Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 21, 1903, Image 6

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r C J. Howard
Barton C. Y Drawn
Buslne- Mit'r.
Enttr-d lb potiofflc. t Collt Orate,
On-on (frond cl mull muter.
i.bscrlptlonprlre, !.-(, In i1-nr-.
AftvertUlnff llAtnt m-i- knawn upon
Tills 1'APKR li kpt on Mr l E. e. t)rt'i
Adr-rllilng Aimer, 64 ml M M-rfhsnts El--hinit-.P-n
Krtnelrro, California. herecon
trafls for advertising pan b mailt lor It.
Friday, August at 1903.
Cottage Grove, by reason ofsome
agitation, lies undertaken to make
the business houses close their
doors on Sunday. Every one natur
ally, in a Christian community feels
a respect, not only for the sabbnth
but for those whose religion tenches
them that Sunday should be held
sacred as the Lord's day. Along
the line ot argument both pro and
con a great deal might be said, yet.
with all due respect for both sides !
of the question, it might be con
sistently said that the zeal of legis
lators in the effort to act accornmp
to petitions of citizens sometimes
is disadvantageous to business in
terests and accomplishes little if
any moral good. Under discussion
Mrs James Hawley and family
returned last week from itn ex
tended sojourn in California. They
came by easy stapes stopping ftt
various points and will now prob
ably remain, here permanently.
The Chapman and Hohl sawmill
closed for n few days while making
alterations In the machinery.
The train killed ten ol James
Hawley's sheep Inst week which
had gotten through the fence and
were feeding on the track.
Mrs Dtintctt returned Sunday
from a short visit to Drain and is
again staying with her mother Mrs
A II Coffin.
Orville Taylor, of Cottage Grove,
was out here Sunday taking in the
ball game.
The hay press is nearly through
work lfcrc while threshing began
Monday nud will soon be finished.
This hot weather is drying every
thing up and the roads arc getting
very dusty.
From the looks of the school
house wood shed and the back stop
on the ball ground looks like the
circus was coming to town.
The matched game of base ball
Sunday between Divide and An
lauf on the formers' own ground
V. A. llartlngs nml 1. 0, llaiinen,
both ot Tyler, Mlnnemitn, on Inst
Tnewln purchased the. Cottniro
drove Flour Mill- nml Imvo tnkvti
clmrve. Those gentlemen will make
considerable Imiirovtttirnt In tlio
mill nml will continue to furnish to
Cottage drove cltlieiis the very best
Hour In the market. Mr. llnrtlng
luiH a family now visiting In Walla
Wnlln, Witali, who will arrive In
Cottngv drove -is nooh mn he Ih able
to secure residence proerty.
When you want n physio that lt mild
nml inMitle, easy to tshu ami eeitnlu tu
act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach
ami Liver Tablet". For sale lv Unison
Drni Co.
the citv. This ordinances rinse- was a fast one, the first seven m-
everything and gi.-esa fair sample ! "inKs beinB "laved through 111
of the old "Blue Laws" which no sIlor 1 order- Tlle score at tl,e clo!,c
sauecitizen of an enlightened com- !of llle '" '"""iR was 5 - -5
rounity would ask. The ordinance another was played the score then
in its attempt to close the saloons being Divide iS Anlaul 16. As
is absolutely unnecessary as the soon as the Bnnle was over one An
state law regulates their action and 1 Iauf PIai-er under the influence of
positively defines what they shall , whisky whose name was Pettyjohn
and what thev shall not do. Any 1 and wllose ural alul mora's corre-1 llntn
oidinance in conflict with the state I sPnd with the hrst Halt ot ins
law would be null and impossible I nauJe started a fight closely sec
of enforcement, and an ordinance ded by four others. The Divide
to 1 prohibit that which is by the 1 's a,aeu D Ule remainaer oi tue
maui nine at, ursi men 10 prevent
them from fighting but as they in
sisted on fighting Divide, invincible
All persons knowing thomsolvi
Indebted to the undersigned, will
plonso call and nettle. I have sold my
stock ot goods ami wlnli to elOM up
my accounts at once. tinted August
6th. HkW.
kni ok mrrKH kiuht.
