Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 09, 1903, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Comprehensive Review of the Import,
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
rracntd In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting.
Mlaa Roth Bryan baa wedded Artist
W. II. Loavltt.
Mrs. Jofloreon Dvis la rapidly
covering and will aoon bo able to
if General Miles declares he baa no tie
rl -...-I It
alte to become a prosiaemiai
Thn Nw York Central's gross earn
lnga Increased nearly 17,000,000 the
past year.
Thn .tala'a aide In the trial ot ox
Lieutenant Governor Tillman, ol South
Carolina, Is nearly finished
Colorado miners will sne Governor
Peabody lor $100,000 damages on the
ground 01 lalso imprisonment
Tho strike of the telophone linemen
on tho Pacific coast haa been settlod
and tho men have returned to work
Tho president of the Chicago world's
lair has given a numoer or vaiuauio
pointers to the management of the 1005
Spanish newspapers say tho report
that Klnir Alfonso la to wed the Arch
duchess of Austria is without founda
A tornado wrecked St. Charles, Wis
killing etven people and injuring 28
othera,rmany of whom are in a serious
King Victor Emanuel'a visit to Paris
will have no political signiucance.
Booth Africa faces hard times be
cause of severe drouth and overstocking,
The University ot Chicago has begun
its fall term with about 2.500 student,
a record attendance.
Thn Phllinnine Bureau reports suc
cess in its experiments for the raising
ot cotton and jute, especially mo lav
A cloudburst at Pratt, Kan., worked
great damage to crops. An ordinary
stream waa a mile wide for a time,
The number of aliens arriving at El
lis Island last month waa 47,682, an
excess of 6,513 over the corresponding
month last year.
Two jurymen at Bloomlngton, III.,
have been arrested for soliciting a bribe
in a 16,000 damage suit against Chi
cago grain brokers.
The Danish ministry will urge the
rebuilding of the great palace of Chria
tlansborg, which waa burned 20 yeara
ago, as a gilt to the aged king.
Tho Pennsylania railroad company
la adertialng for bids on the tunnels
under the North and East rivers and
Colorado Troops Cost State $50,000
Per Month.
Denver, Oct. 0. Strikes and lockouts
at the mines In Cripple Creek and other
gold mining districts In Colorado havo
already reduced tho mineral production
ol tlie state this year at least $2,500,
000, and if the present conditions ob'
tain until tho first of the rear, tho pro
duction will fall mora than $0,000,000
below what it would havo been under
normal conditions. In ccnscqunnco ot
the strike, 1.000. toldlera ot tho Colo
rado national guard have been doing
police duty In Cripple Creek tor four
weeks, and as yet neltlior thomlneown
era nor tho strikers shew any evidence
ot weakening. Tho coat to the state ot
maintaining the military forco in the
Bold la estimated at $50,000 a month
Tho nntottletl conditions in tho win
Ing Industry aro due to the failure ot
tho legislature to enact an eight hour
aw applying to mines, mills and smelt
era alter the voters ot tho state had
adopted a constitutional nmondmont
authorising such an enactment An
eight hour day had bees generally
gramea at tue mines, and tho Western
federation of minora determined to en
lorco the came condition in mills and
smelters Strikes were inaugurated last
June at the smelters in this city and
tho mills in Colorado City, and eight
weeks ago 4,000 miners in the Cripple
vreeK uietrict were ordered by the oxe
cutlvo oUicors of the fedoiatlon to go
on strike in support of the demand tor
an elgbt hour day lor mill and smelter
employes, which had been refused by
the American smelting and refining
company ana the united States reduc
tion and refining company. Iho mln
era ouej eu me oruer reluctantly, aa
they bad no grievance aa to their own
ncurs ol labor or wages.
Explosion In Illinois Distillery
Seven Lives.
Peoria, III.. Oct. C Seven men were
killed and five others iniured bv an ex,
plosion at Comings' distillery here to-
day. One large section ot the five story
building was thrown into the air by the
ursung or a copper cylinder 20 feet in
length and eight feet in diameter.
bvery man who waa in the buildin? ai
the time ot the explosion was instantly
killed, the injured being men who were
on the outside.
The great cylinder of coDoer crashed
through the east wall ot tho cooker
room, and on through the mill aa
though the wall had been tissue paper,
shot in an ooique and downward course
througb the air, cut down a large tree
in us night, scattered a Dlle of lumber
as if beams and timbers had been so
many straws, and landed 200 feet away
from the start of its flight.
Three or four walls of the building
were down out. Great cans were rent
in them from top to bottom, pulling
the loot with them, and underneath
that mass of brick, mortar, baems and
twisted machinery lies the cornse ol
one of the men, which may not be got
out for a day or two.
itobody has a clear idea of what
caused tho epxloaion. The damage to
Taxable Property ot Stat Is Worth
About $175,000,000.
From what can be learned In unolU
clat advices from different counties
tho atato, it scorns probablo that the
total value ot the taxable property
tho state aa shown by tho assessment
recently completed will bo In the
neighborhood ot $175,000,000. Thl
will be in round numbers ? 25,000,000
creator than last year.
Prom a most ovory county comva tho
report that valuations aio being ad
vanced and that now property la being
added to Uie assessment roils, so that
the total Increase tor the entire state
will be larvo.
