Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 30, 1903, Image 1

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    sg" 5s as gs:
se? i i a ss:
lit W W W
Devoted to the MliiltiK, I.uiiilieilnK mid I'm
mlng lutcicsts of this Community, to Good Government, nnd Hustling forn Grub Stake.
axis' IT ITT 4Ji, tr-d! Y -Hi n,.
JUric I- Wnrc ix'l.auil Coin
ttiisjioncr. Horace McKlnley
ttmnu'ctl (Item to have been written
by MUn Wntc.
111 tlielr relations wltli
1 Three Attempts Made Last Toes-
I day Night
Parties in Jnll.
.mutt from the livening
i! Ih' inteic-iling tend
in iiUMtlon Ih o-
oertiini of I.iinc
The I 'I'
Injt ll,c
T(,e 1 ''r M-ne. grand jury
thu muiit: returned uu indict
biI uSi""" '""'icr United States
lIxuiuiiMutin Miss Muilc I. Ware,
Horict is M Kmley and S. A. 1).
puttr ctii-i; g bem with forgery
u coiitict n.iii with that clause of
tie Inf tm.iu n filed previously by
United St vet District Attorney
Hill reUtg the utlcilng of
lotted igu""e 'i the Southern
OftgOll ll" ' trjuil ctscs.
The '" oneiii ngauisi ,miss
tt'ir Mi kuitcv anil I'uter l a
loajoiie. ocrui;.S Mgesof lyiw-j
written pap' mil setting furth 111 ,
ihrftlii:i '4iu verbiage ol the Itiw
1 totil l 1
. .- .1 .1. ..
Xbc mui ruaii;? me mm
Mit '. M Kmley and I'uter
hue tecj guilty of lo-gniic ihe
Mores ol tuuclnus tieiii Mini
Uiof ofo:her iicrsous to liouuxlctd
ipplicittous and final proofs,
IIIIH nil.
other these personages, whether
fictitious or not, appealed thc va
rious. ciiMcltles or npplkMiil mid
witnesses, and 11 the theory of the
government is correct the use of
theic tlx characters was made to
subserve the pursue of placing tlx
homestead In the hands of the al
leged conspirators.
VIM.,., ll.. ..1
" tiiv--n. iiiuiat'iii in. 1 ..... -
... ........ v., ..... ,minM. Alniu' In tin. iih.M wl.ll..
'I'lin I'lmmliriH llrlxtmv IliinkliiK
I'd. Ih tin- llriu mime of th new
imnkliiu; liiHtltntloii to iM'ii In Kit-
n .Innuiiry Mrnl hh Hiuci'BKiirH
In II111 l.niiK I'liimtv lunik In (In,
Two Arrests Made. '""IMIiik; now ikohiiIimi iy iiovi-y
TI10 i'iiiltul Htui'k will li ,0,lHM)
mill Hit' liii'orioriitloii hihth iin
now ii'inly In nl (or riHiirit, Tlio
liii'oi'lioriitorM mi' IiuhIm-hn inrii nil
wi'll mill fiivnnttily known In IIiIh
INitt ol tin- vn I toy . IwIiik I'. Clintii
Ih'ih. linrwlu ItrlHtow ami II. i:.
rliiiinliciH In nun ul Ijum
m tiioiii MiietTNtliil unit Ciller-
irlHliiK IntMliii-nH nii'ii, who, In it tew
TiichiIuv ululrt NIKht Wutelrfflnn
Uubl. Miirtlu mmlc 11 haul that
never lieen aide 11.... .. . . .
In rill iuitHurei ciiiercil ir t.r i n. "J'K "J "ie Hotel Uraliam cor- 'yenrn Iihh Imllt up a xplotMllil hiinl
reside s o CotuLTtt , e "V V ,,c.hl,,"M M,,Ml" l,c""1 wur" lnMU wUM "m "v
Z lm A ,Mhr-S!,T,Tk- lMn ,l,e H,,cct '-"""llfl.iirKnotl.yliUlirotl.vr.
