The Contrabandist; :on: One Life's Secret! OlIAI'THIt Vlll.-ttlonlliiued.l The Holt iliiy llubln rilllle llgalll. "Hose," liu sulil, "I saw, ) I'Mturilny. go ing awuy from here, when I was coining down, n in ii li whom I Ihliik I huve seen before. Do you know who It wasY" "Von menu, i bin I,, iiunpnrilf, my, con. In, lint hush! ,,.r,, , i And at 1 1 wit liniment the linllrliliinl de Igunleil enlcreil llm cntlnge ituor. lie made, a ill II obeisance to Huso nnd the young mini, and accosting Hugh, i i iiii-nt-eil, In a low telle, tu spiuk with him alone. Tim two rellreil, as before, In the gar dfli. There a somewhat letiglhy confer ence was held, during which Hum Itosii nml llubln Mere conversing together In doors, nml (laspnrde's nume wns not In freiiieully mentioned In the course of their ilblngiie. The young nnin seemed In bn somewhat Interested In Ii I in. slid asked several questions concerning Mm, by which he gathered the knowledge Hint (Insparile had some time wry deeply of fen. led bulb Hose slid her father; but lis also heard nf his haWug couin the pre vious ilny to make apologies fur so do ing. Ami, meanwhile, Hugh ended the col loquy between himself nml Dnspsrds III the garden, when they preparml to re enter thu house. The cotinlelinure of th former wss gloomier and darker tlinii ever. "Captain," said the man, "I don't re member having seen that person In the kitchen before. I aoppoati )ou won't think It Impertinent If I osk you who h ls" "II I) to become the husband of Itoir," returned Hugh. "Ills name Is Itoblu Mnrrou." And he glanced closely at thu countenance of his companion to detect some signal of his feelings at this announcement. Hut nil was undisturbed ed time. "Ho Hose Is to he married?" said (las parde. "Well, he will make her an ex cellent husband, I hope; and I wish her much happiness, with all my In-art. I suppose, monsieur, you hare nut forgot ten the time when I wished so earnestly to marry Hose myself have you? Hut," he continued, "I am going to bo married tu another young girl, st lome distance from here, shortly." And the lie wns believed. They went In, slid (laaparde remained a short tlm longer, affecting an air of the most per fect friendliness towards llubln. And when he look his departure, to return to Hi ii village, Ituhln accompanied Mm. They went along the mad talking togeth er of one thing and another In a care less way, speaking on a great many sub jects, and dwelling on noun long, till they came to a little grove, past which tint road ran, about half way between the cot tage and the village. "A pleaanut plnce yonder," observed Itobln, nodding his head towards It. "Yes )c; pleasant enough," respond ed (Isspsrde; "hut I dare say there aro pleasanter places." "Just so, my friend." rejoined thu young man; "you are right. Anil those that have more agreeable associations, as well, Tor Instance, If a man had been shot (here by an unseen enemy, the place wouldn't he quite so attractive as many soother." II glanced casually at the face of his companion as he ssld It; but licueath thu careless tone and manner wan a meaning, and In that glance he rend, like lightning, the eipressluii of (lanparde's face. It was one of sudden, startled uneasiness. The man looked quickly up st him. with out answer. The effect was satisfactory. Itoblu went on: "I hsd a master formerly, who was, one day, wounded In the Dimmer which I have described, and In Ihat very wood which we have passed. " "And he told you about It)" said Gas parde, wstihlng Ituhln closely. "You aro right. lie told me about It." "Did he guess who 11 r is I at MmV" "I suppose so. Though he kept It to himself. He said he meant to punish the rogue when he could catch him." "Who wns your master. If I may ask?" "The Compte d'Arlols. You may have heard of him possibly. Hut I must hid you adieu, my friend; for here I am at the farm." "Adieu," relurned (tiisparile; and ho continued his route, muttering, "I have you now, my master) You think I am cowed do you J Ah! wait only wait! You are taking a great denl of trouble to win my pretty cousin; but I shall have her yet! Only time-time. I will let you Just grasp the prlie, nnd then tear It from you. The later my vengeance, Iho sweeter It will be I" It was sunset again, and our pretty heroine, lloso I.amonte, was returning from thu Chateau Moutauhan, whither she had gone early lu thu afternoon to sro Mademoiselle Moutauhan, who, she waa told by her father, wished to speak with her on a matter of Importance, With a light and happy heart, Itoso bad gono to meet the lady, and, three, or four hours afterwards, was returning home, with teara In her eyes, and a step very differ ent from that usual with her. Walking slowly along, wrapped In sorrowful med itation, she was