Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 09, 1903, Image 7

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    Ml Humors
Aro Itnptiro iimUcrs wlilcli Ilia skin,
liver, kidneys uml oilier (irifniis can
nut titko emu of without liolp, tlioro li
inch mi accumulation of Ilium.
Tlioy Hitnr llio wliolo system.
l'lmplcH, bolls, crzciiiii utiil oilier
eruptions, loss of appetite, llmt tired
fuulliiff, bilious turns, II U of IikIIkc
(Ion, dull licndiiclio mid many oilier
trouble tiro duo to Uiem.
Hood's SarsaparUla
and Pills
rtomovo all humors, overcome all
their effect), slicnirtlicii, touo and
luvltjorutu tlio wliolo system.
"I Imil ull rheum on my hands to tint
coulil nut mirk. I look Hood's Hursaparllla
ml It drove out Urn humor. 1 continued
III mo till tlio eoree illaiuiiirarril," Mae,
Isa U. lluurtu, Iltunfurd I'nlli, Me.
Mooit'a Snranpnrllln promliaa to
euro una Koope mo promise
Poverty In Denmark.
Puntimrk tnnkni n clour distinction
IxtHiHiu lliu tlirllllcsa and tlio rosiiocta
tilu pour. Tim former uru treated llku
KiiKllsli pnuiinri. Tlio latter never
crorn a rkliiiio tliiesliolil. I' deatl
tntn, tliey reclvo a pontlon running
Irom three pounds to Mivuntoeii pound
a year or, II too foulilo to look alter
tliemiMilvei, tlioy aro ilaio,I In an old
sue liome.
Illi View ol It.
OrlitKi'jy Vol, It Man a cloto call
for mo. I one my llfo to my wife's
HIitKlna la that ro?
OrlnKiliy It la. Tlio doctor objected
to tier motliims anil ipilt In tlligtist.
London' Criminals,
It la "It en rnld that tlnire are 70,000
known criuilimta In Iinilnn. Tlia
whole record of Kcotland yard do not
rontalti In nil eu iniiny nauiea, and
many of tlieeo liavo boon dead for
Misplaced Affection.
Tlio Kakiinoa woio very anury with
tlio active explorer.
"Wliat did li do7" oiled tlio mem
1)0' ol tlio telle! expedition.
lie petted our dona," explained
the native.
"la tliero any harm In potting your
"Yea; their tails Hero frozen atlff,
and alien tliey Merit to wan tlieni tlioy
liroko oil." Stray Htorlei.
Doubted lllm.
Tlio call liad become tedloua.
"1 really mutt go," be laid.
"Oil, you men aro audi decolvore,"
alio returned royly. "I wish we girls
could believe all you ay." Chicago
Child Mortality In the Writ Indlta.
In tbe Woit Imllea Infantlto mortal
Ity la very heavy. Aa aoon ai tlio chil
dren of tlio iwarant ran toddlo about
tbey aro allowed to eat whatever tlioy
pick up. Aa a natural result more
than half tf tl em die in many of tlio
lalandi bvforo tbey are a year old.
The City Man'a Advantage.
Jake (tbe blrod man) That city
boarder's tlio bluett fool I evor aoon.
W'y, ho don't even know enough tew
liltdi tip a lioaa.
Hllaa lie may not know enough to
bitch an a lioaa, Jake, but I notice lio
ran bitch up cluaaor tow your beat Jtlrl
In five mlnutea than yew kin In a hull
evonln'. Juilgo.
A Diving Cat.
A (armor In Ilallina, Now Booth
Waloa, trained a black rat to act aa a
retriever. Tlio animal wna alao fond
of diving In tlio aea for flab, and recent
ly It brought out a two-ouiid mtillot.
Its career waa endod by being awal
lowod by a ahark.
Too Swift Concurrence.
