M I ill ii Now on liinl page. llr. liiiwu oculo-oiitlduu Kiiguiio Tlm IicmIiiIiih' nl ,. II, DhvIiIhiin'n nWull linker wa In tliu ellv Tlie flay. I tllov. .! tlliti IMwhoii U In lliui'llv til H WCcU, Kodak ami Miiiillc hi The Mod or n I'lmiiniK'.v. Iluy your clitml Siiglii Hook More. Hiiiill(M at lliii ll'tiTV C'lnrkii nunc down from leiiiui Tucdny. llolil. lllalr (trove up from Hpilng llrlil IhhI Miniiluy. ! (Ico. (IrOMK, III KlIgCM', wiin In I lie I cit.v IiihI Haturilay II. will t ji tin iilni'u Hutmilay after noun. Hcuicmbci- It. A, I. Ilcttcrwiirtli, of Iliirrlliurg, vUltcd tlilelty IIiIh week. I Mr. unit Mr, .1. I. .lime vUlted 1 : 1 1 I KIIIK! tlllH WCell. j A iimlll v ol hcIi-cIi'iIhomI wlicat (or I Miilit ill tint (.'oil ii ! (Irovit Hour Mill. November tlm llltli mill I7tli llr! I.owc, the oitlrlun, will lie In Cui t ami drove, j Wo ran give yon uine exlrn iirlcc 1 on llolienila mining Htocli. ('ail anil Wit IIH, MkIII.KY iV Mll.NK. Mr. I.ctcr Klrkputrleli, ol Hurllug tilt III. Iowa, llll urccplcit n ihihUIiiii 1 with I. I.urrli. I'lvo hundred dollar In mcIiooI liookM anil mcIiooI Hiippllci itt I lie Knglo Hook Htoiv. A ;l iu'r place only one mile on I nIi jXljLi jU.jijU tU .tU.jlt.jU. l ii" jJ..-lt..rl:.tli jit aU. vU jitjit l-.il. STOVJOH & IIJGKH We have jiwt rccelveil n complete Shipment of AIR TIGHT HEATERS Cull ami Sec Them ami net l'rlce.i. Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors. Niiwh Iiiim liecii received lierti to tint effect Unit Wm. dimming, formerly a rcHldculof till clly wlieru lie wiim engaged In tint general nirrcliuudlc iniMincMH, mm who Hoimitmiig like t wo yi'ai'N ago removed to WchIoii, KiiHlcrn Oregon, illeil on (li'tolier I'l, Mr. Cummlng wiin a mail well liked liv IIiohc who eiinie In cnntncl with llllil, anil the luiWM of III den Hi will lin received with udlie hy ninny friend liere. A farewell dunce wiim given Kreil ilnle tiitH wii'k l.v Id many frlcmlH liotli In ami out of lodge clrrleH. Mr. dale Iiiim lieen engaged In tlir liaruoi InlMliieMN In HiIh city for hc vera I year, having only recently Hold out., ami lhoe who are very rloe to tint lioy tlioiiKhl to mIiiiw tliclrappicfliitlon of IiIh kocIuI unil mmil.v ipialtlc liy giv ing dim a (In nee lielore lilHilepiirtiirn. , I The nililri'M given liy I'rof . Webber 1 licforu tin) L'nliiuTmcrnuru.Mcctlug' ! of tin: Miiveral diuretic of tint city 1 taxi Hiimlay evening hn liecn lilghlv i Hpokeii of liy inaiiy. Mr. Webt-r' i Htyle In ilrmnatU", Indulge frcipiently In wlttlclHin that put Mpleo Into IiIh , Hcnteiice; unit hIiowm a wplrit of emiictnc t tint would l wvlt to jlmltittu liy (lie average mlnllcr of tlicgopcl. Mr. Weber left Cottage (Irovit Monday for tin: llolicmla iiiIiich to Rattier data for an exten , mIvc expert wrlleiip of thai eoiintry. In tint Nugget window th Ih week In In lie Keen it couple, of Imiii'lieM of ripe nipberrlc of tlie red mid lilack vnrletle. .1. II. Warner liad the kllidiiCMM to bring them In, having found lliein in IiIh Harden. They are , large and will demonstrate that thlx M-clloa of the country Ih lilecHcd with all kind of good cllmiitc. JimI1 think of It. yon town and North Dakota folk, picking ra-plHTrlen In . Kivd Onlcgavc an cnlovatile dune Ink party at (hit MiihoiiIc hull hint ' NovcmlMjr. l.alHatiirduy nlhl tlm ladle of I I'hiirMday nlulit In lionor of the ih-' There arc nuvcral Htrawlwrry Ik-iIh i tlie Woodman ClrelcKavn a Hoclal at partiirit of hln old time hcIiooI fr end, i ,,, ,H ,.t ,1t ro IIOW ;. , the Woodman Hall, which Will l.e Mm. I'lliHdie ItitWHOli. of linker C.'lty. , . " f jr i.