TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Don't shoot llio Holstolt.s doing the beat they cnn. They nre The Macedonian llfo Insurance com panics must feet llko n fried egg. Perhaps we mny have to dig tho cnnnl first and nak permlaalon of Co lombia afterward, We don't liccd an clastic currency ns much na one wltb n Uttlo slue on each aide of every dollar. Tho pension rolla have pnased the great divide. It will be a gradual do- scent from now on to the end. At the exact moment tho proposal la .mndo n young man actually bcllcvea that ho Un't worthy of the girl. Live ahella were fired at a French warship without any apparent effect upon It. However. Dewey's men were not behind the guns. A branch of Yale Unlvcralty In China would at least determine to what extent the pigtail can be taught to handle the pigskin. When Charllo Schwab gets his tal- lorlng trust In operation he should mnke a specialty of holler-plate vesta for kings and emperors. The servant problem Is a simple mat ter, according to Mrs; llusscll Sage. Just do without any servants and you will never have any trouble. Now the farmers want a trust The best trust Is trust In elbow grease. It Is th6 man who works his muscles and not his politics who gets ahead In this country. We presume that the women persist In wearing hlgh-hecled shoes for some such reason as the men persist In wearing those bob-tailed coats and cir cus tent trousers. Poultney lllgelow declares that there are several millions of Americans who would like to see this country annexed to Canada. I'oultney evidently makes tho mistake of believing himself to be several millions of Americans. Eupatorluin Rcbaudlum Is the name of the new plant that Is to supersede sugar cane and the sugar beet, being twenty or thirty times as sweet as cither. When used In connection with tabloid coffee and condensed milk It ought to be a great thing for picnics. Cheap funerals are the fashion In England just now Lord Salisbury's having cost only $70. This will cause a large mortality among Impecunious i oblemen. It being a well-known fact mat many of them have been keeping alive through family pride because fiey didn't have enough for a decent 'lurlaL An Insolvent woman has applied for relief from her debts In one of the nlted States courts. Her appeal, so lusual as to excite general comment, siieaks well for the fair sex and Its keen understanding of financial obli gations. As a rule In Insolvency pro . -edlngs woman Is generally the cause it man's predicament, but Is kept dls creetly In the background. sailed away to n region that Is fraught with danger and death. And all thli that science mny benellt from 1 1 n-Ir dreadful experience and at the ex pense of Illness, cold, hunger and lone liness. Science and scientists niv, of course, duly giatefiit. and they hne. without a question, In-en Immensure nbly hcnolltrd from these arvtlc ex ploration, but once In a while some one Is bold enough to say: "la It worlh while?" And la It? OPINIONS OF GREAT PAPERS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECTS A complete explanation of the out rages In Macedonia Is not cosy to frame, because there are so ninny rea sons for the conditions In Kuropenu Turkey. In tho first place. It should be noted that the district Is Inhabited by hostile and Jealous races, Turks, Albanians, Servians, Bulgarians, G reeks, and a few others live side by A. I A Practical Good Roads Move PRACTICAL good roads movement haa been Inaugurated In Venango County, Pennsylvania, Judge Crlswell called the attention of the cou stables to the poor condition of the roads and Instructed them to return the road commls sloucrs If they did not comply with the law In rvt,.u 10 seeping them In repair. This Instruction did not fall upon deaf ears, and as a result the roiul commissioners "At 0r.h..?:',.,,!C.?."a.1; C"V.?mV. ' four townships wore returned n, negligent In their duty uiivii uiaeuiiBum iuiu mi; tuiu ui iuo , ,i.- t..,it ....... 