Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 28, 1903, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and I'nrinliin Intercuts of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. 3t
iVInny Good Snbsfiuil in I I-Ioiihcjs
ai'o now in Coui'so ('( U nisi imic
lion JincI n I jurie Number
Savernl.New Additions have been Added In the Town mill LotH In ISenrly nil
ill tliciii Sol J, llcidilcs AcrcaKi' Property.
The Utigenc papers have been boasting ol the great amount ol
building going " lll:lt hustling little city ami while the showing is
exceedingly good and proves beyond a duubt that I.itnc county'?, ine
tropolt.s is enjoying a large dug tec ol pronperlly no prevalent throughout
the entire State of Oregon, vet a comparison with Cottage Grove shows ,
that tile metropolis will have to get a brilliant movo on herself or she 1
will have to deliver the distinction to Cottage Grove. We hope how-1
ever that the growth of liitgene will be sttfliciently healthy to meet us
halfway at Crcswcll within the next four or five years. I
The report shows 1 it new houses for ICugene claiming n present !
population ol 5,000, whlrh would of course menu s8 new houses for ev
ery i.ckxi population, n pretty good showing and one to be proud of.
Cottage Grove however claim-, the banner of the state, population con
sidered, and it is behevedja thorough investigation will show that she is j
more than entitled to it.
With a population of l5) j conservative estimate Cottage
Grove shows up OS new houses' sun January 1st, which includes those
now tinder construction ami would give Cottage Grove , 13 new houses
for each 1,000 population or very neat double Kugcne's standing. A,
Nugget rcKrlcr imde a special visit Wednesday throughout the town 1
to leant something of the general improvement going on and found in
every part ol town carpenters with s.nv and hammer shaping the lumber;
into neat cottages for the busy laborer ud business men now engaged
in thciuauv new enterprises ol this httlc city.
In the I). G. MiFurhind 5M1 addition, being bundled by Fingal
Hinds and A. It. King. .14 new I U were laid off and placed on the
market, and all, ate sold excepting two In the Cttrrin's Paik addition
20 lots placed on the market mid Lot K .ire left, and one of them will be
used by Mr. Currin Tin- Ji ti-'s H.-arv McFarland addition was 1
plotted and the lots offered for sale List week and six were sold by Toes-
day night. One block having U-en reserve I in this pretty addition to
the school district for school iiuiiwses, it being claimed this block 1
is the best location for 11 school house and with the piesetit scholarship
Atttl livcrything kept
Slim at bowest I'rtecs.
a First Class Harness
'all and sec m
1 Felix I.andess after several
1 months of the steadiest kind of
work in the Musick mine, is in for
a few weeks recreation.
Masterson visited the
j vclopnicnt. While in the south
ern country, Mr. IJby secured an
option on a property located on
what is known as the "Dig Yank"
ledge. The property now under
option to Mr. IJby consists of four
full quartz claims and 500 acres
placer ground. He brought home
The (tooth-Kelly People Figuring on a
large Sawmill on Mosby Creek may
Absorb Other Plants Now In Oper.
W. W.
Champion Hasitt Mining Co. this with him some fine samples of base I
week, and reports things looking 1 ore " te tunnel on one of the;
splendidly. quartz claims, which are well 1
Fred Byrne and wife left this ! fill's,
week for Ilohemia, where they I water rights, and has about 800
will remain for several weeks on I feet ol piping and a partially con- ,, ,, ,. , ,
the Grizzly of which Mr. Byrne is Wte!l rewrvoir. It has a Soo ' 1 "otl"' ' V' '"'rM 'nr
reary. foot tunnel, which shows a verv ! PKOtlatl," "Ith the O. & a. U. Ity.
large body of concentrating ore, " 'for urmior tne i.uuiii o num.
carrying good values. h lT a J'"1" '""ut """"'I'
" 0 1 Moby Creek and abto negotiating
j with the company for the building
of npnrn from the iniilti line out Into
the large bodle of timber owned by
It is reported that the Hammond
Manufacturing Co., has now a
tone ol ten carpenters at work on
the budding of the Oregon Securi
ties Co., and will complete the con
tracts as soon as possible.
