1 PlNt: HoNHY.-- J. It. Ullhltl, llvhur 11 few miles , from IIiIh city, I in h ilivcliii'il lulu it lice iiiiiii, HUH IIMH 4 ycnr iiiih secured Iiiiiii cloven slninls of liees, ll.'M IhiiiihIh of rhnli'i' Iiiiiii'.v, !BW iiiiiiiiiIh ol which lie Iiiih miiIiI ul in cents tier pound, ih'IIImm; i i i i $:i.7t, reserving the oilier till) iiiiiiiiiIh fnrhlsnwn fam ily. Mi'. I'llllolt iilunli'il I wo and inn Jiulf acres in vetches, mill wlili u HIH'lllK bhuimlliy ill a patch of while CloviT, llin Iici'm Ikivh subsisted on (In) letches. Alter Hie been hud Cl'oppe'l Hie i etches In llielr nail, -fuel Ion. Mr. Klllull lunk Hie imli'll In Initial unit Inil'vi.nleil si Iiiiim nf , ... hay, two ol wlilrli lie hiiIiI on tha 11 ' uri'i iiiil nl $H per Ion, Helling II cheap Hesl lor want ol lull loom. At this rate glasses nr the liny, iiiih me ;i:vi iiiiiiiiiIh or liniii'A nt. Ki ri'iitu, Mr, I'.lllnll Iiiih llinile u llll it ciihIi outlay of $L'll, liU cmIIiiiiiIIiiii of Hie imihI of (lie Iiiiiii'.v mid hay crop. JiiH.7ll iirnlll. I'retl.v goiel InleiiMlon u IH lnu'stment. f ! -if ! tU lii U titjU. l if tU i li Wc luivc jiiit received complete Shipment of AH TIGHT HEATKWS Cnll mid See Tlieni mid get Price. Wynne Hardware Co., Proprietors. ,11 ii trriirivriTfMt-irr-iTrvrr-rrr. ri-irr TTr"vTr -trr-trr TiTT'vn-vr. -ti l Dr. I'll!' (!. W, llrinlliiril In nnv fx -i,trc ii, lllllltl' I'llllOKI'll ll'tlMH .11:1 III nllllT (O K''l Inn '"ill uitrmliieeil mil iiuikeil lii'iiiitiliil eiilaiKi'il iiiitrnit for (I for nil nil losts Dr I.owo'hI tliomt IihvIiik ! lwn IKiwIilmit pliic j u. An t-ou j ii f i n iKTiiKwiry I hi oiler I nin Diiiiiii ifiiwii iiiiiii inn intu ui nt'ii. . I-Iverylmdy invitutl to cnll mid limped I Iiik work. ' I, owe ocillii-0illcliiii Hll)elii' best hruud of cIkiii'h nl llm by li e eioiuu nmdo from iiurecreuin at Mcl.'lollllll'S, I'nolliiK mill refioshliitf; Mi.CIcIIhii'h Ire I'li'inii hoiIii. At Tim lliiirh V tun - A llvclv appearance Ih In lie wit-IU'.-mmI nl Hie Wallace ft .Sons' brick vni'il Juki out ul iiiwii. At preent utter only hU week's work tliey have Immense Iiiii'KuIiih at Knnklii's Mil sleNtorc, Kiiki'Iih. CnJI at Hie Wave fur a box of llmi IIiiiim for Niniiliiy. AIiImii'h Cliuciilitli'rt me the tieni tot' over .Dil.iioo brick imule mill ii'klln of sale ul .MrClelliin'H. lfi.lliMI linriieil. The kcuiii'Iucii nru empluvliiK silicon IiiiiiiIh unit Hie veel.l iu.v roll fur the iiih six weeks Iiiih uvoriiKeil HK per week, rS'MHI for 1lie six wn'liH. Messrs. W allure luive two machines reiiil.v to l.uli'Hl pcrlmllfiils mid liookH at Hie KlIKle bookstore. Iiiivmnler HlleliH for Hale, Impilm or Mrs. ('. .I. Unwind. KiiiiuIcm UuttVH will m'II you " . , , , ,'i ihi iit v nvinii MM up, one lor pre.eil lirli'l. m ill tne K,mi,,nt linvwt prltCH. oile r (or Miifl. anil II Ih tliulr Inteu- ' tloii in Inillil mIhmIh mihI niiike otlier Don't fofKel (lie eloHl ; 11. K, l.au'Hou Iiiih u foue of men work tlilH week on Hie O, ,t S. K. ili'pul. InyliiK u new P. Ac II. roof. Ah hiioii iih Hio roof In HiiIhIiimI Mr. IiUWmoii will uoiiiiueuce (lie iialutlii); of Hut IiiiIIiIIiik. Mr. I'hll Hpawti, of Collude Urove, emiie to Drain Wcilninilny anil wein on to llllly cDiiuK to view Hie ,iuw hhw mill Mr. Kellelier Ih criftlntr Iirulii Noiiparlel Henry llallv. vvlin Iiiih licen at I lie ' Wari'lionw for Hi'verul wcekn In (lie 1 einpliiy of Hie Ori'K"U Kerurllli'M Co., ivtnriieil lien- tlili week. tlliproM'MlenlH lielweeil llotv llllil fall, (lint will cliiilile (lieiu (ntiiuke lirlek ilurlliK H' winter. Till iHHlrli'lly a liuuie ImliiHtry ami of iniieli value In Hie (own The quality of lirlek IIIHile liv Ilie Mi'hhch. Wiillnre Ih not Hiirp ih.