BOHEMIA NUGGET. C J. Howard EdUor Barton C. V. Brown - Business MR'r. KnUtrd tt pttmf t 0IUr akiarlplUnrrl". " ' "'"' AilHUIn( ltalmad known mi application. TIU8 PATER In Uf on Ms at B. I'. JilnltMl AWMJ. wllU Kl kar. FranAe. California. hf n eo iraeu lot a.lvtrtMni rn l mad rot It. Friday, Octohkk 30. 1903. THE ECLIPSE OF PRIDE "I need the money," says the saloonkeeper, ns he takes over Ins bar the Inst dollar of the drunken workingman and turns hiui into the street. "Husiness is business". "I need the money." says the young woman who sells her soul for a paltry sum to whoever will buy. "I am forced to do this by the unfortunate position I am in. "I need the money," says the gambler, as he pockets the coin he knows full well the poor clerk has taken from his employer's till. "My family can't starve." "I need the money," says the highwayman, as he raises his bludgeon or pistol to shed inuocent blood and wronc those who have never wronued him. "The world owes every man a living." "I need the money,' says the thief, who lives off others by his wits, throuch cards, dice, gold bricks or confidence games. "A man must live." Yes, we all need the money. But we need something else much more. We need self-respect, we need an approving conscience, we need the confidence and compan ionship oi our fellow men. Dowie parades himself before gaping thousands and drags tlie sacred things of religion into' the mire. He needs the money for "Zion". Bryan defies good taste and im perils his good name for the sake of a paltry $50,000. He needs the money for his iamily. Perhaos it is that we lack pride the pride of family, the pride of reputation. These things were once most powerful deterrents from wrong doing. TbeJinbere in so ciety where money is appraised at its true value. Perhaps an aristocracy of birth and breeding is, after all, better than an aristocracy of mere money. Perhaps our commercial civiliza-! tion needs an infusion of gentility. 1 Is the race of Tom Newcome and Bertie Cecil and John Halifax ex tinct? Oregonian. OREGON GAME LAWS. The following is an authentic re port of the game laws of Oregon in condensed form, as compiled by the United States Department of Agri culture: KINtm III" OAMK. Peer (except spotted lawn, pro tected nt all times), antelope, moose. mountain sheep (see inceptions). Nov. 1-Jtily 15. . Kxckitionk: (Irani, Harney, Mai ltetir, mnl ltnle counties, deer mid itutclop. Oct. 15-Oct. 1. t emnle deer lit rest of Mate, Nov 1- Atijr. 15. Ulk, until Sept. IS. 1!01. Stlver-srey simlircl, Jim. MM. I. KnulUli or Kri" pntrhlKe, caper entitle, moor hen, pheasants (silver. golden, cupper, green. Japanese, mid Reeve)), wllil turkey, woodcock, un til Oct. 1, 11105. Rail, upland plover. Jnn. I -Auk 1. Mallard, wood duck.wldKvon.tenl spoonbill (gray. Muck. aprlc-tnll). cunvnsback duel:, wild koo wild irhii (except In Jackson, Klmunth. niul ItVe counties, .la 11. 1-Sept. 15, nnd In Coose County, Feb. 1-Auir. I.) Wkst of CAKCAiiKHtscecxcrptlousl. Quail, bohwhite. patrliluv. Erottse native phensuut 1 rutted grouscl. riupt neck or China tontuntus pheasant prnlrle chicken, Dec. 1-Oct, 1 kxckptionn: l)tniKliiHCoiiiity:(juull bobwhttc, pntrldge, native pheasant. rlns-ncck or Chlnn toniiiatiis pheas ant, pntlrle chicken, Dec. 1-Sept. 1? (rouse, runVdKroiiM-. life. l-Auji. V Tlllmuook County: Nuthe pheas, nut ((rutted croiiM). rltiK-neck or Chlnn tonjuatus phcusnut, until Sept, 15, UKM. lllus grouse. Oct. 15-Auk- 1. SJCIntsou. Coos, Curry. Jackson, mid Josephine counties: lllng-neck or Chlnn tonmatus pheasant, until I Sept. 15. 