Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 23, 1903, Image 1

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Devoted to the Milling. Lumbering niul I'arinliifr Interests of tills Community, to Good Government, nnd Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 39
P.J. lliinl Acquires Larue In
terest in the (irent linstern
Alining Co.
Lewis Iliullcy cmiic in (ram
Corvnllls WodiicMluy and informed
the Nugget tlmt lf. J. Hard pnt
chflfc'cd, Monday, 11 la rue inlcicst
111 the (Itenl I'.nsteru Mining Co's
property, 'flic Gicat Kasteru N
one of the largcit compnulcH incor
porated In the (list rit-t, having a
Ciipittllizatinu of ,350,01)0 and the
fact that Mr. Hard is making heavy
hivestmeiils in the piopcrty is good
evidence of the permanent values
therein. The hoatd of directors
held a special meeting immediately
lifter the cousiimmatiuu ol tlic deal,
niul elected Mr Hard president of
the company.
The Great Kasteru company have
over 1 .000 feet ot tunnels driven on
their claims 011 a ledge very rich in
,;old nnd arc steadily going
n head with their work.
Mr. Ilurd went on to Portland
from Corvallis hut will leturn to
the district In a few days. Mr.
Hiutley is manager of the Great
Kastcrn and went on into the dis
trict Thuisday morning. He in
forms us that every thing is in
.satisfactory condition and that
work will continue on the property
during the whiter.
Telegram's Account The Tct I'rotcJ
All That Was Ihpcctcu.
The experimental deinouslralions
with the new smelter fur.inces of
the Improved Mineral Smelting
Company, which have been con
ducted under the direction of C. I)
Williams and Maurice lllanchard,
inventors, on the grounds ol the
I.adds Metals Comp.tuy.Ht Oswego,
have proven very successful so far
as the working of the the furnaces
are concerned, it generating a heat
sufficient to fuse lire brick. During
the present week another lest run
will lie made to bring out the exact
cost of the method
Compactness, terrifie heat and
economy, with efficiency, arc the
points of excellency claimed (or the
new smelter, and that others than
the inventors arc alreac) convinced
thai the machine and methods are
a success is demonstrated bv the
fact that the Almcda Mining Com
p.iuy has already contracted for a
1000 ton plant, paying $150,000
for the apparatus. It will be built
l Merlin, Or.
In the past 1 "Irozcn" furnace
was the dread of the smelter oper
ator, it being necessary when the
metal once got cold iu a furnace to
chisel it out by hand The new
smelter, it is claimed, generates
through its gas and smoke-burning
propensities such excessive heat
11 "frown" furnace can lie thawed
and smelling without resorting to
the hammer aud chisel. This fact
was demonstrated when, during the
recent run of the test plant at Os
wego, the belt which controlled the
ulr supply, being old, broke and
causjd some trouble. The charge
had commenced to and settle,
filling the stag pit to the arch,
which divides the furnace, making
the primary and secondary furnaces
upon which the inventors make all
their claims of economical working
and the conhustiou of the gases.
The slag pit being filled with the
molten slag nnd metals and the air suspended for about half an
hour, the metals in the bottom of
the pit became colled or "frozen,"
thus preventing the perfect opera
tion of the furnaces. Upon restart
ing the blast.however, it was found
that the slag had so filled ,the pit
that instead of the air passing
throught the pit it was forced
across the top of this molten nnd
frozen mass, and as the intense
heat had partially fused the fire
iimtr nniv hi-rame fused mid
Mlf..rt .....j -
thus let the blast escape above the
pit, leiviiig tne iro.;ii uiauer in
Mich a position that it was impos
sible to remelt and draw off. 1 he
operators opened the pit above
this frozen mass and drew off several
pots of slag and matt.
It Is the purpose of the invention
to icdtice the cost of smelting iu a
..1...., 1. irnu!lili nnd nractical man
ner, to' employ cither bituminous or
lignite coal lit pwee 01 cone; 10
-it...... pnmblistioil of the
smoke, and by a second combustion
of the gases to generate the re
quired heat at the expenditure of a
minimum of fuel, ottd that of n
cheaper character than is generally
employed; to render the kussch for
reducing purposes when ncccsssary.
