LIVCn AND KIDNEYS It U lilglily lniinrtniit (hill tliimti or i ib uliuulil iiiiutly perforin llitilr Iuih'IIou. When limy don't, wlmt lauiKiirni of Hits ulili) iiimI Intck, wlntt yullowiit'im nf llm akin, hIiiiI it i ii u 1 1 psi ( Ion , tiiid taMo III tlm iiioiilli, uli'k Imminent), pimple mill lilntt'lii H, nnil 1(ih til 'urHU''i tt'll Ihi' alnry. A uriml nlliiriitlvti nnil Innlo Hood's Sarsaparilla (lli'H llii nn (irintiiH vlur Mini Innti fur tlm prupiT purfnriiimii'ti til llinlr luiii tluiiM, nnil rtiriM nil tlit'lr onlltinry nil- IIM'lllH. Tllltll It. Advertising Kid It. Ha illtln't Imvti n tlnllnr; lift illiln't liawi n tlliuo. 1 1 In clotlioa n lid tliooa wont looking tint nit tliniiili they'll aurvod tlitilr 1 1 mo. tin illiln't try to kill liliiimlt tn iIihIkii ml xfor t tiiio'n linrkit. Inntiiail, hn ot wimo tuilinn mill lin llllinl llvo iliiiiin aiicka. Tlimi, mot lin Ih'kkihI n tlollnr. In llm pnHir In tlm tixirii lin niUriillnil tin pcllali that null lil put tlm mill tn acorn. I In kupt on inlvorllnliiir, nnil, Junt now, milieu to any, Ini'n nut In C'alifornlu at III intUu" mi tlm liny. Tlm I.yru, LOWEST RATES To (Jliltaifo, l)iijiittiu mid llm Kunt ; to Den Mnlimn, Kmimin City ami tlm Hoiitlmuiit, vlu ()iilciio()rt'Ht Wriit itii railway. Kluftrlc lllilil trulli". Utir.iiiilliiil -mrvlc". Writ" tn .1. I', l.linor, (). 1. A., Clil(K", (or Inlorum-tlon, Women No Longer Kin. No aumrt HOiniin kiwi Oliu nriotliftr, mul tlm niont tlmy now do In to ruli lint'. 'Ililn In nn It uliould bn. In nil tlm wIiti! world o( Homuii iioIIiIiik limi to lliililxTKOit"! tlio nmrn limn an tlm ri'iklem nlor with wlilrli ludlrn iimmI In hroiinn mi until ntlmr'a roitiilixlotia wltliout t lio illtlilmt provocation. Vmiity Kiilr. Cultivate a Culm Temper. Wlmii tlm worrlea nnO rurca ol tlm tiny Irot roti nnil Ih'uIii to wear on you roti nnil I rhufu u mul you rlmfa titular tlm friction Ui mini. Htop, rem inr a inoumni, nnil ioi callimi'M and i-twco asaotl tlieinaelvra. Il you let tliitra Irritating otitalilo Inllti-ruci-e Kt the ln-ltnr ol you,your con Inning your Inferiority to tliem by pur iiiitllnir them to domlimto. Not a liantcroue Malady. "I hoHi that Jenklna will pull tliroiiuli din pIck" of alcknean," re markixl olio friend, "(or lie wan nlwaya itch lolly follow." "Ho timet Ui In pretty Rood condition mid iitlll very vol utile." miaweri-d tlm other friend "Ihla mornliiK 1 overheard hla maul toll mv wlln thai Mr. Jenklna waa aulTurliiK (roui amonhi." Ureal llnnunalratlon. "Tlioy any wlin tlm Kreat plnniat pltyiil In thla town the tpoulo went wild," unnarkod tlm comedian. "Tliov did llm aame when I played, remarked llm )ouiik My "I'O blowa the cornet. "Were they demanding that you come hack?" "No. ther wers demanding thalr money back." Contenlon. "Do vou make much out ol your II brnry work?" naked tlm inquliltlva Hereon "Yea, replied the man who acrlbblea orranlonally, "timcli moioouioi lunun I do In It. Canada la llulldlnr Kallroada. The number ol nil leu of railroad completed In tbo Dominion of Canada U 1H.W1H, an Increase of 674 mllea over the pravloua year. Undoubtedly, "Wisdom." remarkeil the man with the chronic quotation habit, "la better than riches." "Of comae." rejoined the plillosoiili leal person, "you ruler to your wisdom and other pcoplo'a riches." Couldn't Pool tier. "My dear .MIhh .MIIIIiiiu," aattl the Impceiinloua young man, "i love you morn ttinn I ran llnd word, to tall." "Hut 1 presume you could tell mo In licures. rololnud the tienl'tllul heiress In tones that sugKuntod ti,e re man lie Ties Cravala. An cnterprudni! draper