TOPICS OF TUG TIMES. Dcntlsta might bo .properly classed an 'root doctors. Nearly every llmo n fool make a kick, ionic wlao rami get the beneflt of It. If beauty Is only skin deep that may explain why so many pretty girls are shallow. Where there's n will there's a way- btit In the mnjnrlty of cases It Is not the way you will. An American telegraph has been In- stnlleil between Boiuo and Naples. Where was Marconi? It makes nil the difference In the world whether you call It "mob law or "popular self-government" Mr. Corey has taken up his work as head of the steel trust. How Ions will It be before he has to tako to a sani tarium? product "which Khali be fnlsely label cd or branded as to the State or terri tory In which they aro made, produced, or grown." No iwrtlcnlnr department I of the gorcrnmerit was charged with the enforcement of this law. Secretary Wilson however, minks 't .it i o la could 'be better nulled to his purpose. and Is making arrangements to rescue It from disuse and to put It Into oper ation. Already manufacturers have begun to submit their labels to the department of agriculture for Inspee- Mi n. Of iw if th a-teli I d - aorlhod by the lalel Is for consump tion within llio State In which It was manufactured It dotw not become an article of Interstate commerce, and It does not fall within the scope of tho federal law. iA-t It once pass any State lKmidary, however, and tho de triment of agriculture will have the lwwer to Insist upon a truthful label. Knbel literature will have to Ik- classed In the future with the literature of fact rather than with the literature of fancy, with history rnthor than with fiction. The word label will perhaps cease to be nn exact antithesis for the word libel. Let all consumers gtve thanks. 'hm- naw mjtUf-a mauai n ; iwwjk- p There are many dirty roads to bo crossed In life, but with a little pa tience you will always be able to flud a clean crossing. A farmer on hong Island has a hen Connection with a prosperous Sun day school In ample time for Christ mas Is the only thing which yields returns In any way comparable to the peniulsltes of tho presidential otllce. The wealth of presents showered up on General ( during his famous trip round the world has not yet been forgotten. In their Intrinsic value they wnivr.LAw with a record of "05 eggs. Of course doubtless surpass the gifts received by he calls her "Macduff to encourage her to "lay on." This remarkable fowl Is valued at $300. One of our countrymen, returning after years of residence nbroad. thus expresses the Impression of "rush" In our living: "Europeans do the thing they aro doing; Americans do the thing they are doing and also the next thing." Statistics show that the average amount of public schooling per capita In this country Is DOS days. That Is, there would be 003 days for each In- habitant If It were distributed around. Fifty years agq the average was 420 days and at the beginning of tho nine teenth century It was but eighty-two days. The nation gives the school- ' children of today twelve times as much schooling as the youngsters re ceived 100 years ago. Garden nomenclature may be made a fascinating study for the summer months. Not ouly do botanical names "mean something," as a dictionary search for their derivatives will show. but the common English names are full of story. A visitor to a tropical garden recently asked why the "inon-key-puzzler" was so named. "See these spines which cover the trunk of the tree thickly," explained a native. sweeping the path. "The puzzle Is bow the monkey ever gets down." Now that the farmers of the North west have begun to raise macaroni wheat the popularity of macaroni among Americans onght to Increase. The Italians have long understood Its value as a cheap and nourishing food, but Its use In the United States has been confined chiefly to the large towns. With a hundred and fifty thousand acres of macaroni wheat lu South Dakota alone last year, and macaroni mills In Minnesota and North Dakota, the food ought soon to be as common as potatoes on the country tables. any other person who has held the of' lice, but In mere Quantity the gifts which President Uoosevolt has receiv ed are oaid to bo already In the lead. Americans are always a generous and hospitable people. They like to en tertain and they like to give, and par ticularly they like to glvt to their President. The largest turkey raised In the smallest State goes to the Whit House every Thanksgiving, atxl other turkeys from other States keep It com pany. Canes, slippers