TUB TIMES. A woman Invariably linn more listen ing than speaking acquaintances, Oliltitrcn are tho light of die home, but sometimes they should be turned flown. Mr. Cnrorgle' desire to die poor baa not led lilin to taUo n flyer In Wall itreit. It l better to do noble deeds than to lroam them all day Ions. Hut not near 10 much fuu. ltvcry homo that -break n record Imply linn to stop long enough to blow a little over It Mr. Carnegie predicts that England nd America will eventually , bo one uatlon, but falls to tell us which one, It Is said that the Sultan of Turkey has become so used to staying under tho bed that be docs not sleep com fortnbly elsewhere. King rotor has bad a cabinet crisis, but such things don't worry htm as long as ho can bo reasonably sure that there Is no poison In his bash. "Hips mutt go" Is the edict of the American fashion authority. Some of us will haro to go Into hiding until the Kyle changes or else tee a surgeon. Some of the people of Colombia are disposed to light for the Panama Canal, but none of them appears to be willing to pitch In and help dig It. It Is said that Francis Joseph may throw up the Job as king of Hungary, as the Hungarians arc giving him too much of a Karageorgevltch of a time. Another good point about "Dixie" Is that It Is purely an American product It Is almost our only national air that was not borrowed from some foreign country. A writer in n current magazine de clares that 111 health is a requisite for the highest literary success. In that case our contemporaneous writers must all be distressingly healthy. A maiden lady in England looked under the bed at a seaside hotel she was visiting and found a man there. He was dead, though had been dead for several days. It was a poor re ward for years of persistence. Germany is still selling cartridges and rifles to Turkey. Still, perhaps, we had better not make any sarcastic comments. The Sultan could probably buy American canned meat and Mis souri mules for his army if he tried. The newspapers are puzzled over what caused the death of the Shah of Persia's chief phjslclan, and state In the same breath that he was a serious rival of the chief vizier. Might we timidly suggest that maybe the vizier ould dispel the mystery? In the Alaskan dog case a man stole i collie and contended that the stealing of a dog In Alaska was not larceny. The United States Court of Appeals ruled that "a dog is a chattel, and, next to man, the most Important factor In the past and present history of the country." This decision gives high rank to the dog as an agent of clvlllza lion, but the dog deserves it modern atenmshlps, Tho change Is not merely In name, but denotes an Improvement In the crowded life of ships which Is comparable to tho lm provement In tenement houses on shore. Tho newer vessels havo dining rooms In the steerage (It toil as the first and second cabin dining rooms are, with revolving chairs, and furnished with n printed bill of fare from which varied and palatable meals arc served. Similar Improvement Is noticeable In tho sleeping accommodations, whero privacy and comfort are now respect' ed. There Is even a piano, and the dally runs of tho vessel are bulletined here, as lu the other cabins. These changes will be hailed with pleasure not only by the Immigrants whom they directly affect, but by all persons of any kindness of heart who know what a steerage passage has meant In the section dealing with the tlm bcr and stono law In tho last annual report of the Commissioner of the Gen ernl Land Office Is found this passage "The law has been too often violated. Individuals without funds of their own have been employed to make entries for others with large capital, and who paid the expenses, and some wealthy speculators have made enormous for tunes." Of tho lands that have thus been fraudulently acquired a large part would have been available for agricul ture to actual settlers. In so far as these lands have fallen into the hands of others than settlers, the purposes of public land policy have been de feated, and thereby distinct injury has been done to the nation as a whole, President Roosevelt In bis last annual message to Congress Insisted that the remaining public lands, so far as they ore available for agriculture, "should be held rigidly for tho home builder, the settler who lives on his land, and for no ono else." He Indicated not merely the timber and stone act but the desert land law and the commuta tlon clause of tho homestead law as having been perverted from their true purpose, and as being in