1. .. .. ,.t, .,...., .....I a'uiiu,, 111(4 llivsu IVItlliia luiiivituvuto u , r iivtu f, i v j i i vi Sultan, Then they linve not the samo religion. Tho Mohammedan looks down on tho Chrlstlau nnd the Jew; tho Greek Christian cannot tolerate tho Protestant, and tho Catholic re gards tho Armenian us a heretic. The task of governing n population of hos tile races, with differing religions, all within a comparatively narrow area. Is difficult at best Hut Turkish gov ernment Is bad. The administration of Justice Is so unccrtnln that tho for eign powera have Insisted that their citizens accused of crime shall be tried In consular courts. Hut tho Turkish subject must submit to the Judicial Imperfections of the native courts. Consequently Justice, as the American understands it is unknown to the av erage subject of the Sultan. Along with the corrupt and procrastinating courts the people have to endure the extortion of the tax-gatherers, who levy what taxes they choose without Interference from any superior so long as the required sum Is sent to Con stantinople. Out of the uncertainties of the financial administration have developed the complications arising from an unpaid and dissatisfied army, to say nothing of unpaid officials In all oilier departments. Then, to cap the pyramid of folly, the Sultan at tempts to look after all the details of administration, a task beyond the physical power of any man. Impor tant matters arc delayed, and the lm patient people take things Into their own hands. On this fertile field of discontent the political agitator sows his seed of Insurrection. It was the Macedonian revolutionary commltteo which held Miss Stone, the mission ary, for a ransom, that It might get money to carry on Its work. The pa trlots on occasion pose as brigands. and brigands, when It serves their purpose, call themselves patriots. In the hope of bettering matters, Austria and Itussia prepared a plan last win tcr for Improving the financial. Judi cial and civil administration of the district, and the Sultan accepted It So far as the plan was applied It fall ed to pacify the discontented, and seri ous Insurrection began In August What the outcome will be Is useless to prophesy. We know only that trou ble will continue until the district Is governed by a strong man who docs Justly and loves mercy. BEING RAISED TO TOP Or HILL 150 FEET HIGH The weird rumors which the Eskimo have repeatedly published about the existence of strange men and beasts, which walk abroad only during the unless days in the hyperborean re gions, may after all be founded upon truth. However, until positive proof is furnished. Professor Frazzle's state ment about, the Hvo mammoth must be taken as a traveler's highly colored tale. A study of newspapers east and west, north and south, may possibly indicate a growing sentiment that, while this republic holds out hands of welcome to every useful and valu able element among immigrants, it may be compelled in self-defense at some time In the future to consider soberly whether It will be helped or hurt by the tremendous inrush of un skilled laborers who have no Intention of taking out naturalization papers and becoming American citizens at any time. One consideration that Is making our people Impatient of hard work is the example of riches quickly made through the semi-gambling activities. Men whose fathers would have died rather than live on bread they had not earned .find themselves willing to be taken care or, by the government perhaps, or by "the party," or by their more fortunate or industrious relatives. Such drones know nothing of the satisfaction of him who "scorns delights and lives laborious days," who can hold his bead high and say bo has earned his right to live, and -whoso death Is thus not a debt paid to nature, for he owes her nothing. Itobert E, Peary Is about to make another dash for the pole. During the last twelve years Commodore Perry has made six voyages to the frozen north. It Is a life of hustle the minute tho far north Is reached. There Is no time, nor Is it safe to sit down and think of the work that lies beyond. These men, like the "Wandering Jew," must keep going on and on, because rest means danger from the apathy en gendered by the awful cold. In this land of Ice and snow and desolation, there Is another element almost ap palling, and this Is tho Intensity of the fearsome silence, which oeems like some gruesome- specter phantom, white and ghostly, which hovers over the wist expanse of lifeless, colorless sur roundings. A trip to the north pole Is nn outing that takes a man of abso lute nerve 'and freedom from fear to contemplate. IIo who ventures Into this dangerous country takes his life In his hands. And yet men have for gotten all trials, have put aside every human attachment, and, leaving the land of comfort and pleasure, hare Foot by foot the old Brown home stead, for many years a landmark on the Baltimore and Ohio Katlroad at Brown Station, Pa., is being raised to the top of a bluff, a distance of 150 feet The lot on which the bouse stood OLD BROWN HOMESTEAD. was recently purchased by the Balti more and Ohio Itnllroad from Samuel Brown. To preserve this home of three