flHBiHHHHHilHHflHI 41 BOHEMIA NUGGET. HOME TEAM VICTORS THE OLD RELIABLE HHiHiii TIIU C. J. Howard Editor Barton C. Y, Drown - Dullness Mg'r. Grocery Store S 1 Did It Ever Strike You OF llleh School Foot Bali Team of Metcalf Knitted th ixntofflc. at CotUc (Inn., Orjon wrond titan will nllr. this City defeats Eugene last Saturday. Morse SCORE STOOD 10 to 5. apfillr.tl.a. IS TIIIBI'ArEK liktrlotilll.t E.O. Prakt'i KiTtiiiaing Aimer, oi.nnw M.rrD.nu 6Dt,Hn Fr.n?lefl, ClKornL. where eon. irmcu lor aareriuuii can i. m.fl. for 11. Friday, Novkmiikr 6. 1903. For some time the lumber busi ness 0! the several gre.it mills in Oregon has been fearfully handi capped by reasott of the inability of the boutlietti Pacific to furnish cm to meet the hauling demand. The reason for this condition is alleged to be the wrangle in which the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe have engaged in the matter of handling shipments destined to Eastern markets. In entering this competition with the Santa Fc the Southern Pacific found it necessary to call off much of its rolling stock from the Oregon line. In doing so the lumber trade of Oregon, partic many, was greatly retarded, so much so that many mills were obliged to shut down, at least to reduce their output 50 per cent. A telegraphic dispatch under date of Nov. 3, announces that a traffic agreement has been quietly effected between the two companies, and that while "The terms of the agree ment are not positively known, they are said to be the use of the Santa Fc cars by the Southern Pacific Co. in California and Oregon, and the hauling to Santa Fe points where freight can be readily taken East." This means much to Oregon, and particularly does it mean much to CottaRe Grove. Here is the center of heavy movement in lumber and timbers, and since this railroad squabble has been going on we have .seen a heavy decline in lum ber affairs locally. The Long & Bingham Co. some weeks ago prac tically gave up running lull time The Pacific Timber Co., which deal largely in the shipment of piling nnd heavy timbers found it impossi ble to get cars, hence the business of the company was greatly reduced. The dropping off of the business of these two large concerns was noticeable here, for the reason that their payrolls were lightened in all branchesof the business. Thecon gestion brouglr about by the rail roads locking horns reached even into the remote logging camps. As soon as the decks of the saw mills were conge.-ted with lumber, the log ponds rilled up, and then the dump grounds. Then something had to drop, and of course it had to be the payrolls. It is to be hoped that the dispatch incorporated in this article is authentic. The public debt October 31, less cash in the United States treasury, amounted to $920,000,000, and in crease for the month of $2,600,000. And still some of us wonder why the young American does business on tbe credit system aud is contin ually dealing in futures. He can't help it any more than a duck can help swimming. Its born in Mm his uncle Sam has set the example before him. And who would not follow uncle Sam, anyway? Some of the papers are publish ing pictures in which is given to the view, various kinds of animals, birds, etc., inviting the public to find one or more that are secreted in the general lines of the picture. For a change it might be well to print the pictures of some men of which the public has read and in vite the readers to successfully lo cate their brains. From the way the Eugene papers are howling about the loot ball game of last Saturday in which the Cottage Grove High School team gave the Eugene Hit'h School team a sound drubbing to the tune of 10 to 5, it would appear that there are a few sore heads down about the county seat town. Natural Conclusions. "Ef dey's milk In paradise dey mus have cows dar," said Brother Williams, "en cf dey got honey dar dey sho mus' have bees, en wbar bees Is dey's blos soms, en wbar blossom Is dey's always waterrnllllous In season, bless d Lawd!" Atlanta Constitution. Inside each pound package of Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 60 different games. All new. At Your Qrocer.'. 