KYMWlOllt ItKHTOllKII. Mrn. V, A. (!iiniilnliiiiu, who was Mlrlcld'll Willi lllllllllll'HH several :weoliM nun whllo at l,iinil(iii. had' hikIii ri'ntiiri'il Instantly nt. the liuiilly luiine In IIiIh cll.v on I II at, Friday. Nhc had licon drilled by a number ot iim.vnIi'IuiihhIiii'I! tho iiIIIIc tlnii, iiono of whom worn able to Klvi her iiu.i relief. IMhkiiiihIh ill IIki ciimo Hlmui'ii Unit lilliiiliii'Hx wan pro diucd b what inlulit In- liTiiii'il H,VIIIIILlllrll('lllllll'tllMI. Till' li'lt iy llllll lll'l'll dlHCIIMI'll III' HCMTIII JCIII'M unil iiirilli'iil trculmcnl billed In ilo liny jjiuhI. 'riii' rlKlil i')'i' toy eon Mliinl Mlriiln liuiilly uumi wuv, leav Iiik tin' Iml.v ontliclv blind. Tliu phjtdiiiius In i-o 1 1 Hit 1 1 m 1 1 1 ) it llnnll.v concluded ll necoHMiiry In iififi.nn mi iiiiirnlloii iiml remove tin1 lr(t eye thereby IiiiiiImk to ivhIiiiii Ihe rlxht nun. ilr. llrown, n I'.iiKi'iii', unil Dim. It. C. iiml Kuthcrlno Hehlcel worn railed ami propiircd (or thu operation, liming 1 1"' iip.iriitlhK table and IiinIi'iiiiiciiIm all In ii'inll ih'hn. Tim iuli'iil wiih taken tu her iiiiiiii toy her iiiiihii loprcpnrti her for I hi- npenKliiii. Mih. CiiiiiiliiKllniii hud been pro, lur lui- Hevernl hours Inr l-iHliil'iilliill. tllltl Mill' llllulll IP- Kiiln her hIkIiI anil toe Niari'il the neectwlly iif tin1 iiperatluii. When taken In lii'i' room hIii eiiKiiKi'd In earnest- mi'l Muni prayi'l' Hint she might toi mum-d I hi' irvlnif nrileiil, Sn Htrmiic was her ''il'li 'in1' belief lluil hIi Iiml. tin- liaiiitomi' from her I'.Vl'S llllll flllllll "l' Willi IIH lllTfl'I't VIhIiHI IIS III llll. llllll1, I'VIIII thu I'VII ot loin iIIwiimi Iii'Iiik cured. Tlio pliy hIi'Iiliih were ler.vtnurh Hiirpi-lwil wliiin she. i-iimIh'iI lulu 1 1 if mum u llh out tlm limuliiK1' mi'l niiiiuunei'il tin inlraiMiloiiM i'iiii' Tlinv niaili' several ti'HlM anil loiiuil llial Iiit sight a untlU'ly iih K"oil iih at any time In luct belter I lian ton- many .warn. A I''inani u;ii Him I'huuihcilun, tln ioiular liool black, at tliu iMrandcr hIi op. IlIlM mtll'L'll, tlll-llllIK tllU IiUkIIIOSM ovit to Harry llrotvn. Runs hunkers (or an I'lliirnlloii, ami it wan with tlio view of kcIUiik om that ton adopted tlio 'llliiK of IiimI tolai-k miiiiii two ami min-lnill years iiko. Hi- Iiiih Ikh'ii full lilnl al lil work ami Iiiih 1 1 1 1 1 1 L i I a splendid IiiinIhok. lie IlIlM IllHIl lli'VI'llllH'll IlllllSOIIlf .IllllUllf a llnuniicr. ami loilay, In Ih pei Imp 1 tin' rli'lii'Hl I my or lilMiiKit in mi' stale ol Un'Koa IIiimk Ih llllii'li years ohl, ami la conviTNalloii W illi a NukkcI n'liri'M'iitatUn tin' other day, at which Mini' liu took llic m'WHinii'r lll'llll llllo hi I'ollllill'lll't' to Miillll' oxliiill, hi' Htati'd that hi' had urn oil out ol hlHi'iirnliip al I In- m t u in I $.V)0 which Is now on bopied! In his own iiiiiiii', and wlili-h hi' iniioHi'H in iimi In i-diii'iitliiK biinwil that In inn v laki' hln nlui-e anions ini-n While other hoys haw hk'HI ih ir. lltuii on thi' sln-el. ilcpoudliiK iiin ' tlii'lr imii'iitH (or thi'lr lioanl anil i ClOtlll'M, ItOMH iiiih 1 1 veil ai mi II companion for IiIh unit Iiit. wlillc Mr. (Jliiilil t htIii n Ih away, olli'ii I'.r lllontllH workliiKUt IiIh I null', ol ciiriK'ntcr; walked nearly a mill' lit IiIh iik'iiN, atli'iidcd m-IiooI iliirlnu the term, oiienlni; III- Hlmiil iiIkIHh anil nioriiiiit(i mid on Saturday, clolheil hlniw'll and laid up The lioyn ot HiIhcHa inn well nldird to pattern alter itnH, mid while they an' inakluif Hie pattern JiihI wali'h him clluili to the lop. HtIIUH Itl'NM.MI Next Mnndny imiiiiiIii Mi'HMrK ClirUiiinii .V llmiKH, o( the I-'iimIhuii SImIiIch ol I IiIh rll v, will Htm l a hIiiki' In in I lie Ited HrltlKit up the Hard Kcratohlo road to lloheuila. The hIiiki' will k up one