1MM. I Kastof Cascaiiics: Uunll (except In Wnseo County, Oct. l.VAujr. 1, nnd except iKibwhlte). pnensnnt, native phensnnt irufled grout-), groux ago hen, Nov 1-Ausr. 1. liohwhlte. until Oct. 15. 1P05. 1'rnlrle chicken lexcept In Wasco County. Oct. 1 Nov. lo-Aug 15. Ki.Mw or cami: aknaptikx. Deer, nutllupe. elk, moe, moun tain sheep (or hides of said anluials) for purport- of sale: quail or Itolt whlte, Kngllslt or gray pntrldgc, cnerclllxc, moor hen, grouse, sugr hen, pheasant. Mongolian, mhcr. golden, copx.r, green. Japanese, nnd ItreveM pheasants, prairie chicken. wild turkey, woodcock, rail, upland plover, wild duck. gooi-e, swan, or other wild low I eiinlty, for big game, JlOO-fVKi n l costs, or Im prUonuient; lor It., .is $15-J00, or Im prisonment "-lOO days, or both fine and Ituprisnumeu. KxrKiTiox: Any citizen of Wash ington teriiiltted to take one day's hair with 1dm out of the state. , Elk, moose, mountain Hlieep, quail, roum-, rlnu-iieck plirax nits, only I during last 15 days of oeii M-asou. THE OLD RELIABLE i.MM; TMK irooory Store OI- Mctcalf & Morse is the plaee to your groceries. I HIV M I Did 1 It Ever Strike You Absolutely Pur WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE S.WK8 TWO KUOM DKATII. liverythitiir is eleiui. new, fresh ami f first jjrutle (jtialitv. That the one place in town where yon c.mUl always secure a stylish lepeii(lnlile hat was at onr store. There is a uason for it. Our Utile dmifttiti r had n almost i (aUI sllsvk ul lusipiiit: sim . Iruii-hitls." rlleMr W. K. Unw- 5ialaaa0aalSaaMgalla land, of Armonk. S. Y.. "but. when all other remclles Ullwl. her Hie - ..hi. it. iini.1. New lUjeovery. Our nleee, ho had Consninptlo" in an ad-1 inm1 this numlerlul nietllclne and tlv she 1" iierdilly ; IVnwrsle throat ami iuhk 1 llr. Knnt e i" We are iilunxs i,,,, ing aiiotil ami . iiK on the I'ntiiii (if Mill' eilHtoilli we never lu p lint the leailu anil klylcB. Mllll v .ml I-,P B e a I i well. eovvrv as to no oilier medicine on earth. , Infallible for Couch aiwl Cold. JSV i,.l il.rtl Uilllrs iiusrantetM uy .e Kra llrui: Store . Trial boltUM trt-e. DliMlif th Dfc Now. Johnnr." said the teacher. who had been describing n war ship to the class, "how la the deck divided T" A deck I divided." repueu me brisht box. Into siwdes, beartN uia mond aud clubs-'-fhUadelphla Tress. DOLOOD-ITTAIS. , A Chicago man ha observed that, (.nl devl are better lh.m real estate deeds couie of the latter aie worthless. . . . ...I ,1.. .Kt.iA' ftvlntultllV .ACl Kini'ljr niifi r' .. . I ' .,,.1 I. ii. I luOiiin hind, tou cannot i . possibly loe by il." Most men appro- . eiatea kind word and eneoorap-meni mnn. milwUiitlsl help. There aie in Una coniinunilv w ho nncli mit.liitlr uv : "SI v irowi friend, cheer up. A lew " .loses o( Cliaiulteilain'f Uwiith ilemedv will rid you of youreold, and there is no daniter whatever from 1 pneiiiiioiiiii whn you ui that ineillcinc. . It alwavs cures. 1 know it for It . ha hll ineoiit many a time." bold by t The SUslern Pharmacy. for Sale- Double rotary complete saw mill oilttlt, eeepttiiK power Tills plant incimicrt main ". j Inside U'lts, saw dust currier. K two tnaerted tooth IMstoii r naws. With III horw power 9 5.IHH1 to X.000 f.vt ol liimls r ran iK'eut ht day. JI Bargain and will pay you to luetl J Kate. The entire plant is In f trood worklim tinier and con 9 venlently locate.) Will cut A true and cntlrvcitt can be sold ) on the Krouud under prem'nt A contracts at kooiI tli:nn-s J Pacific Timber Co. lUilir Othl l-Vllow's Hall C-ot Intro C5 roVt Crcu:ii. $30000 Call at lloheiula XuKP'l tor furthur particulars. FOR SALE Lumber. 