great need of amendment or repeal. A propaganda for the repeal of these laws was start' ed last winter by the National Dual ness League, and other organizations have taken the matter up also. Desert lands in whole sections are sold for $1.23 an acre, and timber end stone lands in quarter sections go for $2.50 an acre. The General Land Commls sloner estimated at the close of the fiscal year 1002 that in timber lands alono the government had given away property actually worth $130,000,000 for $13,000,000. In the fiscal year 1003 the sales under the timber and stone act amounted to practically one-third as much as all previous sales in the 23 years since the act was passed. The rapidity with which the public domain is being seized under these acta should stimulate Congress to early action in whatever form it deems advisable. ENGLISH MILLIONAIRE IS AN ADMIRER OF AMERICAN METHODS Alfred Mosely, who came to New York in advance of a committee of British educators who will study Am erican educational methods at his ex pense. Is an Englishman who made an Seldom has' there been a better Illus tration of the folly of fraud than the case of a woman who, when she moved away from a town thirty-seven years ago, left a grocery bill unpaid. The debt weighed on lr conscience until she grew morbid a, id could not sleep, nnd for years she su.Tered from Insom nla. A few weeks ago, on the advice of a lawyer, she paid the bill, then went to bed and slept soundy till 10 o'clock the next morning. Now she wishes Bhe had been honest long ago. Despotism has its advantages. An epidemic of cholera having broken out at Kabul, the ameer ordered his army lntobealthful camps on high ground andiforbado his people to eat vegeta blea'or fruit or drink unboiled water. The penalty prescribed for dlsobedl ence or tho Infringement of any sanl tary, regulations was death, and in or der to leave nobody with an excuse for non-compliance those who pleaded poverty received rations of the right sort of food to be eaten when cholera Is abroad. The pestilence was stamp ed out. Mr.Rockefeller has opened his heart to bis pastor, Dr. Eaton, and confessed that ho "shudders to think" that he might have lived all his life In the lit Uo town of Rlcbford, "whore there was no religion.'" The good doctor has sought to comfort him, and confesses on his side that he, too, shudders to think what the world would have lost had Mr. Rockefeller remained In that small town. To this friendly and diplo matic assurance Mr. Rockefeller re plies that the consolations of religion havo been such to him that he has often 'thought it bis duty to take the lecture platform and tell peoplo all about his beatific state, and again the worthy doctor rises to the occasion and is quite sure that Mr. Rockefeller will have no troublo lu getting engage ments. We think Dr. Eaton is entirely Justified lu his conclusions. A gentle man 'of Mr, Rockefeller's means and standing in tbe business and social world' should experience no sort of dif ficulty In securing engagements in all parts "of tho United States, and we fancy Uiero arc not a few industrious promoters ami managers who will cheerfully undertake tbe responsibility of looking after his Interests on the road) share and share alike. As for tho profits, it Is quite safe to assume that tlioy will bo entirely satisfactory, for 'Is ;lt not written: "Unto everyone that bath shall be given, and he shall havo abundance." Wo refrain from quofjng tho rest of the verse. Inplaeo of tho steerage has come "tho third" cublo'' on some of the more Hi W-IKSJUBBKlTd nvv OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS Old Gooks for New Renders. S the love for old books that Is, for tho works of the standard authors of tho past should not be confined to old readers, it is gratifying to noto that publishers both hero aud In England are making a feature of tho reprints of fornler favorites. Without reflecting upon the authors of current litera ture, It can truthfully bo laid that time Is the great win nower of literary chaff. That which survives the genera tion In which It appears la usually worthy of being read by succeeding generations, nnd not Infrequently better worth universal perusal than the bulk of the books from which the worthless and purely ephemeral have not yet been eliminated. Plutarch never grows old with students of biography; Cervantes and Shakspoare are as delightful after three hundred years os when their Immortal works were first published, and every generation has furnished authors worthy of being read by all