suddenly aroused by the volco of Itobln pronouncing her name. lie waa Just going down to tho cottsge. "Whyi what alls you, my Hoso?" he asked, tenderly. "You aro weeping! Why Is this!" "0, Hobln, my father Is going away!" waa her and answer. "doing away? Ah, how aorry I am for you, dear child! Hut how aoon Is ha go ing, and where will ho go to?" "I do not know. Ho did not tell me; Mademoiselle Helen told me, and she know nothing further than what I have Just snld to you. Hut I am afraid It will bo very aoon." And the teara chased each other over her fair cheeks, "Why did ho not ucqualnt you with this fact,. Hone?" "Indeed, I do nut know. Perhaps he had not tho courage. I 'nor papal And besides, tho Marquis and Mademoiselle Moutauhan are to keep mo at tho chateau until ho returns! that was why sho wish ed mo to conio up this afternoon, to tell mo of this, and so he' left It all for her to tell." "I knew you wero going to Btay at tho chateau, Hose, hut not that your father wns going away. I learned It from hlni last week," siild llubln. "You did? and yqu did not let mo know?" "Ho preferred that I should not then. Hut do not weep." dear Hose!" said Iho young-umu, soothingly; "he will return, nnd, perhaps, will remit lu away hut a abort time. And It will bo pleasant for you to bo at tho rluiteim n little, while, only I urn afraid you will furget mo will you not?" "Ah, how can you Ihluk so?" im'tcd his companion, lu lone of gcnUe reproui-h, A TRUE STORY OF THE SOUTH OF FRANCE "You know, Ituhln, that I could nut for get you!" "I will not go In lo ulght, I think, dear Hose, You will have a great ileal to say tu your father, and you will bo belter alone. To morrow I will come. You will know then, I dare nay, on what day bo Is going, and can toll me. I should like In hear," He bent down ami kissed her. There was sympathy and tenderness In his glaiicv and caress, Hhe went In, Her father, standing lu the opposite doorway, looking out Into tho garden, turned quickly and beheld her. Ho held out his arms, "Well, you know now," ho said, with sorrowful gentleness, as sho raiuu up to meet his sad embrace "you know now, Hose?" "Yes, father I know; you are going away. Hut It will not be long before I shall see you again? You will come home soon ?" "I do not know; do not ask me, I en treat, ltossl" Ho spoke with the des perate energy of sorrow, "Hut where are you going, and how soon, papa?" "1 cannot tell you whers I am going. Hut It may b to Nantes or llordesux. And I am going lu two days." "In two days?-so sooul O, pspa!" Hhe sat down, poor little Hose, and cov ering her face with her hands, wept sad ly. Hugh paced the Ouur with folded arms, and despair on his dsrk counte nance. "O!" he murmured, with fierce grief, "hss not my revenge turned upon me?" The next evening Hobln csme. II seemed more serious thsn ususl, and heard of thu arrangemenla for tho de parture of Hugh In silence. At leogth h ssld: "You am golug, then, th day after to morrow?" "Yes, end Hons will go lo the chateau tomorrow evening. The marquis and his daughter are coming for hrr." "Yes, Hobln," she ssld; "to-morrow evening I shsll be gone." Itoblu snt down by her, aud tok her hand lu bis. "Hose," he ssld, "do you not think this makes m as sorrowful as you csu be? What shall I do when you ara her no lunger? I cannot se you In your now hum ss I haru seen you here. I cannot come there In my rude dress, though, one day, I mean to make mself worthy to eliler vcu thst proud plsce; There I nothing for in to do but to go away." "Ah, Itobln," uttered Hose, with tear ful eyes, "do not go! Whst shsll I do with no one left?" "Do not weep, mlgnoiine!" entrested the young man, sadly; "cnu on not see It Is for the best? I cannot slay here with out meeting you dally, as of old. And we may not meet now you are to dwell at the chateau. We both would In) more unhappy should I stay. If I go away I may gain some situation where I may obtain wealth, and rise gradually to a position worthy to come back and win you. Now, Hose, tell mo I may go." "(lo, then, If It must bo so," she re sponded, striving to check the fast flow ing tears. "Hut I shsll bo so lonely!" "Let me go to-morrow morning. Hose. I cannot bear to sec you go away to wait till you are gone." And thus It was. CHAITKIt IX. It wan not without a sigh of regret that Helen Moutntiban observed the pa hi which she waa forced to lulllct on on who loved deeply and truly. I-'raucIs Kg ertou bad Inspired her with a sentiment of the most earnest esteem; but the knowledge of th depth of his regard for her had almost decided her, at first, to break off an Intimacy which, on his part, claimed something more thsn the name of friendship. This, however, seemed too harsh a measure. Sho could uot persuade herself to