Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 06, 1903, Image 7

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To Itself
in wnni 11 ih mm wimt it ilocn nin
Uilnliitf Urn IiuhI l)!(Ki(l.)iiiifyin,
niiorniivoumi tonlo HiibtjlniicuH mill
circulliiK tlio mimt iiulluul mill iijr.
mmii'iit ciimih of all liuiiiorH mill all
eniilli)iiH, ifllnvliiK weak, tired,
lmiiilil fi'i'llnKH, mid 1hiII(IIm tit:
lliu wnoio Hynti'in Ih Irno only of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Nootlior iiicillcliiu acU I lieu it
III iiiiiur llirilllllll) HUM ll(ll( U)
uiiluli real, Hiili.ilmitlal frond, no
oilier iiiL'iiii'iiin Iiuh ii'Hlori'il health
nun Hlniilli at mi llttli) cunt.
"I m lnniilii wlili armfula and mine
near losing Mir r-raalirht. Pnr four inoiilli I
emilJ not irg in iiu anrllilnir, Afier tnltlna
two Imttlea i,f lluml'i Haraiarllla I ruiilil ire
wain, ami .Thru 1 ,,,. Hiilit ,tlIon I
eouia sea as Mi ll as vor." Hunt A. Ilsnis
Tun, Withers, N. O.
Hooil'a Onrinpnrllln promtiaa to
euro una Hoops tlio promlio.
I. oil Inrtune In Crap (lame,
llcrr Julrn Hlia'k, tlio Hula Inn
iiiiiKimlc, lwt . '10,000 In n K,um, ,f
tiupH ul JnMimli, ii Ciilormlu iiiIiiIiik
Minn, liiht melt, Ho merely mulli-il
i mi in hick mill tiiii next tiny drew
In li Ih New York Imnlu'rH for u atilllc
lent mini to iniiko Komi III lonacii.
"Wlien Iiu iiroiiuwl to tno I una tie-
IlKlilfil, of rfiittw," canfowed MIm An-
leek, "lull I tried not to lot my face
lliow lilin vtlint my mmucr would lie."
"Ami did you uccmhI?" nukeil MIkh
I Vpi'ury.
"No; lie fimnil lilt nnawcr theie."
I lteml IkHuccii tlio IIiim, I siiii
iiowi." l'lilladelililii Vnt.
"Jim," raid tlio Ural trump printer,
hi tlio fiolnlit trnlli How hIoiik, "we
(infill to liuvo will led till tomorrow to
ninko this trln."
"Yedj tlio romiwny ruin an incur
lion tudiiy mid wo'ro only IkUIiii; ll
out of I 1.00." Indliiimpollii Sun.
Tlio linlrdrPMHT lind itono rullicr 11
liunty Job on tlio raven locks of tlio
youiiK wotimn.
"Well," alio mild, survcylni? tlio re
mit In tlio innming, "llila In u uliiiin
piH, oil riglit, if tlicro Is nny audi
lliltiK mi ii real 'poo.' " Chlcno
New to Mini.
dues yei tolls colduli
Uilln? -How
Mike I'liltM mi' I iilver 'tended
sue, but It' big tolmeo I've bnd down
It til llreliirn'a Imp. Llpjiineotta'.
e Innocent
The world to-day la full of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious lllood l'oison. l'coplc know in a general way that it is
a bid disease, but if nil its horrors could lie brought before them they
would Khun it n.t they do the Leprosy. Not only the person who contracts ft
BufTcrs, but the nwful taint is transmitted to children, and the fearful sores
end eruptions, weak eyes, Cnlarrli, nnd other evidences of poisoned blood
ijliow these little innocents are guttering the awful consequences of some
body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may
be contaminated bv handling the clothing or other articles in use by a
Jicrson afllu ted with this miserable disease. There is danger even iu drink
ng from the dame vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure
nnd innocent men nnd women have found to their sorrow. The virus of
Contagious lllood l'oison is so
issr. yhorHir blood poison is no
first little sore appears the whole
system is infected and every RESPECTER OF PERSONS
drop of blood iu the body is "LOILUIU" ul '
tainted with the poison, nnd the
cklu is soon coveted with n red rash, ulcers break out in the mouth and
throat, swellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out,
mid unless the ravagcD of the disease are checked at this stage, more
violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deep and offensive
cores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in boucs and muscles, and
general breaking down of the system.
