Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 13, 1903, Image 1

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W W W aa:
Devoted t the Milling. Lumbering and Panning Intercuts of thin Community, to Good Govenimcnt, mid Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 4a
Senator .lotm II. Alitchell Intro
duces Hill for Appropriation
for '05 hiir lleriniiiiit koIs
(lootl Scat.
OlMimlll IM(mi1i lir.
Washington, Nov. n The House
of tcpreiwntatlves ofthe I'ifiy-clglilli
Congress today held It first session,
11 ml except Tor the untiling of com
inltteces, which will lollow later,
organization win completed. Joseph
G. Cannon, ol Illinois, whose elec
tion to the speakership was nssnie l
tnonths ago, was fotmnlly elected
speaker, and inducted Into ollice.
Mr. Cannon received the applause
of democrats and republicans alike
when he took up the gavel ol au
thority, the demonstration being
most complimentary to the newly
elected speaker. He win atouceat
case in the speaker's chair, having
filled it so often temporarily during
"Ills many years ol service in the
The old officers were rc-clccled 1 newspaper reports they arc attract
tld the cu lomary tesolulions inu much attention. This nroncrtv
adopted providing for the appoint-1
mem 01 u committee 10 until) me
President and Senate of the election
ot n spcaKcr ami cicrx, aim a -emu-,
mittcc to join a senatccommittce to1
notify the President of the presence
of u quorum In the two bodies. The'
rules of the billy-seventh congiess
were adotcd lor the Ptllyeighth
congress by a aye and nay vole af-
tcr brief discussion, during which
the minority sought tosccure an in-
crease iu the representation 01 the
ItltKMANN OttTS.v (iool) SttAT.
r. , ,,, , I
Orcgonian News Iturcau, Wash-
lug ton, Nov.o-ln the ("wl"K 1
seats today Representative H-,
maun, being among the first whose
names were called, procured one of
the inosMdcsirablc seats in the
House just olTthc center aisle 011
the republican side, nnd directly in
front cf the senker. Immediately
behind him is Cliairiuatt llurtoii, of
the river and harbor committee.
Representative Jones chose ex-Con-grcsstnau
Moody's old seat iu the
rear center of the republican side.
Kcprcientativc Williamson having
the seat just iu front, while Hum
phrey is five desks to Jones right.
Clubman's name was among the
last called, which may mean he will
have to sit on the democratic side.
Iu his absence no one drew for him.
All of the Northwest members
were remembered bv their friends,
Mr. Hermann esieci.illy lieiug the
iccipicnt ol a mass ol chrys
anthemums and other Mowers.
Orcgonian News Ilureau, Wash
ington, Nov. i). Tomorrow or
Wednesday Senator Mitchell will
introduce in the Semite the bill pro
vlding for the appropriation of Sj,
12s. 000 for government aid to the ,
Lewis and Clark Imposition. When "lon hearing a noise Hlmlfiir to that
heolTers the hill he will ask Hint it 1 1''cedlui; a break, he delllierately
icoturs me u I lit w in ask iiiat it .,, ,,,,,, UlUMVVi(t cm.ntof th
be printed and lie on the table tent-1 Htn-am and was earrlisl oft Ids feet,
porarily, and will give notice that 1 llefore assistance could reach Mm,
before the bill is referred to a com- 'j" was drowned, lie was curried
inlttee he will address the Senate ''ow HWlft Htreain, and uvery
mittee lie w in am rcss the senate effort was made to iwover the hodv.
briclly, explaining the general pur-, tmt up to 8 o'clock ThurHdiiy nielli
poses of the measure nnd make without avail,
plain to the senate the object ofi, r. Davis wiih a married man, and
the Lewis ami Clark Uxnosition. I
The Gold King Mining Co. oj ,
nnthern Oreeon has lhsorhed the '
houthLr ii urcgon has ahs. rueii the,
placer claims of Hour iV Day. j
Dry Goods, Cloaks,
Fall Dress Goods
Are now Iu and wo are showing by far
the largest, line of Drsss (loodsever shown In
Cottage drove Iu nil the now styles. Wo
know that wiican please you Iu Dress floods
and Walstlngs.
