BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. Howard Dirton C. Y. Hrown Editor Business Mg'r. Eot.rrd th iKtmt t OoU Orott, Or.f on moih1 elM inll m.tur. Suburlpllonprlrcal.SO, lnilTnr. AiU.rtlnlnr Itnlr. mm' kn "I"1" applications Tlltt PA flit U ket on HI at R. C. I'M.?' nil W MerriMitta . Wlfntnla. whtrt wn ir.fM fM aflTWHalHr Mil 1 ml for II PrIIIAY, 0CT01IHR 23 I0O.V How about that sewer question? It is self evidcnttliat a city like CottoRC Grove must make provision for correct sanitation. The question of a few dollars does not enter into the discussion at all. A state law should be enacted directing that each city or town of more than 500 inhabitants construct and main tain' a sewer system of sufficient capacity to drain and cleanse the town of all filth and refuse. There would be no question then of rights cf cities to transact such business. If the city has no right under its charter to construct a sewer then the charter should be changed and nn effort should be made to get the change at the earliest possible moment. The farming and fruit growing ofSouthern Lane County has re ceived marked attention this year and as a result some very fine samples of fruit and vegetables have been brought to Cottage Grove for display. This is as it should be. Southern Lane County ought to produce sufficient fruit to attract the attention of outside buyers. The soil is here and also plenty of good land, but not sufficient sur plus, after supplying local demand to pay outside buyers. Good or chards will always pay large divi dendsand farmers as well as bankers are looking for dividends. The release of Tillman in South Carolina came as a great surprise to people throughout the United States. Either the Associated press failed to report the shooting as it really occured and the particulars leading up to it, or else the jury who turned him loose had too much talk, or some other good old southern product that rendered their judgment extremely bad. Cottage Grove can boast of a school that is equal to the best in the state, if boasting were permiss able. The school is under the management of an excellent corpse of teachers and a very wide-a-wake principal who makes the school his business and study and the results are seen by all. THE WINTER MILLINERY. High-crowned hats are the seas ons preference, but there are shown many pretty pleaux which are bent and twisted into becoming shapes. The moderate sized Gainsborough trimmed with ostrich plumes is per haps the most popular hat. One of the distinctive features especially in evidence among the small hats and toques is the Directoire crown; it is flat on top and straight up the sides, while it varies in height from two to three inches. Braids are being used to fashion novel hats. Velvets were never be fore so attractive and are shown in all the stylish colors. Moleskin felts are adapted to the fashionable shapes and almost rival in beauty the velvet creations. Fur hats are stylish. The toque and other small hats of velvet are trimmed with birds, wings or quills aud ribbons, and lace enters largely into the adorn ment of the dressy hats. Buckles are again conspicuously employed on hats, a fact partly due to the prominence of high crowns. Rib bons are an important decorative item, and the new samples are broad and extremely soft and fine, of either taffeta or liberty satin texture, aud in plain colors. A novelty introduced in the trimming of some of the smartest bats is the herring-bone stitch. From The Delineator for November. PREMIUM CABBAGE. Wnlt Garouttc, somo time ago sold to Slorso & Metcalf 11 cabbage weighing 2S pounds and tho Nugget noting the slzo of It offered oneyear's Bubbcrlptloa for a cabbage that would bent It. On Tuesday Mr. Ga roittte presented himself at this olllce with one weighing thirty-one pounds and of course we gavo him the re ceipt for 0110 year's good reading. It Is tho opinion of the Nugget that he must have a large size ranch or elbO theso two were tho