Hood's SarsaparlUa linn won siiccosn fur lioyonil Ihu effect of iiilvmllnlliKoiily. Tim Bi-rirl of II woiiilcifiil popular- f In uxpliilncit by Its iimtppioiit'liuhU I ity Merit, lluaeil upon n iii!Bcililli)ii which our'nil peoplo ciiiialilurt'il liumriililo, Hood's Sarsaparltta Unites (In) bent-known vrKuliiblo rum edlos, liy mii'h it ninililniilloii, jiiopor lloli mill proi'i'Kit ns In huvu ciirntlva power pumllur to It h If . Ila ruri-a nf sr-iiifiilii, rrr.rmn, panri aula, mill every Mini ( liiiinni', in woll as riitniTli ami rlit'iiiiiiillaui piovn Hood's Sarsaparitla I lio Iii'nl IiIooiI piirlnVr ovnr priiilnrcil. I(h uiiitm of iyp''plii, Inas of npp llln mill that tln-il fi'HIiiK iniikn It tho IJieiitost atotnai'li tnfilr mill ctrriiKlli riwlniur tlm world dim ever known. Hood's SarsaparlUa Is 11 thoioiiKhlv (ooil mrillrliio. lli'Klii to tulu It TODAY. kt 110UDU JOUflNUV OP LAFAYETTE. I.illiri of III. Hun Prtcrltie I'aninlle Trip Through llullsil Mtutes. Ill l.lpplinoU's lln-ro aro aoms as, turtiilnliii; letters urlttcu by a ton of (leu. l.nfnyiltii while trtvellug In the Ullltfil Hlntoa Willi h! flit her. Tlieee li't tiTx tinvo nuvrr tivforo bvru puu lleliitl. "Wo Imvn nlri'mly api-ut twenty days hi tliu Unllrd Hluli'i," mi j- tlm ton, "mill thli ! Ilia IlMt leisure I bar liuil fur wrltliiit you n line; arm n It li, I mil not sure of being aula to ills pntcti in j- lultiT. Tlm Htcuhaiils, whoso rnptnln ! ono of our frluiuls, ! to nll from Now York for Hurra today, mill "III Ink our lottora, If only wu cnti nrrlro In Mine. "IZviT aliico wo liiiro beeu bar my fntlivr line born tliu licro, mid w th peclnlori, of tho moat Imposing-, besu tlful mnl nlrVi'ltiie lk'lil, tho most titnjwnttc populntlon In tho worlil wel coming n iimn with rominoii accord anil couiliirtliiK him In triumph throughout a Jourupy or 00 Itinguca. Women wept Willi Joy on iirlng lilm ami chllilrnn rlakwl being- cruelied to gvt near to th inHu whom their fata era kept pointing out to them aa on of tlKwii who bad contributed the meat ,er ImiH-raonatlona of women with to procuring thnm their linpplne aa and nmlodoroua pnata or notorloua preaenta Independeiico. Thla la what It haa , ntouudlng to all preaent,encb ouo been reaerred for ua to are. 1 araf wuom naij ,M,i methlng In ei knocke.1 off my ft-eicua the ei- tcnuntlon of the alua of poor Teaa and preaalon- by the omollona of all kind. tll ndmlratlon of Hardy'a maaterpleco I experience. 1 won't eMer Into da-1 , ,irnmallc character drawing. Kor tall; you know mo. nnd I do not aup-1 B ,mit there waa an cmbnrrnaacd jw.o that, amldat tbo excitement of 1 dice,., i then Mlaa Warren, who la a bnppy peopled rejolclnga and abarto lMr , tho piBy tnli ,Paon. apoke lng In tho extrnordlnary gratitude' p innocently: "It la dreadful to be ao with which my fnther la orerwhelm-1 .,tve. I expect, Mra. Campbell, ed, I ehnll forget at any time thou J0U fllld ,lrj cveI1 to accept your who Intra a claim on all the aeuU- ,,ro of , o,, rccelpta." ment. wlilib my hear . enable ofj A , ot tll0 enjoy the necennry atrength to dli cliarge tbo whole of my ilutln. Hut alncu U-Ing hero I hare not alept mora than four or flru hour a each ulghtl" FAMINE IN TIMBER TREES. UronlMK Hcarellr of Wo1 Hallabl for ManilfaelNrltiic t'urpotaa. It will bo but a few year before durable limber becomoa rery much . dearer than It la at preaeut. Oood chratuut and white oak poita ar north now fifteen centa each, and rod cedar ponti twenty, celita apiece, un- ' dreaaed, mid nro hard to get at tint Ten yeara from now tho eunply will be I n men teaa. .o more proutnuia uaa or , nut, cheatnut, onk, hickory, apruca, nah, maple, poplar, willow, locuat and other trcea that baro a raluo In the nrta for their timber. Plant the rough land to trcea. The cucnlypta are now grown lu the eouthwoaturn portlou ot our country moro exteiialrcly than any other exotic foreet tree. Theae treea are originally from Aua tralln; they aro known thoro under tho name of nntlfovcr tree, aa by their rapid growth and largo amount of foliage tbey ubanrb tho polaououa gnaca of tbo awauipa, making tho air pure nnd tho ellmnlo healthy. In Cal ifornia, Knnina