1 1 Saturday afternoon the most ex citing foot ball game ever witnessed in tins city was played between the Cottage Grove High School team and the Eugene High School team, The Eugene team was the only one successful in detesting Cottage Grove last year and the home boys were determined to return the com plimeut this year, which they did Saturday in a very neat manner. Tho score was 10 to 5 in favor of the home team, Eugeuesconug one touch down on a fluke in the second half. The ball was punted by Eugene from the center of the field and full back Hill of the Cot tage Grove team missed the punt. It passed over the goal line and was secured by a Eugene player. Um pire Ford, of Eugene, claimed Hill touched the ball and counted a touch down for the Eugene team. At no time was Cottage Grove's goal in danger. The entire game was played in Eugene s territory. Cottage Grove's line seemed invin cible. Halfback Harms made the Star play of the game by breaking through lingerie s line lor a touch down near the middle of the first half, making a 45 yard run Knox the other Cottage Grove half also played a star game. Fullback Hill and Quarter Emmerson were very much in evidence. Finerty at cen ter is hard to beat. Allison and McKibben as tackle, Hawley and Martin as guards made a strong combination for the line. Last but not least by aiiy means, Taylor and Griffin, the ends, carried the ball for a pretty little gain of 20 yards, each. Crabtree, Kesley, Farrington and Dillard played good ball for Eu gene. A reception was tendered the vis itors in the evening. DIVIDE FTEUS. The Itev. Mr. MurM preached here latt Sunday. Wasn't lnot Saturday nlcht Hal lowe'en night? Albert Chapman and wife were vis iting here Inst week. Mla.s Uleedo UrluK returned Sunday from n visit to friends near Lornne. Seth Howe nnd wife, of Eugene, have been vlaltlng friend here. Mr. Howe was formerly a resident of thlx place. Mr. Jacob Celwltz, who had the misfortune to dlxlucate bin right ankle 11 short time ago. Is KettitiK along nicely but it will be Home time Before he can walk. W. W. Tucker, Itculxm Tucker, It. H. Lee, A. Soderntrom nnd E. F. Smith left here Inst week saying that they were going Honing at ScottH burg. We will tell you more about It next week. The Hold wnw mill here'la having more trouble. Mr. Frank Chapman 1ms quit occupying hU position ax engineer while ncveral other have left. The mill In now in fairly good ahnpe, having two main sawn, one cut oil Haw, edger, etc., and Im capa ble of cutting from 12,000 to lfl.ooo feet ier day. FIRST OF LECTURE SERIES. The tlrnt of the Public School Iecture Series, which has tieeii ar ranged by Professor Brlggs, will open November 7, with the famous poet and plntform eneertalner, Edmnnd Vance Cooke. Mr. Cooke Is known throughout the'United States nnd Is greeted with rousing houses Speaking of him the Detroit (Michi gan) Evening News says: "Cooke while a poet of purely American Ideas, Is In the broader class, and does not confine his writ ings to any particular environment In this respect he differs from James Whltcomb Jtlley. Mr. Cooke has the advantage of being an accomplished actor, aud recites his poems with a fine and natural art. His impersona tlons in stories of the stage showed great talent, and the poems, under the title of Notable Narratives, are gems." NEURALGIA PAINS. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influence oi oaiiaru s rcnow imminent, it pene- absorbed into the blood, its healing i properties are conveyed to every part of I the body, and effect 'some wonderful i cures, zoc, ooc. i.uu at new tra jrug muic. Cottage Giwe HARTUNG & HANSEN Proprietors Having purchased the above mills we will put out flour equal to any on the market. We carry a full supplv of all kinds of feed such as Rolled Barley, Oats and Mill Feed. Special attention given to Farmers grist work. We pay highest market price for all kinds of grain. If square dealing and courteous treatment will secure your patromigc we will have it. Correspondence solicited. Respectfully, ilARTINC & HANS EN Absolutely Pure 'WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Using Cliamlierlaln's Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman wrltliu: from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says: "Ah a proof that Chamberlain's Conga Remedy is a cure suitable for old and young, pen von the following, A neigh bor ol mine hail a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. I suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv and put sonin upon tlm dummy teat the babv was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and bioucht about a quick relief and cured the baby ." This remedy Is for sale by New Kra Drug Store. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY IS PLEASANT IOTA Kb. The finest quality of granulated loaf sugar Is ueeu in inu manuiaciurn ui Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and the loots used in its preparation give It a flavor similar to maple syruo, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. . L. Roderick, of I'ooleivllle' Md.. in speak Ine of this remedy, fays: "I haveused Chamberlain's Cough Rmedy with my child. e for several years and can truthfully say it is the best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like to take it and it has no injurious after effect. For sale by New Era Drug Store. ONLY MAKES A BAD WORSE. MATTER I Perhaps you have never thought of it I but the fact mint be apparent to every one that constipation is causeu uy a lack of water in thn system, and the use of drastic cathartics like the old fash ioned pills only makes a bad matter worse, unaoioeriain s luiuacn uu Liver Tablets are much mora mild and ; gentle in tneir effect, and when the proper dote is taken their action is so I natural that One can hardly reatue it is ; the effect of u medicine. Try n 26c bottle of them. For sale by New Era i Drugstore. I CURED CONSUMPTION. Mrs. 11. W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes : "My husbahd lay sick fur three j months, i lie doctors saw mat ue nuu quick consumption. We priicuu-d u bottlu ol uanaru b iiotenouim syrup, and it cured liini. That was fix years ago. Since then we have always fept a buttle in the house. U'e cannot do without 't. For coughs ami colds it has no equal." 2oc, 60c, 1.00 at New Era Drug Store. DISASTROUS WRECKS. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. Hut since the advent ol Ur. King's New Discovery (or Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer neces sarv. Mrs. lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life whs saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Th i oat and Lung diseases by New Era Druggist. Price We, and fl.UO. trial loltles free. A RUNAWAY BICYCLE. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. It. Orner, Franklin Orove, III. It developed u stubborn ulcer uiiyii ldiiig lodoctors and remedies fur four years. Then Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured. It't iust as good fur Hums, Scalds, Skin Cruptions and Piles. 'Jon at New Era Drug Store. DOESN'T RESPECT OLD AUK. It's shambful when youth fails tu show proper respect fof old age, hut iust the contrary in the rase of Dr, King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe ami irre spective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Fever, Constipation all yield to tlusptrfect Pill, local 1'rug (store. BEST LINI.MENT.ON EARTH. Henry D. Baldwin. Supt. City Water Works, Shullsbtirg, Wis., writes: "I have tried many kinds of liniment, but I have never received much benefit un til II used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains. I think it the best liniment on earlh." 2.5c, 60c. 1.00 at New Era Drug Store. HOLIDAY PHOTOS. Come at once and have your holl any photos taken In time to send to friends for Christmas. Do not wait 1111 tllL' IllMt moment. W. I'". Siianakki.t. fjallery on West .Side, opposite jiusonc Hull Flour Mills the place to httv your groceries. Ijvcrything is clean, new, fresh and of first grade quality. Tor Sale. Double rotary complete saw mill oitttlt, excepting power ete ...! 