In New York employs an asslHtnnt who la particular ly uxpeit iu arraiiKinit cravata In tlio moat faslilonulile aliaiut mo nssl tnnt Httends wetldliiKS and helps tlm britlevroom and licit man to properly adjust tlmlr ties for so auspicious au occasion. As Aesop Might Writ It Nrw. One day a fox raw a fine ripa plum, but It was beyond hla reach. Ho, as he bad no friend to shako tbo tree for him, ho turned up his nose at It ami pauod on. "It's wormy!" he Bald. Chicago Tribune. Queen Alexandra's Epigram. "It la a pity," anid Queen Alexan dra to the late Illshop of Iximlan,' one day, "that women are not asdevotod to tlio birds In tlm air as they are to tliu lilnls In tholr hats." Lost Hair " Mv hair came out bv tho hand ful, and the Riay bolts began to creep In. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and It stopped the hair from com Inn out and restored the color." Mrs, M. D, Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It elves to all who use it such satisfaction. The! Hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. $1.00 a bolll.. All drmiliii. If your ilrureltt cannot supply you, send us one UolUr and wo will oxpreiis you a bottle-. Jlo suro and clvo the namo of your nearest extireis oQlro. Address, J. 0. A. put CO., Lowell, tlm. The Htilliiti of Turkey reiiilrra Hint nil atnlo iloitliiiienta mid inierH Intend i'il fur Ilia piTiimil ahull Ural pim tluoiiuh n direful proccan ot disinfec tion, A rlirloiia slxht III the HtrcclH of To lilo In to xt'ii mi old run n aciilcil on n Hlunnlh pli'rn of Kmiiuil ImvIiik rniiml him Utile plica of wind nf illffurt-iit ml in h. nil, liliie, yellow, Iilnrk. etc. I'lne liiK n pllii'li frnni Wil li pllu In Ida right IiiiiiiI, hn will tlrnw on tlm amnntli Kiniiuil the IlKliro of n mini or uniiiiin, tlu di't'SS nil properly colored hy tlm mini trli'kllinr throiiKh hla llnncrs. It In ilium with Ki'i'iit riipldlly mul showa ii'iuiiiknlifo ilcxlerlly. An liitllmtliiu nf u new tpnilelicy In Ni'lentllli' alnily la furnlHlicil hy the liliill nf the J cotrrtl plilfil I Koi'lely nf I In It I tiioi i to Hi'iiil to tlm 1 lit 1 nt n in I hI iiiiiIn ii alilp riirryliiK n fluff of llfiy pi'mniiB, who will attidy tlm K''"loiry, KtHiKrnpliy, hotiiny, r.fNiloKy, clluintol. K.v, ihyali'N mul it'cillrnl unit hygienic iiiiitlllliiiiN nf thoiiit I x I it 1 1 1 1 h . The ship. i.pi'fliilly cJiiit ti-rt-il for tlio purpoNe, will lie lllti'il nnil t'ipilipei na the home mid Inbiiriitory of tlm pnrty durliiK tlm "utlro trip. Airtiuuta of enrly wrltera show Hint aiiilrrt'la inimt formerly hnva Immmi mmii'.liiKly niimi'iotiN. liolmmi niijn I I i it t tlm K'r'iy """t wim n fenrftil acoiirKi' to llm Coloulnl fnrmera mid Hint IViinaylvmiln pnld I.H.IiO In bono tlt'H fur tlmlr acitlpa In 17111 Miotic-. ThU mi iini urn titmiriininn or imi.miu wun - In n cninpnrntlvt'ly amnll illalrlrt. In tlio enrly tlnya of Western aettloment ifKtilnr liiintN were orKniilred by the Inbnlillmita, who would rniiKK the WIHIlIi h In two cnmpnnlcs from mornlnc ",a" J',"' " " ilKht. vylUB to which bnnil!0'"- tatarrbal lutlammation of the till IllKllt ahnulil brlliK lionm the pjrenteat iiuin hcr of trtiphlea. U'litt iiiinntltlea thus killed lint ill limit Incredible now. An Afrlrnn chiefs tanbrelln la of Itri-ntcr luiinrtnnre t tin it tnnny people liunKlne, npnrt from Ha enormous slr.e. Its losa In bnltln more than eimnla the limn nf n atnudnrd of n nuropenn coin mnntler. Home of tlm utnhrcllna are of prodigious (llmeualona, Im'Iiik no Icaa thnu '.Tifeot In tllnmeter, with rllia IS feet ll Inrhea lasiiff. They nro mnde of tnnrnwood. ntitl the covorliiK Is of linrcenusly colorcil clilntr. In varied HiTtlnna nf rrlmaon. yellow mul lilni" The tipenlim la pfrftirmed by menus of pulley nnil ropen nttnehed to tho "mil ncr," thla operntlon rcqulrlnc tlm sen.