go so far. Hhu liked him sin cere!) ; her regard for him was too real too deep, to permit her thus absolutely to relinquish the occaslonsl society of Lord Kgerton; while sho trusted to cure him. In time, of the pssslon, which she felt too well, from a consciousness nf her own preference In a different quarter, she should never be able to return. Since his arrival Just after Hose bad become an Inmate of tho Chateau Montau ban, sho had begun to feel that she had a means of assistance at hand. She did not pause for time to define any plan, or to say to herself, In so many words, that audi and auch an ultimate Issue had been guessed at, or hoped for, by hrr; but she appropriated the means present ed to her, and trusted that they would succeed. Meeting, on the very flrst evening of his arrival at tho chateau, with a repulse, gentle, though firm, from Helen a disap pointment to hopes long, yet doubtfully, cherished; and feeling that the dejection and unhapplness which he felt would, If observed, draw upon him tho attention of thoso about him, ho endeavored to con ceal all evldenco of his feelings under a calm exterior, and to evluco as much in terest In affairs about him aa was possi ble. II found himself thrown dally Into tho society of Itoso I.amonte, often by chance, oftener by Helen's own agency. Ho admired her bcauty-her Innocence and grace, had a charm for him, Helen Montauban knew It. He first merely ac knowledged, and waa sensible of her presence; then he sought It. Hose con fessed to Helen her admiration of him, and seemed to evlncu a pleasure. In his society. It was plain that she did not dlsllko him; and Helen, although she had many doubts at first, changed them final ly for most agreeablo yet secret specula tions on tho future, liltlo dreaming that Francis Kgerton was yet true to her, or that ltose t.amonte'a thoughts, even In his presence, turned and dwelt fondly, though sadly, on the memory of her hum ble, yet unforgottcn, lover. Meanwhile, Mademolselio Montauban thought often and anxiously of her cous in; for I.ouls had not written ouro since his departure from tho chateau, and two months had now elapsed, aud nearly the third, since that time. Her father also mentioned him frequently, and expressed his perplexity at Ills silence, and no less at his prolonged absence. Many an hour, at nightfall, Helen knelt sadly at her casement, with her glahco sorrowfully tlxcrd on the road below that wound through tho valley aud beyond tho hills tho road over which ho had passed on tho morning when ho loft her. "When will ho traverso It again?" she asked herself. "When, kneeling here, at my sail post, In tho twilight or tho dawn, shall I behold him returning?" Ono afternoon, being oppressed with a slight headache, sho had thrown herself upon her couch to dispel It, If possible, by slumber. Suddenly her uncle's step, light and quick, came through tho gal lery, ami Immediately Jesslo herself en 1 tered tho chamber, bearing a light. Uer far was suggestive of something pleas snt. Hhe enmo on llploe to Ihe bedside. "0, I am awake, Jessie," snld Helen; "but I hsvn slept a great whlhv" "Yes, mademoiselle a long times but I hope your headache, has qulto left you now; for monsieur le compte, your cous in, mademoiselle, Monsieur d'Arlols " "Jessie, Is he here?" asked Helen, quiet ly, as she rose. "Yes, mademoiselle, he has Just come." Hhu entered her dressing room, and hastened to bathe her faro and head and r arraugo her hair. Hut she trembled from head lo foot. Hhe descended th stairs Just In time to meet I.ouls him self, lie It was, but psler snd thinner than usual. He camo forward with an exclamation of pleasure, "Helen, my dear cousin I" lis cried, warmly embracing her. Her cheek burnt her heart best rapid ly, ss he pressed his lips to hers. Hhs could not speak al first. "My own fair Helen, and so lovely as ever! yes, a million times lovelier!" ho said, smilingly, as ho gently turned her facu so that the glow of the pendant lamp above Ihem fell full upon II. "Hut you do not speak, cousin. And yet I know you welcome me." "Indeed, I welcome you, IOiils, most warmly. Hut you are pale you hav been III," "I have been III yes; but not long or seriously; aud as soon as I recovered, I csme hither." He pressed her band In Ids with kludly affection, as ho released her. Hhe turn ed and entered the saloon. Her father stood by the hearth, and the guests were grouped about It, chatting together, as she came In. Hho was greeted with unan imous exclamations of pleasure, snd drswu Into their circle. There were In quiries on all sides concerning her late Indisposition, and Infinite rejoicings at tho arrival of i.ouls, In the midst of the conversstlon IJllll re-entered. "My desr uncle, I cannot express the pleasur