A Bad Stomach 1 I'K tllia till! ' MlfllTlllMH Ullll IIIIHH till) linilmfN iii 1 1 1 1 1. Ii'hii wi.itk 1.111111111 h, ii tniim. il Unit inn not ini..riy .nrlirin lla IiiiiiIIiiiih Aiiiniiu iIh KiiiiliiiiiH mo (IIkIiI'mb iilnir mtniK, iiiiiihhi IiuHmvii ini'iiia, liiwrlliinii, Iml,. I, lnK, mih, i tnJtCf tu. Ii'n. y mill nurvKiiH lii'inlin !m. Hood's Sarsaparilta Ciiiiw ii mi. I Minim Ii, Imllvi.Htliiii ninl ily,i.,nlii, mill (let i N j.iiriiimiiuii Aoi'iit in, Miilmilliitii. mmf- ah",. In llii I'uii'd of l,n Motitlin mill Kont ill- lilltllllll' III lrilllt' llllVI' lllM'tl lllarllY- itimI muni, ri'innrkiililf fiicrn vIiiijm iiiiiI iwikIi t hi I i i 1 1 1 1 r mi tin' lurk, mini i In ini'liUtinlf I Hum. unil ri'pri'kfiillui: nil linnla Iuiu hIiii'd extinct. A lining tlii'Kn tin- iiiiiiniimtli iluitri'i roiispliMioiiBly. 'I'Ihth urn iiIhu dtrllilliu lilfliuca f III ri'lnili'iT. wlili-li U known to luivu onn- txi'll llll tllllUtlllllllt Of Wl'HllTM i:u 0ll .Mi'trroroloKlnil Inatriiiiii'iila of elKiin If Ui Imvii Iiwii iIi.Ij:iii. liy M. JiiimHrn fur tho niiiiiiiilt of Mont Ilium-, mill nro to lm rrttil liy ti'lrnenpu from t'lminunU, nt tlu foot of lliu inoiintiilii. Tim ImrnniwiT In tu lmvi n liuuii illul. with lunula mined liy a pliittniiin riniit un ilii- mi-miry. Tin' tlmrmomi'lfr will innliiln mri'riil iiiarta of ulruliol, mnl win iiiivk i(.n..i imirkn tin mm or more npnrt. Tlio turn unil illn-ctlmi r tho wind will he cntlmiited from Hi ilcitiH'tlou of nu Iron Lull. (Illcil IIL nicmiry uud auapviidi'd frum ! I oil. Arliotm engineers regard the (Irand Cimyon of thn Colorado na uffordlns nlic of tin' grenteat Ilelda In i-xlali'iici' for lln ili'Vclopmi'ut of I'leclrlclty from wntcr power. In iiildltlnu to the lm- llli'liai. power of thv Cotorndo Itaelf. hirice atorca of itierey un avullnlile In tho aiuiiller alrcnina Hint leup Into the vnat chimin. Tho plmi hy which the (Miwer of the iiiulu atrenui will. It la now thought, rvciitunlly he utilized i Unit of "plcktni: up" thn fall of Hid river liy uieiina of tunnel. At n point Mlwut aeventy inllea north of Wltlluiiii It la auhl that n fall of fi.lMKJ feet cii lie found In n dlatatico hut llttlv ei, ceedliiK u mile. 'I he lit'i.artinctit of Agriculture la nl pn-MMit luveatlKntlnK the curloila lm huvlor of certain plauta crowing oi the Weatern (irulrlra which are known n loco-iveeda. Ijco" In Kpntilah ale . lilllea crazy Cattle mid other uutiiiaN lirillnic upon loeo weeda auffer de niPteini'lit of the hnilu that prercut (iiorillnnllnu niovcineiita. Hereral wieila tx loiiKliiif to the I,. 'on family are lili'llldeil In thla pnlaiiuoua cateeory. It Una been aaaerled that a alnsle dn"e of aome or theae weeda will Cliliae liiHiinlly; hut V. K. Cliealnut. of thn Depnrtuieiit of Aerlculllirp. ex prraaea the liellcf that kovernl dnya of fciillue nro reiiulrt-d to proitucu n bad effect. A cloud la whlto hecnuao Ita cor- pllaclea of vapor nro larRii enough to rellect nil rya. Inrgo nnd amall. Hut the upper nlr hna lullulto uuinbera of purtlclea ao minute that they throiv back only the amnller or blue-wave if light, nnd not the larger red, yel low uud green wiivm. and thua blue la I he. iiredumluiint, but not exclualrn. color of the aky. Thla tong-ncceptcil theory of I'rof. Tyndaira la now ijuea Honed hy M. Kprlug, the Hwla phya Iclat. He haa experimented with luiiilnoua raya under many condltlona, getting nil rolora except blue, which fulled to appear, uutll, by the nld of electricity, be aecured n pure atmos phere. Thla wna clearly tinged Willi blue, lending to the conclualon that tho blue of the aky la an cKcntlal quality of the air, of cucuilcnl origin. Poor Child. "I hear Jack Kandor wn here to see thn baby," aaid Mr. Iloamloy. "Via," hla wlfo replied. "I anppoMi tho flret thing he raid waa: 'lie lonka uat like hia liither.' " "N'n, the tl ret tiling ho rnld waa 'Uood lleavena!' Then lie mid that." The mirror never flatters; it tells REFLECTIONS truth, no matter how much it may hurt the ( nriile or how lnimiliutim: and disagreeable the reflections. A red, rottc;h skin is beauty, nnd blackheads, blotches nnd are ruinous to the complexion, and no desperate efforts nre made to hide these blemishes, nnd cover over the defects, nnd some never stop to consider the danger in skin foods, face lotions, soaps, salves nml powders, butnpply