and curios arc constantly pouring In. But It Is only when the President Is on his travels that the gift dispensing mania has free play. It would need a long arUcl to catalogue, as It took a large baggage car to carry, the trophies of the latest Presidential trip. Not only did the States vie with one another In the value of their tokens, but they also strove to make tham significant and typical. In the copper mining regions the President received beautiful arti cles made of copper; In the (-old and silver mining States things made of tho precious metals; and usually the gifts were happily conceived. Not al ways, however. Too often. Just as the train Is about to start, an old hunter dashes up. breathless, leading a de press and bored-looking bear, which he presents to the President. Too of ten a delegation beams round the largest pumpkin, sir. ever raised la this State." The spirit of all this is admirable, and of course It Is the spirit which counts; but one cannot help wondering If the custom may not make necessary another addition to the White House. THE MONROE DOCTRINE. Br Htlttltw RtH. Tho things that made the Monroe doctrine have disappeared. Under stub circumstances It may be easy after awhile for us to look over the Monroe doctrine again In the light of the pre- em situation of the American continent and of our present necessities. Wo will certainly not abandon It; but wo m.-iy find. If nobody is opposing us. that per haps Its extension quite so far beyond the original purtvosc of Mr. Monroe and Mr. Adams as the fervor of our patriot has carried It may prove to be attended with wholly unnecessary Inconvenience to ourselves. Oh Inn, or at any rate t'hlun and Itussln combined, hold a position In Asia far more commanding thun that of the t'nlted States In the three Americas. In both cases the gov rrnments aro as absolutely committed to the despotic hs we are to the republican Idea, and there Is no obvious proof that the overwhelming majority of their people do not be lleve lu their system as much as the corresponding majority of our people believe In ours. Suppose China, or China and Itussl.i together, had taken ground that the Asiatic con tlnent being entirely occupied by the existing govern ments, which wen mostly In form and principle like theli own was no longer a Held for colonisation or conquest by any American power, and on that ground At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war had warned us off Manila and the Philippines! If no foreign Interference arises suddenly to affect the national Judgment. It Is at least among the possibilities that we may Bud two changes taking place in the uatlonal view of the Ideas grouped under the popular term of the Monroe doctrine. Wo may see a considerable Increase In the stringency of their application where our Interest clearly calls for them within the natural sphere of our Intluence. We may see them slowly moderated as to remote countries which under changed modem conditions nro no longer ex cluslvely within that sphere. Toward the rest of the American continent, beyond the Gulf of Mexico and the Carrlbcan Sea, It may some day prove more convenient for us to assume less responsibility. A railroad through the three Americas will draw us more flosely together. The currents of trade will change. The legitimate sphere of our Influenco will thus widen through out those nations with the years; nnd it might be Increased rather than diminished by a moderation of our extreme claim to Interfere now with any exercise of their own sov ereignty as to territory, government or otherwise, to which their calm Judgment of their own best Interests may bring them. close at hand. The very existence of lumbering, of course ami lumbering Is tho fourth great Industry of the Hulled States depends upon the success of our work as a uatlou In putting practical forestry Into effeetho operation. As It Is with mining and lumbering, so It Is In only a loss uegroo wiin transportation, manufactures, coniniorco In general. The relation of all of these Industries to for estry Is of the most Intimate and dependent kind. It Is ii matter for congratulation that so many of these great In dustries are now wnklng up to this fact; the railroads especially, managed as they are by men who are com pelled to look abend, who are obliged by the nature of their profession to possess a keen Insight Into the future, havo awakened to a clearer realisation of the vast Importance or me economic use lioth of timber and of forests. i lie forest