5 the I iterlor nemirtiiipiil ' lW lml ? ?M,',e "f fe,,ww ""' ' '' B- "-h.h IuI.mI will, Id..,
7.1 i , " " 'iM"eit in irnut ol the ' hit .t Viiniltiilipu. tin 11 lllllllly.l itf I hi. tiitrilifni-.. Itri.t
ItHIKtHI IIIIII I 111 MII1111II..0 ..I .... t .. . r.
I... ii,. 1. .. ;.. .1 . """"wore store. Several others
...... v, win iiuiiiillK UMIIII lie
....i.ui- nc. ncverai otneis imrwln llrUtow. tlir well known
till.. I....I I. ...! .1. ..I ... . .. .... .
IcttincMl of tlir Plii.r .f ii,. "niiu me Kis crui'K nwo 1.0UHKM iirovn imiikrr nun nirrelmiil.
XraetcM cxt,,,;"ce l'il In an appearance, and non In-, llki Mr. UinmU.r-. nmls Intro-
At the exaiiiliiuilou Uof,,, (' Muliy one of the men who was ills- iluctli.u to i:uKni. mid l.min roiu.ty
nei3!ie:ivi::,xnS ',; Mr -rv- "?
II. .1.1 1.- ...1 ri'iiv-i 111111 111 iiiuiiKii 111111 mi. piirincr, i icrm-ri i-.ukin, will
Mime liKlit on thc where- 1 W ,,r i....i,i 1.... ..-.?.- - ... .
Irom the other side of thc river. tdnec.
iner on Mr. Miirliu discovered, Hon. II. I
tlut it was the side do"r of the
hanlwnie, ami this caused him to
suspicion the fellow who tried to
get him over thc rivrr on a hunt.
MKlit watchman Martin shortly
nlMiuls of the six men who omved
jup imi their laud bcdic I'mtrd
I Stales Commissioner .Marie I..
I Ware, but not one of them knew or
'had ever heard of such men. Thc
nun who keeps the livery stable at
Collude Grove was t'lcre No, he
11 ... ..... 11. . . . - r .-.
r. ..milts aitainst the' '.' " n,,,,,ce" "r ',C4'd nothuiK of afterward discovered the fclli
, Unliert SluiHou, nor of James K. the bridKC and while talxiiiK
wniwivK. likewise ol the other
four Olher witnesses were ipies
iHnie.1. but they, too, were tKiio
runt of the familv relations or
ollifriviif .if the inncli MiiH-lit-nftiT
'with ' llfsIoMU Individuals, and imi thc
Kiivcrumeni iinaiiy ihiiiciuiicu thai u...b ... . . .
thsKovenimciit of the Untte.1 States
. .. .r... I, . I I. .. ..11 mi. u.i..-iii
w""tT:r." :;.M ...iwlwt tr.ui,ed in the
il j.lvi.utiiiiii.K ...... .!"..". (
the coatrir . em ulated at the time
these cises we,c utiiur consider
itioii. the wry came 10 the conclu
sion that the names of thc ix r
taaigM involved in the homestead
application and piouls were puiely
fietitiaus and invented for the sole
parjKjse ot KainluB povHtlou of, j" 'NM
Alnni ivllli llir rpt Uoltert Sillltl-
' - .... .1. x.1, 1 1 there my be nn
,cr 1 "l ,"1......t I.. il.U ,,.,! -ml
ow on
him the sound of more broken
Klass Krtcted his cam. He
oromptly arrested the man with
him and lundi'iillcd him. lie then
took him to the Kcsorl SjIo 11 ami
put him in the charKc of the bnr
keciicr. Hiuve McCumlicr was
Allkriiy, n i-onaulciloilH
, Ilk'iiri-In On-k'tin clrclen mill niliilnjf.