nnd ludlntin trncta of bind aevcrnl tUouannd acres In area baro bcon planted with aeedllnga of the eucalyptus rostrnta fur fuel, rnll road tlea and for windbreaks. On ac count of their rapid growth they mako dcslrablo shade trees for tho dwelling and pasture lota. In many parta of the southwest tbo cucnlypta aro util ised to ndrantago to furnlab abode In pastures. If set along tliu fences and along tbo Irrigating ditches they can be inndo to protect tho cattlo In the pasture without at any time Interfer ing with farm work. Boodllngs may be had from tho nurserymen In 100 lots at Ore cents each. There are ouie thirty different varieties, and nil of them aro said to grow equally well In the mlddlo anil southern States, riant the hillsides In forest trees and farm the low ground. Baltimore American. Nlif Lungs in attack of la grippe left tr with a bad cough. My friends eald I had consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and It cured mo promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomls, III. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first camp on, so you let It run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, It will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty I years to fall back on. Thrsa slsssl JJ., enough for an ordlnsrr eoldi A0o.,luit right for hroachttls, hosr"; ntitj ImrA colds, elo.l fl, most eoonoiuloat for curoulo csiss sntt to keep on hsnd, J. U. AY11U CO., Lowell, Mail. f C O O D F-w . 4. fki. .. a. NnOFt COrlB S I ; J I . asa ,V1...-C-4 A friend of Kitwiinl MneDowell at 1 (-illicit n recital glrrn by u ini'illocrn leiieher's pupils, mnl when liu mot tho AmiTlnin roinpoaer, h reinnrkeil: "I lii'iinl one of tho poplin, u llttla girl of H, pin j- your To n Willi Hose.'" Tho romposer alghi'il dejeetedly. "I sup pose," Mni'Dowull remarked, "tlint aha pulled It up by tho roots." During tlm protmclt'il si-salons of tho I'n rm-lt coiiimlsaton, Juatlro Dny ha lillunlly tint with eloaed ere. It wits I'ointnonly supposed tliut hla lonlahlp win sleeping, mnl tho Into Hlr Frank I, ni'kwooil, ohaervliifr that tho learned .Indue wiia very iniich nwnkr-nril by ii little tin between tho president nml Hlr Charles ItunM'lt, eicluluiril, iiilto nu illblyt "This la tho dawn of Dny!" The Into W. H. Ilonley onio mot Hubert l.oul Htoveiiaoii, mnl found hla friend dlatreaaed because bo woa not n Voltnlrn or u Duinna, though ho linil nn eiulpuieut which ought to havo undo him their pevr. HtcveiiHon put hla "fnlluro" down to tho wenkneaa of hla luuga. "1'orlinpa you aro right, l.ewla," an 1l Henley; "Pro nlwnya felt that. If 1 hnd not been a bleaaed crip ple, 1 could baro taken the earth In my limid and burled It Into the aim." A young Hun rranclacnn, tbo owner of n large nnd ralunblo collection of nutogrupha, once wroto to tho Into Jnniea McNeill Wblaller politely ro iiuenllng Ilia nlgunturv. Tho totter wna aent In cure of the Uiiiilon Hoynl Acad emy, with which the fnmoua American pnluter wna at outa. After four uioiitha, the letter wna returned to tho Hun I'ranclaix) addreaa from the dead letter orrice In Wnahliigton. Corerlng the envelope, wua tho word, repealed nuuiberleaa llmca: "Unknown," "Un known." It la related that Olio ereulng laat winter, at a dinner given In honor of Mm. 1'nt Campbell, In New York, the Kiigllah actreaa remarked, loftily: "They wanted me to play Teaa of tho D't'rberrlllea In Kuglaud, but 1 thought It a vulgar character, und 1 enn't li groaa, you know." Thla from the woman whoao whole fame reatcd change of feeling which haa como over the Irish peasant townrd King IM ward since the recent royal rlalt, np peara In tho Hngllah press. Two In don Journalists, on tbclr way from Dublin to Cork, accosted n shaggy, farmer-looking native at a Queen's County station with the words: "Well, I'at, what do you tblnk of tbo King of England now" "King of England, Is It)" replied the Irishman, and thero stole over his faco nn Inlroltablo ex pansion of drollery as he wont on In ii stage whisper: ".Sure, a vie, ye'U want a ylceroy oror ther. I'm think In'. Himself an' herself nre not coin' back to yez at all!" An old damo In Qalwny who bad