BOHEMIA NUQQET. C. J. Howard . - - . Carton C. Y. Brown . . . . Udltor Business Mt'r. Knitted tli tlimc i Ci.tti Orrf 1.11 wwinl el" mU mlter. Urn., iil..ftlplln ptlr.I.BO, In '! AiUirlWInf llilnmi' hnawn THIH l-.U'KIl li nn III K.C. A.Krrlliln Alrtlicr, M .ll'l .M.-Tli.nt . htn "In TrnrV.. r.llf..r..l. ht (, irm for dvertliln cn t mrt. lor II I'kIUAY, OCTOIIHR 9 1903 MIAW At HAS 50M1 OP OOLD. the spirit of progress is taking root in this city. Everyone Is awakening t ttic realization tliai the oppo tunities for n city of many iI.mchwI nmiiil.ition is within the province ol Cottage Grove. It lias taken lots ol talk on the part of those, who, from time to timeviMi- nil lit nil it 11 lins also taken the ex nMillinri of manv thousands of dollar. 011 the part of many who have talked it, and who have criti cised us, who have battered along here for years without seeing the gieal future possibilities. Hut thanks to the energy and faith ot tittle who have come 'rom abroail and revealed the light, we are now beginning o see what is in store fur us. I" recognizing this fact, let us be thankful that we have been lead to see. At the same time let us remember that ultimate suc cess is not to be attained, simply b seeing, but by taking advantage ol that which we see. Let us lend 1 hand to this new spirit of enterprise atid show those who have come to work with us that, a hile we have I.--., 1iw 111 awakening, we are Niirti K ""OH PUH1.HUT10N IjindOfflceat lloneburj, Or g n, (A Vmnij.) Ah mini mull l lie Htnft of life Ik, .so .mill lil 1 1 Ih tlii'Kohl that linj It; Though the kiiIiI will feed Ids bunner (lold v III bur the lirt-ml lie Uvea on, T" will not i.iwii.vh nuiLe bun happy. There nre other thlngD In-aldes thla lir which the soul ot man l .vrnrii hilt Yearns for lore the love ol wonuin; Anil to irnln thlii nrlcflenH Jewel Jewel when 'tis pnrenml Holy. HlnwntliiiHoiiRlit tne goitMieitis (lold-llelilM, far Into tlie mountains, Where the richest hidden trenaiir Lay lliere hidden still in secret. In the hill' ( old lloliembi; Unplug; there to Mud the treasure Which would bring; lilm ieuco nnd plenty Ami secure for him the treasure I'tvasiirv that he loved nnd lougvd for. t'lie love of ik Iwitittllul woinnii, she who lie ho lined nml longvd fur. And by dny ami night he divnined of, Dreamed of her eye ho soft and li vely, of ker evea that were 10 hoiiUuI. Which liiado bin heart tieiit so mueb fjiHter And Ills cheek grow ho much redder. Until his soul wan lllleil with long- Iiik I .,ii. Hi. r tt ,v-iii, U'lll mill litis,its llt'l . IV AVI'l-'ll SKVUHAL INIirSTUI While he pondered o'er the picture, ,, in-raous In eiieh Hlate to travel I'rosiieet of Ills love succeoillug:. fr house established eleven ,earx Hiawatha beht hN efforts, and with a law capital, to call KffortK to lind the gold. Ids fortune. . ., merchants and ngvuts for siic Which would buy hiicIi things of lw.(ui llu,i profitable line, l'ernia lientit.v 'iieut engagement. Weekl.v cash Ah would nleiihe the maid he loveilsir-, ,,ilirv ,,1 sis Ui nil traveling; ex ility her ls.'uds ami thing; so pretty, ,k.,m.s ,,hi hotel bllln ndvaneed In cash each week. lJxierleiieo not esenttnl. Mention reference and eib close self-addre-sed envelope. THK NATIONAL, VAX liearborn St., t hi-eago. I DO YOU WANT TO YAWNT Keel 111M lilvrrlngt, aching In the October 0. 