Bohemia Nugget nowAnn rtnovrn, bs. COTTAGE GROVB OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY Comprehensive Review of the Import nt Happening! of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most l.lkely to Prove Interesting. Colorado miners htivo gone on a strike. The United S'tntoe battleship Maine has been sent to Colon. Russo-Japanese conflict Is growing more and moro remote. St. Loula Jury In the bribery case of Stalo Senator Fnrrls. Is unablo to agree. Demnrt-ntn hnvo selected John S Williams, of Mississippi, as their leader. Tim rannlitlxnti linilCA mtiniH liaS unanimously selected Joseph G. Call- CIIINESU UNRAODD AT RUSSIA noh as speaker. Great Britain was surprised nt the hands of the Chlneso nftcr the Bus- Some Members Urge War for Reoccupa tlon ot Mukden. Pckln, Nov. 9. Yuan Knl Shal, viceroy of Chi I.I province, who, ns cabled to tho Associated Press yes terday, was dispatched to Mukden by tho Dowager Empress with Instruc- tlons to Investigate affairs there and It nosalblo to nrrango a settlement with tho Husslans. did not go any fur thor than Tien Tsln, which ho roachod sostordny evening. It Is now consld ored doubtful whether ho wilt go to Mukdon at all. The Chinese are more enraged at tho Ilussan proceedings nt Mukden than they havo been by any events since tho capture of Pekln. Somo of tho hot-headed members of tho Coun- ell hnvo advised tho Dowager Empress to declaro war on Russia, and send troops to releaso tho Tartar General whoso detention nt Mukden, growing out of tho decapitation of tho Chinese bandit, who had enlisted In tho Bus- slan service, but who fell Into the WAITS ON AMERICA BRITAIN WILL LET HER PASS ON IN DEPENDENCE OF PANAMA. quick recognition given tho Colombian revolutionists by tno unucu amies. Colombian troops will march on nnlnn nnd Panama desnlto tho recog nition of tho new republic by tho United States. Howard Havnle. convicted of high way robbory by a Seattlo court, has been sentenced to six years In the Walla Walla penitentiary. Governor Chamberlain will call a anoclal session of tho Oregon legisla ture If a majority of tho members will pledge themselves to enact no laws other than remedial to tax levy. The Maryland democratic plurality Is 12,376. Representative Hermann Is work ing for a Flace on the river and bar bor committee. It is sold King Peter, of Servla, has announced his Intention ot abdicating In favor of his son. All European powers have Indorsed tho attltudo of tho United States In the Colombian matter. Colombia says she will be able to put down the revolution If the United States keeps her hands oil. Senate and house leaders can't agree as- to the method of putting the Cuban reciprocity treaty into eneci. Thcro are 2,000.000 sheep on the Oregon ranges. The worth of this year's wool output Is placed at $2,550,- 000, Governor Chamberlain has not yet decided whether or not he will call an extra session ot the legislature to remedy the defects In the Oregon tax law. Z. F. Clark, a Portland man who has Invented a steel hardening process that will make armor plate bullet proof, has been offered $100,000 for his patent by New York, capitalists. The Dreyfus case Is to be again re vived. Two more Americans have been as sassinated on the streets of London. Senate and house leaders are bound to crash over Cuban reciprocity pro gramme. After an Interval of a month the Venezuelan arblratlon case has been resumed. Cable cars at Kansas City. Kan., col lided In a fog. One person was killed and 51 Injured. The senate committee will stand by Smoot, the Utah senator, despite nu merous protests. The San Francisco street railway ar bitrators have rendered a decision granting an Increase In wages. Six men were killed and ten Injured by an explosion at the United States naval arsenal at lona isiana, n. i. Authorities In Wyoming may clash over the Indian trouble. The Indian agents want those under arrest re- slan9 had evacuated Mukden, wound Chinese susceptibilities, Binco It considered to be not only an Insult a high official, but as Insulting to the Chinese government Itself. Better-Informed ofllclals, however, icaltzc the helplessness ot China, and tho madness of going to war with Russia. Their counsel has hitherto prevailed, although thero Is much baseless war talk In tho native press and among the younger Chlneso offl ials. WONT PROTECT AMERICANS. Cuban Alcalde Disposed to Quibble Ov Terms of Treaty. Havana, Nov. 9. There seems to be considerable disposition on the part of a number of Cuban government of ficers to cause troublo to American In terests In tho Isle of Pines Archlpela go. Several