It gives me lo find myself here one more," he said, "and particularly in the midst of such eicelleut company." Ill a little while the evening repast wss spread and they gathered about tho board, a congenial party enough, as It weiit; afterward they repaired, by the In vitation of the marquis, to the library, where they passed Ihe remainder of the evening. Iloso and I'raneli Kgerton, who, of late, hail occasionally sung to gether, were prevailed upon by the mar quis and his guests to do so now. Holh hsd fine voices snd excellent taste, uud their united melody poured forth lu on sweel. harmonious strsln, that could uot fsll to please. I.ouls, standing behind the seat of Mademoiselle Montauban, re garded Itoso and her companion with a quiet but closely observsnt glance. "Is not Hose a little nightingale?" soft ly whispered Helen, looking up at him. "A sweeter one never sang. Hy-tbc-by, my dear cousin, when did she come here?" ".Something more thsn a mouth ago. Hhe Is prettier than ever; do you uot think so?" "Decidedly. I'rancls seems tacitly to agree with us. too, It appears to me. Is he lint very attentive to her? And yet, he does not look quite happy to-night. What alls him. I wonder?" (To lie continued.) SUCTION OF A FAST TRAIN. Cautious People Will Avoid the Wakt ml m fixing Kipress. There Is hardly any penon, youtig or old, who does not like to see a fust railroad train pi by. There Is a fns cluatloti In the rush nnd roar, the en gine rcprcweuta so much resistless strength, mul It Is all such n triumph or mnn's skill thnt It never fulls to cvoko wonder and admiration. Yet there Is danger In n moving train, and everyone should know enough to keep at a re spectful distance while admiring Ibis marvel. "The theory that n moving train car ries nlong with It an envelope of air Is very Interesting," says an engineer. "1 first had my attention attracted to tho subject by n curious Incident that hap pened several years ago at a crossing near Hlrmlngham, Ala., where trains pane twleo a day at a speed of about forty miles an hour. The tracks aro seveu feet apart, nnd there would seem to be ntnple room to stand between them In safety between two trains. Ono day a terrier dog belonging to a section boss was asleep lu the middle space, and woke up Just as the trains closed In from each side. There wns n parrel on the ground near by, ami the dog In his fright Jumped on top of It. That probably brought him Into one of tho rushing envelopes of air. At any rate, ho was whirled off his feet nnd thrown clear to the roof of the opposite car, where he was subsequently found. Jammed against a ventilator chimney, with no Injury except a broken leg. How In the world he ever made such n Journey and craped alive Is a mystery, unions bis fall wns deadened by a cush ion of air. "Apropos of atmospheric pressure. It Is n well-known (act that there Is ft 'vortex space,' or 'gone of suction,' di rectly behind any rapidly moving train, nnd Its presence accounts for a gro tesque happening that took place somo time ago on the Southern Pacific. While the California-bound express was going through Western Arizona at a clipping gait n passenger who was on tho verge of lunacy rushed out to tho rear platform, climbed on a rail aud Jumped oft. He was wearing u very long linen duster, and a muscular tourist who happened to be on the plat form at the time grabbed It by the tails aa It sailed by and yelled for help. When some of the others ran to his as sistance they found the lunatic stretch ed Btrnlglit out In the air behind the platform, safely anchored by his duster, which had turned Inside out nnd caught him at the shoulders. The muscular geutlcmnn was hanging on for dear life, but had It not been for tho fact that tho would-be suicide wns virtually sits tallied aud carried along by tho suction of tlw vortex something would cerln'n ly hJvo given way. Tliey reeled the man lu like a kite, and he promised to bo good. Wo liavo very little knowl edge at present of tho atmospheric con ditions that surround a movlug train. A fuller knowledge of them may lend to the solution of somo bullllng prob lems In traction." Art lu t lie I'roper. Direction. Agent Dou't you want an enlarged photograph of yourself? Stout Gentleman Enlarged! What for? Agent That'B so. Hut-say-let us mako you ono threo sizes smaller. A Dllcimnn, Mrs, Von Rlutner I don't know what wo shall do about that cook, Yon Blunter Wlmt's the mailer now? "Hhe threatens to stay." Life. "TaWtea lilt INCOMPAIIilLE IIUSDAND AND VUfE. Br rtoln Hantegtif. There may lie happiness between a rich hus bund nml a poor wife, between u rich wife anil a Kur husband, between nn elderly husband and a young wife, between two persons of differing Intelligences and diverge cultures, but