-- leea of three or four men. The pole, or hnuille, la of blrrh, mid la nbout II or !.' feet hlRh. A npw method of dlacorvrliiK beds of ore hidden underk'round, In which elec tricity serves for a detective, Is said to linvo met with aomo aucccae In Wales nnd In rornwull. A current of IiIkIi potential .'10.000 or more volta la led to two metnl rods set In the Kroiind. I'rom tbeae. lines of force spread In nil direction, nnd can be de tected by mentis of n telephonic receiv er connected with another pnlr of metnl rods", which mny be placed In liny desired position. When no sounds, or only very faint onea, are heard, that fact Indicate n deflection of the line of force, nnd by shifting the place of the rods tho locntlnn of the metallic musses which product) the deflection inn bo determined. wire sings ins songs. A fenlure of tho KIchurd Ktrnuss or chestral concerts In New York Is the sIukIiik of bis souks by his wife, n rc inarknhly pretty nnd tnlented woman. IVw musical couiKiKltlotis bnve ever excited the discussions which hnve it us. IIICItAlin BT1UUSS. been engendered by tho tono-pocms of Illchnrd Htrnuss. He tins sought to make tuiislc express nbstract thoughts nnd emotions, to reproduce realistic facts, to be phllosophlcnl, sensual, hu morous, na tleiiiniiilt'il ny tlio sunject matter. In doing so he has employed not bo much melody ns harmonic do- vices and Instrumental combinations. '.'entitling n Iik in llentl. The Intelligence .of animals seems, ns u rule, to bo underrntcd rather than overrattd. A tlog breeder described tho other day a wonderful colllo that had belonged to Kir John Lubbock. This dog," ho said, "would, when It was hungry, lay nt Its master's feet n curd imii'ked 'food.' When It was thirsty It would fetch n card marked 'drink.' When It wanted to tuke a walk It would bring n card marked out.' Hlr John Lubbock trained lt to do this trick In less than a month. Ho put tho food curd over tho dog's food and mndo It bring tho card to lilin before he would nllow It to cat, and In tho matter of drinking mid going out ho used a Ilko method. The curds wero similar In shnpo mid color; noth ing but the writing on them differed. Since, therefore, the tlog distinguished them by tho writing alone, lt mny truly be said that the auliual could rend." i IJliitiryn Mosquitoes. Ccrlnlti species of mosquitoes hiber nate In the adult state, others In tho lurvao stato nnd sotno In tho egg. Lnrvao live through a wlutcr In solid Ice, ' Milk In tho Form of I'ovtrdor. Milk Is now reduced to n powder by n now Swedish Invention. Five quarts of skim milk yield one pound of powder. THE SALESWOMAN Compelled to lie on Mer Peet the Larger Part of the Day Finds a Tonic in Pc-ru-na. Miss Curtnlti of St. y-Sv ywi--iM-a Mis3NeiTjec,Jrtan, Mlra N'elllo Curtain, 04U 1'earl street, Ht. I'ntil, Minn., head aaleawoman in a ueparttnent atom write: "I have charirc of n department In a i dry coodx store, and after Mandlng i the larKcr purt tit Hie day, I would K home with a dull ache, Kenerally I thrniiKli my entire body. I used I'c i rutin and feel no much better that I , ,vnlk . .. .,.. ,. Blor .lw. ( know Permit! to be the beat medicine , on the market for the dlacsssa peculiar to womcn."