3000 ft. (or iilewalk, stable elc, price f ier .11 two inch suitable floor, bruise floor. Call at once. II. K. JoTer,'-') miles etoISi:insw. GOOD ADVICE. The following from the Alamosa Courier is certainly good advice, and should be read by all: Praise it. Improve it. Talk about it. Trade at home. Write about it. Be public spirited. Tell of its business men. Take a home pride in it. Remember it is your home. Tell oi its business resources. Tell of its natural advantages. Trade and induce others to trade here. When strangers come to town use them well. Look ahead of self when all the the town is to be considered. Don't call your best citizens frauds and imposters. Support your local institutions that benefit your town. Help your public officers do the most eood for the most people. Don't forget you live off the people here, and you should help otners as tney neip you. Don't advertise in your local oaoer "to help the editor," but advertise to help yourself. While the people in eastern sec tions arc shivering and lamenting the cold, as well as dreading the severe weather yet to come, we in Oregon are enjoying the finest kind of fall weather, the sun shining brieht aud clear from sunrise to sunset. Later on, when winter as we understand it, does come, we have only to endure an ordinaty rainy season, during which with lew days exception cultivating and the various kinds of work goes on with little inconvenience. And yet you will find people who dread to come to Oregon. It is un doubtedly because they are ignor ant of the true condition of things, and in this instance is not a blessing but a curse to them. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. To Whom It 51av Co.nckkx: Notice Ih hereby Klvuiitlintuuy nnd nllnotvH duo blllH, order, accounts and any and all other ovldenco of Indebted new In the lianda of or purporting to bo due or owing from the undoi Blltned to one O. L. Itnlney, or order, or otherwise, lire wholly void and worthlesH lor tlio reason that the ennio were Riven without any con sideration wlmtover nnd hnvo been kept nnd ix'tnlned by tlio said Itnlney through fraud nnd nilHrepiVHentn tlon. Dated Dottnge Drove, Ore., Oct. S2nd, 1003. 1 I. II. BlNQHAJI. BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON. This clever piny, which will be In terpreted by C'leiiient-Keefer Co., Is ierhaps the lest farce comedy ever written. It hiut been done by only the liest companion and in the lare theatrical centers, and the Clemen t-Ket-fer Co.. which has no siiierlor as a traveling organization, pay a high royalty for the play. This company proposes producing only high-class standard plays of which n 'llache lor's Honeymoon" Is a fair lyiic. The management requests thorn-who do not en'oy a good laugh to remain away. The play is credited with 13C"i laughs. The characters are all llnely drawn and true to life, which places this play far above the ordi nary farce. It haa sutllclent logical plot to furnish legitimate surprises nnd Is wholesome as well as laugh provoking. TIiIh will lie the only opportunity to see the comedy. Cleinent-Keefer Co. lain sole rights for Its production In the northwest. This