Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 23, 1903, Image 7

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Jlfter Eating
Nausea between meals, IioIcIiIiik, voiii
lillijf, llulllluiico, 11 In of nervous Imm
actio, ml n In llio Moniiifli, mu nil
nyiiipttiinii nf i1j'hii')Iii, imil llio lnn(or
H In iK'Ktcnlcil tliu Imrtler It I to euro It
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Ilnillcally nml ii'riiiniii'iitly euro It
lii'MKllii'li nml lono (ho Moniurh mi
oilier (IIkokIIvii organs fur tliu nutural
pcrforiiiaiico of tlielr functions.
Accept no Btilmlltitlii for Mood's
"I had ityii.fnlii IwMilr-fWn itm and
took different tiirilldws hut cut no help
until I Ikkdii tnkliiic Hood's Burssparllla.
Havo taken four tattles of this medicine
and rail lion rut almost anjrthliif, sleep
well, hare no cramps In ruy alomarh, no
butnlnil anil no distress; M.
O. IlAiiiirrT, It Oliiojr Bt., Providence, It,
Hood's Oarsnpnrllln promlaos I
cure and kopa tho promlao.
One I'lrmurc (lone.
"I miiiikiio, Minn lUiiita," aahl til
rallor, "tliut your Intliiir fiwls iniirli
linpplui now that liu hits burn cured ol
III rhtmiiiittleni?
"Well," iixiilitlmul tliu yiiiins Imly
"Jin (cola lietler ulien liu ronllrxs Hint
Iki done not liuvn to Millar nny moro
lull Im leula iiritly Imil wlivnhurotmitn
lairs how vxitctly liu ur-od to liu ablo to
foratoll tint weiitlmr. Juilnu.
An Important Distinction.
Klin I support) tlmt It would take
Krtutt deal ol ohrvntloii anil rxpnrl
nco to tmnhlu tiinn to pick llio fastest
Iiorso untttrod lor a rncu.
Ilo (iiioiirn(iilly) Yes, but that Isn't
whnt you arn trylnK to do. What you
want la to pick tho Iiorao that ii goln
to win.
Ocean Trout.
Trout aro tailored lo bo eicluilvvly
Inuli Hator Huh. It happens, however.
occasionally that aomo am cminlit with
I liu lierrlnu In tliu (Irrinati ocean.
Silence at Dinner.
Wiioniivor lliere la a marked silence
at a laritn dinner party It la always.
tl.n aiiporiitltlmia aay, tnunty mlnutea
ol tho hour or Utility mlnutea alter
Kftnlor In tho Sunday which follow
that font Iih-ii til day ol tho ralemla
moon which fullg upon or noxt site
tliu lll.t tiny ol March.
Wild Anlmali In Captivity.
Captivity cliniik'cM animals' nature
A lion rnpturi'il when it la full urown
will nlnnys Iw treacherous, but Holm,
tigers, Icopiuiln ami oilier rariiivcrou
animals that liuvo tarn born In rnpltv
ity mu ta tamed till they nrn ipillo 11
Ki'lttlu ami affcctioiinto an poodle dogs.
l.ait Touch ol Ucallsm.
Tho photograph nml moving pictured
liuvo been combined, any tho Cliicngo
Tribune, lima making It poxaiblo to
Hive tliu Hint touch of rciillm to prlie
light views.
"Ah," ho mM to her over their ice
cream, "it la very sweet, but not so
sweet ns you." "It Is soft," alio rc
turned promptly, "but not ro soft ns
you." "And It la cold," ho conclud
ed, "but not ao cold tie you." l'hlla
dolphin l'ri'ss.
One of Many,
Meyer Did you over eco a man-eat'
I nir aliurk?
Oyer No; but I onco saw a mini rat
lin: catfish.
Meyer Indeed I Wltcro?
Oyer In a restaurant. Chicago
Dally fiows.
Illrila and floods,
Mirny blrdn havo mi lustlnctlvo pro
aelenco of Hoods, 11 lid will change llio
positions ol their nestn or mnke other
iirovlBlotiHlormlety lust lieloro a heavy
rainfall results In it Hood wlilch sweeps
away their former houicit.
Cream Custard I'le.
lk'itt ono egg, itdd two-thinls cupful
ol miL'iir nml tinii In ono iind one-hulf
cuplula of Kood c renin. Mix well,
ndd a pinch of milt. I.ino it pie pluto
with imnto, pour in tho cream mixture
mid grttto n littla utittncK over (ho top.
llnkc alowly and nervo Just cooled. De
troit Free I'reas.