-Mls Nellie Curtain. I NothitK is o wmkenliiK f) the I u- iisiii,iin iiiuiii i(i Mil" Jil f-i uvwn tin DAivrai i k formation ol mucus. Wimtlicr the inn cub membrane bo located In the hesd or pelvic or(ans, tho discharge of mu cus Is sure to occur. This dischaiKO of mucus constitutes a Sweet Memory. Kind Lady Why, little fellow, how did you ever get that black ere? Urchin Well, ye see, loddy, me brother went away (II mornln' an' he guv me that to remember him by, IlUVt-lf 1ff NT ffeofferOnellnndredt-oHirsnewardrnranr csmoI ratuiru ibai cn uotbecured by jiiU'i a a. a... aa . . uv.. ,,.. , UITUU. I. w in undi-rilincd. have known F. J.t'beoer forth" I... l i.,trars,and bclLive him ftlni.y hont.rakirinsli l.u.ines-transact,,nsatitlfln. It I f'HI'VPV AT. n T'l f anris ir si,le iu tarry ouisnr oLl eatlutia m-l Lt ILrir 11 rm. WX'T A Tsvx. Wtloleaale UruexUlt, Toledo, Kims4 tuavi, Wboletsla prusiriiii, Toledo, o. nall'sCatarrtiCarels ikrnlniernsllr.etlnr llrectlr on llie blood ind loucoul inrtaeeiot (fietyiietn. I'rtcs 76r pr botlla. bold kr alt tmseiiu. Iree. Usfl's ramlly rills Ibe Hit. International School ol Music. Prof. V. I.. Whitney of the Poston conseivatory of music la to establish schools ot opera In lkoston, Paria and Florence, the headquarters to be in the firat-namvd cily. Mothers will And Mri. Wlmlow'a Footblng Hynip Ihr be.t remedy to uae for their cblldreu ttia teetblnic Misaon. He Knew One. "I have hern," aaid the Industrious book agent, "a volume which Is es pecially helpful to business men. I'm certain It would 1 ne It vou II" "Can you ment on my businessman it has benefitted?" uroke In the skep tical one iu the office chair. "Sure. There's me, for instance. I get a big commission." Kansas City Journal. If so then your system is out of 'J tliere is a flaw somewhere in your constitution, and a possibility that you are losing health, too. ThcfalliiiKoff iu weight maybeslight, but it makes a wonderful chance iu one's looks and feelings, and unless the building up process is begun in time, vitality and strength are soon gone and health quickly follows. If you are losing weight there is a cause for it. Your blood is deteriorating- and becoming too poor to properly nourish the body, and it must be purified and enriched before lost weight is regained It requires something more than au ordinary tonic to build up a feeble constitution, for unless the poisons and germs that are lurking in the blood are destroyed, they will further im poverish the blood and weaken the system, and you continue to lose weight. In S. S. S. will be found purifying and tonic properties combined. It not only builds up weak constitutions, but searches out and destroys germs and poisons of every description and cleanses the system of all impurities, thus laying the foundation for a healthy, steady increase in weight and future good health. Food may be bountiful and the appetite good, but still the system weakens and we remain poor iu flesh unless what we cat is properly digested and turned into rich, pure blood. S. S. S. re-inforces the Stomach and aids the digestion and assimilation of food, and there is a rapid up-building of health and strength. S. S. S. nets promptly and beneficially upon the nervous system, strengthens and tones it up, and relieves the strain by producing sound, refreshing sleep, You can find no tonic so invigorating as S. S. S., and being composed exclusively of roots and herbs its use is attended with no bad effects. Old people will find that it braces them up, improves the circulation of the blood, and strong or well, and who are growing thinner and falling below their usual weight, should take a course of S, S. S, and build up again. S. S. S is recognized everywhere as the leading blood purifier and the safest and best of all tonics. We cheerfully furnish medical advice, without charge, to all who will write us. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CAs The Southwick has the largest capacity, l fastest Pondfor catalogue. MITQHEU, LEWIS weakening drain; the system cannot long withstand the losa of niin oa, hence It Is that women aflllctixl with catarr hal n fleet Ions of the poMc nrtrans foel tiri'd stid languid, with weak back and throbbing brain. A course ol Peruna I sum to rcst-iro health by catting off the weakening drain ot the dally loss ol mucus. An Admirable Tonic. Congressman .Mark II. Dnnnell, National Hotel, Washington, 1). C, wrltna: "Your Peruna being until hy mysolf and many of my friends and acquaint ances not only as a euro lor catarrh but also a an admirable tonic for physical rnctipctratlon, I gladly recommend it to all persons requiring audi remedies." Mark II. Dunnell. If you do not deiivo prompt and rat isfactory results from tho use of Peru na, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a fall statement of your case and he will bo pleased to give you bin valua ble advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Hanltraluin, Columbus, Ohio. Woman Olven Piece of Honor. Mrs. James It. Hopley of Iiucyrus, O., Is the only woman who has been given a place upen the centennial pro gram commemorating the 100th anni versary ol tho admission of Ohio to the union. The theme of her address will be "The Value ol Good Women in In fluencing Civilization." .Mrs. Hopley 1,0 'ormer 1 rrated Clubs. is a former president of the Ohio red- i Hsn a Cure T a reined v fur coughs, colds and conKumpiioii. Try It. PriceSScenU, I .rfnit,.i...r i 00 Not a Success. A scum Were you onu of her chafing dish party? Al. Way Beaton Hull! we were a chafing chafing-dish party. The chafing dish didn't chafe as much as ww did and some of us are hungry yet. Philadelphia Prets. CITQ Perrosnenlir Cured. NofitiornerroaiDess I llu after flrftldar'suteof lr KlIne'sUreatNerTS lt-trrer Hend for Kpr (S'J I rUI bntlle and treatlaa. Ur. II. 11. Kline, U4. Ml A rib bt.. I'blladelpbla. ra. The Inference Obvious. District Attorney Jerome tells of a prisoner recently brought to a Harlem police station whose condition was so uncleanly that he was advised by the desk sergeant to take a bath. "What!" exclaimed the hobo, indig nantly, "me go into the water?" "Certainly; you need It. How long'nfter. leaving their winter quarters at is It since you had a bath?" The hobo grinned. "Ineverwasar rested before." New York Timis. balance, and WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT. Huntsvllle, AU., Jam. 10, 1003. Borne years ago my general health are way; my nervona syatem waa ahattered, and I eould ret nothing- to do me any good till I besan to uaa O. Ba 8. I commenced to improve at once. My appetite became aplendld and from 130 pounds I tncreaaed to 180. I became well again by taking B. 8. 8, and would taka no amount for the good lt did me. Sly health Is now perfect, and I believe If every body would take a bottle of 8. B. B. occasionally, they would enjoy Ufa 'aa I am doing. W. I. WINSTON. P. Na U. No J4-1O0J. j WHEN wrltlnc to advertisers pleat I fS - , , . I nienlliin this paper. I jfyi-4Cffixr I stimulates an the uomiy organs, ana persons of delicate constitutions can take S. S. S. with safety, as it does not derange the Stomach like the strong mineral remedies, but acts gently and without auy shock to the system. Those whose feel i nrs tell them they are not Southwick Hav Press and eaateit worker of any Hay 1'rcn made. -Mailed free. & STAVER OO. Portland, Qrmgon HOW ST. LOUIS MAY BE CONNECTED I WITH PITTSBURG BY ELECTRIC LINE 7T CIUM60.hL. V J H 5 e S 3 '5 !5 3C 9 ? 