Shirt Waists and Wraps.
The prices on skirts range from 1 A new line of the latest Waists at
$2.25 to $7.75 j $1.50 up.
We also carry for the first time a full line of Misses Skirts.
I lie second Jury In Km Jrlnl of
iuvc muieer charged with burghm
relumed a verdict ol guilty and lie
wum xeiilciii'fd In 11111" .veur In (lie
lei unary, limner Is llio man ar
rested for breaking Into (lie I'nellle
Tlmlicr i'o'm store n couple of weeks
Gill Meadow, supcilntendcnt of
uic urysioi road, was in the city
this week. He reports the road
completed, and states that part of
uic machinery lor the stamp mill ol
the Crystal has been mitten tlirouuh.
Several slides of the Champion toad
has occasioned some delay, but as
soon as the present weather abates
Ihe road will lie c cared and the
hauling will be resumed. Mr.
Meadow has a splendid word to sav
for the crew which be was fortu
nate enough to secure on the road
work, and to the crew he gives
much of the credit of advancing the
work so rapidly. Something over
n mile of this road has been built
since the 25th of September, and,
when the ruggedness of the route
Is taken into account, it is certainly
a rcniatkabic showing for the sea
sou of the year.
Dr. Oglesby, ol the Golden Slip
per mine, is spending the week in
Portland. He lias with him smite
fine samples from the Golden Slip-
1 per are and accordim; to Portland
enjoys a reputation of being one of
the hest properties for the amount
redevelopment work done, in Ho
Cill Meadows, who has just
utuxlun ,le work OM t,e Crystal
,oai , successful close, will now
tnke clnrK,. ,,f the Oregon-Colorado
properly, also the road work leading
fr()l the main road to the works.
A ere. v of men will be kept at work
H win'cr. with the view of having
the toad completed by spring, de-
voting all the open weather on it,
,, ,e , blQUm
the attention of ths crew will be
Hrcctcd ,0 lhe ,, d worJ.c
Chas. Davis Accidently Drowned
While Breaking Log Jam on
Coast Pork.
Report reached this city last
Wednesday nltjlit that Clms. DuvIh,
who for n number of years has biru
employed at lllackbutte qiilekNltvor
nihiftaud at the Coast Fork saw
mill, was drowned In the Coast Fork
that moriihiK near the I'etu.Mc.Martln
place. The little Intormiieloii at
hand Is to the effect that .Mr. DavU
was iiHslHtlui; hi an attempt to break
a Jam of Iokh. From the luformatlon
:nt hnml It d(ie not
appear that
he wiih In a damreroiiH nlneu. but
, " V 1 1 " . . '.
, liable and ludiistrloiiK.
,J.ul "PvtmHo it, fimunan at the Mu-
M.ltfk' .,H 1,1 "clty this week on a few
llftJ.H. vacation. John reportn the
Mustek looklmj Iwtter every day.
New Fall Styles.
Our speciality Is Ladles Ready to Wear
Skirts and Waists. 1'eoplo are buying ready
made goods more every year, and realising
this we will carry a full stock, all the time,
of up to date goods.
en's Store.
Reports Arrive that the Recent
Storms were the Worst in the
history of the Camp Damage
Very Intensive. .
I'. I). Wheeler, who rerenl'y re-
iiirned from a visit to the CryMtnl
Consolidated mine, old
iiihiei-H mid prospectorslti tliedlstrlet
say that the recent Mtorm In uti of
I he heaviest, ever known III thedls-
The new Champion IIiihIii road
was materially damaged, there being
at this writing some llfteen or twenty
slides. The night of the hrnvystorm
was our not hooii forgotten by those
In the district, say. .Mr. Wheeler.
The ronr ami crush of falling timber
wiih Hoiuvlhlng tcrrlllc.