generations. Each successful author Is unique. Take past writers of American literature as examples. Irving, Cooper and Haw thorne have had no successor In their own special fields. Scott Thackeray, Dickens, George Kllot nnd Charles Reade among the English novelists of tbe past century have not been excelled or even duplicated In the present. The children of those who derived pleasure and Instruc tion from these writers while living will find equal profit and delight In their perusal now that they are dead "King's Treasures" Is what Uuskln has fitly named collec tions of books that have survived Time s winnowing proc ess; and these books cannot be made too cheap, plentiful or accessible. Philadelphia Bulletin. Wealth and National Stamina. EXPENSIVE houses, rich furnishings, costly sports, extravagant entertainments, criminally expensive hotels aud the like, everybody sees and knows about; and there are Americans who have a scale of living that would put the rich men of most other countries to shame. Rut c real question Is not whether the amount of unnecessary or even vulgar expenditure be large, but whether such ex pcndlture vitiates taste. Induces to Idleness, and encour ages vice. The only fair answer Is that there Is as large a proportion of Idle nnd vicious among the poor or the well to-do as among tbe rich. Most American men have occu pations, and most of them have engrossing occupations. But there Is probably a larger proportion of American women who suffer from Idleness than tbcro was a genera' tlon ago, and the chief social danger from great wealth Is the danger to women. Yet there comes up from the hum bler social levels Into tbe ranks of well-to-do life so many robust and well balanced young women of every genera tion that those who are spoiled by fortune are, In com parison, inconsiderable. Our democracy reinforces Itself with a safe and vigor ous womanhood, even more surely than with energetic manhood. If all the women in tbe United States between the ages of IS aud 40 could be appraised by the best stand ard of womanhood, they would show such an advance over their mothers as could perhaps not be shown by any preceding generation of men or women since civilization began. They owe much of It not to excessive wealth, but to the well-diffused prosperity that they have enjoyed. And excessive wealth and all Its evils are, after all, only anfortunate Incidents of this diffused prosperity. The World's Work. fOl bnri ALmns UOSELT. Immense fortune In the gold and dia mond mines of South Africa, and who now conceives the idea of keeping Eng land abreast of the times by teaching her experts American methods. Last year he brought over a commission of twenty-five British tradesmen and paid all tbelr expenses during a visit to our industrial centers. He was born in Bristol forty-eight years ago, and Is Immensely popular. Parental Responsibility for Spoiled Children. NE of the saddest of sights is a spoiled child. Seeing such a child one almost revolts against the system that leaves the young In the care of their parents, however unfit those parents may be for their important responsibilities. There arc Incompetent parents In all stations of society, but It would seem, from casual observation, that the poor are really wiser and firmer parents than tbe rich. Poor people perforce must discipline their children and keep them well in hand. Tbe children of the poor must be taught to help themselves, to work about the bouse, to practice thrift Fortunately the majority of poor parents In this country appreciate the value of education, and they send tbelr young to tbe neighboring public or private school even though doing so cost them much pinching and labor. Between being disciplined at homo nnd knocked E Tho blophono, n now German phono graph, produces pictures a wen lounds. It shows, for Inetance, lb linger giving a long, The tcmperoturo limits of life ro about a good deal by their playmates, the children of tho much more widely separated than wo poorer families grow up pretty well broken, having n'onco supposed. Bacteria are now proper self-respect, but not unbearably conceited or selfish . known to develop and multiply t 72 or vain. deg. O.i and Prof. A. Macfadyen of Rich parents are prone to Indulge their children. What London baa exposed such orgnulsms to with nurses, governesses, fine clothes, ponies and every toy UK) deg. O. below tero ror six niomua he cries for. tho little son of the millionaire Is vurv llkelv without harming them, while they to grow up In tho notion that tho world was made