natives said to havo been inspired by Cubans, some of whom are believed to bo In tho government employ, are endeavoring to Institute suits to question titles to realty In the isle of Pines Archipelago, acquired by Americans prior to the signing of the Squlres-Palma treaty, which provided for the cession of tho Isle of Pines proper to Cuba, as a quid pro quo for coaling stations at Bahla Honda and Guantanamo. The Cuban alcalde, or sub-governor of the Isle of Pines, has refused to lend police protection asked by Amer ican settlers In several of the small keys adjacent to the Isle of Pines, on the ground that, according to a strict Interpretation of the treaty, these keys were no ceded to Cuba, and hence are not entitled to the police protection asked from the Cuban gov ernment UROES ALASKAN CABLE. dencral Qreeiv Recommends a Line From Valses to Sitka., Washington, Nov. 10. Based upon a recommendation contained m ins annual report of General A. W. Greely, chief signal officer of the army ,an at tempt will be made at the coming ses sion of congress to secure an appropri ation for A submarine telegraph cable to run from Valdes to Sitka, Alaska. General Greely urges the appropri ation of $321,580 for the construction of this cable, and gives as a reason for the expenditure the fact that this last link In the government telegraph Bys- leased, but the governor refuses to do I tem of Alaska Is needed to give an all so. Haynle, of spotted horse fame, has been convicted of highway robbery In Seattle. He always drove to and from tho scene ot operations behind a spot ted horse. His wife held the lines while he did the holding up. The epidemic of yellow Texas continues to spread. fever In Zionist American line connecting with every part of Alaska In order to do away with tho necessity of utilizing Can adlan lines. Secretary Root, In his an nual report and estimates, is expected to indorse General Greely's recom mendatlon. Alexander J. Dowle, the leador, indorses Roosevelt During October there was coined at the various mints of the United States $3,672,120. The case of W. H. Machen, charged with postal fraud, has been set for No vember 23. T. A. Wood, of Portland, has been discharged from practice before the pension bureau. Congressman Jones, of Washington, will Introduce a bill giving Alaska a temporary government ' The sea dredge Chinook has arrived at the mouth of the Columbia river and will commence work at once. The German mall steamer Dulsberg has been wrecked near Lisbon, Spain. Most of the passengers were saved. A reward of $5,000 Is offered for the arrest and conviction of the persons who wrecked the Santa Fe Train at Asflshapa creek last week. .A netltlon slcned by a Iaree num ber of Filipinos has been recelted at tho navy department asking for the establishment of a gun factory near Cavlte, P. I. In tho state elections just held the democrats elected the mayor of oreat- er New York, and governors In Ken tucky. Rhode Island and Maryland. Tho republicans carried Ohio, Massa chusetts, New jersey, I'ennsyivania, Colorado, Iowa and Nebraska. A blato at the Vatican, Rome, de stroyed $oo,uuu worm oi property, Diplomatic Agent Named. Panama. Nov. 10. M. Philippe Bunau-Varilla has been appointed dl plomatlc agent of the Republic of Panama at Washington. He is one of the financial agents of the Panama Canal Company. His first official act was to officially notify the junta that the United States has recognized the do facto government ot Panama. The News has caused great rejoicing here, and was telegraphed throughout the country. Preparations are being made to celebrate the event with great enthusiasm. M. Philippe Bunau Varllla is now in New York. Conflict With Russia Sure. London, Nov. 10. Telegrams from Shanghai say the Grand Council at Pckln has Issued a circular to the viceroys and governors declaring a rupture with Russia Is inevitable, and urging them to raise funds and troops. The correspondent of the Morning Post nt Chefoo, reports that the con centration of Russian troops In South ern Manchuria Is proceeding, and ex presses doubt as to whether Russia has capacity for coaling, docking and maintaining tho enormous fleets she is accumulating in uninese waters. There Is a Strong reeling That It Would Be a Uood Arrangement for the Unit ed States to Preserve Order Among All Central Amarlcan States England Will Indorse Our Action. London, Nov. 9. The British onle Ials' attltudo toward the events at Panama Is that It Is entirely tho United States' affair. This feeling, with the consequent comparative apathy, appears to be shared In all dl plomatlc quarters In