when there Is Inc-omtmtltjllltjr of temperament, relin quish every liope. Despair will be the habitual Nlnle of the common existence. Incompatibility doc not signify disparity of tauten, of sympa- .11, in, in nsplrallons, because diversity In necessary to per fect harmony, and the more dissimilar they are the more a man and a woman love each other. Ho study the character of him or her whom yon wish to mako your life com panion. I know an angel of n woman. Hhe has many friends who lore her nml who are each Jealous of the affection he bcnis to other. They are all superior women of fine tame, of dellcnte sentiments, of generous hearts. I will not be deceived In that woman. After n pspchologlcal In quest on her fumlly and friends do not iIIkiIuIii to go lower. Interrognte the chambermaid. No one known tin better than our servants. While a chambermaid may not know how to inuke n psychological analysis of a young woman, Hhe will know llio Intimate secrets of her character, flood, noble, generous nalureri never maltreat their attendant). Khun the person that 111 urea a domestic. I assure you that at the end of your Inquest you will know precisely the out of your loved one with whom you are to sing through your entire life the hymn of perfect happiness. In the majority of Instances you will llnil neither com plete discoid nor perfect harmony, but a partial accord which little by Utile through your good will will be trans formed Into fliiwles hurmony. Above all, marry a good woman who loves you because she HndK you handsome, esteems you, and H proud to bear your name. Then you may be almost certain that the itumll discords of temperament will be removed; and In the patient Indulgence herewith your comiisnlou will suffer your ahortcomliigK, every day and every hour you will rec ognize the murks of a love which will end only with your last breath. HIE REVOLUTION i chemistry. Br W. Nothing Is too great, nothing too small, for the measuring rod of modern science. On the one hand we have astronomy, which ret els In mag nificent distanced. On the other we hove the new chemistry which deals with the Infinitely little nnd Investigates the Inexpressibly tiny con stituents that make tip ordinary matter. Lord Kelvin gate us a popular Idea of the size of atoms when he said that If n single drop of rain could bo magnified up to the size of the whole earth we might reasonably expect to tlnd that the atoms which com posed It would be somewhere between cricket balls and footballs In size. The new chemistry suggests that matter and electricity are one anil the same; that what we cull atoms consist of systems of far tinier bodies, the Ions, or electrons, which are simply charges of electricity. Sir Oliver Iidge sug gests that the typical atom may be similar to n stellar sys tem, consisting of a definite number of these electrons moving In rapid orbits Just as the planets move round the sun. The simplest atom, that of hydrogen. Is believed to consist of about 7IHJ electrons In regular orbital motion, under laws closely akin to those which keep the earth In Its course round the sun. The electrons are assumed to be all exactly alike, so that an oxygen atom would consist of sixteen times as many, a gold atom of HW times as many, nnd so forth. The chief fascination of this theory Ilea in Its reduction of all matter to modifications of one original substance proba COFFEE FROM BRAZIL. Producers Are Contemplating a de duction of Areas of Planting. Id-cent news from Ilraz.ll brings the Information that the coffee produce! 8 of that republic are contemplating the reduction of the nrcna to be devoted to coffee planting for the purposo of re stricting the coffee output and so se curing a large prlco for n smaller crop, from which there may lie n more anxious demand. Whether thnt course will. If adopted nnd persisted In. raise the prize of Brazilian coffee In the United States market, which Is the market to which tho greater part of the coffee of Brazil finds Its way. Is an experiment tho outcome of which enn only be ascertained by n trial. The trial may also be nccomniodatod by soma losses by diversion of tho trade to other countries that It may take yeara to recover. We get our Brazilian coffee cheaper thau that we tnko from other eouu tries. Kor the quantity Imported during tho fiscal year ended June 30, 1003. reaching pretty well up toward a bil lion pounds, we appear from the gov ernment reports to bnve paid Brazil at the average rato of 5.S cents a pound. To Africa, for such coffco as wo got direct from that continent, not a large quantity, wo paid a little less B.7 cents a pound. To other coun tries wo paid various prices, all better thnn the price paid to Brazil. The average price per pound paid for cof fee from Mexico