1 V MP or rniAHiPOlt.i and FTpi Mta luep Tictiom Jtiiiw The Indlnnnpolla and Knstem Interurbnn Hallway linn Inaugurated tho first lntenirhnu rallwny sleeping car that has ever been operated In tbo world. With the starting of the first Interurbnn sleeping car service It Is expected that sift-ping car service will be run on all the electric lines of any consequence In tbo country. Tliu Indiana-Mills and Knntcrn, through It allied traffic line, hn begun a through limited service out of Indianapolis through this place for Day ton and Columbus, Ohio. Ileforo ninny month lias pissed through traffic will have been estab lished tho entire dlstniire from Ht. Iuls, Mo., to Pittsburg, I'a.. nnd CIn Cincinnati, Ohio, making the longest Interurbnn rallwny system In the world. All that la now lacking for the completion of this great system of Interurlmn railways are short of track west of Ten Haute. Intl., a short I.VriiltUtUAN HLUEl'ING CAIl. atretcb five mile east of Illcbmond, Ind.. and a stretch from Newark to Hteubenvllle, Ohio. These lines are already under course of construction. A through line from Chicago to Cincinnati will also have been completed by the close of the year. The course of the fit. Louls-PIttsburg line will be as follows: East St. Loul Traction Company. St, Louis to Colllnsvllle. 111. (line under construc tion from Colllnsvllle to Terre Haute, Ind.); Terre Haute anil Ilrnzll Traction Company, Terre Haute to Harmony, Ind.; Indianapolis and Plalnfleld Trac tion Company. PlaliiQeld to Indianapolis; Indianapolis nnd Eastern, Indian njMills to Dublin. Ind.; Richmond Street and Interurban Traction Company. Dublin to Illcbmond; Dayton and Western Traction Company, Illcbmond v Dayton, Ohio; Columbus, London and Springfield, Dayton to Columbus; Co lumbus nnd Newark Traction Company, Columbus to Newark. Ohio; Newark to Stetibenvllle, Ohio (building); Stcubenvllle to Pittsburg. Pa., the Flttsburg and Hteubenvllle Interurban. THE BATTLE OF MONMOUTH. Patriotic Celebration of Its Annlver aarj In Freehold N. Ja Freehold, N. J., recently appropri ately observed the anniversary of the battle of Monmouth. Patriotic citi zens from all of the Eastern States, prominent government and New Jer sey State officials and troops of mllltln lent dignity to the celebration. cen tury and a quarter have passed away since that memorable day when Wash ington checked the disgraceful retreat of the troops under MnJ. (Jen. I,ee. turning defeat Into victory, and brave Molly Pltiuer performed the heroic deed which won for her undying fame and enshri'ted her name In the heart of every American citizen. The bntlie of Monmouth was the first enrnL'eiiient of Imnortnnce which J the troops under Washington fought Vnlley Forge. The privations and suf ferings endured by the American pa triots at Valley Forge bad well-nigh discouraged them, nnd Washington realized the advisability of winning n victory over the Ilrltlsh, which would tend to hearten his men and raise the flagging spirits of the nation. Accord lugly, when the Ilrltlsh, under Sir Hen ry Clinton, evacuated Philadelphia, on June 13, and marched toward llruns wick, N. J., with a view of embark' Ing on ltarltan river, Washington broke camp at Valley Forge, sent fop ward some light troops to harass the enemy, nnd then with the main body started In pursuit. M Alleutown Clin ton suddenly turned to the right by a road lending through