S. S. 8. is n specific for Contagious Blood Toison and the only remedy
that nutidolcs this peculiar virus mid makes a radical nnd complete cure of
the disease. Mercury and I'otash hold it in check so long as the system is
under their influence, but when the medicine is left off the poison breaks out
again ns bad or worse than ever. Hcsules, the use of these minerals bring
on Rheumatism nnd stomach troubles of the worst kind, nnd frequently pro
duce bleeding mid spongiucss of the gums nnd decay of the teeth. S. S. S.
cures Blood l'oison in all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints
can be taken without nny injurious effects to health, ond nn experience of
nearly fifty years proves beyond doubt Hint it cures Coutagious lllood Poison
completely nnd permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment llook,"
which, describes fully the different stages nnd symptoms of the disease,
Dimeultlca are only fcnco acron your rhoiin path, citenngraphy
mi l n liunlneM riural ii are tha iiiuarlo ami kill that Inlp yen 10
get over tho foucua MaWo tho Drat liimp twtay ly urltlug ui lor
our catalogue. Our grailuatea are.all emplnx'il
Send for Special Circular
Teeth IMrnctcd Absolutely
Without Pain und nil kinds of
Octitnl Wcrlt U0110 by Wlso
Urotliers, iho Painless Dentists.
Open lcilltl
tuinlayi Irom
UK. W. A. Vtlau
WISE BROS.,, Dentists
All Clear to MIm.
"Yea," mid tlio traveling nrllnl, wlio
Imd piiiiacil to eoiileiiiilulo llin eliiinif
Ink view from Mr. Miildernniaa' front
ynnl nml Id drink u cup or two ol Imt
Icrmllki "yen, I alnmld llko to linger
la till lowly apol nil Hummer. To
mo tliem cuiilil I in nutliliiK liner Hum to
ii'iinilii lii'iii mid Imak ill llie Unlit of
liicdintlon, wlillo tlio wonderful wen
fiy kiow iiioio mid uioro upon mo. Ho
you uniap my tlioiilil?"
"I leekim I do," mid Mr. Medder
KNiarl. "You menu you'd like to Innl
mound bete Ioiik'IioiikIi to net linymed
in your luilr mid llien nit mill till it
eproutoil." JikIkii,
In the Inlereit of Slop.
"What did vou niemi l V telllim
tluiHo new nleKliliora Hint tliey iiecdu't
uy u now luwn mower, na you will ul
wnya Ui iilnil to lend tliem ouia?" linked
JIih. IIIIkkIii-1.
"Tliiil'n ono ol my lieal Idena,"
miHwered lier IiuhIiiiiiiI. "No one Im co-
IiiK to lmu tlio bluiiied naaurmiiu lo
einiio iirouml lit (I o'clock in tlio morn
IiiK t borrow u liiwn mower." Wuali-
iiiKton Hliir.
Proportion of Murdcri,
Ono (loath In every 112 In tlio
United Htatoa la a murder.
Mullien will Unit Uii. IVInilow'a ftnotbtnt
i i ii i in. ii rainauji lu uta lor inair cniiureu
La laatblnir HUdD,
Relax Vour Muaclca.