Tho highest assessment ever made I
Oregon was that ot 1803. when the total
valuation waa over $103,000,000. The
valuation had grown to that sum
steady advances from $84,000,000
1837. From 1803 onward tho counties
began to vie with each other in reduc
ing assessments in order to escape
portion of tho burden ot stato taxes,
The stato taxes weie apportioned among
the tountlea in proportion to the as
sessed valuation and as each county
controlled ita own assessment it could
gain something by reduction. In 1000
this process ot reduction had brought
the total assessed valuation down
In order to put a stop to this rivalry
in reducing assessments the legislature
of 1001 passed an act providing that
state taxe i shall bo apportioned among
the counties at a fixed ratio. The ben
eficial results of this change were seen
tho first year, for the total assessment
that year was $141,000,000, and
1002 it had grown to over $148,000,000
If it shall reach $175,000,000 this year.
as now seema probable, the valuation
will then be the highest In the history
of the state.
Nearly all of the advance Indicated
this year could havo been made upon
timber lands without placing an nnjust
valuation upon that class of proprety,
In nearly all the counties where there
la a considerable area of timber land
subject to assessment, increased valua
tions have been made this year. In
cities, where both business and real
dence property has found ready rental
at satisfactory rates, the valuations
have been put np.
lienor's received from various sources
Indicate that the valuation of farm
property haa not been radicaty In'
creased, bnt only In! accordance with
improvements made.
Cornucopia Qrotip of Mines In Eastern
Oregon Sold for $600,000,
A telegram received at Baker City
by Lack x EchmlU from Trenton, N
J., announcing the incorporation of the
Cornucopia mines of Oregon company,
with a capital stock of $5,000,000.
Ihia announcement closes one of the
the purchase
Cornucopia mine In the
extreme northeastern portion of Baker
county, which la included In the Union
Companion group, the Red Jacket, tho
Last Chance and 16 other patented
claims, together with tho mills, mill
sites and extensive water rights. This
property belonged to the J. . Bearles
The price paid for
waa $600,000
These mines have been worked
l.n.t r. i. i .1 ? .L I since 1885 with varying success, owing
i "IK! . ...I. m n W-1 1 1 Cvl I . I 1 ll . 1 ,11-1 II - I
1 . 1UT. & UUltBKil nOKm"! . -,,,,. ,.,., m .UB HUE UlCUUlwU JfUUl XBliriHlU
one of four men who attempted b hold The court announced that it had dB. transportation, all ore and supplies
him up on his way home, ana escape cIdB1. ,ha, hlI.f. . ,. ,,.. having to be hauled a distance or 55
uninjured. ahonld ha dH.rwi hrn- rww m miles over a difficult mountain road
& hand nl Russianized Chinese bri- and that replies should be handed i A portion ol tho ore la very rich, whl e
cands raided Taknsan and kidnapped by November 22. The ccurt will hear
15 wealthy Uhineae, wnom tuey bid i mo arguuiems oi counsel aovemoer 4
holding for ransom. Wayne MacVeagb opened today In
w i , i , . . i , .... -
. . ueuaii oi Venezuela, lie said that the
W. A. Klcnarus, ex-aepuiy only anestlnri of internal nn.l !-. In.
Hiatal marsnai ai ues nioinei, uao vnirai -hatha,. .- i
" rt , ., I - - ' " I...V...V. BUWUg IAIRDIB III
been sentenced to io yearn m uie extorting money by aggressive and eeo-
nnder the North and Kasi rivers I the bnilding and machlnerT la estluaterl . nia announcement cit
Manhattan Island, by which It proposes L, mb0000MlbXe W ?
to enter New Vork Mote 'the $gf&
An amicaDie seiuemem oi mo om i "s.
at the Chicago stockyards Is now ex- T0 PROTECT WEAK NATIONS,
pected. I
Tbo Merchants & Farmers national McVeague, for Venezuela, Holds This
bank of Byron, Neb., was robbed ot the Spirit of the Hagua Court.
$2,000. The Hague, Oct. 6. At the opening
.1 ik X?-f-.l I- 1. XVamtam I flf Lmlft v'n ftp, linn nf ihn Vnonla- .
fire UBBiroycu uia iuu - ? . .- v uj M- i,J.i.4 ti,.
hotel. 12 residences and a brewing com- bitratlon court, Muravie0, the preald- nkrnf esU,e- Tfe
SatVpUnt. at Williamson, W. Va. officer, read telegram, from Queen " -Wjg proper t,
Lose. fOO.OOU. ,,tus,urtiiuu iiiruu, iaing iub .
I there is a great quantity of low grade
lore, which it will not pay to transport
I by team
It is understood that one of the first
moves ot the new company will be the
construction of a railroad from Baker
I City to the mine. A tunnel over
tantlarv for robbery. I tlatlc war from a t," mile long haa been anrveyed for the
rawinerated with the Chinese and
nlamd a sea and laud cordon around
Peh Tang to prevent the plague spread
Chancellor McCracken, ot New York
nniversity, advocates that knowledge
of the Ten Commandments, the Sermon
all creditor nations sthall share equal
ly, ine spirit oi ine Hague conven
tion, Mr. Macveagh contended, was to
protect the weak against the strong.
general manager and has taken posses
sion lor the new owners
Will Cut Much Timber,
Mayor F. T. Kane and . J. Hub-
bert, of Forest Grove, have purchased
Railroads In a Box.