Loudon. Except In the unlikely possibility ot some out side Interference, no action Is contain- plated by tho British, or, so far as the Associated Press Is able to ascertain, at the various Embassies here, by any other government. Uron request of the British diplomatic or consular rep resentative In tho disturbed region war vessel would bo sent to protect the rights ot subjects ot Great Brit sin, but such a request would not bo encouraged, as Downing street is ot tho opinion that tho forco the United States Is sending to the Isthmus Is moro than sufficient to maintain tho safety of the foreign residents. The question ot the recognition ot Panama's Independence entirely de pends on the action ot tho United States. If Washington communicates to the powers thnt It Intends to recog nize tho Independence of Panama, It Is not likely thnt thcro will bo the slightest objection on tho part of Great Britain, while, according to the views of tho diplomats here, tho other European powers probably will quick ly follow suit. Thero has long been a strong feel ing In British official circles that It would be an excellent arrangement If the United States would undertake DID NOT FIX LI.NI1. Alaska Commissioners Let One Stretch Uo-No Data to Work On. Washington, Nov. 7. Contrary to tho general understanding, It develop ed In Washington today that tho Alas- knu boundary commission, recently In session In London did not finally lo cate tho entire boundary lino between British nud Auicrlcnn territory, but a stretch ot over 139 miles between Kate's Ncedlo nnd tho Devil's Paw, two prominent mountain peaks lying southeast ot Skngway, Is yet to bo de finitely located. Because ot the fail ure of tho commission to determine tho locatlou ot this Hue tho joint sur veying commlBSlua that will bo charg ed with marking off tho boundary as recently determined will bo unable to opcrnto over this stretch ot territory. which Is about one-fourth of tho entire length ot tho boundary that Itns long been In dispute. It so happens that tho country lying between Kate's Neodlo and DoyII's Paw Is desolate, nnd apparently worth less mountains ot snow nud Ice. The determination of the actual location of the boundary Is tbereforo of no Im mediate Importance, but should mines bo developed, or should other resourc es bo discovered, thcro would bo n rep etition of tho dispute that has existed all over Southeastern Alaska since the discovery of gold In tho territory. Tho boundary commission did not havo before it sufficient duta to enable It to fix this portion ot the boundary with any degree of satisfaction. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON PREDICT ITS SUCCESS. Posscngers From Panama Also Say Amer icans Favor Rcvelt. San Francisco, Nov. 7. When the steamer San Juan, which arrived hero today, left Panama, October 29, tho preparations for the revolution wore HOLD ON TO YOUR PRUNES. Advice Ulven to Orovicra by ex.Commle, sloncr Reynolds, Hnlom "Pruiiogrowera who hnv not nlready sold their fruit should hold It for n prloo thnt will glvo thotn n fill Profit." says Lloyd T. Reynolds, for merly horticultural commissioner for tho second dlstilct. "Dealer are around offeiliig to pay a basis prlc of lsi cents. Probably mnjorlty of tho prune crop this year will average in thn B0-C0 to tho-pound site, nud at this basis growers would got only 3 cents a pound for their fruit Since tho cost of labor and fuel line advanced, 3 cents a pound Is about th actual cost of production. Growers are cutting their own throats when they sell nt such figure. "The condition of tho fruit marks does not warrant hucIi low prices, Franco had a very short crop and Is buying prunes henvlly in this country Tho dispatches from New otk ten u that the packing Iiousch In this country have had illfficulty in filling the orders na fast as they nro received. Tho annlo eron of the United States Is 1.000 000 barrels short and prices for that fruit will be high. Cannot! goods hnv advanced very materially. In every view ot tho situation I can see no ren on why prunegrowers should not re ceive a fair prlco, If thoy will ask for It. "It seems to me to bo certain that all tho prunes will bo wanted and th proper courso for tho growers la to wait until n living price Is offered. 