Tribute to Woman' Vanity,
Traveling benittloH never lake paarago
on un (x'emi liner without n apirit
lump to bent their culling Iomkh. Thin
pructlco IniperiU the hhip tliioiih dun
cer of fire. Ono of tho IiIk HlciiniBlilp
II lieu lniH lilted every atitteroom on lla
vcaNvla wltlt tin ulcitrlcul iiiittiitU8 for
heating tho curling tongx.
Twine Born In Dublin,
Irish women can boaut of having
twins moro frequently than nny other
women In tho world. Twlim tiro born
in Doublln about onco In every fifty
two birth)), iih aguliiHt it genurul world
avorago of ono in eighty.
fillclcnoy aiiHolIno I3iitno
Fitly dollars can bo aaved by buying
the above. Will run cheaper, chopping
15 to 20 bushels per hour, wood 8a w, well
drilling machinery, pumps, etc. Write
for catalogue. RHERSON MACHINERY CO.,
foot of Mortboa Street. ForllioJ, Oregon.
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills arc liver pills, all
VCPCtablfi. "oiarur J.o. ij.rCo.,
Wfltlt VOUr inousinclic nr hpnrrl
a beautiful brown or rich black? Uae
Fim pri cr
m i h?h? m t'l ' It ifr m 1 1 a
Iwi But Cough bjrup, Taitiu, Uixhl. Ufa
alq thnwajlTTrmlHta
Heliool Life. Hehool life la rompoard
of thrill couipoalte tho hoino, tint
teacher and the pupil Ilev W. II.
HlutK, Metliodlnt, I'lttaliuru;, I'a.
Inbor. Tho hlatory of cent in lea riv
venla tlin fact that llio ifroittor Hie civ
IIIzuHon tliu moro honorable Inlmr lie
coutea. Ituv. It. II, Hood, Trcatiyte
rlau, I'lttabtirK, I'a.
Heal Ohrlallan. It la eimy lo be n
noiiiluiil Uhrlallnn, for n profeaaluit will
accompllah Hint. It la dllllcult to he it
real ono, for that IiivoIvch n rik'lit
heart.- Ituv. Iji Crninliill, llnpllxl, CM
cairo, III,
lllood .Money. -TIiito nrn men In Urn
church lo ilny who aro rwflvhiK blood
moiivy, tho leveuim that cornea from It
ehninuful ami dlliouct biKlneat.
Itor. A. It. Ilolderloy, Mothuillat, At
lanta, (In.
Maii'a Hplrll. "Yuti cnniiot Juilitu n
man aoluly hy hla (tela. You mint proliu
lU-eper. You til n nt determine the aplrlt
which iietiintea hlin nml hmcitIiiIii lla
origin." Ilev. I). Ilnrt,, llebrow, lien
ver, Oilo.
Hmllea of IJIre. Tint atnllea mill
ainlrka of an evil nerami nro not algni
of life, but iliuiRor algunta that warn
tie aitalnat fulling Into nu open aepuP
Cher. llnv. 0. (J. (Jreeuwood. llnntlat.
Weatllehl, N. J.
Indtialrlal Comlltloiia.- The Inilinr
trial problem will never hu aulved on
tho prluclpla of elnm wlnahneaa. but
only on tho luiala of tho hlitheat wel
fare for all. Ilev. J. II. Hpeer, 1'iea
bytvrlan, Denver. Colo.
Honeaty.-Ilonealy la one of the Ural
prluclpWs of ClirlMlnnlty. It Ilea nt
tho baao nml nlao nt the npux of Clirla-
tliin character. It luiiat bv the dom
inant force In nil trnllle. Ilev. I'. It.
1'iinllllgtou, Metliodlnt, llelliel. (.'onn.
uoii nun Mammon, iiecnime we
avrvo botli Oml and Miitnmoii we llnd
nu eijiml amount lit our aiirroiiiidlng.
Tho devil la allll nllvo with tin ho long
ua im net hlin, mid the Chrlnt tiitturo
niitlillated.- Itev. I". K, Maaon, Helen
tint. Ilrooklvit, N. Y.