da. ami ULlI I'll to i lie Ited llrlilK" the uevt. inaklUK connect Ioiih with the train on the I). V S. I-:. It It iiIhii uuiler Htoml that lien IMlcher.who nreiilly piirt'lnihi'd an ouillt Iroui .Mr. t'lirix iniui, Htarleil IiIh hIiiui' (ruin the Itcil llrlilKi' up the Noonday road to the War hull thence over the rhamploli I roll. inakliiK the Oivk'uii Sii-urtlen lo h ei nice ii t ia t III ll nlle at the head ol Champion HiihIii Uh termluiil I point it ih iiiriner Hinieii nun .or l'llclier will run hU hIiiki' up Tiii-h- day, ThiirHilny and Saiunla., re tlirnliiK on the nlteriiate iIii.vm, iIiiih makliiK It poHHlhle (or a punccituiT to oln, nay on .Monday, oer the Hard Scralihle road, Hpeiul one ilu.i In the camp, hrliiKluK up at iiIkIii al the head ol Champion HiihIii, and lake .Mr. I'ltcher'n HliiKeoiil on the liiornlnu o( the third day, arilvliiK In Collauc drove that iiIkIii. TIiIh arraiiKeiueiit Ih themoHt nmIMik'Ioi-.v ol any mj 'lem ye I employed In the dlHtrlcl. iih It inakeH cIomo connec tloim lor pmlh'4 making a quick trip to llohemla. llllll. IIIMI ClIMMKM Hit TIiIh week .MeHurn Wallace com menced the foundation work on the Jiiiich mid 1'hllllpH lirlck, corner ol M M 1 I llllll h'tiurth Hlix-etH. Thefonn ilallou to laid In rock, tour (eet at the lioltoiu.two and one-halt (cut at thu lop, liUxlHI (eet. The lower Htory wall will toe IS liichi'H thick and the upper Htory 12 IiicIich, lirlck. The lower will lie IIiiIhIiciI In (our i-ooiuh. The corner will lie IIiiIhIiciI and 'equipped (or a toank, anil while the lunik cinnpmiy Iiiih not Ihi'D urKim lieil an yut, It N unilei-Htood that It will toe toy the time the IiiiIIiIIiik Ih iviul v for occupancy. To the cant ol tlio liankroom will toe two W-foot Mtore liulhlliiKX' "nil to the rear, fmint; l''oiirth Htivut, will toe another L'O-fool room. The front of the up per Htory will toe lliilHhcd into olllce room-', and nt thu preHent wrlllnK It Ih undei-Htooil that the hack imrt Will toe IIiiIhIiciI Into a modern lmliru room, the nlaii o( which Ih taken from the KlkH iiinrtet'n ul Kn- la'iin iHimlliiK ii loilue room, nan quel room, lockers, leceplion room etc Wii.i. Movii To KuiiKNi:. Ilr. .1. K. HiiHiner, who came to tliUclty Home montliH iiko, ami who Iiiih toullt up an exteiiHlve urautlcu In Lane county, lielm? a Hpcciallnt on tliu eye, ear and iidho, Iiiih decided to remove IiIh oIIIcl-h to Kukuiic, thai city iiffordliiK him ureatur adviiiitiiKO an ii HiieiiallHt. He Iiiih rented olllco rooms la the I. U. (). V. touihllng of tluij. city, ami expeciH to remove Caere iiiioin- riepivuoHir i. iuhuk hi. llOHlller'H HtllV 11 tlllH Clt.V. 110 11118 Do .coiiiu widely .known iirofuHHionally mid Hoclnlly ami ho will too iuIhhc(I toy inany noy guiuo iriomiH noro, 'k UWk'v (Jatiikuinci. Tlio National Kncainpinetit of tho (I. A. 11. held lit 1111 I' rilllClHCO UIIH wcok Ih reported ode of tho t?reatcHt ami liui-it HiicroHHful KUtherliiKH yet ....w.H...J..,wlll.. fl... aII. 'I'ltnnuniiilu IVUIIKI III HIU WII'J , MIMini.i.n iiniiii , LliouHiinda of vuteraiiH and ithoitffiiHiulHL'tinio from all partH ot tho poitutryj Uot(iRo (Irovo wan reprcHeiitvii oy ino ioiiowiiik cm ioiih: tleo. W. McItuynoldH, 11. F AilmiiH mill Al AdaniH. ju--)iiV-"""' . i A numtoor of Cottage ClrovclteH took iiilvuntiiKO of tho oxcui-bIoii rntoH u. Vuiinliilv hwt Huiiiluy. Atiuinir tliOHii irolnlr woro AtCHHra. Armoii Yynne, UIvTh (lowily, Or- vllle Kunpp, llornce uirinHiiiii w in I" w .it MU-iU.jijb fU ..It.ii'.i 4 MitcJieU "Wa-oriH. Weber A; HI over, (IiihoIIiio IIiikImcm, .McCoriuick ItakCH, MowerH and ISIiiiIitm. Charier Oak Woven ami KaimcH. Mmihaltmi Hlock ami Oil tie Food, (lull Cure, Men Killer, Hoot OH. HiinicHH Oil and "Hv Keep Off." Packing, H "He, lli llliif; mid Hleata I' IIIIiikh. Wynne Harilwaru