Chicago. Oct. 0. The railroads of the 50.000.000 feat nl vnllnw Mr tlmtr
. . , , , 1 Hl l Antlra mnnl,. a pa f.u i lit. I 1 1 I n . I t , , .
on the Mount, etc., ue inauo h io4uiio-i- v..j w i mm uunu w rurest uruvo win once
ment for entrance to college. I wna' promises to be the greatest car put in a camp of 36 men getting out
"uortsge in meir nistory. -esplte the legs to fill the 75,00,000 which they
Walter S. Chatfield, of Far Kocka- fact that most liberal orders for new have contacted to deliver each year to
wav. a trusted express cumpauj equipment have been e ven bv all thn W. if. l.vrfa. whn l II at nncnmnrn hi.
. , , . , a nnn k.. ... .... - . I . y '
employe, wuu amuezzieu fv,uvu, ranroaus during tne last 1Z months, mill to the Bellinger bridge on Dairy
been capturea in vnicago. tney now nnd themselves unable to ac- creek, three miles north of town, where
. . ., cepi an tne tramc mat is ordered. The there Is a good pond with a storage ca
AaaromOUVIOr Uie ovurpnAiutnuu i mnIIlnn nf ofTalr. I. nnt lr,l h- vt I I. I nnn nun tl. o... .1.
- , , .1 I ...... .. ..u uu.huvm kjj 1 ito VvVIII VI UVUU,VUV mi, A 11 V UID. U O-
of piglron, tne commuuw President W. O. Brown, of the Lake livery of logs will be made early in De-
uiaiici m u nl.. i- inuure, wno raya mat tne company is I comber,
Spending ol Lewis and Clark Pund In
Ita Hands.
Attornoy General Crnwfonl haa ron
dorcd an opinion at tho request ot Sec
retary ot Stato Dunbar In which ho
holds that the atato commission tor the
expenditure of tho$5C0,000approprIat
to a groat oxtcnt, it tho ?' 1,18 Im,lj"'
Uaitern Oregon White Men Let Stock
Stray Onto Reservation
Washington, Oct. 3. Considerable
difficulty has boon oxporlouccd at tho
Umatilla Indian iigtnoy, In Kattarn
Oregon, during tho past year, because
ol the persistence with which whllo
men, living cast and south of tho rvsor
vatlon, havo allowed their cnttlo to
stray upon tho reservation. Many
complaints ot this trespasa wore mado
to uondvd Buporlntomleiit Uhailoa Wll
klna, In charge, who haa advised tho
Indian otllco that this trespass haa
been to tho dotrlinont ot tho Interest
Orders from him havo
ludgo ot what oxpondltuera aie author- " "nr itanca vut a s op to the
Uod to be mado nr tham. trcipaas, but not alwajs. "Should tho
This ouealion waa nrMntn,l h thw I amo trouhlo bo experienced in the fu
Innrrlnn n( .n t 1, in turo," says Wilk lis. "I will ondnnvnr
printing n resolution presented to the hvo 'J10 lrcP;'"R nlmla driven
Trans-MIsslsilnDl mnureta rnnne.tlnu ,n nd impounded, and cliargo tho
an appropriation from tho national "u?" ln u,or .!? wJeom thel
ronnrese In aid of Iho Lewis anJ Olark ,locV. P' will perhaps once
. . w - B (-. .11 ..! I 1 I ,
Ulr Thft Pocretftrv of Mato wi In tt r"ul m Biwpiu"B
use the fair appropriation In trying to nnpe'intonuent wilklna also ad
eet other annronrlatlona. and tnfBrr! Inil'n" offico that tho attond
! maitar ..,.! anco at the government school at Uma
with tho result abovo aUted. ' "howod a marked falling oft In at
Judso Crawford save, amomr other Bnl """ "10 P WH"
. w . . ' " . , ,11. ... .... . ir...
tilings, that nellhor the title nor the
body ol tho Lowls and Clark fair act
attempts particularly to define the m
era and dutlea of the commission, but
in every instance confers a general now
er to carry out tho purposes for which
It waa created.
the attendance at tho Kato Drexel
school showed a orrespondliig In
crease. This showing In favor of tho
Catholic mission ho attributes to tho
abrogation of tho "Brown no rulo.
whereby Indian parents can now exer
cise tne privilege of ecmlliig tbolr chll
uren to the school they desire.
Turkey dives Aaaurance That It Will
Negotiate With Bulgaria
rarls, Oct. 3. Olllclal advices from
Called for October 20-13 at Salcm-Ratea
for Delegates.
The stato convention ot tho woman's
yurisuan lemperance union will meet tho Balkan show two distinct signs
iu oaioui, veiuiwr .u io ij, inclusive, mat war will be avorted at least until
A fine progiam will occupy the time snrlmr. - Flral. Dm ll,ilrrl
from the evening of the 20th. Tuesday, tionarr cnmmltlan haa niniln nvnfliirM
unui iug ciobu. iss iiiiuan to the Bulgarian government, and un.
