Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 23, 1903, Image 3

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Dr. I.mvo ociilo-optlclnn Hunenc,
Tim IiuhI hIiocm at. I. II. PhvIiIhoii'm
W, D. (Inriunii was down loUiniilH
1'uhm Monday.
Illly Vlllll' Mt'llOol MlippllCH it tliu
KiikIo llnnk Hlore.
Itlllpll Whipple IIIUlll' II tlllHl lll'HM
I rip In r:ttg;cmi Tuesday.
A illiilltv u( Mi'lffli'd mcciI wheal for
Mil Id hi tin) Cnttaue (Irovu I'loitr
Wanted, ii few pupils In music or
IiiiIiiIIiilc, I iv Mrn. l!, A, tniiiiiliiir.
.'Ill illp
Andy Nelson miiiI hum vInKimI Mr.
Nelson's parents In i: I wihi Sunday
Uiiil Miiiiilny.
I'Mvn hundred dollurr, In ncIiooI
IiiioIih llllll HCllllol suppllci III (ho
Haul" Hook Htmn.
It. A.-tioodliui', tcprcscutluu; tliu
Commercial Cmim Company of Hn
loin, h'iih In tlio city Thursday.
"I . .
stoves & itAJsraass
We Imvc jiwl received co-nplele Shipment ci
Cull mill See Tlicm nnd (jet I'rlccs.
j Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors.
fnf j vjr-.ji up vfrifr-ifT-r-ir-ijrvt xx-rjr vyi vji ij.' ijtijr-vtT-vri -vp
Popular novels the very latent
nt tin Mania Honk More. Voil call
buy llii'in mitrlKlit or rent llii'iu.
School children inn liliiili" Inippy In
buying their school Inn ikM.Ml at Ii ini-ry.
pens iiml Pencils nt tlm Knxle lloolt
llook Hloro.
Ilcrselicl A 1 1 Ih hi . while practicing;
f 1 1 1 liitll. (ell nml run it null through
tliu piilin ol Ids Imiiil, causing u very
painful wound.
Kur n pliMmiiit physic take Clninibcr
Iain's Hlonuich and l.lvcr Tablets, Knuy
In take. I'li'ii-niii In ellVi't. I'ur hm lit
by Tin Modern Pharimiey .
Mih. i'. 1). Wheeler went to Hull-in
Moniliiy to 'ilii'iul tin Nfule Convcn
t It ii nt tin. Womicii'h i Ii r lt tan I'nloii.
The niblrocH of Mih. Wheeler before
llio convention u'lll tin liiiinil In an
other column, II Ih mi imiIIii'iihIuhIIu
mill well chosen hiIiIi-i'mh mill ex
Pivmbi'h words of trii'li mil to bit
doubled by liny mill nIioiiIiI Iki rend
by everyone who Iiiih the liitcrt'Mt of
luminal heart,
Cy IIImkIiuiii. t lit I'. H. lire warden,
who Iiiih been up In tin Cascade
mountains looklnu afler 1 lie limber
of Uncle Hum. returned homo IiihI.
Huliirilay. Mr. Ilhighum bronchi to
IIIIH Olllcil HOIIte Vl'1'.V Mill' Specimens
of k 'I'll iipplrH grown on tliu KIk
iIoii iilui-i' up on tln military i-oiul,
iilOO fcrt abme tlm sea level. I'hcv
lire beauties.
0. V. Ilnulforil, I lie photographer,
In now located at llosehitrg, lie Iiiih
all tlm negatives lie miiili' In Cottage'
tirove. Anyone winning more
pictures from them or wnutlug cu-1 '' '' VVhccler Iiiih accepted a posl
largcd lilcttircM will please inlitn.HMl Hon iih book ki'i'pur In tlio I'irst Nat
tutu at itoscimrg, tnctroii. All tun II loiiui iiiiin.
), K, I'iiIIIhoii, wlin Iihh been book
keeper In I he I'lrHf Nulloiiul Hunk,
for Him piiHl .vciir, Iiiih reHlgned IiIh
IiohIIIhii, ami arri'pli'il ii "hollar one
Willi the I'nrlllr Timber Co. ul How-burg.
(.'.V Illllglluill, wbo Iiiih been III til"
IiIIIh iih I'oti'Ht Hanger for the past
lour iiioni iih, returned to hih home
bint Siiluribiy.