resources of our country nro already seriously iiepieieu. iney can lie renewed and maintained only by the co-operation of the forester with the practical limn of tinsiness in all his types, but, alwive all. with the lumber man. And the most striking and encouraging fact lu the forest situation Is that lumbermen nro realising that prac ileal lumbering and practical forestry are allies, uot one in'es, and that the future of each depends upon the other. I lie i nited States Is exhausting t forest supplies far more rapniiy tiiau they are being produced. The situation Is grave, and there Is only one remedy. That remedy Is the Introduction of practical forestry on a largo scale, and or criirse that Is Impossible without trained men. men trained In the closet and also by actual Held work under conditions. KILLED TO SAVE HER SOUL. Statistics of Immigration alone do not fully show the growth of the Ca nadian Northwest. One must Include such figures as those which a Toronto Globe correspondent sends from Bos- tbern and Hague, two little towns In the Saskatchewan country, nearly six hundred miles from Winnipeg. Four years ago three car-loads of grain were shipped from these stations. Last year they shipped more than a million bushels, and this year. Judging from the acreage under cultivation, the ship ment will be one-fourth larger than that. The more workers, the more wheat. What wonder the Old World peoples flock to the continent that of fers them food and a home! Btranre Case of Frederick C. Fischer) the California Wlfe-Mnrderer. Frederick C. Fischer, barber, preach er, political organizer, grand larceny thief, burglar, highwayman, bigamist, wife murderer who was hanged at San Quentln prison for chloroforming, choking and burning his wife to death, at Riverside, Cat has been labeled The Human Mystery." The puzzling psychological features In bis case consist of his undoubted sincerity aa a church member and re ligious worker wbUe he was also a thief, both In the East and West for be has preached In every prison be has ever been In and of bis desertion of the wives he did not love and killing of the only one he cared for. His story, verified In part, was that be told bis wife he was a bigamist and IMPORTANCE 01 PRESERVING THE fORESTS. Br Thtodon Roostrrll, There is no body of men who have It In their power to-day to do n greater service to the coun try than those engaged In the scientific study of and practical application of approved methods of forestry for the preservation of the woods of the I'nlted States. The forest problem Is In many ways the most vital Internal problem lu the I'nlted States. The more closely this statement Is examined the more evident Its truth becomes. In the arid region of tho West agriculture depends first of all upon the available water supply. Iu such a region forest protection alone can main tain the stream How necessary for Irrigation and can pre vent the great nnd destructive Hoods so ruinous to com munities farther down the same streams that head In the arid regions. The relation between the forests nnd the whole mlncril THE FIRST YEAR 0E M4RRIID LITE. fir HmlrH nliSttmlA. lt seems strange that the first month of mar ried life should lie termed the honey moon. So far from being wholly sweet, It Is often fraught with bitter experience; lovers, however devoted, must adjust themselves to each other ns bus luind and wife, mid tho process Is not alwnjs pleasant. It Is the general opinion of those who know that the first year of wedded life practical, ly answers the question. "Is marriage a failure?" and the honeymoon begins the test. Any happily married H A couple of a dozen years' standing will doubtless acknowl edge that the Hrst weeks of their wedded life were those which were most uncomfortable. The man realises that he Is bound for good and all. while the bride, cut adrift from her old life, Is nervous and shy, with the sensations of a cat In a strange garret. A plentiful stock of good humor Is nn excellent part of tho equipment for a wed ding Journey. Annoyances vanish at a laugh, and If one can make merry over a mishap it cesses to In- such. Men llko to be amused, and a woman with a strong sense of humor has an Immense advantage over one who Is less gifted. As a rule men abhor tears; they either distress them beyond measure, or they make them angry, and neither phase of feeling Is pleasant for themselves or oth ers. When the matrimonial barometer sets for rain most men Iwlt, If possible. The honeymoon must Inevitably disclose many hitherto