An Atchleon man, nowly married,
waa soandlng hla wife's praises to Ida
men friends. "Why, alio la ao much
bettor than I," ho aald, "I don't eoo
how alio came to marry mo." Ills
friends all agreed to this no promptly
that ho got mad ; said bo was aa good
as Ids wife any day, and wantod to
whip tlio crowd. Atclilion Globe.
For Sale or Uxchango.
Two 1(10 Aero Tracts and two 120 Aero
Tracts of unimproved prnlrlo land In
Nebraska, clear title! will grow corn,
oats, wheat, rye, nlfulfn. Will oxebango
any or all for small paw mill, shlnglo
mill, timber or ranch pronorty In Wash
Ington or Oregon. A. U. NEWKLL,
Box 818, Seattle, Wash.
Dizzy? Headache? Pain
back of your eyes? It's your
liver! Use Ayer's Pills.
Gently laxative; all vegetable.
Sold for 60 years, tZSWJi
Wnnt vour motistaclic or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black r Use
nm m. of PHQoOHTt on , r. nun eg., whip w.
The Genuine TOWER'S
It l made of the tot
materials, In Hack er jcDow.
fully cuuwtcd and sold iy
rcliiNc ium everywhere.
- HICK to me
Irowtrj ewiApiAM eo.tu.1. a JToyta .. t
LEjniutftoiuhHrrUD. TesteaUood. bse PN
Dwt'sl8r"V!i5looi bse
la time. Hold br druffsLts.
"Tlio Adventures of (lerard" Is tlie
title of A. Ounan Doyle's now book.
Mlsa Unroll no Drown lias aent tlio
mantiacrlpt of tier now book, "On the
Wo a Trail," to the Macmlllan Com-
pniiy. It la a Into of Indiana In the
cloning years of the revolution.
"The Tool III the Desert" la tlio title
of Mrs. Kvrrnrd Cotes' (Hnrali Jeuu
net to Duncan) now volume of short
atorlrs which D. Applctou & Co. will
Isaue. There are four talcs In all, ench
aald to bo very Interesting.
Myrtle Itrcd'a new novel, "The
Hlipilow of Victory," will bo published
by (i. I. I'lituam'a Hons. Aa has been
announced, tills Is a reinsure of 1'ort
Dearborn, the lltllo trailing post from
which developed the city of Chicago.
Hllaa Uarman'a fir at book of proie,
"The Kinship of Nature," la nnnounee1
for early publication by I.. C. I'age ti
Oo. It wilt be followed immediately
by "Happho, One Hundred I.yrlca,"
with an Introduction by Churlea (1. D.
"Kerns," by Dr. 0. 1!. Waters, Ph.D.,
Johna Hopkins university, la to be
brought out aliortly by Henry Holt it
Co. The book deacrlbra alt the ferns
In the northwestern Htatea and la In
tended to cover the same territory as
fJray's "Manual."
Arthur Harem, the artlat who mar
ried Ituakln'a com lu and ward. Mica
Joan Ituaklti Aguew, baa nearly com
pleted hla "Itevollectlona of Ituaklu,"
wlitoh ahould prove Interesting, con.
alderlug the author's tutlinote aaaoein
lion with Iluakln and hla great talent
aa a raconteur.
The Macmlllan Company have Juat
publlalied a now abridgement of I.ln
gard'a well-known "lllatory of ling
land," brought down to the present.
An abridgement of tills hook has for
fifty years been used lu most of tbo
Catholic schools of (I rent Hrllaln as
the teit-book In Kngllah hlatory.
It la uuderatood that .Samuel Merwln
la completing a new novel, which will
be called "Hla I.lttle World." TI1I1
lory la deacrlbed aa Including tlio
preaeutatlou of an original and strik
ing character -a real man doing a
umu'a work in the stlrrlug shipping
and lumber life of I'ko Michigan.
During one of bis recent wanderings
abroad Clifton Johnson vlellud the
County of Wiltshire, where he aerured
twenty-five of the finest pictures of
nature and rural life. These photo
graphs will be used to Illustrate tbo
Dow edition of Illchard JctTerls' welt
knowu work, "Wild Life in a Bouthern
Village," which I.lttle. Ilrown & Co,
will publish under the title, "An Eng
Hall Village."