Phelps, ot Canada, a woman ot fine rep- less hoitllltlea arn m-tnallv nmlnrulnt, i. i. 1 1 , i i I ... ...
l '"o principal apoaier. wiinin mo next lortntglit, nil the prep'
a goiu meuai contest will tax place stations will bo suspended until
one evening, ah persons wearing the spring. Is tin
W. U. I. U. or Domorcit cold medal I ilorstnnl Imrn will l ..n,liil,. ti,.
will bo pel mlttod to enter this contest, daalmatlnir nl Tn.n.i, (.,.
Send the name, with ago and title ol through the winter and tho tomple
selectlon to be used at this contest to tlon of the preparatlona for a dociilvo
iuo oio nresiueni. Kirs, iieion u movo earlr In tlin anrlnir.
llarlford, Newbers. Or., at once, so Second. M. Nalrlinrl. Pnlmirliinan.
that the contestant ran be notified of Ivor at Conatantlnnnln. hm in
uaie oi contest and the rules governing, take np tho negotiations. He at first
uaies win ue granted tiioeo who at- refused to act on tho ground that Tur
tend. Delegates will be entertained, key gave no assurances ol a desire for
v isuors can secure reduction In board an adjustment.
uy writing to ine secretary ot tialem
union, Mrs. Clarkson Reynolds.
Addition to College Farm.
The purchase of SO acres of land to
bo added to tho Oregon arsJcnltural
college farm is understood to have
been practically consummated. Tho
transfer haa not been made, but the dc
..ti. i. - i i i . , . i . .. .
ing cmilOTo board and J
Army Ollicers Instructed to Encourage
Use of Philippine Currency,
Washington Oct. 3. Goneral Young.
chief of stall, has sent a cablegram to
General Wade, commanding in the
Philippines, directing that ho encour
the Philippine currency. Following is
tne text oi the cablegram to General
"Koferring to the tolegram from
m C ll. - n 1 a
nrirn nald la R OOH nr linn uur uuico unuo insi., you are au.
PVf?..1?- .ri or , .I6r ,cf?' vised that while the Phllinnine coin-
nmui ii niuueu u Ten loir, consul- , ., ,,...-.-,. .
erlng the location. J" ,. , , . . . y. . 1?' .
the UnltOil fitatea. tlin mvrntarv a! war
KUmath Timber Land PooL I directs von Id fumnnra In ill nmiw
The largo number ot Albany Deonle wavs the nsa and rlri-nlatlnn nf tlm
noiuing timber claims In Klamath new currency. To that end yon will
owner ol the property. The land ad-
Joins the present holdings of the col
lego, lying partly south of the colleso
campua and east of tho farm. The
county have determined to rxol their
claims. This Is done to prevent scat,
terlng salea at low prices. About 160
people have already entered ', the com'
Ll 1.1
nine, aca tne usual omcers and a
board of directors will be elected. In
order to prevent tbejbnyins np of edslr
able pieces of timber by outside men,
thus preventing the purpose of the pool, Chinese Building Accommodations for
cause contracts lor services and sup
plies to be made in Phlllpplno pesos,
in all practical cases, to the exclusion
of Mexican and other forms ot local ex
which is to sell the entire tract at onco.
the new organization will nnrchaie
claims oi any who are not able to hold,
Bored Through Rock for Water.
Russian' Force at Port Arthur.
London, Oct. 3. The Hona Kon
correspondent of tho Dally Mall learns
that 10,000 Chinese laborers are build
ing barracks at Port Arthur for 50,000
A well 170 feet deen. 152 feet of additional Russian troons and that fev-
wnicn penetrates solid rock, and con- erisb haste is being displayed In every
taming an inexhaustible supply ol I direction.
water of the depth of 26 feet, exists at The Daily Mail considers thodlsnatch
oiauora, uiacxamas county. LeeUroa., ouapaneso troops to lorea a grave
of Canby havo just finished boring tho movo on the part ot Japan. Tho troops
well on Sharp Bros.' farm. An attempt ale Intended to guard her telegraph
to pump the well drr .Droved futile, lines, but it means the occupation of
mis is the tenth attempt the Sbarn Lores, which Japan will probably re-
Bros, have made to reach water on their fuse to evacuato until Russia evacuates
farm that would supply necessary water I Manchuria. This, adds the newspaper,
Tells of the Stamping Out
l oot and Houlh Disease,
Washington, Oct, 1. Hocrelnry Wil
son said today that tho lecolpt through
tho atato department, ot an olllolal no
the that Great Britain had removed Ita
I I , 41.
u'l... u.k.1. ii.-i i .,., oiuuarKO on came nnu snerp irom mo
.? . "" ur"",n New Unglnnd potts was tho conclusion
Sultan's Follow era Surrounded the f tho great work In which tho depart-
Town and Only Ten Uscaped to Tell luont had boon engaged IncoCeplemlier
the lale-MohcmU an Important 1 for the eradication ol foot and inoulli
Town ot 2,300 Population. M ,r?w 11,0 No," 1'in,Um'l ,Ul",'
1 Tltn .ft.N,uM ,, 1 llila fllm rnml
linnnrtent anil valuable tilacii of work
Bofln, Bulgaria, Oct. R, Tho Maco-1 the department In a dono for American
donlan rovolutlonnrv heailnuartra a. axrlculturo.