The primary lurnacc it similar
In construction to nu ordinary hlnst
furnace, nnd is provided tit inter
vals In Its height and 011 oposltc
sides with a plurality of tuyeres,
and nt its upper cud n blast pipe
Icadliiir to a suitable source of air
supply. At the lower portion of
each ruriiuce adjacent to the slag
pit is constt uctcd n lip or ledge
which presents 11 throat, keeping
the material to he treated from
dropping into the pit before it be
comes fused. The slug pit has tap kit llir. titnltf.ii tnntiirlnl ninv
be drawn from different levels.
In the oneraliou of the furnaces.
lltn l.llitlnr.. rttrtttln.. Urlmrtf... Willi
ore, lluxnnd roal. coal being Hio 'Pi. ..inr.. rnrnnr..
iu .' tuitli nrr. unit flnv n ti,.r.
nalely; then the coal on the top 01
the orinirirv fiirnnci? is lli-httil nn.l
riU' rim.
.,, ni ,i .,,. ,i....
ward to the bottom of the nriniarv I
rnnin 1 1.,.,. i,n.i,.,itu. ..i,,,,,, I
the line' to the bottom of the second-
nr.. rum.,.. n...i ti...m. .. ..,. .,! m
au escape line iu the top of the last
named furnace. When the heat
has become stidicicutly intense nt
the upper tuyeres to Ignite the
smoke and gases, the dampers of
these tuyeres are turned and the
nir admitted. The air is also ad
mitted successively to the other sets
oftuvercs.aslhe heat teaches t)c
;..i. 1 i,..u.. ..i.,it 'Pi... .,1 frnnt tin. Itivrrn i-nitllilelr-s the
comliusilo-.i ol tire Itiel. consuming
the smoke and converting the car-boii-iuonnxide
into carbon-dioxide,
which is 1 ir cent higher than air
and thus doc not settle hack upon
the Mirroundlng country to kill 1
vegetation, an improvement over
tire old smelters.
cmiAi'Niiss oi' orimATioN.
The great advantages of this
smelter over the others is the cheap
ness of its construction aud its
pnrtabilly, being constructed of fire
brick, which can easily be packed
orj either wagons or pack horses
into districts where railroad trans
portation has not yet reached.
Kcimomical operation is also a
feature. The inventor, Mr. lllanch
ard, says that cither charcoal or
wood can be used, thus making t
one ol the greatest inventions l lin
age for the reduction of ores lo
matts iu districts removed from
railroad transportation.
The officers ol the Mineral Im
proved .Smelter Company are. C.
1). Williams, president; Maurice
lllanchard, treasurer; rind T. K.
Richardson, sccretar) . All have
great faith in the future of their
Secretary of State. I. IMinlmr,
replying to lniilil regarding the
Mlllcrx National liiHtrrunco Co In
circular under date of Oct. in. ItMKl
bii.vh the following. I'rutli-H ap
proached ll.V UKftltM III tills ('DIUpUU.V
should hear In mind the udvlee
of t lio Secretary of State and net
TIiIh olllcc holds tlmt mutual lire
luMiiratieecompntilcri.orKiiulxcil under
the laws ot other HtntcH, are not
exempt (nun the laws which are
appllen'ilu to lire Inmmince eompnu
lcn generally which desire to enter
this State for the traiiMaetlou ot
insurance IiuhIiichh; lint that such
companies, and their agentx aud
umpioyes, must comply Ntrlctly with
the Kcnernl Iiiwh which govern In the
case ot forelKU Urn Insurance, com
panies. This 11 foreign miital lire
Itmur.tiicH cannot do; hence, such
company cannot lawfully, In our
opinion, truiiHiict uuhIiichhiu orej-on.
Ncwberg, Ore, Oct. 19. For
two hours this morning, while
everything was yet in darkness,
this place was practically under
control of a gang of bandits, whose
object was to blow up the building
of the Dank of Newberg and loot
the vault of the money on deposit.
Though several charges of dynu
mite were exploded, the steel vault
failed to give way, and the bandits
finally gave up tne attempt and
escaped on horseback, going iu a
northerly direction toward l'oriiauu.
From all appearances, there were
three iu the party.