Ntucivr IIiihhcII, of llaMHeii llroH.
dry goods store, spent Humbly wild
Ii Im iiiiillier In the Drove.
Mih Nellie I'eriuau, who Iimh been
III Portland for Hie I'UHt two weekn,
returneil lionie Friday.
Mrn. i;. 11. Alimor.v anil ilmiKblerx,
of ICiiKenu are victim? Iter mother,
Mrn. ('. II. I'utterHOli.
Mih. V, c. London and duuulitcr
left for I'lirlland, where they will re
iniilii In the future.
ordeiH will rerolverurefnlmiil prompt I
atteiitlon, c. W. Ilrudforil. I
('. T. Miller preHenteil the NiiKicet
olllce with Home ulie llnrllelt penrn. 1
(IruveiiHtlne anil Wuxtou iionleH I
J'ull anil be hIiowii 'Krown on hid rmndi about four iiiIIuh I
The book recently liublUheil by the
Amrrlcnn llook nml lllble IIoiihi on
"OrK'inlteil Labor", .lolin Mltehell,
prcHldent of tliu American I'cilcrntlon
i.iinor, am nor, ih one oi me ni'Ht
bookH on the Hiibjeel of orKmlu'il
labor yet imbllHheil. The work Ih In
every detail a complete and conrlw
Mtntemeiit of the prcnent con II let be
tween labor mul capital, ami while
.Mr. .Mitchell naturally iIIhcuhfm the
ipii'Ktlon considerably on the Hide of
labor, yet lilHarKumeiitHontberlKlilH
of canllnlaie tierfectly falr.amlabove ,
all tldnuH Mr. Mltehell Im u HtroiiK 1 ("5
advoeate of the Htrlct oliHervanpe of 1 Tft
exIitlliK lawH. II Ih a book that fjjs
everyone hIioiiIiI read and Httiil.VijW
elonely. Mrn. .1. T. HeHpaln, AkimiI. Tft
I !4J
'I'he C. M. A. football team m
WedneHilay evenlli)? met and decided I fOi
to illHbaud the ori;anlr.atliin. 'I'lic . I j
inemberH will accept pohIIIoiih with l og.
the Co tin Re Orove IiIkIi wdinol foot-,W
bull team. There neeiiiM to Im- emi
Hhlerable dllllculty In KeltbiK a'.tf
eliunce to play othcrwlHe. j 'ft
lleHt creamery butter. "I'mii tier-! So
cial" butter made at Halem won Int ;r
premium al. State I'Vilr thin year. If
vrili il'iiiil lintli.r flint. Im ii I ii'fi i h I tisi
irenh ami full weight, Junt order a 'IjJ
wiuaro of your uriK'or. Uy
A content on the Krldlron next ffji
.Saturday betwei-n the CottiiKe ffl
Orove IIIkIi Sidiool ami the (iiiiin
Norinul. It will lie highly entertain-1 m
to all. Don't forget to attend.
(feo V. I.loyil returned Moudiiy fft J
from the On-Kon Mineral .SprlnjcM i jm '-
wheiv he bad been for wveral days vCJ yli"
taking the IiiiIIih. He returned very
til licit improved.
Dry Goods, Cloaks, Skirts.
Fall Dress Goods
Are now In and we are hIiowIiik by far
the largest line of Dthmh OnodHi-ier hIiowii In
C'ottiiKe Orove in rill the new Htyleti. Wo
know that we run plenne you In Drenn (loodn
mid WiilNtlnifH.
New Fall Styles.
Our speciality Ih Ladles Heady to Wear
HklrlHand Wulntn. People are tiuyliiK remly
liiaile rooiIh more every year, and renlbiltiK
thin we will carry a full Htoek. all the time,
of up to date kooiIh.
Shirt Waists and Wraps.
The prices on skirts ranjje
$2.25 to $7.75
from I A new line of the! latest Waists at
$1.50 up.
We also carry for the first time a full line of Misses Skirts.
residence loin In all
Nice, cheap
uarlH of town.
around. Medley ,t Milne, cor. L'm!
mill Main SIm , Cot tune Orove.
'1'. It. Parker Ih HiIh week bulldliiir
bin new oeu nnd rellttliiK the build
lutr for bis new bakery, when done It
rf ll be lli'Hl cIuhhIii every particular.