-'iI In tliU Mi'tlim nl ilii'Koii. New Ti:i.i:i'iioMi To Iliiiii:u.. The o. Sc S. H. It'y Coiiiiany ami lite Dri'icon :i'CiirltleH have ileclileil to Inillil a new lelephiine Hue to Ho hoillla. The liiillillUK of thin line In O.i'ilHloneil liv Hie ruplit luereitHi' In IikhIiiiom of lie' two fOiupiiuloH that luive titken Hie unit ter up. Tin) olil line Iiiih IhhiIi of miii'h i-ervlce, ami wilt put In l',V HUli-erlptloii. The liow line will be ilnillile nllli tin. ..iiii'mI hIiiIIiiii nt the WurelliillHi', llllil will be priivlili'il with limit Iih, no Hiinlilii'H MiihIi' limine, l.imeiic. 1 ; im'v limlv catH lliizehvniiil I'li'iun lit Hie IVurl, oppoHlto the 1 l UrlHtlliiK liniKiiiiiH In linitli ami lialr Iii iihIii'h at "The Miulern Phar macy." .St'cuic niie of tlio-e jiruinl ImrKiiliiH at Itmikln'H hIiiii,', Unrein'. Iicfnre llii'.v lire all gone. Dn not full to hi '! the new Nluut iiiiihIi' JiihI rei'i'lveil at The Itlelmril noii MiihIi- IIiiiiw'. (JoihIm promptly ili'llvereil at your camp at ii'iixoiiubte frelKlit rutiw. KttowleH .V HettyH. Two earloailH of iiiIiiith' xtippIliM r ii in.... i i..... 1. 1.. 1 l..l,,.r ,,l Htj. l t. i. I'liiKiiiiiu mm leunm-u um 1. iff,.V...L l family In HiNclty anil will Iibiiii- iiiiiii iiiiii, i- i in (iih'' nrnve ineir Ice permanent home. Dr. I.i live, IvuKi'iie'x well known ui'llliioilleian will be In Cut lime Drove Momlav ami till mum Tiii'h liy. AiiKiiHt -'llli ami iViili, U'eatlierl.i ('reamery Co'h Ii'iifn-am li iiriiiuiiii. uuarantiiHi tue newi tiiaile, at (he lorn. Wave liv Cream Par- Cverylinili- koi'h to It. It. IIu.vh' Imp yiuil nt CreHwetl. I'li-kliiK will I'liuitneiii'i' Sept. 3 or '1. When you wIhIi Htatlnnary. enll at the liiiKle liooliHtore, JIih. Dora Meliln, jirnprletor. fall on J. V. Thornton at the Pearl to i&.'l XrS be 1""' nwlvwUrom "'..rtlaml. KpowIch ( oufiK'tlotiery. lie will Ik- pleii...l cllrr..''.' on It Ih mu'eV".! (ha. V ""'" 1,"""m"1- kk; you nny t.m0. iiupiliiy will pitrehHHiiiroiu Tlietv Ih initlilnit neehleutal about Dr Loin- h ri'putntliiu iih a Hkllleil flu new tlienl'l eiiiiipmiy what material Ih on liiinil 'in! utlllae It In the enim trin Hun of Hie imw Him. Hank Ci.aimh. il.'liuii cliilniH of the 1'lrHt Nat liiuiil Hank of UoHulHirK I""- f 17WI. 1'miU of Cnlliiue drove for $175, liml Mlii-lll llrotlierH. for $!), papern wcmv tlleil (oilnv liy ili'puty I . s. Mamhal .1 A. WIIhihi. of Portlaml, iikiiIiihI II. II. llronkH, eilllor of (he I'lallutealer. TIiIh l a pn'llinlnary Htep tnwaril cnlle. 1 1' hi of IIii'hc rlaluiH mnl If not imlil or prniHM- anmver liuuie to com plnliil liv SepteuilH'r lfitli, the ilefettil imt will Ik' (liflareil bi.iilrtipt. We linileiHiaml thai iIiiIiiih ainoiiutliiu to ali'iut $1300 more are m-ihIIiik lull have not yet Ihoii (lied ItoM'burw llm leu. K'i llni- llm hi: Hi um n. -'I'lnii'Hiliiv uioriiliiK thi'KiiiiN Imp Iiiiiim mill' eiiHt of I IiIhi Hi. I .nk tin' mi I Inn n."l !' Hie u "I H i;' plrklii liil Ih'ijii'i tlie 'Iih li.