spoken with the nc was questioned as to what aho thought of his majesty. She dellrered herself of a long and enthusiastic eulo gy, to tho effect that "Edward the First of Ireland" wns "a grand man entirely," closing with tho remark that alio hnd "only wnn thrldlng fault to II i let with him," and that wus that "tbey keep tho poor man so long In the riinynlx 1'ark beynnt that they bare him tnlklti' with a strong Dublin accent." CORRECT BREATHING. Ill Unlliiarj Life Few 1'enple llrcatha aa Thar Hhoulil. "Do you know how to breatho?" naked n dyspeptic-looking man of hla companion, whoso full, tlorld faco de noted a Jolly nature. "In fact, I should nak bow long It has been since you drew your breath." The fat-faced man moved ncrrously and cast a suspicious glnnco at his friend. He wns about to reply when he wns Interrupted again. "Tbo truth Is you haven't breathed In weeks, perhaps months, nnd I can proTO It. Don't bo alarmed; I do not Intend to hold an autopsy on you, nnd tho coroner will not bo called In to furnish orldenco of what I say. llrcnthlng Is something that Tcry few peoplo do. It Is not n universal habit. Less than 5 per cent of peoplo breathe as they should. Kven n larger per cent of tomato plants or oak trees breathe In the way that thoy should than men. You may demonstrate this fact to yourself. All that la necessary Is to carry out a few slmplo sugges tions which I will make, and consider well the Indications which will bo pre sented after you have made the ex periment. Ilrenth Is llfo. The deli cate organs and atlll more dollcato muscles which nro Involved In breath ing requlro action as much ns do the bleeps or triceps, Lie on your back for J thirty days nnd observo how weak the muscles of the legs nnd body be come. They would bo shrunken nnd J flabby and entirely too weak to carry your wolght. They would be Impover , Ishcd. Tblnk not then, that tho more delicate mid sensitive organs and ' muscles of the Inner man do not noed 1 exorcise. Tills Is given them by breathing, Now, take a man who has 1 not exercised hla biceps or triceps for several weeks and let him do so for tho space of tbreo minutes. Then ob serve how exhausted bo feels. It Is because tbo muscles nro not used to such violent action. In tho tamo way "let a man start a violent respiratory motion and continue It for three min utes. You will see the most perfect plcturo of that tired feeling that you could Imagine. That will be proof enough that the person -who Is thus rendered tired Is not accustomed to breathlfy. Th proof of the pudding Is In the chewing of the bag, ns the old saw anya. Just try this plan ourc. llrinlho lu-nrlly mid deip for two inln ulea on rising lu tho morning mnl sen what n feeling of exhaustion will be experienced. Then you will under Nlnnil Hint very few peoplo breathe lis they shoiilil, mid that much of sickness Is due to thla fact. Catch your breath, my friend, mnl you will profit by It. You'll soon aduilt Hint tbere'a n great deal In breathing," nnd Hie dyapeptlc swallowed nil the ozone lie could Kiilp down nt one time. New Orlenna Times-Democrat. HE WANTED TO KNOW, The Chronic Hinokrr Kicked, and Than fla Wus norrjr. "Will you loll mo why It la Hint women always crowd Into tho three back seals of un open car?" asked tho man with tho bono mllk-cnii charm on his watch elinln. "Thero may b scuts to bum In the rest of the car, but they're gut to butt lu on the smokers' seats und keep some poor suf fering mini from his cigarette. "If It wns an arrangement of the street ear company's I could under stand It. Take, a train of ears mid you'll seo n crowd on tho rear pint form of one smoking up If beat the bund, nnd the fellows on the enr be hind getting their second-hand whltTa, but not daring to smoke themselves because Its agsJnat tho rules. Then on some lines you'ro got to go In front to smoke. Oh, they're dandles! "Hut when It comes to women get. ting Into the smokers' seats there's no exception. They'll take 'em for cliolco erery time. They make men already thero feel uncomfortable because they know they ought to bo polite and stop smoking, and Uien tbey keep tho nth er smoknrs out. Maybo tbey do