-Joi il t n e thin v , iV i wnii rein neii ii nor iioimtii.uioiiow. . ()f ollr KnHu-rn frlemU. who fe l""'!?,1, 1 ,l""1 ' '" welcome lo take their I.... a - Hiv niii iriitn unit' iiiiiiimiii-iiii IM4 VIIP jiiinwii , pli'MMiinlly reiiieinliereil liy mmiy, It wa nlmi ii farewell reception to Mr, ami ,lrn, W. W. AIumIcimoii, who left on Hnndiiy inoriilnuH nverlaiid for Ventura, California, where they will la, ike their future home. For cold lunch ol o.VHterH, mirdlncM, crackcrM, cooklcH, hIIcciI peacheH, deviled limn, plckleri, miiHtard.coriieil mnlHec for thcniHelveH. ilcvlleii nam, pIcklcM, miiHtard.coriieil 1 11i..,llr..M ,... , ' ... ... iHff ! cliotil Iicef, call III tlie " "''"j ' ' '!v', i.leai IVa.l coiil.rllo.iary. Wc hIho carry mf ,mly , tlie lea K brand of cIwum and to- ' ' ' , t hi S,,, liacco. .1. V. Tiion. in. ' f',1. "h. . 11 ,.1 u- i,"" 1 " 1 (luowt WliltHCtt, lormcrly of HukI- I Wallant & Soiim hare completed thu C. W. Ilradford, the pholOKrapher. Ih now located at Itiinelmrir. He Iiiih all thu ncKiitlvcM lie iitnilc III Cottage Orovc. Anyone wIhIiI nir more iletnreH from lliein or waiitliiir en addrcHM All mall III recelveeiireliilainl iiromiit aiieniion. i . v. iiranioni HUH', who Nome t wo veiil'H h lice ho Id IiIh farm mid removed to Ciihtern Ore Kon, reinriied hiHt Natiirday, having Kalr ImprovcmentH. w'lll n" iil'U at, ''m",,",M,1 "I,1,'1" l"'",r,,H,H l,",','lV .mimii.kv v .mii.m:. " .....- I'.'SII. Iirlck lavlnit on tlio .Ioiicm c I'lillllpn hrlek on Main Htreel. Over VI.OiMt nrlek were lined la tlie coiiHtriictlon of thu liulldllii?. 'I'lie other now koIiik rapidly on and I'opillar iiovcIh the very latent lit the Caule Hook HI ore. Von can liny them ontrlulil or reiil them, (.'all, School children arc made happy In IniyliiK tlielrwhool ImnkH.Htatloncry, IH'IIM ami I'ciii'IIh at thu KmkIc Hook llook Mtoiv. (Jovernor Chainlierlalii piihhciI throiiuli till ('Hy a TncHitny iiooii'h local enronte liinne from IiIh reent vhll to tin .National Capital. Nice, cheap ivhIiIuiicu IoIh In all parlH of (own. Call ami he hIiowii aroiind. Medley .V Milne, cor. -n l , ami Main StH., Cottne drove. Heady made hIioch, II rut cIiihh In every partlvnlar, my pcrmianl trnar iiatiit lo make nood any and all dc-1 feclM KiirK with every pair Hold. .1. 1 olllcu Saturday. II. Itai IiIhoii. j KM Sllir,, t,, ,vw.k HoM ,u rt.Ht. All pernoiiH knowing H wive In- dence proM-rty In till city to Dndly deliled to Tli.i ltitiion Drue Co.. re- IHon, and will leave next week for rriitlv Hold out. will nleiiHi rail at Nan ('ranclHco. where he will rename mv iiilliit mid liny thu Hiime. t Iiiim a former ponll Ion In thu X. 1 l( I cx- Minoml lleinenwii.v of ll.elliiriiiiin. 1"?. . Amt...,l,r..l",'l'"!,-.. .I1 . 