only cabbiigo lit) raised doubtful If ho had room for uny more. The Nugget now challenges tho State of Oregon for a larger cabbage, by measurement and weight. Tho 0110 delivered at this olllce Is In our display window and tho question of offering u rowurd for a barrel largo enough to kraut this 0110 head la -Is being considered scaled bids for building tho barrel will bo received from cooperage works In any liart of tho state. A SAD CONDITION. An astonishing situation is re vealed by nn article recently pub lished in the Independent. Hvcry one has known that Kentucky mountain people were addicted to guns, feuds and ready vengeance, but were scarcely prepared for the utterly unparalleled showing here made. According to the teports made by the coroners ol the various counties there have been 798 homi cides in the last five years in the state, exclusive ofllrentliitlcoutity. Irom which no returns were made, s no one has been willing to accept the office of coroner in that county for three years. This is iticjcounty in which the grossest lawlessness exists and in which the killing of three promi nent men last May aroused the en-1 tire stale to an outraged demand ' for law enforcement. I It is easy to see where the trouble lies, when it is known that 1,131 persons have been pardoned by governors since iSSq before they even entered the penitentiary walls, although regularly convicted for crimes by the courts of the state. Of men sentenced for life, 120 have been pardoned after an average term of seven aud one-half years All this shows the utter laxity of public sentiment since official law lessness of this sort would be im possible except it were indorsed bv an overwhelming indifference. Jauics B. Marcuin, a promising and already prominent man shot last May, headed the petitioners who, n few months earlier, had se cured a pardon for the murderer Jett, who killed Macrum. Such occurences as this ought to he more effective than any moral izing. General O. O. Howard has be n going about among the mountains of this state preaching against feuds and the Salvaticu Army has begun an engergetic campaign for the same purpose. Telegram. W. C. T. U. NOTES. The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union holds its Annual State Convention in Salem, Oct. 20 to 25, President Mrs. Helen D. Harford in charge. Miss Lillian Phelps, a noted sptaker from the Canadian W. C. T. U., will be present and add interest to the ses sions. An executive meeting of the county officers of the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. Eva C. Wheeler, Cot tage Grove, Oct 17. Business rela tive to the county work and prepa rations for the State Convention was fnllmved hv thp snnninimunt nf ,Ip. i ,.,.,,.,... ,.,,:..rij.... t m 'got no benefit from them. We pur partment superintendents: L. T. iasC(1 60tne o( chamberlain'i Stomach L. Secy., Miss Edna Houston, Eu-1 mid Liver Tablets ami he commenced gene: Sundav school work, Mrs. 1 taking them. Inside of thirty davs he Clara G. Esson, Eugene; evange-' B"'""' forty pound in uYeh. He lisiic Mrs P V Wilcn,, T?nfTn- ' now fully recovered. e have a pood listie, .Mrs. u. . u usoti, liugene, , ,.., ,. Tnl,l..t. iii.iifv itm... medal contests, Mrs. M.J. Hou ton, Eueene; lumbermen and miners, Mrs. M. J. Barnard, Co burg; anti-narcotics, Mrs.. Lizzie Norris, Coburg; social and red let ter days, Mrs. Frances Miller, Saginaw; flower mission, Mrs. Marcy, Saginaw; purity, Mrs. Helen M. Baber, Junction; mother's meetings, Mrs. M. 0. Howe, Ctes well; literature and press, Mrs. Louise H. Johnson, Creswtll. At the close of business asocial hour was spent, the hostess serving de licious orange sherbet and dainty cakes. BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON. This clever piny, which will I19 In terpreted by Clemeut-Keefer Co., 1h perhaps the liest furce comedy ever written. It has been done by only the lwst companies and In the large theatrical centers, nnd tho Clement- Kcefer Co.. which has no