-( in Ullil lie 'ie l we livn HniirM ,,t l.i,.ll tin. II -m nr.irli ilrleil I l li.,iiw anil' i '! v an liiHiiivil Inn H i ill" wrli iii4 i extent nl the lie in ur.ii. I.i iiHi-ertitlueil ami expert optleluu. Ho knoWH linn the know how Ih the tlilllk'- i The IVarl I'oufiM.'tlniu'ry' fur fancy i'iiiiiIIi'h iilwayn In the leail. All of i In-1, iiilluu liriiinlH liielniiiv,Hiniililii mi 1 1 lieu Iiik loliniTo at tliel'uarl. i'ri one f iIiiim' iIi'IIkIiIIiiI fac niaxHiiueH IteiiinveH lilaek IicjuIh, tan mnl In Inu" color to (he check at AIIIhi'ii iV lliiHlliiu'HtijiiHiirliilinrliirH Mlri'iiiilli mnl vlitnr come of itmul fiinil. ilnl.i illii'Nteil. 'iirei'". reail.i -lu-MTii' uli'-nl mnl hurley foiiij, iiiIiIm mi biirileii. but hiihIhIiih MrC'li'llnn'M tx tin. only placi.) In town where yon can buy a lint of Alilon I'lioculatcH ntul lion Itmna TIiiih. (Iiinlner nail Mr. Hue. of l.onilon. vlhlteil I'ottiiifi' Urovo Knttinlay. Try a iIImIi of Weatlicrly Croamcry Co'm Ice 'renin 'it the Wttvo ! Crimtn Parlorn. Homo inaili' fmnlleH alwiiyx IichIi anil the I tent nt the Wave Iw Prcfttu ParlorH Jet ynur (rultM Siniilnv at the I'arlnrH. ami enmlltM fur VVai-e lee flWllll 5 SKI LLM AN & BENSON Lf.tdlnu Grocers ot Cottacc Grove. I v . i I Imiu IH' . fll'Hll llllil I ll'llll. , i '. ,l U I In ,rlr.-H nn- rlylil , , i. , v , ,i , , l- iw v , in I'l-' "lie- Win. If I In- iiiiijortli Irieli-- ill' UN II ll'llll yllli'l 1 hIiiiII - II HMH-llll I'l.. ,n- 1 1 1'ieil Hull' ri'tiirui'il limiii' ImhI Hiiluiiln.i from I'e Kll, WimIi., ivlien ! he went t ivn montliH Kline. hIihIIi-ii'iI I In Hlreiiulh. in be ntirwil back Into ' health iikiiIii. While Mr. Mali' hnn not K'llin'il all of III fiiriiier MtreiiKlli buck aK'iln hIIII he Ih the picture of 1 (fin nl liealta anil mooii Will be able In 1 make liarncHH, talk your arm off mnl 1 "Hivap" IiIh win-en for the almlKhi.i i "Hionilulax" iih natural um III,-. Hi'le'H hiiiIIIiik on you once limn ,! Kiwi. The liitiiiilatlou for llfi) .Ioiich ami Phillip" brick block on the corner .,f .Main mnl II Ii HirceiH win lie eom plclml by (he hint of (IiIh week, f II. Wallace Infortiieil a NiiKUel mini Hint he would have three ot four lirlek iiiiihiiiih al work Momlay morn ItiK ami Hint no expected to have Hie bnllillliK reaily for the roof by Oi--lobcr In, 1 Tlume wlnhb)jr I'liln wd plcturiw al the low price of ?l.0U, which V V. ' llriulforil otretH would do well to k'M 1 their order In at nili-c, an the Hun' Ih t lliullcil to September IS, after whleh tlmo no orilei-H will be taken a( (hl price. (Jallciy opiioHlte City Hall. It ItartelH it Veatch have JiihI rerelied from I'lillllp llnlil, the well known I bliickHinlth and wiioniiiaker of IIiIh , city, one of the limiilMomeHt wagon to be found In HiIm kmiHoii of Hie ' countr.t. The MiiKon Ih h produi't nf Mr. HiiIiI'h hIiiim. and Ih a ereillt in IiIh I'HliibllHllliii'iitH. ' H'IiihIow ISarri'lt, of Central t'li.v, Iiiwii. whn Iiiih been vliltlliK IiIhi-ihi-hIiih, MennrH. ,1, K. mid I.eltii.v llnr rel(. of I IiIh ilty, left Mnilda.v nil IiIm return home. HeHM"iikH very pIciih nntly of IIiIh hwIIiiii of OrcKim. anil wen a