generations Mr. Brown had this gigan tic task started, which Is considered one of the most remarkable engineer ing feats ever undertaken by local contractors. The amount of money and labor Involved In raising the struc ture would build two modern houses. Pittsburg Dispatch. He Detested a OunnibnL A fat man walked Into the restau rant and, after knocking down a few hats while hanging up his own, sat as much of himself down as the only vacant teat In the room would hold. He grabbed a piece of the bread that had come with his right-hand neigh bor's order nnd began to munch on It. Then he looked for the bill of fare. The mlnjstcrlal-looklng man on his left was reading It. The fat man leaned over on him and began to read It too. How's them pork chops and apple sauce?" he mumbled between mouth ful of bread. The ministerial-looking man said nothing and edged bis chair a little farther away. Just then the waiter appeared wltb a bowl of bean soup for a patron on the other side of the table. "Hey, waiter," bawled the fat man. "bring me one o' tbem soups and hurry up about It, will yer?" The ministerial-looking man heaved a slgb of relief. "Thank goodness, sir!" ho said, turn ing to the fat man. "I was so afraid you were going to order pork. I de test a cannibal." New York Bun. against time township road commissioners. At the same time the district attorney has prepared an Indictment against the county commissioners for negligence In making repairs upon a county road. Here Is an excellent precedent which can wvll he fol lowed generally In other counties. It Is a practical good roads movement which Is sure to produce excellent results Tl.o township road commissioners or supervisors and the county commissioners are charged with the duty of seeing that the roads are In good condition. They are liable to punishment It they fall lu their duty. When a number of them have felt the haud of the law because of their neglect of duty, their fellows everywhere are likely to mako haste to avoid a similar fate. The Importance of good roads can not be over-estimated. Those who voluntarily assume the otitce of securing them and theu fall to properly fulfill their duties are entitled to no consideration. They are guilty of an Injury to the public of no light character, nnd their mal feasance richly deserves punishment Pittsburg Press. mm Labor and Capital. & T goes without saying that neither capital nor labor can be turned to any practical or lasting good unless there Is co-operation. One cannot be successful without the help of the other, but labor has regarded Itself as "ground down" for so many years tliat m:nj- workmen have been educated to the belief that the employer Is the arch enemy of the laboring man. This belief Is due largely to the fact that capital has been wise, while labor has been Ignorant Capital has grasped opportunities and strengthened Its post tion, while labor, through poor advice and narrow-minded antipathy, has spent its best efforts In glorifying a martyr dom which Is mostly of Its own making. Capital Is stronger to-day than It has been for some time, because It has combined Its strength, and worked toward a common end. Labor has combined and has worked at cross purposes with Its own best Interests. An evidence of this Is the silly, expensive and disastrous sympathetic strike system. It labor has profited In a small way through this system. It has lost In a large way by It, because the prln clple which denies one man the right to earn a living be cause another man thinks he has a grievance. Is utterly wrong. Money Is a very Important factor In the world, and the possession of great wealth Is what gives the employer class Its Influence, but labor does not seem to realize that It possesses a capital which Is quite as Important as money The capital of labor Is skill In the trades which make the Industries of the country. But the strength of this canltal has been scattered, through Improper organization. Brook lyn Times. Common Sense In the Ministry. flSHOP ISAAC JOYCE tald to the Methodist conference nt South Bend., Ind.: "I do not wish to be put down as against the theological schools, but I do wish those schools wonld In troduce a new chair and call It the cbalr of common sense. It is neded in the training of young men for the ministry." Standing alone, this seems harsh. But Bishop Joyce went on to explain that something more than a theological education was needed to make a good preacher. He con tended that in a good many cases too much book learning eliminated the traits of character that made the old-fashioned preachers of the Methodist Church strong la the pulpit and a power outside. He urged that there be a cultivation of the spirit that would make the preacher In fact the shepherd of his also those traits of character and that zeal nnd common sense that made the pioneer pulpit a powcr.