1,0 lleme.iwn.v Co., maiiaKer of the " ",r "' "I'H'",- ojt Jiiniiiir,- i. John Cnlp ami I'rank Thorn last ; Milt until v pilii'liacd the in it IiiimI- i iich of it. K, IjIiwhoii, mid aru now Into thu work np'to their uyi-H. Mr. l.aWHon will travel fur a Iioiiku roof Iiik; concern the comlntf y ear. i I. H. Hale, of the I'aclllc Miner,1 aml.lohiiA. Wlckliiim, prcHlilent of the Oregon MlnuOwner AhhocIiiIIoii, liotli of I'ortliuid, were vlHltor In CottiiKU drove thin week. Ill tilflLltur Vfillt tlltlrliliu..a lit lil.rli work I 1 (jrailu clKarn, of conrne you want n llrt da Hinoku. Von will hud the very lient liramlH perfectly kept at the Wavu Confectionery. HrmilH I'iihh Mtore, win In (IiIh city hint Saturday mid Sunday ami then continued hN IiiihIiichm trip to I'ort Inad. I.iimI Siiiiiln.v the little hoy of Mr. ami Mi-a. .lolin Coehrau of thin clly. wiih taklait a ride on the hurricane deck of the family cow, when he wiim thrown off, fracturing lit arm. Harry llrrhaut, and hi mother who Iiiih Iiih-ii vIhUIiik hcrv for Home time, left Tliiirdny lor Portland, and expect lo vIhII Spokane and other place while koiiu. Clin. I'.viiiih, of Ciikpiic, apcclal reporter for the ItculHter, mid it yoiiiiK Htory writer ol local promi Mr. .1. K. Harrell. iiccomiianled liy her IiiihIiiiiiiI and her phyHlclan, Dr. OkIchIiv, wenl to I'ortlaud Thcro will lie no preaching ncrvlce at thu C. I', church on next Sunday a thu paHtor IioIJh wri Ice at Ure. NP.W CHARTER. ; In view of the fact that thu over ' nor may call a upvclnl hchhIoii of the lellatiirc to ovcrhnul the tax law. al thu IiihI ictfiiliir mcutliiur of thu city council that liody npioln(ed a committee to draft it new city char ter which, when completed will ho Hiilimlttcd to thu iKJOplefor tholrcon llrinatlon, Cat It may lu preentcd i to IcKlitliituru mid panned upon liy that body. The object hh prcHcntcd liy thu council Ih an wholeomu one, ami nlionld meet with thu hearty ap proval of the cltlr.cn of til city. While there are Heveral defect In the iirenent charter the primary object I to Incorporate a meiiHiire that will ennhle thu miialclpallty to treat upon thu HcwcriiKu (iicntlon, to the end that the city may necuru Huwer iiKcat an a early datu a iiohhIIiIu. l-ct every pulillc nplrlteil cltlrn throw their liillnence aiiilencrny Into tlm matter- We do not need nny tliliiK (iilte no liadly an wuneed new eraKu. ( M W. A. At a mretlnt? of thu M. W. A. IoiIkc Thnrnday nlulit a rounln kodiI time i wiim hail and a leant pread that ; would tempt the appetite of a kliiK A larue iiunilier of vlnltiiiK memtiern I were iireMent to wltncHH tlie varlou ramlldatcH take their Initiatory In i the myterle of Modern Woodcraft. From the opciilnic of the loduu the I hall wiih filled with eiithiiHliiHtlc meiulKT from the dlffeient camp and the way they enjoyed thu even Inn cannot ponnlhly I- appreciated liy any but thone who have koiio through mid learned what It mean to lie a fraternal or liencllclary mem lier oftheM.W. A. The loifce Ih In a llourlnhlnK condition and I con tinually growing larger and nt router every year. I : -I- f d- -1- -.- ! -I- -1- -I- -I- -i- -! -1. -1. .1. -1. . -J. ... .1. y fLoaR and f eeo The higlicst grade of Flour, Kecd and Hay of all kinds. Wc handle none hut absolutely pure goods of all kinds, and guarantee every "pound first-class. Wholcsulc ov Retail. Do not make cither lme or small purchases without first examining our goods. Phona Main 293. Call us up and we will dclivei anything you want to any part ol the city. ettedge & Rigguis. Benson's Pharmacy The Place Weiliiemlay. where Mr. Harrett will I well. All other Hervlce of the day i enter Hie hoHpltal for treatment, will lie a iihiiiiI. Her many friend look forward to Attoinuv Murkier In v-lnitlair Sno an early date when he will return "tM