was 8 cents; for that from Central America tho average price per pound wns 0 cents, while for all the coffeo we Imported from the Netherlands, Including, presumably, our supply of Java coffee, and for the entire quantity we Imported from Porto Hlco, wo paid nt tho rato of 11 cents a pound. Kor all tho coffee Im ported from all countries we paid the average per pouud of 0.i cents. New York Times. RIVAL OF MRS. ASTOR. Mrs. Btujrvesant Plsbi Newport Lead- r, Wants to Hutor Politics. Mrs. Stuyvcsaut Fish, wife of the President of the Illinois Central Bail road and rival of Mrs. Astor for the leadership of tho ultra-faBhlonablo set at Newport, has grown weary of so ciety. Hho says American social cir cles are stupid because the women do nothing but drees and talk nonsense Sho thinks they ought to got Into poli tics. "Just think,'1 sue says, "what In Uuenco a woman In high position In Washington could have." Speaking of Mrs. Hoosevelt, she said! "Tho wife of the President, It Is claimed, dresses on $300 a year; and she looks It. I would not like to bo n President, or a President's wife. I should not llko to have to eat with negroes. I do not believe lu equality. It would never do. Wo caunot mix with the negro at all, and negro equal ity will never como about Thero will always bo classes lu this country. Wo are coming more aud more to nave an aristocracy and a common people. I do not believe lu being too democratic." . . ' ;:-V'"'";'i 'v v Mz-si ADVICE TO THE WOMAN WHO NA05. Br Helen Olttleti. HOW TO TRAIN THE C. Bmrrett rhttr. Then sue paid her respects to New port society. "Newport," sho said, "Is not declin ing. True. It Is being Invaded by vul gar and newly rich people of the par venu class, who form n rather com mon circle, but the higher classes are still thero lu greater numbers than ever. Newport, however. Is Just now paying too much attention to foreign lords. By marrying Kuropcnu noble men, American girls arc laying them- UBS. STUTVFSANT FISH. selves liable to the ridicule of the wholo world. "The marriage of Miss (Joelet to the Duke of ltoxburghe Is the latest piece of this sort of folly. They paid down J2.OCKI.liOO to do It. Of course the Duke Is not ns bad as some for eigners who have married American girls, for he has somo money, about JGO.000 a year, but that Is not much for people In his station. I think It very foolish." LORD BALFOUR WHO RESIGNED FROM BRITISH CABINET Lord Balfour of Burleigh, who re signed his soat In the Balfour cabinet as a result of the crisis precipitated tiy Mr. Chamberlain, bad been Secretary for Scotland since 1S05, He Is not re lated to Premier Balfour or to the Cecil family, but belongs to the Bruco family of Scotland. Ho wns born In 1810, and was educated at Eton and Oriel College. Oxford, lie has held uFKf tt .Bura . wi; bly the same is what we rail electricity. If that Is so, the old alchemists were right after all, and there Is no reason In the nature of things why we should not one day trans mute lead Into gold by a suitable arrangement of Its electrons. There Is no manner of woman whom ft man can take to wife so trying to the temper, and so wearisome In all ways, as the woman who nags. It Is the little foxes who eat up the tender vines; and continual fret and worry often tell more heavily upon nerves and spirit than do great trials. One braces oneself for the heavy cross, but gives way hopelessly and helplessly under the never ceasing strain of the little Irritations which must be borno day In and day out There are women who spend and are spent In the service of husband and child; nay, more, who would unhesitatingly lay down life Itself for their sakes, yet who render those dear ones miserable and make home unhappy by continual fault find ing, by bewailing mistakes, and mourning over misfortunes past help. They weep over spilled milk until the salt of their tears makes bitter the bread which remains from the wreck, and they never forget nor allow others to forget the thorns In the path nor the lions In the way, poisoning the pleasure of to-day with the memory of past sorrow and the dread of evil to come. If only the women who nag could be brought to under stand how Infinitesimal the good and bow great Is the harm which their continual dropping accomplishes. The wound which Is kept open and constantly Irritated never heals, and the sorrow which Is never suffered to sleep wears out both body and brain. It Is love's duty to com fort and console, and the love which makes a wife a true helpmeet to her husband has no reproaches for the mis takes of yesterday and only sympathy for those of to-day. with abundant hope for the morrow. MEMORY. mr r. r. ,c.n..r. Memory training, like the acquisition of for eign tongues, seems to be a topic of Interest