them vip;orously nnd often with nut reenril to coiiscciuciiccs. nnd man v complexions nre ruined by the chemicals nnd poisons contained hi these cosmetics. Skin diseases nre due to internal causes, to humors nnd poisons in the blood, and to attempt n cure by exter nal tieatmcnt is an endless, hopeless task, Some simple wash or ointment is often beneficial when the skin is much-inflamed or itches, but you can't depend upon local remedies for perma nent relief, for the blood is continually throwing off impurities which irritate nnd clog the glands nnd pores ol the skin, nud ns long as the blood re mains unhealthy, just so lone; will the eruptions last. To effectually nnd per manently cure skin troubles the blood must be purified nud the system thoroughly cleansed nnd built up, nnd S. S. S., the well known blood purifier and tonic, is acknowledged superior to nil other remedies for this purpose. It is the only guaranteed strictly vegeta ble blood remedy. It never deranges thn uvclem nr linnatra the diucstion like Potash and Arsenic nnd drugs of this character, but aids in the digestion and assimilation of food and improves the appetite. Being n blood purifier If vouhave anv skin trouble send DUeasci. " No charge for medical advice. Write us about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA GAt OUTI'UT OF TOOTHPICKO. Mllllona Mntiiifncliirril In America Mini Mora I itijuirtait Then- la niiii iiiIIcIp of iiiiiniifiH'tiira Hull la nurd to rxlinalvi'ly In tlio tint. tint Hlnti-a Unil uu inn. Iiiim mi lili'u of tin1 iiiinniil iiniiiitlly vonmiiiiiil, iinmi'ly. wonili'ii toullipli'ka. AiTonlliiK to mi I'Xpirl, tin iiiiinhrr la almply Ilicnli'Ul iilii... Mlllliina upon lulllliiiia of t lie tiny wooili'ii allvi-ra un tiiniiil Mill i'niy J I'll r from AiiiitIciiii fuiMorli a nlunr, mnl on top nt llila iiimiimiiiIoiih oiitpul I'oini' Inipoiiiitloiia frum I'cirluunl unit Jnpnli unit oilier ooiintrlra niurly ua lnrm na lliu iliiinrnllc protliiRl. Moal of till' AiiiitIciiii toolliplcka, nc c nlliiK to lliu New Yolk Tlmra, come from Krnukllii County, In Mntiir, near Uu- fori-at lioinv of thv whlto lilrcli, out of which Ufi piT rent of the iloiiieatlu toothpick nre inuili'. Thin wooil la aoft nuil pliable unil of admirable rralatmica for thn puriwac for which It la unci). Wliulu til II Im In Maine art) devoted to aupplyliiK Hid country with toolliplcka, ntul In tin- ludualry la to hi- found aount of the llucat mid moat lutrlcalu of inn chlticry. Bo tremviidoiia la the output of lliese uiiichlnca Hint In n 1)1 Iff am miii, durliiu thv aprliiK, eiioilk'h toolli plcka en ii In- iiinitc to mpply tL ii mar Ui'ta of thv vntlru country for tho ywir to conic. A further Idfn of the capacity of the liiiichlma limy In, hnd from the fuel Hint only KJ turn nre iicceaanry to opurnto mid run ull the mllla In franklin Coun ty. Other mllla of thla kind nro unl tercd throughout l'iniiiaylviinin mid Mnaani'hitaella mid wi-ttcru New Vork, hut thv rvul houiu of the toothpick la Mn Inc. While, lilrcli la not the only wood uaeil fr tin duim-itlc tootliiilck: imiiilf ud puiiinr an. wntiloviil hh w.-II. Imt lilrcli turn tint proprrty of riituliiltiK Ita forctt oilor mill awrvttii-aa. The fellliiK of toothpick treea la only Incidental to the regular luinhcr work of thv Maine foreatt-ra. No i-apeclnl men are suit out to hunt up aultnlile trcea. Hut whenovcr the fori'imiii of a Kunu of woodaincii comoa ncroaa a trc apeclnlly ndnptxl to toolliplcka he or dera It felli-d and laid aalde. The brnncliea of the tree are then trimmed nut only thv trunk Itaelf la tranaportrd to the mllla. There the bark la aklimeU mid Hie unked trunk la run through a iinifhltii' which aevera It Into venecra. "Venecra" la the technical exprmalou for thlu atrlpa of wood no thicker than a plice of blotting paper nnd n wider than the lengtk of a toothpick. Once tho trunk hua been cut Into theae aheeta of wood, only one proreaa reninlna to tuin nut the toolliplcka tit for packing and ahlpplug to market. The venerra are feil lulo n aecond mnchlne auppllid with aharp, rutary knlvca that whirl nt trvuieiidoua hlgli aiieed, aiilpplnx thv veneeri Into toolliplcka at the rote of I hundrrda of tbouwiuda nu hour. I It la only tho ao-cnlled "fnucy" tooth pick tbnt la not made In thla country. In Portucnl. from where moat of the