U. S. Hales, of Doreim, favored this
ollleu with some splendid sampler! of
apples from the HaleH limn" orchard
The orchard rnuNlxtH of Home 1100
treen, from two to nine yeni-H old
and the older ones are Just coming
Into liearlmr. This year 100 boxen
wo i-o picked from the orchard, and
lianllv an iiiinlu was wormy. Thu
varieties grown are the Johimthuii,
iciinr. llaldwln. lllack Twig nnd
Ited Check I'lppln. Tho variety
brought to this olllco was the John-
iitluvn. of which tliu HaleH tiros
harvested 80 boxes, and In this
variety not one wormy apple, was
Miners at Work in the Black
hutle Quicksilver Alines Hrcnk
Into an Underground Lake.
. . "e contractors at work on u
'I'lii tunnel on tnc M50 1001 level ni
tllC Ill.lCkbltttC OlllCkSilVCr MilIC
hrokc into an underground cave
Inst baturdiiy. It was in fact an
I underground reservoir of water.
1 for 'o or three days Jieforc the
K - tve was broken into n strange
roaring sound was heard by the
men drilling at the face. I'ortun-
"- for !'- their drill holes
did not penetrate into the cavity.
When '"-' " s',ol', wc.rc fircd ll,c
explosion w followed by a roar-
inir sound that was heard lor half
a mile away, liefore the men had
notion out of the mine an immense
column of water burst forth and the
men waded out of the mine nearly
knee-deep iu water. A heavy flow
continued for fully two hours.
It has not been possible to en
plorc tne cave as yet owing 10 tne
iKittout of it being below the floor
of the tttlllicl and filled With Water.
Cavities of litis sort arc not
characteristic of the mine, as this
is the first one ever discovered in
two miles ol underground
work which has been driven on the
1' -yiy -""
W1IIIIII IIIC VCIIl 1L tvuuill l'fl.i t.r
be merely an unfilled portion of the
fissure. A fine body ol cinnabar
lies north of the cavity, the south
side being on the foot-wall.
llohcmia, Ore. Oct. 17th. 1903.
At a meeting called by A. I..
Mortis, Secretary ol the Oregou
State Miners' As-ociation for the
purpose of organizing au association
for the District of Uohemia we sub
mit the following report: The
meeting was called to order by Sec
retary A 1. Munis, G (i (ira
hum, Superintendent of the I.eKoy
mines, was chosen as temporary
chairman Mr. Graham after tak
ing the chair was selected by accla
mation as permanent chairman of
the district association and I. F.
Matthews as permanent secretary al
so by acclamation. C. C. Mathews
then" placed in nomination for vice
president of the State Miners' Asso
ciation for llohcmia District, C. J.
Howard, there being no contesting
nominee, and a motion leiiig
carried that the secretary cast the
vote of the meeting lor Mr. Howard,
it was so ordered. The meeting
then adiourned. Thanking the at
tending miners and memners 01 tne
association very kindly tor me
honor conferred. We remain
I. F. Matiikws, Sec,
G. G. Graham, Chmn.
In behalf of isoo white rihboner's
members of the Woman's Christian
temperance Union of the State ot
Oregon, aud their friends, I thank
you for this royal welcome, we
have come to this capitol city,
yours and ours, not for pleasure
only, though it is a pleasure 10
stand here within the shadow of
our state capitol, aud there comes
to us thoughts ol tne great possi
bilities that cluster around tins
historic place; nor alone that we
might meet with this throng of
workers that have come from their
homes among the Hlue and Siski
you, the Cascades, and the Coast
Mountains. We have come to
council together aud hope to plan
wisely our work or the cointii g
year. You have welcomed an or
ganization which differs in its
characteristics lrom all others, and
the contrast between this conven
tion and the one of our nvowed
enemy held at Quhicy, III., last
month is as great as the principals
each advocates and strives for. They
sometimes call us a disturbing ele
ment, but were the keys of this city
turned over to us as the mayor
turned them over to the Quincy
Convention, saying, if you do not
see what you want, let us know
and we will get it lor you. Unjoy
yourselves to the limit. I do not
thi'ik you gentlemen would be
compelled to remain iu door to
avoid being insulted by poor un
fortunate women, reeling through
your streets, nor your children
taught lessons of vilcness and de
bauchery, as was the case there.
This is the largest organized
bodv of women in the world.
Fifty-two nations have within their
borders, this society. It knows no
distinction because of race; for the
shadow of the curse of alcoholic
drink falls alike on the home aud
the mothers be they brown or black ,
yellow or the pale faced Caurasian
We will never compromise, aud un
til our land is free from this curse
we will take no backward step.