1 iu.1. milieu, mv "i ninu, nv,im, , , l,v KUen l.utthi'ollov. nt depieolonT Tiiw. V'l;''" itl. r l.M filed nutleo of Ids' flowed hy vhlnt lie.lehe, N'ullce li" he itiif-ii.tiiim M' .i.iiiiiiinii t, ihmLi. llnnl nnxif In hiiiv Kiit of hi ehilni, mid Unit mild lirixil III lie iiiiulu Uloio lUcislcr mid He eeirer U 8 lnd Otllco nt Itonelmrir, Onwn, on NoveniU r 17,1003. vlt: 11 K No 0.2T, AiiisiittSeliische, forthe l)l 1, 8, 9, 10, Sim 0, T p 22 8 H. 3 W. Iicnaineallie louowinic wonetfcs u nrove li rfliilliitiniiR realm-nee. upon umlcultivntloiiof enl.llnnd.vli: rutmllli. W Jl van uonion, J Van Oortlon, J Akllon, of Cotugo flrove, Oregon. J. 1. UHI1X1IK, nepiner. SAYK8 TWO 1-UOU HKATII. "Our little ttnugliti r hd an ahnot fatal attack of It pllitf eoiiitli and broiichiil." writes Mr. W. K. Ilav I Iniid.of Armonk, X. Y., "but, when Ml other reiiuslicK falleil, wefavevl herllfo with Dr. Kiln:' New Disi-overy. Our nleiv, ho Imil Oiiii-iiinplton In an ml tntietil Muitr, l niil lid" wonderflll uie..i-ine hsul luil.iV rw ! pciieeily well." IXtperate tln.iil nml hint! ill pertseii yield to Dr. Knit:' New Hih nuw an to nn othe ' medicine oil cm lb Infallible lor t'oimlis nml Cold-. faK- ami jt.00 IniIIIch irnin nntiil by New Km Dnij; Sluie. Trlid Iniltles free. hiuli fever, extreme nervoniiiifi', con- ilillou known an malaria. Ilerliliit euirtit. Take It bforutbdliieaeKta n fair hold, thoimh It will work a cur In any matte. J. A. Hopklna, Man eliHter, Kan,, wtltcal "I have Hied JOIir Rreai nicoicine, iiviluiiv. iu, r llieru in iiuiiiiiik ,-iv-i i.'i eral veara inaiarlii, chills and fever, headache, billoune, mid for a bliMi-nurlfybit Ionic, there ia notblnit at ttoixl." WW at New lira iiniR Store. Which woald pleiisoher;lrllKh fancy. HopliiK tbim that he could win her. Woo and win her lor bin own. And bo elliulK'd oVr hill nml moun tain, Waded aiiow and HtiviuiiH of water. IUIIh and Htrcaiu of 41I1I lloheinla; After many iIii.vh of banlHhlp, Which would try theHoulxof trou, men, Hiawatha Htopped to ponder, I'oiider o'er Ida life of hardship In the laud of 11I1I lloheinla; And he rested by the Htreanilet CONFKSS10NS OK A l'HIKST. Kev. Jim. S. Oix, of Wnke, Ark., us. "For I- vears I autlercd from Yel ow Jauiuiice. 1 iimsiiltwl a mini' ln-r of pliyaiciiiiia ami tried nil norts of imsllcinej, but got no telief. Then 1 X S rubbed j W. eh no. dovvh '.e w-len. blUsble fc "sleep" from our eyes, and that re ZT. W,"' "t from now on we kneel on the altar of Progress and Unterprise ana are ?ver ready to work, hand in hand, for till that is calculated to develop and push into the foremost rank this magnificent country. The attack upon and the robberv of Mr. James Kerr, on Koiv river, one day last week, should convince anyone mat it is not policy 10 carry airy considerable sum of money on One's person nor should it be kept in one's house. A man may be suspected of having money alxui him, and be may be knocked on the head, but if he hasno iuo:;ev in his possession he gets off with what ever injur es the footpads may in flict, and with the satisfaction that ie tnnnt i enfe iii the bank. ! II. it, llm- rnxt Hilt II 1 he llUHlies. While the physical pain may be as 1 Lent be d fall, and falllnt; buckw anl 1 , .1,.,.! .m i- enmp -.:;. Lone the heij;bt he bad ahcended: great there would be some satis-1 m . UOHr- ot cumblnK taction 111 knowing that tne robbers OVr the rockH lllItl up t(ie hiiialde. met with disappotntmeiu ana tuai Hiawntha kiivu a war-wnoop. As be nut there 'neath thealuuletreiH, In the HlimleH of lir anil hemlock, ijuaffed the pure and liiinld water. Ate bin venUon. the "How-wlch". i'hiiikliiK Hi"' of her he lox ed ho And how futile neemed Ids effort, lllawatlia fell in similiter. .slumlM;red far into the eenlus. While the water rippled onwar.l Dowu the hills of old Itoheima. lllawatlia still while sleeping. Dreamed of Kold. the yellow metal, That he found It on the hlll-sldi Found a lede all full of metal, ltlch In koUI andstreakeil wi'thsllver. And Ids dream niiide lilm . happy. Filled lilssoiil wltliHoiuuehi-hi .uess, I'hat awakening from his sluiulier With tlie vision on his iiiiml, liiawatha took Ids outfit. 