superior ns a traveling organization, nav 11 hlirh royalty for the play. This company proposes producing only high-class standard plays of which a "Iinche lor's Honeymoon" Is a fair type. Tho management requests those, who do not enjoy a good laugh to remain away. The play Is credited with 130.1 laughs. Tho characters are all finely drawn and true to life, which places this play far above the ordi nary farce. It bus sufficient logical plot to furnish legitimate surprises and Is wholesome as well as laugh provoking. This will be the only opportunity to see the comedy. Clemen t-Keefcr Co. has solo rights for Its production In the northwest. This company will nppear at Mar tin's Hnll, Oct. 30. Reserved seats S3 and acts Tho C. M. A. Hand of this city will furnish street and or. chestra music. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. To Whom It M.av Concern: Notice Is hereby given that any and all notes due Dins, orders, accounts ana any and all other evidence of Indebted ness In the bauds of or purporting to bo due or owing from the under signed to one O. L. llaluey, or order, or otherwise, are wholly void and worthless for the reason that the saino were given without any con sideration whatever and have been kept and retained by thusald Itulney through fraud and misrepresenta tion. Dated Cottago Grove, Ore., Oct. nd, luoa. I. II. ISlNQIIAM, SlTldlntr the Deolr. 'Now, Johnny," said the teacher, who had been describing a war ship to the class, "how Is the deck divided?" A deck is divided," replied tho bright boy. "Into spades, hearts, dia monds and clubs." Philadelphia Tress. THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure MERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE SAVKSTWO 1-KOM nK.VTII. "Our little iliiii)!liti r had an almost fatal attack of nhoupiut: euuuli anil bronchitis." write Mrs. W. K. llavl liuul.of Armouk, X. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, wo saved Iter life with Dr. King's New DWcovery. Our nieoe, w ho had Consumption In an ad vanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she Is perfectly well." Desperate threat and lung dl seatca yield to Dr. King's New Dis covery .is to no other medicine on earlh. 1 Infallible for Coughs ami ColdJ. Wo 1 ami $.00 Kittles guaranteed by New i Kra Drug Store. Trial bottles free. A LKtrallH. TVenlthy Citizen Hut I Raid distinct If In luy advertisement that I wanted "n reliable colored coachman," nml you are n red faced Irishman. Applicant Hut sure. sor. Isn't ml a reliable a color as blackj Ualtlmore American. DO GOOD IT PAYS. A Chicago man has observed that, "Hood deeds are better than real estate deeds some of the latter are worthless. Act kindly and gently, show sympathy and lend it helping hand. You cannot DOssiblv lose bv it." Most men appre ciate a kind word and encouragement more than substantial help, lliereaie persons in this community who might truthfully say : "My good friend, cheer up. A few iloses ol i.naniDeriaiu s Cough Remedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no danger whatever from pneumonia whin you ue that medicine. It always cures. I know it for it has helped me out many a time." Sold by The Modern Pharmacy. FOR SALE- Lumber. 3000 ft., two inch suitable for sidewalk, stable Moor, bridge floor, etc., price $4 per M. Call nt once. II. K. Jovck,!', miles eastof Saginaw. GAINED KOItTY" POUNDS INTIIIUTY DAYS. For SMveral months our younger brother had been troubled with imli- cestion. He tried several remedies but Merchants, Long Urauch, Mo. l or sale by The Modern Pharmacy. LOST. A two-yeur-old Foxhound, solid light color, with one white nnll cm fore foot. Finder return to the Cash (irocery store, Cottage Grove, and receive suitable reward. UK LKAHNED A GREAT TRUTH. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesley: "Why do you tell that ehild the same thing over nml over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough."' It is for this same reason that von are again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds nml grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these ilitean's to result in pneumonia, and it is pleasant aud safe to take. For sale by The Modern Pharmacy . FOUND. At Medley & Milne's real estate ollice, the finest samples of Lane county Jiroduets, and a list of the best and cheapest farms and town lots. Corner 2nd and Mala Sts., Cot tage Grove. "IT GOES RIGHT TO THE SPOT" When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body, the application of Dul lard's .Snow Liniment will give prompt relief. "It goes right to the spot," saul an old man uhouas rubbinc it in, to cure his rhuiiii.atlsin, C. It. .Smith, Propr. Smith House, Tenaha, Texas, writes. "I have used Mallard's Snow Liniment in my family foreevcral years, and have found it to be n flue remedy, for all lichee and pains, and I recommend it for pains in the throat and chest." 25c, 50c and $1.00 ut New Era Drug Store. FOR SALE. A good :i-lu wagon. Anyone wanting a wagon can do no better. Price .L'3. Eiupilro of .Medley & Millie. RAN A TEN PENNYNAIL THROUGH HIS HAND. While opening n box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile llay, N. V., ran a ten penny nail tlnouidi tholliwliv partofhls hand. "I thought at onco of nil tho pain and nnrAiWHH tlilu wnntil ffiiifip mn Iia uaitu "anil iniineuiaiciy appueu unamuer Iain's Pain Halm and occasionally after wards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale bv The Modern Pharmacy. WANTED. Wood nnd country produco taken in exchange for photographs at Shanefelt gallery, West Hide. UEAUTIFUL COMPLEXIONS. Are spoiled by using any kind of preparation that fills tho pores of the skin, Tho best way to eecuro a clear complexion, free from sallowness, unipies, oiotciies, etc, is to Keep tne Ivor In L'ood order. An occasional dose of Ilerbine will cleanse the bowels, resulato the liver, and so establish a clear healthy complexion. 00c at New I'M urug (store. 1)0 YOU WANT TO YAWN? Kiel cold aliivvrinita, Rolling In the bonc, luck tit enenjv, hrmlHchr, nnd (treat deprcudmi? TliCTO n.vmptoiim limy Iks followed by violent headache, lii!h favor, oxtremu ncrvoitsneM, n eon- union known 11 mitlarln. Heroine . cities ll. Take it before thodlcaiUKCttt a fair IhiUI, tltomtli It will wont n cure 1 In any Blaite. J. A. Hopkins Mini. Chester, Kun., write: ' I h.Ae u-e.l yonrKmit medicine, Hcrbine. or scv oritl year. There Is unthiuK bolter for iniiliiiiit. chill ami fever, headache, billounieni, and (or a blood-inirlfvliiK' tunic, there la unlhinit a good. We at .i I. tu iirntf Mote. for Sale. Double rotary complete saw mill iiiilllt, eccpllng power This plant Includes main belt. Inside Ik'Hs, hum dust carrier, two Inserted tooth Dlsttm saws. With III horse power ."i.IHHJ toVWH! fivt ul lumber can bo cut Hr day. E Bargain and will pay yuti to Investi gate. The en 1 1 iv plant Is In good working order and con veniently located. Will cut true and entire cut can lie sold mi the ground under present contracts at good figures. $3 00.00 Call nt Iloheuila Nugget furthur particulars. tor NOTICE. LOST: Hot ween the New Km Drug Store and the Pontolllce, one leather piuo containing the following: Three Hundred Dollars $:UM.00) In bills, seven dimes and thirty-five cents In nickels and lieunles, also one spool of thread and one box of 'Top 'Era All Corn Salve." The finder may keep the Purse. Money and Thread, but I earnestly request that the CORN SALVE ls returned as It Is The Must Valuable Frcperatlon On The Market, fur the cure of corns, etc. Please return It to, Yours Respectfully, Miss N. O. Coiixh. n THE Grocery Store OK Metcalf Morse is the place to 3'our groceries. buy Everything is cle.-tn, new, fresh and of first grade quality. " " imirnir.iiirs.