Illvnla of the Pulpit, To day the pul
pit mi moro powerful rivalry llinii
ever before. Tho nowapiiiier tirean. the
cheap iiuiirHilneK nml tnv llbrarlia
1111 In part the place onco occupied by
llio pulpit mono.-Ilev. I). .MneArthur,
HnptUt. .New York City.
I:viiuko11iii. The aplrlt of world
evangelism wna never more marked
than It 1 to-day. The .Methodist
Church alone la priiiehltig the pmpei
In atxteeit languages, to any nolhltig of
too mitrveloua work beyond the aenn
Itev. W. A. I'rye, MethodNt, Ijinalng,
ine ueniirreciion. i tie riitiirrri t un
of Jmiia Chrlat fioin the doail In Un
aiipreme wnrrnnt of our fnllh In lllm
hi the lliingc of the invlnlble (loil. The
church Iiiih tilno found III reaurrec-
tlott her churlcr. If ChrUt la not ilseti
the whole ClirlMlMi theory of life col-
iipntu ami the frulla of the tlunry are
Illogical mid Iln hopea fnctlottn. Itev.
M. W. .Stryker. Preahytirhtti, Clinton.
N. Y.
Capital nnd I.nlHir. In the pnaeut
fotiKiitatlon lit the Industrial world we
need haders who aee the putts In rela
tion to the whole. Neither cnnltnl nor
itbor must demand all. One has gold
o exchange for work and the other
haa work to exchange for gold.
Neither should be exorbitant. Itev.
M. 11 Harlan, Dlaclnlo. Ilrooklvn.
The l.nw of Life. There la no high
er form of life tc.tchcd, there la no de
velopment of personal luti licet, there
no prosperous bualuesa uuiliittilncd,
there Is no hlglur level of political or
social life n ached, ntve along ono In-
nrlahle Ilno-alruggle with mid c. n-
Utleat of opposition. The law of life
attainment through overcoming.
Itev. J. It. Claik, Pr.t.hylerlan, Dettolt,
Itedemptlon. Ad.iin fell and slit
came. Ilcdemptlou was nurchn'.ed by
elalu Jeans nnd n rlaen Lord; and
we, now, each week, celehrnte Ilia day
of resurrection In eomblnatlou wlih
wornlilp of f!od who eommnndeil mid
the world wna, and who allowed Ills
supreme lovo for tiinn In sncrllleliig
for our redemption. Chrlat, Ilia Son,
n whom He wna well plcft-ed. Itev.
A. J. Henry, Congregntlotiallst, llrook
lyit, N. Y.
Work nnd Win. Do not people some
how really feel that to support tho
church, to bo chnrltnblo nml generous.
observe the formal reiiulxltloiis of
religion, la enough. That they hereby
urchaau the goal of spiritual attain
ment? Ami how Incongruous It Is for
pcoplo to feel no, who know ho well
that thoy get nothing hi nny other de
partment of Ufa without working for
It! Work nnd win Is tho true law of
both tho temporal nnd tho uplrlttinl
life. Itov. J. II. Clark, Presbyterian,
Dotrolt, Mich.
Professing Christians. If you are ac
tive Ohrlathuis, If you make a loud
rofcaslou of your religion, you tuny
ho sirni your uelgliliors will talk about
on, ami you may congratulate your
self if you do not gvt your inline. In
tho papers. They are auro to llnd
Homo lluw lu your character, to weigh
gainst your zeal lit God's service. The
fellow who Is merely h silent, Indif
ferent member of tho church, who
never opens his mouth to testify, for
Christ, will have a much easier time.
Itev. D. M. McLean, .Methodist, IPs-
mark, North Dakota.
Iteincniber," said the serious man,
that money Is not thu only thlui; to
bo striven for In thla life."
Mnybo not," answered Senator Sor
ghum, "but a whole lot of pcoplo
think it Is, ami I am not egotist enough
try to aot any now fiiHhlons."-
Wnshlngtott Star.
Tito Only Ono.
Tho man who mainly etnles that lie
Is "clothed In vIkIiUhiusiiosh"
llellovcs hlmnclf solo patentee
Of Hint peculiar ilrots,
Philadelphia l'reso.
Give Warning of Approach of flore
Serious Trouble.
Do you oxneriunco 11U of depression with rcstlesflncss, alternating
with isxliuini) irritability, lxinlerfiiK utxm hysteria? Aro your Hplrlts
wwily airjclcil ko that ono iniiiiito you luiigh, uiid the next fall into con
vulsfvu weupiiiK?