week . "ft In announced Hound and well. that hu will return here and take up I'rofennor K. S. Day arrived III till I thu practice of IiIh profennloii In the city Sunday and Iiiih taken charire of near future. thu Itlchardnoii Munlc Store on Main Htreel. Mr. D.iy Ih a Kt'iitleiuan of Ktlrlluu worth to a community, and hi many friend are ulad to nee htm locale heii- axilla. Wake up mid buy a plire of HoiI'm f;reeii earth In Cottage drove and Hire it home of your own. Wc will ; nave troillileaml ciihIh, A. II. Klliu;. Z'i men wanted by the Itooth Kelley I.uiiiImt Co. at Saginaw, On-.. to work In yard and wimV lu iiiilrc of I'. S. Walker, Mala Si. near depot, Col tune drove. Stock, grain and fruit farm, hiiiiiII place for garden anil chicken min imi, alo timber land for wile or trade by Medley .V Milne, cor. ml V Main St., CottiiKc drove. llent creamery butler. "Conrner rlul" tiutler uiiidit at Salem won Inl pn'mlum at Slate I'alr thin year. II you want butter Unit I alwayn frenh ami full wclKhl. Jimt order a Mimrc of your grocer. :,. ..... .. ,,-n,.- ., ii, ,-,-..' Hint, it ilium- oi .ritiir own. lie will yii.C.mi..v MiBW't (,.MH,M (OHhowyo.iHoinuof the I lent lniyn la lown. 1 Mi:iii.i:v it Mii.ni:. The I.adle Aid Society of thu Metliodht Clinrcli are iirraiulni? for , . II .ilt'lLlllllll n l.illt-l lilllllllt'lll Allien "opn. u,iii ,..1.., (jl...... HiiiiieltintineYl timtli. v. l. (iariumi iiiih returned Irom Al'crdi-en. Wnnh., where he Iiiih been iiNnlntiiu; hi brother III HtralKhten up hl affair nluce the (Ire. In which Mr. illinium lol ipille heavily. .Sunday morulUK Htiliject at the M. K. church "Thy KIiikiIoiii Come' of the I.ord'H Trayer. KvciiIiik hiiIiJwI "I'eler, The InipitlHlvc". .1. S. Hamilton, of the O. tc S. K. WodiIIiiiiiIh ilepartment, I now In XewVork, hiivlm; been called eimt by wliv, upon the midden death of hi mother. deo. Craham, iicrlnteuilent of the Ieltoy, who ha liccu hmmh1Iii u couple of week on IiIh ranch on the Dilunlaw, returned to the camp till week. (leo. I'. Mlllcrnnil family, of I'ort laud, arrived here till week. It 1 announced that Mr. Miller will en ipiKU in the hIiIiikIo mill buntuean. C. (). Willi, of SliKhinvt . puri-himcd till wit-It mi M)-acre farm of . I. M. Medley through Medley .V Milne. F. OF A. SMOKER. The Court llolicmla Camp No. XI of A. wave a Hinoker at their IoiIko room on hint Friday nlulit. A niim ler of on Udder were prenent and en Joyed the lionpltallty of the Forrest er mid to Hay they enjoyed It would certainly lie putting It mildly. Thn F. of A. loile grow in popularity wherever they cHtahllh a lodge. Their method of entertaining are hard to beat and the Cottage (Jrovo lodge certainly Iiiih a memlicrnhlp that I alwayn iipml to the occiihIoii. The npread wn under the ninnage incut of IMgar Wlllnou ami of coumu wiih flrnt dim in every particular. The Hinokern given by till lodge arc alway enjoyable occalon. CONSTIPATION. To buy your Pure Drugs, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Paper. We carr' the largest stock in the city. Our prices are ! right, too. Give us a trial ! and be convinced. Cottage Grove public School WEEKLY REPORT. wkbk i:.muno Oct:to, i!w:i gemrai fiotei t foctcd two blocks wcHt Z and one block north of a the S. 1'. Depot 1 CuTti.C fyOOItIS Well vcntllntcd well fur- S nlnlied and flrHt-claxH In every particular ; Rates $1. per day! Hoard