Ih-IkIH future for the kThIc i'riiilciit people ptirehuBe Dr lo i-"m KtniiwH. lie ptitH tho creum nf 17 yearn c xpe rlcnec Into them See him Monday mid to noon Tuiwlav Auk. the L'ltii uml i'llli. Don't delay the ltatikln i-IohIiik out mile of iiiiihIi' xdoiIh at Kukciiu will hiioii be over mid you m 111 lie kicking yourfi'lf for not wcurliiK one of the IiIk linriiliiH offen'd. Have Dr l.nwe eiire yourlieml ami eye ache with 'i palrof IiIh Hitporlor cIuhhch. CoiiHiiltatlou fnti. WANTIID A (food Klrl for Kcnernl liinihoiinrk. Apply al Hie roxlileneu of T. K. CamplM'll, Cottaxe tlrove. Cottanf (iriiic llimr Ih an good iih nny Hour made In the valley. Ak your fjrocer for It. Kur pnrilv Hinl ai-riirflcy tnke your prwrijitioni' to The Modern Pharniney. We give ir'i"-iiptiiin inroful ntten Hon at Tho Mcxlcrn I'linraincy. Pure vnnillK anil lemon oxtraet a Tlio Modern Pharnmcy. JapnnuM.' hair tonic at The Modern l'liariiiHi'V. I. I'. Intuitu, the Uirmie incrchiint, wan In the city ThiirHilay. John Miimt, of DntigliiH i-nitnty. wan In (lie city Saturday. Tom Medley was down to I'oh btirK Mntulay mi IiiihIiichk. (Ji'ii W. I.ln.vi) i-utue In from the rytiil Wi'iliii'Hiliu II I' I '.mi ri. in ih ilnivii fi-iiin the milli'H 1 IiIh ii ii'k I I! I III 1 1 ' ,11 U In 'Ilie In llll II llll'k'H i inlt nt- Snlem I ni lei- i iih m The ' In M"" 9 Shirt Waist 1-3 oil Shirt VVnlat i-3 oir Not of animals to eat, but of, Shirt Waists Wo take pleiiHure In offering Hie public ImrKHhiH In Shirt WhIhIh, fill nobby Htylin and up to date. Yon will find mmiy of our .Shirt WnlnU Jllnt one half the former price iih HiIm Ih ourwi'iiml treat cut wo have timde 111 (hem thin year. We will Htlll eoiiHiitie for a Hhort time our Mtc illHCouttt la Hiitmnr ilri-HM kooiIh, and have you noticed our 10 mnl 20 percent dlMCotint on Ladle' WrupperH. You will finrl it impossible to buy Summer Skirts elsewhere at the price we are ofTerin them. Lurch's Store I'lie pantor will eotidiict tbewr-Vli'i-H at the MetlioillHt Chiindi next .Sunday both nioraliitf and evenlni;. The holy comiiitiiilou will Ih; ailmlii iHtered In the mornluK. The evening Hiibject, "JeniiH InokliiK: what he hcoh in the temple." Special iiiiihIi-, hoIo by Mr. IhIiiiiii. I. W. iHliinael, of Itorane, u'i'iitle t ii ii ii of (i-'l yearn, had the mlnforttinc to fall down HtaltM hiHt Sitinlay even. lint and tiroke three ruin. nr. .ion wiih culled ami ailmlulHtcrcd to the laJnrli'H, and at hint iicciiiiiiIh Mr. IhIiiiiiicI wuh KCtHtiK aloiiK nicely. Dr Corpron Ih In receipt of advlceH that IiIh wife, who In In a Portland hoHpltal MiffcriiiK from appi'inllcltlH, IhriiIiiIiik HtrciiKth very rapidly, and the oiieratlon will take place next Momlay. Dr. Wall and wife, ami datiKhter, Mlh-t Itenetta, left TtiCHday for a week'n recreation at Vaqulna buy. Thm In the doctor'n tlrnt rent for two yearn and he fcel that It will lie highly lieiieflctal to him. D. M. linker, of Hrooklyn. Iowa. Htopped over here on IiIh way from San r'ruiieb-co Monday. Mr. Ilaker Iibh liecp attending the 11. A It. Con vention at FrlHco and Ih now on IiIh return home. Mr. and Mr. Chan. .Ioiich, of Iowa, who have iRt'it vIhIHiik Mr .Ioiich' i-mihliiH, McHilmucH .1. I. Jones and Chan VaiidenbnrK. took TueHdny'H afternoon north. .1. II