loriiugewood plcka are lniortcd. tin atleka are alnirpi-iuJ by young glrla I who. In return for turning out "plcka" harp ni niiillei und amooth ua Ivory, are paid 3 ceuta a day. The J h pun cue toolliplcka nro ninde of One reeda, nnd nro dlatlnct from UioaD lent to thla country by tho I'ortngtn-ie uianufaclurera. A Jnpaneae toothpick la delicate and thin na Hsaue paper, nnd ncvcrthclcsa alrong and pliable, the Jnpaiieae toothplck-mnker earna even tea than hla rortugiirae fellow crnfta limn, hla reiiiunerntlou being a fraction more thnn 2 centa n day. In abort, a thouanmt toothplcka may be bought In Japan for aa much na It coala to pack and box 5.000 of American make. Chlldnn'i Pavorlte Dead. Mlaa Kllxabelli W. Martin, whono torlea for children nor widely known, la ileiid. Hha waa a couain ol Hamuel I.. Cement and Col. Henry Wattui. ion. Well Deacrlbrd. ia a trunJ" "What ia a trual?" aiked the teacher. "A trust, " replied tho newspaper nian'i Iwy, "ia a tubjnet for an odl. tonal when there ia nrthing olao to be dltcumod." Chicago 1'oat. Antwerp Strongly Portllltd. Kw pooplo aio awaruof tlio enor nu, ue military Ftrengtli of Antwern. hlncu 18(10 tiG.OUO.OOO has been spent on fortifications, fatal to pimples wonder such Gartnravlllo, Oa It. It. No. S3. I aiiffored tor a number of yoara with a aevaro Kettle-rain. About twelve yeura niro I atarted ualng U. B 8., nnd artel' taUlnir threu boltloa I folt tuyanlr cured nnd hava alnca taken a bottto occaalonnlly, and had. little or no trouble along that Una. My irenerat health haa luan batter aluco, X reoommend ti. a. 11. aa a Rood Mood xnedlolno and alt round tonto, Youra truly, lira. M. 1. 1'IuiAHD, Boma two yaara ago X Buffered a Brreat deal, cauaed on acooimt of bait blood, tlmalt raah or plmplea broka out oyer my body and kept gettlns woreo day uy day tor ovor a year. Hooluir H. 0, ti. adverttaed In tlio pn pera and havinir heard alio tt had cured aovorul peoplo tn thla city, concluded to clvo It a fair trial. After uituc the medtolne for eomM ume,iamnir in an aix uoiea,x wan ntlroly cured. MDWAltn O. toNO. 1030 Olay Btreot, l'aduoah, Uy. thcvw..,Nwir . o and louic couimncu, uic muuuia unu jiui sons nre counteracted nud the Wood made rich nnd pure, and nt the same time the general health and system is rnpidly built up and good health is established, and this, after all, is the secret of a smooth, soft skin nnd beautiful complexion. for our free book, "The Skin and III t C O O D I Short QtorieJ l--l-J-l-H"M-M"l A ii'rtiiln weekly wnliea up Ha lie lliiitleut KtiliKi-i IIk'Ih In thla lively funh lini: "It Ik hiiIiI Hint n liiiin who ailiieezi'H it ilollnr never wmtv hla wife. A kI'iiicii ut our aiiliaerlptlou liiiiili leiiila ua to believe Hint ninny women In thla aecHon nre not hiivliig their rlha i rm ki-il. Come In nuil aettlu nnd Hhow Hint fill'a right nt home." Not loii iigo it certtilti door compnuy reeelvi'd mi nriler for n enrloiul of dniira from mi embryo Tenia town. The order wna filled unil the iloora rendy for ahlpmi'iit, when n lelegriiui una recelviil cuiuelliig the order, nuil niiiimiiieliig Hint n loiter of explmiiitlou uiiiild folllow. 'I'he letter nrrlviil, mid wna found to he brief at ml miieh to tho point. It rend: "Cinieel order for cur loud of ilniirH. The town hna Niiildenly gone prohibition, nnd ao iiiuuy iloora could not be lined III twenty yeura." Ileeeiitly un Amerlenn traveling In Itilaalii. who bad neglected tu provide hlliiaelf with a paaaport, when he ar rive,! ut the borilerH of tho Cznr'a i! ii in I mm, win held up by mi olllclal with n ili iiiaml for hla pnnxport. I'or uu In atniit the American waa atiimped, but, an the alory goea, he ipilekly roae to the emergeiiey. Diving Into Ida lualde pocket, he pulled out hla life liiaurnueu pulley mid handed It to the Huaaluu. 