An important little volume Is (in
nouueed by Houghton, Mifflin & Co.,
by tbe late dcorge H. Morlaon, former
ly preatdent of the American Surety
of Civil Engineer and classmate and
cloao friend of John l'lako. 'The New
Epoch aa Developed In tbo Manufac
turo of Power" la tbe comprcbei five
tltlo of the easay, which blda t'elr to
arouae no little Intereat among acleu
tlsts and others.
James utis Kaier, better known as
Jamc Otla, tbo writer of Btorles for
young pcop la now Ht work on his
ninety-fourth book, which Is to bo pub
lished by J. H. I.lpplncott Company.
When It Is added that all tlio Otis
books aro yet on sale, It can be under
stood that tbe author has made no fail
ures In tbe enormous amount of work
performed. The new story from Mr.
Otis Is to be colled, probably, "The
Treasure Hunters."
Jean's IleTenire.
An avenger need not necessarily be
a naturalist, but there are cases where
ho would take his vengeance more to
the purpose If he know tbe bublts of
his victim. I.lppencott's Magazine
tells a story of Jean, tbe rrcnch Ca
nadlan gardener, who was found
stamping on a little mound of fresh
earth and chuckling to himself.
'An, m'sleu'," be cried, triumph
antly, "I am not a one to bo trifled
with! I am a cr-r-r-uel man when
once I am arouse. M'alcu' will remem
ber tbe mole that has long tlmo rnv
age tbe strawberry beds of mndnmo)
Every morning madame sho say, Venn,
why catchost thou not that mole?'
nut tbe mole was wise; e was
queek. Always I look and look, but
never can I And bcem. But ot last
thees very morning I catch hecui.
bold broni tight In my hand
so and I say, 'Aha-a-al la It thou,
then, that has vexed mndatue, nud rav
aged her beds of tho strawberry?
Aba-al You shall repent of thecs wick
"Then I wduder how I shall kill
heem. He must be punished us well
s killed, I wonder and wonder, but
at last I have tbe grand Idea. Ah,
waa cr-r-uel, m'sleu', thnt way I
kill bee m I Hut what would you? Did
be not deserve of the worst? Hut he
will vex mndnmo no more. I flx bcem.
I bury bccni olivet"
In tbe "Memoir" of Itobcrt Cham
bers, by bis brother William, Is a
delightful allusion to Peebles, their
birthplace, and a spot ever warm In
the loving memory of Scotch residents.
One of these, a man who had lived
there all his life, was enabled by some
uplift of fortune to visit Paris. When
ha came back, his townsmen gravely
gathered about him.
"Noo," said one, while tuo others lis
tened, "tell us uboot It."
"Paris," ho begun, "a" things con
sidered, Is a woudcrfu' place. Hut
till, Peebles for plonsurol"
Afraid of KiiRllstiuiou.
Tlio Moscow Gazette warns tho gov
ernment against allowing English
men to settle In the oil districts of the
Caucasus, as tbe situation may iiccome
tbo same as that In tbeTrnii8vnal be
fore the war.
Every big girl lu a family complains
that tho children tag her when tbe
runs over to the neighbor's. I
Miss Gannon, Secy Detroit Amateur
Art Association, tells young women what to
do to avoid pain and suffering caused by
female troubles.
" Dkak Mhs. I'iNKiiAM ! I can conscientiously recommend T.ydln, 13.
I'liikliniii'N VcKvtalilo Compound to thosoof my sisters sulIeriiiK with
feinnlu wunkncwi mid tlio troubles which so often befall women. I suf
fered for months witli general weakness, and felt so weary that I had
hind work to keep up. 1 had shootinc; pains, and was utterly miserable.