unsuspected phases of character. The lover w ho has seemed free handed to a degree may change Into the husband who haggles over hotel bills and begrudges his wife a lire In her room upon n damp, chilly day. The girl who has been ns dainty as a rosebud may Am careless and untidy when forced to depend entirely upon herself. The man who has uot appeared to care what he eats may Ih the one who be rates the waiter and scon Is at his wife when tho dinner Is not to his taste. The true secret of happiness In marriage, as In most relations of life. Is unselfishness. To be effectual th'ls must be mutual, but even when It Is all op one side, It enables Its possessor to keep peace, which Is much. and. besides, It Is a comfort when one has not one's self to Maine. The love Industry Is an extremely Intimate one; for. as every maul which seeketh her own only can scarcely lie considered who has had experience In the West knows, mines cannot genuine affection, and the golden text for a young married be developed without timber usually not without timber! pair Is "In honor preferring one another." EXPLORING A NEW RIVER. Slap Provided one can keep afloat a few minutes, and provided, furthermore. that somebody gives an alarm, to fall overboard In mid-ocean does not nec-1 essarlly mean that one must drown. While a German liner was going at express speed the otlier day a crazed coal-passer Jumped from the midship rail. Some one saw him, an alarm was raised Instantly, the great vessel swung on her keel and a boat's crew got away, and In eight minutes from the time the poor fellow Jumped he was In tho life-boat. There need be no experimenting to test the efficiency of the arrangements for rescue; but since accidents do happen, it Is com forting to know that such system and discipline are the rule of the Atlantic ferry. One-third of the white voters of Breathitt coiiuty, Ky., are unable to rend or write. That county has always bad a deficit in Its account with the State. Out of fifty-one felony cases on the docket at a single term of court there was not one conviction. Tbera have been one conviction since the present governor went Into otllce, but be has granted pardons In twenty-eight 'cases. That Breathitt county Is "the dark and bloody ground" of Kentucky Is not strange, Tho schoolmaster la not "abroad" there. It Is hard to civ ilize people without sc!ioollioues. The courts hitherto have encouraged law lessness by falling to punish. There are slgna, howovcr, that Breathitt county Is beginning to realize that It has been disgracing Itself and the State. What It needs to do Is to hang n few of Its murderers and build some Bchoolbousos, If It has courage enough to do this Breathitt county may re deem Itself, and this may encourage nomo other Kentucky counties to do likewise. Thero are twclvo counties lu that State without a newspaper and without echoolhouses enough "to say no." You cauuot gather figs from thistles. There was a pure food law parsed by Congress last year. This law forbade all persons to sell any dairy or food not exceed $0 a week for the family. feared arrest, asking her to go away and remain In seclusion while he gave himself up and served Us time, then ho would rejoin her and they could live happily without a recurrence of tho fear that was then overshadow' ing him. She refused and, It was stated, told him sho would commit suicide If he was arrested. Fischer said he had figured from the Bible that not only Is the soul of every suicide lost, but eternal damnation awaits those who cause others to kill themselves, hence, to save both their souls, be killed her and asked for und received forgiveness for himself. Ex perts found he was entirely snne even exceedingly bright, and that be was mainly a man of humane tenden cies the kind of thief who returns plunder when he finds be has stolen from the poor. Fischer was 31 years old. In the In vestigation of bis case It was found that his parents, while also church people, encouraged him to steal as a child, and that his grandfather was a thief. Incomes In England. Of the 41,000,000 peoplo in England moro than half of them live on an In come of less than (12 a week, and tbo earnings of 7,000,000 of this number do Another White Hpace on Conirn Uelnit rtllej with Detail. More than twenty je.irs ago Savor gnan de Brazza carried a little steam launch overland between the head waters of the large Ogowe river and the upper part of a river on the other side of the divide, a few miles away. The natives called this stream the All ma, and De