Do you feel Homcthin like a ball riflliiK in your throat and threaten
iitR to citoko you ; tilt tho wiihcs jajrvertcd, morbidly hcnnitivo to light
and mitittd; p.iin in tlto ovarieH, and eHpccially between tho dhouldcra;
BoinotiiiioH Iomh of voico; ncn'otw dyHptiiwia, and almost continually
croHH and Httappy, with a Ujitdency to cry at tho least provocation ?
If ko. your nerves aro in a shattered condition, and you aro threat
ened with norvous prostration.
Undoubtedly you do not know it, but in nino cases out of ten this Is
caused by Homo nteriuo disorder, tmil tho ncrve.s centering in and about tho
organs whirh make you ti woman inllueitco your entire nervous system,
rioniuthiiig iiiiwt bo done ut onco to rcBtoro titclr natural condition or
you will bo prostrated for weeks and months perhaps, and suffer untold
l'ruof is monumental that nothing in tho world is better for this
purpose than I.yillii II IMnklmiu's Vccatulilo Coiupoitnd ; thou-
aiud.M and thousands of women have
How firs. Holland,
among the finest physicians In the country, none of
whom could help her finally cured by Lydla E.
l-Mnkhanvs vegetable Compound.
" Deak Mm. I'i.nkham : For
leror irom extreme nervousness, indigestion, anu dizziness. .Menstruation
was irregular, itatt bacgacno anu a leeiiug ol great lassitude and weak
ness. I was so bad that I was not ablo to do my own work or go far in
the street. I could not slecn niirhts.
"I tried several splendid doctors, but they gave me no relief. After
taking I o' din n. I'liilthuin's Vegetable) Coinpotind I soon began to
feel lettor, and vas ablo to go out and not feel as if I would fall at
every step. I continued to tako tho
"I cannot say enough in behalf of I.ydia E. Ilnkham's medicine,
and heartily recommend all sufferinir women to trv it and find the
relief I did." Mas. Fi.okenci:
ucipuia, im. (Jan. o, rju-j.;
Another aise of severe
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, after the
doctors had failed.
"Deau Mits. I'inkham: I was in poor health for several years,
I had female troublo and was not ablo to do my housework alone. 1
folt tired, very nervous, and could not sleep. I doctored with several
doctors. They doctored mo for my stomach, but did not relievo me.
I road in your book about vour medicine, and thought I would try it
I did so, and am now cured and
goou. i was always very jwor, uut
" I thank you for tho rolief I havo obtained, and I hopo that every
woman troubled with female weakness will give I.ydla E. IMnkhaui's
Vegetable Compound a trial. I havo recommended it to many of my
inouas. jiirs. jiAniA ijowehs, .aiinersviiie, unio. (Aug. 10, iihji.j
AV111 not tho volumes of lotttrs from women niado strong- by
AiTuta l ruiuiiatn's vegetiioio
Virtues or this medicino?
How uhnll tho fact Hint It vrl
Huroly yon ennnot wish to remain weak, nnd sick, and dlscoar
Mfed, exliattatwl with cucli day's work. You linvo soino dcrunge-
tneutor the feminine orguiilBtti,
Comtxiuxul will help you Just as
A Strone Character.
One of the novelists, reforrlng to hla
hero, eays:
His countenance fell.
Ills voice broke.
Ills heart Bank.
Ills hair rose.
His oves blaied.
His words burned.
His blood froze.
It appears, howoror, that lie was able
to pull himself together ami marry the
jlrl in the last chapter. Chicago Rec
Next Thine In Line.
Tho oldest mason is beginning to get
his name in tho papers again, says tho
Chicago liccoril-llcrald. Look out for
another of Ucorgo Washington's body
hronic S
Bating Ulcers,
Nothinsr is a source of so much trouble as an old sore or ulcer, oarticu-
torly when located upon the loirct extremities where the circulation is weak
and sluggish. A gangrenous eating- ulcer upon the leg is a frightful sight,
and as the poison burrows deeper and deeper into the tissue beneath and the
sore continues to spread, one can almost see the flesh melting away and feel
the strength going out with the sickening discharges, Great running sores
and deep offensive ulcers often develop from a simple boll, swollen gland,
bruise or pimple, and are a threatening danger always, because, while all
such sores are not cancerous, a great many are, and this should make you
suspicious of all chronic, slow-healing ulcers and sores, particularly if can
cer runs in your family. Face sotea are common and cause the greatest
annoyance because they are so per
sistent and unsightly and detract so
much from one's personal appearance.