In my distress I was advised to two Ijdln 13. IMiiklmm's Vetrctablo
Compound, and it was a red letter day to mo when I
for at that tlmo my restoration liegan. In six weeks I was a changed
woman, perfectly well in every resjiect. I felt so elated and happy that
I want all women who suner to tret well as I did." Misi Guii.a Gannon,
359 Jones St., Detroit, Midi., Secretary Amateur Art Association.
It li clearly shown In this jounu; lady's letter that Iydla E.
IMnkliatn's VcRotublo Compound will certainly euro tlio stiffcrliiR.i
of women ; and when one considers that Silas Onnnon's letter Is
only one of tlio countless hundreds which wo nro continually
struation, and was not able to work. Your medicine has cured me of
my trouble. I felt relieved after taking one bottle. I know of no med
icino as good as yours for femalo troubles." Miss Edith Cnoss, 109
Water Strcot, Haverhill, JIass
Itcincmbcr, Mrs. Plnkham's ad vice is free, nnd all sick women
sr foolish If they do not ask for it. No other person has sucl
Tnst experience, and has helped so ninny women. Write to-day.
PQHFEITlf we oonDot forthwith produce the original lUra and signatures el
abore ieumoallj. whleh will lroTe their aheolote senalneneis.
War Doge.
Tho war messenger dogs of tho Gor
man army have hitherto been recruited
from tbo ranks of sporting dogs. But
a chango Is to be mado. Tho rotrlevers
were not always sure lotter-carrlors, bo
ing otten divoitod from their mission
by gamo met en route. Thoy will be
roplared by Scotch shepherd dogs,
which have more enduranco and are
moro conscientious.
dood Wishes for Wedded Couple.
A couplo who wore united in wedlock
recently woro tho roiiplonts of a tele
gram which road as follows: "I wish
you tho health of JolTries, tho wealth
rf Itockefollor and tho luck of Hooeo-
volt. I cannot attend the wedding, but
will ondeavor to be present at tbe chris
tening." If so then your system 9 out of
there ii a flaw somewhere in your constitution,
and a possibility that you are losing health, too.
The failing off in wei'eht may be slight, but it makes
a wonderful change in one's looks and feelings, and
unless the building up process is begun in time,
vitality and strength are soon gone and health
quickly follows. If you are losing weight there is
a cause for it. Your blood is deterioratintr and
becoming too poor to properly nourish the body, and it must be purified
and enriched before lost weight is regained, It requires something more
than an ordinary tonic to build un a feeble constitution, for unless the coisons
and germs that are lurking in the blood are destroyed, they will further im- J
poverish the blood and weaken the system, nnd you continue to lose weight. I
In S. S. S. will be found purifying and tonic properties combined. It
not only builds up wcaic constitutions,
but searches out and destroys germs
and poisons of every description and
cleanses the system of alt impurities,
thus laying the foundation for a
healthy, steady increase in weight
and future good health.
Food may be bountitui ana me
ippetite good, but still the system
weakens and we remain poor in flesh
unless what we eat is properly digested
and turned into rich, pure blood.
G. S. S, rc-inforces the Stomach and
aids the digestion and assimilation of
food, nnd there is n rapid up-building
ot health and strenctli. S. S. S. acts
promptly and beneficially upon tlie nervous system, strengthens and tones
IV UJJ, HUU tbllbiva . 'I V. U.ll.ll. J J'l ULlllklll owuuu, . 1. . 1 t-U.t 1 .1 0(U, .UU
can find no tonic so invigorating as S. S. S., and beinpr composed excluslvelv
ot roots and herbs its use is attended with no bad effects. Old people will
find that it braces them up, improves the circulation ot the blood, and
11 up, anu relieves 111c biiuiii uy producing souuu, reircsuing sieep,
strong or well, and who are growing
weight, should take a course 01 a. a. s. ana build up again, (j. t. H. is
recotrnlzed everywhere as the leadinir blood purifier and the safest and best
of all tonics. We cheerfully furnish
Who will mite us. THE SWIFT
puoiuiiinir in the ncwepupcrs 01 tins country,
the great virtuo ot Mrs. Pinkham'a medicine
must bo admitted by all; and for the absolute
cure of all kinds of female ills no subbtitute
can possibly take its place. Women should bear
Una important fact In mind when they go Into
a drug store, and bo sure not to accept an vthlnif
that is claimed to Iks " just ns (rood" as Lydla
K. I'lukliiiin's Vegetable Compound, for
no other medicine for female ills has made so
many actual cures.