for his , even survlrod 230 dog, 0. below ro, special use and pleasure, and that tho business of nil other An Investigation of paving stone people is to stand about awaiting mid obeying orders from has been undertaken In Ireland by him, There are, of course, plenty of wealthy families lu j Prof. Joly. Ho finds that resistance which the children nro not spoiled, but tbe conditions to wear varies directly with the make tho parental duty really more dllllcult and perilous In 'amounts of quarts and felspar contain au environment of wealth than lu poor surroundings. ed, the completely crystalline ignoou San Francisco Bulletin. I granites, etc., being as a rulo the toughest. Rocks that aro decidedly t n r . n porphy rlllc. porous or glassy are to bo u nym mrcsi i ires. avoided. A certain coarssiicsa of gralu EW renllio what an Immenso loss the United la usually deslrnblo, as flno-gralnrd States suffers each year through the deatruc- rocks, like a certain Welsh dlorlt, are tlon of timber by tires. In Oregon nnd Wnsli- liable to btcome slippery, ingion last year siwwo.uoo of timber was tio- Th, ,wtrlc dlschargo between two .iroycu oy ure i" iwo wccks. itoiii .name to Te., 0f mercury In a patttal vacuum Puget Sound every timber region In the United , i, ,h, m0i. .mcl.nl form of artificial States suiters annually from forest fires, aud the yearly lighting ytt discovered. In a roceut u averages uciwecn i.v.uw.wu ana ou,wu,ouu. i lie . test by W. 0. Oter, th mercury term forest fires which swept over Now England In the early inals were about four-fifths of an inch part of this summer will make the loss this year large apart, and an arc of two Inches In perhaps brlug It up to tho maximum. length was produced by a direct cur This lots of timber by forest fires Is mi actual loss j rent of 110 volts. Nearly CO per cent wealth goes up In smoke and Is vanished forever. New 0f the energy supplied was converted trees grow to take the place of the old oues burned, but into visible light. Turning to other the vnlue of tboie destroyed Is blotted out from the na-' lights, th Getiiltr tube showed nn tlim'fl W.nltt, Tfll'l,,,. tl,n .,... n,,nl In.. I.. ... I. A. . - . .. ---" ."V .........1 ....... " m iuk euiciency or oj per cent; mo oruuiary twenty years to be $30,000,000, It means that tho country are limn. 10: swirl. n. 10: tho In- has been the loser of $000,000,000 In that time. Though candescent electric lamp, 0, and tho "" " i'" "."t. jrai nunc mi, Argatm gas uurncr, i.o. ,! th unt-lB, fuct; M K0,n b(t lu Th. entomologist, .mploy.d to abate ln.;..n( l cnnsylvnnla and horo of lAug ,,,,, port( among Th. . .... ....a loh'r 1UB. "' rain-barrel .. -.......... wm DrMj tuor, I110,qulto.s than . .. """"",n" " "" n con- ,arg0 pj, Ktc ,uo Bnt ul,i0Wi ' ' '" hardly .qual, as moiqulto producer. vestlgatlon and study have been actively at work tha, rSJ& ... . T T lm"'K . "aa utcu.c- fish which prey upon the larvae. soggy pasture. In tho same sense, tlrely neglected heretofore by tho general goverumut, which ' now propose, to take the matter up from the beginning uaIl from on, ,0 ,wo r.,n.bnrrf., and study It thoroughly. It Is true tha In the national $M , , , nloltlllUo, forest reserves there 1ms been for some time a patrol sys- Evell , ftt,inlnkccl iem o(r, tem, charged, among other duties, with reporting and fight-. t-i.i. ...T.ii. .... .i... t- . ing fires, but no general principles have been laid down 1 ., frefj fr.., cty of MttgM ' ,,UMI "U,VM KV iWT f Arrrli7tnttimi In Hlrllr from mfllarln ork Press. J .V. I.... vj uirviuug uiv uinv, bu Hint mv iiuiiii wind swept freely over the town. V Vacation Advice. 110 w know that mosquitoes are the fcORB attention should bo given to r.laxatlon cwcr "iDuiors or malaria. and rest, especially In tho home circle. Noth- JMUD expedition, sent out ny Ing has ever been found better for exhausted Ibo American Museum of Natural Ills nature than sleep. Vacationists should uot tory ,0 Investigate the native tribes of overlook this Important fact Tho stay-at-, Northwestern America and North homes, who enjoy short trlus and return to eastern Asia has completed Its their own comfortable beds at ulirht. can romrrntnlnf. field-work and collected some yyy themselves on securing needed rest. Wise tourists plan twenty thousand specimens of house to get all tbe sleep they require. This clan believe In the' hold articles, dress, ornaments, tools advice of tho famous writer. t)r. J. 0. Holland, who once ' audweaponssuch as havo never before said on this topic: I been exhibited. The explorations