Mothers in all the years have
cared for their children, and look
ing out into life, have anticipated a
bright future for them, alas too
often they have seen them fall un
der the blight of drink. Hearts
arc breaking iu every hamlet, be
cause this curse licensed by laws
enacted by legislators, ami sus
tained by our government, con
tinues on and on, aud on. They
arc crying o'lt iu vain for there
seems to he no power available lo
stay the mighty tide of woe. We
their sisters feel the chill of this
shadow, as it almost touches our
own hearts, aud we cry out in our
fear, how long, oh Lord how long.
Is there no power to stay this
evil? None to outlaw it.' Yes
there 1. one, the power of the ballot.
Is it not a mystery to you. The
Woman's Christian Temperance
Union does not win the earnest
active support of every good man
and women when it is known to
stand for noble and thrifty man
hood. Pure and rcfinel woman
hood, happv hoiuej, and for clean,
sober upright and prosperous
You have by your kindly wel
come, expressed your sympathy for
an interest iu this organization.
You will I know be interested in
results that follow our labor. You
of the church, the educational in
stitutions, the municipality, the
press, we ask you to go from this
place, and make our influence felt,
through the avenue which arc
vours and we earnestly urge that
the power you wield through the
ballot, may be lor tne protection ol
our children against tins curse.
Your County and City White Rib
boners go out to a wider field of
effort, and when the time comes, as
come it will, that yon and all your
sisters with us shall hold that
mighty weapon, the ballot in our
hands. Let us pledge ourselves,
here aud now to cast it always for
the home; as iu opposition to the
'liquor interests. We thank you
for this more than cordial welcome,
and trust that into every home, or
place where the "knot of white"
shall enter, may remain an in
fluence that shall brighten and up
lift manv a life.
Cotta ge Gtote, Oregon
October 20th, 1903
On returning to town after a few
days of much-needed recreation, I
am advised of my election to the
office of Vice-President of the Bo
hemia District, in compliance with
the request of the Oregon Miners
Association for the election of such
an o flier.
This office comes to tne unsought
I have had no ambition along the
line of becoming piominent in
mining circles and had expected to
continue to content myself with
djing the best that I could for the
District generally and every well
meaning man in it, through the
medium of the news columns of the
While I am naturally but slightly
acquianted with the duties incum
bent upon me in connection with
this office, yet I feel assured that
the careful study I have made of
the District, in connection with my
newspaper work for years past,
supplemented by my frequent trips
of inspection, will furnish a good
foundation aud I believe further
persistent work in the same direc
tion will enable me to serve faith
fully and efficiently the best interes' s
of the District iu such a manner as
will meet the approval of all who
have honored me with their sup
port. I know from my past ex
perience that considerable respon
sibility will attach to this office,
judging by the amount of corres
poudeu e I have received heretofore
solely from the standpoint of a
newspaper man.
In extending my thanks to the
miners of the District, it is well to
add that I belong to no clique or
organization; I propose to work for
every property iu Uohemia and to
aid every man whose record and
property is such as to command
respect and stand honest investaga
tion. Furthermore, it will be my
aim to labor impartially for the
district as a whole and to enable me
to attain the best results as its
servant shall consider the merits
of the properties, more than the
men, iu the discharge ot the duties
of my office.
With renewed thanks for the
honor conferred and the assurance
that I shall endeavor to prove that
I am "worthy of my hire," I am,
Very Respectfully,
C. J. HowAKi).
A. W. Bhortrldge brought to tho
Nugget ollleu Wednesday fifteen
potatoes tho total weight of which
was 35 pounds and was glvon the
premium fo ouo year's subscrlp tlon
to Bohemia Nugget.
An Excellent Article on Quick
silver Alining, its Value in the
Commercial and Scientific.
II? W. n Dennlr
The continuing steady decrease
in the world's production of quick
silver, in face of increased demand
and higher prices, is sufficient.
The United States and Spain, from
which countries the bulk of the
world's supply has been obtained
for the last fifty years, have shown,
with slight variations, a presistent
decline in production since 1899.