1 do not advlso holding for speculative prices, but for n living price. Oregon prunes this year are of first-class quail ty and they glvo satisfaction wkcrovor sow. LIEU LAND REJECTIONS LARCH) well under way, and secession was the preservation of good order nnd the talked everywhere upon the streets. stability of all the Central American states. This feeling Is well known to the American diplomats In England. At the oerman Embassy, here, a representative of the Associated Press was Informed that there was not the faintest likelihood that Ger many would take any steps in the matter. If the United States Is sat isfied to recognize Panama's Indo- Evidently, the government has known for at least two weeks was approaching. Passengers on the San Juan who came from Panama and various points In Central American republics are agreed that tho revolution, which the cable reports as In progress, was most pendence, doubtless Germany will cor- carefully planned, and they predict dlally agree to It. On all sides America's paramount Interests and rights to deal with the situation single handed are recog nized by tho diplomats, thouch the Globe, In Its usual anti-American tone, declares tnat on account ot the prox imity of the West Indies tho British Government should take a hand in the matter. The other afternoon natters. however, comment on the correctness Its success. They also state, according to the Evening Post that the diplo matic representatives of the United States are favorable to tho revolution Ists. The men at the head of tho seces sion movement are friends of tho Pana ma canal and want the canal built by the United States and maintained un- Land Agent West Puts Records la Order and Gathers Figures. Salem Stato Land Agent Oswnld West has Just completed the classlft that a crisis cation and filing of the correspond enro and papers relating to atnto lieu land selections In Oregon. Hereto fore the records have been In confus Ion and ono seeking Information re gardlng any particular selection would havo difficulty In finding It Now the records are arranged so that any desired Information may bo hnd at n moment's notice. Tho list shows that tho lieu land selections upon mln ernl base, which have been passed upon by the Federal Land Depart mont within the past year or two ag gregate 74.000 acres, of which about 000 acres havo been clear listed and about 70.000 tins either been rejected or Is still pending with tho outlook poor for Its approval. tlon of the Interoceanlc canal prob lem irom tne independence of Pan ama. rtnnnV,?iielStf',.attltVfe MCT thS m,Iltar7 Protection Of the Unit- . . . .. w w - ...... V ...... 1 1. H DU1U-K. C .. - Among the San Juan's passengers was John Jenkins, United States con sul-general at San Salvador, who said 'The Independent government now being formed In Panama will always remain there. Tho Bogota government la out of place and has no reason for longer existence. AMERICA FOR IT. President Sends Orders Recognizing New Panama Government Washington, Nov. 9. Tho United States government has recognized tho do facto government of Panama. It was announced at tho state depart ment after the return of Secretary Hay from the cabinet that Instructions had been sent to United States Minister Bcaupre at Bogota, assuming that he has not left the capital yet, and to Mr. Ehrman, the United State vice-consul at Panama, and now acting' consul RUSSIAJTI1REATENS CHINA. Will Assume Charge of Manchuria Unless Demands Are Met. Tokio, Nov. 7. Reports from Pckln say Russia now tbrctens t assunio sole charge of the government of Man cburla unless China promptly dlsmls Pendleton Owns Its first Park. Pendleton Pendleton Is now the owner of n city park. For years such a move has been ngttnted. but nothing was dono until a week or so ago. when the council bargained for tho property In tho east part of tho city, where the water supply Is secured. Tho money has been paid over and tho deeds filed. The Innd waa purchased froia Jessie S. Vert, consisting of ono on tiro block, nnd for which sho received $1500. and four lots from V. StrobI Tho city purchased this property to prevent buildings from being erected there. ses Yuen, the taotal of Mukden, and there, to Inform the governments of decaDltates nnother mandarin who re- v-oiomoia nnu i-anama, respectively. ccnty punished disorderly nlzed 6".Uu.cul . recug- ,)andltl n RnsUn empojr The decision to recognze the de fac to government of Panama was arrived at after a protracted session of the cabinet today, at which every member was present except Secretaries Root and Wilson. The president empha sized tho Importance of the recogni tion of tho do facto government. With tho withdrawal of the Colombian of- nciais, the isthmus was left entirely without a government unless that es- lauusnea by the secessionists nhnnM bo recognized, and this step seemed necessary for the transaction of the routine business of the United Slnlpn on tne istnmus. Water a Scarce