Middle aged and old people and
those whose blood is contaminated and
tainted with the germs and poison of
malaria or some previous sickness, arc
the chief sufferers from chronic sorea
and ulcers, While the blood remains in
an unhealthy, polluted condition heal
ing is impossible, and the sore will
continue to grow and spread in spite of
washes nnd salves or any superficial or
surface treatment, for the sore is hut
the outward sign of some constitu
tional disorder, a bad condition of
the blood and system which local
remedies cannot cure. A blood purifier
and tonle la what vnti need. Some
thing to cleanse the blood, restore its lost properties, quicken the circula
tion and invigorate the constitution, and S. S. S. is just such a remedy.
S. S. S. reaches these old chronic sores through the blood. It goes to
the verv root of the trouble nnd counteracts and removes from the blood all
the impurities and poisons, and gradually builds up the entire system and
strengthens the sluggish circulation, and when the blood has been purified
purifier and tonic combined and a safe
and ulcers. If vou'havea slow-heallner
write us about it, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Boov
on "The Blood and Its Diseases " free.
written us so.
of Philadelphia, suffered
over two years I was a constant suf-
medicino until cured.
Holland, 022 S. Clifton St., Phila-
female trouble cured bv
able to do my work alono, and feel
now weigu ono Hundred and liny
uompouna convluco nil ot tn
help thom bo made plain?
and I.ydla E. I'inkham 8 VecetaUl
aurelr as It hoi others.
Ills Butlnesa.
"What's your protpectlve eoD-ln
law's business?" aiked the old friend.
"Love-making, principally," growled
the old man. "At least, I don't tee
how he finds time for muchol anytblDj
elto." Chicago Post.
Precept and Practice.
Cobwigger Several mlllionalrei
have written their opinions as to how
to make a fortune.
Merltt I read that article. Tho
funny thing is that not ono of them ad'
vised following the plan by which hi
got rich hlmsell. Judge.
Salt Freshcna Ink.
To prevent a mold In Ink Infuse s
ploco ot salt the size ol a hazelnut la
each quart.
A Constant Drain
Upon the System.
Oantlamen I About tea yean ace a
small aora earn aaeh tmf uuu,
Saw t lto the plaaaa and tfcer Be
came lane, eatlnf uleers, and I Buf
fered tntenielr tor neatly tea ye are.
I had apent mere tbam BOO.OO try
ing; to ret well when I chaaoed to
ee 0. 19. B. advertlaed la Hetaakle
paper, I began to take tt waa
cured. Vr llmVe have aerer beea
ere or (iysa roe aay pala at an
laoe. I have reeomtaeaded M. 8. .
to a treat xaany people, aad an new
(ItIdc It to my nlae-year-old eea fet
JCoaema. During- my War alakaees 1
waa llTlnr a ear Kemphie, Teaa., bnt
havo slnoe removed to Kansas Oltr.
and am new reildlns at Ha. Ola
Zaat Sixteenth Street.
lire. B. A. KASJUB.
Eanaaa Olty, Ho.
and tne system purgect ot an moroto,
unhealthy matter the healing process
begins, and the ulcer or sore is soon
entirely gone.
S. S. 3. contains no mineral or poison,
ous drugs of any description, but is guar,
anteed a nurelv vetretable remedy, a blood
and permanent cure for chronic soref
sore of any kind, external or internal,
Teacher Where was the Declaration
of Independence signed? Tommy -At
the bottom. -Chicago Dally News.
Jlrs. Kldlctt-John, why do you al
ways call our boy "coffee?" Mr. Kid
lett '(,'aue hi) keens us awake nights
- 1'hllndclphla livening lliillctln.
Huggeatlve.-Knlcker Waa It an tip-to-date
wedding? Knocker Yea, In
deed; they threw brrakfast food In
stead of rice.-New York Herald.
An absorbing narrative: I'lrst I'hll
ndelphlnu How la that book? Hxclt
lug? Heoond I'hlladelphlan-Wliy, I
sat up all day rending It! Town Top
lea. At the seaside: Clerk That back
piazza Is pretty shaky. It may break
down some night. Proprietor Must
It be rebuilt? Clerk-Ob, no; light It
up. Town Topics.
At the photographer's: "Have I the
pleasant expression you need?" (Vole
from under tho cloth) Perfectly, sir."