ex- "81eep Is a thing that bells have no more business t0 tended from tho Columbia River Interfere with than with prayers and sermons. God Is re-!11"""111 ,h !or,h Pacific coast to the creating us. We are as unconscious as we were before wo Amur River In Asia, tloso similarities were born; nnd while Ho holds us there, feeding anew thet Wl,r0 fo,"ul ,u "10 customs, dress, Im springs of life and Infusing fresh flro Into our brains and plements, folk-lore and other charac preparing us for the work of nuother day, the pillow Is as! teristlcs of the American and Siberian sacred as a sanctuary. tribes, pointing. It Is thought, to tha "If any fanatic has made you bellevo that It Is good common origin or tneso people at for you to be violently wakened from your sleep at an early hour, and to go out Into the damp, raw air. morning after morning, with your fast unbroken and your body un fortified by the stimulus of food, forget him nnd his coun sels nnd take tbe full measure of your rest. When you get your breakfast take your exercise If you havo time, or wait until a later hour In the day. Just as much labor can be accomplished In ten hours as In fourteen, with more efficiency and less fatigue, when rest and bodily exercise are properly taken." Boston Globe. VALUE OF THE EGQ CROP. V.r In, Tear Oat, It Ilcnt. Produc tion of Preclon. Metal.. Russia Is the largest seller of aggs In tbe world. She sells to foreign coun tries 150,000,000 dozen eggs nearly eV' ery year. In 1803 she sent abroad 1, 175,000,000 eggs; In 1807, 1,737,000,000, and In 1898 1,831.000,000. Her sales are ell the time increasing. China Is supposed to bo the largest producer of eggs In the world. There Is no such thing as statistics of poultry products in China, but there are over 100,000,000 persons in that empire who are very fond of eggs; It takes a good many eggs to supply them. Tbe hum blest farm hut has hens in plenty, and they do their best to supply the demand. There is little doubt that China takes the cake as an egg pro ducer. Her entire supply Is usually consumed at home, though she some times manages to spare a few for Jap anese consumers. Great Britain is tbe largest buyer of foreign eggs in the world. Of course, no English breakfast table Is complete The Way Home. When tbe Bishop of Truro, Dr. Gott was Dean of Worcester, says a writer In V. C, his absent-mindedness was so notorious that be earned for him self the sobriquet of "Dean For-Gott." On one occasion be had Invited some friends to dine with him. On tbelr arrival, a short time before the dinner hour, bo suggested that In the Interval of waiting his friends would perhaps wlthout eggs as a complement to its like to walk through the grounds. I toast and marmalade. Great Britain After spending about a quarter of an buyi every ycar an average of 1,600, bour In admiring tbe flowers, shrubs 000,000 eggs from about twenty coun and greenhouses, they suddenly camo tries, and this Is only 40 per cent of upon a door In the garden wall. j the consumption. British bens man- "Ah," said tho dean to his aston- &ge to produce three-fifths of the eggs Isbed guests, "this will be a much that the home market demands. In nearer way for you to go homo than 1001 Russia sold to England 539,053, by going back to the front!" and for-1 000 eggs, nnd the next largest sellers getting bis Invitation, he opened tho were Belgium, Denmark, Germany, door and bowed them out Start a Domnstlo Soeoe. Mrs. Nowllwed I made a big batch of these biscuits to-day, Mr. Ncwllwed You did, Indeed, Mrs. Newllwed-How do you fw rTl France, Egypt and Morocco. Great Britain spent $28,745,101 lu the pur chase of eggs in 1001. Our entire export of eggs in 1002 was only 2,717,000 dozen, valued nt $528,070, which cuts a small figure In how big a batch I madoJ "u ' '"T T"rV -,l ,M 'hlh..PhM.LnM r3 r . ' ,that keeps our exports nt sucb a low figure. Iu 1800 there were 233,508,005 chick- More Eloquent Than Word.. "I don't nreach no lone sermon. In ens in this country, and they produced do summer time," said tbe colored 1.203,818,1 dozen eggs; ana the fact brother, "I des calls de 'tentlon cr de t,lat wo consumed 00 per ceut of them inn ttr de stat of d thw-mnm,.. shows that wo are a nation of egg eat- ter, en bless God, they know wbut'a e,n- n e,no"gh. t(i mnko. aal hea a comln'l" I dlzzy to think that a train of ordinary refrigerator cars containing our enuro egg crop of that year would have ex tended from Chicago to Washington, Newfoundland Fishermen. Of the 100,000 men In Newfoundland more than half are fishermen, who with several miles of cars to stretch catch 150,000,000 pounds of cod a year, along tho track toward Baltimore, consume one-fifth of It and sell tbe j In 1001 tbe receipts and consumption rest for $4,450,000. of eggs In New York City were 2,872,- 000 crates of thirty dozen each. Cbi- An Irish Dh losoDher savs that everv. 