"Twofpliy"ieinti had ft long and
stubborn tlIit with an alvess on mr
right In im" writes .1. K. Hughes, of Dn
IVnt, Ka. "ami nnxe im up. Kveryliody
thought ly time had come. At a hint
resort 1 tried Or. King's Now Disctivery
for Consumption. The bencflt I re
ceived was striking and I was on my
feet In a few day. Now I've entirely
re-iained my ftrengtli." It conquered
alFCouglis. Cold and Throat and Lung
troubles. Utmranteeii hy Morgan A
r.rehnut. Price ROe, ami $1.00. Tilal
Unties free.
state law prohibited would be use
less. The conviction of the vio
Tlater of the law can nnlv "w Jinrt
upon complaint of some citizen in VTar as wel1 as the pursuits of
who knows of the violation, and i Peac?- turned in and licked them to
that complaint can better be made a finish.
to a state officer and more rigidly
enforced than by the city.and those ITEMS FROAl SILK CREEK.
who wish its enforcement have a '
perfect right to act when they de-' Aug. 19.
sire. If the violators are tried be- Vi'ra- Medley returned Sunday
fore state authorities the expense evening from Springfield, where he
Star. Ore.. July 15. 1903
Illda for the litilldliiK of a Kchool
house 111 School llatrlet'o. "Si, star.
Ijitie Co.. orvcon, will w received
A IIC. 10. UHKI. .SIH-clliCUtlollK
can ie nan ny applying to .1. 11
Stewart. Star. Initio Co., Oregon
The board of director rvaerve the
rlcht to reject any or all blila.
C. A. IIaiii.ow, Clialriuan.
I -till have the la-goat and beat
hop yard In the county, and thla
year It la eaH-olally line. The yard
la clean from weoda and little toll
iiKO. dood cauiplui Krouiidd,
plentr of ahade and ood water
handy. Wood turnlalied. dood
atoro on the Krounda where you can
obtain miytlilni you want In the,
irrocery line. I'artlea koIiik hop
plokliiK can do no tietter tlmu to
come to my yard, l'rlcea will Ih aa
IiIkIi mh anyotheryard In the county.
It. It. lUva, Cnavell, Ore.
is saved the city, while on the
other hand, the city mu-t pay the
expense and as long as the results
can be had with as great good ac
complished, it would seem wise to
use the power already at hand.
Regarding the closing of grocery
stores.' confectionery' stores, etc., it
is too big a piece of nonsense to talk
about. If a man needs bread on
Sunday he certainly needs other
things to eat which are only sold at
the grocery stores. The facts are
the,ordinance was passed and is
now a dead letter of no value
whatever and should be repealed at
the next session of the council.
Occasionally out comes a story
that Booth, the slayer ot the mar
tyred Lincoln, is alive in some
foreign country. Even Arnold,
the traitor, has b:en given lease of
life on one or more occasions.
Jesse James, the outlaw, has been
reported alive and well. Tracy,
the Oregon convict and murderer
of his prison guards, has been re
ported alive and beyond the clutch
of the law. Merrill, Tracy's part
ner in crime and murder, is also
said to be enjoying all kinds of
good health. Many p-ople place
more or less credence in these re
ports. It would not be surprising
if some one would soon invent a
story setting forth the assertion
that Guiteau and Czolgosz are en
joying peace and happiness in
some foreign city, or in some se
cluded spot. However, it is noted
that no one has, as yet, discovered
Lincoln, Garfield or McKinley
roaming at large. It is quite pos
sible, iu view of the fact that an
other presidential election is near
at hand, that some reckless re
porter will come out .vith the
assertion that Bryan is still alive;
and while we might believe all
that has been said about other
noted criminals, no one will enter
tain for a moment that Br'er Bryan
is among the "quick" a cheering
nation, iu tears of joy, witnessed
his political death some years ago.