Brazza believed It was a tributary to the Congo nnd that he might steam down the Allma to the upper Congo far above Stanley pool. Ills experiment was n great success. He descended the Allma about 400 miles and finally entered the Congo where the great river Is several miles In width. Then he flouted down that river to Stanley pool, says the New York Sun. Meanwhile, Stanley had been labor iously ascending the Congo, dragging bis supplies nround 233 tulles of rapids; and when he reached Stanley pool he was much surprised to find the French flag flouting on Its north ern bank. De Brazza had arrived be fore blm and was founding the station of Brazzaville. Ever since that day a large white space has existed on the map between tho Allmu and the Congo. Explorers were too busy else- where to trace the rivers In the region. 1 At last the Pama river, supposed to bo WW lUlftint 1UU,U.J u till? .iiuua, uas been partly explored and a portion of the blank space an the mop has been filled. Captain Schecrllnck, agent of Un commercial and Agricultural Society of the Allma, has ascended Its Pnma tributary for a distance of about eighty miles. The upper part of the river has also been explored, hut no one has visited the middle portion. The river Is about 200 miles lu length, und Captain Scherrllnck found that for a part of the way It Hows through a wooded region In which are numer ous herds of elephants and buffaloes. Tho country Is not densely peopled, but there arc n number of large settle ments on Its banks, where white trad ing stations have been established. men, and lu 1S33 formed a compact with Benjamin Lundy for the estab lishment of an escaped slave colony In Mexico. The men owned n small vessel, and with It they assisted the slaves to get away to the place of refuge. They fol lowed this practice for some years, und Walker had many harrowing ed ventures during the time. He was finally captured In July, lKlt. and tried before n court at Key West. He was convicted of slave stealing, and the Judge sentenced film to pay n line of suffer seven years In prison, stand In the pillory for one hour and RISKED ALL FOR THE NEGRO. Jonathan Walker, Known as "The 41 on with the Branded Hand." The twenty-Ufth anniversary of the death of Jonathan Wulker, "the man with the branded hand," mado famous lu song and story, was commemorated 111 Evorgr-Jen Cemetery, .Muskegon, Mich., where n monument stands to his memory. Walker, who was com memorated In verso by John Giecnleaf Whlttler, risked his till for tho black slave nnd went to his grave with tho letters "H, S." slave stealer branded on his right hand, a grim reminder of tho sentence of a Judge. Ha was born at Harwich, Mass., In 17UU, mid became n sailor nt an early age, Ho remained on the ocean through bis young manhood, and soon took a great Interest In tho slavery question, Ho believed that It was wrong to keep men subject, and hud the courage of his convictions. Ho took an active part la several plans for helping the black In the diplomatic service. Now through her Intluence he was stripped of honor after honor, and felt himself under the King's displeasure. He still re mained, however, the colonel of the Sixth Iteglment, nnd thus retained his standing nnd Inlllleiiee In military cir cles. Tho plot being hatched by the King and Queen for making Col. I.unjevlcs heir to the throne gnvc him the opportunity of organizing nnd dl reeling the conspiracy, which not only gratified his fcvllng for revenge but changed the Scrvlnu dynasty. Col. Musehln Is the minister of public works In the new government. NEW IN SPOONS. WALKKll AMI HIS 1ION11IKNT. to havo tho letters 8. K. burned on the palm of his right hand. Walker paid the Hue, stood In the pillory, the branding part of the sen tence was carried out, nnd the suffer Ing man confined In Jail. There he re mained for nearly u year until re leased. He Immediately came North and took to tho lecture platform, where he remained for several years, telling details of tho shivery question. In 181!.'