Just now; Its actuality Is another sign that the En glishman. If not Indeed waking up. Is at any rat turning over In bis sleep as ha dreams uneasily of the gigantic terrors of German and American competition, and of the Imminent peril of being ousted from his position In the "vanguard of na tions." Something must be done, some effort made, some fillip applied; and since memories are notori ously unrellablo and capricious, In such a manner as to hinder progress, memories ought to be Improved. Every system of memory training that Is not purely ar bitrary must be bated upon the well-known and ancient principle entitled "the association of Ideas." A certain per son has no difficulty in remembering certain extrinsic facts because they happen to be associated In his mind with cer tain Intrinsic facts. Thus you may bear a man say: "I always know the exact date of the battle of Waterloo be cause I was born on the 18th of June." On thing sug gests another; and the great object of th memory trainer Is, when one thing does not suggest another, artificially t Induce It to suggest another. A first-class system of memory training will neither be random nor clumsy. It will be carefully planned and worked out so as to gain the greatest possible end by th smallest possible means. It will b full of minor Ingenui ties. It will be adaptable, elastic and comprehensive. But It will be founded upon the principle of the association of Ideas; It will not be a miraculous discovery cap bis of transforming n brain of lead Into a brain of gold; and Its success will depend upon the energetic thoroughness with which the learner puts It Into practice. many honorary offices, especially edu cational. Including the chancellorship iJf St. Andrew's University, was lord In waiting to the queen In 18SS-89, and parliamentary aecretary to the board of trade, 1SS9-02. He Is allied by mar riage to great Scottish houses. He has been a consistent free trader, and op ponent of Mr. Chamberlain throughout the late tariff discussions. FITTING. THE HUMAN FOOT. Left Pedal Extremity la Oeneratlr Larger than Its Mate. "The question of which foot to fit flrst Is an Important one to us," said the shoe salesman as he tugged to get a small pair of Oxfords on a large foot "It may seem strange to you, but It Is rarely that we do not experi ence some trouble In fitting one while the other Is easily covered. A popu lar belief obtains that the left foot of every person Is the hardest to fit, and consequently many shoe clerks alwaya try n shoe on that foot flrst. It Is not true, however, according to my ob servation, that there Is any Inflexible rule as to which foot to try first. It Is true, nevertheless, that lu a major ity of cases If you succeed In fitting the left foot you will bav no trouble with the right. My practice la to try both feet before I pronounce a pair of shoes a perfect fit. Then I am sure of avoiding any mistake growing out of peculiarities of foot formation. "No two people have feet formed ex actly alike, and the shoe salesman who thinks so and Is governed accordingly will meet with many complaints. For some time I pondered over the problem of fitting shoes to feet snd especially as to why the left foot should be con sidered the standard by which to be governed. The only rational theory 1 have ever beon able to evolve la a very simple one when you com to consider It. Nine out of ten people you meet nre right-handed, ns we say. About oue person In ten, or perhaps th per cent Is even less than that, use his left baud. If you will observe a per son who uses the right and when he or she Is standing and talking tbey Invariably rest their weight on the left foot. And vice versa, a left-banded person will rest bis or her weight on the right foot. The result Is that with right-handed people the left foot is probably n fraction larger than th right foot,' and the shoe clerk must Inevitably find this to be a fact soon er or later. That, In my opinion, Is the explanation of the common belief that the left foot Is the standard to go by tu tha fitting of shoes. Hut, as I uavo already said, there Is no rul that Is absolutely safe to follow, and my plan Is always to fit both feet be fore I let a customer leave the house." New Orleans Times-Democrat. The average woman who has chil dren, nnd does her own work, has a "harvest hand famine" twelve months tu the year. Come, confess up, men; If your chil dren were to describe their fathur as "tho man who scolds mother," would It fit? DEATH IS NEVER NATURAL. BUrtlliin- Thtorr of lllstlilgnlshsil Kxiiontni of (tcltnc. Nobody ever tllei n natural death, Old age, the premature old age, which Is the only kind we know, 1 a path ological condition. Huch are the opin ion of Dr. Kile Metclitilkoff, not a