Article. Pendleton There Is a scnrclty of water throughout tho county. Com, plaints can bo heard from sheep and cattlo men that It Is difficult for them to get a supply fo their herds and flocks. Many of tho wells havo gona dry. Some of tho creeks and streams Chinese I of tho district, which hnvo nlways Decn well supplied with water, havo The action of Russia has caused con- '" ,n tl " f"1"',."",: probably entirely duo to thn lone dry spoil whlciT has visited this part of tno uiue Mountain district this sum, nier. slderabla resentment against the Czar In Chinese officials circles. It Is look ed upon a showing that the alleged pa- clfic attitude of Rusla Is not borne out by her actions. A number of tho high officials continue to advocate the ad dressing of a forcible appeal ot protest against Russlas attitude to tho row, ore, with a request that they Interfere to preserve the integrity of the Chi nese empire. America Heads the Navy. Panama, Nov. 9. General II. O. Jef fries, a graduate of West Point, has teen appointed commander of the Pa cific flotilla by the provisional govern ment. Carlos Constantino Arosmena has been made assistant secretary of lurcign reiauons. Troops of tho new republic will be sent to Colon at once. ine provisional government has al- eaay organized the m Htarv to ha cummanaeu oy ueneral Domingo Diaz. All tho soldiers forming the division fcught with the government or lihnml army during tne last revolution. Oriel May Kill Booth. New York, Nov. 7. Commander Booth-Tucker, of the Salvation army. sailed for England today on the Cedrlc In response to a cablegram from Gen eral Wlllllam Booth, the head of tho army. It was said the commander had become so overcome by the sudden death of his wife that General Booth wished him to take a few days ot rest. It Is said General Booth Is suffering greatly Iron the shock of his daugh ter's violent death, and on account of his age It Is feared the result may be serious. Release of 171 Atnrlgages. Pendleton Tho Pendleton savings bank has filed with tho county record er releases of 171 mortgages. This Is the biggest bunch of mortgages that has ever been paid off at ono time for a number of years. The banking com pany held thce mortgages, principal ly against farmers, sheep nnd cattle men. Tho amount of somo of the mortgages was as high as $10,000. whllo some of thorn were as low as $50. They nvcraged $1600. making the total amount pnld $200,500. Nearly 3,000 men are Idle at Lorain, Ohio, bocauso or tne snut-aown oi me large steel plant inere. Postmaster Goneral Payne will ask for about $15,000,000 more than tne last congressional appropriation. A conflict with Russia Is regarded hv Jan'an ns sure, sooner or User, and sho will not yield one polat I the present controversy. Rear, Admiral Endlcott, chief of the bureau of yards and docks, recom mends on appropriation of $140,000 tor tho rugct Sound navy yard. May Use Force With Porte- Constantinople. Nov. 10. In conse quence of tho Porto's reply, pleading tne superfluity or the new reform scheme tor Macedonia, on the ground thnt Turkey Is carrying out the pro posals previously agreed to. It Is be lieved that Austria and Russia will send an ultimatum giving the Turkish government a fixed term within which to accept tho proposals, and that In the event of another refusal, tho two powers will tako steps to compel Turkish action. Blockade Is Raised. Washington, Nov. 10. Captain Brlggs, of the cruiser Baltimore, ca bled the navy department today from Puerto Plata, on the north coast of Santo Domingo, announcing his ar rival, and stating that tho Cherokeo was discharging her cargo. This Indi cates that the blockade has been raised. To Exclude Foreign Ships. Havana, Nov. 9. The Importers and exporters of Cuba have sent Mr. Place, one of their number, to Washington as their representative to endeavor to have the reciprocity treaty with tho United States so frameil thn hnnn. nts to no derived will accmn nnlv in tho case of goods exchanged in Cuban anu American Bottoms. This is In tended tO CXClUdO Entrllsh Hnnnluh and German trade, carried in vessels of any of these nationalities, from the results of reciprocity between tho unueci mates and Cuba. Transport In Typhoon. Ban Francisco, Nov. 7. Tho United States army transport Thomas, which arrived at Honolulu today, had a hard battlo with a typhoon on tho voyago from Nagasaki, and narrowly escaped destruction. Sho was severely batter ed up by the storm, and sovera'i men on board narrowly escaped death, News of tho trying experience of tho Thomas reached here In a cablegram to tho ma lino exchange. Tho Thomas encount