It ll the Interest of reform. They must know. There's some reason for It They " "Ileg pardon," sold tho conductor, touching the man on tbo shoulder. "You can't smoke In theso seats. Last throo behind for smoking," Tho man started. "Eh?" ha aald. "What! Wby-er blamed If that ain't sol Woll, that's ono on me." lie. was In a fourth seat. Chicago News. MaUlo'a Artistic llnnt. Malzlo's father was a poet, her mother a painter, and everybody said that Malzlo waa euro to be a genius; It was her fate by Inheritance. No ono predicted the direction In which alio would eventually turn, but when sbo was 8 her Aunt Mirabel was sure she would bo a great singer. What her uncles thought Is of no Impor tance. Tbey bad little or no Imagina tion. About the time that her aunt bad settled Malzle's career. Grandpapa Wllklo said bo had hopes of the child. "She'll turn out Juat llko anybody," be chuckled. "Seo If sbo don't." It seemed, that first summer night on the farm, as If grandpapa bad struck the right note. There had been a wonderful aunaet Malzle'a mother, with half-shut eyes, bad compared It to Clsude Lorraluo's paintings. Mal zle's father bad looked lyrics, and the lay membera of the family also ex pressed tbelr delight In the scene. Malzle looked depressed. "Seo herl" whispered Aunt Mirabel. "What exquisite feeling lu her faco!" Malzle'a parents looked, but It was tbo grandfather who spoko. "What's wrong with you?" be naked. "Nothing," pouted Malzle, "only ev erybody's so taken up with tbo sun set, and I wanted to seo the pigs fed I" Mount Cents Tunnel. The gradients are very aeverc in the Mont Cenls tunnel, and trains coming from France, with an Incline of one In forty against them for several miles at a stretch, when followed by u cur rent of air In the same direction, pro duco what might almost be described us an Inferno. For here, as In all other steep tunnels, engines drawing heavy loads steam along with their regulutors wide open, emitting hugo volumes of smoke nnd steam, and with nn atmosphere of, say, 00 degrees Fah renheit the discomfort ot tbo custodi ans of tho tunnel may be Imagined far better than It can be described. At regular Intervals of a kilometer In tho tunnel thero Is a refuge, or "grnnde chamber," for tbo workmen. This refugo Is supplied with compress ed air, fresh water, a telephone In each direction, a medicine chest, barometer and thermometer. As It Is tbo practice of these custodians to go In pairs, If one man succumbs to the lack of oxy gen or dense smoko his companion can render assistance or telephone for fur ther help. If a man can manage to drag bis swooning comrado Inside one ot these, chambers he has merely to closo tho door, turn on the storo ot compressed air, and wait either for the tunnel to clear or for a locomotive to como to their rescue. Strand Maga zine. World's Output or Minerals. Tbo total amount ot coal produced In tho world In 1001 was 780.000.000 tons, of which the United States yield ed rather moro and the -whole Ilrltlsh Kniplro rather less than a third. Ger many's output was almost one-ilfth. Tho United States, the Urltlsb Empire and Germany, taken together, pro duced slx-sevenUis of the world's sup ply. Ot the total output ot minerals the Ilrltlsh Empire yielded about one third of the coal, one-ninth of tho cop per, one-half ot tho gold, one-eighth ot tho Iron, one-fifth of the lead, one-sev-entlcth of the petroleum, one-quarter of the salt, one-ninth of the silver, ftro- elghths of the tin, and ono-Mttleth of tho zinc. Moro than 4,600,000 persons aro engaged lu mines mid quarries the wcrld over, One-flfth of them aro cm ployed In the United Kingdom and one third In the Ilrltlsh Empire. Cast of Itoflutna; Copper, Two students ot Oornoll University have discovered that by using higher temperature and electrical currents In the rellnlng of copper tbo cost, which Is now $5 a ton, can be reduced by half. About $80,000,000 worth of cop per Is refined lu this country annually, and $12,000,000 worth of silver nnd $4,000,000 worth ot gold are recovered therefrom. Some men brag about tbelr wire as It they wanted to sell them. ADMIRAL SCHLEY Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen : "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Pe-ru-na and I believe with good effect." W. S. SCHLEY washinKton, d. c. Amlrul Kclilcy, one of the foremost, notable lierues of tbo Nineteenth Cen tury. A linmo Hint atari terror in the ln-nrt of every Ppanitipl. A man of (lenity nerve, clenr bend, undaunted courage nml prompt decision. Approached by it friend recently, bis opinion waa naked ns to tho cllii-acy of IVruuii, tho national catarrh rem edy. Without the nligbtest hesitation be tl.'ive this rclniily bis endowment. It nppcuri.il oi litter converaution that HUNDREDS OF PIANOS RUINED. Vlnod Catl.ad I.ee or 1200,000 In Musical Xnatrurasata. Mors than 600 pianos were totally ruined In the recent floods In Kansas City. The piano houses of the city are busy tearing apart the water-soaked Instruments, saving some of the bard ware, and sending tbo polished wood to tbo kindling heaps. "There Is no salvage to a soaked pi alio," aald a prominent piano man. "When thoy get wet up to the keys Ibey axe ruined." The J. W. Jenkins Music Company lost two carlonds of new pianos that aad not been unloaded from the enra. l'bey were soaked and rondersd useless in the boxes In which tbey came from tbo factory. Tben ttere ware approx imately 860 rented pianos In the flood. Theae are a total losa to the dealers who had placed thorn In the various homes. A piano Is made up of very delicate parts. Ono flno-looklng Instrument which had apparently fared well In the Immersion was all In pieces at tbs workshop of tbo Jenkins Mualc Com pany yeaterday. It did not look to be a ruin, good only for tho scrap heap, but that waa Its announced condition. Tbo polish on tho outer surface was as fine as ever. All the Interior mech anism was lu apparently good shape. Hut there were faintly perceptible warplngs and a trace of ruat on the metal. The keys bad become swollen and warptd until they were Immor-, able. I It Is the Intention of tbe companies , who bare damaged pianos to make somo experiments with the better ones In an effort to find out whether It be! possible to rejuvenate tbe Instruments. Hut every piano bouse In tbe city has announced that It will never sond out' for sale or hire any of the Instruments ' that bare been flooded. Tbe collection ot damaged pianos In tbo Kansas City warehousea embraces Instruments from tbe aristocratic $1. 500 symphony In mahogany to the 1 bumble $160 kind til Imitation of some thing which It Is not. And tbey are all valueless. The salvage Is not worth mora than tbe cost of taking the Instru ment to pieces. "The hardware In them," said one of the men at work wrecking pianos In tbe wnrerooms of F. G, Smith, "Is all that can be saved. It la worth about 00 cents lu each Instrument." Tbe value of pianos destroyed In the Kansas City flood exceeds $200,000. Kansas City Journal. Ills Solitary Satisfaction. "Docs Jatrlye chow gum habitual ly?" "No. Wb)7" "1 never see him that his Jaw isn't wagging." "Ob, that's because be delights In saying to himaelf the things he would say to his wile If ho dnrod." Harper's Batar. Romantic. "Their engagement was ratter ro mantic, was it not?" "Yes. rather. Thoy went In bath inz got beyond their depth anil were :omp otely carried away with each lthor." Puck. FLECTION The mirror never flatters: it tells PISAGRE truth, no matter how much it may hurt the oride or how liutuiliatinrr and disagreeable the reflections. A red, rough skin is bcautv. and blackheads, blotches and are ruinous to the complexion, and no wonder such desperate efforts are made to hide these blemishes, and cover over the defects, nnd some never stop to consider the datiffer in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, saUes and powders, but apply theiu vigorously and often with nut ree-ard to conscaucnces. and many complexions are mined by the chemicals and poisons contained in these cosmetics. Skin diseases are due to internal causes, to humors and poisons in the blood, and to attempt a cure by exter nal treatment is nn endless, hopeleS3 task. Some simple wash or ointment . . . t -i. ! i 13 ouen nenenctat wucn iue sa.iu is much inflamed or