The electric line of the Oregon Si
curltleM Co., rimntiiK from the Ware
house to the head of Champion, wiih
ho! 11 little damuged In several
placen the wires were broken by
heavy IIiiiIkt falling over them.
While t lie storm has broken It will
reijulrc several weeks of hard work
and 11 kooiI force of men to put
things In proier slmie.
Tho Oregon .V Southeastern H'y.
differed Home Iohi anil In materially
handicapped for Home little time
owing to the recent Htorm. The
fnlse work hail Just been put In at
the bridge ucross Row rlrer above
Wlldwood. and now It In scattered
from Hint point on down to the
Willamette river. The two heavy
cords, ench 10S feet long which have
Just been placed across the river were
also taken down stream. The falae
work will Ikj Immediately rcDhu-ed
and If the heavy cords, which by the
way, sipiaiv eigntcen ineheH anil
IDS feet lomr. cannot lie recovered.
another et will soon he gotten out
aim 1 no works rumen out us last ax
wai.laci:. ki.iza j. .mi:i)i,i:y.
At the home of her husband's par
ent', Rev and Mrs. ('. II. Wallace,
Inthls city. Mrs. Kllta J. Wullace.
beloved wife of Wm. Wallace. iikisI
:IJ years, . montlm and 11' day-4.
Deceiued wiih ii daughter of .1. M.
Medley, formerly of thin city, now of
KtiKene, her mother ha rim; died Home
years au'o. Shu wiih horn In Scotland
county, MIsHourl, Mur IS, 1S71, and
came across the plains to Oregon
with her parents, brothers nnd sis
ters Iu 1Si4. On February S5, 1S95,
she lHSmiau the wife of Wm. L. Wal
lace. After a MiiKcrlng I linens with con
sumption for the piiHt three yearn, on
Novumucr 10, ltWM.sho ytirreudered up
her life to her .Maker, surrounded by
many tender relatives and norrow
Imr friends. Five lirotliers, Attornev
J. S.. T. St.. Wm. anil Henry, of this
city, and Claude, of Pendleton.
Oregon; live sisters, Mrs. Dar
win Hrlstow of this city. .Mrs.
Charles Mttlelleld of Eugene, Mrs.W.
P. l.ockwood of Tacoma, Wash.,
.Mrs. Harvey Wallace of Saclnaw,
and .Mrs. Cllf Clever of l'endleton; n
dear old father. .1. M .Medley: a faith
ful ami lorlnc hushaml, a little bur,
Uverett, and mniiy frUnds, who will
mourn for her, yet rejoice that tho
HUfferluK. "The fever culled l.lvlnc Ii
over at last."
Deceased was a member of the
Catholic church, and wax burled Iu
Catholic service, the fit'ieral lielmr
held Wednesday, Nov. 11. at 10
o'clock a. in., at the church In this
city, the burial being made at the
1. O. O. F. cemetery.
" 'Tin hard to part when friends are
Twill cause a hIrIi, perhaps a tear.
So steal away Klve little warn
1 nir t
( hoosa thine own time. Sav
not 'Rood tilRht,' "
Hut, In Homo fairer clhne, bid me
Rood morning.' "
lolin I'wren, of Alhcrthu, North
I Dakota, nrrlved here late Inst week
laying In n winter's supply
uiHleft for the Sunrise .Mln
lug Co's property mi Adams Monn-
t f 1 In, where lie will do development
work with Ihrald of arrew of men
durltiK the winter month.
Advices received at litis office are
to the effect that at the last mcet-
ing of the Hoard of Directors of
the Oregon Securities Co., John H
Pearsons, who so ably mnuaucd the
affairs of the Oregon & Southeast
ern Railway, with offices in this
city, this year, was elected a mem-
!er of the hoard to succeed George
IS. Ktiapp, ol Hoslou, who had re
signed on account of long-continued
ill health, To the many friends of
Mr. Pearsons iu this city this bit of
news will he received with tntioh
The Hurefca mine, on Soldier
Creek, Southern Oregon, has re
verted to the former owner, A. R
Nelson, who will develop the prop
A dispatch from Sumpter, Ore.,
is to the effect that temporary delay
iu work on the North Pole mine
has been occasioned by the burst
ing of the large ore bio.