Co., I'roprletorH. Dr. I.owo ociilo-optlclan HiiKi'iii' liie toi'Ml toiaiid of cliit-H at the Wave . Hid ViuikIhi wan III tho city thin week. Dim) I'lillcr-Kili went to Hnlciu U'wl iiuKilny, HiHt toy all lcHtn Ilr I.owo'h kIiihhoh Ice ci cam mailc from piiieclcnin nt McClelliui'M. CooIIiikmiiiI relruHlitiiK; SIcCIoIIoh'm Ice cieatu noda. Iiumi'iiwi ImrKiilimnt ttaiikln'H Mil- HlcHtori', IliiKcne. Call al the Wave for ll toox of lion 11 1 iiih (or Sunday. AIiIoii'h CliocohlteH lire tlio IH'HI lor hm to at McClellan'H. Latent perludlciilH mid IiuiiUh at Hi" IhlKle liooltHtoiv. l.nvaiiilcr Milcks for hiiIo. Inquire of .Mrn. C. .1. Howard. W. I'. Illy, ol KoIho, Wmsli., wiim In tlio city HiIh week'. Kilowli'H ,V llellyH will sell yon KooiIhiiI Iowi'hI iii-lei'H. Ilev. W. .1. ilardner, of HitKlnnw, wan In the cll.v Monday. Al JiiIiiihoii went all tlio way to Cri'Hwiil IiihI Mnt'inln. .Mr and Mrn. .1. V. Thornton tire hiuiie from their outing. MUH Orpha Hariim wan it piiHHt'ii Iter to Album lml Haltinlay. Hou'l torKCt Hie cIohIiik oiltHiiit' at llanklirH MiikIc lloiine. KiiKfiie. i:vi!i'toody eiilH Himelwooil Ice cream at the IVarl, oppoMlte the 1'. O. HrlHtlliiK linrKuiim In tooth ami hair toriiHlieH al 'The .Miidern I'har iiiaey." Kranli Vhl)ple. I'el Cooier and .tchro Hrlilln Hpuiit Siimluy In tho Drove. Mrn. J. W, llentley nent lo Albiuiy Wiilui'Mliiy t viml witli her duiinlilcr lur ii few diiyn. Serine one ol thoo Kraiiil liurKiiliiH nt llaukln'H Htore, I'.UKciie. Ir'Ioiv I hey lire all cone. Do not lull to the now nhivt iiiiihIc JiiHt received al The Itlchard hoii MiihIc I Inline. c. 11. linker and Hoy Knox, of Kti. Keue, are up III llohemla lookhiK over Ihe iiiIiich. (looilHpromptly delivered at your eiiuip at iciihoiiuIiIc frelnht riiten. IviiowIch .V: licit.. h. i'uelo'SiiiiHliironttehUH returned front Calilorula and Ih coiiHlilerably Iniproved In heallh. Two carloadH ol mliii-rx' hupiIIch Jiihi tveelviHl Ironi Portland. KiuiwIch ,V tieltyH, lloheiulii. Mtm. S. K. 1'iirker ueut to Albany Wed-rilny lo vlalt ita her iluiiliter mid lli,r Inr e cek or IHI). Joe llnmewood. lon'inaii ol the rlht-oI-way (jnnjt, for the O. V H. V.. wiih In llieclly WedneHilay. Ilev. tl. II. Kirne, piiHtor. will con duel tlie HervlccH at Ihe .MethodlHt ehurch next Sunday morning. .Mr. and Mm. Frank Skllliuau and Mrn. Dora Fleldn led 'I'lienilay for a tea diiyn oiilln on .Miwby creek. I hiKeiie report n the iII-H-overy of a Kohl mine within the city IIiiiIIh perhapH at tlie iiioiilh ot Ihe newer. The next leniH'ranee mii'tlnix tol' held at the ChrlHtlmi .chnrcli Sunday iilKht promlwH to toe an luteri'Htllit; one. S. .Milne ami wife, ol Kucelie. vlHlleil their hi I. S. Milne, ol the icnl cHlate linn ot Milne V Medley, ol thin city, IiihI Sunday. 'I'l. ...... lu tw.tltlll.e ,w...,llttlllll lllllllll Dr l.owe'H i-eiiiitntlon iih a Hkl led and exoert ontlelaii. He known now me Know iiimv ih iih- iiiiiik. Tho rcarl Confectloneri lor Inney cniiillfM alwa.VH In the lend. All ot the IcadluK brauilH liuiKarH.HiuokluK and chewinii toliaeco a I thel'earl. State flame Warden .lolin V. linker returned Saturday from a trio north, hiivlmr cotnnleted the an- pointlne; of IiIh deputli'H on the trip. I'ry one of thone ilellKlit'ul fae uinHHiip-H. llemoveH iiiiick ucaiiH, tan mid Iii'Iiikh color to tho cheek at AIUhoii & HaHtliiK'HtoiiHoiialpaiiorH Klti'iii'lli mid vlej-or coiiiu of irood food, duly illueHtod. "Foive", ivady-to-Herve wheat and hurley food, iuIiIh no burden, tout HUHtiihiH. I'rofeHHiir ami Mrn. F. V. l.ouiili. the lamoiiH prohlliltloii hIiikith will Ko one of tholr Hiiperb concertH at the C. r. Chnrcli In thin city, i- riuay evenluK Aiib- ill- Prudent iicople iiuivhiiHe Dr l.owe'H kIiihhch. He putH tlio ereiim of 17 yearH experience Into them See him Monday and to noon TuoHilny Anjr. the L'itli ami -itli. Don't delay the Itmikln cIohIuk out Hale of iiiiihIc kooiIh at I'iikouo will hiiiiii be over and you will lie kicking youi-Helf for not mi'iirlliK no ol tho iiik liai'KiiuiH ouoreu. F. H Marlon, ot Drain, wiih In the city hint Momliiy. Ho wan acconi panlo.l bvJ. (1. Heahl. now of I.n liriillil, who formerly uvea in nun hoii, now known iih l.eoim. Wo nro proud of the line of plniioH wo Hen. 