compnny will apjieur at Star tin's Hall, Oct. 30. Iteserved seatH :Vi aud lcts The C. SI. A. Hand of this city will furnish street and or chestra music. Inside each pound package of Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 60 different games. All new. At Your Grocer's. GAINKDFOKTY POUNDS INTHIUTY DA"! !. For n-veral months our younger' brother had been tmubled witli umIi-1 cestion. He tried eerl remedies but cot no benefit from them. We pur chased some of Chamberlain'i Stomach and Liver Tablet and he commenced Ukini: them. Imide of thirty day he had gained forty pounds in lleh. He it now fnilv recovered. Ve have a good trnile on 'tin' Tablets . Iloiley llros., Slercliaut, luut llraneh. Mo. For sale by The Sloileru Pharmacy. LOST. A two-year-old Foxhound, solid light color, with one white nail on fore foot. Finder return to the Cash (irocery aton Cottage drove aud receive suitable rew ard. II K LKAUXKD A OltKAT TKUTH.i It is said of John YYVtley that he once , laid to Mistretw Wesley : "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and uver strain?" "John Wesley, became once telling i not enough." It is for this same reatou mat von arc iu.u mraln nnd airaui that Chamberlain's Cough lleniedy cures colds and grip;, that it counteracts any tendency ol 1 these diseases to result in pneumonia ' and it i- pleariint and safe to take. For! sale by The Jlodern Pharmacy . I NOTICE. LOST: Itetweeii the Nen l.ra Drug Store aud the IWolllce one leather purse containing the following: Three Ilundnil Dollars (f.tiK).fl0l In bills. M'ven dimes ami thirty-live rents In nickels and eunlc, also one npool of thn-ad and one box of 'Top Km All Corn Sahr." The finder may Kivp Hie I'nrw .Money ami Thread, hut I earnestly reipn-st that theCOIt.N 8AI.VII be rettintcil an It Is The Most Valuable rrtpmlfai On The Market, for the cure of corns, etr 1'leaso n-turn It to, Yours ItesMetfully. Miss N. O. Coii.ns WELCH & WOODS HAS IT FOR LHSS. We arc pleaded to know that jkmiIc of Cottanc Orovc have Icanictl that "When vim sec it in our ad it's mi." We told tliem In our last weeks ad that for 10 days we would make a sweeping cut of 10 to l.'i per cent on all Mens aud Hoys Clothing. As a result our Clothing tinpaeled for want of room, so will continue the clothing sale another week hoping to make room for same. When we tell you we will sill Miu a hoys suit o to 10 years old lor $1.20 worth $1.50 von know itsso. Come and lixaiuiiic. vtn i irvoki .uii, i hi i ifteiiwiirii iwr trt I llt itft1 tMl'yf 4 ' It4ltl Ml til til 4 Mil rrk It i I 4 V. I 4 II ' 'I "I '' h II i d Mrti' I When you co It our ad It no. 7,M0(IM3.?Sdl5 001URS WERE 1.51, 3.50. II, M.CO, It ud II OOLURS We Imvr 'em uiniiil .h i tan ai lour i-ni ni . m.a, The Iwidir 'il the 1'bf i.uait Chuf li how I. h -srirl here (ir .sir. Il 'ittiMin.1 ird. mil it. .1 ti lie id. or vii inr lake Ilie lull at su Tint a tiiiucn srp carK-t and its thrift ut. I alt an-l r .u.ti.e WELCH & WOODS the Leader In Utw I'rlrrs, Advertise in the Nugget. FOUND. ; At Medley & Millie's real estate! olllce, the finest samples of Lime county products, and a list ol the liestand cheapest farms and town lots. Corner '-'ml and Main Sts., Cot tJiRe Orove. HEAUTIFUL COMI'LEXIONK. Are spoiled by uilnn anv kind of preparation that tills the pores ol the ekin. The let way to iccure n clear complexion, free from eallowness, pimples, blotches, etc., Is to keep the liver in ftood order. An occasional dose of Herhine will clcaree the bowels, regulate the liver, and so catabllth a clear healthy complexion. Mc ut New Kra Drug Store. FOR SUE. A Rood ajj-lti wngon. Anyone tvantliiir a winron can do no Isjtter. 