1'ook his blanket, pick and old-pail. Straight-way climbed the rocky hill side, o'er rocks ami los and cinders. 1htioi tlit- life 01 Klectric Hitters nml it'cltliHt I mil now curcn 01 11 ihmmi-c its i!inn I r twelve mil tellable medicine i..,. I.i,.,.r nml Iviillli'V trillllllt'. stiillllicll iliviiiile r or ucMenil debility, Kel Klec tric Hitter. It's ttiinriiiiteeil by .New Km Drill: Mine. OnlyWV. NOTICK KOK PUIII.ICATION. ljiml Office Jt Hoteliiins, Die. Sept. IS, i'.HU. Not ire it liereliv clven Hull the follow iii)!-nnmcd pettier lias tiled notice ol his intent ion to make final proof in sno mirt of Ida claim, nml that saiI proof will be untile liefore J. .1. Walton, L'. I'ommiMiiuner at hinrene. Orecon, on Saltmine. November 7. 1903. i Pmirlp-'' liRiidlcr. on II. K. No. SS71 foi il..- N SW . Nk, SK . See. 31 T. 19 S.. It. 1 V. He mimes the mltowitii: ittie.-Ji-s to prove Ids continuous reviilencu iikii ami eullivalinii of raid l.iud, viz: Kldslt. Parker, of Dexter, Oiei-oii, James Citrr, ol .lunei Oregon, Thomas llamlsaker, W. It. l'aiker, of Ion, Ore. J. T. Hriimies, Itegitter. for $al. Diiubte rolttry etitnplcle saw mill .11 1 il t . exeeptlnu ion'ir This iilaltt lucltliles main belt, Inslile lK'its. saw dust carrier, two Inserted tooth Piston saws. Willi HI horse power ."1.IHHI to s.tKMi feet 01 binilHT can Ik rut K'r day. i Bargain ami will tuty you to luxestt Kte. The entire plant l In piod working onler nml con venletitlv liM-ated. Will eul true and entire cut can be sold no the Kronmt ttuilci present eoutrueta at nood tlj;iires. $$00.00 Surprising Skirt Sale Some Rcnmrknbly fine oircriiiKS in Ladies' awly t wear Skirts, Silk, Wool, Muslin, Utc. This lot comprises a most complete assortment, includin),' all sizes ami all styles ol" finishi.u,' and trimmings. ol' Prices Reductions Arc Very Noticeable and Sale ailbrds Rare Opportunities for Buying. fall at llohcmla Xuep'l fui'thur partleularH. for I Pacific Timber Co. rffi I'mler Oiltl I-VllnwV Hall M CotlJlLl'i' (il'OVC.OlVU'Dll. !!fmMfMfMfMfMfmi1Mlf!l!M!!!r!tM!fMf!tfmm!1f1UI!f1?M!fMM!M!M!M!M!M!M!M!M!M!fMf1!M!f 3 1 "Welch & Woods Have il for Less'- i one had monev enoucli to pay the doctor bill. The bank is the safest place for your surplus cash. Gov. Chamberlain, it is an ' One which made the mountains echo Kcho then and Htlb to echo. Made the ilow-wieh Jutnpand startle I Still afruld ol miin when startled: ' Made." the sipirrel, Adjldauuio, I Peep and chatter from his ambush, 1 And the rabbit, the W'nbnso. 1 u .1... i.m . 1.1 iiim .l ...ill nmKhU. Ipm.p Rnli-m nca uper iroi 1 e .....s .... .... , """'""'i 1 ' , ; 1 Anil tlie uiueiiiru, me ohiiimii, next Saturday for Washington to , Ai.d the robbln, the OihIkv. i confer with President Roosevelt ! fluttered through the limbs and resatding land iattew. 1 bis is a , ,mt wev Ilottorll llowI1 1 At Medley & Milne's real estate ; g Muove in the right direction. When 1Jy tl(, ecl() , the (ort.stHi , olllce, the llnest suinplcs of Luuejo I'rehident Roosevelt thoroughly tin-I t-r,,,,, tlu Wkoop of Hiawatha leounty prtidiietK, and a list of the a 1 fur treasure best and cbeanest farms anil town, , II K I.KAHNKI) A HUKAT TItUTII. I It in said of John Weslev that he once I (aid to Mistrem Wesley : "Why do you 1 tell that child the same thing over and over aitaln?" "John Weley7 liecatite, once tellinu is not enoni:li." It is lor, ' this same