'rney aiv unicKiTiiiK, iviue lnill. Welier. Crown. Vohc. Victor and many othurn, Don't they look Koou to you; Itmikln MuhIc Hoiiho, Fiiuouu. Dr. llarrlH arrived on Saturday nfteriioon'H train, from KiiKi'iio, In reHiioiiHo to a call In coiiHUltatlon with Dr. OkIchIij-, nt tho IiciIhIiIo of Mrn. W. ll. fiiair, wno huh neen ilaiiKoroiiHly 111. rtfTnonrr-rtftfrrir SlkljLJLlllAIN Leading Groctn Everything new, freHh and clean ovhlently tlio iirlceH nro right, endeavor tolplonso you. Produco it specialty. TUoiie 43. o bfAJLBArffw,ttlBtt''t,ttltat,,'Bga'11 tU.jl fi .-0 til V- li jitlt jAiV: II. II. Winter. reprcHi'iitliiK Chmn lalii Medliilie Co., wiih In CotliiKe Drove HiIh wivk. Mr. Winter re portn IiIh roinpany enJiiylliK a Hpluli did biiHlucHH, and (hat the wi'Hlerti trade Ih rapidly iiIviiiicIiik. Cham berlaln nieilliiiieM are Kelierally known throiiKboul Ihe Culled StalcH, and II can truly Im-muIiI that thoy me a "hoiiHehold reinedy". luliii Cillli IiihI week mild bin home Hlead on Itow river to Mr. Doyle, owner ol Ihe lliiruelt properly nt the Ited llrldtie. mid Iiiih removed IiIm faiully lo thin lily. Mr, Culp ban purchiiHed a lot hi the I'erkliiH addl lliin on the ("ul aide ol the Itlalr iinl- duiice, and in t ow hiiildhiK a uent cottiiKo on the hii me. II will hiiiiii ton hop plekliiK time. It, It. HaveH, proprietor of the Count Fork bun yard at CreHwell. under I tho uiumiKi'iiient ol It. O. Ilrmly, will luiiimeiiie iili-klnie about the .'id! of KejiU'inlior. TIiIh Ih one of the I lurKi'HI nop yitniH in i.ane eouiity, ; ami l eoiiHldetvil one of the Ih-hI fur plckerH. i tleo. Comer, deputy otvnnlcer for thu .Mudcin Woodman of America, rel uracil Tucndiy Iroui Klktoii wheie lie huh Hiiecerii'Iul in Hcciirluu a cliiirer 1 1 h I nl eljditiuu meiiilxjIH with ii piopeet ol a number mote. At an early date Mr. Comer widclfcet tlie organization of ii camp at that place. Mrn. i:. V CoKKHWell, who ban been HpcudlilK the Hummer ulth her unit her, Mrn, U. A. SearH, ol HilHclty, rrliirueil to her home at Klamath FllliH. where Hho will aHiilue the ilutli'H of her poiitlou iih teacher In the pulillu fclioolii of tlial city, iiml Saturdiiy. Next Monday ami lo noon of Tiioh- day Auu. IheLitliaiiir.'.'th Dr. I.owo HuKene'H well known eyenlRbt HpiiinllHt will Ik! at thu Sherwood lioli'l III i OIIIIKU iirove. n you value .lour eyen don't fail to have him tent them. P. Mutter unil family leaven till coming wii'k for ItOHihern. Canada, when' tney win inaKeineirK'rinanein Inline, Mr. .Mutter owning proH'rly there. They nave many IrienilH here who wlnh theiu huccchh in their new home. . , i i ,i,.,.i,.(. , .i Ullliriln ftiy I'nii-. , ll inf in (in.-' Salem, contracted for A. M. Pryor'n acren ot liopn. Thin buyer accoptn tlieno liopn now ami iioch iiie iinr vcHtlni: biniHelt. The price paid wan the bulk mini of f'.'.li.Vj. Harrlntourt; lliilletln Mra Vim Allium U'l'llt llllWll to Himwell SprliiKH hint Friday to !x with her molher. who Inqultenlck at tl..i ,tl.,i..i Mr AllUlltl Wl'llt llflWll Satiirdiiv and returned Tuenday. He tvportn Mm. AtUlun nlowiy Improv Iiik- 1'ltov Woodn lieuan tlie i-ohhI ruc tion ol liin new rcHldenceln tbeiiortli wi'hI part ol town thin week. It will lie a neat nulMtantlal cottauu mid 1 oca led on one ol the prettlent lotn In town. tl- I tl.u t' II l!..tii(in iiii.I .ill. llll, I .mn. . ..... ...... ..1. 