'X men wanted by (lie lloolli
Iselley Lumber Co. at HiikIiiiiw, On'.,
to work In yards mid woods. In
quire of I'. H, Walker. MuluNl. near
depot., Collate Drove.
Stock, Kraln and fruit farms, hiiiiiII
places for u'urdens ami clilrkeu nils.
Iiik. also timber lands for Mile or
trade by Medley .V Milne, cor, 'inl &
Main StM., Cottaue drove.
Court llohemla, No. X. Forresters
Of America will give a smoker on the
uveuliiKof I'rlday. Oct. iv. A kooiI
time Ih promised mid nil tlieiiiembeis
ate reiinesteil to Ih- plTsenl anil lend
lliclr aid In uiiiklui; this the crown
IllK event of the season,
Dr. T. II. Ford, of Huki'iic, w'II
bold the llrst quarterly nicethiu for
the conference year ill tin M -til list
church. The hh-cIiiI Kcrvlcc will
consist of Hucraiiieuial lu the iiioru
ItlK. I.ove I'Vast In the afternoon,
ami evmiKcllHtlc services at nli(lit.
Dr. Ford will occupy the pulpit both
lliorilliuc and eveutllK.
Tlu'C. M. A. football team went
down to ItoseburK Inst Fnilay and
on Saturday plnicd the llo-eliuru;
bllth whoiil. iieltlier side seorbnt. A
tr.iout kiiiiiu will Is- pln.ii'd on
'l'hmikKli Iiik ibiy nnd If I lie Niikkim
was penult led to lie! would w iikt
a llrst iIhhs nli; hKiii Huh I oltni;,
I Jr. , vi. whim I to ijiiiue
above tow a. The Oraveiisllne upplcH
hit nuiKUlllcleiit mid the llarllett
pears, Mr. Miller Informs us. me
sccillhiK' but they are all rlKht.
S...'li.,.u ill f l ('Imii.iI, , in. vl
.Sunday botb iiioriilni; and erenbiK. ! ,''I,,H,
I Subject inornlnir, "Wash Your Feet:" vImUiI with
I I'.vetilnir. '-oiH'dl ." Appropriate I h
(''rank Whipple, of lllackbutte,
HpentJSiiiulay with his niotbvr, Mi-h.
Itenily made shoes, llrst class In
II. A. Skcclx, of KiiKellc, passed very particular, tny perHonal unar
tlioiiKh tbeelty Momliiy on IiIh way anleo to inako ood any mid all de
to Dorenit. feetH ;oph with every pair sold. .1.
II. imviilHon.
,111 nh's
Mrs Iti hi nk' I,eslcr, of I'liKene. Ih
vlslllnn relatives In the city thin
Mrs. Willie Harris, of l!hrkbiittc.
sM'tit Saturday and Sunday In Cot
taue Orove the (Uest of Mrs. Clins.
Win. Musterson returned home lust
Friday from I'ortlmid where he at-
Miss Annie Olcsby
I day ami Sunday lit
' friends.
HK'iit Siiinr-i
F.iiKetie trlllt
tinisle will be reiidereil by the ehnlr.
I'.iTryone conllally Invited tout tend.
Dr. Oeo Wall mid II. II. Alexmider . addition.
went up to lllackbutte Wednesday
afternoon to intend a birthday din
ner when In honor '(d Mrs. W. II.
Dennis at thebeautlfi, Icoiintrv lionie
of Mr. nnd Mrs. DeinilH. MM I-nttersoit. of Kiit-ene,
I. I'. I mini n. I lit IiiihiIIiik lucrchntit ' I ''!'.""; f,,r ,l 8llo,a Ht.v '' lier
of l.oranc, Is pit'iarltiK to erect a mother.
Iwellluit In i:ueiie In which plure he u,.. Hisby Is erect lug a nine room
iniiteliiplateH uioilni; In Ihe near ilwellltiK on the south hull of his lot.
future. i
Mr. ami Mrs. Illsbop. oi Portland,
have Ihvii vUIiIiik Srn. Itlshop's
sister, Mrs. .I i ilm Barker,
Mrs. .I. I' Osiraiuler went to Kit
uene Wediicsdiiy. Miss Nina will lie
company her liuiiie.