... " " I lift,. 1 .. ,1 I III.. I I
sorts It haa nn I v. nfnr.n.lla.. II..I "no coumry, ne raiu, oeiom lias
it,. ..k.i. m..i.n i .1 . eiicoeeded in stamping out such an ox-
...m U, u ,,1TOl,m , ' tensive outbreak of this .11. ease. The
town ot Mehomla, province ot Seres, Inspectors and tlialr assistants wore
waa massacred September SB. with tho obliged to work In Iho open country
execution of 10 man. wlm lummi l .in, with the thermometer tar below tero.
lii. fiw. I I7v.ilv ui ,,iv iimi, imu ,iioi, mil pun,
, , , l . t l. I i , i in
i ii,, ... . I iroien nun woro uirauiru. ii is uiiii-
Slchontla is nn ImpOltailt town, and -nil. nvnn at thla lime. In
tho seat of tho local government. The how tho pits were dug In the frosen
population numbered 2.300 neraone. ground tor burying tho carcasses, and
I I .1.- ll.--. . Ill
According to tho fugitives, when tho "ow " were appneu wi u
general uprising was doclare.1 In the ?' ' ?" Z n ? ,""5 "
f . at. a h . I BMW hi ivi it mn vii'unvti iu
Railog district of Sunday, tho Turkish the atmosnhere. Hut tho work waa aa
troops In the Pirlsn mountains hurried thorough that nut In a slnglo caeo
to Mohomla and iiirnnnil.t l),n in.,, where the dlslnlectlon was conducted
rendering the oscapo of tho Chi Istlaiis b IIrtinoitt,aj reprosontallvss
linpoeslblo. Tho Bulgarian pooplowero uul ihodlsi'aso reoo ur when fresh cat-
..1 i I.. I., ii.. i.,' . 1 . I tin Mrnrn liilrrhlni.1."
i'i.i.i tn. ,u juiu ma upneing, eoverai
insurgent agonts bolus In the lluluarl-
an quarter oi the town at tho time
IHsperato llghtluE occurred In the
stieets, bombs aud dynamite being used
freely. After lighting fcr flvo hours
tne turns gained tho upper hand and
proceeded to massacre ovory Bulgarian
iney encountered
tlo were Introduced.'
Impossible to Oct All rrelght Throng h
Now In Sight.
Vancouver, II. 0., Oct. 1. So con
vinced are olllclals of the White Pass
A Yukon route that they cannot land
In Dawson all the freliht which Is now
at White Horto and on the way them
from Vancouver and Pugot sound ports
that thoy today notlfiod connecting
lines of the seriousness ot the situation.
Telegraphlo advises to tho representa
tives ot connecting lines wero today
Trains Come Tortthtr In Nevada With
Great Force.
Beowawo. Nov.. Oct. B Aillmnirnn.
headon collision occurred last night on sont out and they were In effect that no
i. in Koutiiorn more perishable irelght bllleJ beyond
. nviuu tifc una Bunion. ine urat ano. I film llorari wnnlil Imi rnMlAj.
tlon of train No. 0, tho Atlantic ex- Notification was also made that per
i.f'i n 'r,I":l(0'. collided Ishabio or any other kind ol Irelght
nun ma ewunu eociion oi nn. uiu. viiipm im! nnr in IiMIm.1 in n.MiN
west bound freight train. One passen- prior to September 1 would bo held in
gel was killed and more than !n In. I llm warnlmn-n at tVl.lln Un... ..I. .1
J11, . the risk of the shlnnor. Connrclln.
If .11.1 I. !... aa a la. .. . .V
waius norn wni in iiim irftnr) I ltntMi wnrn nnllflMl flint ranla .l,lt
of Iho wreck from Hinnomucc ml mcnta now on tlio wy to thocoi.t (rom
I ' tlin ! .1 . .1 a .a I. a a ..
" ".i.iuii uuciurs. Ainoug tbo tne i.ast and uostlned for the Yukon,
r iinn.m. nn !. li.L - , I , . .. ... .
r..,.,. ,u ., wurD uoclor shippers nau uetier be notined as to the
and a trained nurse and two discharged conditions existing and Informed that
soldlors. Ihe latter had eerved In the tholr goods would be probably held up
Itnatill.l I. .1.- in in . . i . '.. 4 '
vv.,.n iu mo i iiiiippinos. tins winter at White llorso.
Thoy rendered ernat rvlp t n,n in.
jure.1 before tho arrival of ml,- mll. PLI0IIT OP INDIANS.
cal assistance.
Tho concussion waa so irreatwlian il,l Strong Drink Is Causlnr the Irnpover.
trains collided that a passengor coach lanmsni or ine puyallups.
iHinamruMi r nn m m a , . . m i. n ii . if . n .
. " . r mr nan us i nasuington, uct, 1. Ilie first re.
.viikiii. aiio cuKiuea aro iockmi in. i ,mn nr linn, w v. i II.- n..- i
' 1 1 7 " , i . .. iiji-
i.iui lonsoiiuaimi lnnian iimnp,
The second section of train Nn. ?l!)lTmm. u.m. in i.h... .
camo down the main lino at Boowawe deplorable condition. Tho granting to
to allow a freight on tho sidetrack to the Indians ot full rower to sell their
pUll OUt. Conductor flora,). In rli.rr. lamia mil i.l,.llil. 1... L..I .
f Nn. 910 ... -i.. . .1 '"':" :v r-v. ...