ered tho typhoon October 25. and buck ed Into the teeth of the galo for 12 nours. Put Up Much Fruit. Ashland Tho ABhlnnd Preserving Company, which has been operating an extonsivo cannery In this city the present season, will close operations for the year this week. Tho season has bcon longer than usual and there have been moro pcoplo emnloyd than eyer before, tho averago number ot operatives being between 40 and (fl, Manager Charles Pierce reports that during the four months' run tho plnnt has canned 15 tons of Bartlett pears, 21 tons ot peaches, 10 tons of string beans and seven tons ot blackberries. WILL MANUI'ACTURH STAVES, lloulton Will Have a Plant That Will Em ploy 100 Men, St. Helens It Is now a Bottled fact thnt tho Western Cooperngo Company, composed of Kentucky capitalists, will build a largo Rtnvo factory nt lloulton, on tho Northern I'arlflo rail rond, Just on the outer udge of tho cor porate limits of St. Ilvluiis, A dnton men am nlready at work gutting camps rendy In, tho woods, where the bolts for tho stnvca will bo cut up and split Into the usual alio. A factory alio linn been purchased from W. II. Dolman, nt Moulton, which has ample space for swltrhcH and side tracks. Options hnvo boon secured on several tracts of timber land, and a contract has been entered Into with tho Oregon Wood Company to Hunt down 800.000 cords of atavo bolts an nually. Construction work will begin on tho factory at onco, nnd tho mini agement atnto that fully ono hundred men will bo employed In tho mill and tlmker. Thin company owns factories Kentucky, Arkansas, Georgia and Seattle and Aberdeen, Wash. niLL IN SOTTHBRN OREGON. Pennsylvania Capitalists Preparing for a Heavy Cut or Vlniber. Roaeburg The Kelloher-Skelley Lumber Company has Just been In corporated here, by W. J. Kcllcher. Johu K. Bkelley and W. II. Sykos with n paid up capital of 150,000 The com pany has already acquired about 5000 ncros of nno timber land on Hilly Creek, n few miles west of Yoncnlla, In this county. A sawmill building has already been erected and part of tho mnchlnery Is now In place. The plant will have a dally capacity of 50.000 feet of lum ber to begin with, and will be ready for operation within 30 days. A flu inn win io put In from tho mill to carry the product direct to thn Southern rn- cine railroad irac at nrain, wnern n lumber yard will also bo established. Looking for Reservoir Rites. Ashland II. II Green nnd J. 13 Reeso, of tho hydrographlc branch of tne united blnlcs Geological Survey arrived In Ashland last night from San Francisco. Thoy nro In tho re- cliimatlnn servlro and will cross the mountnlns eastward from here on an extended exploration and Investigat ing trip to locato possible sites for res ervoirs for tho storage of waters for Irrigation purposes. Thoy go to Pel lean Bay. Tort Klamath. Tho Accncr flprnguo River Valley. Illy and Bonan za, and tholr Itinerary will take In nil tho Modoc lava beds and the Honey Lake district. ASK I 'OR EXTRA SESSION. Atontanans Want Legislature to Remedy lUlstlng State of A'falrs. Ilutlo, Mont.. Nov. 5. A llulonn ills- pnteli to the Miner miyti thnt pctltluna fiom all sections of tho ntnlo nro penning lulu tho Kovnriior'r olllco nuk ing Hint nn extra session of Ihu IokIs Inturu bo culled lo louindy (hu statu ot nffiilra existing In Montana ns it re unit of the HtiHpcnslon of thn AiihiIkii- muted mlmm and smelters, Governor Toolo ns yut hnn Hindu no ntitiouucc- incut ns to IiIh dotoriiiltmtlon lu Ilia matter. A luovo Is on foot lo hnvo a memor ial proaentod lo the legislature. In thn event It In convened In oxtm mimhIoii .skliig that body to unbuilt to tho voters of Montana mi iiliietiilmeiit to tho con sllutlou providing that eight hours eoiiNtltulo n workday for minora and smelting men. Notwithstanding Mayor Miilllu a or der, every gniablliiK houao In the city was open ull night, i ho rour big es. labllnhliionlH were notified to ('loin nt midnight, but they pnld no attention to the order. Long nftcr 12 o'clock and until an early hour lliln morning tho houses did n rushing hualneaM, Piesldent William Hcallon, of tho Anaconda mining company, nud F. Augustus llclnt, both deny thnt any negotiations nro on for the purrhnao of tho Helnzo properties In Unite. Thla denial followed a report emanat ing from Boston lo tho effect that Mr. Ilelnzo had been offorod $15,000,000 for his llutto mines. PANAMA REVOLT. Good Fall Planting Weather. Pendleton With tho exception of sovernl days of rain about tho first of October, thero has been no wet weath er In thla section of the Illuo Moun tain district for sovernl months. Tho last heavy