itches, but you can't depend upon local remedies for perma nent relict, lortne dioou is continually throwing off impuritie which irritate and clog the glands and pores of the skin, and ns long as the blood re mains unhealthy, just so long will the eruptions last. To effectually nud per manently cure skin troubles the blood must be purified and the system thoroughly cleansed and built up, and S. S. S.. the well known blood purifier and tonic, is acknowledged superior to all other remedies for this purpose. It is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta ble blood remedy. It never deranges a.,at.t, tr tmnntra the- dip-esttmt like Potash nnd Arsenic and drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being a blood purifier Tf vnn have nnv akin trouble send Diseases." No cliarnc for medical advice. Write us about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CUU ENDORSES PERUNA. I'cnma lias Ix-en nw! In bis family, Wliern it la a favorite remedy. Hucb endowment" aervo to indicate Hie wonderful Hold that l'ertina baa Ukiii tlm minds of the American peo ple. It fa nut of tho rpieatioti that o grent nnd famous it man as Admiral Kchloy could bnvo any other reason for giving bin endorsement to I'reunn than hia jmeitivo conviction that the remedy is nil Hint he pays it is. Tho fact is I'crunn has overcome all Origin of Ox-Tall Soup. Ox-tall soup, now regarded ai a na tional Kngliah dish, waa first made by tho very poor ot Huguenot refugees from Franco, after the revocation of tbo edict of Nantes, because ox tails then had no market value. frriTC of Ohio, citv or TotiW), i I.CCASCot'NTr. I Fsikk J. ( iiisir ratkesosth thit he Is the senior farter ol the firm of Y. J. chixey Si Co., doing business In the city ot TolMo, Comity and Male sloresslil, and that ssld firm will par the sum 01 ONK lll'S DUKl) IMJM.AKH for ern and every cm of Cat.rrn that cannot be cured Ly tba use of Hill's L'itiksii Ccac. MtA.NK J. CIIESKY flworn to before me and subscribed In rav presence, this ttb dar of lieeember, A. D. IW A. W. OI.KASON, Hotary IubUc Hall's Catarrh rare Is taien Internally and acts dlrectlr on the blond and mucous surfaces of the srsiem. Hend for testimonials, free. F. 1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold br druigiita, 71c. Hall's ramllT Mils are the best. Something Amusing. "You muttn't cough so much, WIN Me," his mother said. "I can't help It, mamma," replltd the lltt e boy with the long, golden curls. "Something amu es me in my throat." Chicago Tribune. Ifablta or the Tailor Illrd. This wonderful bird lives In India. It has a beak shaped very much llko a shoemaker's awl. Tho little bird, which la yellow In color and only three Inches long, says the Philadelphia Ledger, derlvea Its name from the way In which It makes Its nest It se lects a large leaf, banging from th end of a twig; tben It pierces a num ber of boles along the edge of It wltb Its awl-Uke bonk, and tben gets Ibe long fibers of plants, which make ex cellent thread, and carefully sews tbe edges together like a purse or a bag. using Its bill for a needle to carry tbe thread through. The ends ot the thread are knotted, to prevent them from slipping through tho leaf. Tbo stalk end of tbe leaf Is bent and crushed so as to form a hood orer tbe opening of tbe nest, protecting It from suu and rain. When the leaf la' not large enough to make tbe neat, this bright little bird gets another leaf, pierces It with boles and pieces tbe two leaves together The Interior of tbe nest Is lined with cotton and silky grass, making n very snug and comfortable borne for the little birds. The bird nud Its neat full af eggs nro so very light Hint tbey can bu suspended from tbe cud of a sleu der twig. Only One Welllncton. That was a graceful compliment which was paid to the Duke of Wel lington by Queen Victoria. Not every one recalls tbe fact that a certain style of high boots, not commonly worn now adays, bore the name of Wellington. When tbe duke was prime minister he once visited Windsor Castle to cou suit with the queen on an Important state matter. The day was damp, fol lowing a heavy rnln, nnd ns the duke left tbe castle