-......,, WJ 0K,ur nasiovii. ine jnuians, It la aald, will sell
Hums-, uU j,o. u waa about due. the r b rtbr iht for thn nrlm nf a r.
turned the air on the train, breaking it drinks, and even the boys and the girls
In two. The head brakeman wont back are alleged to be acquiring the drink
i .1 n . ,uo nromn to habit. Drunkenness, according lo Lis-
Ilsg the first section of No. 0, which ton's reports, prevails to a shock Ing do-
0. ruetsK Vit n miro, ifio l Kto
i-- m-a viiamuTi uiu uui ne 11 ilia ii cy. I i. imn iini Mnrssaea a !. .
man until tho trains wero almost to- frotr the Indiana the tight to soil prop
?ie 1 . !r'i i uJPO"We) to prevent erly, tho proceeds ol which are now
. ..iiwmim u, u,o poworrui being used to purchase alcoholic stlmu
engine crews jumped llants ol the most vile sort. Borne
..- uvm ougiuoB were iiemoushod.
neans should be devised, Mr. Llston
suggests, io prevent tho utter Impover-
isiimnet anu destruction of the Puyal
lups through strong drink.
for farming purposes.
Plenty of Water at Agricultural.
A complete and copious water aunDlv
tor tne many buildings on thn, arglcul-
tnrai college ground! la now secure.
i'our wells of two-Inch pipe, aunk
means a permanent occupation.
ia not expected that Itussla will
aa It
Editorials Read In Tillman Case.
Lexington, B. C Oct. 3. The fourth
re- I nay nf thn (rial nf nr.f .Inntnnant Haw.
spectlvely at 80, 110, 121 and 125 feet ernor James II. Tillmao, charged with
...u.u n ononmi wur lutnoB iu uiameier tne muroor oi t.diior Uonxalos, was
mat cannot do exhausted by constant taken up almost wholly wl h the read
pumping. The capacity Is 2.000 sal- Intr of editorials frnm thn fll.ln Nawm.
lona per hour, ample for use in the paper, files of which covering 1002
buildings. A aupply for the grotrnda Is were placed In evidence by counsel for
cent reduction on the output.
Professor J. H. Long haa given expert
testimony that the water supply of bt,
Louie cannot be ccntamlnated by Chi-
cago eewarage througb the eanltary
In urgent
need of 1.600 box cars
Prison Congress Meets.
Louisville, Ky., Oct. 6 The national
prison association held the opening ses
sion of its annual congress here Io,
night. Tne opening aeeslon was do- completed the work on which
trnv ftI fnr thn mmt narf tMmtnm tr-. n ,! it.
l . a,n .Inllm. nl . . . . """""""" "BB. . "uw "-"""IS V"
oraniiuuinioui. auuressea ana to responses, ihe con- desired right from all Interested prop-
ineaiseauo. grees will continue for six days, and lertv owners a on? the survey of the rrn.
On state's evidence given by a con nearly every state and Canada is repre- posed connection and there ia now no
federate. ex-Deputy United btatee senteu. xne leature oi tonigut'a see- obstacle In the way to the early
Marshal Richards, ol Des Moines, la., sion was tne auureBa oi tne president, construction of thla Important connec-
Advices recovsd from Kabul, Afghan,
lstan, under date ot August 13, says
the cholera enidemio Is abating. Eev-
Secured AU Right of Way.
W. W. Blancbard, the right-of-way
attorney for the Southern Pacific com
pany, who baa been at work for several
weeks trying to secure the right of way
for the proposed connecting link be
tween Springfield and Henderson, has
be was
a need of the future.
Wheat Walla Walla, 73c; blue-
stem, 77c; valley, 77c,
Floor Valley, t3.73.85 per bar.
rel; hard wheat straights, $3.7604.10;
hard wheat, patents. If .ZOfa-t.SO:
granam, 13.30133.70; whole
S3.tlQ4.00; rye wheat, 14.50.
the state. It was not anticipated
wnen tne reading was begun that ono
half the time would ho consumed
that waa taken, and even yet there ro
main about two columns to be read at
the next session
Arbitrators Deglu Work.
The Hague. O. t. 2. The first sos
wheat, sion of the tribunal appointed to arbi
trate the question of tho priority of
feed, iiv.uugjxu.uoper ton; tne claims against Venezuela of ureat
haa been found Kulltv of engineering a Henry Wolfer, warden of the state pen
12.000 robbery. Herniary, btlllwater, Minn., In which
' I ri annilamnarl Iwnnhlnn
The eunboat Nashville haa sailed tor " v
Rt. Andrewa Is and. oil tne coast 01
Nicaragua, to investiagte the HI treat
ment of Americana at the bands of the
native employers,
Robert R. West, of Kentucky, has
beon appointed auditor of the govern'
ment printing omce,
Cattle Will Have No Feed.
The most disastrous fire that haa ever
occurred in the hayfielda of Lake coun
ty rage J In the lower Uhewaucan
marsh, 30 mllea north of Lakeview,
Cheat Gun Causes Commotion.
ean Jrranclsco, Uct. 6. Iho concus
sion caused by the discharge of the 12-
inch gun on Angel island, which was At least 7.000 tons of hay in the stack
flrod today by the artillerymen in and in bunches In the field haa been
practice, shattered windows in Sausa- destroyed. The loss Is not only the
lito. Shoo houses, knocked down Bias- bay. but the nastura for fall feedlnv
Tho ringleaders in the Servian army ter and caused much excitement among will be completely ruined. The hay
plot which caused the death of the tne people, ine presidio also was lis yaluatre at 15 to IS per ton, making
klnz and queen have been sentenced to well shaken. Tho boom of the heavy the loss close to $75,000. Tho settlers
two years in prison, but win prooauiy 1 nun mo buii uuojuuii mm un-iiougut nard to put em tne nre.
ardoned by their ruler. "w mmuves, no vioienwy was
brewing, $21; rolled, $21021.50.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.10; eray,
$1.0061.06 per cental.