1 i... ,..- n.. nnit. thing conies to the man who gets up .nmntlon. or an averaira of 1.581.R1R and hustles while ho sits down and crates a year. Truly the egg Industry wait. 1 1. a irrent buslnessi and when we con sider It In connection with the broilers, spring chickens, tough and tender, nnd roosters we consume, tho poultry In terests assume prodigious proportions. The total value of tho poultry and eggs we produced In the lust census year was $281,178,247. Tho industry was worth more than all tho cattle and hogs we slaughtered. It was worth more than tho wheat crop of twenty-eight States and territories; and the value of our eggs nlono wns higher than that of the combined gold and silver product of tbe United Stntoi In any year since 1850, except In 1800, when tho precious metals exceeded tho eggs by $9,418,125. "Tho Weaker Hex," The women who ore attempting to run a big bote! for women In New York are solving some Interesting prob lems. Tho hotel Is called the Martha Washington, and the Intention of the management was to run It entirely with women, as well as for women. Little by little tbe male sex has been encroaching, not because men wcro especially anxious to work there, but because the women could not do with out them. First of all, the girl "bell boys" had to go, because the women could not "make tbcm ntlnd.". Boys were In stalled. They obey orders, but do not stay long, bccauie, they say, "the worn, en are nutty." The head woman waiter could not en force discipline among tho women waiters. And so a man bad to under take the Job. It was also found that carrying tho soiled dishes from dining room to kitchen was too heavy for women, Men were put In to do this. Finally tbe rest of tho girls struck aud their places were filled with men. TIow Is It that women won't "mind" women? Would a regiment of aroazons havo to he officered by men? fit. Louis Post-Dispatch. Scotland's Great Canal. Plans for tbe construction of a ship canal between the Firth of Forth, on the east side of Scotland, across to tho River Clyde, on the west, have been definitely arranged, says tho New York Times. Tho canal will coat $50,- 000,000, but powerful support Is ex pected from the British government. One of the great engineering features of the scheme will be tbe carrying of the canal through the high ground near the Loch Lomond end. Frequent passing places will be made. An indication of tbe saving In dis tance that would be effected by the canal will be gained from the follow. Ing figures: From tho Clyde to porta on the eaat coaat of Scotland, north east of England and northwest of Eu rope, tbe distance saved would bo from 529 miles to 238 miles. From thi Firth of Forth to ports on tho west coast of Scotland, northwest of Eng land, Ireland, America and the Med iterranean the distance saved would be from 487 to 111 miles. From Tyns ports to the Ht. Lawrence river the dis tance saved would bo 150 miles. From the west of Britain and northeast of Ireland to middle western ports of the continent tbe distance saved would be from 377 to OS miles. some remote past time. Tho most nn mcrous of the Hlberlau races aro tho Yakuts, numbering about 270,000 In dividuals, and dwelling In and around tho Lena River valley. Tbelr terrt tory Includes about one-third of Hlbe rln. Many of them have nmassed wealth In the fur trade, nnd their sll ve'rsmtths are noted for skill. Yakut belles frequently possess costumes of furs, ornamented with silver, worth $1,000. MACEDONIAN PEA8ANT8. In f-hocklna Abu.i. to YVIilcti liven le.c. Tlisr Are tinlij.cf. The I'casants of Macedonia who are In revolt ngalust the rulo of the Turk are an Interostlug people. Their coun try Is much diversified In population. In tbe south tho Greeks predominate, In the north tho Slavs. The mlddlo section has a mlxtd and debatable con gerlcs of nationalities and dlulocts, There arc n few Wnllachlnns here and there and a sprinkling of Mahometans A Common Wenkiimii. overvwhtre. In times of peace 03 per ur. joscpu i.e uonto wns an author- cent of tbe population Is cngnged In Ity, recognized by tho world at large, agriculture. They till tbe fields In a on the science of vision. One day, says 'primitive fashion, having little use for mo row iorK inuune, lie wns snow modern Improvements or farm ma Ing a class how to detect tho blind chlncry. Their stolid Industry, their spot In the human eye. Ho took two thrifty hoblts, tho fine cllmnto and the coins and held them, ono In each hand, natural fertility of the country would oeiore mm on tne tame, make them a moat prosperous and hap- "Look nt both of these steadily," said py people were It not for tho oppres he, "and gradually move them In op.'