"Then let her go quick, governor; It
hurts my face." Life.
A New Annunciator. Oueat (In cheap
lodging bouse) Hay, there ain't no bell
In my room. Clerk Dat'll be all right,
mister. If youse want anyt'Ing wring
de towel. Bee? Chicago News.
As denned: "Hay, mamma," queried
llttlo Mary IZIIen. "what's a dead let
ter?" "Any letter that Is given to
your father to mall, my dear." replied
the wise mother. Chicago News.
Employer Yes, I advertised for a
atrotig boy. Think you will fill the
hill? Applicant-Well. I Just finished
llcklti' nineteen other applicants out
In do hall. Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Itullng Power. The Peddler I
want to see the mistress of the house.
The Master Do you? Then step
around to the kitchen door and ask
for the cook. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sincerity: "One o' de sad things
'bout dls life," said Uncle Eden, "Is
dat It's fo much easier to depend on
do enmity of yoh enemies dan on de
friendship of yoh friends." Washing
ton Star.
Lacked experience: Mamma Don't
let me catch you In a lie again, you
naughty boy! Johnny I won't If I
can help It; but I haven't had the ex
perience that pa has bad. Boston
"I'm glad to see that you respect
your parents. Elmer," said the minis
ter. "I've Just got to do It." replied
the little fellow. "Why, either one of
them could lick me with one band."
Chicago News.
I'lrst Explorer We must hurry
back. Second Explorer But the
North Pole Is ours If we keep on.
Plrst Explorer Hut If we don't get
back now, we'll be too late for the lec
ture season. Life.
Had won her: The chronic bachelor
finally turned to the quiet man, who
had taken no part In the discussion.
"Would you. sir," he said, "marry the
best woman In the world?" "I did,
was the reply. Judge.
Young Wife What do you do when
your husband getB cross nnd wants to
scold? Wife (with experience I read
him one or two of the letters he used
to write to me before we were mar
ried. Baltimore American.
Blgby I'm caving up money to go
to Europe. Hlgby Iudeed! How are
you getting on? Blgby Fine! I've al
ready got together enough for the
tips, and as soon as I can scare up
traveling expenses I'm off. Chicago
Dally News.
Not a Joke. Giles Take two letters
from "money," and one Is left Miles
Is that a Joke? "Yes, verily." "Well,
I know of a fellow who took money
from two letters." "That's a good
Joke." "Not It; he got twelvo months!''
Spare Moments.
Patsy Mom, won't yer gimme me
candy, now? Mrs. Casey Didn't 01
tell ye 01 wouldn't give ye anny at all
If ye didn't kape still? Patsy Yes'm,
but Mrs. Casey Well, the longer
yo kape still the Boouer ye'll get It.
Philadelphia Press.
I reckon you won't believe It," re
marked Farmer Hayrlx, "but that old
rooster what Jlst crow'd Is more'n 20
years old." "Oh, I believe It nil right
enough," replied the summer boarder,
and I am also willing to believe that
the old ben we had for dinner was his
grandmother. Chicago Dally News.
Casey Shure, they do bo tellln' me
that Big Molke Monohnn wor knock
ed down be an autymoblle, ylstcrday;
wor there any bones broke, I dunno?
Conley Troth, au' there wor; th' own-
r nv tit uivtt-wagon goi uis noso
broke, th' chawfer got his Jaw broke,
an' Big Molke broke th' slcond knuckle
av his rolght flshtl Puck.
Peters Her marriage is like a ro
mance. Parr so reicrs ics; sns
eloped with her fathers chauCfeur.
The automobile blew up and killed
him beforo they got to the minister.
The man who rescued her from the
wreck proposed to her on the way
home, and was accepted. They were
married yesterday. Baltimore Ameri
No difference: Tho Frenchman did
not know all about the English lan
guage. "I vottld like to come seo you
ver" much, in fact, I voutu nave
came only l tnougut you vera ver
busy. I do not Uko to cockroach upon
your time." "Not 'cockroach,' that's
not right. You should say, 'encroach,
encroach.' " "Aha, that Is It, 'hen
croach, liencronch." 1 see. I have
got der gender of de verb wrong."
Llpplncott's Magazine.
HiiRKcatliiff a Swltoli.
Uncle John How do you like
new minister, Tommy?
Tqmmy I don't HUe 'Im. I think he
must 'a' been a school teacher ouct.
Uncle John Why do you think so?