11,1.... I..r 1,.ut l.imlii- fur Allwlliv. unil from there will take a ten iIii.v'h outltit; on the smitimu. tf I f.i.-.i l.?i,)r..ttit wi'll known ocnlo-oiitlcinii will lie III Cottiw drove Mombiy and till noon Tuen- lay. Aiu.'iiHt'.'lth mid LVith. f!.... 1..., I.tlt Slu.rlilnfl Vllfll. hill county Monday to make a nur vv mid liiiikea told on contract for city water workn. The Sivoml Southern Oiv-jon Din trlct AKrlcnltiiral Fair will In- held III Kuirene Seplember 2! InHtlni? live dayn. Walluceaml Sonn hauled thellt-Ht load ol rock lor tlie foundation of Hie .loui'H ant Phllllpn brick hint liiiirnday moniliiK- Slacv ItUHHcll, formerly with 1.. I.uivliodhlnelty. recently with 11. W. Newiand In IIiiKcne. vlnlled IriundH in HiIh city thin week. Mi-h. John Strauli and daughter. Minn Leila, of Uutrene, vlnited Mm. W. H. Aliranih. ot tliln city tliln wivk. i i ll 1 lid i.i ( 11111111-1,1 nawviniiu Poiilamll. tliinranteed the bent made, at the Wave Ice Creaiu Par- ii.... i.. i '..., L.n....,. iom. loo I.iiiiileH. who linn Uvn Hiiend- Inn ii few wwkH at HohwcII, Iiiih niiuriicd iiviniK mucii neiter. Kvcrylioily itoch to H. 11. IlayH1 lion yard at CreHwell. l'lcklnir will commence Sept. 8 or 4. When you wlnh Htatlouary, call at the Kiltie HookHtotv, Mrn. Dora I'ieldH, proprietor. Call on J. V. Thornton at tho Pearl Confectionery. Ho will be pleiiHed to nee you any time. McClcllnifH In tlie only place In town whero you can buy n box ot Alilon ChocolatcH and Don Iloun. MIkh Krmlne Veatcli and MIhh Lulu Currln worn HOiithlioiiml piiHseiiBem Friday afternoon. Try a iIIhIi of Weatherly Creamery Co'h Ice Cream at the W'uvo lco Creani Parlom. Home mailo I'andleH alwayH frenh ami tlie bent at tho Wuvo lco Cream Paiiom (let your trultn and caiiillfK for Suiiday at the Ware Ice Cream Parlorn. Scott JackHon, of Limine, wiih in the city last Saturday and Sunday. Undo Nattlo Martin vlnited Sherl dail t IiIh wei'k. SHEEP TO LEASE. 1 have noino t;ooil (jrado CoIhwoUI Hheep to lot out on Hliares for ono or inotv yearn to a'flpoiiHlble partluH. Call on or iuUIivhs, A. 0. Jknninoh, 109. West fith St. Kukuiic, Ore. M JSJilNO'UrM I of Cottage Grove. 3 . Where the majority trmlen, uive uh a trim, ami wo hiiiiii 3 A NllKKut retKirliir had tho ph-anum iif a vIkII to I'lllii KIiiiiiioii'h fmnoiin I in I n L inlini on lwt TliOHiluv. Thin in ono Industry In HiIh coiiitniinilv, the extent nml vallli ot which the people la Kuneral do not ream U renllMi. A Krintileal Imrf been mild about HiIh ilepoHlt within tho past Ihieii yem in the MiKK'it' om iiusinenH men do not I iik ii ti ol ( I ol ll an It Hi'ftiiH they uiikIiI. A itepoHll, of paint clay nl the rcul exteul of thin Is cerlalnly woiih inHIV iIioiihhiiiIh of doltarH and tlnmi' who eventuallv lake hold of It Hill find theii.M'lven pnnM-wed of a plii'ii ol tiroiiertv of enormous vuliiii. Mr. HI ill III iih hll" recently Hindu u Ihor imli toivi,ftlt,'lllluii hy toeing from 'JO to ID leel ileep aim nils proven ll ol Krealer extent than heretnfoie be lieved. Certainly CotlH(e Drove biisiueHn men will Ibid It a t;ooiI In veslmelll and Would du nell to luves llale It Ix'forr the opportunity Is lost. Hon. HiiiKcr Hermann and wife returiieil to their home at HoHObiirK l'ilday afleriiooli. idler a day'n vlnlt with Mm. I IiTinn iiiih hIhIit, Mrn. MeKluuey Mr. Hermaiiu wiih kept Iiiih.v HhnkliiK liandn and Kiii'tbiK IrienilH while Here lie will make a neveral ilay'n vlnit to t lie Mblnlaw 1 country next wi-ck, where lie ayn he 1 wilt have the pleanuiv ol HiaiikliiKl the Florence and Hlunlaw peoilu In general, (or their hearty nuppurtlaHt June. While there Mr lleruimin will make It bin particular IiuhIiichh i to iicqualnt blim-i'll with the ueedn ol that nee Hon of IiIh dlHtriet, that he may the more atoly nupiiort any de nervhiK mciiHliro lo which IiIh lltlen tlon may be called. : State Deputy J. W. Shiiuioiis, off the Modei n Woodman ol AmerlCH. ' ilnlled heic Ihln week. He In at teiidince upon one of Hie Ihellent meetlui4n of tlie local camp yet held In HiIh city. 