Mllistutle Bran, $20 per tons mid
dlings, $24; shorts, $20; chop, $15;
unseed dairy 1000, 1W.
Hay Timothy, $15. OS per ton;
ciover, nominal; grain, iu; choal,
Britain, Germany and Italy over thoso
cf other claimants waa held today.
The question aa to tho language which
should be nscd was discussed and a de
cision will bo announced tomorrow
morning, when an answer to Wayne
MacVeagh's request (or Venezuela to
be allowed to commence hor case at
ence will also be given. Great Britain
25(S27Kc oppoeea tho application.
store, 15
be pardoned
Tho Presbytery of New York haa con
structed a portable church tor mission
Working on Milk Condenser.
Word haa been received at Illlleboro
that work on tbo condenser machinery
Many lurks Are Slain.
workS Salonlca, Oct. O.At the village of a progressing rapidly In the East, and
pi:i.. ,n .trlkinir terror to the Kobchanna, inhabited by xnrka, 400 will be ready for shipment In a few
1...IIZ Vtr.n ffarlnm N.iY. They start imes are reporieu io uave noen ourn- weexs. ine engine bonse la now In-
?7"'" TlT:.n.n f . nl flora. ed, most 01 tne muabitanta being ill
' - il ih ranuiitu lhue a lurKisn mnmv m, n nniiiiini, nnrr wnnu-. it I.
Tho American ((earner Siorra haa waa recently attacked in the Fiorina re- pected that ti e company will be ready
Bailed rota Bydney, N. S. W., for Ban glon and that 80 ol the soldiers were to receive milk by the first ot th year
tfranciseo with $260,uuu in goiu, uiou. or eoon tnereaitor.
Butter Fancy creamery,
per peund; dairy. 18020c;
8100- flay Succeed Mellen.
n 1. i". 1 1.1 ... 1
x-ouurj uuicxens, mixed, lin PMi.nn nt 9 t 1
II IS. J. .1 IO .l.r. . B-l l.UII.U
rw hvuuu, Diiimi, 7ei310GX hArn Inilnv Hint nu.M n 11... I.
, ..!.-. 1 I , I .. . w J Jt .l.UIOi
nens, uquo oroners, ii.o per nr.l.tnn nf h,a ni,u.n n.n(
dozen; turkeys, live, 1416o per A Oulnoy railroad, may !n elnll in
pound ;dr.ssed,16Q18e; ducks, $6B.P0 Lucceed 0. B. Mellen as president of
t-iv. tho Northern 1'acliln. In the avant. It
S5?.T.rre?,on nnebZi' . la said, Darius Miller, now first vice
lUWWII-Uinill, HIIVIIIIII D BUCK! I nrnol.lnnl nl Ih. Tin. I Innlnn mill I..
in.i.w.B, j..r iwunu. promoted to tho presidency of the Bur.
n..i i imi a :i i n n i n . . i i. -. . . - .. .
-" ", v.liUMI.WIIMTilllnnimlnm. It la Imlinaalhla In nnn
rm the report or obtain an authora-
tive denial from the ofllciala.
dreued, 6 (3 7c per pound.
Veal So per pound.
Mutton Gross, $3; dressed, 6
6Ko; lambs, gross, $3.60; dreieed, flc.
Hogs Gross, $5.60 35.76 dressod.
Tallow Prime, per pound, 45o:
No. 2 aid grease, 2K03o,
Hops 1803 crop, 249 250 per pound.
1002 crop 20921c.
Wool Valley, I7318c; Eastern
Oregon, 129150; mohair, 8SQ37Jo.
Perils of the Repurllc.
Tho Century is to have a group cf
papers under tho title "Perils of the
Republio"- the object of them being tc
call attention by expository papers to a
few ol tho more Important unfortunate
tendencies ot American life. The title
ot one ot the early papers la "The Dally
Walk of a Walking Delegate"
Japan Will Make No Move Until Time
lime for Bvacuatlon Bxplres.
London, Oct. 6. Baron HavaiM. il,n I o.i.. i ... ..,. .- n ..
Jananam. I,... i ..." ' """ ""wever,
iVi. -...., u. nu news win m tioMU 7 bis Year.
of the movement of JananHaa im,,n. i . . .