A liormm wbocun alt down mid com
pletely rolitx Ida imiHclfH enu oljlulu
mora nbnolulo rent In ten minute tlinn
tlio permiu who rnniiot relux liln mua-
elea will bo nblo to obtnlti in an
iVIIll IfiCtt annllCAtlonf. ai fhrr riniiAt r.arh
llle leal (it tfieillirai. catarrh Ii a LIiwmI or
t-ouiiiiuttonaldltfaaa.ainl In orilar In cure It
Ton mint laka Internal reuiaUlei. Ilall'a Ca.
on Hie tilooil anil Inticoin itirfarei. Ilall'a Ca
lami (lira llliot a iiuark mrillelnr. It wae
iiru'riuil or out ul (lie Mm lijrlrlani lo Ihla
ntlntrv fur veari. anil lia rovular tirpifrlntlnn
II l Oointioari ol tlia iK-at tonlpi known, coin.
Mneil Willi the trft IiIihmI tmrlflara. arltnir ill.
reciljrou ilia iniirona auriacei. 'ibe (icrlcct
rural. Inallun ol tlie two Inirnllenta liwhatriro
lucra nth womlerlnl reiulta In curlmoaurrb.
Uernl lur tratttnnnlali, free.
r.j.i u., rrntirf.,Toicoo(u,
BoM br (Imeiliti. tirln7te.
llalli f'auillr I'llli are tba Ult.
A Jewel.
lletrer Why do you bnvo Iron bnrs
n front of your kltvlien window n and
Hbenister To proven! tbo cecapo of
tlio cook. llrooklyn l.lfn.
ITQ rfrmantotly lured, rfofllaornarvouarioea
I lu anr Orildar'auij(lr.Klln'i(JrtNrte
ltBlrr. Hnd fur Kiaa nil IrtktUrfllaan f rullu
Dr. 11. II.KIIin, MJ..MI AnhBl . l-tiliw.lpbls ra.
Saw It Only One Way.
Tuxydo I win tbinkiii); of propotdni;
to tluit pretty widow, bull chunked
my mind. Kliu'ri tlio niol tiuaeuti
meiiUl urticlo I ever atruck.
lttixlon So?
Tuxydo Site tolil mo the luat time I
called on her Hull alio lind phiua for it
iilco bomo nnd wua koIiik lo udvertiao
ur proiiocala. Judgv.
and removes all traces ol the poison and
saves the victim from the pitiable conse
quences of this monster scourge. As long
ns n drop of the vims is left m the blood
it is liable to break out, nnd there is danger
of transmitting the disease to others.
S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable nnd
anders Disk Plow
HlmitlOHt ftitil most )erfcct nmtlo, Hofore you
clo your tmlcr for a MWk l'lowbornuo to cx
Aiuluo UuHKUlori. rumulo ly iho olJ rcll
kblo huunoul
IV.itchell,Lewis & Staver Co.,
9 to 11.
uh. r. r. wiaa
Or. Main 2029,
208-2 1 J Calling UUl.Cor. 3rJ Wuili. Sti.
iiiials or mciim or
After apenillntc tlireo moiillia In tlio
deli'iillon pena nt Hun 1'rniielaeo nml
at Miinlrenl, CiiiiikIii, lieenuaii of old
clul red (npf, Mrn. Im I,ln. of Ulilnn,
Iiiih iM-en rorninlly mllultled to thin
rouulry nnd linn rejoined tier liunlmnd
In New Vork Clly. Him la to tnkg
cliurKO of n iiiIhhIoii kliiilericnrlcu
(;iiliinloH n Klie In n (llirlatlnn, na la
tier liualmnil. Hho wna only ndmllted
MI1H. LOO I.I.f.
to tlio United Htntea nfter nn Imperial
certificate (lenlKuiitliin tier na u teueher
had been lent from I'eklntf.
Ionian nerii.t la ii. render lo ii u.ed
in th. Mikuii..'. iioumhi.
Jupnii aeems to Im. nlmiit to tako on
of tlio moat remiirkublo nnd not leuat
luiportniit of nil lier atepa toward bar-
tnonlzliiL' heracir with tho hlKheat civil.