'The Aulauf mid Doienii camps were here iilmont ton inem-j Her. ami wltuiiyreu tin' teiim worK ol Ihe local IiiiIku and the exeiupllfylliK ol the iinwiittcii work. Mr. Sliumonu vxpri'HHVM dimwit highly plenned with the CottiiKo Drove camp and 'tateH that he thlnkn tlie team eipinl to any III the Htate. MrH.A.W.Hulibnril.whoa woekni;o wan operated on by Dr. Deo Wall, ol thin city, for ovariotomy. Ih rapidly recoviirlin;. She In ntlll conllned to the hoHpltal and In under the Hpecial care ol a name, but i-he In coiihIiI ered entirety out of dimmer, and another week will llnd hernltthiK up. The operation In eHHontlnlly a ileil eate one. requiring careful prepara tion and the bent ot tindcmtuiullm; and nklll by operatorn and attend- MIltH. TlieC. M. A. irnlloruied Ilaml will give a grand exciirnlon to lied llrld(;e on Sunday. Aug. 2:1. TIiIh will Ih the IiihI Sunday exciirnlon of the Hcanoa over the Oregon lc South eiiHlern and nhould be taken advan tage of by thoHo who wlnh a very iileanant outing, and who wIhIi to liear good iiiiihIc amid the nylvan retreatH of the deep woodlnnilH. The round trip fare will only cont 7fl ceutn and will Ihj tor the Injuetlt of the baud. Attorney K. It. Sklpwortb. of Kit gene, arrived In thin city hint Tuen dny afternoon mid went direct to the On-soii Mineral SprlnifH with the view of benellttlng llln health. Mr. Sklpuorih ban bein In poor health for a niiinlier ol yearn, and about a year iiro he wan forced to retire Iroui the practice of bin tinmen proft'HHlou. 1 1 ih friemlH trtnt that Ii will be mucii Improved when he nhalMiat-v returned lioine. Prof, and Mm. A. L. Ilrlgjjn re turned Saturday from Woodbuni, where they have bivn njienillng nev eral uionthn. ProfenKor HrlggHHtaten that he bad a glorioun outing, and Htarted In to tell n reporter Home of IiIh outlaiidlnh hunting yarnn, but Hiving a look of HkeiiticlHiu Hiiread over the face ot the Nugget man hln none fulled hlin, and a ncaru head ntory In therefori' HiipprcHned. CarH'iitern are building a two Htory U room hotice on tlio Kmipp property near tho MeFnrliinil hutto this week. Mr. Knapp will till tho lot an noon an the hoiito is completed and make it one ot tho pretty places ot that part of town. Mm. tleo. W. Lloyd and daughter, who have been visiting Iriendn hero (or neveral weokn, left Monday for raconia, Wanli., where they will vlnlt relative for noine tlmu before returning eant. Sim Ilrnuilt ami wife accompanied toy MIhh EIhIo U'ii, left -Monday for WIhcoiihIii. Mr. ami Mrn. Ilrnuilt go to La CroHH, ami Minn Lea will vlnlt frleudn ami relatlven at'Tomah. Van Allison is placing lumber on his lot on tlio west Bide nml will be gin the building of a lour room cot Ui:o about the thst of next week or as noon as lie can uetearpentcm. MIhs Nina Ostrander, whohnn Iwn vlnltlug her parenta In this cltv for noveral weekn, ban accepted a po Hltlon with tho Wenteru Union Tele graph Co., at Kngene. MIhh Kuclle AbrauiH returned to her homo In Kugene after n two weeks vlnlt with her Auntie, Hru. W. 11. AbrniUH, and cousin, Francis How aril It. V. Veatch, formerly forcnt rnugcr, tvnldlng nt Cottage Drove linu iliu'lili'il in innkn Klleene his ler- lunneiit home. lleglster. Mm. H. Schrag and ilauglitem, MIhsch Itutli and Irma, are visiting Mm. Schrag's nlnter-ln-hiw. Mm. 11. Lurch. Frank Jordan and Frank Wheeler vlHlteil Dratitn Pann last Saturday. returning me iiuniiie oi mm w.-i. n....A l in l ,,wii niirti vmirlieiul nml llllll: i'l . . . . - .