fakir, but a serlotpi person, who studies things through a microscope nt the Pasteur Institute. Mneh of u swarms with tiny benata of prcyi which travel up nnd down our bodies, seeking what they may devour. Hy attacking our beneficent cells, pre viously weakened by the unwise Ilfl we all lead, they produce an artificial senility, the malady which kills thoss men whom In our Ignorance wo call very old. looked at from Dr. Metchiilkoff't standpoint, old age Is merely a prob lem for medical science. How shall wo help our beneficent cells In theli struggle against the enemy? Ono way would be to take every baby and cut out his larger Intestine, an organ which ought not to have been Included In our anatomy. At present this can not bo done, as the operation Is risky. A second method would be to destroy the beasts of prey. Hut we do not yet know what tbey exactly are. Soms are a legacy left by our oncestors, Im mediate and remote, who suffered from heritable diseases. Others, more mystirloua, arc perhaps the Instruments of a sort of essential disease, of that old ago which preco ciously kills all who do not die still earlier of tuberculosis, pneumonia, tb bubonic plague, or croup. Until w know more we can only reform out diet, eating little meat or none and sul slstlng chiefly on butter, cheese and sour milk. By these Imperfect meant we may prolong life n little 200 yean or so. Up to DO, for example, we may be as active as the President of tin United States, nnd thereafter, for 100 years more, as reflective as tho prims minister of England. This would still leave us half a century for nrt, philan thropy, poker or croquet. Hut when death docs Anally draw near will not Its approach' be as distasteful as evcrl By no means, says the doctor, t'ndei present conditions death Is like an un natural sleep, which overtakes ui early In the day say before dinner. In the future It will come nfter a full meal, when the day's work Is done. Collier's Weekly. FRENCH INVASION OF THE ANTARCTIC CIRCLE Under the auspices of the I-'rcnch government nnd the French Academy of Sciences, Dr. Jean Charcot, the son of the celebrated physician. Is equip ping an expedition to the south pole. The three-masted schooner I.e Fran cala will carry the party Into the Ant- 6CHOONER LE VRAMCAIS. arctic regions. Le Francois la of 300 tons, 00 feet long. 27 feet beam, 240 horse power, especially built for this expedition. The explorers will sail fronjBrcst, Flnlstere, France, for Alexandria Land. Thus the south polar regions will be entered simultaneously by the English from Victoria Laud, by the Germans from Enderby and Kemp Lands, by tho Scotchmen from Wed dell Sea, by the Swedes from Oer lacbe Strait, and from Alexandria Land by the French. Chameleons In tne 8urK Taking chameleons In to bathe Is s new fad which Atlantic City has de veloped. Scores of girls have adopted It. The scheme was worked by a girl who owned a chameleon that had grown lazy. She tried various ways of arousing It from Its stupor nnd at laat hit upon tho Idea of taking It out for a romp In the surf. She wni rewarded with an Instantaneous chang In the little lizard's demeanor. Just as soon as It heard the roll of the first breaker Its skin went through a whirl of color changes. And when abe gave It a ducking It produced a new shadi of pink verging Into yellow and green that she never knew It possessed. Little time was lost In making known tha discovery to others through tht resort, and girls who bad no chame leons bought them right off to see tht ocean's effect on them. "Oh, girls," cried one, as she held out her chame leon for Inspection, "some watet splashed Into his eyes aud he look! like a box of paint, I wonder If tht dear thing's angry?" Up to lllm. "The main objection I have to these little tenders like this," commented the young man In the stern sheets, "Is that If a fellow tries to kiss a girl In one he Is almost sure to upset the blamed thing and land them both lu the water." "Mercyl" shivered the girl, who had been pretending to row from the launch to the clubhouse float, the bet ter to show off her charming self and stunning costume. Then, with a confident, If not ex pectant, air she added; "I am so glad that I am a good swimmer." Automobile Mngazlne. New Names ibr Pics. "This pie Is entirely too affection ate," complained the Cheerful Idiot, "What's that?" asked the puzzled waiter girl. "I say It's too affectionate the up per crust Is stuck on tho lower. Bring me somo of that dropstltch pic over there." Aud after some difficulty It was beaten Into the head of the distressed maiden that he wanted some of me cranberry pie with the lattlco-work cover. Baltimore American. In the old days, the elderly women Just went along; they were not know aa chaperons.