Freehold to San dy Hook. Tho evening of Juno 27 found the main body of the Ilrltlsh en camped at Monmouth Courthouse, In tho town ot Freehold, whllo tho .Vtner Ican advance, under MnJ. Geu. Lee, wns Ave miles away. Early on tho -Sth Leo engaged the rear division of the enemy, hls'ordors being to hold lt In check until the main body should como up. The .Amer icans were successful nt tlrst, but the changes of tho Ilrltlsh regulars soon threw them Into confusion mid they Ix'giin a disorderly retreat In which their coinuiiiiider participated. Wash ington, coming up with tho main body of troops, beheld Lee's Hying men. Tho face of the American couiinnntlcr-lii-elilef Hushed migrlly, ns ho spurred his horse through the demoralized troops to Leo's side. Sternly he re buked the commander, nnd then, rally ing the fugitives, luiRtcued back to bring up tho main body, Washington succeeded In placing his troops on mi eminence In u fnvorablo position mid soon wns turning defeat Into victory. Tho Ilrltlsh mndo nn In effectual nttempt to turn tho Ameri can left wing and then turned their at tention to the right, whero they were nlso repulsed. All through the dny the light went on. The drill which tho Auicrlcau I I WHERE 'TIIK ItaVXTLI CdMONOl'TII W.VS FOIH1HT. O 2' n 3 i i: 3 i .is - i3 -1 . r O Sl I troops received from Ilaron Steunen at Vnlley Forge stood them In good stead. They fought like veterans, and the day was won. There was one other who shared the honors of the battle of Monmoutb with Washington, and that was brave Molly Pitcher. Her husband, nn artillery man In Oswald's command, was sta tioned with bis battery In an exposed position In the American line. Time nnd again the men at the guns were mowed down, but the survivors contin ued the fight with vigor. 'Molly Pitcher hnd been carrying water from a nenr by spring for the gunners to wet the sponges when they swabbed out the cannon. While returning from one of these excursion to the spring Molly saw her husband fall. There was no one to take his place nt the gun. With out n moment's hesitation the brave woman set down the water she wns carrying, seized the rammer and took her husband's place. The army cheered her wildly as she discharged the can- noil again and again. Washington per sonally complimented her and appoint ed her a captain In the American army. The Hare American Sailor. The American sailor Is getting to be a very rare bird In these days, says a writer In Leslie's Monthly. Perhaps It is not a well known fact, though any man familiar with shipping mut ters knows It. The recruiting officers for the navy have the very greatest difficulty In getting .merlcans, even for our men-of-war. If we have not sailors trained In the merchant ma rine, where will wo get crews Iu time of war? I huvo been with n crowd of navy men who were ou shore leave lu kVeru Cruz, when there were uot ten words spoken lu English. Even on tho big lines which Hy the American flng lu the forelgu trade, the crews nro In reality foreigners, though ninny of them hnve tnken out first pa pers lu order to get berths In the Hue. Throwing Away a Fortune. .. poor Austrian otllclnl lu tho civil service recently bought two tickets lu tho Hungarian Philanthropic Stato lottery. A little while afterwards his funds run very low, and he sent back one of tbo tickets to tho lottery olllce and nsked that tho money he had paid for It might bo returned. This very ticket won tho tlrst prlzo nt tho draw ing, amounting to one hundred nnil fifty thousand kronen a sum which would have mndo tho otllclnl rich be yond his utmost dreams If