. Is widely known nil over the Mnto lis
.mi' odiiir repn-neiilHthu nnd mill-
, Htlllltllll elltiiMia. 1'lllH lve to 1 : 11
' me s trio ol solid fltlti'ii who
sliiiiitil liuike u Kviiiilne hiii'i'i'.H ol tilt
hmikliiK liimlniwii, '
'l'.i iimiuKi'ini'iit have tlielr plum.
H-r(.s.'tel for an liptodat.' n.vnlcin
and Imvr placed nrden. tor a com
plete iiiitlll nl liniiklinr areoillil
1 luiiiks ami stationery.
1 Mi-ssix. Chainliers mid llrlslow
will 1l.1v.1tu their entire attention t.
j present and with his guidance ' the inannueiiieiit and, eipilpp.'.! us
knows j watchman Martin crossed the
transpired in thc United street and caucht the other mil
Slates K'Mi'd jury room, but thc ' with his arm through the front
luc justifies the conclusion thatjdoor of thc I'acific Timber Co's
similar revelations were made store trying to unlock the door,
there. , He was qtiickly arrested and both
Hut the cud I not yet. The it Kcnilcmcu were soon in thc cooler,
formation filed aKalnst Ihe priucl- j One Kavc thc name of Dave Hunter
m!s in these cases adds thc charge and thc other that of Sam Jnccoli-
01 conspiracy on their rt to uc sou. Wednesday inoruiiiK, when
r....l ll. ...... M....M..l nil. I lir,..M 11 II . ........1 . . l. 11 ....I. ff.
1 ll.illi K..III..V... h,,.. .iwiv. ,i, 4 11.13 llll.-.l HI C 11141 IWt.l IX.
j the grand lury lets go on the case Vcalch meat market it was dlscov
1 1 . 1. ... ... 1
one time will' ""c
... 1.... . 11..1.... u.. ...... 1 milieu 111 11111
wii ngi 11 in) in, on. ' mini,. i" , '.,
being, hleutilied and a.iuted - - -
with people til this state, the jwy,, , . , u .,.,. if.
........ ...... r. - - ---
KoscburK land district of
Southern Oregon, and is mostly
within the confines of forest re
serves. After the grand jury has com
pleted its investigation of thc
charges against Miss Ware, Mo
tliry lire, wlthn thnroiiKli kiuiwleilue
ot the county and with yrais ot
hnukltigetlH'rleiice nnd nlth nhiitid.
mice ol capital to hack tliem, then)
U no miHiin why they hIiouI.1 not tw
an lultiieiillal factor hi our timikhiK;
clri'lin. Iliigetie HckIsIit.
Ill eoiiverxiitlon with a NiiUKVt limn
Mr. llrUtow iilntiintliiled tlio
ahove article. llowever.Mr, llrUtow
Is iiudis'ldeil a to his own mode ot
indictment re cred that someone had eaincd en
also of trance and tapicd the till for all the procedure. Hef.-vU very. kindly to-
small change. When search was "" urine, wnerv im nas
made in thc pockets of Juccobson 1 "ed and IiiuIuohs for ho
5i.i was found in niekles and 1 ",ll".v veura. While he cannot nay
dimes. ioltlvely,itlll he Is Inclined to think
Dcputv Prosecuting Attorney . "' foiUw drove will continue to
I.. T. Harris arrived Thursday Id ''ouie. In any event the new
morning and Jaccobscn and Hunter I'nukhn,' coiieem will not Interfer.
were e ven trial Dc ore Justice .1.1 ........