Advices state that the Metropoli
tan Trust Co. of New York will
bring foreclosure proceedingd
against the Fresno Consolidates
Mining Co. iu the sum of $100,000.
A. I.. Morris, secretary of the
Oregon Mine Owners' Association,
is tills week perfecting the local
miners' association at Sumpter.
The Washington Palls Light &
Power Company has finished its
electric line from Washington Kalis,
Wash., to Hurke, Idaho, and now
all the big mines in the Coeur
d'Alcncs, except the Morning and
Hunter at Mttllan, and the Her
cities at Hurke, are using electricity
lor power and light in their mills,
mil light and traction purposes in
the mines. The mines are also
equipped and now running electric
In a private letter to n friend in
this city, John H. Pearseus, of the
O. & b. h., who recently returned
east to take up some important offi
cial business in New York d'iring
the winter, he states that he en
joyed a very pleasant trip east, and
that everything is looking most
Gold and Silver Produced
in World's Leading Places.
A recent dlspattk from Washington, I). C. saya: The followhiR fig
ures, Just made public by the Treasury Department, hIiow the output Iu
1902 of cold and sliver by the lending countries.
Value. Coining Value.
United States tSO.000,000 $71,757,000
Mexico 10,153,100 77.SOt.100
Canada ..." 20,741,200 5,5r,l,500
Africa 39,023,700
Australia S1,57S,S00 10,377.100
Russia 22,53.1,400 205.200
Austria-Hungary 2,171,300 2,432,200
Italy .-i.SOO 1.246.SO0
Spain 10,200 4.7S1.100
tlreece - 1.409,500
Hollvhl 4,700 10,798,000
Chile 575,200 4.011.GO0
Colombia 2,522,600 2,297,000
Hruzll 9,994,000
liulanii lllrltlsh) 1,808,000
(Julnna (French) 2,420,200
Peru 2,320,100 5.343.700
Central America - 2,001,900 1,2.15,S00
.la pan 1,287,000 5O.VO00
''hlna S.731.S00
Corea 3,500,000
Hrltlsh India 9,5SS,100
llrltlsh East Indies 1,027,109
As compared with 1901, theso figures show an Increase la the produc
tion of gold of 1,572,914 ounces, nnd a decrease of 8,024,934 ounces In the
production of sliver. During the year, Africa Increased her gold production
from 439,701 ounces to 1.S87.773 ounces, and Australia Increased her gold
pi oductlon to $81,578,000, which la over $1,500,000 In excess of the produc
tion of the t'nlted States, which again takes second place.
lteports from the uiliies are to the
efiect tlmt the new mill of the Oregon
Securities Co. is about completed and
that the test will he mmlu In a few
I da.VH.
I Considerable damage to theelectrle
line from" tho Warehouse to the
! works Is reported.
! Advices him to the effect that the
development work on the big tunnel
Is going rapidly ou ami good head
way l lielng made.
The Mudck development Is stil
continued and tho ore Is said to ls
looking better than ever.
It la sultl that tho new mill recently
escaped serious damage by t lit fall
ing of a large tree occasioned by the
lieavy miow.
The storehouses at the Warehouse
are filled with provisions, machinery
and various supplies, which means
much to the company, as trom now
on It Is a dltllcult matter to get sup
piles In from this end of tho line.