'I'he latter gravely looked tho jmiier over, run-fully aeriltlnlzlng the Impoa Ing looking u nl nuil the urrny of alg iinluri'B. Then, with a mi Hulled nlr. he hamled hack tho paper, and the Aiuer- ll'llll pilHHIll on. The flrat IjiiiI Ampthlll once called upon lllaiuurck, mid, while he wultcd In un nnte riMiin before being recelviil by the (icrimiu ihaiieellur, out camu ('omit Hurry Ariilm, fiimilng hlmaelf wllh IiIh handkerchief, und looking na If he uere about to choke. "Well," ho aald, "I cannot unilerctiiiiil how Ilia niiirek can hear that-ainoklng the atrongeat lluvuiina lu n atuffy little room. I hnd to beg hlui tu npen thv window." When the ICiigllnhmiiii en tered the npiirtuicnt he found Hla marek niipmeiilly guaplug for breath nt the open window. "Whnt atmnge tnatea mime people have," the chancel lor aald; "Aruliii haa Juit been with me, mid he waa ao overiKiwerlngly per fumed Hint I could atiiuil It no longer, and hail to open the window." A aiiburban Philadelphia banker tella nlth great antlafiictluii a atory that 11 liiatrutea well the almost Incredible proweaa In egg-laying of hla helm. "Home time ago," he aiiya. "un egg waa left for u neat egg In the place where my heiiH lay. Thla nest egg, the other day, hatched, and I have now one lone ly little chick, which aeverul dozen iiiothera care for. Hern la the expla nation of thla miracle: My heiia nre mil ateady layera that one would no aiMiuer get orf the neat egg. having depoHlted n froth egg IichIiIc It, than another would allp on. ami In her turn lay. Thua by dozens of different moth era the solitary egg wna hatched. Though nu one hen 'aiif or 'clooked' on It, nevertheleaa It wna kept always Harm, nnd In due Hue there atepped forth from It u lonely but vigorous chick." "TWO KITTIES.' Home Ouerr Krrora Made t"j Children In Tltlra at Hooka. The children who make use of public libraries usually know iUlte at well ua their eldera what they want, nit hough they make occasional uilatukva In ask lug for It. A very natural confualon of n mod ern with uu earlier clnasle wna lu the liitlid of Hint amall boy, for Instance. who recently demmided "Jolllwog'a Travels," nud tho librarian, who finally Induced lit id to accent Uulltver'a In- Ktciul, wna excusable for being niomen turlly puzzled. Nor wna the little girl Immediately nerved and satisfied who requested a book by Ilannnli Sanderson, of which she could not remember the title. She knew It waa In the library, becnuse "Minnie Johnson had had It, uud It wna lovely." It waa iiulte useless to Inform her , Hint no such book iippcured In the cntii- logue; she merely thought the attend ant very stupid, uud proceeded, by wny of enlightening '"'f. to describe the contents. When she mentioned Hint ono atory waa about a frog princess, the olllclal mind waa suddenly Illum ined, nnd she received the fairy tales of Iluna Andersen which was what she wanted. All Incident which, na the narrator truly auys, would huve delighted Dick ens hlmaelf, occurred ut the Jackson Square branch of the New York Public Library not long ago, when a little girl needless to my u very little girl artlessly Inquired for "A Title of Two Kittles, by Chnrlea Dickens." She wna not of un age for novels, nor for thrill ing Incidents of the Trench Itevolulkm; the Ml, nu hm saw her error, kindly ex plained that C lu "Cities" hounded like S, and offered her a book of pussy-cat stories biiltnble to her yours. She was quite satisfied to accept It. It was not Dickens she wanted, It was "kitties." ENGLISH PLEASURE GARDENS. Muunlflceiit IterltHtfa Alalutnlned Ad uitrilbly Ml lice the Tlidar 1'erUd. Kugllsli guldens nre dlatliigiilslied from those of continental Turopi1, be eatisc they have had u continuous ex istence aiul history elnee the Tudor pe riod. Italian gardens were at their best late lu Hie sixteenth century and cuily In the tevcnleaith century, says the Architectural Itecoid; but there after they declined Just us nil Italian ait diclltied. During the elghtteuth century the local nud cardliiul princes maintained them; hut they did not build new ones; and during the nine teenth century they hnve tcatcely been kept In repair. Tho Trench garden reached Its con summnte expression In Versa, lies lalo In tho seventeenth century. The crown so completely overshadowed Trench I life nt that time nnd during the elgh I tccnth century that the royul gurdcua nre aimellilug more thnn rural: they me n.au uiitiuiil. Hut alnee the r -nliitloti aocliil und eionomlc eon III na have imt fuvoreil III Trance the lan,g oul of new ft l.d i hihornle giirib na Much gnriletia uiv a luxury, to be en Joy f tl only by Ihe very il Ii. and I'M m il ui lllill teuila to be distributed rather thnn (Miicentinied. Mnrem . r. I'leiieli people, while they line ihe roiiulry uud ddlglit In llowera, me an aoclnl Hint tin charni t -rlatie exprra along of tilt Ir modern life are urban They have made I'arla aomethlng bulb of a garden nud a park, bin Indlrldinl Trinthmc.li have not Itidiilgid In lib orati) formal galdeiia fur their prraon nl iilcnaiiic. In lluglalid other condition hate prrvnlled. Kver aliu-e Tuil n time there have been realdent on the anil an iner getle and elllclent nrlalocrney mil landed gentry who were to it gnnter or lean extent the real lender -of the country. 