Vaughn. Uih)u completion of the
testimony of witnesses thc court
the I'lrst Nntlounl llmik. ol this city
Klnleyaud i'uter. they will be rc-!hcld the prisoners lo appear at thei
piMii to inc. next term 01 111c circuu conn 111
bond re- the sum of 3$o Imiiius, cacu, in
ntime, the default of which they were sent to
. .. .......I I It v.
err.ll llln lIlK nlhrf Tii'i.. fur lllpl "c
tame purpne of fraud and decep
tion There was an effort made to
tiiow tlut Stmsou really did exist,
that lie was known 10 the eople in
this city, and to tlut cud two wit
necs appeared before the grand
jury and said they bad ruet u man
llllllllNH-lti:i:i-.M the residence
nl the hrlde's imrents. Mr. uud
thought little of the value of the , he-' H ' i Mrs. W. X. Itccd, at Itnllard, Wash.,
i .1.1. 11. bond rciuircd for appearance be- ail. I ikinir35. IWMlev. A. J. J.mylan
ThTZnZl'.' officers re.ifofe,,,c grand jury by Commis- A Wllltltl,. . olllclath.K. Mr. JV111.T. IIIkkIiim, ot
JcS thUWUUlc conlqucnc:. ! 'l Another fellow Wednesday mom-j " ,:-
la any event, for lu the Indictment ' " " ... tB supposctl to be 11 Mrlncr of Tu, Wfl(K ,VUH u ,,0t home
returned it is the assutnptlou of the j MOW! UKI1E POTATOI. Hunter nnd Jnccohson stole l)r. Iimir, there lielmc only a f..w of the
grand jury that Slmpwu did not1 I., ll. Miuley, of London, dropped ( Anderson's wheel nnd started west ,1(,mt0 .,,, , ,10 fllI11y ,,n..
sign his name to the papers on l' o the NugKet olllce T day ern-, over thc Ijrnnc road. The roads NlwU1Hti,iidliic this fact It
which it appears, and for that bur mid liirormed the NiiKgvt fon-e, were heavy nnd so he packed the rt.HUoi , uiii.llnc hi tho holly liond.
reason the crime of forgery still at- thai when It chiiii-m to ral.liiu ola- wheel. Shortly nfterhis departure , two t H.()1,(, wl() ,1HVO ,he rH)1.
taches, whether Simpson live or ; to.- Im would like to Ih- consl.lerrd Constable llerl Liiwvoii and I Jr. nlU,lu. Mit esteem ot their trlends
not. 1 next and from th.t ln of the eildblt 1 Anilersou overhauled h in about j im, .uim,,,,,.,.,, their reseetlvii
The documentary evidence con- delivered to 11 we n-e wllllm? to ac- hair way out and brought him back. C01lmltll.Hi
stdereil by the grand jury, If it i'iulelii Ids wishes. Twelve "Karly John l'.bans proved to be Uie Mr ,KKll has Iks-ii a familiar
the same that examined at the loniinc" welhlnit M pounds or name of thc fellow who stole the this city mid lu Ilohemln
time of the preliminary hearing Ix.- . :i7XouiiceH each on 111.. averae. wueci dchiiikh.k iwi. '"
fore United States CommUiIoncrJ. ini: eiactly the averaue ot the 15 He cume before Judge Vaughn an.
A. Sladen, who bound Miss Ware delivered here by A. W. Shi.rlrldKe. pleaded Kuilty to the charge, ami
and McKinley over to the uraml Mr. HhortrhlK.-'s IS iivera.'d .VJi was Kiven 40 days in jull.
jury, shows the alleged forged sig- oiiuceH each. You will lime 10 irj
nitures ol Robert Klmnviii. Tames It airalll hoy. Tin1 Nlij5K'l lll
li VVjrwu W Unlirri C Tniimaii ' nn-wnt to the one of you tw o beat- iietweeii Hake KtewnrtV and
l'raak II Heme. Si.uiiel L Car- l """V Z 'Z u, "r'.V V""" . JlSIL
and William II. Watkius, in ,"tv,.w York I'rlhuuit I'lirmer. It. M. lUwi.uv
I ted
Dry Goods, Cloaks, Skirts.