The El Paso drainage tunnel,
Cripple Creek, which is now about
completed, will have a discharge of
io,ooo gallons ol water per minute,
The following is it dispatch re
cently sent out from Washington,
J). C., based upon a recent report
from the United States Geological
Survey, which gives some valuable
information regarding platinum:
Washington, J). C, Nov. 3.-
Hvcr since the discovery, in De
cember, 1901, of the platinum group
of metals iu the copper ores of the
Rambler mine, Wyoming, interest
in that scarce and valuable metal
ems tohavc been greatly stimu
lated. One indication of it has been
the increased demand for bulletin
No. 103 of the United States geo
logical survey, which is a report by
Professor James A. Kemp on the
"Geological Relations ami Distri
bution of Platinum and Associated
According to Professor Kemp
platinum deposits occur in three
forms or ways. 1. Iu placers, as
exemplified by those in the Urals,
Colombia. Brazil, and British Co
lumbia. 2. In veins, as atTilker
ode in the Hart.; Minas Geraes,; Santa Rosa, California;
Hercsovsk, Russia; Gualdal canal,
Spain; and the Rambler mine, Wy
oming. 3. Disseminated in erup
tive rocks, in two ways; (a; 111
sperrylite, wit the copper-nickel
ores 111 uralittzed tiorite, (Jauada,
and (b) as a native metal in basic
eruptive rocks, especially peridotites
fremtently intimately associated
with chromite.
The conclusions of practical value
arrived at by Professor Kemp are:
1. That platinum is very sparsely
distributed 111 the mother rock, so
that the chances of finding it iu
uuantity sut.'icieut to mine are
small; also, if found, the problem of
recovering the platinum other than
by stamping and washing is yet to
be solved; furthermore, the metal
may be in a very finely disseminin-
ate.1 state, and its extraction will
necessarily be difficult. 2. Large
and permanent placers should be
sought only oil very old land areas,
which have been subjected to pro
tracted degradation and concentra
tion. 3. In the assay of autimonial,
orsenical: and other copper ores
(especially tetrahedrite) it is advis
able to search for small percentages
of platinum. 4. Deposits of chro
mite should be tested lor the pres
ence ofthe metal.
The fourth of 11 series of sermon
upon the Lord's Prayer will bo
preached by the pastor of the M. B.
elmr h next Sunday moriihivr at the
Methodist church. The subject is,
"Thy Will He Done on Earth as In
Heaven." The evening subject Is,
"Andrew the Alert Introducer."
And we now have
Lane County. We have alw-aj-s had the finest display of holiday goods in
town tuul tins year we have tried to make it better than ever.
We want you to come in and see for yourself. We know that we can
please you.
An Excellent Article on Cinnabar Mining, its Value in
in the Commercial and Scientific World.
Here similar geological conditions
exist to the described n the Annie.
gate district, excepting the gradual
uiappearance ot the serpentine
which ireuos toward the northwest,
while the cinnabar deposits appear
to be following a diverging line
toward the northeast.
On Calapooia creek in Douglas
county, where the next cinnabar
deposits to the north are encoun
tered, the serpentine has whollvdis
appeared, and it is not encountered
again at any of the quicksilver de
posits turtner n .rth In this lo-
stiny, eight miles cast of the town
of Oakland, two quicksilver mines
known as the Bonanza and Non
pareil, were opened some years ago.
At one of these a small furnace
was built, but as the furnace was in
advance of development work, after
a short period of operation and the
production of a few flasks of quick
silver, the unual inevitable lailure
followed, since which time the dis
couraged owners have never at
tempted to re-open the property.
Twelve miles north of the Bo
nanza and Nonpareil in theextreme
northern part of Douglas county, on
a branch of Elk creek, is located the
Elkhead mine. This nroDertv is
credited with having produced
about $30,000 cross value of Quick
silver. Some fifteen years aco sur
face ore was quarried from a large
pit on the top of a low hill and
treated in a coarse ore furnace.
Subsequently the property fell into
me nauas ot new owners and in
1895 a 10-ton Scott continuous fur
nace was built. This was onerated
for a short time on the screenings
ot the old coarse ore furnace. The
death of the principal owner and
the lack of ore reserves caused the
mine to be shut dowu. It has re
mained idle ever since.
In the present workings of this
propertv two veins axe disclosed.
The veins have nearly the same
strike but opposite and convereine
dips. The main vein dips to the
south at an angle of about 80 deg.,
while the lesser veins dip to the
north at an angle of only 20 deg.
from the horrzontal. To reach the
level of intersection of these two
veins would require a vertical shaft
about 500 feet deep.