J M. Fidlcr, of Kelso, Wash.,
who nccoinpanied Mr. Ely into Ho- 1 One of the most delightful spots
henna on a tour of the camp, last in the state is to be found at the
wr-ek, returned Saturday, and re-! Blackbutte quicksilver mine, six
ports being favorably impressed 1 teen miles south of this city, and
with the district. Mr. Fiddler, is I during the present summer many
engaged 111 tlie saw mill business in of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. W
quite positt
very enthusiastic
, timber that has
While he was not J U. Dennis have been availing
ositive, he intimated that he themselves of the hospitality of the , Ht"t,t' V,"!"! y
become a resident of Lane genial host and hostess. Among ! 1 ,, ,nl"' wlth 11 cal"lcltJf of
in the near luture. He was the visitors thus far this summer ,,xt lwr ,lny- wl" ,R' 0,10 of tl,e lnr
the company In that district.
The llootb -Kelly mlll, located at
Simlwiw have about Hiiwed out nil
the timber Jiwt at prtweiitconventont
to the rnllrond nnd are necking this
location iih 11 jxnmuient ono.becmiHO
ot the fact that tlielr liolillngH are
all convonleiwly located and con
HUtH of Home of the best thnlier In the
regarding the have been Miss Willis in. of New
come under his York; the Misses Dennis, of Spo-
uotice on his trip here. jkane; Mrs. D. M. Littlefield and
,,,, , - ., , , Miss Helen Smith, of Port'Town-
lhc purcljase of the Broadway 'Mnd Mr. and MrS- Wm McMas.
group, from Griffin & Reed by the teri Miss A1Ietli Mrs s. B. Ljnthi.
2.B," Sf1cuVUes p-akHt cum. Mr. Alexander Linthicum
company the largest and most com- and Mr. aml Mrs. Chas E Ladd
plete property in the d.strict. This of PorUand. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd(
purcliase tnrows t ie property of 0fportland. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd
the Oregon Securities in a horse- ,..,..,i , ct....i...
shoe shape at the head ol : Cham- afler a ten dav's hnntirnr. fisl.i,,
and recreation trip at the Butte.
sent In thlx part of the country and
will lie quite an addition to Cottage
Orovo'H already large ltnt of luml)er
lng ccuipanleH. It irt Htated authori
tatively that the Booth-Kelly people
will purcliafte one of the Mosby creek
mills nnd also about four thousand
acres of choice tbnler.
nronertv io in- t-u. . T.:. , , ot tue prominent siocKtioiders ot
U ........ up..,, .,,jv;.u u, 1
pioti basin, and with the aid of the
big tunnel, all the
many thousand dollars.but through ;,eeded re;t and recreatioll from his
very conservative business manage- ard.10US and confjnintr duties at his
J. D. Hoyt, Muncte, Indiana, one
ment, and the result will be that
those who own stock in the com
pany ,vill reap many handsome
dividends in the years to come.
A tale of a prospector's luck
which borders on the marvelous.
W C. Sharp 1 room cottage on Wall street.
W. T K.iNser Central Hotel, two blocks north and one block west
of S. 1'. Depot. This Imildlllk' WIS ikitIIv built lust sp.qnn lint a Inrirp
increase, 11 new school house will eertaiiil) lie necessary in n very short .Mrt of it finished up this year.
time as the old school building is no v full to its entire capacity, til tRct v. T Knyser 8 room residence in Northwest part nf tomi just leiig
completed. .Mr. Kayser lias also purchased
the Golden Rule Mining and Re
duction Co., arrived last Thursday
week and has made a visit to the
company's holdings, returning to
this city and thence to San Fran
cisco last Tuesday. Mr. Hoyt not
only visited his owu property but
spent some time in acquainting
himself with the district in general,
and he is surprised and more than
pleased. He predicts that Bohemia
will be one of the greatest districts
in the United States. He says all
Bohemia needs is capital and de-
A large sale of lots both in the Perkins addition and Perkins acre
age tract is reported, it being impossible to obtain the exact number, but
the property being very desirable, it is evident that it is selling readily.