Fall Dress Goods
An now In and wo are tdiowliur by '"
Hie InrtceHt line of Dm. (IooiIhuvit hIiowii In
'".iiiiiKe iinivc lu all tin) ni'W Htylen. We
l'i"i that we ciin iIciim you lu IIithh (loods
Hl-1 l .ll.lllM,
New Fall Styles.
tJiir Kflallt.v Ih Idulli'H Iteady to Wear
HklrtM and WhIhIm. I'eoplo uiv btiyhiK ready
mailii kooiIh iiiiiiu nvery year, and reallalnir
this we will carry u full Htock, ull the time,
nl up to date koihIh,
iiiIiiIiik district where he has Home
line protHTty InterestH. for yearM,
ami early last spring hloutlllcd him
milt with Al Kllclce In the (titration
of the Klli-ilm. A IIIkkIiih feed store ot
ihU cltv. which liaa alenillly do-
veloH.l Into a large nnd prolltalile
Tho brhlu Is one of the fairest
ilaiiirhlers of llallard, Wash., and Is
well known throiiKhout that com
munity as a leader In social affalrx.
Mr. and Mrs. HlgL'Ins took the train
I Immediately alter the weddlni; cere
mony for this city, when, a cosy
horns awaited them, Mr. lllgKln"
huvhitr provloiiHly purchased and
furnlMlied tho attractive little cot
tngu niljaci'iit to the Cnthollc church.
Tho Kuinret wishes to bo countoil
anions their nuineroiiM trlends who
tender to them iimny wishes for a
lonuand huipy lllo.
An lixcellent Article on Quick
silver Alining its Value in the
Commercial and Scientific.
II) W. II llpimll-
Thc bulk of the quicksilver pio-
duccd in the United States is
handled by nu pssociatiou of thc
leading mine owners of California
known as thcKuackn Company, of
Sim Francisco, nnd commonly
spoken of ns the quicksilver trust.
1 his concern operates under an
amicable agreement with thc Roths
childs, whereby the world's market
lor thc metal is divided, each com
pany being limited to certain pre
allied countries. Thus all com
petition between thc two large
concerns handling the quicksilver
product of the world, is eliminated.
Hut since the demand is greater
tlitiu the supply, thc smaller inde
pendent producers profit by the
compact between thc two leading
concerns. I heir output being eagerly
sought by outside dealers, they arc
generally able to get a little better
than the prevailing trust prices.
I'or more than hlty years Calif
ornia has held practically 11 mono
poly of the Auicrtuii iiioductiou
of quicksilver, very little having
been produced outside of that baatc.
During the last few years however,
under the stimulant of increasing
demand and higher prices, explora
tions have been extended beyond
thc Ixmlcrs of the State, with the
result that discoveries of Impr
int ice have been made in Texas at
thc south and Oregon at the north.
In lyoi Texas produced 2.935
flasks of quicksilver, as compared
to 3,352 llasks in 1902, but as thc
persistence f these deposits is re
garded with misgiviuc. thc future
of thc industry in America would
appear to lie with the northern ex-
tctitlou ol the Caiiioruia belt I no
thc neighboring State of Oregon,
where the geological conditions ap
pear to be especially favorable.
As far back a 1888. when very
little was known of the Oregon dc-
Kits, the eminent geologist, Mr.
Geo. I. Decker, recognized that the
quicksilver belt of California, which
has brought over $88,000,000 of
wealth into that State, extended
far north into the State of Oregon,
and with the volcanic phenomena
with which the ciuuibar ores of
California are so closely related, as
well ns the associated chemical
conditions lending to the deposition
of ciuuabar, had been repeated in
the Cascade Mountains of Oregon,
which mountains Mr. Ileckcr re
garded ns merely a continuation of
the Sierra Nevada nnd Coast Range
of California after they come to
gether. In his monograph upon
the quicksilver deposits of the
Pacific Slope, published by thc
United States Geological Survey,
Mr. Uccker sayn: "The entire belt
of country from thc mines of Doug
las county (Oregon) to Santa liar
barn county (California) is thus
structurally continuous. In a broad
sense the entire zone, six hundred
miles in length, may be considered
as a quicksilver belt."