Yes, Bre'er Bryan has been a long
time dead.
has been working with the rock
Mrs Watkins, of Tacoma, Wash.,
who was the guest of relatives here,
is visiting at Lorane.
Miss Lizzie Boren is home from
Oakland for a short visit with her
Rev Bryan and son, Arlie, made
a business trip to Silk Creek Mon
day. C W Caldwell and wife are en
joying a visit with their daughter,
Mrs Ora Ray, of Berlin, 111., who
arrived on the 3 p m train last Sun
day, accompanied by Mrs Cald
well's sister and husband, Mr and
Mrs Jos Dickerson, ofCurran, 111.
Prof I C Caldwell of Philomath
college is also visiting here.
Elder Ford will beat Lorane the
last Sunday of this month for morn
ing services; will hold services at
the school house here at 4 p m, and
services at Cottage Grove at 8 p ni
of the same day.
The startling announcement that n
preventive of sulcldt1 ha heeiidi'eo-er
11I will interest many. A rundown -ye-tern,
or despondency invariably precede
suicide and something has lecn found
that will p event tluu condition which
makes nuicide likely. At iho first
thought of -elf destruction take Electric
Bitters. It loiiiji a great tonic nml
nervine will strengthen the nerves and
huild up the system. Il'snlso a great
Stomach, Liver ami Kidney regulator.
Only 50c. Sstisfaction guaranteed hy
Morg.ui A llrehaut. drnggi'ts.
A portable aaw mill of 10.000 feet
capacity, without power, now lo
cated 2Jj lullenenKt of SukIiiuw, nleo
have ranch of M) acren, f-ood rel
dencc on wiine. Addrexa 11. K. Joyce,
Sadnaw, Ore. -ttp
A well Improved farm of 14 acre,
hotiHO, tine spring of riiunliiK water,
Kood apple orchard. 1 acre In atraw
berrlea. An Ideal ainall fruit and
chicken ranch, within 1.1 mliuilc
walk of poatollice nt Cottaj-e drove,
Oreson. For price and teruiacnllnt
Nugget otllce. 4t)-27
Men's, ISuyN,
iiiid Youth's
Men's Fine Shoes
I keep all the best shoes and
at prices to suit the pur
chasers. If you want bar
gains iu SHOKS, see me.
I put patches on ladies' fine
shoes, without sewing. The
patches don't show. I will
repair free all shoes purchas
ed front me that rip.
Of the highest grade in the
market, ami nt best prices.
Dry Goods of all lines and
descriptions. We keep only
the best grades and at prices
to suit all.
An exatnalion will prove
their value to all.
For Sale lly
INieilfie Timber Co.
cottaiii: ditovi:. out:.
The tremendous business
the GORDON hat is doing
conies from men till over the
countrv who arc tjuick to
recognize its intrinsic value.
Ivvery GORDON hut
agency is proud of the name.
It means iuW mWivi for
ench one of the three dollars
that is asked for a GORDON
0. & S. E. II. li. CO.
Time Table So. 1
To Take Effect on July 27lh, 1903.
Knit K-tt
Bminl Hound
TTmT a7m."
I'll 77
M 7 -SO
J.W J.-M
'.Ml 7:J
2:11) KOI
l:l h:1
2:X! 17
-:W H'JH
i-.a ":3t
2M H:I0
3:ai fl.ofi
Kxcept Suutlnjr
CottK (iru
Will.lni. .Currln
.Cerro Uortlo .
ruker .
Slew-rt .
hur .. .
Knt'kv rulnt .
lr Wlldwonl. Ia
NO. S NO. 4
Wcit W-.t
llounO Mound
a. ii7 Fm
II'IU 6 ..W
it ; ti i;
1101 61
H)'7 l..',7
tOM l-.M
10 :W tM
10. U I.U
10:f 4:M
10.W IM
10. 'JO f.M
10 A U
Habjert lo rlianft-vrttboul nollr.
freight will not be r-r-l-td l the O. .1 8
E. K. It. D-pol alicr n in. To Intuit
for-nrtUiiir on next tr-tn freight muit Uu
dellwred In ample time lo permit of I
being billed. 1
JOHN It. PL'AKSON, Oenrral Managej ,
I "Wdc
h & Woods have it for loss "
W liiiu nvclvi'd l!d. V. I'rliH'H, Pull Hue
Hitiuplf Hwtitrlii'H from which to xolit't iiimli t
rili'r I'lnllilii)- nml Ovcrvo.'itM mill Invito tliuw In
tunHli'l In rniiii- In mill tllHKX-t mill Ki't linn1. U .