- ----- --- - eye ache with 'i pair of his superior giasnen. iouniiuinion ow fi.. T ii'itii'ii Rniwilt In taklne a two weekB vitcatlou and visit with her parents at siuem. Hil Andrews and wife, of Corvadls, are vlnltlug Mr. Andrew's Bister, Mrn. D. T. Awbrey. Felix Currln, ono of Lnno county's prosperous taruiurs, was in mo ciij Tuesday. . i... c. .tttil fmillll- lltivii m. JOIII1 nillllll' J , turned from n several week's visit at Dallas. Jesso Hounds and wife, of Eugene, were In FlorcnceSaturdny. nest. Otto Brown, of F.ugetie, spent Sutuluy wua ins I'liii-mo. Mrs. Mollie Allen, ol tsouin for, ny, aaya she has prevented attacks of clioj. era morbus by taking Chamberlain'a HtoimicliBlia J,iver inuioio niicii I id felt an attack coming on. buch attacks nro caused by Indigestion, and theso Tablets are )ust what is needed to .1... ..n...a..K ami U'iir.1 nir Ilin cleanse mo "" ,,, approachlui! ttrck. Attaoks of bilious .AH. im nreventeu In the same way. or sale by Benson Drug Oo. Shirtwaist ,,, Shirt Wnlst I i-3 on- MID-SUMMRIl KILLINGS i-soir g t-i ' ' 1 r S Not of The C. SI. A. Filiform hand wan out playing their initiatory in mil-' form Saturday nlijlit for Hie InMiellt of tlie Chrlntlan Church lee rreaiu Supper. The lioyn looked all right In their new iiulformn. It wemed I that everybody In town wiih out tin nee them and hear the sweet strains i on the Htlll night air. It In iicedleHH, to nay that the Ice cream supper wiih a financial huccchh. j C. W. llradlord is now prepared to I make enlarged pictures and in order to yet his ork intrulucwl will inakea beautiful enlarceil ixjrtrait for 1 for all thopc linvinn ono dozen $3 cabinet pho ton. No coupons necertiarv Thlsolfcrl will xtnnd good until thu 15th of Sept. ' Kvcryboily invited to call and inipect inn worn, Austin VaiiKlin suffered a very pain ful accident at the Long A Hlnghain nmniill yenterday. While working at tlie planer his linger was in seme ay caught and the end of it torn off. Dr. K. T. Andeisoti dresced the wound and .Mr. Vaughn thinks lie is lucky that it nas no worse. It was our intention to give a com plete list of the members of thu C. SI. A. uniformed band in this issue, but owing to lack of space wo cannot. It w ill appear In next week a icniie. Aicliie Thompson and wile left Tliursdav (or San Francisco, where theveoto visit with Sir. Ihoinnson s parents and perhaj.s to make their future home. 0. J. Circle, ol Central Missouri wai in the city Tuenday and Wednes day visiting with Corwin Coffman and umilif.- "Cecil Hobcrtsoir ol Coburg, '.was in tho citv last Wednrnlay. the guest of his friend, Dr. Wall. " John Welgemlsdowiifrom tlie hills mid In Hiiffcring Irom an attack of rheumntlnin. For purity and accuracy take your prescriptions to Tho Slodern Pharmacy. Sirs, lloyles and little son have re turned from u visit down the valley. We give prescriptions careful atten tion al Tlie Sloderu Pharmacy. Win. ItiHlanj' down from' his Wildnood pioperty tills week Pure vanilla and lemon extract a Tlie Slodern Pharmacy. Japanese hair tonic at Tho Stojlern Pharmacy. Stacy Utihi-ell returiieil to Eugene .Monday. XOTICK KOK PUBLICATION-. United States Land Office, lloscburg Ore., Aug. 12, 1903. Notice is herein uiven that in coin- niiunee with the nrovisions of tlie act ol Congress of Juno 3, 187S emitted "An net for tlie sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." ns extended to nil the Piihlic Land Mates uy act oi Aiicust 4. 1S'.)2. CHAULKS W. LOWE of Eugene, Countv ot Lane, State of Ore., has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement o. 34.".', lor the mircliiise of theLots 14. 