! he settled lu Muskegon Coun ty, Mich., and thero died In 1878. Tho following year u monument was erect ed to him. THIRST FOR REVENGE. Actuated Col, Musehln, the T,eader of tho Hervlan llevolntlon. It was thirst for revenge that nctu nted Col. Musehln, the leader of the revolution In Servla, In which King Alexander and his consort, Drngu, per ished. Col, Maschlii was the Queen's brother-in-law, bis brother, a Bohem ian engineer, who died mysteriously In Belgrade, huvlng been JJragt's first husband. Col, Maschln nnd Draga, never very cot. UABCitw. friendly, had nn open quarrel, and after Drags became Queen ho began to feel her displeas ure. Ho bad been a -man of much prominence In the state and had been Heveral Kinds for Hpeclal Purposes Dieplajred In the hliopa. Despite the many styles of Individ tin I spoons now In use. Inventors nro I continually on the ulert to supply soiuo jmnu uiiir m-t-u it viiiii i-nii-nw. A novel housewife's nsslstant la tho measuring spoon, llko tho ordinary titaspoon In size, hut marked In tho hot torn of the bowl with lines nnd figures to guide her lu proportioning Ingredl cuts for cooking mixtures. Tho warn ing labels, one-half, one-quarter, one- eighth spoonful, are affixed Just ns on a measuring glass. The siioon Is of sterling use In the making of gravies, of puddings, cakes, salads or any dishes of n nntiiro requiring exactness In the seasoning. The measuring spoon Is to bo had In grades to suit all purses. This Is the case, too, with tho newly devised baby's spoon, which Is n very practical Improvement on the original. The bowl of tho baby's spoon Is shaped ns usual, but the handle Is curved backward and welded to the end of tho bowl, forming n loop llko tho loop In the handle of n ring. Tho looped handle Is Just big enough for five small fingers to grasp, and a little fellow making first nltempts to feed himself can get along much better with n spoon of this sort thnn one of ordinary pattern. Then there Is a new model mils tnche spoon, n special Ico-crcnm spoon and an egg spoon for lifting poached or fried eggs from tho dish. They fill a manifest need, showing the possibil ities for additions in the spoon fam ily, notwithstanding the enormous var iety of styles and shnpes already In UBe. Tho Caddis ami llio Brook. Then, what n wonderful collection nf Interesting things the brook con tains! One of tho queerest Is that Uttlu bulging net of tho cnddls ily among tho pebbles. Tho caddis Is truly un Insect fisherman, nnd lis net catches a largo variety of microscopic niilinuls, JJvcry ono .likes to watch them. Later our cnddls leaves tho brook, nnd wo know It as a four-winged iiioth-llko Insect crawling up some grass or sedgo or Hying over tho wa ter. St, Nicholas. Thoso who work for tho wages of sin try to postpone the day of reckoning. A unique Institution Is tho Patholog lenl Museum at Berlin. This was cs tnbllshed by Professor Vlrehow, and contains 'ja.txui preparations of n path uloglenl kind, with elaborate arrange ment for preserving, mounting and studying tho specimens. Electrical relictions hnve been found by Ilr. A. 1). Waller, of tho I'nlverslty of Loudon, to serve ns n lint of life lu both animal nnd vege table tissues. In this way he bus Just shown that bits of human skin for grafting preserve their vitality at least two days, often ten days, and probably sometimes much longer. Aa confirming this conclusion, It Is men tinned that carefully preserved skin has been used after six months, six teen transplantations out of twenty two proving successful. Homo bacteria, large fungi nnd rot ten wood nro known to glow lu the dark, but shrubs and flowering plants nro not usually credited with tho property of phosphorescence. Dr. II ileckurtz, however, bus lately dlscov led an old record of phosphorescence, u an Indian grass known to tho llrnh- lulns ns Mlutlslimatl." The account Is of much Interest to iHitnulsts, but while the plant has not been Identified with certainty, It Is concluded that the observer was led Into error by phos phorescent bacteria on the grass. If a llower-pot Is laid oil Its side thn stalk of the plant growing In It grad unlly curves upward until It resumes the vertical position. This Is called geotroplc curvature, and the question Is by what menus the plant Is stimu lated to change Its direction nf growth. One theory uvers that movable starch grains lu the plant cells fall to the lower side as the position Is changed and by their pressure Influence the mechanism of growth. Becetitly Fran els Darwin, In England, has succeeded In accelerating the tendency of n plant to curve upward when placed horliontnlly by subjecting It to the vl bratlons of a tuning-fork. He thinks the shock of the vibrations nffects the movements of the starch grains. When Mr. Mnrconl started bis great iower-statlon nt Poldliu. In England, for the purpose of transmitting wire less messages ncross the Atlantic, many feared that the electric waves from this station would Interfere with those of shorter range, used In com miinlentlng between ships