Iimo m'iii In hovitiiI onliTK iilrt'iuly ivlili-h iiiv n
In vMirk. nml Hill Hunt) Im' Ih'It to nIiiiw lln-lr
HiiHrlorlly In mI.vIc. lit, workiiiiitixlilp, nml malcrliil
i nu in mill uxk iih u liontv wi'iirlni; mir clui lilnu
nml JiiiIki' fur vmin-i'lt. Out In llni with u i
JuiIKI'M lllllt tflHt. lltO-HlTH.
When mi rr It In Our .III II Id -n
1'iulorn In l.nw I'rlri'Maiiit lliiNtli'rx fur HiihIhi-i.-
Two lots of hops were hoIU under
contract, near Salem lust Monday,
one for 20 cents mid one for 1& and
despite the report that lias txcn
current during the summer to the
effect that hops would sell nt 10 and
vi. contracts are now belnir closed
Notice li hereby glren that the undenlgned
hat been duly appointed by (he Cnunly Conn
of the Slate of Oregon for Lane County admin
litrator of the eitate ol Dana 11 Colton, de
ceased. All per-oni having elalmi agalnit
laid eatate are hereby required to present the
tame to me properly verified, ai by law r-
S aired, at the omeeof J. K. Vonng. In Cottage
rove, Oregon, within tlx monthi from the
date hereof.
Dated thla 17th day of July, 1903
Administrator ot the estate of Dana 11. colton,
W.S.Bally, P.O.True. Texas, writes;
"My wife had been suffering five
years witn paralysis in tier arm wiie.n i
was persuadeil to me llallartl's Snow
as rapidly as growers can be Induced Liniment, which cured Iter all rinlit. I
to act, at 20 cents per pound. This i have also used it foroid sores, frost bites,
Ih said to be the hbrhest ?irln nilil I and skin eruptions. It does the work."
for mnny years and hop growers 25c. 60e and fl.00 botlloat New Kra
sliouitl be slow about closing con-; " rug store
New Styles for Fa
tracts as the price mny yet go much
Ford A Stumeon, a prominent drug
flrrri at Rocky Hill Station, Ky., write:
"We were requested by Dr. G. It. Stinc
ley to send for Herbine for the benefit
of our customers. We ordered three
dozen in December, and we are ylnd to
say, Herbine has tiivenHuch satisfaction
that we have duplicated thisorder three
times, and today we itave your saleman
anotlierorder. We beg to say Dr. G.II.
Snlgley takespieasurt in recommending
Herbine." 60c lxjttles at New KraDrug
The following regarding the
erection of a smelter at Portland is
from the Evening Telegram of Aug,
A mammoth smelter, owned and
operated by W. A. Clark, located
in Portlaud and drawing ores to
this point from all sections of the
Pacific coast, seems assured. For
more than two weeks a representa
tive of the Montana railroad and
mining magnate, has been in this
city, and much of bis time has been
devoted to inspecting advantage
ous smelter sites. He leu last
evening for Butte, where he will
make a report of bis findings to his
Mr. Clark's present plan is to
bring the product of all his western
properties here to be reduced,
Many of the mining men of Ore
gon, especially Western Oregon,
have long advocated the erection of
such a plant at this point, but here
tofore it seems to have been im
possible to get capitil interested.
Now W. A. Clark, multi-millionaire,
has takeu up the project.
50 thoroughbred Angora 'Nan
nies." Call ut Nugget olllce for lit
orniatlon. 4tp It.