Izatlou of Utiropo and America. That
la notliliiK lean tlinn tlio adoption of
ltouion script -our own UngUali ulpha-
bet-part pnaau with, If not as a nub-,
atltuto for, lier own undent ayatem
tern of,
IdeoKrapliy. Tor tbo kiat Uoxeu jean
n kuowledKo of Itouinn avrlpt baa been
InereunliiR In Japan aniout; the moat
Ii IK lily eduented. I,ut now It la pro
poacd by the moat liilliicullnl educa
tional organization In tlio eiuplra to'
ninko thn f Miiclilntr nf nor nltilinlict nnil
of our modo of word foruintlon com-!
pulaory and universal In tbo nubile
InngunKO In Kiigllsh fashion.
That will bo n creat thlnv for Atner-
lcaua and Kuropenna who want to
lenrn tbo Japaneso lanKUnge. It will
make that lanKimK0 little harder to
learn tlinn Trench or Herman and will
enable pcoplo to learn It lu tbo sunn'
way that they learn tbo Kuropean
tongues. At present the grent stum
bling block In tbo way of mastering '
Japanese la the necessity of learning
a multitude of dirferent Ideographs.
Once. Japaneso words aro expressed In
letters llko onr own tbo task of learn
ing will becomo Immeasurably easier.'
It will then also bo much easier for,
Iho Japaneso to lenrn our language,'
for of course our alphabetically form
ed words seem na strange to them at
their Idcograpka do to us. Moreover,
It will cuuso a change amounting al-'
most to transformation In tlio Japa
neso mind, or lu tlio linguistic funo'
tloua of that mind. The Japaneao will
for the first tlmo regnrd words not ns
ludlvlalblo Integers of speech, but ni
composite things formed of letters.'
Perhaps wo can partly realize the
magnitude of tlint clianco by ourselves
trying to regard words ns not formed
of letters, but na Indivisible units.
Nor la Hint nil. Dual ayatcnia of
Inngungea nro nttomluntloiia. Wliere-
foro It Is to bo expected tunt. having
adopted oluhabctlenl script by the aldo
of lileoirrniiliv. the JannnchC will soon
auballtiito thu former for tlia latter
aeboola. , aeeina probable that th, ,ly ii.e ui 'U '1'
Kovernment will ndopt the propoanl. around without any ambition, and was always toa tired to do anythinir All
In which enw, of courae, all prlraU night long alio would tnoun iu her sleep, as though in terrible pain,
aeboola will have to do the anme. with " I foil terribly discouraged ; I was spending money or doctor1 bills
tbo reault that all the children of Ja- "Rbt along, but sho was receirlnir no help. At that time I was taking I.ydlu
pan will presently Iw learning, not J; 1 '""'"lilt H i Vcgetnhlo Conipoiinil, and I read in ono of your booka
neeeaaarlly tbo Knijllali languaKe. but f "PL?,, 1 1. I,1dec,1dt,a '"drop tiio doctor, and give her your medicine,
at lea.t to write nnd rend tbe'r own .reSi
altogether. It will bo greatly to their, "Tbo devil does moro for one's pleas
advnutngo so to do, and also to our ad- "r0 a"J comfort than any god," says a
vantago to havo them do It. Uut It Chicago woman. There is nothing like
will none tho less bo an extraordinary !",0"-1"S who J'our frio"da nro' Nuw
thing. For tho mother tongue. In all ork w-
Its details, Is ono of the thinga to
which men cling moat tenaciously.
Wo need, to convhico ourselrea of that,
to recall only the Innguago controver
sies In Canada, In Itohcmla, In South
Africa, In Mnltn and elsewhere, Hot
mentioning tho recent clamor about
tho teaching of German in New York
public schools. Wo may also recall
lllatuarck's Inexorable opposition to
tho Introduction of ltoman script Into
Germany In place of tho far less legi
ble German characters. Tbnt the Jap
aneso should voluntarily mako this
revolutionary chango ln their national
script Indicates their possession of an
exceptionally high ambition to place
themselves abreast of the best civili
zation of tho world and all this emer
gence from savngo seclusion within
tho memory of men not yet grown oldl
Now York Tribune
IntcrohnnKoablo l'nrta.