reaniit that von are to il jaain.nd aptiii ChamlierlainV 'Cough Kemeily cuies colds ttndKrip: 1 that it counteracts any tendency ot . these dii-etoes to result in pneumonia. ami it is pleasant ami safe to take. I'm i sale by Tlie Modern 1'liarmncy . LOST: llct ween the New Km Drim Store mid the I'ostolllce. one leather purse eontaluliiK tbe followlia;: Three llumlreil Dollars l$:hM)tM) In bills, sexea illincs and thirty-five cents In nickels and IH'iinli's. also one spool of thread and one box of "Pup 'Bin All Salve." The finder may keep the l'tirse. Money and Thread. hut learnestly nspiest Hint thefOUN SAl.VH Ih returned as It Ih Tlie .Must Valuable Preperaiion On The Market. for the curt1 of corns, return It to. etc. 1'lcnse Yours Itespevtfully, Mls N. O. t'on.NH. Pou't complain nhoiit the coiil iiijilits. Welch i: Wmuls have Hlankets from li.'icts to $S.(H) pair. Also comforts plenty. Wc also Iwive a nice line of Wool I'ntlerwear, Socks anil StoeUings, find any other old thin :,' to make von comfortable in winter weather. BLANKETS COHFORTERS I We have Mackitiaws. Arctic Soxs, Rubber (Joodsof all kinds. We received ibis i.eek auotber invoice of Men's ami Hovs clothing which wc have .10 room to 0ven up, so lor the next lew days we arc goiiiK to give the pv iple of Cottage Crove n rate opnrtunilv t- pur chue a Mitt at u very small margin above cost price. To those ol our customers who have been vvnliinu for the Old Lady's Comfort Shoe, and fat Inby shoes att 1 P'clt oods we wish to say they are here. i "Welcli & Woe ids. When you see It our nil It's mi. In Welch Woods. S iiuiuuuuiuiwiuuauiuiuiiiuiikJiuiuujikiiiiuiiuuiuiiiiiiJiwikJiiiiiawiiiiiiUiiiiitiiiiiiJiiR o aaHoceoaoBOBBBonaBOBiti onneuenoenoBsRcriQna, FOUND. IS s T11H- g rocrry Store OP n e a e a o u a Central Botei l.ii'ileil inn lilnrk- west ,111.: mil' hi. i k mirlli uf t1 e S. 1". Depot gardless of politics or political affilia tion are dissatisfied with the Inter i jr Department's actions toward this state there will evidently be some thing doing in behalf ot Oregon, regardless of Hitchcock's, little, measly excuses for his past actions. The policy of the nation toward a state should be from a broad minded standpoint and will be when the "kicks" are properly registered. in the bills of Old Bohemia. lots. Corner Sntl and Main Sts., Cot tage drove. ITGOKS IiRillT TO TUK SPOT" Through the efforts of Professor Briggs n course of lectures and en tertainments will be given in this city this season, by some of the brightest entertainers before the American public. These enter tainments are in every instance of high standard not only entertain ing but decidedly instructive be sides permitting 11s to become ac quainted with the brightest minds in the United States. Un doubtedly the entire course will be liberally patronized. Thus It wan that Hiavvntlia Full of votitb, love and ambition, i." I ,.!.. ... ....... It. (li., (rfil1l.ti4.llll. I" fjlllll. 111" .Ull. mi"? i.. . ... . 1 In the Kold-lieliln of old lloheinla, ' V hen iainnr irritation exists 011 any o After niaiiv vears of hardship. ' part of the body, the appli -11111111 of Hal- Oft discouraged, yet still hoping, 1 lard's Snow I.ininient will give prompt n Full of hope, with love and courage; j relief. "It i-uea right to the sot. said e r tided streams, with ice so chilly, an nlil man vvIhiuh ruhbitiL' it in, to 15 Over hills and rocks, through can-1 cure his rlieun.aiiMii. C. H. Sinith. In ...u Pronr. Smith IIoue. Tenaha. Texas, I TbrollKh the interminable forest, 'writes. "I lutvo ui-ed Mallard'! bnuiv In the lillls of old IJoheuila. Liniment in my family fta tcveral yenrn, and have foutiil it to w a line remedy, .Many days and years have gone by fr all a. lies and pMins.ainl I reeoiiiiiieinl Since the vouthful Hiawatha it for pains in the throat and ehe't." .Strodo o'er the hills and mountains j.