'I'hey have for the innat pan been prosperous an. I progrcaalve, II v lug on lb. Ir eit.it.-a ni.d nd.pilng llie.r aiiclul luiblla H) coiliilry life. Conac qiiently throughout the whole of the time old garden have been altered nnd new (.lien built: hew Ideas and ln llueiic a huve been ciiialnutly r. epltig In: mid nt the same 1 1 mo the coiiacrvu tlve hablla of Hngl ind. the continuity of Ita life nnd the comparative absence of revolutionary and military disturb ance have nil contributed to the main tenance utmost tinlmpnlrid of their liiagnlllcent heritage of gardena. There la no parallel lu Kngland to the partial ilccny nud ruin of the grent ttnllnn an I Trench gardens. i:ngllshuieii either inulntnln or Improve, or they diatry. It la true that their luqirovemenls are more destructive thnn the negligence of Itnllntia, but It I nt least the eU dence of n fresh nnd living Interest. HIS FIRST 8UCCE8S. Famotfi I'orlr It l'Mlntcr Telia of an Kcce lloiiio." The flrat success of nn nrtlnt la nl wnys Interesting. C. 1. A. Ilenly, the portrait painter, tella of hla lu his "Iteuilnlaceiicea." A Miss Htunrt. who hnd taken some Interest In him, had lent hlin n print of (iulilo Heiil'a "Ucce Homo." He copied thla on u cnuvns, nnd then colored It aa best he could, without nny help excejit na the Btudy of hla own face afforded for the tlesh tints. Such as It wna, anya Mr. Ilenly, I cnrrled the picture to a good-nntureil lMHikseller, who consented to put It In Ida shop window. I own that I often found un excuse for pausing along that street, so u to give a rapid glance at my work. A Catholic priest from the country happened to pass Hint way, and stopped to look at the picture. After hesitating, he went lu nnd asked whether the picture wna for anlo. My friend the bookseller must have hnd n twinkle In hla eye aa he answered that dotibtlesa the artist would consent to part with hla work for a consideration. "I mu not rich," aald the priest. "All I could acrupe together would be ten dollars." "1 will apenk to the nrtlat nnd give you an nnswer to-morrow." And on the morrow the priest carried nwuy tho "Kcce Homo" and the "artist" pocket ed the ten dollars. I do not know which wns the happier of the two; but I rather fnucy It wits the boy painter. Somo thirty years later, na I stood talking with aome friends at the Cap itol In Washington, I snw nn old man wearing a Human collar. On hearing my nnme pronounced by one of my friends, he came up to me nnd said: "Are you Mr. Healy, the painter" I bowed, and he continued, with n smile: "I believe that I am the possessor of one of your earliest works, If not the earliest. Do you remember nn 'Eccc Homo' which you hnd placed In the window of a ltoston bookseller? A country priest offered ten dollars for It. 1 mil the priest, nnd your picture still hangs In my little church. I have always felt that I had something to do with your Biicccsa In life." I ahook my first patron heartily by the hand, nnd told him what Joy his ten dollars hnd given me. A ROYAL ART STUDENT. The Fultan of Morocco ltecame a Verj Tructiihte l'tipi!. Mulal-Abd-cl-Azlz, Sultan of Moroc co, who often In the last year has drawn the eyes of the world to hla monarchy lu northern Africa, bus learned that some things Kurop.un ure better than some things Moorish, and has act out to acquire them. Among other things, he learned that Kino penua paint, nud he bent for un artist to teach his royal baud the art. The artist was Arthur Schneider, who tella the Century Mngiulne his experience with bis lotdly pupil. At the tlrst audience with the Sul tan he showed some of his sketches. "Dinw me u man," said the Sultan. Mr. Schneider drew n charconl sketch of nu American lu.ihin. The Sultan took paper nnd pencil, which he hnd never used before, und mndo a fair copy. The artist couipllineu.ed nlm. "No, uo," he replied; "but by und by, God willing, I shnll be uble to do us you do. Now 