showers, however, came at a time when thoy wero badly need cd, putting tho ground In excellent shapo for seeding. Tho long dry spell since thnt tlmo hna mado Ideal weath er for fall planting. Tho irrenter nor- tlon or tho seeding of this district Ib now done nnd a heavy rain will be greatly welcomed by tho tillers of tho soil. In the Sugar Ueet Fields. La Grande Tho sucnr beet factory hero liaB already this hcbboh received 10.000 tons of beets, nnd hna worked over 7000 tons, which means 1C.O0O sackB of sugar. It Is axnerted thai about 1000 tons moro of beets will be received by the fnclory this season. ami mat tno run will continue until shout November 10. Bo far tho beet harvest has Droved a atieeesa. a1. though thero was a shortaco In the iron, ine sugar maionai in the beet was neavicr than last year. Independence ol tbs Isthmus Has Been Proclaimed. Panama, Nov. 6. Tho Independence ot the Indiums was proclaimed At I p. m. today. A largo ami enthusiastic crowd of nil political parties assem bled and marched to the hea'dqunrters of the governmeut troops, where Gen eral Tovnr nnd General Amnyn, who arrived thla morning, were Imprisoned In the name, of tho Republic of Panama. The enthusiasm was Immense, and nt least 1000 of tho moil In the gathering wero armed. Tho battalion of Colombian troops nt Pauamn fnvora tho movement, which Is also thought to meet with tho op- proval or at least two of tho govern ment transports now here. Tho Booming Inaclvlty on th narl nf tho government In not preparing somo defense when rumors of the unrlalnu became rlfo nro looked upon na show ing confidence In the reports mado bv General Obnldla, tho governor of tho department or I'annmn. who Issued n manifesto thanking all political parties for the adhoHlon promised to thn aov. ernnient when It waa reported n heavy forco waa marc-l !-g in tho vicinity of Penoineme. The streets of Colon todnv nresenl. od somowhat tho same nppearanco as during the days of tho revolution. Several hundred troops, who arrived today from Savanllla on tho Colombian gunboat Cartagena, with their wives, are Bouatted On thn street rnrni.,. Tho battalion consists of -160 soldiers, nil well supplied with ammunition, un- mvr win niminnnu or ueneral Ixirnr, who left for Pnnamn today, but the troopB still remain here. SUIIMEROED WRECK, October Asylum Report. Salem The report of Siinorlnteml. ent J. F. Cnlbreath, of tho State In anno Asylum, for thn month nf iicin. her shows thnt tho ccnnrnl health nf me patients is good. The total cost i articles consumed was $7103.99. nil tho expenditures for snlarlcs 5099.10. or a total of $13,103.09. The avorago oally enrollment was 1330. making tho cost per capita per month .o;t, ami per capita per day 32 cents. the the Massacre All the Ocrmans. London, Nov. 9. According to Capo Town correspondent nf Dally Mall, the Bondelzwar tribesmen who are engaged In a native rebellion in uemaraiand. succeeded In ntr. ing wnrmbad, a German fort They uuwieu nits juri anu vniaca mflRnncp. ed all the Germans nnd took the Eng lish, families prisoners. A relieving forco from tho north engaged a large muy oi mo natives nnu heavy flehtlnr- ensued, tho result of which u nni anown. Told to Prepare for Strike. Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 7. In all probability a general strike of tho un ion employes of tho local packing hous es will bo ordered within tho next 24 hours as an outcome of tho sausago- makers' strlko at Cb caeo. Officers in this city of tho Amalgamated Mcatcut- ters' and Butchers' Union received word to prepare for a strike order. Should such an order bo Issued, It would, It g estimated, affect 1600 men and 800 women In the Kansas City piant Wood $7 a Cord. Pendleton There Is a scarcity of wood In Pendleton. This U duo to the lack of cars to bring It from tho Blue Mountains, from whero Pendleton gets her supply. There seems to be plenty or wood at the licit, l rlccu nro excep tionally high. Fir Ih selling at $7 per cord and pine at $c.oo. This price Is nearly $1 higher than last year. Coal Is selling at $8 per ton, Sale of Qreal Timber Tract. Astoria A deed has been filed for record whereby tho Oregon & Mon tana Lumber Company, of Helena, Mont, sells to Samuol McCluro, of Stillwater, Wash., 1506.29 acres of timber land In the Lewis nnd Clark district. Tho consideration named Is $1000, but It Is supposed a much high er price was paid. Malheur County Clcan-Uo. Baker City Gennrsl Mnnnror rt n juiiiiHun urougui in the cloan-up of a uw-tia run irom mo uicii urcek placer mine of the Eldornrin Minn x, mit. Company, of Malheur county, today. Tho clean-up amounted to about 800 ounces valued at ahout $18,000, R. n. uormirn, or Carroll, la., Is the principal owner or the diggings. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 75cj blue- stem, iic vailgy, 78c Barley Feed, $20 par ton; brewing, $22; rolled, $21. " Flour Valley, $3.7503.85 per bar- raij nitru wneai airaigiits, IB.75&? -J.10 ; naru wncai patents, 4,ZU(S4,00; gra ham, $3.35(88.75; whole wheat, $3.66 ii ryo wneai, s-i.ou. f I.WU JTJJ lUIlUU Mlllstuffs Bran, $20 per ton; mid. dllngB, $24; shorts, $20; chop, $18; wnnccu uMiry loou, s lu. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; clover. $13; grain, $11; cheat, $11, Butter Fancy creamery, 37K30c per pounu; uairy, l0tf320cj Btoro, 10c. Cheese Full cream, twins, 15c; Young America, 16910c: factory Pound In Twenty. rive fathoms of Water In Barclay Sounu. Victoria, II. C . Nov. 5. A report has been made to Captain Oaiidln. Agent of Marine, that a submerged wreck, seemingly of nn Iron vessel, tins been found lying In 25 fathoma of water off Amphrltlto Point. Barclay Sound. Hahormen havo como In contact with tho wreck when trolling and tho fact that their lines, when clenred. hnw.t rust and Iron ntnltm Imiirnina n, slblllty of It being nn Iron vcasol. The vessel in nvo nines rrorn shore. Captain Onudln hna communicated with Admiral Blrkfnnl cn,nn.nn4in. he Btatlon, Intimating n possibility of tho wreck being that of tho HritlBh warahlp Condor, which foundered In December two yearn ago. Wreckage from tho Condor waa found by aenrch Ing veKBela In Hint vli,,it i. a nothing to Indlcnto thnt It Is thnt lost warship, for mnnv wrcrv. h... occurred near by within tho past year. (live Up Indian Hunt. Douglas, Wyo.. Nov. 5. John lift-rton, member of tho Douglna dobbo. aavs tho Indiana who shot 8hcrlff Miller and n deputy In n bloody battlo Sat urday have scparatod, and each par ty la taking a different trail. Tho posso wna unabln In fnttxu, tt, and tho purBiilt was temporarily aban doned. It la tho opinion of many of tho officers that tho redskins cannot bo caught until thoy return to the res orvntlon, and as fast ns thoy como Into too I'lno Hliltrn nrnnrv Hiav mm i. Inkcn Into custody. Dowlcltts Again at Hots. Chlcngo, Nov. 6. Weary and travel. stained, John Almnnder DowIo'b "lies toratlon Host" today roturncd to Elon City from Now York. It was noar mid. night boforo tho Inst of tho eight spoo ls! trains bearing tho returning fol lowers of Dowlo roachod homo. Tho return of tho host wan mado thn nrr. slon oMi holldnv In 'Inn mt ., each train renchod Its destination the travelers wore glvon a rousing wol como by tho mombers of tho colony who had remalnod nt homo. Fire Causes Million Loss. Albany. N. Y. boYtt0n1ortRT " i170"8' lm- nvu tui iwu 1 1 OUTS boforo It wns undor control, and de- nivT'-I,,al. Inrg0 '"'"'lings on Ijlvor stroet botwoen Broadway and Mormonn Buy Pamaus Jail, KcoVult. Ia.. Nov. 9. The Mormon church has purchased for $4000 the old fall at Carthago. III.. In which Jonnh mini, me mormon propnet, and his brother Hiram, wore killed bv a mnh Id the early history of the state. Porte Absolutely Rejects Plan. London. Nov. 7. Tho Constantinople correspondent of Uio London Dally Mall writes the sultan has absolutely rejected every one of the proposals contained In the joint aote of Austria and Rusia, demanding that the Mace donian reform be carled out under the direction and supervision of ofllclals appointed by the two powers. Vacancies In Legislature. Salem Not only will a special ses sion of tho legislature be necessary to cure tho defect In the taxation law. but a special election will be neces sary to fill sovcral vacancies In the legislature. Tho vacancies must be tilled before the session Is held, ac cording to the language of the Constitution. , . . - "--.- .'i.fiiunuy inn tv.,,11. m.i.i . . noconu stroota. ncliwllncr ti,n .,.. U,,I"J wiuiiciin, Illizuu. lUUfllllKf. I Ai. .."""' '" "VHUIIIUI Mcnir u, ; rare?. &''Tho 5r fresh, 2420 Xc. ' ' " . " -"".iou. Potatoes Oregon, 6005o ner sack- u..i. c .. . sweet potatoes, 292Xc. ' Paris Nov r, ti " , Hops-1003 crop. 12022c n.,,l l,7 'e! i ETT"'."'ivl.n.8liy' "- according U quality. Minister ot ' voiZu 7faC In nn In Wool Valloy, 1718oi East fw torvlow thla gon, 12016c; mohair, 85987Kc. "Ires general poaco In both the near ijceiuresseu, per pound. u"u '"r ent and Is not anxious for Veal Small, 7K8o!larire. 6 Wan ?.n.y Pfotoxt for n clash with V rfer pound. , nao ? as como of tho Jingo- Mutton Dressed, imei Ln.l,. v'L 1.r,88 W"'1 try to show. A solo. "1.6e. . s llnff thf ?liem. ' .?.' ,m.v bcn &u MyitV-Drened, Bootfc. , -- we secretary