her majesty remnrked, "I hope your grace Is well shod?" "Oh," snld tho duke, "1 have on u pair of Wellington's, and am proof agnlnst dntnpness." The queen retorted, "Your grace must be mlstnkrn. There could noi be n pair of Wellingtons." fatal to pimples Oartarsvllla, da., R. It. No. 3. I Buffered for a number of years with a aevare Nettlo-raah. About twelvs yaara atro I started ualnr 0. B 8., and attar taking three bottles I felt myself cured and haTa alnca taken a bottle occasionally, and had little or no trouble alonar that Una. My g-ansral health haa bean batter alnco. I recommend B. S. U. aa a rood blood medicine and all round tonto, Youra truly, Mra. M, I. riTTAED. Boms two years aro I suffered a ffn.t rtA&l. cbuibiI on account of bad blood. Umall raab. or pimples broka out over say body and kept getting; woris dav br dav for over a year. Seeing- B. B. B. advsrttaad In the pa para and haying- hoard alao tt had curod several people In this city, eonoluded to glva It a fair trial. After using-tha medlclno for soma time, taking- tn all six bottles, I was entirely oured. 10S0 Clay btreet, Taducah, Ky. EABLETSH ana tontc commnca, iue uumors auu poi sons are counteracted and the blood made rich nnd pure, and at the same time the general health nnd system is rapidly built up and good liealth is established, and this, after nil, is the secret of a smooth, enft skin and beautiful comolcxlon. for our free book, "The Skin and Itt orinoeilinn and hns won Its wnv to tho hearts of the (icnplo. Tlm natural tim idity which wi many people bnvo felt alxnt giving endorsements to any rem edy is giving way. (Inttltinle nml it desire, to help others baa inspired thous ands of peoplo to give public testimon ials for lVriina who heretofore would not have consented to such publicity. Never before in the annnla of medi cine lias it happened that so many men of national and international reputation Klgtd Etiquette for Women. In northern India It is (till consid ered not genteel for a woman, even when veiled from head' to foot, to walk on a railway platform to get Into the cars. She lias to be carried In a closed palanquin right up to the window of her compartment. stothers win And Mrs. Wlnslow's RootMna eyrup the Ust remedy to uia tor tbelr children tba teething season. The Retort Courteous. Snapp He's got a scheme for mak ing money that seems to bo all right in theory. Skrapp Huh! all men with theories are fools. finapp Indeed. That's your theory, is it? Philadelphia Public Ledger. c rossr Poor man! He can't help k. He gets bilious. He needs a food liver pill Ayer's Pills, 'hey act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. Want your moustache or beard abeautlfulbrownorrlcbblack? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rim en ossscq.inT.oa a r n.mco,smrrt a a "AlLMfAlL IN A DRY TIME THE5M Of THE FISH NEVER FAILS IN A WET TIME. Remember thij rvhenBU buy Wet Weather Clothing onJ look for the name TOWIR on the buttons. ThU iin and this name have itood for the BEST durind sixty-seven .years of Increasintf sales. If .your dealer will net supyou write for free catatejue of black or yellow water proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and horse ooods for all kinds of wet work. A.J.TOWtR CO, THE flWERx sorroN.nu.s.j.A. .SIGN tLAftii TOaONTO. CAN. HJIOSO, "laurrarad Ilia tort urea of the damnad srttll prnlrudlcff ptlea brought on by constipa tion with viblcti I waa anllcled for twenty years I ran across your CASCAKKTS In tna town of Newell. Ia.. and caver found anytblDir to equal them. To-4ay I am entirely tree from piles and feel like a new man." i C il.KttTZ.tttl Jonea St., Sioux City, Is. Pleasant, Palatable. 1'otent. Taste Oood. Do Qooa, Nsrsr Slcseo. Weaken, or Grlpa.10c.Sc.S0o. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Mn.Tft.RAP Sold anil riisrsnleeS by alldrar nw-iM-Hnv I alslato C V HE Tobacco llablk W. L. DOUGLAS s3.&'3SHOESS You can save from 93 to $5 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.20 or $3 shoes. They equal tliosa that have been cost ing vnu from St.OO to $3.00. The im inenw sale of W. L. Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other makes. Sold by retail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. That Doastss um Tor onsl'olt proles there Is talis In Uoualss khors. (oroua Is the hlshsnt grade t'sl.Leathtr usde. t'al t'ttlar k vfttti utfti. Our 14 Otlt Edat Lint cannot bi tauailri at anu one. shoes bj wall, ti rents sslra. Illnitrated Catalog frse. W. L. UOlULls, Urockton, Sua- VETCH SEEDS Mann, the CANDY m fkjjvy cathartic j& SaSfc T0l suss aioiansto Send for Special Circular rtland, - - - orgqon MIOICAISlJ SKATTLI3 I30IS13 SAUI3M MUDPORD PAINLESS Teeth Extracted Absolutely Without Pain and all kinds of Dentsl Work Done by Wise Brothers, the Painless Dentists. Open ereninfi tills, BunBsys trom 9 to li UK. W, A. tm WISE BROS., Dentists hnve lieen willing to give uniimllfleit nnd public enilor!iiieiit to n proprie tary ren edy. No amount ot mlvertla ing could have accomplished itieb n re sult, l'erunn lias won on Its own merits. l'erunn cures catarrh of what ever plniKi or Incut ion in the hutnnil lo ly. This ia why it receives ho many notable and unupic endorsements. Address Tho l'erunn Drug M't'g Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free literature on catarrh. mm cmis ati att itsi rails. . it iMMgn syrup, l um Monti, uaa in lima, noifl nr dntajdnts Where We All Quail. "Colonel," naked tho beautiful grass widow, "bavo yon ever really known what It was to bo frlghtored?" "I should say I have," repllo I tbo gal lant warrior. "At tbo dentist's ollico the other day I could actually feol the blood congealing In my veins when ho came at me with his buzz saw." rTQ rsrmanantljr I orwl. ISnfltsornsmrssnsfla ll I U after nrtdar'suuri)r Kltm-'sOri'atflsrva Itsttorrr Hn! far rrrH'.t trlalhnlUpaTHtlrratU Ur. K. II. Kllaf, I.l! .SSI An b nt , I'tiltadrlplila, l'k Battle ot Lexicon. Bruiser heard you were laying for Snoozer to make him fight. Hid you succeed? Droncubutter No. I called him everything I cou.'d lay my tongue to, but theie was no fight in him. Boston Transcript. T. V- . . 1 - 1 1 ( l.t 4 l ui 1.UUKI13111111 rum, ,iwid ! ii" medicine than Piso's Cure for Consump tion. Price 29 cents. Largest Boy In the World. In a certain Paris establishment the largest boy in the world is exhibited. , His name is Anton Mochty. Ho weighs 160 pounds and is 10 years old. His breast ineasnres 4o inches from armpit to armpit, and bis head is 22 inches in diamt ter. Naturo gave An ton six toes on eaib foot and six fingers on each band. In his village thoy call him the "rubber ball," on account ot the rotundity of his features. Stlclcncy Ontiollno IS njlno Fifty dollars can be saveil by buying the nlwve. Will run cheaper, chopping 15 to 20 lmbels per hour, wood saw, well drilling machinery, pumps etc. Writo for catalogue. RHERSON MACHINERY CO, Foot of Morrison Street, PcrtbnJ, Orcfon. For Sale or Exchange. Two ICO Acre Tracts nnd two 120 Acre Tracts of unimproved prairie land in Nebraska, clear title; will grow corn, oats, wheat, rye, alfalfa. Will exchange any or all for small Faw mill, shingle lill. timber or ranch property In Wash ington, or Oregon. A. B. NKWELL, Box 818, Seattle, Wash- OnECOM PORTLAND ST. HELEN'S HALL Has a Xonnal Klmleraartcn Training; flass In connection with Its Academic department separate- residence Two Sear course Model Kindergarten Morl cs prai lice nora For details address ELEANOR TEBBIiTTS, Principal P. N. U. No 42-100). WHEN writing- to advertisers pleasa I mention this paper. I j nfPnill'i'iest In tho world, Sit F H Hi III right down and write H UIILUUII for beautiful illustrated 1 1 nnnrn specialcntnlogueonrose r II ' bushes. Hoffman Bros. 7J I U 0 L U Gltun St.. FortUnd. Ortgoo. 1 TOBACCO USING. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE H Fb-it asJ Hontronxrv PorllMnd, Or I Tilrshoac. Mala 3M. ALSO ALL. KINDS OF GRASS AND CLOVER SEED Send for Autumn Catalog Free. Seedman, 'mt' Portland, Or. Sanders Disk Plow Simplest am! moat perfect made. Before you glreyonr oriler for a Disk J'low be lure to e amine tho Banderi. Foriale by the old tell able houso of Mitchell, Lewis SStaver Co., EXTRACTING uu. t. if wtsa Or. Main 2020. , 10S-IU f alling UUl. Cor. 3ti A Walb. Sis. aaasBBH