1 nin only n begluuer." ltnther n modest spirit for a lord of the earth. The next dny the Sultan showed the drawing of the Indian besmudged uud stieiiked. "Why has thy friend gone?" It was done In charcoal nud should have been llxed." The same charcoal we bum In the tire-pot?" "Very like It." "Wondrous! Canst mnkc a likeness of one standing by thee?" "Yea, my loul. ho Mr. Schneider diew the Moorish doctor, sprnjed the drawing with "tKntlf" nnd passed It to the throne, where the royal fingers btreiiked It through but did nut re move the cluuvoal. Wondeiful!" tald Mulal-.Vbd-e:- Aziz. The Sultnu soon learned to draw fairly well. Some of his drawings nie reproduced In the magazine with Mr. Schneider's article. Thoiiatimla of Now Federal Julia. The lust Congress created 11,31(1 new ottlccs and employments, nt nu iiumitU compensation of $7,UL'7,OTJ. Ag tho Congress ill no nbollsbcd 1,815 of- llccs, the net Increase la 0,501, with uu nggregnte of $U,USU,158 In salaries uud wugca. it w I. kr' ji Another club woman, Mrs. Hnulc, of ndjterton, Wis., tells , how she was cured of irrcgulari tips and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. J Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, j " A while ago my health began to fall becauno of female troubles. The ' doctor did not help me. I remembered j that my mother had naed I.yillll 1 I'lnklmm'H V:t;etublu Compound on many occasion for Irregularities I and utorlnn troubles, and I felt sure I that It could nut harm me at Dy rate to give It a trial. I "I waa certainly glad to And that within a week I felt much better, tho terrible paina In my bock and sldo were beginning to ceaae. and nt the time of menstruation 1 did not have nearly aa acrioua a time aa hereto fore, ho I continued Ita uae for two month, and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life, have not bad a nick headache aince, and weigh 20 poundt more than I ever did, ao I unhcaltatlngly recommend Vegetable j Compound." Mas. Mat IIacle. Ed- perton. Wis., President Iloiuehold Economic Club. ttOOO ferftltlf erlelnaief ata Ittttr prwttiti gtitulittit tuiri M predt4. Women should remember there 1 ono tried anil true remedy for I nil female Ills. I.ydln E. Pink liam'H VofrotAble Compound. Ito t ae to bur nny- other medicine you neod tho best. Bird's Nest In Letter Box. At the vil age ol Weald, near St. Neots, Kngland, the public letter box contains a bird's nest with fonr eggs. The postman whose duty it is to take away the letters time alter time (ound pieces ol moss in the box and threw them out, but the bird always took them bark, ao at length he left the nest materials alone. The box is opened three time a day, bat the bird sits on quite unconcerned. A Wonderful Actor. Wink Talx about ttage realism! You should see Strident in "Love and Woe." Jinks He can't hold a candle to my friend, Mouther. Why, sir, he played the heavy villain In "Woman's Wrongs" so realistically that his wife sued for a divorce the next week." N. Y. Weekly. rino's Cure W a good couch medicine. It has cured concha and colds for forty years. At drugtrijla, '25 cents. Not to Be Thought Of. Housewife (to tramp) If yon taw that wood I nlll give you 10 cents. Tramp- My dear woman, I would he happy to favor yon, hut you Fee If I did that job for 10 cents I would be prote cuted under Hie new anti-trust law (or charging you less than I charge your neighbors Boston Commercial Bulle tin. One Woman's View. "I suppose you turned me down be cause ol my piverty," said the impe cunious youth who had just been handed the frosty mitt; "but you should remember that it is possible to bave plenty ol money and still be un happy." "True," replied she of the refriger ator mein, "but I would rather bo un happy with money than without it." -Chicago Kens. Austria Never a Colonizer. Austria Is the only empire In the ond which has never bad colonies cr even traneinarine possessions in any quarter o, the globe. Drains Large Area. That low lvine territory n thn Mtn. aisrippi should at times be overflowed ia not surprising n one consiaers mat ine rainero' waters uraws supplies from twenty-eight states, draining one thiid ot tho area ot the United slates. A Domestic Mystery. IT bby (walking the Moor at 2 a. m ) I'd just like to know why this baby persists in staying awake every night? Wiley Itvally, 