"My brother bought nn automobile
hero Inst week," said an angry man to
tho salesman who atepped forward to
greet him, "and ho says you told htm
If anything broke you would supply a
new part."
"Certainly," aald tho clerk. "What
does ho want?"
"Ho wants two deltoid muscles, u
couple of kneepaus, ono elbow and
about half a yard of cuticle," said tlio
man, "and ho wants 'cm right away."
The Feinlnlno Vlow,
A story told in the Now York Trlb
uuo shows how vain It Is, for man to
exorcise his Imagination on the sub
ject of domestic tnigedy. A young and
venturous mnu was one day talking
with tho wife of a member of tho
Cabinet about some of the Ironies of
married life.
"I can't linngluo anything more
dreadful," said he, "than for a wom
an, after mending her husband's coat,
to And lu ono of the pockets an old lure
letter from 11 former sweetheart."
'Fortunately, that could never hap
pen," said tho lady. "Tho woman
would 11 ml tho letter flrst, mid then she
would not mend tho coat."
A man exhibits great presonco of
rill ml If ho Isn't nbuciit-mliidcd when
tho contribution box comes his way.
a. t ,0TT Wicri V0-111 "'formation of vital value to her yonnx
daughter. Unit dang hu-r is oMiw, and the resmruilbility
for tier iit.iro is largely in the hand of the in'.ther. The i nystir "us
!d3 ( 'IoveIT t 'oughtless girl into the tl,ouglitfiirwiiM
. liU'? im i "V .th0 Yatc' 1 day nn(1 "Wit Ah she cares for
the phyHieal wcll-bclng of her daughter, bo will tuo woman lc, and her
. iH'n (t young girl 8 thoughts becomo sluggiih, when sho cxnerl.
enccH 1 1 oil. 1 acli oh, d izzi i icH, faintiuiss, and exhibit an abnormal din osl.
Hon to sleet), pains iu the back mid lower limbs, eyes dim desire for
solitude, and a dislike for the society of other girls when hIio is a mvs-
Uiry to herself and friends, then the mother should go to her aid promntlr
At Hiieh a tlmo tlio greatest aid to iiaturo is Lydln 13. IMiikliam'
Vf'gi'tublo Compound. It prcimres the young system for the coininir
change, and is tuo surest reliance hi this hour of triaL
CnQf Cif f Np; Vnfl ft'..
" ivttv VJll 1 Ul I1ILC1CM
to Every Mother and Daughter
in the Land.
" T)zxn M ns. PiKnAM : I bono mil will ntiTitibTi Tila 1k. r .11
mothers to know bow much (food your
health broke, down ubout aix montlia
tfciIdld not undoratand what waawronj; with her i the doctor did not. elthe
bottlo when mcnatruatton started aealn
marlc. I had her continue thn moilir-inn
'-'"'J healthy. Menstruation is regular
vi.'J-a-,, n?'0 on,Icrfu, medicine
ul!t-. " Tenth Avenue, .New orlt
From her vast experlcnco In trentlns fenmlo His, extending'
over 20 yenrs, Mrs. IMnkhiiiii lins Ruined a knowledge which Is of
untold vnluo to every nlllng young woman. Her advice never fnlli
to help. If you need such help write her. Addros Lynn, Mnss.
A medicine, that has restored so many women to health and can
produce proof of tho fact mast Ixs regarded with respect. This Is the
record of Lydta 13. IMnUhaiuV A'cgetuldo Compound, which cannot
be equalled by any other medicine, tho world has ever produced.
It k well to remember these facts when somo druggist tries to get
you to buy something which ho says is "Jast as good." That is impos
sible, as no other medicine- has such a record of cures as Lydia E.
l'inkiiara's Vegctnblo Compound; so do not experiment with untried
medicines, but insist upon tho ono you know is best.