-,e, 60c and $1.00 at Kow Kr.i ri Metcalf ! I Cargc Rooms Well vent biii'.l well fur nished and 11 'hi -el hs In every p.trtleiinir Oottaifo Grove Flour Mills o ART UNO & HANSEN Proprietors g Having ptirchasi'tl the ah.ive mills we will put out g Hour ecpi.'tl to any on the market. We cam- a full supplv of fill kinds of feed such as - Rolled Harley, Outs find .Mill I-ecd. Special attention jiiven to Ivirmers rist work. 2 We pay hiirhest market price for fill kinds of irrain. If square dealing and courteous treatment will .secure It is announced that President Roosevelt will touch upou the 'PostofEce and other government scandals iii his message, and will express the intention of the admin istration to prosecute all oiieuders to the bitter end". It is quite probable, judging from reports and certain allegatious,that if the prose. cutiou of offenders is taken up with the determination that usually marks tlieproceedureofthe President, that the Secretary of the Interior will have a close call nlong toward the "bitter end". The recent heavy ruins should be hailed with gratitude through out the inland of Oregon. In many towus In Oregon the sewerage is anything but good, and during dry falls more or less sickness appears. Nature's great remedy, a down pour of rain will purify the atmos sphere to the gratification of all. The public schools of this city opened last Monday with n heavy increase in attendance. A splendid staff of teachers has beeii secured and the season's w rk is now well under way. It is only a question of another year until the district will have to face the problem of creating a fund for another school building. In the laud of Old lloheinla And he has never yet repented That he spent the days of hardship, Where ho found the hidden treasure Am he'd dreamed ami hupedtolindlt. In the hills of old lloheinla. Thus It wiih he won his sweetheart, Won his love, tho Indian maiden. Won her with IiIh wealth of "Wuni- Pum" . . , With the tbliiBH ho bought with " Waiiinuin". With tbe beads and pretty dresses, With his HinlleH aud Hweet curessoN, With bin boasting and his Hlhlng, For poor "Lo" was almost dying, When he drew her to Ids bossoiu, "Trembling Htlll upon hi.s liosum." Took her to his Lodireuf'Slabtovvn" l'luced her in his bark-bullt wlg-vvam Kver Hlnce had iieuco ami plenty, Italsed a family of twenty, Spends his life In Joy and comfort. With hlHclutchimiu and papooses, Near the land of old lloheinla. DO tiOOI) IT PAYS. A ChlcaKO man has observed that, "Oood deeds are better than real estate ilveils tomu of the hitter ale uortlilens. Act kindly and gently, thuw sympathy uuu letni a iieipinv! nanu. 1 u uiuiuui nossihlv lose bv it." Most men appre. eiatea kind word ami encouragement more than subntantial help. Ihereare persona in this community who might truthfully say : "My good friend, cheer 1111. A few 1 loses 01 t.uauioenaiu 1 Cough lleinedy will rid you of your cold, mid there la no daimer whatever fiom nneuuioniit wlitn you use that medicine. It always cures. 