1 can t imagine I never have any trouble In keeping 111 in awake In the daytime. New York Weekly. Lost Prestige. "They used to move in the best cir cles." "Yes, but they've moved Into a les fashionable equate." Philadelphia Bulletin. The Strenuous Vacation. Caterby What are you doing in town? I thought you were living in the country, playing golf, ping-pong, tether ball Hnd going to dunces. lVterkln I am. But I have to come to tonii occasionally to get rested. Ddtoiit Free Press. The Country Editor. A great British stntesmau has de clared that all reform movements be gin In Lancashire and end In London. It may likewise bo affirmed that the policies ol tills nation are primarily shaped In tho comparative exclusion of the rural eanrtum, the directors of the metropolitan . press being for the most part middlemen in ideas, as city merchants are in commodities. New Orleans Times. Democrat. Want 5 Husband'i Statue In View. Airs. John A. I-ouflM ntul the real denta o( Iowa Circle, SVaelilngton, whom the Btntim of Gen. Louan la lc rated! are at odds bo on u to Mrs. Logan wlehea more of tho tretia cut down In the circle bo that the view of the statue will not be obstructed. wntai ail taut. Ilasl Uoiuh tiy run. Tastes Uood. U$9 n lima, noia dt aruffifiiLa. The Deacon's Opinion. "Ve, auh," raid the old color brother, "dat Isiy is co (ond er trailin' ilat 1 ve'ly lietl vea tint ef he wi t lu heaven en il- y 'et him rnmo hack ler a holiday he'd mill hla return ticket and trust to loin' hloaeil back by a hurri cane!' Atlanta Constitution. To Break In New Shoea. A twavii ar.alce In Atlen'l Foot Km. armflr .Tii'tife liol, iwpallna, ai-hliiR. pwiillrn 1, i urM lorm, ItlKriiwIniC nalt anil i.nnlenH At ' all tlniffalftii and lhfe mnrfl.'Jftr tK.n'l srrnl mr -tiMlllnte Hsmi.la mattett KKKE AddreHH Aden a. Olrntd, la Roy, S. V. Exchange of Compliment. Hho tnd what did father ray when you anked him? He Ho 'all he didn't want any fool in the lamlly. Hhe And he really doesn't knw you at all I He Kxiept t' at 1 want to marry you. lioaton Transcript. Mother will nnd Mr. Window Pottwnr S) nip thfl tan remedy to uo tor their children tr.a teelhlng- helium. Next Thing In Order. "How proud he Is now that he owns an automohle," "Naturally. You know the old pro verb." "What'a that?" " 'Pride gocth before a fall.' " Philadelphia Ledger. n own uiiar ffe offer One Hundred liollan Reward for any cue of cattarrh that can Dot be cored VrUHl't CalarNt Cure. Ir. 1. CHENEY A Co., Prop., Toledo. O. We the undent rned.have known r. J. Cheney for th rat 1 vftn, and believe htm prleet:y bonnrtbie In all tu-lnei- transaction and fin ancially able turarry out any obligations made by their 11 rm. Wt Tacix. Wholeuie prueilsti, Toledo, Walui.vo Kimuna Mum, Wholesale tmigirttts, Toledo. O. nill's Catarrh Core Li taken Internally.aetlnir llrectly on the blood and raucous sarfaeesor the system. Price "fe pr bottle. Bold kyall Interim. Testimonials tree. Hall's ruslly Pills ara the best. Pipe Cob Corb. Borne of the farmer in Lafayette county, Missouri, are making a spec ialty of growing pipe cob corn. They say it yield them as much ol the grain as any other kind and the cobs bring them In revenue besides. riTQ Permanently rureo. XofltsorntrroaitneiN I 1 1 0 after Imt day's ovf br-Klloe'sUreat rra IteRlnrer. Hend for Free HZ trUl hot tie andtrrwlM. Dr. K. II. Kline, LM..H1 Arch ML, Philadelphia, Pa. Enough to Kill Him. Hobo Charley Soy, loldy, II dat ("awg Lites me he dies see?" Lady 1 believe you; I don't see how he could recover. Baltimore American. LOWEST RATES To Chiiajo, Dubuque and the East; to Oes Moines, Kansaa City and the Southeast, via Chicago Great West ern railway. Electric lighted train. Unequalled service. Write to J. P. Elmer, G. I'. A., Chicago, for informa tion. A Dire Threat. "Here's a letter from Mr. Smith sav ing he can't pay his bill this month " i "Juet write him a note and say if h ' doesn't pay up within a month e'l qmt sending him bills." Chicago l American. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. I Gfiust Dear Signature of Aea Fac-Stmlle Wrapper Dalow. Vscry email and aa oay to take aa sarur. FOR HUOACIlEa FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BIUOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVES. FOR C0HSTIPATI3M. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FORTHECOMPUXIOn CARTERS XitMb I Pnrlr Tetrtalil vwwfn CURE SICK HEADACHE. Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your ' liver! Use Ayer's Pills.l Gently laxative; all vegetable. bold tor 60 years. J.C.AysrOo., Lowell, Mass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE jrxm a- or purooisraoR jt. r nut ro.. emhf n h. efaB"sfTlH MrTlTW.fcff I Kittle . iVER WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD The Qntt Conditioner and Stock Pottencr. IIORSBS da More Work on Leja Peed. COWS glva Mora and ttWber Milk. IIOUS Hatten Quicker It given i thla Pood. Pooknge, OOo and SI.OO. si,m:s vios oitow-oooi) fok stunted calves. I'avatuH liausDY Co.. Kt. rant, Minn. Obntleukn; I have been fcedlns jrourPacsnaH Stock Pood to ray thoroughbrtcl swine. It kWcs them an appetite, and makes the plifa grow, I also tried It on stuntcil calrcs with sutl.factorr rcanlte. t w p-U,Hn M.h, VUKTLAMU BICBU CO., faetland. Ora.o. Csaal Aaaata. ss air "1 hsve used Ayer'i HsIrVlRor for over thirty yenrs. It has kept my scalp free from dnndrufT and has prevented my hair from turn init grsy." Mrs. 1'. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing about Aycr's Hair Vigor It is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair docs not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifeless. But gradually the old color comes back, all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hairstops falling, too. 11.00 a bonis. All araittsls. If your druggist cannot supply you, send ti, one dollar and wa will eapresa you a tmttla. Ua ara anil elve the name of your nearest eipress nriire. Address, J. C. A YKIt CO., Lowell, Mass. ssarana International rood Ulhlblt. London will have an International food exhibit at the Crystal Palace next September. RulorMon .Mctclilno Co. SfCl E-SOKS TO JOHN I'OOLE. roetofMOTlso-i St.. Portland. Orcffon. Parous Hawkeye. Automatic. Keif feeders, FatiltleM Slump inner, li horsepower with two herses. Iluckeye Hawmlll Machinery, Kn (fines and hollers F.ll and htlckney llawillna Knalnes Write us whoii In want of auytblnx In machinery line. PORTLAND ACADEMY AN I-NOLISII & CLASSICAL SCHOOL Kits boys and girls for Ea.tern Colleges. Primary and '.rammar grades Included. Portland Academy tt,tl for Rills receives a tlmtted number, no more than twenty, and Rives them the comforts and care nf a refined home For catalogue, a,ldr s Portland Academy, Portland, Ore. . gaaV REATH I Umwm bfen utlor CABVA IlKTft mm & idI11 mnl tTccttra lixtilT ifj ara imptF won derful Jlf daufbter od 1 wr bo t Lie red wltb tlcK Lomcb and oar trrealh waarrTbad. After Uklo a few dotea of Caacareia w Lata improved woodarf nil 7 They art a vreai help to tba famllr, Wirnarjiiita Nauci.. 1137 RHtanbouM t?u Cinaooatl. CWO- Pleasant Pilatabla. Potent. Taste Good, no Oood,Nrr81eto. Weakeo. or GrlM.lUe.ae 10s. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... IWUtrtH, f Mr. rtl.f. iHiml Ir. t,, JH Hfl.TD.Rir! Mid and CKranleed by altdrngT IiUIU'UAll .uuu CUlICTooaocoUablk ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOBACCO USING. WRITE fdrhlcstsated CATaLOCCE Flnt 10J RoatrorurySti.. Portland, Or. Tckjuoe, Ella 354. $25 PER DAY Can t matte with an AUSTIN Well Machine. Matte In all sties ami styles foroll or water any deptn. D 13 ALL & CO. den. Acta. JI J Conuncr cUI Block PORTLAND ORBQON Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thn wonderful Ch tirtw doctor ii callnl icrvfti Iwitui b cur-t pt-optt without opera tion that rglfrii uu lu die. lie curra wlih lhOH wonderful Chi nn hrrha, ruota, hul, twrki and vritftabUi that an ntlrvljr uif known tti insMilravl nrl rnc In thla country. Through tbf uttt thus harmlfM rrmc11s ihia famous doctor kuuwi thi action of over W0 different rm-rdlt-H, which h succewiriilly ua- tn different dlveanea. He guarantee to cure cattarh, aa h nia, lung', throat, rheumatism, nervouii'ieM, wlomach, liver, kidneys, etc; baa huudr0s of testimonial. Charges moderate. I'alt and tee him. I'atten.i out of the city writ tor blanks and circulars. Mend stamp. CONSL'Iv TAT ION FHKh. ADUHhHS The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co, 253 Alder St., PortUnJ, Orcfoi. atrMeuuou paper. P. N. U. No J'-IOOJ. WHEN writing to advertiser pleas I tuentlon this imjier. I ' ffM CANDY M VZJ? CATHARTIC i I 1 I ft I Mr I