monday
Irom a 15"inontliM visit In California.
Frank HindrtjwaHRUKcne this week.
Is showing this week
new line of
get our priecs before making
your purchases.
Our line of Drua. I'alntM nnili
Sundries Ih complete. We have all I
of the latCHt
SiicceHsor to .1. I. Currln.
Well ventilated well fur-
nlMhcd anil (IrHt-claHs In 2
every particular a
J Rates $1. per days
Hoard by the week $i 50
without lM?d $3.W per
week. Kemember the
place. The liest. tables 5
nnd the liCHt beds, the 5
lH?8t uccommodationM In
every particular. "
Central fiotel
Cottage Grove
public School
Mrs. Ida 12.
Week E.muniiNov.20, 190a
Total EirciUment...
N'tw Xnrollment.
' A pair of Mllver mounted homa
kIiimhcm, Finder please return to
Subnet olllce and receive suitable reward.
Iters Attendance
Dajs Alienee
Average Dally Attendance.,
Arerage No. Belonging
Timet Tardy
Time Truant
noya Glrli
l'tm1 bred white 1'l.rmiiittli Itock
CocIiivIIm for Male. I-ave ordem at
I.ewla Ac VeatchV Htoiv. 4tp-41
I Withdrawn
Thosi not doing good work
Saw Mill I
Three miles east of
Cottage Grove on the
old Jackson Kile place
A.11 Kinds
of Rough Lumber, at
reasonable prices.
If you nre In neeel of any
thing in our line call at mill or
nddress us at Cottage Orove.
McKibben Bros.
A L. BRIUOS; rrlnclpal.
I Still Lower Prices Great Going-Out-of-Business Sale
Men's and Ladies' Shoes.
We are selling some old styles in Ladies' and Men's
Shoes at r.Oe, 7fic, $1.00, $l.lf and $1.50 per pair, that cost
us as much as $.'1.00 per pair.
We onlv have five Overcoats left out of about
40, showing that the prices we make are very
tittractive. Make haste and get one. Every coat a
Boy's Clothing.
We are selling these goods at less than the regular cost
as we must get our money out of them, and by buying now
you can get a good bargain.
We are selling Hed Conilorts every day at prices less than you can buy the material
and make them. Tl'ices HOW 75f, 81.00 JMHl 81.25.
Men's Outing Flannel Night Robes in good heavy material at
Fancy Straw Ticking at
CO cents
lOc, formerly 12c
ilIcn'H Working GloveH.
The material, fit and workmanship are of
the very best, and the prices are the lowest.
Prices from fiOc to $1.2f.
Heavy Underwear.
Something mose about Heavy Flannel
Underwear, we have actually the best values
in the best quality and the lowest prices in
Real Heavy material. Ho you have rehuina
tisum, we have the Underwear you want.
Mis! Mis! Dolls! 1
.. . ... .1 i . i ri.:i. t... SXt
'y Many a little girl is going to ue mane nappy mis v-iuimiis, ju&l uc- jt.
yv cause we are selling those beautiful Dolls at such low prices that every-
! body can afford one. We have already sold a great many, and what are
left are going fast, so don't neglect tins opportunity iu save money, uur w
; rlw- eriv.itest doll barcrjiin vou ever saw. St?
... e -j .
Christmas Toys.
We have quite a lot of toys left over
from last year. They are just what you want
for Christmas for the little folks at very low
Men's Heavy all Wool Socks.
A new ofler in Men's Heavy Wool
Socks, we have 200 pairs of sox, costing
us 25c per pair that we will sell you in lots
of 5 pairs for $1.00. For single pairs, 25c.
Our 'Wool Sweaters are the Nicest and CHEAPEST
We are going to Close Out the Balence of
this Stock by January 1st if Possible.
We are Very Busy, but are Only toj Glad
to Wait on you all.
The TimdsDrawin Near when We will Wind Up Our Business, so Don't Delay.