.0n nut upon them, poslte directions. Presently they will j Each Christian vlllngo suffers exne pass beyond tho range of vision. That Hon from Its Moslem neighbors, Its Is duo to tho blind spot. Continue the Turkish landlord, tho Albanian brig movement, and tho coins will again 'bdJ,, to say nothing of the oIIIcIhI tax cmergo to view." I coiitctors. The people have no security Then tho philosopher and naturalist u trade, and tbe privileged classes live had his little Joke. "You can export- upon their labor. In some places tho ment for yourself at home," said he. peasants, besides sharing the products "But If you are unauccessful, try some of (hetr fleW equally with their land other object Instead of a coin. Some ordai ar, forcei to work for them peoplo havo no blind spot for money." 0Khty days each year, Including Sun- Oil Onn.nint.Mon. d"JJ "'"j0"' Dy ,Py W0"Cy " For many months the oil conauinp. ' food-. They are forced to obey at tlon of tho world has exceeded th. lj!rpotat of ,Le k"l,e' "nd "'CTC "0 production, for which reason financier! , rCM' ., ... . and merchants havo feared a posslblal Tho c,',aB" " " I'casnuta are exhaustion of tho oil fields. Reporti oapetl loethcr, '" '"lulet published In tbo Manual of Statistics, I f0 nre few mJ ' ln" however, show an extensive docreas fiarks are uncertain. Muny of tho vil la tbe stock of crude petroleum In th' 0B l"voa c?mm,0,n. ?' ."T ,., , ,. ,..' ,,,.. t..... ilng the flocka when It la Impossible for sylvanla, within tho last two years and ,D0 to lead them Into the figures of equal authority Indicate thai "V11"! J,0T IT""1, 'n0n,"" for months tho consumption of oil from, '" """" .1 1 ""T Pennsylvania and West Virginia welli has been very Inrgoly In excess ol I Both men nnd women aro strong- limbed and full of endurance. Few are production. Tho stock of crude VJ-J !" .""'l sylvanla petroleum nbovo ground In December, 1000, was 13,174,717 barrels, n, ot Uo,me d,utlt'' lhe "" " while In December, 1002, tho nmoun elotUI"K of ,,,e ,fnmlI'r' !"!Unll, fro' thus stored was only 5,009,127 barrels. Jvct1 KrW" n,Uj "llCar.Cd !U, th.e I till iiii njy uii. nvi vii, vui turn UIUUU ill the house. im... .v.-. ...... . wu.u mm The hospitality of the peoplo nppeals a decent letter of condolenco. I to tbe visitor. Oriental laws prevail, Second Bachelor Some one you and no one who comes In pcaco Is know dead? (turned away. Even the poorest peua. "No. Engaged." Detroit Free Press, will suare ills cruBt of bread and 1 ibis wooicn uiauicets witu a stranger, When we visit In the country, wi and without asking. like the hostess' disappearance to bt Tho average peasant family pos. from the other, for under the eagle eye ioiiowvu iiuuivuiaiciy Uy luw louna oi arac. u pair ot oxen, tony or urty or tiio section foreman all work allko chickens squawking In tbe back yard, sheep, a cow, several pigs and chick- -j Leslie's Monthly rmf. A portion of tho Increai. of (lit sheep flock must he turned over to the landlord In many cases. Ono day each week In the towns of the dlatrlct la market day, and tho peasants como from every direction, driving slow-go Ing ox teams hitched (o rough carts loaded with produce. The dlataitcee aro great, and the market Journey la usual ly begun the day before and ended the day after market day. Like hi brother In Bulgaria, the Macedonian penmnt buries his money In the field. There are fuw. banks, and theie few tho peniant doe not trust. The house I. not n safe hiding place, for It Is liable to bo searched at any time by passing band of Turk, who do not hrnllato to loot when there Is anything to he taken, In Bulgaria, whero reform has been In force ftir some years, tbe peasant la prosperous, and tho total amount of coin tnirl.il In tho flelda la enormous. So fast do tho ptiiasnt hide the money which cornea to them that the output of the Bulgarian mint disappear almoat as soon as coined, When the Horn lllow. A. you rn.ale with sdv. rally mid li lone th. road Ketiii your temper .omewli.t Jsniiled out o' tun. to liwnr tli. load, An' you very oft.n wonder It lliers'll itir rom. day Whtn your labor, will be over au' you'll h.r. a rliniic. to play, Keep -J.eklu' up your rournf., fur tk. time will com. st Isit Whtn your trial an" your troubl.i'll b. mem'rlM o' th. pail; There' a better day- a coinlu' when you'll dump your .artlily iron, An' you'll know that you liv. .truck It vtlicn th. lait horn blow.. Of'ntlmr you feel a .w.lllti' In your gullet when jmi tnt.t Willi o millionaire a-rldlu' lu Ida carrlax. 