-i. w i Vtlkl II M , WIIIHMHIWIMIMHMl'M"""","M"i"Mf"i f llmlM WA I ftew Mp or fa . mm I n jiij o Wrc are making an early exhibition of the Latest Styles in in Fall Dress Goods in order that you may be fiblc to judge the styles find make your selections early enough to get the most good out of your Fall Dress before the rainy days conies. A Few of the Lai test. Buy your Dress Pattern and get service for the season. The place I1II1W & giifMfiifiifiiriiriiiiiriifiifitfitrHfiifitfMfMriifmitftifiifitriirfiifiiFiifiifiifitriiriifnfMfiifitnff WELCH & WOODS I I HAS IT FOR LESS. 1 Just for a lew days, till Nov. 1st. there is oiia,' to he a little extra doita,' in our Clothing Department. There is no reason on earth whv we shouldn't do double our present elothin business. We have a splcudidlv seleeted sloek, and from the way things have been selling this fall we know the price is riht. However just to make it interesting for 10 days we will make a sweeping eut of 10 to 1" per cent on fill Children and Men's clothing. Hoys Suits were $l.l,inuw ! '.II. Men's Suits wcrv (15 00 now lU'.UO. Our Suits have always Ihhui marked In plain llgttros and those who hni' looked through our stock "Just rubbering" will readll. see that the prices liavn't been marked up for this sale, no it Is a bonallde reduction hi prices. We hae Hoys Suits at ?1.:1I. SI .."SI. Jl.Vi up to s 10. Mens tt.i to fJil.HU. Hoys Overcoats ?:l IK) y When you sec it r our ad It's so. In iajujuiiiiUiikiiuuiiiiaiUiaiiiJiwiiaiiUiikiiiiiuiwaiUiiiaiiuaiiikaiiUiUia iiwiiiiui&iiuu ll&mn Grove l(1o,u" Mlls S . WVIIII 1JVIVI . ADTIIMfl -C II t--- mm a a 1icated two blocks west ' and one block north of theS. V. llepot Large Rooms j Well ventilated well fur- J iilshed and flrst clnss In every particular n Rates $1 per days Hoard bv the week ?l..) J without bed $:i.fi0 per n week. Iteineiiiber the J place. The best tables J and the best beds, the best accommodations In every particular. Central fm Heather Suitings, Zibelines Auto Cloth, Yankee Suiting, Drap D'Alma, Drap Sebastapol, Melton Cloth and Cheviots. early entire here mmm J Look Like Men The Clothes Ve Sell dive That Manly Appi'iir utice. The' Clothes are cut in aeeordanee to men's ideas anil nuulejso they will beeonie real men. Wc sell 11 Suit or mi Overcoat for 815. That will serve bought. vou Pacific Timber Co. Under Odd Fellow's Hall (Jottiigo Grove, Oregon WELCH & WOODS AKIUNU ec i1AiN5l:i Pronr ctorc i I hiving purchased the above Hour equal to any on the market. We carry a lull supply of all kinds of feed such as Rolled Barley, Oats ami Mill Eccd. Special attention given to Farmers grist work. W'e pay highest market price for all kinds of grain. I I' square dealing and courteous treatment will secure your patronage we will have it. 1 Correspondence solicited. SI fa n ny n 11 1 liintfiiinrmiffiiffliimiritntiiiiiiMiiiimiiiimiiiiififmnifij Spring is bere-8o are we f e . With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. 3 Sr Hoes, Hakes and Cultivators. 3 S Ollver'B Steel and Chilled I'Jowh. 3 i i . .... .... VMi N1-0'1' WnKoim, A full and complete Lino of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. 3 Mining Supplies our Specialty. 3 Piper & Vandenburq iuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiiuuiu RcatlEakiif&JBristow new ad. fis well fts anv vou ever to 7 no. If yon need clothing .vou can't nlforil to pass this chance up W,. have a xpl lid stock of MncklmiWH, nnd Woolen l uderwear, and 'Pop Shirts, llluiiki-ts. ijiillis etc. We Just received ES another lurge Inwileo of Shoes, Including the fninoiiH "iM 7H" Hue and Washington Loggers line. We also bae a complete Hue of rubber IS goods, lined duck, and waterproof coats etc zS, I lie Lenders In Low Prices. mills we will put out Respectfully, NARTING & HANSEN. Till: Cl'TTINd IJUALITV of any loot Is always a dsslrablo one, but of eipml liiiporliuico Is t ho power of retuliiliiK this iiiallty so as not to require too fivqueiit sharpen Iiik. H.v makliiK your piireluiscs of the ilrilllu ic Veatch Co. you always receive your money's worth In thu best quality of tools and cutlery of properlyjleiiipered steel that Is suro to hold an cdro. Veatch Co.