nnd be tween shore and ship. Itecently Pro fessor Fleming has exH'rliiicntcd with the Poldliu apparatus, and reports that his cierltnenls appear to blm to afford "n complete demonstration of the truth of Mr. Marconi's statement that the waves sent out from his ow- er-stntlons do not and will not Inter fere with the reception of messages from his apparatus ns placed on Ixiaril ship." The railway across the Andes, be tween Chile und the Argentine ltcpub llc, which was projected twenty years ago, is nt last to txi completed, the Chilean congress huvlng recently pass el n bill for the purpose. The loftiest part of the pass, which lies not far south of the great Andean glnnt. Aeon cagua, nnd which has an deration of 1.1.000 feet. Is to be lenctrBted by n tunnel, which will serve both to avoid snowdrifts nnd to decrease the max! mum elevation nf the road. The ter minals of the railway on each side of the pass are now within ono day's travel by mule caravan from one an other. This will be thn first mil lino to cross the South American conti nent. wit' such a little khl na tint." tut milled, Ho tin chartered a bunk for himself nnd the liaby In nn eight-cent Brook lyn lodging bouse. Ho tucked tint .young one under llio quills, warmed up morn milk for It on tho following morning nnd ritrred for It generally, nnd then set out to sell papers, with the baby on one nrm mid his paper on the oilier. Thus Jie nurtured the wnlf for live, days. Then ho "went broke." Ills I It t In leservn fund of pennies had all Ihiii Hnt III "lilowln' do Utile" his own words again. He didn't iiiluil tho constant guvhig of his newsboy com pnuliiiis, but he found that llio caring for the baby seriously Interfered wllh his paper selling business, No he to Inctanlly cnrrleil the baby to n police station. "Sav, snrge," ho snld to the desk ser gentit on duty, "lake ills liaid luek tad off mo ban's, will youso? I'm all lu, nn" dry nlp't noltln' doln' wit" mo slneo I got de kid, It yells so much dat I enn't sell mo papes. But, say. surge, yollse won't give ili kid none do wolst of It, will youso. hey?" ho added, wllji great sollellude, and then ho told hi story of how ho had come Into -session of llio mile of a girl. The baby Is now lu a foundling asy lum, nnd the stiiut-siiuled mid tender- heart iil newsboy Is back on his Atlan tic nveuuo corner selling his "pnpe " He Is selling morn of them, fourfold. than ho ever sold before, mid hundreds nf persons who know the story of Imw ho took rare of the descried baby fur five days are telling him to "keep thn change" these days. NO WHET TO THE APPETITE. Customs at West Vlriiliilo Hotel Not Conducive to uoriitandlla-. riii-re nre districts In the West Vir ginia mountains where tho people live In very primitive fashion. Thry llvn ns did their fathers and do ns they please, and, says on who has visited them, "don't care a darn, and where they carry giui use them with simple directness." Tho chief nf the cninvrn clnn has been down lu that locality and tells of some Interesting expe riences: "I stepped Into a lunch room nt one of the mountain stations to get a cup of coffee. "Ily the wny, 1 believe Hint they'vo revived the war custom of making ifif feu out of sweet potatoes mid burnt rye. tou know the relm used to ih Hint when they couldn't get the renl thing. Anyway the lunch counter euf fee bad n yam flavor. To the right of me was nil empty sent. The man who t thero Just before had trlisl pie mid did ery well. At least thero re mained only crumbs mid n knife e.,v erisl wlili cherry Juice. The limn to the left of me was tnekllng a ham sandwich and he called for n knife to prvad on some liillstnnl The waller wus n rnwliied inountalmer. I In slouched forward nnd picked up Ilia chcrry-slnlm-il knife. First I thought he was going In swallow It, but tin was nully only licking off the stains. nfter which he wiped the knife on his apron mid delivered It to the bam sandwich ebnp. The bitter looked nt me nnd dropped the mustard Men. A stranger i n me In at this moment and cnllcd fur a doiiii oysters on the shell. A moment Inter I heard tho Imig.gcarrd mountaineer yell to n small, boy lu n fnr corner: "Wlmr" tint nlr set o' shells)' 'What set ' shells' grumbled the boy. "Tliini air shells thet I use for elsters.' 