Tommy 'Cause whenever ho talks
to mo ho always holds his bund be
hind hlm.-rhllndelphla Tress.
Death to Aluohollos.
An attack of typhoid fever, of pneu
tiioulu or of erysipelas that would If
mild lu a sober imm will kill una ml
dieted to alcoholics quickly.
A Lesson n CJrarlty.
"Arclilmodcs," reads the tinpll,
leapod from his bath shouting 'Kurekel
Kurekaf "
"Ono moment, James," said the
teacher, "nhat Is the moaning of En
roa?" "Etlroka moans I have found It."
"Very well. What had Archlmeles
James hesitates for a moment, then
ventures hopefully: "The soap,
mum." Judge.
To Dreak In New Shoea.
Alwiyi ahike In Allrn's Foot-KaM, a powder
Itcme tint, HKtatlnir, arhlnir. iwollen feet
''.'IT" """ lnrowlnif nalli and bunlonl At
11 dniaaltand nhon utorrn.JHe non'tefffpt
nrnhlltute Hample mailed FKEK, Addreu
Allen 8. Olunted. U Hoy, U. Y.
Way Up.
"And now, young man," raid the
old parson, solemnly, "let your dally
motto bo 0n high!' "
"No, that's rny nightly motto,"
chiukled the sporty youth In ihi Pana
ma. "I spend my evenings on the root
garden." Chicago Dally News.
CITQ r,rraeSntlr i nrm. TTnflUorfitrTOUDaee
I 10 fli ll'tUr'ii!orlJr.KlliifUrINrTe
Jlelor-r. nd for FrreSXtrUlbottliteiidtrMU
Dr. It. u. Kline, IM Ml A rcb HI . falladilplila, 7fc
An tlxcuso for Beer.
Robert Hoirigan of No. 260 east
Twenty-fifth street was arraigned in
the Yorkville polhe court yesterday
morning on a charge o( intoxication.
In explanation HorrigAn said:
"Your honcr, I've been wishing and
praying for a son for the last ten years.
Yesterday the finest baby boy yon over
saw came to my houso, and I just
couldn't xeep from celebrating."
"Well, if that's the case," said the
magistrate, "I guess I'll have to let
you go." New Yorg American.
Btati of Ohio, cm or rotiDO, ..
LccieCocKTr. ,f
FantgJ.i Dinar meket oath that he Is the
icDior parier oi tne arm of r. j. caarfKT & Co.
doing builnni lo the 'ltr of Toledo, Count;
mu oiaie aioreimia, ana mil laia Dim will per
the tun 01 O.NK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
end ererr eaae of Ceterrh that nnnnt h i,nr.,i
by the uie of Uitx's Citikkii Ccaa.
Sworn to before me end lubticrlbed in m,
preeence, thli lib. day of December, A. D. Use.
A. W. 0LEA80N,
Xotaru PuUtc
Bell's Catarrh Core Ii taien Internally and acta
directly on tbe blood end mucous lurtaces of
ue yitem. mm tor teittmonieii, tree.
1. 1. tnr.Mii a cu.,' loieao, u.
Bold by druiiiiti, 7c.
UaU'e Family fllla ue the belt - -
No Widowhood Yet.
"Ah!" sighed the poetess ol passion,
in a tenee tone, "have you never
prayed and hoped for death?"
"Many and many a time," replied
the petulent ycung beauty, "but it
doesn't seem to be any use. My hus
band Is seventy-five now and he looks
to be good for ten years moro at least."
Philadelphia Press.
Mothers will And Mn. Wlnilow's Soottlne
dyrup the ten remedy to ute for their children
the teethlnr kwd.
Miss Kexdoor This is a pretty time
of night for that Dasher girl to be play
ing the piano.
Miss Also O, she a no respecter of
time. You can tell that from the way
she is playing. Baltimoro American.
For forty jrear'e riso's Cure for Coo
SumDtlon has cured couehs and colda. At
druggists. Price 25 cents.
Young Wife (rather nervously) Ob,
cook, I must really speak to yon. Your
master is always complaining. One
day it is the soup, the second day it Is
tbe fieh, the third day it is the joint
in fact, it's always something or other,
Cook (with feeling) Well, mum,
I'm truly sorry for you. It mast be
quite awful to live with a gentleman o
that sort. Punch.
Little Liver Pills.
Bflust Dear Signature of
ee Pac-Slmlle Wrepper Delow.