1'rlcu 25. KiKiulru of Medley & Milne. HAN ATKN I'KNNYNAIL TIIIIOUOII IIIH IIA.NI. While onn!n! a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Day, .V ., ran it ten penny i nail thiough the fleshy partof his hand. "I thought at once of all the lialit unci sonnies this would caure me, he says, . "and immediately aniiliod Chamber lain's Tain Halm unci occasionally after wards. To my surprise It removed all pain anil soreness and the injured parts were soon healed." Tor sale by The Modern Hiarmacy. es for Fa We are making an early exhibition of the Latest Styles in in Pall Dress Goods in order that yon may be able to judge the styles and make your selections early enough to get the most good out of your Fall Dress before the rainy days comes. C'O.VNIHHr 'I'll IS CUTTINO ql I ITV of any tool Is ninny dBalrnl one, but of iiiial lmiirliiiiiT 111 power of n'lalnliiK this .tmilly "' not lo niiiln too rii"'ttt nlmri IliK. Ily liuilliiK jour pnrclincs l thcOrlllln & Vcnlelifo itlwy riTclvt! your money's worth lit 'I Issit (imlllyo( tools and cn(Wy proN-rly;ti'tiiH'iil siirl ihat I " to hold tin ciIki-. A . Few ol tlic lilltCSt. Heather Suitings, Zihcliucs Auto Cloth, Yankee Suiting, Drap D'Alma, Drap Sebaslapol, Mellon Cloth and Cheviots. Griffin & Veatch Go. Cottage Grove Flour Mills ARTUNQ &. HANSEN Proprietors Having purchased the above mills we will put out flour equal to any on the market. We earrv ft full supply of all kinds of feed such as Rolled Barley, Oats and Mill Feed. Special attention given to Winners grist work. We pay highest market price for all kinds of grain. If square dealing and courteous treatment will secure your patronage we will have it. Correspondence solicited. Respectfully, J t Htiy your Dress I'attem early and get service for the entire season. The place here HKHRNWAY & BURKIIOLDBK I: l!f!!fUfl!f!!fl!r!!n!f!!fl!n!f!!f!!f!!f!!f1f1!f1UitMtfHMrllf!ifg I Spring is berc-So are we js With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. S: Hoes, Unites nnd Cultivators. Ollvur'H HUid and Chilled 1'lown. ST I'MmIi llroM, Wiikoiw. E: A full mid complftii Llmiof lliuilwait', HKivch nnd Tinware. A Ileal llariinlii. "In time," suld tho struKKlInK urllst. "(hut palatini; will be of great value. All you have to do Is to tuck It away In an attic somewhere and keep It for about i-DO yeurs, by which time I will hnvo beooiiio onu of tlio old masters. Thcil you cun sell It easily for $10,000. You see, I know tlio rules, but unfor tunately I am not In a financial por tion to carry them out. So, if you want a real barculn. I'll let vnn linvn Mil HARTING & HANSEN. "Ule ccm for t.50."-Chlcago I'oit. "IT UOI'.H ItllillT TO THK HI'OT" When p.ilnor imlitlum uxistsonany1 LfS part of the Isnly, the nppllniticm ol jf. . t luril sHnowI.iiiimeiit will xivo priiiniit relief. "It goes rlht to llio spot," Bll d i an old man who was rubbing it in i,,1 euro his rheiin.atlsm. C. It. huilth I rrupr. mail i House, Tonahit, Texas 1 writes. "I have lined llnlhird's Hnow Lliilinoiit in my fiinillyforsuveralyeiir. and Imvit found it to bo n lino rcinody . for all m iu anil paliiB.uiiil 1 reroiiuncml ..I rX ' ,"V.M" ami c he t "' Mining Supplies our Specialty, Finer & Vandenburi 5 RcadEakin & Bristow new ad.