The resilience of John Oraber in
the northwest part of (own Is nenr
llur eiiliiiilelliui. Huveii'l licnril for
"Markley. of Cuxeno, (Hiire whether .lolin will oecnpy it or! tended Orauil Lod);e. K. of I',
her mother Saturday ' not. i
i 1 All repairing mul nil shoes :;uar-
Oeo Kerry Is liiilldlnir a very neat mi leed to kIvc perfect salMactlon at
-J. j. .g- .j g -j C?-! C 'J 3 .v
Mr. 1.. I , Atidersott Ih erectinir ii , little cottaue on IiIh lot near the Mr
very neat four room house in .loncn i I arland lint le In the north went nart
i Win 1'ermmi wan truusactlni;
liusliiesH In HiiKene Tuesday.
I Prank Wheeler was a paist'iiKcr to
I KiiKf tic on Tuesibty'H train.
MIms Orpba Harms has accepted a
position In the Costal Telegraph
olllce at KiiKcue.
Mrs, i:.C. Lock wood returned from
a weck'M visit with relallves at
.Inaction city.
A. W. Short rldne was a pleaseut
eallerat tile XllKucl olllce Wedues-
Harry Clarke, of Alea Spur wn on
He' streets .Monday.
II Wilinni and wife left for Sen
Ii tr Tues-lii
T. C. Wheeler and wife visited
Kene the llrst of the week.
Otto Ilrowu mid Hob Illalr epeut
Siinilay In this city.
0. .1. Howard went to I'ortlmid
Tuesday on liusliiesH.
of the city.
Frank Woodruff, who Iiiih been In
the employ of the S. 1'. Co. for Home
. time past came home Monday.
limit-it Planter and son returned
I Momliiy from a several days visit
ultb relatives In Ix-bmion.
tiro. W I.loyil, of the Crystal Con
solldated Mlnlni; Co., left Thursday
j for HliKene on business.
I MIsh Ienora llenolt Iiiih acrepted a
position with the Crystal Coimoll
, dated Minim; Co.
I Oco. House and Itcrl Hart were
visitors to the county M-at the llrst
of the week.
Mrs. It. W. Welsh, of KiiKcne, In
vIsltlttK I-eltoy Woods ami family.
Darwin llrlstow was down to Ku
Kene Saturday and .Sunday.
I'rank .lordmi wan In Kllgeiie. Moil- I-ofwr's and inlner's sliars made
tiny mid Tuesday. i to onler at J. II. Davidson's.
Hen Lurch went down to Kui;riiu ' I. II. llliiKlimn returned from a
Tuesday. business trip to Portland.
,1. II. Davidson's.
WoulJ not interest you if vou're look
iitlfora i! u n ran teed .Salve for .Sure-,
llurns or Piles, Otto Dodd, of Ponder,
Mo. writes: "I puttered witli tin ugly
fore lor n year, but n Ijox of ISneklun's
Arnica Salvo cured me. It's the best
Salve on earth. '25c at New V.ri Drug;
Hood grade Angora nanny goats fur
sflleor will excluitige for cattle. Ad
dressJ. II. I law ley. Cottage Orove Ore.
gon. 4tp-35
lluke Slewnrt. of Star, was In town
Motida.v .
Itert l.tiw-Hoii was down to ICtiKei o
.1. A. Milne, of Marrola. On-., spent
Miiiuii.t in i linage.
O. o. Md'lellmi Hpent Tlnirsilny
ith Ills family.
Itev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark.,
writes, "For 12 years I suirensl from
Yellow Jaundice. I rnniMilttii n num
ber of physicians and tried nil snrtu of
medicines, but got no relief. Then I
began the lite of Klectrie Hitter and
feci that I hiii now ciiwl of a dia.e
that had me in its grasp for twelve
vears. it you want a reliable medicine
for Liver and Kidnev trouble, "toinarh
disorder or general debility, get F.tec
trir Hitters It's irnnranteed bv New
Krn Drug Mote Only60c.
j See the New Goods and Special Low Prices at g
IV. E. Elsea's
Cut jjriccs on Shoes, Clothing, Sewing machines w
Lace Curtains, Laces and Embroideries; Ribbons
and Millinery.
1.23, iip-to-daitc Styles U
Fine Groceries At Cost.
T. II. Supple came In yesterday
from lloswell spritiKH and left on the
midnight train for Portland on
business where he will remain for a,
week or ten ilay.
Wood and country produce taken in
exchange for photograjilm at Shanefelt
gallery. West Side.