by tlio week $4 SO S without lied per week. Itemcmlier tlio place. Tho liest table s ami the lient bed, thu bent nccommndation In every particular. Central fiotel i e N'w Snrollraent .IiiIIiih (loldninltli, diki ill Kugeue'H cigar mid confectionery men, wa In I lie clly till week. -"i ni n-n Olllj . niiit-n mni in uinii, i . ... ..,, i1M ,.. .. .., Hr,...,,,, pi... I ,. niuil.n von don't I rverv I ,l" ""OIUIIHla. III UrtgOII l.lt . day, I'rlcp iW. Mkiii.cv At Mii.nb. Frenh Oyler any (.vle, ()i-nter cocktail ami hot noila drink at tlie Wave Confectionery. Cochrell for hiiIc. U-ave order at i.ewi v veatca Hiore. itp-i I'LYAIOUTII KOCK C0CIIK1-LLS. l'urc bred white Plymouth Hock llenlth in nti-nltitely impossible, if I cmutipatioil lie iiiom.ii. M mv feriom Totl rullisrnt c.ifes ol liver nun Kinney complaint nave cpriini; (rom neglected eotislipnllon. Such a deplornhleeonUilion in umiei-ei-iirv. Tlieiu in a cure for it. llerliino will epeeilily reiiiwly niatteif. C. A. I.iinliav, P. M ., lironsoii. Fin., writes, Feb. ii, KKK: "Haviin; tried llerliine, I tluil it a line medicine for i-nnslipii-tion." 60c bottle at N'e.v Kra Driif Store. Frt'd ltarleln lian relumed from a New crop Kugllnli Wave confectionery. walnut at the Harry Hart, from the Cryntal, I vlnldng n few day In the city. .1 P Hart, foreman at the Cham pion. I In the city thin week l.owney' candle at The Modern l'liainmcy. Here' for goo llle I onucy'H Hon Hon at The Modern Pharmacy. j FIRE. Dont neglect that houne any I uiger. but call at the expren olllce and have Tom Awbrey write you up a policy. In either the Ktua Inniir aliccro.. or the Oregon Fire Itcllef Ahh ii. of Me.MIiinvllle. (Ir. 1-ilN NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TlrarTrunt Notice I hereby given that the old i'nexrul Ilrm of hong& Hlugliam I.iiiiiIhtCo. will collect all account due the firm I withdrawn and pav all ontHtnmllng Indebted-1 lien to tlctolKTtl. 1WH. Thw not rtoln iood work .1. C. I-oso. I. H. HlNOIIAM. I Doy Olrln 191. . 117 2t0 j ...... t VS. mij Kjn,i j ; 176 1) if .... s , II , B Allendnce 1.. I)nyi Abnee Averngf rxllr At(enUnee..X... Average No. Belomrln; JR$... Tlint-a Tthljr 11 Airs. Ida E. Thompson fKOPRIETRKSS. Ale Kibbcn Brothers Saw Mill I Three miles east of $ Cottage Grove on the old Jackson Kile place Ail Kinds of Rough Lumber, at reasonable prices. If you are In need of any thing in our line call itt mill or nildreHH iih at Cottage Grove. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIEHT. AIcKibben Bros. 1 BRlOGs, l'rtncli. I Found in our Big Closing out Sale. LadlcH WrapperH. Former price Ofc now 75c that were 1.15 now 85c Shirting. Marion Checks formerly 10 cents now 5 cents Virginia Plaids formerly lliVi- cents now (5 cents BED COMFORTS. These arc the very best values and cheaper than you can buy the material and make them. Formelv $1.00 now 75 cents " " " $1.25 " $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.25 $1.50 Extra Large Heavy Turkish Towels. Formerly 55 cents now 25 cents. Corsets. Tape Gridle Corsets lormerly 50 cts now 38 cts Jersey i' " 50 cts now 38 cts Our Entire Line of $1. Kid Gloves at 75c a pair. 100 pairs Ladies lilack Hose 7c per pair liest Grade Carpet Warp 24 cents per II) Best Grade Seamless Bags 20 cents Trunks, Valises, Grips, Telescopes and Hand Bag. 60 " 4iBc EllW iSlRiJTll some one else will get th m yi