How Another Young Sufferer
Was Cured.
"Dear Mas. Pinkham: I must
write and tell you what your Vegetable
Compound lias done for me. I suffered
terribly overy month at time of men
K. rjnkhftin Medicine Co., Lynn,
, Us
narket Price. I
Ono day a little babv brother arrived
at Hamlin's house, and being of a prac-! learned fat exceed In grace and charm
tical turn of mind, he asked his moth- the labored efforts of minds of pro
er how much she had to pay for him. found attainments. Women are often
"How much do you think he is excellent letter writers. The little
worth?" returned his mother. things that go to the making of the
"Well," Hamlin reflectod, "he only uerfect letter arc appreciated by them.
weighs ten pounds, so I should think
ten dollars would be enough, because
beefsteak Is only 20 cents a pound.
The Coffins of the Orccka.
The ancient Greeks used a species ot
llmestcne known as sarcophagus in
making coffins. The peculiar quality
of sarcophagus consisted In the fact
that it would consume the human body
within a period of a few weeks. It la
said to have been found at Assos, a
city of Lycla.
balance, and
Huntavllla, Ala., Jaa. 10, 1003.
Borne years atro my eeneral health
tavo way) my nervous system was
shattered, and I could get nothing-to
do me any good till I began to ua
O. B. B. I commenced to improve at i
... r . i..u I
VUUDi tH.g CWV.i.O IfBVIUllP ipHUUtt
and from 135 pounda I tncreaaed to
1B0. I beoame well again by taking1
8. B. B. and would take no amount for
the good It did me. My health li
now perfect, and I believe If every
body would taka a bottle of B. 8. B.
occasionally, tbey would enjoy life
as I am doing. W. L. WINSTON,
Yon I
stimulates all the bodily organs, and
persons ot delicate constitutions can
take S. S. S. with safety, as it does not
derange the Stomach like the strong
mineral remedleo, but acts gently and
without any shock to the system. Those
whose feel intra tell them thev are not
thinner and falling below their usual
medical advice, without charge, to all
II Opana a New World to Ona Who
Uaea It I'rriper).
A friend of one of our contributors
walked Into tlio editor's olflce the
other day with a request that we give
our attention to what be called an
"antlcamera crusade," says tbe Amer
ican Inventor. He Informed tils
patient auditor that bis small sou had
lately become possessed of "one of
those devilish kodak things" and now,
by the went horn spoon, he wanted to
atudy artl It was mildly suggested to
tbe Irate parent that sons have on
occasion done worse things, but a
muttered malediction was the only re
sult He did not give us time to tell
him whst we really thought of the
matter, so we are going to do It now.
In our opinion there no greater fac-
tor to-day than tbe camera as a means
of education. We do most emphatl-
cauy uaneve mat toe cioaer man gets
to nature (he more he knows, tho
better cltlien be mskes and the mora
competent be la to bear hla part as a
unit In the great machine humanity.
And the camera Is the thing that
senda a man out Into the country,
that makee blm walk and look, not
walk and think about hla bualneas.