The I.andess and Jones additions, both repot t large sales mil many
new houses.
In the Long it llinghattt addition the 01 iginal was of .. lots
all now sold hut 17; is lots in the 1st addition and all sold; 80 lots
!in the 2nd addition and all sold but 33. the 311I additional! sold.
This Unci lies east of the S P. tracks and has some ideal building
sites and comprises in all 160 lots all of which have been sold except
411 and many new hutises will be built besides those already constructed.
Besides the addition laid ofT by the & Bingham Co., they also pre
sented and extensive strip to the railroad companies and have sold
a tract to the O. & S. H. for ro 11 1 Iioiisl- and terminal facilities and
Ahrnins for the electric light plant
and refitted and almost
made new two or three other cottages, besides has purchased several
lots ami contemplates oilier tiutluings tins year
I.eRoy Woods a 0, room residence in northwest part of town. This
property will be one of the prettiest on the west side when completed as
Mr. Woods is sparing no expense in making it an excellent home.
A. G. Kuapp 5 room residence in northwest part of town.
Charlie Walker 0 room residence on west bide a very pretty home
and well finished throughout.
Bert Willard 5 room residence on West side.
I.. F. Woolev 5 room cottage 011 Railroad street.
Archie Thompson 5 room residence in McFarland's 5th addition.
Mrs. M. A. Mount's residence on Water street.
D. 15. Welsh residence to cost about St soo on west Wall street.
J. Cochliu cottage near McFarland btttte in northwest part of town.
G. W. Rtt. hey a modern 7 room cottage tit the IJtig & Bingham
When one considers tlic large nuinner 01 lots mai nave oeeu som .. .,
....1 .1 1 i ,.r iim... .,.). i,nw. niir.-lms..,! bnvL done sn with I Herbert Hakin 6 room residence near park.
.1,.. i in,, nf l.,iil,lin it' Lives someihini? of an idea of the cood ! Ow. Hubbard 5 room cottage in & I.atidc
healthy growth that is on in tow... I , ., c- c: Huberts a 7 room cottage in & I.andess. the nianv new houses that hnvc been built during the past! building 111 i about a week.
o I... .....1 tl.n .in. itntf Kmliliiitr t1w fnllmi-llHr lUt hn Uoonl Mrs. u. I,. Iicl:Js, 2 story business house ou Mam
o minium turn mm . , h
...... I..., , tl..iU mill , W If
u mm 11 1 w a-1 hi hi iii vii i ii in - - --( - - l . ... t i . ,
butldiiiKH just completed. This large tract added on the east stile ot
town gives room on that side that was badly needed and which will be M"'" V',a ,nrS.,f,,M,de,,ce Lo'ig A: Laudcss addition.
rapidly built up by those who want homes near the mills and railroads. k nnnseti residence on east side, I.andess addition. 5 room cot-
The men employed in these places ate receiving good wages andean taKu- ..
easily owu the., own homes if they desire, which the majority of them do. ' t Roberts 4 room residence in the Inabnit addition.
A sale of v lots in the & I.andess addition by Medley & , Mrs I eona.d 5 ro 5.u residence.
Mil,,, is n.ooried for the nasi month. . "oosiwo ory. 1 1 room resilience oil 4 street, rt. goou
1 . . . . r .. ... . . 1 -1 , KIllKtmitllll l.lttlMitliv
limner 01 lots mai nave oeeu som
i,n.. .,i,r,.i.c..,i lm..,. iimi.. n witii I Herbert Hakin 6 room residence near park.
ss addition.
ill commence
U. S. Martin two story rooming house on Main street.
J. lv. Young 2 story business house on west side.
Miller Bros, large livery barn on west side.