Corea, announced from Paris yesterday. ?'D. Pcf' 'T7h ln-
In an Interview today, ih.' mini..;: tend.6ni ,he Crater lake park at Kla-
aald! mam rails, was today advleod to per-
"From the published account.. I T 1 L "l.i""0' 01 Fn'1. Klamath, to
am certain that any mn...,..i. 'uvu ""rDP vor ine puuiio park
troopa are only the routine r.llaf l ti. 10 ,he. lo'. "l"tor feeding
Japanese troops guarding tho tele- f."0.0""0.1. ",n 0tV' ?4' In
graph line irom Fusan to Seoul ami "'V'". ""."'. """uponntendent was
Chemulpo. To send a email imi. i "K " u71,eu. w cattleman in
troopa to Corea would bo no m.n.rn I"V ,ccV.n 1 ? P"n will not
to Russia and would havo no ffa,t nn ? ".'D0U .aa' nB on ol 1004.
hor plana. A mobilisation of the Jap. .,"?.',,, uPtr"nent ' oniphatlo In
aneso forces on a largo scalo Is not con- f . g. , 0,.,ier men w" h ,0
fnmnl.. fnr . Jij7": ",S.COn. he devlBOd In future for driving raid.
.Ui uiuiiivui ouu ijorefl'i t . .
content would havo to bo obtained for ,, Li?, ,0,T?,r"' "n thn
"viiuii ui hid roserveu pun-
iu uuuiaii
Navy Issues Ultimatum to Shipyard.
Washington, Oct. 1. .The navy iln.
partment has sbumltted to tho Crescent
any aucb atop."
The minister added ho Mill lmlln.n.1
Russia intended to keep her promise to
evacuate niancnuria uctober 8. Until
hat promise waa brokon Japan was not
llkfllv In mnlrn anv mnwm Tt. T . .
. " . J U.U ,11. . 1 1 U ilUIIHIl.i l .... " v U 1 VBVV.. .
ese troopa gnardlng tho telegraph lines ' f luJnB ,con,Pnr, ' Klixaboth-
wero stationed in Corea with the as- Pi ' ' conditions on which
sent pi Russia aa well aa Corea. tho orders cancelling the contracts for
W. Prlli linnl Mnrn.n I the Cruiser Ohttlanoona anil llm li,l.
i t - r, " "T. rV " hn.t. mn.i. i r.i"7..: . PT"
o ui wra in ixinuon, also haa no --"i uu-noison win bo
Information on the sublect. Hn ..... . fovoked. Thoso conditions are of a
geatod, however, that the time was c0nDtl6"f'l character, but Involvo Uie
coming when tho powers should agren BamP"n 0'Wok on tlieso veseoli
to woroaboing declared an Independent iT,,, iy ,m ll" Pro8ro'
nouirai state, like Belgium, hi p luo reP'enU'
Millions Set Aside for War.
London. Oct. 6 According tn a .nun.
lal dispatch from Constaqtlnople, an
iraua oi mo auiian intimalfls that an ad'
vance oi 7,uuu,U00 on tbo
lives oi the comnanv h. ..1...1
days to consider the conditions.
Rebels Proclaim Rlslnr.
Sofia, Oct. 1 A tnWram .l I
hero from tho camnof DanAr.t 'nnii.i..
- , www wi. .uw MOT. I II I M t I, ...! .lUlllll,!!-
wlll hn nnflnt nn.lrnlv nn m.L.l.i Oil, tbO the COUlmandar In rhUf nl Ik.
Another illina.rh ... ti,. in n. ' I Macedonian Intnreenta at m
neighborhood of Ixicovo, on the Servian m",M,'rom Boflfl' nnouncea that a gen
frontier. 800 Turks have enganod flvo SLn r,..n.wn8 P'oclalmod September
banda pi Insurgents, and
Dghllng Is reported. The insurgents m.r,Mar' Mo,n,k "J Borea, and
are employing bombs and llm ' "' insurgent bands In Eaalorn Mar.
Turks havo lost 300 men and aev- rV00'8 received direct ordera to be
oral officers. Lo.ovo la said to be f ln ?Prat!ons. Tho chief hopo of the
-amea. revolutionary organisation now can-
donla K,tern Mace"
Anarchists are Shadowed,
Paris. Oct. 6, In anticipation
tne approaenmg visit of the king
Italy to Paris, the French pcllco have Oct. 1..
instituted a strict surveillance over the f, ,TO(1,.,roln Co,on by
Treaty In Ills Hand..
lYork0,ct ? A dlptob
IVOd from Colon tio . i
anarchleta in this country. Two bus- , "J' MV advices received hers
pectod anarchists wore arrested today n,m 101-ot " to tho eftoct that the
at Nice urnn Infnrmatlnn l. Colombian comrress haa n....l . i.
the Italian government. Tho police au'uprlzlng the president to conclude a
at Marseilles today seized some com- 08 , t.re81,y wl,b tbo United Statoa on
promlelng anarchist correspondenoo cerlalt basis without the approval of
and made four arrests on clewa given C0D8re- Representatives in" thla
u, .nu uoicmuian govornmont
have received no information on tho
Slay Iluudreds of Jews. subject thus far.
Vienna, Oct. 5. Tho Oernowitz. tho
newspaper which first announcod the Butte. Mont ft ! (M . L
Klshfnof riots, reports that another ledge "l tin o-o . ."V00'
masascro occurred at the town ot Mo- been d scove?ed na.?fd. t0.haLM
hllev Podelskl, near Klshlenf, vester- Cape Ywk dhitrio? ?l"r.laibt
day, In which 800 Jewa and 100 Ohrla. Jin- nl.SL"t..,.,0.t.' of Cape
tlana wore killed. Thla report la not u',corery which
conflm-edf;om;nyp;h.rquTrto,,: Sni kn