During the past two years, under
the stimulating influence of pre
vailing, higher prices, many new
mines and prospects have been
opened in various parts of the
world. Some of these have become
productive. Hut the increase from
this source has not been sufficient
to offset the steady decline of the
old mines, and, excepting for a
slight increase shown in 1902 over
the previous year, the world's
record of a constantly diminishing
production of the metal remains un
broken. During the later part of t902 the
visible supply of quicksilver iu
New York and San Francisco
touched the lowest point in the
history of quicksilver for the last
twenty-five years. On several re
cent occasions New York dealers
in the metal were forced to the ex
pediency of borrowing quicksilver
from their larger customers in order
to supply the demand of the smaller
Numerous attempts have been
made to find a substitute for mer
cury 111 some of its uses, but so far
without success. In the meantime
the demand for the metal is con
stantly increasing. This demand
comes chieftly from its metallurgi
st use in recovering gold aud
silver in ores and placer gravels.
With a continuance of the present
rat; of expansion iu these branches
of mining tn nearly every part of
the world, it will be a matter of
only a short time when the present
producers of quicksilver will be un
able to keep up with the consump
tion. A continually increasing
demand comes also from the arts
and sciences. New uses for the
metal are being constantly found.
Its application to numerous electro
lytic processes, including the maun
r r . : 1 1 1. 1
:a"u '"""--uiioiiiic.
s on.y uie ueg .rung 01 a use UKeiy ,
j uiiutiiiu ...itui .iiausiuii. x 11c
Irt . . f ,1
klllI.WJ lUklll V. IUV.IV.UI ) III LIIV 1
manufacture of electrical machinery
is one of the constantly
sources of trade to dealers in the
metal; nor is the consumption in
the manufacture of vermilion paints
carried on chieftly iu China and
England, likely soon to dimish.
Its use for this purpose is almost as
old as history itself, for even cen
turies of experience aud constant
scientific experimenting, howsoever
actuated by the commercial instinct
of later years, have been unable to
discover a cheaper substitute. In
the paint of commerce, such adul
terations as red lead, chrome red.
and gypsum are used, but they are
easily detected and invariably
vitiate the brilliant vermilion and
rich carmine colors produced by the
mercurial paints.
1 he price of quicksilver ts con-
trolled by the London market,
which in turn is nominated by the
Rothschilds whose house has con-
trolled the product of the Spanish
mines since 1036. At these ancient1
ini iics, uwucu uy mc guvcruuiciu
Clotliiiif, Cloaks, Shoes, Hats and New Dry Goods
NOT THE CHEAP STUFF that makes a man or woman who
wctir them look cheap. But the lattest styles. The best material
and workmanship.
I Suits Cloaks Dry goods Shoes Bats I
Our IIoflman-Rothchild Suits for Men $8.00 to $25.00.
Cloaks from $5.00 to $25.00. Shoes $2.00 to $5.50. Hats $1.00
to $3.50. We have just opened our fall stock of Dry Goods. Strictly
the very latest in styles aud ptitterns.
of Spain and situated on the north
cm flank of the Sierra Morcna
mountains iu the province of Cittdad
Real, owing to the great richness of
the ore and cheap labor, quick
silver is produced cheaper, per
unit of mercury, than in any other
milling region It is said, however,
that this ancient contract came to
an end some time during the late
American-Spanish War, and that,
by offering large monetary advances
in that hour of Spain's extremity,
the Rothschilds secured a tempor
ary renewal, but that the ratifica
tion of a permanent contract, for
which negotiations have ever since
been pending, still remains a matter
of uncertainty. Whether this ex
plains the attitude ol the Roths
childs toward the market, or as to
the authenticity of the story, the
writer cannot undertake to say,
but at any rate, at a time when
growing scarcity of supply and con
stantly increasing demand would
seem, by the ordinary laws of com
merce, to justify a material advance
in price, the Rothschilds have in
sistently maintained a bearish atti
tude toward the market, and, to
enable them to sustain this position
they have been making a strenous
effort for the past eighteen months
to force the output of the Spanish
mines beyond their normal capacity.
Since it is not likely that this con
dition can be long maintained, nor
would it be to the interests of the
Rothschilds to maintain it longer
than its influence would aid them
in securing the desired permanent
concessions from the Spanish gov
ernment, there is every reason to
believe that the price of quicksilver
will materially advance in the near
future, unless some new fields of
great extent and richness should be
discovered, which does not seem
Continued Next Week.
A Nugget reporter called at the
ollicer) ot the Long & Ulnglmm Lum
ber Company Thursday morning and
found everything lively and erery
boily on the move getting ready for
the valuable Improvements the com
pany contemplates making in the
very near future.