DavlilHiin, the hIiik; maker, occupying the room next to the NuggiM nlllce, Ih HiIh week fitting IiIh room with Hhelvlng and eottiitern and will receive a well selected ntock WaDDI.NOS. or men h about tin and Indies' hIioch l.ltli of this month. McKAKLA.VD-HAKKK - ThiirHilay September at the reldenee of Um brlde'H pan'iitH, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ilaker. In thin city, Mr. Walter S. McFarlanil to Mian Cora I'laia ilakcr.Itev.C. II. Wallace olllclHtlng. The wedding was a quiet affalri only the Immediate relatives being Siiperlnilent C. C. MathewH, of the . , . . .... Orsgoit .SecurltleH, accompnnled by ' were resiIendent In nntitreV Howe, Mrs. MathewH.rcturiied to the mines the parlor being decorated la white Tuesday, after a few iIiivh visit In and green. The ceremony wmh er thls city. (formed under a beautiful Canopy Mr. Win. I.unik'HH and son Felix , formed of llslt net. with Hiallax ami are vlnlting Mrs. I.andOHs' datiKhtcr. i ,. t.,-,..,.an t.ii, u.i,u Mrs. Violet, at Iaburir. on Hie Mc- .. 1 KtMizIe, this week !. II llengen, Hecretary of the Ore I gon Sectiriti'S Co., who has lieen vis iting Cottage drove and llohemla 'for tho past two wii-ks, left Thurs day on his return to New York. tulle. The bride wore a simple gown of chiffon and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Following the cere mony, a dainty lunch was servtxl In tne ilinitig room which was ueeo- I.loyd Mlllhollen. formerly with 1 rated in sweet peas and autumn the Ilenson Drug Co.. now of Port- leaves. laud, was up on a visit this week. i The bride Is the accomplished eld- , est daughter of Mr. and Sirs. J. W. Felix Currln, one of the prosiierous linker, who 1ms a boat of friends In Ralph W. 0111, who Iiiih been clerk- Ing for .(iurmun & Hemenway Co. for the past month, returned to Sclo last, nniiiniay. j (nriiters of this section, was In the city Monday. I Miss Lena- lleuolt Iiiih returned from a visit Salem. SHUliP TO I.HASE. I have si line gut id grade Cnlswold hIiii'P to let nut mi shtirt's fur nne or inure years tu responsible parties, l oll mi nr address A i .Il.-NMM.S. KV.I Went 5th St. Kiigenc, Ore. the city who wish her every happi ness, rue groom l a geutieiiiHit ol Hterlhig uiialltles. holding a respon- llltn t CLIll ,, , . ...ui. . , . . with her parents at , H '"" uisciAlltllinc. M .l ll XLtVurlut,,! I.u.k lt,. Miss Marguerite Hoy len this week train for San Fratielseo., purchased a tine fedham piano at wll(,re thav ,vln vfMlt fP a time and "1 he Itlchardson Piano House . f nmv ,(OBHily continue to make their A tine collection of harmonicas has Inane there. Just lieen received at Tho Hlchnrdsnn -Music House. ; . ,, . ., I Attorney F. O. Kliy has returned H. 11, Hartley, of Lorane, liroUier- ,., , ...v ri-it tt. Purilnnil. f I I' liimun. is home from ' lll-lHU a two years visit In California. Mr ntul Mrs Clair Haker. of Hoi-e-burg. visited friends and relative In this city this week. Hev Marlon Horn, of Eugene, wan 1-i the city this week. Hev. Rllllngton spent the week In this city WELCH WE HA VI; BLANKETS GALORE. A good 1 0-t size tit OHe and any quality and weight up to .$8.00. Have a boss miners' blanket at $1.0"). 