Although for many years cinna
bar deposits have been known to
exist in a number of localities in
the western portion of the State,
Oregon has been slow to' recognize
their commercial possibilities and
until thc past four years compara-
thc slntc has been developed to tiny
coniiiilcrnblc extent.
Thc existence of cinnabar in
Oregon first became known through
the pioneer placer miners of the
auriferous gravel deposits of Jack
sou county.
CiiiiIIiiii. Mint IVmIi
l'rccious metal mines in August
reported dividends worth $2,932
613, nnd for thc eight months cud-
lug with August, $33,1.10,145. Of
thc gold mines that have Increased
their dividend rate, Camp llird of
Ouray, which is largely held abroad,
is a noteworthy example, says the
New York Hnglnccrlug and Mining
Journal. In March and May
quarterly dividends ut the rate of
1 3 'A jer cent cr annum were
paid, and in July n Ikjiius of y'A
per cent was declared, making a
total of 20 icr cent for the fiscal
year. A quarterly dividend was
paid for September 1 at the rate of
15 per cent per annum Another
Colorado gold property controlled
in Great liritaiu in Stratum's Inde
pendence, which paid n 5 per cent
dividend in August, thc first in
over n year and a half. In addition
to those named there have been
numerous small monthly dividend
payers, especially in this state and
in older mining camps. Denver
Thc introduction of cyanide on
an extensive scale in Montana is
increasing the output of gold- Tor
September the Helena assay office
received $275,655 in gold, com
pared with $238,090 lu September,
1902 Denver News.
Congressman Dinger Herman
visited Dohcmia Mining District
last week for thc first time. In
conversation with n reporter he
stated that he was more than
pleased with the conditions that
confronted him while in thc dis
trict. He stated that he had read
the several accounts of mining
properties in Dohcmia in the
columns from time to time for
years, and that he, like many a
man that docs not realize the
merrits of his own community, had
been inclined to think that thc
Nugget at times was perhaps too
enthusiastic in behalf of Dohcmia,
in fact that he had at times suspic
ioued tlut it had exaggerated. After
returning Mr. Hermann stated that
he was prepared to bc'ieve all that
he had read and more. That the
Nugget had been modest indeed in
its narrative of some of the big
properties. He was thc guest of
thc Oregon Secit.iiies Co while in
camp, and evcrv effort was made to
give Mr. Hermann a thorough
acquaintance with the District.
Shirt Waists and Wraps.
j The prices o skirt rne from 1 A new line of the latest Waists ul j
$2.25 to $7.75 I $1.50 up.
also carry for the first time
Lm ch's
u full line of Misses vSkirts.
A vaudovlllo show of that name Is
billed to play here Saturday, Oct. 31.
Tho show Ih a clean uptodatu at
traction lu which 12 performers do
their best to Interest their audience.
They combine funny farces, accro
hallo work, songs, sketches and
Kood acting with good music thus
Klvlnt one ot the lx'st iivrformmiceH
ever given In this city.
Mr. and Mm. Ward gave a sketch
that set the people, off In roars of
laughter. That Is followed by ltogo
wono, the lightening- change artist.
Next they have Piatt, the liuiieraou
ator, and here you Imve to laugh
again. Then comes pretty May
(leorge In her songs, She thrills you
with lierHcnttmcntnl songs and con
vulse you with comic hoiikm. Alvlno
Curcliio will surprise you with his
contortionist work, he lnlng a lm
mail Htniko and wonder. Here the
KrauclscoH came In and burlesques
the jK'rtorinanee given by Alvlno and
tho audience goes oft Into tits ot
Imit-hter. The rent of tho nhou Ih iim
tivcly little attention had been paid , good ns tho part already mentioned
to them, and even tin to the present nuoKoi ner loruniiB ono 01
time only one cinnabar property in
I vaudeville allows
the best
over vIslttiiK tho
NO 40
Congressman Bingcr Hermann
Alnkcs a Tour of Bohemia Min
ing District He is Pleased
with the Outlook Thinks
It Adapted to Economical Mining.