Already neat olllce rooms are being
fitted up in the rear and adjoining
the commissary store ot the company
near ehe O. & S. E. office. Tho olllces
will be neat and much more con
convenient tliau heretofore.
Preparations are under way for
the Installation of a dry kiln that
will hold about oO.OOO feet of lumber
and out of which the company will
lie able to take nt least 1S.000 feet of
kiln dried lumlicr each day. This
will be n great advantage to tho
people of Cottage Grove, not men
tioning tho value to tho company.
The company will also make con-
llertle otlier Improvement In the
,,, of evv m lcillnerv whereby
m ichlnery
.1... ..!,,.
of the mill will be en
larged materially.
(loo. Stldham, ot .Mineral, Uohe
mia Mining DlHtrict, In a letter to
this oflice ntates that Walt linker, of
Mostly creek, may be tho boss deer
slayer of that section, but as George
ts apparently from Missouri, Walt
will lliave to "show hint" before
he claims the honor of being
a liear slaughterer of any con
nequence. Ijtst week Mr. Stld
liam a hunting went and bagged
four bear and packed them all In to
camp before dinner. Whose next,
Superintendent John H. Pear
I sons left this morning with a party
consisting of Representative Dinger
I Herman Forrest. Supervisor S. C.
Bartium aud Senator R. A. Booth,
I for the Bohemia mining district
where they will make an extended
inspection aud tour of the many
properties. This distinguished
party will be the guest of the Orc-
gon securties Company,
Qarman, Hemenway Co.
Lenders in Merchandising.
MTJMMllllllTTnnifflniiTII Mil I IIIMIMIMIinWliTllrT"!''
Secretary Wheeler returns nnd
Reports Work doing on Rapidly
The New Stamp Mill Being
Frank D. Wheeler has just re
turned from the Crystal Co's prop
erties and is filled with enthusiasm
over the outlook. He says that
there are 50 men at work complet
ing the wagon road. The saw mill
is in full operation and the car
penters are framing the timbers for
the stamp mill. The foundations
for this mill arc practically com
pleted. Mr. Wheeler is much
pleased with the appearance of the
mine. lie says that the upraise
from the 3rd towards the 2nd level
looks remarkably fine. There is a
large amount of pay ore iu sight.
Some of it is high grade. Word
ha been received from the Union
Iron works that all the stamp mill
machinery was shipped on Tuesday.
The Crystal Co. proposes to give
this machinery the honor of being
the first freight shipped over the
new wagon road. The company
sent three more carpenters to the
mines Thursday morning to assist
in the construction of new buildings.
Jack Kloffenstein is in from the
Henry Land ess is in from Bo
hemia this week.
Ed Gunn left for the miues the
first of the week.
Fred Arnold is down from the
mines for a few days. He intends
going back to stay all winter.
Jack Quiun came down from, the
mines the first of the week and re
ports ore showing upon his claims
W. H. Berg, assayer for the
Crystal Consolidated Mining Com
pany, was a pleasant caller at the
Nugget office this week.
Frank Wheeler, treasurer of the
Crystal Consolidated Mining Co.,
left Saturday for the company's
property on an inspection tour.
G. G. Graham, superintendent
of the LeRoy Mining Co, was in
the city Tuesday and Wednesday
and report everything moving
along nicely at the camp. Mr.
Graham was selected as permanent
chairman or president of the Bo
hemia Mining Association and will
be an excellent one for the position.
He is a conservative and wide
awake man and an all around
Albert S. Wells and Chaster I'roeb-
cultural College arrived In the city
Jl UUrnlltiy uuu tvuu tu.u ....,vv
this morning where thej will gather
data and ore samples for use at the.
college. They are both young men
and of marked Intellect nnd are un
tiring In thelrefforts to secure the In
formation they desire. TI.ey will re
turn Monday with about 000 to 1000
pounds ot samples which will be
taken to tho college at once.
Mr. and .Mrs. John II. Pearsons
will leave next Monday torNew York,
where they will nend the winter. In
Mr. Pearsons' absence the buslnessof
the O. Sc. S. K. will bo under the man
agement of A. U. Wood, chief engi
neer of the company. The many
people of Cottage Grove who havo
had the pleasure of the acquaintance
ot Mr. nnd Jtrs. Pearsons will regret
very much to see them leave nnd will
give them a hearty welcome to Cot
tage Grovo when they return next