1 I k ymr w raw ill S HAVE IT FOR LES S99 9 Well ! Another vacation litis gone, another school vear is about to begin, the children luive either outgrown, or gone through their last season's clothing and shoes, and the question- .'irises in cverv family where shall we buv new outfits. "Welch & Woods have it for less." ' We have a fine line of wool sweaters and shirts. Can sell you an all wool shirt any price from $1.45 to $3.50. Also have mackinaws, and lumbermen's supplies in general. Suits To those who arc averse to buyinn ready made Clothing we have lite finest line of swatcliers ever sent out by a tailoring establishment. Tlisse arc Hil. V. Price's goods of Chicago III., ntul as we did a nice business willi their Spring and Slimmer line we nrc sure to please you in fall mid winter stuff. The fuct of our having already sent in a large number of orders for I'nll suits, and n few overcoat orders shows which way the wind lies in the ordering to measure business. Suits We have a splendid selection of Suits in a variety of patterns, and styles. 2 and 3 piece, long or short pants Cut-away, double breasted !qunre cut and Norfolk Elegant little clay worsted U. S. Navy and other styles. In fact the stock will have to be seen to be appreciated We can sell you n suit for $i,ao a good s piece double breasted suit, or any price up to $9-35' We also hove a nice selection of boys overcoats. A little early iu the season to talk about such npparel, but you know the old saying about the "early bird." WK'EK IT. Our motto Is quick call's, uml small protits and always hear this In mind! If you liny anythliiK of us which doesn't prove siitlsfactory, come in ami tell us so, ami we will make- It rlirht. WELCH & WOODS The tireless hustlers lory our trade. Suits We have a splendid stock of suits and odd Vests and Pants made by Friend Hros.. of Milwaukee Wis. We are comparatively new merchants in the Grove, but this line of clothing is not tiew to the Coast trade, nor to us, as we handled it for years in the East. All the better grades are stitched with silk, and have Friend Hros guaranteed unbreakable front We can sell you a suit from $4.85 to $20.00. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO. Kn good line of Hats, Caps, UinbrlAg, Hlankets. All kinds ot I'urnislungVfr Men, uuncs, aim Children, Ivbb Clothing a splendid ek oKtnAves: Dotii dress, ana Ua 'dvTescope Valises, Gnpps. 1 you iw Corduroy Pants ol good Uoots We are always lookiiiK for t;ood thliiKs for our customers. Oneojthe best we have found Is the "Kant Hip" Shoe, California Oak tanned leather, warranted all solid, and not to rip. Wo have them from U boy h, to 11 men's. There are several fca. turcs In these, shoos which inako them superior to all others for a heavy, wet weather shoe, ami If you will conic In and let us explain them to you, we have no fears lint that von will buv. Ask for tho "Kant They Will aiwoiiueiy m-vp V H I Wi.VoivuT ' ii . . . - x m im.i .iiviii. nwri t; 111. tHnw W J I L 1 wbHKr oogBagam wbhh MHHHHHH HHHHH VHHHH IBHBilH HHHHI HHHH HHHH MMl HhH9H wEBEBm wSmEESSi We have the agency for the Washington Logger. This shoe needs no comments from us as there is not a logging camp in the Northwest where they are not worn. These Shoes are made in Seattle, Washing ton, are fujly warranted, and thats enough said. -S?' jxX;