FORFEIT If weeannot forthwith produce the orislnal latter and alraatara Ol
above lullmonlal, which wlU prote It. abaolute genulueneta.
Still Too Young;.
"Thia is my birthday."
"And I BUiinose you (eel as young a9
'u ever did?"
"No, I don't believo I'm quite old
.cnougn yet to reel na young as 1 over
dla- lown a"d country.
, , , . .
ny,,7n,; Ym
yeara. AtdrugRists,25cehts.
ln -n'"So-
St. Helen's Hull
Home and day achool for Elrla.
location, bparloui tiulMlnir
eaulmnent Aradetnle. Colleiro Prepar
ation and special rouraci Music, Llo- ft)
(t) cutlon, Art In charge ol specialists. (ii
A) Illustrated catalogue, faster term
opens February t. PAit. $)
S UI.KANOR TlillUUTTS, Principal.
Complete lirelnz
anil nettling- plant,
rapacity three bbli
per day. lor Weiss
In luloperatIon,only
line in ifimanu ur
Oregon. Long lease,
low rent.
Adilreis-'Owner" or
I apply at C II. Tig.
goit, Lawtcr, i Mulkey Building, 1'ott.
land. Orccon
No -tJ-lOOJ.
TIT II EN writing; to mA vertlsera pious
if Ulenilim 1111a paper.
. SOipfVfflWWEl
medicine did my younif daughter. Her
uK, nnd altlioujrh she la Inrec for her
and her heart trm.Wr, ,
cnt away like
nml non- .h. ia ,.
rosy, and pcr-
and painlevs, and I owe mv thanks
for her good health." Mas. Mahoakkt
i:. rinkham Medicine Co., I.jnn,
Not Always Thua.
Tramp Madam, I as not always
Madam Xi: it was your other arm
yuti had in a tlmg yesterday. Journal.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
St Pac-Slmlls Wrapper Below.
Tfitfy vmaU an A easy
fCLt&k as sugar
ron constipation;
, . , Msmmwis M.rriavsniuTi,. ; 1
tfcSta I Parely TegsUhlowggg
u uui iitiii a
On Can Upend Vacation. In Knrope al
i.ittia Kipenaa.
Krery one knowa that It coats htm
something to live In this country, no
matter whero he Is, and every one
knows that living la cheaper nbrond
than here. Hut, aaya Colllcr'a Weekly,
the alight effort of putting theae two
facts together aeema to be too great
for the average mind, which never
fully Uikea lu the truth that cure ar
rived In a foreign country nn Amerl
csn can lire more cheaply there than
Tha .coat of transportation la, of
course, one Item to bo taken Into ac
count, but this Is reduced by common
ium figuring to a nominal sum. To
the tired seeker after rest no beginning
of a vacation could be more favorable
than ten or twelve daya apent on a
alow, comfortable steamer of one of
the smaller lines. The coat of such a
pasaage la about t'iO a naaacuger. The
average man would apend at least
half of that aum In caring for himself
If be atayed rloaely at home during
the ten or twelve dnya, and he would
think be waa a good manager If he
made a baaty bualnesa trip to Waab-
Ington on the other half.
As to bla expenae on the other aide.
It la a certainty that any American can
live comfortably abroad for lew than
what he pay a here. Of course he can
not If be travela Incessantly, but once
tha haunting feeling lost that this la
his flrat, last and only opportunity
there will be no neresalty for such a
hurry. He will ee before him n vlala
of vacations, each apent In exploring
at bla leisure aome small district of
Europe, whence be will return with
nerrea calmed, with sane vlalon, with
cool head and (thla la an actual fact
drawn from repeated observational
with not one penny lesa In the bank
than be would have had had he atay
ed at home with the uaual summer ex
pense!. A man or woman who can
afford a vacation anywhere (outside, of
course, the regular two weeka com
merclal vacation) can afford It In Ku
rt) pe.