he hnd not' at the last moment let his own good fortune slip out of his hand. llullt by Americans. The twenty-seven railway bridges on the Uganda (Africa) road are Amer ican. When a lazy man condescends to work ho 60011 discovers he's a little too good for the Job, i ii Airs. Emmnns. Raved from an operation for Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydla E. Pinklinm's Vegetable Compound. "I am so pleased with tha results I obtained from Lytllii I.. IMnklmin's) Vegetable Conpotllld that I feel lt a duty and a privilege to ivrlto you about It. " I suffered for over five years with ovnriun troubles), causing an un pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a fnlntncas would come over me which no nmount of medicine, diet, or cxercl&o seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks and saved iuo from nn operation all my troubles hnd dis appeared, nnd I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fall to describe tho real, true grateful feeling that is In my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines you know noth ing about, but take I.ydln K. I'lnk liam's Vcgctnblo Compound, and taka my word for lt, you will bo a different woman In a short time." Mns. LixitA., Walkcrvllle, Ont. tSOOO forftlt If origin! of ebove Uttte provtM gHu4ntnttt cannot bo producod. Don't Iiesltuto) to write to Mrs. Plnkhnm If tlicru Is uuytliliifr. about your en so which you do not understand. Slio will tr'-nt you with kindness and licr ad vice Is free. No woman ever rv crettctl writing Iwrantl ulie linn helped thousands. Address I Lynn, Mass. Rolorson lYlaelilno Co. SUCCESSORS TO JOII.V I'OOLK Fool of Morrison St., Portland, Oregvn. raraotn Hawkere. Automatic. Pelt Feedlnv, Taul teuSltarop foliar, loo horsepower with two drakes. Packers Sawmill Machinery. Kn fines and Boilers. 11 and stlckner (.aaollne nKlnea. Write ui when tn want of anything In machinery line. COLUMBIAUNIVERSITY PORTLAND.OREGON CONDUCTED BY THE CONGREGA TION OF THE HOLY CROSS AND AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVER SITY 0? NOTRE DAME. Stivdiii Academic foor-ytu Coarsa In Cluslcs, Enflhh ind Science One-year and fonr-year Cocunerdal Counts. Regular Collcrtitc Courses In ClaBlcj.Enr lish. General Science, History and Econom ics. Finance and Commerce, Ottl Enrtnccr lor, Mechanical Enrinterlnr and Electrical Ennecrinf. The scholastic year, begin ning Sept. 7, 1903, ends June 16, 1901. Catalogue sent free on appli cation. Address REV. H. A. QUHNLaN, CS.C UNIVERSITY PARK, OREGON. PIMPLES ".Tly wire had plmplea on her face, but she baa been liking CAHCAKCTS and ther hare all disappeared. 2 hud been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak. In; the nrst Cascaret I have hud no trouble with this ailment. We cannot apeak too high ly of Cascarats." F'HID WatltTatAN. S703 German town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. PUaiatit. Palatable. 1'oudL Taat Qood. Do Bood, .Never Slckaa. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. i&cfiOa ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... IttrtUf Bemoejy CtmfMT CkU.f), KMlrttJ, torn fc. J HO -TO-BAC Kaf.nliYtnM'- USE- IffOPALNEr' ' TO BEAUTW YOUf? HOMES CHARS. TABLES DRJS HARD. wu Afor scratch 24 &VAOSA COlOfiS i MSST OsSiAVNG KOfAUVE-Si rftOM DEALE?. EUI1I WHtlt ALL ILKI U Ll.. In time. Sold by drmrgl- UD. WKmnu I ALCOHOL, OPIUM, 1 TOBACCO USING. 1 B VTR1TE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE B Rrit lad HMtcorarnr St... Portland, Orm TcIitIkm, Hala 194. IT, .. .1 I &f CATHARTIC TRAOIMAMH RIOiaTSftIO g Flrmt mnU Taylor -4