1111 plant iiiciiuicm main it'll. llll IIVU, carrier, f lllatnu 4 power Inside licit, saw dust two inserted tooth saws. With IR borne po .".,XX to S.0OO feet of lumlior can be cut irt day. J Bargain and will tiny you to Investi gate. The entire plant Is in good working order and con venlentlv located. Will cut true ami entire cut can Ih sold tin tho ground under present contracts at good llgures. $300.00 Call at Ilohemla Nugget ftirthur particulars. NOTICE. LOST: Between the New Era Drug Store ami the I'tiHtnlllce. one lent her purse containing t lit following: Three Hundred Dollars $:IOO.OOI In bills. seven dimes and thirty-live i-ents In nickels and IHMinlf. nl?.!! iiiio tqiiml nl thivail and line Imx of "Pop 'Em All Com Salve." The finder uiiiy keep the I'un-e. Money and Thread, but I earnestly request that the CORN SALVE lie returned as It Is The Most Valuable l'rfier.uion On The Market, for the cure of corns, return It to, etc. I 'lease Yours ltesiectfiiliy, Miss N. O. Coii.ns Advertise in the Nugget iiiintMiMimniniMiMir 1 IT MAKES 1 18 t Where you buv your Hat. There is three S . is s tilings to consider in selecting. s ffl Style, Quality and price, g J NCKIDBIN HATS .NONE BETTER MADE' jiijuiiijiiiujiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiijiiiiiu III. Idea Capacity. I read Bomowhore tho other day," Mid Mr. ITenpeck, "that ono of the bit; mercantile corporations pays a certain man $1,000 for each Idea ho furnlshex. George, I'd llko to haro a chanco ot that klndl" "Wretchl" exclaimed Mrs. Ilenpcck. "Do you want your Innocent wlfo and rtilld to starve?" Chicago Itccord-IIer- aid. That the one place in town where you could always secure a stylish Dependable hat was at our store. There is a reason for it. I f WELCH & WOODS I HAS IT FOR LESS. I 4 i i m f I 11. 1 1.1 ,1..., I ..I" I II we ate pieitseti ui miow mat. pcopic tu tm Cottage Grove have learned that "When (HHb9 I J) you see it in our ad it's so." We told them Kff I in our last weeks ad thai for 10 days we JSIm I would make a sweeping eul of 10 In lo per Hife. I wB on till Mens Hoys Clothing MKtfa. I tHL I As a our Clothing liup.-ul I BmB H want of room, will continue the clothing JHvHtH H JH w snlo another week hoping to mtike LIiiiEiV I HBfegJj When tell tHfw I IHflffin a boys stiit lo 10 years old lor H 8lilyn you know its so. Come and IvxamiiK . RBT BKflf Wu uru iiliMireil tluit iuut ol uur sales I lie paol week have Ktm H nMSl lieeu in bk1 Suits, but tlieiiHlieu one can net an a No. I MB fK IB HKtflH Suit at Mm nriee uiual'y o( u "li,iinl-iue-ilin" one woulil Im UBl Hm BWgHf fuolinli In lint un it a ismiil ami. We are rellintt Mru't suiti at H? Hff H5B Yu have 'em Hpiuiu cut ami two or dmr l)iittuii cutaway. flk The I -il He ol tho Clirintinn Cliureli lme led a roll ol raj; j&K ER H carpet lieru tor rale. It continuaL'S yila anil uuei. ut .'l Tilt, k' hU tliu yil, or you may tuKu the roll at (S.0U. Thin m a t:ooil Bj lumen uarp carpet ami la a barKaiii. Call ami exaiuiiie. H When you see It In "VVELCI'I & WOODS Ihe UaJem In Low V our nil It's so. Prices. H !f!!ff!1f.!Ff!!f!!n!f!intf!1f1!fttf!1f 3 MCKIBBIN HATS NONE BETTER MADE Here is where s wc are specially 3 equipped to help 2 you. 3 TIIK HK8T UNIME.NT. "Cluuiberlain's I'alu Halm la con eldered tliu deat liniment on tho market." write l'oat A IIIIbh, ol Ucorgia, VI, Nu other liniment will lieal a cut or limine bo promptly. No other uflbrila b 1 1 o 1 1 iiuick rellellrom rheuinaeic pains. No other Is no valuable for deep seated pains like liuno back am! pains In tho chest, tiivo this liniment- u trial and you will never wish to bo without It. Hold by New Kra Drug Store, Pacific Timber Under Odd Fellow's Hull Cottage O rov( Oregon. MU 5de Raw purchased The West Side Harness business of Fred Gale and will conduct it at the old place. A firt-class shoemaker will be employed for that class of work. All goods and work guaranteed to give satisfaction. We soliet your patronage find will try to please you. CLARK & SON, West Side Harness Shop. m ?AVti YUU1 I lUlNtiY S M Sao. Hip. No.w finnik nml Snn.rifll l.nw him ,it U : 4 KIKJV tliu 11111 UUVUU IIIUI U)UU1UI UV II 1 1 IUVU UU jy IS. K. Klseas BARGAIN STORE. Cut prices on Shoes, Lace Curtains, Laces to jk and Millinery. IS $1.75 IBats 1.25, Fine Groceries At Cost. We fire always look ing about and count ing on the future want of our customers, and we never buy anything but the leading make and st vies. Co. v ng mnchines V ) ics; Ribbons w Clothing, Sewing aud Fnibroidei f iiii-lo-late Sty a siaw w.uwviiwu i it VUQI) f,S