It aenda some of Ita devotees down
cioae to tne ground ror insect pictures,
uiua 11 waan cumo treea lor Dims,
iv oiuera u uoiua oui inviting nana
calling them where ocean breezes blow
and to one and all It exercises a
fascination and a mysterious charm
. , , , . ' ...
which breeds, often from nothlnr, an
appreciation and love for tbe beaotl-
ful, without which no one can truly
say, "I have lived. '
In education the camera Is a bigger
man than tbe superintendent of
wbool. TrlnXr Ur ZZ , to th
. V to tne
icj-iuuu pair iur iu vuiacsuoa vi
f ll A MOtllil k whnm f.fnlMa ne-A Aeev '
UlS .emu tU W UVUI yilllilV SB I C VI e;j s
thing and print a to- be- avoided evil, 1
tailing a atory In acenes from the
north or south and making real to lit
tle minds tbe difficulties and dangers
which the explorer and the vanguard
of civilization have to face, It la play
ing a part In tbe better education of
mankind that may well require an ad
miration and a reverence but little
second to that which tbe world paya
to the Inventor of letters and books.
So to tbst dissatisfied father whose
son of sixteen was so broadened that
be knew his Ignorance and asked for
on art training, and to all Uie multi
tude of parents whose children use
tbe camera to the alternate amuse
ment and disgust of the household, we
would commend a little educational
reading, a subscription to a photo
graphic magazine and a careful re
pression of oppression of tbe camera.
It does no barm, it does great good It
Is not a waste of time It Is an ed
ucational recreation, and last, but not
least, It Is not a
monomsnlacal pur-
suit," but a broadener and deepener
or tne mind, ana as such is to be en-
couragea ana smuea upon.
Daguerre, salutem!
Heart Must Go with the Pen.
A good letter may be written by one
who disllkea to write letters; one who
illallkltt trt u 1 1 to mnv vn liv fnrcp
dislikes to writo may even, by force
ot Intellect or will, always compose
good letters, but this Is not what Is
meant by the elegant art of letter writ
ing. That art demands primarily not
alone an ease of outward form, but an
underlying love of the thing, a natural
recourse to tbe pen as a means of en
joyment, as a solace, as an unpremed
itated expression of thought or emo
tion. It Is the presence of this fac
tor 111 Hip nnnetltlltlnn nf tli trrltpr
thnt so often makes the letters of peo-
lle not superlatively Intellectual or
the trifles of the outer world no less
than the trifles of the Inner world of
human affections and endeavor- Noth
ing kills tbe life of a letter more sure
ly than the conscious or unconscious
feeling on the part of the writer that
It Is not worth while to write this or
that. Absolute play of pen Is needed,
for the quality of style In letter writ
lug, evasive as It Is, tends rather to
discursiveness than to conciseness.
Clinton's Magazine.
An Kcenomlca! Mother.
Small Katherine, who had been for
bidden to touch the luk bottle, bad ac
cidentally spilled Its contents not only
all over her mother's desk, but on the
rug, several choirs and her own apron.
Her mother, on discovering the state
of affairs, had expressed more surprise
than pWsure. When tho father of
the fanillr returned at night his little
I J daughter met him at the door and
I "Papa, how much does a bottle of
Ink cost"
"Oh, about 5 cents."
"Five cents!" exclaimed the ag
grieved youngster, In a tone of deep
disgust "And to think that mamma
would make all that fuse about one
little bottle of Inkll" Llppincotfa.
A Deaperat. D.btor.
"Yes," said the business man, "I
hftve siren up trying to collect that
little bill from Bllktns. You see, ha Is
a pretty big fellow, and he used to
throw my collectors out."
"Then why didn't you employ a
woman collector? lie couldn't do that
to a woman."
"That's what I thought, so I sot one
and sent her round, but she never came
"Why not?"
"He married her."
Similar but Different.
They were meandering slowly to
ward the parental domicile ot the fair
maid, after the theater and u little
suppor at a swell beanery, when the
spirit moved him to do a conuudrum.
"Darling," he asked, "why am I like
the moon!"
"I d'don't know, George," she stam
mered, "but I h-hope It Isn't b-because
you get full."
"No," he answered In a tone redo
lent with sadness, "It's because I'm
down to my last quarter." '
Tito World's) Golit rroituot.