'I hove 'em nt n purp dnnwu the bill this innwnlng.' sniffed the boy. The moun taineer vaulted ovtr the counter, but the Iniy escaped. The former ex plained: 'I hain't n got none ' them nlr shells to put the elsters on. Ton snrii thet kid!" "Pittsburg IMspnteh. THI8 NEWSY A HERO Only a Child, Yet Cared for a He ertcd llahr Vlrm llaya. Few stories of the streets of Orenter New York tiro more pathetic than that of n little shaver of n nowsboy who "tolncd In u 4-inonths-old baby girl at a Brooklyn police station tho other day. The newsboy had been lugging the deserted Infant about and caring for It for live days before he felt Im polled to pass up the burden that had been thrust upon his little shoulders. On a raw and rainy afternoon tho boy was selling his papers nt hi ac customed corner of Atlantic avenue, lu Brooklyn, when a young man nnd woman, the latter carrying an Infniit, approached him, "Hold this baby for a few minutes, son," said tbo man, taking the baby from tho arms of tho woman, who wn weeping, "nnd I'll give you a quarter.1 "Suro t'lng," said tho newsboy, who really wnsn't much more than a baby himself, although, as lie afterwards put it, nou ueen "nustiiir rm mo grub" for sovcral years. Tbo ninn deposited tho Infant In the newsboy's arms, and then the couple hurried around tho corner, the woman sllll weeping. They didn't comn back. Tho nowslKiy, holding tho baby on ono arm and his papers on the other, wait ed for them for hours. Then, ns ho subsequently explained, "1 got wise dat dey had done me, but I wasn't goln' t' shako do kid." Ho got rid of nil of bis papers be fore the young ono began to bnwl. The bawling alarmed him a good deal, Discovered thn Heerrl. He Is a young man with n blase nlr, who would not let anything surprise him for tint world. As n mailer of fnct, ho has traveled enough about the States to be Impervious to sur prise. The oilier night was tho ex ception, for when tho young mail boarded tho train which was to take him to New York ho found himself on n compartment sleeper. Thn young mini knows nlxmt burk ing bronchos and how to eat aspara gus vinaigrettes, and what Is tho prop er thing to say when you trend on n n womnn's gown, but be didn't know about compartment sleepers, for ha had never been lu one before. He was very much attracted by thn prospect, however, and be looked over the ground -with great satisfaction before getting ready to retire. "This beats an upper berth all hot- low," bo muttered to himself. Then, the purler passing near, hn called to that functionary. "Come here," said he, "nnd tell mo how to turn this on," pointing to a handle In he wall near the wash stand. "I havo entirely forgotten how to screw tho thing, nnd I'll bo suro to want It In the morning." The porter eame ns near smiling ns a porter ever does. "Yesslr," said he; "ycsslr, yo' turn hit on ills wny. lilt's not a water splckett, yo' know; hit's u place to heat curling Irons." And after this tho sophisticated young mini went straight lo bed, but bo tells the Joke on himself with much glee, Bait Imoro News. Kipling Cornered. Mr. Itlldynrd Kltillue's fon,lne rnr inn no coiiciiiucii inni u was cuio to asking questions has led him occasion- hunger. So ho went Into n bake shon and bought tho baby a couple of sweet buns. lie was a good deal puzzled when he found that the -l-mmitlis-old baby wouldn't cat such delicacies as sugared buns, and ho scratched his lit tle shock head a good deal over that situation. Then ho suddenly remem bered that warm mill; was tho thing for infanta of the size of the one lie was packing nround. Out of his earn ing ho bought a baby's milk bottle nnd tilled It with wnnn milk that ho got at a Utile restaurant. . Tho botlle and the milk made a lilt wllh the baby girl, und she quliiled down. 'Hie nowsboy was In tho habit of sleeping In hallways, car sheds and unused cars, power houses, and old placo that nfforded warmth and con cealment, but ho felt Hint, with his new responsibility, "caiiipln' out." as ho expressed It, was out of the question. ally Into tight places. Hn once strolled Into n bookseller's shop and commenc ed to turn over some volumes, con versing nn ho did so, "Is this good'" bo nsked, taking up George Moore's "Celibates." 'I don't know; I havo not road It." icpllcd tho shopkeeper. Kipling frowned. "A bookseller," ho said, "and you don't lend yntir own bonks'" To which tho other answered Inrtly: "If I wero a druggist, would you ox poet mo to take my own drugs?" Shipping California Orange. A commercial agent of tho Japanese government Is in California to iiuika nn experiment of shipping California oranges to Japan. Natural liendaclies nro not In It with tho acquired kind. feller cnnbln'f n i , H"10 nlt0 Wl'fU U lu Sight lllld rciier couldn t eorry do banner , huatlo for more.