-chlcigo Inter ucean. Longevity Is Increasing. CTUAIUKS, men who make a study of sta tistics relating to life snd death, say that man's years are gradually growing longer. These actuaries of great Insurance compan ies should certainly know what they are talk ing about. They are not accustomed to deal In geiiet-aiizmluns. When they say a thing It has all the cer tainty that figures can give It, and figures, according to the proverb, don't He. Emory McCllntock and others of these statisticians declare that a person now living may rea sonably expect to have a longer period of life than those of even a decade ago. Better hygiene, more thorough knowledge of self-care. purer water, more thorough drainage, less drinking of liquor all these thlnga and many others have combined to make the twentieth century man a finer physical product than existed a generation ago. The American people are be coming mora temperate and more Intelligent It Is no longer the fad for our women and girls to be puny and delicate. Short skirts, wheeling, rldlug, golfing, walking, swimming, fencing, even boxing, have contributed to make the coming mothers of the race fit to bear strong sons aud daughters. Physical culture Is now a part of our public school system and a part of the dally life of most men and women of Europe and America. Hence, we are gradually beginning to live longer. W may do even better. If we will. New York Dally News. T Teach the Girls to Cook. O the average woman a practical knowledge of the art of cooking will be worth a dozen "nlo gles." Such an accomplishment will make her the unquestioned uitstrees of her own house hold, Instead of the helpless servant of incom Detent servants, as manr woman am nnu-aitara Unno It la true that mothers should teach their daughters the mysteries of the culinary art as well aa how to per form other household duties. It Is unfortunately quite as true that many mothers cannot do this because they do not themselves know how to cook, while others do not from motives of false pride. While In the Interest of the better physical development of the girls In the public schools, fewer rather than more studies should be required, the study of cooking Is of so practical a nature and Its acquirement so necessary to their own welfare and that of their future households, that It deserves attention. No other land under the sun la so bountifully provided witn tne necessaries or gooa living as the United States. yet It Is probable that In no other country Is there so much waste as among ourselves; while bad cookery Is resDonst ble for the existence of a host of dyspeptics. Good cooking snouiu mean not oniy a roamed decrease In the expend! ture of multitudes of homes, but an equally marked Im provement In the health and comfort of their Inhabitants. Philadelphia Bulletin. frH,,(,..(..H.-rt-e-t.4-t I money Itv Hint wny mm to marge i" . I 1 Ainevlcnii pulilK! iniiiseriuiiniiieiy wim GOOD I' ...pi, i.,.k f brain Is lllllu less tlinn libelous, lint tnkn the above quoted Item seri ously: U'l ua sen how the oxpenillltno nt Hnn Francisco nimpnrea with what tho American pulillo Is really doing In tho wny of money spending ror n hko period. Tho Young Men's Christian Associa tion of America l composed of only n snmll portion of the American public, fShortJtofiejj 4 -H"f -H A llltlo girl thus dcscrllicd n dachs hund she had aeeni "It was olio of those funny oues you know, tho ones Hint nro a dog and n hnlf long and half n dog high. You must know tho im( n )lnl,t during IINU over f:i,UOO,x0 sort. It Is n dog Hint only hits Tour in its work In this country, 'inn nctuni legs, but looks ns If It ought to linvo ngnros show Hint on an average tlio six," society spent III one Sunday iUT,lH.1, or I.ulgl Aidltl, under the guidance of almost twice tho amount spent by tho his pupil, Mine. Vnllerln, nnd her bus- above newspaper's "American public" IhuuI, ohco pnld n visit to HtmiroiM-on- on tho unn roiuuco ngni. Avon, where ho wns shown nil tho rel- It enn bo snfely estimated Hint on eonneeted with tho Immortal the Sunday following the t'orbett-Jor- Hhnkspenro. "Ah," exclenlnied tho en- fries light tho American public went thuslastlc conductor, when matters to church and deposited in tno money wero explained to him. "Hhnkvero, collection box hundreds of times the Itoinoo tl u ottn. Mncbet. Hamlet. In mount pain tno pugilists. Ah! I understand, zo librettist." It Is reasonably certain that on Hie When the skeleton of the first gorilla night of that light the American public brought to Europe by Paul du Ohnlllu - the greater portion or i loin wing nt wns on show In I-oudmi. tl.o public terly Indifferent lo the Hnn ....... .i i ,...i,,n,.,i ,,f rant, nffnlr wero paying admission to con. I'li Inln ttiikn at Ann- wrote to Du cens. iei-uin-. i.ikiii ........ flock; that would enable him to appreciate Hint those who come to hear hint havo heartaches aud ure looking for con solatlou, for comfort lu affliction, for something to strength en them In well-doing, as well as for a correct theological presentation of church doctrines. There Is force lu this. Certainly the preacher should hnve common sense, sympathy, and power to console aa wen na to convince. The old-fashioned Drenchers wero not given to much teudeniess lu the treatment of transgres sions, but they understood human naturo.aud they preached mo gospel in a way to bo effective. ihclr experience In life enabled them to take a common sense vlow of conditions on the frontier. Thev were preachers not always because of their educational ciuln- ment. but because of their fitness for their work and their zeal in It. Lducation makes the preacher only In furnish Ing a better equipment to resell the hesrts of men. Tho old preachers were at a dlsndvantago through lack of training. Tho prenchors of the later day havo what was denied to the pioneer preachcra, but they must have-fuimilhi tttul on such and audi a day performances hundreds of times In ex Mm Dnkn nf Arifvll immosod to visit cess or tne amount luiigw lor i.y w..r il,. mirllla " Du Chnlllii. who was of n belt and Jeffries. very quick temper nnd refused to be There Isn't the fnlntest doubt In tho pntronlzcd. nt once wrote back that world that on tho night of the ring tho gorilla was to be seen every day contest In question hundreds of thou- between certain hours, and that If the "and of American people, most of link., ,,f Aruvll .inwnlivl Ids cant ho them oblivious of tho pugilistic en would no doubt be admitted llko the counter, took trolley car rides for rest of the nubile. wlilcli tuey paiu a grenier nggreguio .. , ,,. i,,.i.i.,i sum inn ii was rnmeii on nj wie ran Uiubet's huiublo bruther-ln-law, whom an enterprising Interviewer culled upon llrectly after the French President's election. "How did you take the hows?" asked the Interviewer. "Oh, fairly well; without nny rejoicings, of iuriK. Now, hero am I, for example. an Ironmonger; In what way do you suppose It will benefit tno that my brother-lulaw Is President of the re public? Why, this very morning I re colved three letters from peoplo beg ging mo to get them government to bacco shops. That Is the only adrant ngo that tho election will bestow upon me. People fancy Hint I hnvo Infill nee. anil I shall therefore bo worried During his last years, Pope who had done so much for his relatives In i financial way, found It necessary on several occasions to refuse tho requests of his nephews for further aid. Tho wife of one of theso nephows Is said tealants. It would not be straining the truth to say that good, wholesome American girls aud young women. Innocent of pugilistic lore, ate enough Ico rrram on tho night of that fight to net n sum far In excess of tho Zll.tss) which tho above paper Is so mournful about. In comparison with what tho Ameri can public Is really spending lu a legit imate way the pecuniary Item of tho Knu l-'ranclsco prize fights sink Into ridiculous Insignificance. And by con templating Hie comparisons tho Injus tice of the statement above quoted Is realized. - Burlington Hawkeye. A member of a party sent out by the Mmtthannlnti I ( 1 1 II I lull III fha i-nrtv to have undertaken to get some money dlflltc, , ,,,, , of from him. She solicited an Interview and, having obtained It, said: "Holy l-'nther, I come to seek your advlco. I am poor. I have a largo family, and, alas) I am In debt. I have beeu gifted y heaven with a good voice, and the proprietor of a music hall has offered mo a largo salary to appear on his stage and sing n few simple songs Ought I to accept the offer?" "Cer tainly." replied his Holiness; "nnd I only regret that my official position will not allow mo to be present at your debut.' WANTED TO SELL HIS CROWN. The Worm Tarns, "You're forever trying to give tho Impression that you're a martyr,1 snapped Mrs. Henpeck. "I suppose you want everybody to think that you suffer