Suppoae that three concrete exam
ples are taken as covering roughly the
entire field of varying tastes. Take the
case of the man or woman who la
thoroughly tired and worn with the
excitement and nervoui atraln of one
of our terrible American wlntera of
activity In all directions.
He has two or three months ln which
to recuperate before the wear anl tear
of an exactly similar winter begins.
There are a dozen (iemuin towna of
the third or fourth class In population
where be can live In greater comfort
than ln any American boarding house
of moderate prices for not to exceed
1 a day. For thh price he has a good
room of a quietness perfectly blissful
to tired New York's ears, four meals
a day of hearty, wholesome Oerinan
food, hta light and heat and what Is
almost sure to be the most quieting
and restful of company. He spenda
bla days out of doors walking or bt
cycllDg on the excellent roads through
a country which, beautiful, historic
and keenly Interesting as It Is, will
make the trolley parks, picnic groves
or even golf links of his usual summer
resort aeem tame and uninteresting.
Cricket Clilrpe Hear si Cloae Relation
to the Temperature.
On an autumn evening, when the
crickets are out enjoylug life too, It
Is very Interesting to be able to tell
the temperature of the air by the
number of chirps the cricket makes
per minute.
It seems that the rate of chirps Is
affected by the temperature, and the
exact relation of the temperature to
the number of chirps has been esti
mated. With a little care In couutlng,
one soon becomes expert enough to
tell the temperature within one or two
degrees Fahrenheit.
One meets with many discourage
ments at first as he tries hard to'count
every chirp; tho cricket stops before
the minute Is up; other Insects' notes
drown out the cricket's; the noise of
passing vehicles, etc., are very apt to
Interrupt at the critical moment of
counting. But a little patience will
easily overcome such dlrBcultiea.
When one has the average number
of chirps per minute, take one-fourth
of that number, and add forty to that;
the result will be the temperature
within a degree or two of the actual
temperature as read from a thermome
ter hung out of doors.
Another experiment Is to capture a
cricket and take him Into the bouse
and aee how much faster be chirps
when he Is warm.
To count the chirps per minute, tak
ing one-fourth of that number and
adding forty to It may seem a little
complicated but It is really very sim
ple, and Is like the game, "Think of
a number, and double It," put to an
interesting purpose. St. Nlcholaa.
Great Drllalu'a Seamen.
One ln every thlrtyvslx of the males
over 15 years of age ln Great llrltaln
Is a seaman ln the mercantile marine
or a fisherman. That by no means
represents the proportion of Ilrltons
who go to sea ln ships. For the cur
rent year the total number of otllcera
and men, active service ratings pro
vided by the estimates for the royal
navy. Is 127,000, being an Increase of
4,000 over the previous year. Taking
the two totals this means that one In
about every twenty Britons Is n sailor,
which Is an enormously larger percent
age than that which any other nation
can boast, even with the conscription
which aupplles the seamen of several
continental countries.
AiItIob of a 1 tall ron (I Comlucter.
A conductor In Kansas has prepared
the following advice for bla passen
gers: 'Have no money transactions
with strangers. Give your trunk
checks to a baggageman, and nobod)
else. A gold brick isn't worth bring
ing home. Don't get off the cars while
they are In motion. When a suspl-clous-looklug
man asks you If you have
lost your pocketbook tell him you nev
er carry one. Don't feel for It whlh
he Is looking. Have your ticket ready
when the conductor comes along."
A mauless baby carrlago would fill
a long-felt want la some populous com
" I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor
for a arpaf m.nv vmmrm .n.t a I.
though I am past eighty years of
re, ti nave not a gray nairin
mv head."
Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md.
Wc mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If It's gray now,
no matter: for Aver'ss
Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair crow vcrv hcavv and
long; and It stops falling
of the hair, too. a trills. All Jraultft.
If jonr drnulst cannot eupplr too,
eentl u. one dollar anil we will express
you a bottle, lie sure anil irtva tim imM
or your nearest entire office Aildrees,
v. i. a m civ ,j,t uuweii, aiass.