1'O. SI. 22 ol Section No. 6 Township 23 S, Range No. 1 West and will otter prooi to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber orstne than for agricultural purposes, and iO establish his claim to said land before J. J. Walton, U, S. Commissioner, at Eugene, Ore., on Wednesday, the 2Mli dav of October, 1003. He names ns witnesses: N. II. .Martin. .1. W. Parrisli, John D. Palmer, J. E. Young, Cottage i rove, Ore. Any and all persons claliningiulverse lv tho aliove-descrilied lands are re quested to tile their claims in tills office on or beloro said 28th day of October 1003 J. T. llmiMiKs. Register. NOTICE l-OR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ofllce, Rosebuic Ore.. Aug. 14, 1003. Notice is hereby given that tho fol-lowlng-n.imod settler has tilled notice ot his intention to inuke Until proof in sunnnrt ot his claim, and tliat laid proof will be made before J. J. AValton, U. S. Commissioner at hugene, Oregon, on October 2, 1003, vtr. 11. K. NoMXH, Bonn Patton, for the N NWJJ Sec. 20, Tn 21 S.. It. 2 W. He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Josenb Perkins. George Downs. Hiram Lee, Wullaco McKibbina.Cotingctirove, Oregon . J. T. HuUKiKS. Register. CAN'T TOUCH the man who wears SAWYER'S EXCELSSOR BRAND Slickers SiWVEll-S EiMUltr HrsaS OIM .l;l''; IJMtln UK world. wDJ Mador oaulogae. :.M.SwHS,SJMm wmwm animals to eat, Shirt Waist We take plcnntire In offering tho public bargnlns In Shirt Walntn, all nobby ntili'H and up to date. You will find many ol our Shirt VVnlstn JiiHt one hall the former price iih thin in ournccond great cut woliave made in them thin year. We will Htill continue tor a nhort time our big illncouut In nutnmcr drenngooilH, nml have you noticed our 10 and '.1' H?r cont illncouut on Ladle's WnipiM-rn. You will find it impossible to buy Summer Skirts elsewhere .'it the price we are offering them. Lurch's Store giirMFiifMniniFMnifiifiirMfmiiriirmmmiinifiuiifiifiifiir Spring is bere-So are wc f c: With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. 3 Hoes. Itakes nnd Cultivators. "" Oliver's Steel and Chilled Plows. 3 S Klsli Bros. Wagons. 3 A lull and complete Line of Hardware. Stoves and Tinware. "5 EE Mining Supplies our Specialty. TJiUiiuuiumjiiJUJiiiHiumiuiuaiJUiUiUiUJiiiuiHiaiuiius; :: X 1 1 :: 1 J. )l to s Furniture Co, guarantees to save you money on everything .to furnish a home Including I Stoves, Ranges, Camfe New Line of Wall Paper, Big Clearance Sale now on for 30 daj's; 10 per Cent Discount on everything. EUGENE - OREGON Griffin & THE 5 Grocery Store OF Medcalf & Morse S is the place to buy your groceries. Everything is clean, new, fresh and of first grade quality. Cottage Grove Flour Mills HARTINQ & HANSEN Proprietors Having purchased the above mills we will put out flour equal to any on the market. We carry a full supply of all kinds of feed such as Rolled Barley, Oats and Mill Feed. Special attention given to Farmers grist work. We pay highest market price for all kinds of grain. dealinir and courteous treatment will secure your patronage we will have -it i correspoiiucucc auutuui. Respectfully, tfARTING & HANSEN, but of, ndenburg 1 1 X X and Alattiugs. -5 ; f -If- THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Ih always a dsslrable one. but ol equal importance Is tho power of retaining this quality so as not to require too frequent sharpen ing. Ily making your purchases cf tho Urillin & Veatch Co. you always receive your money's worth la the best quality of tools and cutlery of properly tempered steel that Is suro to hold an edge. Veatch Go. ! Central ftotei located two blocks west I S nnd ono block north of S ! the S. P. Depot tariic Rooms i Well ventilated well lur- ' 5 nlshed nml lirst-class In S n every purtlcular Rates $l.perdayl Hoard Uy tho week $4.50 S without bed 3.50 per 2 week. Remember tho place. Tho best tables " and the best beds, tho m best accommodations In a every particular. J Central ftotel 1 S Mrs. Ida B. Thompson S S t'ftormeTitEsa. o Z it. illrovcu.