In an air-ltne lour miles east of
the Elkhead mine, in the southern
part of Lane county, lies the Black
butte quicksilver district. Since
the development work iu this dis
trict has been quite extensive it will
be described fclater iu a separate
All of the above described cinna
bar deposits are located on the
westerly slope of the Cascade range.
Recently, however, a discovery
of cinnabar was made on the east
slope of the range, about thirty
miles trom the town of Prtneville.
in Crook county. Some good ore
from thissection has been exhibited. I
A number of claims have been lo-
cated and one ofthe properties re-1 lenora"0" ' P"n. 1 lie mauage
cently passed into the hands of a, ment es'ma'es that with increased
company with sufficient capital for 'urn?,(:e capacity and facilities for
its development. So far as the h,audlJuK ore on a large scale
writer knows, no cinnabar has been ' theab?v,e. Production cost can be
discovered in the Coast Ranie in
Oregon, although he lias seen some
specimens of rich ore said to have
come from the region of the Sixe
river in Coos county. The Coast
Range, however, has not been
k m k Lenders in Merchandising in
our store chuckfitll ofthe best
Garman, Hemenway Co,
(Lenders in ftlerclimttlisiiig'.
prospected for cinnabar. In fact,
very little prospecting for the min
eral has been done in any part of
Oregon. The dense growth of
timber and underbrush covering the
entire mountain region, renders
prospecting of any kind difficult,
slow, and uninviting.
The Blackbutte quicksilver dis
trict is about four miles long and
two miles wide, and lies on the
northern slope of the Calapooia
mountains near the head of the
Coast Fork of the Willamette river,
in the southern part of Lane county.
The elevation at the apex of Black
butte mountain, the highest peak
iu the district, is 2,750 tt. above sea
The entire district is owned by
two companies. A private com
pany, of Portland, Oregon controls
about one thousand acres, including
the Bald Butte and Cinnabar Butte
mines. The Blackbutte Quicksil
ver Company, a Washington state
corporation, together with its allied
interests, controls practically the
ballance of the district. Some five
years ago this corporation acquired
the mine. A Scott continuous fur
nace, having a capacity of 50 tons
per diem, was installed, together
with other surface improvements.
Subsequently the control of the cor
poration passed into new hands un
der whose management over twelve
thousand feet of underground work
has been accomplished.
The Blackbutte mine is admirably
placed for economic mining. Situ
ated at a moderate altitude, milling
operations both above and below
grouiftl art unhindered throughout
the year; an ample supply of water,
abundance of water power, un
limited timber for fuel, wide veins
and soft rock, are some among the
favorable factors. The erosions
that left Blackbuste mountain stand
ing abruptly r,75o ft. above the
valley at its base have made it pos
sible to reach the veins of its fissure
system to a depth of 1,600 ft. by
comparatively short adit thus af
fording natural drainage and the
opportunity for gravity haulage of
the ore. Over 2,000 ft. of 'backs',
ou the dip of the main vein, may
thus be explored at a mtuimun cost,
before it will become necessary to
install any pumping or hoisting ma
chinery. It would seem that nature
has afforded every possible facility
for cheap production. The aver
age cost of quicksilver ore mined
ard treated in California, as shown
by the published reports of the
principal mining cqmpanies, ranges
from S3 to $4.So per ton; the aver
age cost of production at the Black;
butte mine has been $1.40 per ton.
These 6gures include all charges of
every kind, such as mining, trans
port of ore, treatment, flasks, and
delivery of the marketable metal at
the railway station, excepting pro
fata charBes fo.r development work,
"ion capuai invesieo. ami oe-
appreciaDiy retiuceu
The conspicuous geological feat
ure of the Blackbutte district is the
immense vein of cinnabar-bearing
volcanic breccia which apexes
along the ridge of Blaekbutte
Continued on Itutjage.
Cottage Grove.
goods ever offered in