United States Land Office,
Ropcburg, Oregon. Aug. 12, 1U03.
notice is nercoy given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of
Uonsrees 01 Juno 3,188, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California. Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
nil trio riiuiic i.unu mates ny act ol An
gust 4, 1892.
of Kugene, Co of J-ane, State of Ore.,
has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 3423 for the purchase of the
SK H of Sec No0inTiNo23SR 1 W and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone man lor agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to nald land beforo
J. J. Walton, U S Commissioner at
Kugene, Oregon, on Wednesday the
28th day of October 1003,
He names as witnesses :
N. II Martin, J. W. Parrisli, John D,
Palmer, J. h. Young, Cottage Grove.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are re
quested to llle their claims in this ofllco
on or before said 28th day of October,
J, T, uridoes, Register.
There is an old allegorical picture of a
girl scared n t a grass-hopper, but in the
act of heedlessly treading on a snake.
Thie is paralleled by the man who
spends b large sum of money building a
cyclone cellar, but neglects to provide
his family with u bottle of Cliambelain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as
a safeguard against bowel complaint,
whose victims outnumber those of the
cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy
is everywhere recognized fin the most
prompt and reliable medicine in use for
theso diseases. For sale by Ilenson
Drug Co.
Certificate of DMiiblllty No.724:5S.l;
also U. 8. Army Discharge. Finder
please return to Ilohcnila Nugget
Giianvim.i: .T.nn.i.i:i,ANi),
Star, Oregon.
We arc making an early exhibition of the
Latest Styles in in Pall Dress Goods in order that
yon may be able to judge the styles and make
your selections curly enough to get the most good
out of your Fall Dress before the rainy days
of the
Heather Suitings, Zibelines
Auto Cloth, Yankee Suiting, Drap
D'Alma, Drap Sebastapol, Melton
Cloth and Cheviots.
Has (lie Freshest hue g
of Groceries iu Cottage Grove. Not a can nor
package of goods on the shelves but that is as fresh i
as is obtainable on the market. Quality guaranteed 5
Our Prices Arc the Lowest ami Satisfaction Is uarantccil t
Buy your Dress Pattern early
and get service for the entire
season. The place
The beHt mid largcHt
Btock of drj liiinherfroni
our CoiiHtFork MIIIh Ih
now ready foi delivery
at popular prlcvH.
IIoiihcm built on the In
Htallment plan. For fur
ther particular, hcc,
Iliilldlng andSalcH Dept.
.1. II. Warner, Hupt
Proprietor!) of
...The Miners Supply House...
J -Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition
There's Money In
In What?
Why pay rent when you can own your home with
less actual cash outlay than yon now pay your landlord?
Rent paying is a bad habit; we cure it, call and let us talk
it over. If you can't come in person, write us; we will send
you our list, free for the asking. We can please you, if
you let your wants be known.
A coat or two of Publicity will sell a house quicker than
a coat of paint. Publicity spreads well find soaks in
well, let us advertise your property for you. I,ist it with
Medley & Milne,
Cor Main & 2nd Street. Cottajyc Grove, Ore.
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bangs
To get all the news read the
Bohemia Nugget.
A bright ImluHtlouH boy, amid Uoiih
and ii'ixlous for uIhihIuchh education
can get a position lutho I'nclllc Tim
ber Coinpany'H Ofllco. Ho mimt ho
polite, respectful, must not nmokn
clgarcttea, or chow gum; iniiHt come
of IndiiHtrlouti parentM, and ho of
good reputation. None others need
apply. 814 Ind.
However ulk'ht at HiIh time of veiiruinl
In this clliiiute, it Ih the forerunner of
malaria, A disposition to yawn, und an
all tlroil out feeliirg oven cornea before
the chill, Herbine, by Its prompt utlinn
tilutlve action on the liver, drives thu
malarial ecrma out of the system, puri
fies the blood, tones , ip the system and
restores health. Wo at New Urn Drug
lion &
Bohemia and Uack Ditttc Stages!
First Class Turnouts, Double or Sin.