OUWM QUICK -rilal bargain list, new
fooili --u'h limit Hteel -l. a, w-hmI beams,
1 in " .-omn lion, 1 i nii.-i iii.k., wood
team- is tit IT 7" H nth Ilctnl i litllcil I'lows,
muni beams a in . 1 1 1 all f ic-i and stf les In
l.Iow. Qiniff ,tinerli-a renin Heparator No.
iHnd Mil1 1 tur.t i . Wrin ns (or prices on
anvlhlnir in he marhlnrr" linn kelerson Ms.
clilnery Co, toot ol Mo rlson St., Itortland, Ur.
U & A L i&
FInt lai HoetrmurrStj.. Portland, Orm.
Ttlrtliou, tUia W.
Your Liver
Is it acting well? Bowel9
regular? Digestion good? If
not, remember Ayer's PlHs.
The kind you have known all
your life.
J. C. Ajtt Co., Lowell, Sfssa.
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
, JM4T a M m H W aft AMftW
A reoutatlorv extendind over
. a .
v." aixiv-aiy VAftr nnrt mi.
Av br tjuwarA0 or back of
s every oormeni Dearing in
n N .sr,M rip- tmp piSw
There we man imitations.
O &e 2Ure at the rAnv
v 1 uncK on in buttons.
H . UnCKUA,r7U.1Wri,nA).U.A.
Ton can save from $3 to SS yearly try
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes.
They equal uiose
that lute been cost,
lag you from SI-00
to S3.00. The Im
mense aale of W. L.
Douglas shoes provea
their superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoe
dealers everywhere.
1.00s. for name and
price on bottom.
That Uoealas uni Tor
oaal'olt prores there Is
value la llouvls. fchoes.
I'oroaa Is the highest
trade 1'at.Lestlisr made,
'dir t'ltlorf. ueltti . ted.
Out li Ollt Edat Lint cannot M toualltd at anu prtct.
Shoes bj mill, Si eeatu eitra. Illustrated
Catalog" tree. IV. L. DOtliLtS, Urockton. Mas.
"After I was Induced t try CAIOA
UETlt I will Dtrerb ? Ubout tbetn In the boai.
Uy liter wii la 4 Terr bad shape, aud mj bead
acbed and I bad etomactt trouble. Now. alcce tak
log Caicareta, 1 feci One. Ur wife baaalco uied
tbetn witn Deoeociai reeaiu lor aour eiomaco.
Joe. KmuLiNg, mi Cougreu tit-. 8L Louie, Ua
tl..nt. Pkl.tAhln. l'ntent. T.&t. flood. Ite
Qood, Merer sicken. . eaken, or Gripe, 10c. KcWe.
Itrti.e B.atiir c.bsuj, csu.s.,, a. Tk. ui
Ufl Tfl niP Sold and ausrsnleedbr all drag
111 I U'UAu sl.u to VVU K 'l'iiboii llUt.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thti woodtrfal Chi
oree doctor U railed
great because be curei
people without opera
tion tbat areglTfii up
to die. lie cure with
thnaa wonderful L'hl-
oeae berbe, roote, buite,
barki aud regetablra
that are entirely un
file In thla country. Through the use o'
those harmless reniPdln thla famous doctor
knowa the action of over 600 different rem
edies, which he successfully uee In different
diseases, lie guarantees to cure vattarh. asth
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, uervousneas,
stomach, liver, kldueys, etc.; has hundreds of
testimonials. Charge moderate. Coll and
see hlra. I'atlent out of th city write for
blanks and circulars. Hend stamp. CO.NSUlr
ThcC Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
23J AUer St.. I'ortlanJ, Oreoi.
atrMentlou paper.
ir-r.ii S7J n .u -x v.i -n
Cuiuh aruu. Taste. Uooil. usa I
In time. HuMbydriiittfUts. E
EUIII ..III ALL uai f.Ul. .'it
Sour Stomach
yS thaoi suan ntoiannto