TcSTT aaiali ad aa oaay
to taax ns eefax.
J Bromo-Selteer I
1 Promptly cures all
Heaciaclies 1
tMlliiieMeMeMaaMaei if vffvvnrTsa-piyV
Teeth Extracted Absolutely
Without Pain and all kinds of
Dental Work Done by Wise
Brothers, the Painless Dentists,
Open evenings till .
Sundays from S lo 12.
UB. W A. M 1M
WISE BROS., Dentists
"My hair was falling out and
turning gray very fast. Uut your
Hair Vigor stopped Hie filling and
restored the natural color." Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y.
It's Impossible for you
not to look old, with the
color of seventy years In
your hair! Perhaps you
arc seventy, and you like
your gray hair! If not,
use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
In less than a month your
gray hair will have all the
dark, rich color of youth. a fcollfe. All iratitni.
If vour i
1st cannot supply too,
send os one dollar and we wll
J on a bottle. He sure and kIto the name I
t TournearesteipreMftonTre. Addreie. I
J. C. AVlilt CO., Lowell, Mass! !
111 einrese
ll'inestinthoworld. Sit
right down and write
I for beautiful illustrated
I special catalogtteon rose
i misncs. itoitnuo Droi.,7s
I GIlua St., ForlUnJ, Orffon.
TOW Wlhk riN
OlkXP C1.07HIN4
lAy mcy rzn tperrra Yok nic
TdWER'i Oklcn 0t3 tM Mat)
furou) tr worl) ow Thy tx mode in
bfack trjt"on 6,1k rva rf t work,
nil. , un oMrara-.wwfl!vext
o.'tio Ail rcltWe nim xll tfn
irau ojujjj caxuMCToiira cut
"A lap worm eighteen feet lone; at
lent came on the aeeae after toy taking two
CA SUA It UTS. Thlalamsure bas earned ar
".""i"1 ,or hree year I em etlil
taklDf Cucareu, the only cathartic worthy ot
notice by sensible people."
uu ouwlu, uaira, hiss.
."i'lf1"- Felataele. fotent. Telle Oood. Do
Bood. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Qrle 10c. 2ic QOe.
HiHtmf KtmUf tM,uj, Chl.t, Mtrl. . frk. HJ
H0-Tfl-R1R 8?'d tnerenteed by elldrae-nw-l
U'OAU lit. to ulUCTonceo Ueblt.
3. &. 3 SHOES H
Yon can save from $3 to S5 yearly by
wearing W. L. Doaglas $3.50 or $3 shoes.
They equal those
that have been cost
ing you from St.00
to S3.00. The Im
mense sale of W. L.
Douglas shoes proves
tlielr superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoo
dealers everywhere.
Look (or name and
price on bottom
That Doeglai mm C or-
ooeioit proiei tnire la
velne la Ooeslei Ihoii. .
Corona la the hlfheat
f rede Pet.Leathtr made. I
t'alt Color A vtttti iiW. I
Out ft Silt tdat Unteaniot oe oqualltti at anu eric.
Sheta by mail, i rente eilre. Illuitreted
Citilof frtt. H. L. DOIULIS. llrockton, Mais.
Dr. C Gee Wo
Thli wonderful Cb1
dm doctor ta ctlled
treat bectius h curi
popl without operar
tlOO tbaat (1TD up
lo dls. He cure with
tbo wonderful Chi
oft hcrbi. rooti, budi,
brk aad TefeUblei
tb&t ! ntirtly un
known ta madk'ttl id-
rnc la this country. Tbrouifb th on of
tbos btrmleH rmedlrt thli ramous doctor
knowa lb action of orrr 6oO dlflvrant rra
rdl. which be aucceasiutljr uica la different
dlecasee. He guaranteee to cure cattarb, aatb
ma, lunt, throat, rheumatism, nerrousneea,
atomach, liver, kldneje, etc.; baa hundred of
ttatlmoDlala. Cbargea moderate. Call and
aee him. Tatlente out of the cltjr write for
blanka and clrculara. Hend ataoip.
ThcC Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
25J Aider St., lAirtlanJ, Orejoa.
trU eailoo paper.
No 43-190J.
WHEN wrltinc to U vertlaere pleae
mootluQ title piaiier
Or. Main 2029.
IV8-2U railing- UIJi. Cor. Sti & Wain. Ste,
m Sr candy
Lf. TaaotMAait iaiaTitore'