The government mint report iuts
tlio gold production of tbe world sliico
the discovery of America at $0,811,-000,000.
Whtre Solomon dot Ills Wisdom.
The little boy was asked by a Bunday
school teacher to wrlto all he know
about Holomon and hand his paper to
her the next Bunday. The following
Sunday ho handed her a slip ot paper
on which was writ ton; "King Holo
mon was a great and wlto man. Ho
had 100 wives. After that he did not
believe In God." New York Times.
For bronchial tronMri try riao's Cure
for Coriiunintlnn. It la a rood cough
madlclne. At druggiats, price 26 centa. j
Navigable Chlncae Rivers. j
An Investigation of the Obt and
Yenesel rivers, mado under tho ana
pices of tho Ilusslan government, has
revealed tbe fact that these streams are ,
by ocean steamers for a dla
1,000 inllos from their
tanco 01
To Chicago, Dobuque and the
East; to Des Moines, Kansas City and
the Bontheast, via Chicago Great West
ern railway. Electric lighted trains.
Unerjnalled service. Write to J. P.
Elmer, 0. 1'. A., Chicago, for Informa
tion. Moon aad Weather.
When thn mnnti movee entitli
In her
orbit abundance of rain will
nut when she goes north dronght la to
do expected, says the government as-,
tionomer of Australia.
1 ,w,!,.nn2,M"- wl""ow's SoofWns
, eyrup the test remedy to use tor tnelr children
' tie teething season. "".u
p,I,t ' ,he Arrow.
ine least 01 the arrow is a 1'erslan
festival. It commemorates tbe feat of
Arlnh. who at nc.niri. .M i), a Umnnm
"row which fell 600 m leVaway by 12
0iciMk th t . '
or catalogue. .KlJUOUri MAUUfltKI CU
trail or Onto, I'm or lotito, 1
raucxi. Chckit makes oath that ha ta the
senior parter 01 the arm 01 r. 1. chcxzt & Co.,
doing business In the city ot Toledo, Connty
andbtate aforesaid, and that aald firm will pay
the sum ot ONE I! UNIJItKD DOLLARS for each
ana erery case of catarrn that cannot ta cured
by the use ot Hill's tUTjaan Ccac.
uworn to before me and snbecrlbed In ray
presence, this tth day of December, A. D. I860.
A. W. 0LEA80.V,
Notary Pubtte.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre la taien Internally and acts
directly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of
taa system, fiend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold bydrnrg Isu, 76c
Wall's Family 1'llls are tbe but . -
British Shlpbnllding Statistics.
Last year Britain sold 300 ships of
an average tonnage of 2,000 each to
foreign countries. Among these wore
twenty warships.
rtTQ Permanently cored. xrofluornsrTOtisneea
rl lu after arstday'suseofOr.Ullne'sOriatNerTe
Restorer. Rend tot Free B2 trial bottle and treatlM
Dr. K. U. Kline, Ltd.. Ml Arch St.. Philadelphia, fa.
A City of Vlclisltudee.
Herat holds the record of belnp the
moat olten besieeed of the world's clt-
es. jt bss been taken and retaken
over fifty times.
You Can act Alien's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen S. Olmsted. I Rot.X. Y.. (or a
. free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
new or light shoes easy A certain cure for
Another Point ol View.
"How trne it is," said the dealer in
stock quotations, "that the apparel oft
proclaims the man."
"Yes," remarked the casual ob
server, "and on tbe other hand an hon
est heart sometimes beats beneath the
plug hat that surmounts a sack coat."
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
it Pac-Slmlle Wrapper Below.
Very saaall and aa easy
to Jake as sagas
r, , . a oHiimni wvi.
- - .1
It WlrtUIUW.I. I
i cTat. I Porelr.-v-ejeUll
The Southwtck baa the largest rapacity, is fattest and easiest worker of any Hay I'rcis mails.
8end for catalogue. Mailed free.