Congressman Dinger Hermann,
who in company with Manager J.
H. Pearsons, of the O. & S. 15. R'y,
Superintendent of Foresters h. C.
Dartrum and State Senator A. C.
Marsters, of Roseburg, returned
from the camp last Saturday. Mr.
Hermann wis highly elated with
the district, and in an interview
with a Nugget reporter wos en
thusiastic in the following utterance:
"My visit to Dohcmia has con
vinced me that there is a mineral
wealth in area not equaled by any
other section in the United States.
I have no pecuniary interest in any
mining ground there and hence am
riot biised because of that. My
observations ate not influenced by
any interested motives. The fact
is thc ore is there in apparently in
exhaustible quantities. It can be
mined at less figure than elsewhere
as soon as the railway is completed,
as that will enable the miners to
convey to the mines all supplies
and machinery at very reasonable
cost. The location of the region is
admirably adapted to economic
mining. The drainage could not
be better. A great cost in many
mines is for drainage and pumping.
Here the mines drain themselves.
I witnessed the extraction of the
gold from the ore and different
samples were used. The result
proved the nigh grade quality. It
thc Dohcmia mines were in Alaska,
even as far north as Cape Harrow
they would be noted the world
over, and thousands of capitalists
and energetic miners would be
thronging the entire urea. A
prophet is not without honor save
lu his own land. A mine, singular
to say, likewise has its best reputa
tion remote from it. Dohcmia is
about to emerge from its exclusive
ness, and I predict for it within one
year a prosperity and an output of
the precious metals that will aston
ish the entire Pacific Coast. Every
where the district teems with
abundant evidence of its richness,
and those who have maintained
their holdings will reap a fortune
for their faith and energy."
John Cluckey, who is the owner
of the Golden Star property lyiug
between the Oregon Securities and
the North Fairview, was in the city
this week, and is showing some
fine specimens of free gold which
he recently uncovered in the Gol
den Star tunnel. The Golden Star
group consists of four claims, the
Golden Star, Morning btar, Aurora
and Good Kuougli. The property
represents considerable develop
ment, there being some ten open
ings in all, and in every instance
an attractive showing is the result.
The samples which Mr. Cluckey
now has on exhibition have hardly
been equaled in the district.
UAUI)INO-To t:.e wile 1). U Hard
Ins, Oct. 21, 11)03. n hoy.
CHAPMAN To tho wife of Wm
Chapman. Oct. 2S, 1903, a son.
A. V- Johnson, one of Dohemla's
sturdy miners, wos a pleasant cauer
at the Nugget ofiiee this week
Klmer Doollttlc. who has been at
the Crvslal for the past three
mntl ihs. was in this week. He re
ports the work progressing rapidly.
If, J. Hard, the well known
naimger of the Vesuvius, returned
from a short business trip to Port
laud last Tuesday, and has gone
into the mines.)
Tho MeKlhben llros saw mill on
the .fohliHon Kilo placo, was Htarted
last Thursday. Tho mill Is dohiK
good work and turning out 10,000
eotpordny. ThohoyM havo n idee
lot ot tlmbeu and cnlcilato to bo able
to meet tho requirements of tho local
Clothing, Cloaks, Shoes, Hats and New Dry Goods
NOT THE CIHSAP STUFF that makes a man or woman who
wear them look cheap. Hut the lattest styles. The best material
and workmanship.
I Suits Cloaks Dry Goods Shoes fiats
Our Hoflmnn-Rothchild Suits for Men $8.00 to $25.00.
Clonks from $5.00 to $25.00. Shoes $2.00 to $5.50. Hats $1.00
to $(1.50. We have just opened our fall stock of Dry Goods. Strictly
the very latest in styles and patterns.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
Lenders in ftlcft'cIiniMlisiugr.