Prof. A. I.. Briggs residence in Park addition.
J. T. DeSpaiu will build a 5 room residence. Work will begin in
about two weeks.
' Marion Inabnit residence ou Second street.
Marion Ventclt residence on 4th, a very neat one.
Al Nichols 5 room cottage in southwest part of town.
G. W. Rathbttn a new 4 room residence in the Long & Bingham
Jones & Phillips brick block 011 Main street two stories high with
three rooms down stairs 30x60 and office rooms nnd Lodge Hall up
stairs, will be one of the best buildings in the city and will be com
pleted about Oct. 15.
W. II. Abrnms' electric light building in Long & Bingham addi
tion near mill 40XS0. Machinery now in.
Portland bank. It was his first
visit to this part of the state and to
a Nugget reporter he expressed
himself as much delighted with
what he saw of the resources of
this part of Lane county, express-
comes Irom the mining camp of ,nB "imseii as especially pieasen
Ontario, about five miles' from witl lhe vast timber possibilities.
Lordsburg, New Mexico, which has I While here he visited the Pacific
been aunoved for some time bv ' Timber Company's plants at La-
skunks that took ur their residence 'ham, Amos and Alca. His limited
in some rocks in n uearbv canvon. I time did not permit hi
The nuisance beconiine unbearable. I into the mining resources
one of the nrosDectors named though Mr. Dennis had planned
Williams determined to rid the take nira to Bohemia and the O. t
camp of them. He therefore Is- E. people had generously prof-
suppeo. up 10 wuere me ooeriterous " " "I-" nrPcpt iloinrr develonment work
rodents were lvimr and threw a obliged to give up thbjpart of the ?lP,2,d"f;S
stick of dynamite among them. Tip Since he needed rest and
In a few moments there was a ter- recreation he preferred to spend as
rific explosion and portions of much time as possible with Mr. and
skunks were seen flying in all di- Mrs- Dennis at their delightful
rections. The next morning Will-' summer home at the Blackbutte.
iams went arniiml tn ivliprp l,n inH He expressed himself as trreatly
.. ., , .. 7 , . - cj i ion ine
uirown inciiyuamiie ana tound lie " l'" u.m u, tBc ut- gnd m b . devel0pment
had uncovered a ledge ot mineral- velopmen work as Mr. Otnnu has on tIle Nonadi claira fmme.
uearing tock mat was quite rtcli. a. uwwuuuc uimc, uuuuicm-
Xow the story goes that he located ig especially upon the careful, sys
a claim ou the lead and has sold to tematic and thorough!) scientific
a man named Davis for a neat sura. 'work that was evident at every
Dynamfte is taking the place of the turn in the development of this
mule in making rich discoveries 1 Rreat property, for which Mr. Den
Mining and Hngineerttig Review. "is l,as already gained a wide repu
tation, w line expressing 111s own
surprise at finding so great a quick
silver mine brought up to such a
high state of development. Mr.
Ladd remarked that he doubted
compiled, though not entirely complete:
T. K. Campbell residence 011 Water street at a cost of $2500.
John Stoneberg 5 room residence near the McFarland btttte.
Joe Young now building 6 room residence on Water street.
Henry Risstte 5 room residence in Long & Bingham addition.
Mark Garoutte, two residences in Long & Bingham addition.
Ftngal Hinds 6 room residence on Wall street.
Groriic 15. Hess small cottage nt end of Wall street. Mr. Hess
a A acre tract adjoining the D. G. McFutlaudsth addition.
Joe Miller 5 rooms, hath and pantry, a very neat cottage.
Jas. White lour room cottage on wan street.
Hope Feastcr 7 room residence.
Van Allison 4 room cottage.
Harry Mmcnlf 4 room cottage on Wall street.