Flrmt mnU Taylor
Teeth extracted Absolutely
Without Pain and all kinds of
Dental Work Done by Wise
Brothers, tho Painless Dentists.
Open evenings tills,
Sundaya from to 12.
PR. w A. Wla..
WISE BROS., Dentists
2Vo Hair?
"My hslr wis falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed. I
then tried Ayer's Hslr Vigor and
my hslr stopped fslllnc at once."
Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O.
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough.
Act promptly. Save your
hair. Feed it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. If the gray
hairs arc beginning to
show, Ayer's Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time. 11.04 a betlls. Alt frautita.
If yonr lnilst cannot annply yon
send us one dollar and we will einress
you a bottle:
lie sure and glra the name
el your nearest ett.ress
J, C. AYUlt CO., Lowell, Mass.
Miners and Quarrymtn.
I There aro 4.CD0.000 minora
quarrymen in tbo world.
Stlcknoy OuHOlIno Untflno
Fifty dollars can bo raved by buying
tho above. Will run cheaper, clionnimr
15 Jo M bushel, pr hour, wcl eaw. wen
drilling machinery, pumpa, otc, Writo
Foot of Morrison Street, FortUnd, Otcfon.
Hncst In tho world. Bit
right down nnd writo
for beautiful Illustrated
I ft spccialcataloueonroso
bush. 9. lloltmia Bros..7ss
U Gliun St.. FortUnd, Oregon.
"For elx years I waa a victim ordra
pepala In Ita worst form 1 could eat nothing
but milk toast, and at tunes my atomach would
not retain and dlaeat errn thar. Last March I
besan taking CASCAKETS and alnce then I
have ateadlly improved, until I am aa well aa I
ever waa in my life.''
DaviD II, Mtmrnr, Newark, O.
Plfiiant, PalaUbl. Totcnt Tiite Good. D
Good. .Nerer Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c 3&e.C.
lUrtlseC lMs4r CMfii;, nilil, Malrfcl. S Tort, lit
NnTflRAP Sold and rarrttred tr lldrOf
av p w swrsjw u
to Jt Ki; Tobacco lUbll,
You can aava from $3 to $S yearly by
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.20 or $3 shoes.
luoy equal mose
that Lave boen cost
ing you from $4.00
to $5.00. The Im
mense sale of V. L
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shoe
dealers everywhere.
Look for name and
price on bottom.
That Doaelas mi Tor
onal'olt proves there Is
Tslae la Ooeelas shoes. .
Coroaa Is the hlahest I
grade rat.Leathsrraade.V
fait Volar k utlett ujaT. S
Our S4 Oltt Etta LlnteMHOt b99auallc4at ana nrce.
Shots tf mall, ii reals eitra. Illsitrate
Catalef frss. H. L. DOl'tiLlS. llrokton, Masa
r. C. Gee Wo
This wonderful Chi
oese doctor li cvlled
grrmt bcu4 b caret
people without opcrib
tlon tbt are jflTen up
to die. 1I cure with
thos onderful Chi
ne herba. rooti, buds,
barkt aad Teffetablea
that ar tntlreljr un
known to medical id
enc In thla country. Through the us o'
thoae harm) eta rcmedlei thla famoui doctor
knowa tha action of over 600 different rem'
rdlea, nhlch be Buccensfully uaea In different
dlaeasea, lie guarantees to cure cattarh. aatb
ma, I u tiff, throat, rheumatism, nerTouineas,
tomach. llrer, kidneys, etc.: has bundreda of
teatlmoalala. Charges moderate. Call and
aee him. Patient out of the city write for
blanka and circulars. Hend stamp. COJittUtr
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co,
251 Alder St. PortlanJ, Ortzon.
P. N. U.
No 41-I90J.
WI1EX wrltlns; to advertisers pleas,
mention this paner.
Clear Head
raaosmaa ataiareaso' rf-ea
South wick Hay Press
Portland, Oregon
Or. Main 2029.
208-2 U I ailing UMs, Car. JrJ Wash. Sta,