'long th. .treat. An' th. Jar.lln of ury (Ire. your soul ttlnsln' cut Whtn you m. hi in on th. road an' you a ttrurgllu' hi th. rut. Hlcli a fe.lln o' r.ientm.nt doesn't help th. ran. a bit, Do.tii't r.gtilnt. tli. matttr fur to glv. your teeth a grit; Though mi liav.n't sot tin bwHll. nor liU tnllor-rlttfd clothe. You will b. aa rich h. I. whtn tli. la.t horn blow.. W. sr. only h.r. n wollln', tort o' klllln' tlm. until Wo rtctlv. th. Invitation fur to climb III. (olden hill, An' w. hadn't orl to (ruiubl. J' b- eUM favored few Har. a knack o' (rabbin tortus, that'. denied to n an' you, FIs your rye. nn tli. eternity we'll .titer by ami by. I.lf. on earth sln't half mlnut. to th. tin. n.'lt upend on high Try to keep th. tear, o' trouble from a-trlrklln' down your lime, Fur jou'll hull.r h.lleluyer when th. lait horn blow. Drnttr Pout. Tlm Clianoe of a 1'rl.uner. I entered my office ono morning to find a ry worn and traveled stained wnuderer awaiting me. He bad been a crook ever since ho had been old rnougb to gain his living, and having had uo homo Influence eic.pt that which was evil, be followed tho wrong path faithfully to hla own ruin. He luid never doiie Itourat work In bl life. With no trade, uo character, nu reference, no friends, and with a crlmlual paat atamped on hla face, when bis money wn gono after ho had been discharged from prison tbe out look was moat discouraging. Juat nt till point a polleumnn acted the part of fate and ran him In, not becausebo had committed nuy crime but to pre vent him from doing so. That night when the door of bis cell clanged behind him n dorp realization of his failure swept over him. "Pris on, prison, la It alwaya aud forever to to prison?" he groaned, and throwing himself on his knees, for tho Unit time lu hW life, bo prayed. The next day In court, some ono unknown to him said a good word on his behalf and ho was discharged. He walked from Iloatou lo New York aud when I heard tho story very simply told In his rough way ho an Id: "Now, Little Mother, wilt you give me a chance? la tbcro nny hope for me?" Very gladly did we bid hi in welcomo. When be left us It was hard work he undertook. When tho first pay day rnmu ho culled at my office, coming In straight from work In toll-stalncd clothing nnd his hand bearing the marks of toll which mean so much to us. As I rose to greet him ho clasped my fingers In his two strong hnuda and with tears tilling hla eyea he said: "Llttlo Mother. I Juat came to thank you. I can't tell you what the Iomo has douo for me, but I want my com rades to know I nm really grateful." And then he drew from his pocket a little roll of bills and prcsalng It In my hnnds, ho snld: "That Is the first houcit money I over earned. I want you to uso It fur the loys who are now whero I was once." Icllu s Moutbly. Tramp. In ML.ourl. v The moment that winter brenks-and save In tbe high altitudes, winter west of the Mlastsslppl Is a mild and com fortable tldng lu comparison with our Eastern weather the police of St. Jo seph, Kansas City, Denver, In fact of all the towns and cities, wago relent, less war on vagrants. Tho wldo roll ing prairies, tbo railroads, tbo mills are all tusntable In their demand for unskilled labor. Crops rot In the Holds for lack of harvesters, mills aro Idle for lack of men to drive the heavily laden wagons to their doors, The Idle will not work so long at they can beg or steal, In tho West they havo little chancu for either. On an average fifty men a week are arrested In Kansas City during tho months of June, July and August Tbo police wisely refuso to burden tho city with their support, ami Instead glvo these men tbo alternative of going to work honestly, and for high wages, or breaking stone for the Improvement of tho nbomlnablo Western ronds, The cholco nearly always Is for the hotter paying labor. Great wisdom Is shown In tho distribution of these men. Only one or two ot a gang are sent to any ono camp. In tlfo labor camps the tramps havo n fnl .ilinnnn t.rltl. ....... 1........ I. ..... vi...vw f.,i, luuiq uuill-at M1U11, Thero Is nothing to distinguish one fivim tin. ritlms i'.it. titwlnw tin. n n Y