1 know it for it has lif Iped me out many a time." Sold by llio .Modern ruarmucy. Store. FOR SUE. A kooiI :IJ-Iu wagon. Anyone wautlui; 11 vviiKon can do no better. I'rlcu Knqiilru of Medley & Milne. la 1 1 is the place to buy your groceries. Iiverythino; is clean, new, fresh find of first grade quality. e HIS o I S PilfAC 4:1 mV taglS -vo,,tl Patronage we will have it. - aUJW f"UFVB wwyg Correspondence solicited. Hoard bv the wis-k -l .M) without bed :i..V) per week. Ileineniber the plan'. The best tables ami tlie U'st be Is, the liiHt iiceoinuiod.itKuiH In every particular. e u a n e 1 u 1 o Mrs. Ida 12. lltompson . iioritu: MILS' aBOBeBBflonBBeBaflOBeB i9noBB6HBcsoant:oaoB9n UAX A TKX PK.VXY KAIL THItOUUH HIS HAND. While openini: a box. J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, X. Y , run 11 lea penny 1 nail tlniiuisli tliellesliy purtollns liaml. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness tlu'H would chum: me, he says, "aud iiiiuiediutely appliexl Chamber lairi'M Pain Halm and occasionally after wards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and tlie injured parte weie soon healed." For sale by The Modern Pharmacy. UAINKDFOKTY POUNDS IXTHIUTY HAYS. For several months our younger In otlier had been troubled with indi gestion. Ho tried several remedies but i:c)t no benefit from them, wo pur chased borne of Cluimlii'rluin'i Stomach and Livur Tableta and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days ho had guined forty pounds in lleeb. He is now fully recovered. Wu Imvo a cood ti ado on 'tho Tablets, Ilolley llios., Merchants. Long Ilrniicli. Mo. 1'oreale by Tho Modern I'luirniacy. WiHTED. Wodl and country produce taken in excliiinue for nliotouraiiliH at Shauefelt gallery, West Hide. lew Styles for Fall, IIKA UTIl'UL COM PLHXIOXS. Are spoiled by using any kind of preparation that fills the pores of the skin, iiienesi way 10 secure a clear complexion, free fiom sallowness, pimples, blotches, etc., is 10 Keep tne liver In good order. An occasional dn-o of Herhlno will clea so tho liowels, ri-jnlnie the liver, and ho establish a clear healthy complexion. 50c at Xew f.ra urug aioie. FOR SALE. Oood L'rade Amioru nanuv goats for sale or will exchange for cuttle. Ad dress J II. Hnwluy, Cottage lirovo Ore ion, -ltp-35 A LOVK Lim'KK WouU not iuterostyoit if vou'ro look ing for 11 giiuriinloed Salvo for Sores, Hums or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo. writes: I suffered with an ugly soro for a year, but u box of llncklen s Arnica Sulvo cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 2.5c nt New Kra Drug Store. Wc arc making an early exhibition of the Lfttest Styles in in Fall Dress Goods in order that you may be able to judge the styles and make your selections early enough to get the most good out of your Fall Dress ' before the rainy days comes. H ' O D O gl-, U, 1 ta 1 '( naii'Mm -1 1 .1 , Putin & 1 Respectfully, hARTING & HANSEN. Till: ( UTTINd QUALITY . of tiny tool Is always a dsHlrnblu one, but of equal Importance Ih tho power of retaining; this quality ho iih not to require too frequent sharpen Iiik. Hy uiaklng; your purchases of - the tiritlln ic Venleb Co. you alwn.VH nrelve your muiic.v's worth In the best quality of tools and cutlery of pi'olKTl.v. tempered Hteel I hut Ih Hiiro to hold an cIk. Veatch Co. A Few of the Latest. Heather Suitings, JSibclines Auto Cloth, Yankee Suiting, Drap D'Alma, Drap Sebastapol, Mellon Cloth and Cheviots. Huy your Dress Pattern early and get " service for the entire season. The place- I & imilKHOLDHK iri!ritMniif1!MtfnMtf!ff!!f1!frt1f!!f!!fllf1!Mlf!!flf!Ul!fltf 1 Spring is bereSo arc we f iE With Spray Pumps nnd Spray Compound. JIoch. Itiikes and Cultlvutois. 3 2 OIlver'H Steel and Chilled 1'Iowh. ZX . , ,, . , r . I'MhIi HroH. WiiKoiiH. 7 A full and complete Lino of Hardware. HtoveH and Tinwniv. S Alining Supplies our Specialty. Piper Mimkm aJiiiiiiiiiaiHaiiiiiiijUiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniii Read Eakin & Bristow new ad.