in silence." "No," replied Mr, Henpeck, "I suffer In tho perpetual absence of silence. A little silence would be a positive pleas ure to me." Philadelphia Press. Wise is the man who can recall a previous engagement when re receives disagreeable Invitation. King of Hawaiian Islands Was Tired of Helns a Sovereign, Half a century ago the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Islands came near be ing disposed of to the highest bidder among the powers of the world, his majesty, Kamebameha III., having set his heart on getting rid of a crown which, to him, was one of thorns, and to give the islands Into the bargain says the Honolulu Commercial Adver tlser. This Interesting statement was made at the annual meeting of the Hawaiian Historical Society, when Prof. W. D. Alexander read a hitherto unpublished portion of the dairy of Mrs. Laura Fish Judd, wife of the bate Dr. Judd and grandmother of Albert F. Judd. The matter read by Prof. Alexander was clearly within the Intimate knowl edge of the writer and was to have been published In ber book, printed in the '80s, but for some reason was withheld from Its pages at the last moment Prof. Alexander read directly from the manuscript of Mrs. Judd, about as follows: "Kamehameba III. set his heart on disposing of the Islands. He wanted to sell his crown to the highest bid der In the world, no matter who of fered. When he sent his commission to France he furnished Dr. Judd wltb power to make the best bargain pos sible for the disposal of the group, She saw with her own eyes the documents which the king had drawn up and she felt that the strongest proof of the king's trust In Dr. Judd was In this strange proceeding. Mrs. Judd says that she was very glad Dr. Judd had no occasion to make use of the docu mints In the manner Intended. Bhe added that under the administration of President Pierce the Hawaiian kingdom was looked upon with favor and the road to Washington was very short" The following were his majesty's reasons for selling the Islands; First. His subjects were decreasing In num bers. Second. The superior civiliza tion was bringing In foreigners who would socn displace the natives. Third, he did not desire a repetition of such treatment as be received from Ixrd George Paulet. Queen Pomare, hav ing lost her possessions to a world power, the king felt that he would meet the same fate, and that he es caped such a fate was only through the good offices of the United States. Fourth, the foreign element was In creasing and became more difficult to control, and the government would eventually be controlled by foreigners, The king expected liberal terms at bis auction tale, and the monetary re imbursement expected was to be suf ficient to recompense the young princes and other members of the royal fami lies for their loss of titles, enabling them, however, to travel and obtain educations abroad and to place tbem beyond want. The king became so Im portunate that be wanted Dr. Judd to charter a certain schooner and go to Panama and thus across to Wash ington as soon as possible, to com mence bartering the Islands. Mrs. Judd remarks that It was not strange that the young prince, heir apparent to the throne, was opposed to the meas ure. The document needed the signa ture of the young princes. His majes ty was determined upon obtaining tbclr signatures, when bo suddenly became 111 and died soon after. At the request of his successor, Kamebameha IV., the document held by Dr. Judd was nulli fied, and reciprocity negotiations were entered into In 1855, which, however, did not materialize until about twenty- two years later. HOW EAQLE8 FIGHT. A Farmer Describe a Furious fcr lis Saw In Vlrulnla. On a recent evening 'a small party of gentlemen, most all of whom had tinges of sporting proclivities In their blood, were discussing the subject of chicken fighting and generally regret ting Its decadence as a bright feature In the realm of sport An old farmer from Rappahannock County, Virginia broke Into the conversation. "Gentlemen," said he, "In my time I have seen some bang-up chicken fights, some be-yu-tl-ful ones, but the greatest fight I ever saw between birds In all my born days was a con test between a bald eagle and a gray eagle near my place In Itappabannock. "This fight took place on the bank of the river. I couldn't forget It If I lived to be as old as Metbusaleh, I was the only spectator, and saw the struggle from start to finish. The bald eagle had caught a muskrat and was about to eat It for breakfast, when the gray eagle soared down and attempted to rob the