W. C. Conner n large ij room residence 011 South side of Wall
street Mr. Conner has 1111 acre tract and will make a beautiful home.
Will Wolff 5 tootu house 011 W.dl sttect
has 1
Attorney F. G. IJby returned
last Saturday from a visit to Grants
Pass and Galice Creek, where he
inspected several milling prop
erties. Speaking of that section,
M r . F li y e x p r e s s e s h i ra s e 1 1
well pleased with Southern Oregon
as a mining country. He feels con
fident that the values are there,
but states that the great trouble at
the present time is the supply of
water for the summer's run. This
will be remedied by creating re-
jvC .ce., aim oy ouimiug , , oubtedlv visit the Bohemia gold
flumes, as the disfrict takes on de- C!U11j, "
. mi meu , velopment. Speaking of the Golden
XT . 'jRtile. Mr. Hoyt states, that,, the
11 j.1 Property meets with his expecta
I planned to J ' . . . , . .0 f
liuim uuu 13 JU91 an ,b naa icpic-
sented to him. The Golden Rule
owns three groups of claims and are
at present doing development work
, with the view of patenting. The
gentleman thinks the Golden Rule
1 has a bright future, and believes it
is the making of one of the best
I properties in the district. The com
I pany has completed a large cabin
1 on the mill site of the Golded Rule
diately. This company is also the
owner of the Benson property, and
Mr. Hoyt says that it is one of the
best country hotels he has ljad the
pleasure of stopping in. The com
pany has recently refinished and re
furnished the house at an expense
of about Siooo. The company has
a force of men at work driving a
tunnel on the Consolidated group,
on the Ibex claim, opposite the
1 t a r,, .., .......l-'c
whether many people in Oregon , , g Fran.
were aware of the states .possession will return home,
of so valuable a property and its, ; h h
possibilities tn quicksilver produc-'theiiea'JrfuUire
tion. j '
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd have prom-,
ised Mr. and Mrs. Dennis to spend Wheu vou want a physic that is mild
a week or two with them later in am! gentle. eaay to take ami certain to
.1,. nll n. ...I.;l. 1.. ...ill i., liei, tliwiivs. u.e uiniiuutJriHiii ouiumuii
.... .W ..U... ...... U. ..... u.
anil Liver Tahlets.
Dm Co.
For sale hv Benson
If you want the best for your money
ust drop in our store and look over our complete stock of
ClothiiiK, Shoes; PuriiishiiijiS, Dry Ooods, Drills ami Groceries.
We keep only first-class floods, and are saving our regular
customers money every month.
Our Hoffman Rothehild, custom made clothing just
as gootl as tailor made, and from $8.00 to $12.00
saved on each suit.
maki: good SCHOOLS.
Wectirry the celebrated Ilamilton-Hrown and Orthopedic
shoes for Men and Women.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
licadcr.s in jtlt'rcliaiiitlisiiiff.
There has been some talk that j
the coming school term would be I
decreased from nine months to eight, j
It is to be regretted that the board !
will for a moment contemplate such j
a thing, livery town in Oregon of j
half the importance and scholarship j
ot Cottage Grove, holdsniueiuouths i
of school. When there is anything j
wrong with the schools ol a town j
people begin to wonder. The school )
is the index to the town. A short j
term will do more to drive home- j
seekers from Cottage Grove than S
any one thing. It will even go so
far as to cause many large families ,j
to pull up nnd go elsewhere. Sev-
erullii'ing in Cottage Grove have!!
' hinted as much this week. By all j
means let us have a nine mouths,!
At It. It. Hays hop yard one mile-
eitHt of freHwell, Price for pleklni;
$1 per 100 poumlH. Picking will i I
commence September 2d. I s
Closing Out At Cost
Window Shades
Glassware, Tubs
and Washboards
OttrJ Ftttire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cost For
Cash. Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains.
Eakin & Bristow.