other one of Its prey. Then commenced the combat, and, Lord, how the feathers flew! They fought wltb wings, beaks and talons, and I could hear the talona crack when they struck and tore each other. The aounda made by their wings as they buffeted one another were like explosions ot musketry, while their screams and yells sounded demoniacal. The battle lasted fully fifteen minutes and wound up with a victory for old baldy, who drove tho gray eagle away and then resumed his Interrupted breakfast. "Oh, yes, there are a great many eagles up In my part of the State," said the old agriculturist In reply to a ques tion. "There are plenty of high rocks and lofty trees whereon they build their nests. We farmers do not give them nny latitude, however. When ever one of these big birds Is seen soar ing about the poultry yard, or, In fact, anywhere on the farm. It's 'Jobnnl get your gun,' because It not .Infre quently happens that good-sized chick ens, young lambs or little pigs are car ried away by tbem, so they're very un welcome visitors. I know a gentleman whose little son, a boy about 0 years of age, was attacked by an eagle, and but for the promptness of some of the farm hands In coming to ble rescue the child would have been carried away lcyond a doubt. Washington Kventng Star. Hnsnr as an Article of XJIet, As tbero Is alwsys a peculiar satis faction In the consciousness that duty agrees wltb Inclination, and that the action which Is pleasurablo Is at the same time advantageous, people with a sweet tooth wilt be glad to learn of the high rank In respect of Its food value which the modern physiologist accords to sugar. For many years the Idea prevailed that sugar was a lux ury, serving no other purpose than to please tho palate, not supplying any substantial 'nourishment to the body, and more likely to Impair than to pro mote the health. Experiment and ob servation have demonstrated the un soundness of these opinions, and scien tific physiology now teaches that su gar Is a substance whose nutritive qualities ore Incomparable, and that It Is an Indispensable aid to manual la bor and one of the beat agents for maintaining the body in health and vigor which a bountiful nature has provided. This Is tho conclusion to which the scientific Investigator has been led by raucn paueut resenrcn, supplemented by experimentation on men and ar mals. Philadelphia Inquirer. Engagement Bracelet. Designers have been busy with love affairs and their symbols. The en gagement ring will probably nqvor lose us ravor, mit tnero are now several novelties In the way of engagement gifts that vie with the ring for popu larity. A pretty Idea Is the curb bracelet with tho heart clasp In which reposes the portrait of tho giver. IB Informed. Mr. Upjohn I wish you would tell Kathleen that sho cooks her steaks too much. Mrs. Upjohn You aro three girls late, John. The name of the present one is Mollle. What has become of tho old fashion. ed woman who referred to her enemy as "an old gump?" When a mother lays down a rule. Its effect Is about as lasting as (he curfuw law. W0E8 OF THE MILLIONAIRE. Dealer Trr to Chare Htia Three 1'rlcet for Kverj thlus. Colorado, recalls an experience the memory of which, ho assures hi friends, still makes his hair tingle at tho roots. This Is hi story: I had left the party for an all-day exploration on my own account, aud nt four o'clock In the afternoon I wns worklug gingerly along a ledgo w hlcli projected from the wall of the canon. It was a dizzy spot, with the rocky walls running straight down to the river bed. I came at last to n break In the ledgo -a sort of vertical split lu the wall of tho canon. It was about tlv feet across, aud a tree grew on the other side, rooted hard and fast among the crannies. "I.urkr Ihlnir." said I to "To b a millionaire I not all Joy." mj.0fi ..,,, ,,, trr9 , ht.n Rnd nis i.,uuu crnbblng a branch that stuck out In my direction, 1 swung myself across to the ledge nn the other side of the gap. Well, I started along all right hut Inside of two minutes I ramo lo Iho end of tho ledge. There wns nothing to do but go lack, and back I went. When I got to the gap once more, I he said, getting out of motor car. "Tho deuce It Un't" 'Well. It Isn't." "Why Isn't It?" "On account of the way everybody plies It on you In the matter of price, l or Instance, this morning a dentist sent my wife's bill for 1150. He f,.it Ju,t i10 way an animal must feel iiiiku i nun uiutu iu uvr 11111, ami uiu ,vien It Is caught III a liox-trnp. tun seems exorbitant, l am ou my til ir.. hr u-i.ii-h I imit .mmn- m.. way now to get anoiuer iicntlsfs opin- cf neroi wns now on my side of Ion on It. aud this other fellow will t,o ledgo. nnd furnished mo no mom certainly cnarge me for nis oavico, and help In getting back than If It hadn't no may ue, iiiniiermore, a rrienn or been there. tne nrst mans, and on account of i knew that no humnn help would friendship he may say tho bill Is all ever reach me. so I lust hail to rllinr r'Kht-" to tho rough wall and trv to uinkn un nuiv (iruToamg. ,iv m w to iumn across from u nhr. Isn't It? I hnve lo bind everybody row lodirn to tin. other, rlirht mros 1 do business with down to a cou- nn open space with a dron of four ' lrnei. i mess i say, viow now iiiucii hundred feet and nothing but rocks be- aro you going to cnsrgi-7 nrnw up low me. n paper, l-ut it ilown In black and A hundred limes I hud my mind all wrlle'-unless I fence myself In with niado'liii. hut everv tlmo I looked down 1 .. . . . I ' - - " every precaution, i am neeciit on nil Into the canon my courage failed. sines. necuuHe 1 am n millionaire It wns very nearly dark before I peoplo Inko mo for a fool. They think Jumped. I run remember even now they can cliarge mo double, treble nud how mr nulls scrnned across the nn-k quadruple. I m In hot water with when I atteiniitcd to retnln a foothold mem an 1110 lime. on ii10 other side. Mv fVet wer.. all 'Ilemcmbcr." he went on, "that JS allvo with tlncllmr nerve n th..v pair of shoes you showed me last slipped over tho gravel on tho ledgo, month? Well, I went to your boot- hut when I found Hint I wns standing milker nnd ordered a pair Just llko safely nn the other aide, I felt warm all mom, nnu wnen the inn came homo over nt first, nnd then, although It was It was for I5. I had made no con- a hot day. I had a real chill, and shook iraci. jieuee 1 nau to pay up. as If I had tho ague. uociors nnu lawyers cliarge me iremeimou r.iies. j noy (ion t gain PU88 IN THE LION'8 DEN, iii,iiuk 11 ,i, inn iiit-jr Km., nioro than I do, at tliat. I keep changing Mttla Cat IaaUted on Using Friends from one to another. But it does mo wiin iier ing conein. no good. They're alt alike. Tiny, n pet cat at Glen Island, was "When I go to buy a horse I leave "con oue morning mewing plteously un- my own carriage, three or four blocks I('f t"Ke containing a largo lion. She away, and I make my purchase before "ad been Injured, and hopped ubout on revealing my namo, How mad the "ireo legs, For comfort, or perhaps dealers look when they hear my namo companionship, she crawled Into the wnen uiey perceive thnt they hnve "on l'"B n'i began to make herself given reasonable rates to a well-known nt home. The Hon opened bis eyes wldo millionaire! But It's seldom I get tho w"n wonder at the presumption, then bettor of a bargain In this way." tor 'mo paid no more attention to 1'iiiiaaeipma itecora, n imn n suo nau uceu a uy. A keeper took a long-handled broom FEW PAY THE PUGILISTS- "' tried to shove her out, of the cage. I Thl Hnn tiniil.ul n.,,1 l.t. ' .l.nnA Their Lara Income Do Not Cosn wlckidlv. Tlnr al.H1 tnnr.l tho II, from the Public at Lsrrs. . .. . . ' 7V. - -- 1 "When the American public will r,, wu?" '" cat ,,,row 0,lt "Is paw to $33,000 to one man for tho sake of see- 1 , , T ,7l laH,"s 1,10 "on a" Ing him bit another man In the pit of ,y U) ,,,?y' ''l0 wa" "p '" n Beco"d' the stomach and will pay tho other f ,cl'l"i,in ue n"w between man H.0OO for the sake of seomg him "tr ' ,"y 'T '? 1 ll011b" ' receive the blow It 1. evident tl a K"' ' rfm 1 V" T"lc,lt tl,u there la amoln n.-M in i.i.i. .. . Injured kitten and the lion wero lllrlno- .,,,.!.. ,.. inenas. most strennon. .ii .. . ' "fterward took a shine to the tho good causes that tu nnn li . . poInr l,tar nn1 wled between the have promoted ,M baH of 41,8 ieD but tlle be lo nt The above Darairran), I. n.i .... " '' cumoeu up ino rounds Of the Iowa mmer. ,ii.-.i ,u" "' ,UD re" ol unv 11 Unlna naaa. t. TW- w l .... I " " iv , a,olU0s uegistcr Tho ,, 0... ,,., ., ,,, , nnu meaner anu in others to th nn. , 1 . . ': " K 0.s',inaet,theTA0me:l,Ub,0 W P 3 nTnaVttVi'' B.i"b "C.. Flutcbed the end of Tiny', tal. and bit Insignificant and malt i.. ..7. -" " nu impress, " invvuouij UVJUIIU. i.uou w. i popu anon ot tne grcnt Shirts Made In Ol( Minutes, riuouc wn cn contributed to tho pe- At Troy a linen shirt Is made In sir Zn . . "'! fac-bcn"'" l and half nilnutcsi the working of the .vow, a.,u vi..L-i.i'uu nennm imtfniiii,,!, r,..,,,,!.,. A..A.n,,nHiAn aa a i-nli ,r. (,. .... i.i. . .--. .-.....- vi.vuj.iv. v.iv-.juu. iv v. - - ..... ..v wv viiiiiiiiu iu squauuer i minute,