Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 21, 1903, Image 1

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" f --7- T -T - .
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering "nil Farming Interests ofttlilA Cbminiinity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
."-i t
1 1
NO. 30
A. ".DoUatiotl cil'Pottlhlcl McilI
Visit lli DislvKn't. , -
(I. II. Ilcngcii, lit Oregon SccurlllCK, on lliii (Irouml P. J, llnrd Speaks of Inn '
Bohemia looked lively this week, iiiond nud Prank Ilrnw. 'l'liey were
Lust Saturday the billowing well located between our Champion lui
ktitiwti mining men arrived in this ln property nud the Muslck, (lie
city iiml iniiut-dintely went a hoard famous Champion ledge running
the O. & S. 1C K'y tmiuand Murted I through the Broadway claim. 1 11
for the minis. I, Y Kcudy, A W.vicw of this recent purchase, we
Goddnitl. C II Thiunpson, J M 1 linve changed the course of the tmi
Glover, l'ortlaud; J II llcugcu, ' nel. Instead of ruiniitiK through
(Jiunha; A Wiildbuucr, N Y; mitt j our own ground and into the Mrs.
G II I lungen, the secretary of the Wall property, we drive to tbc
Oregon Securities Co, from New Champion ledge then turn into tin
York, who wns accimpauicd by Dtoadw.iy, tight on the ledge and
Ills wife. j drive from one end of that claim to
Upon their return Wednesday the other, all the time be
they had nothing but words of! lug in the Ix'st of Iree mill-
praise fur the district. ' lug ore 011 the Champion ledge.
0. II. Hengcn, oecretary of thejllv so doing we save something
Oregon Securities Mining Co,, re-, like 600 feet of dead work, 400 of
turned from his tour of inspection which under the original course,
of the property Wednesday, and is would be outside of our own' hold
full of enthusiasm. Speaking of ings. These new properties have
the Oregon it boutucasterii l y anil long been consiileieil good prof
its rapid gtowth. he said; lies and in driving the big tunnel
"I am agreeably surprised at the ' on the Champion ledge through
condition of the railroad; one can t the Urondway, we not only com
hardly imagine that improvements ptete the connection of the Musick
enn le taken on so rapidly, and I with the rest of the property, but
think 11 gieat deal of credit is due at the same time we are able to
Manager Pearsons for the nble tu;i. block mil im nense bodies of free
ner ill which he has handled his nulling oie that will more than pay
work. I am pleased with the pa:- lor die driving and equipping of
ronagc the road is receiving and am the tunnel.
assured beyond a reasonable doubt "Superintendent C. C. Mathews
that several new sawmill plants ill gave me the pleasure of going
lie put In along the railroad route through the Mustek Mine, and I sa.v
in the course of a few mouths.
This of couthc means more work
for the road, that is now making it
possible to develop llohemia Min
ing Dhttiet."
When asked about the mines,
Mr. Ileugeu said:
"Yes I have just returned Irom
the company's property, and while,
I have been in touch with the af
fairs of the company, 1 can truth
fully say that I am greatly ttm pris
ed at the progress made since I
the ore he was developing. I must
snv I was astonished The No. 2
tunnel oil the Musick. in which is
funnel much of the rich ore, is now
nearly broken through on the west
side of the mount dn, which gives
the mine plenty of good air, and
enables us to get all kinds of tim
ber at little expense. Yes I am
well pleased."
And Kvcrythitig kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
Call and sec mc
1'. J. Hard was at the Grove a
jfew hours Saturday nud hurried
' back to camp.
W. H. Atwood, of WjslOtt. is
looKing over Bohemia this week,
t the guest of I'. J. Hard.
T. II. Supple has returned from 1
Ilohcmla, after making an extended
tour through the district, 1
Chas. Ktitan was down from his I
. propertv pn Champion Creek last
I Monday. ' '
' Lewis johiison, of Minneapolis, i
Minn., came in Wednesday from t
San Francisco where lie had been
on business. He stopped over in I
. . . . ;'- -rA ts "Bohemia aiid IPmclsi Con
ditions as Represented to J-Ijim.
j lie Thinks the Camp has a Bright Future All It needs Is Pluck and Unergy.
D. W. Darling, mention of whom, hernia Gir) yesterday which, with
was made in the Nugget two: the Boston and Kneinecr's work,
weeks ago has returned. Mr. I will cost him about 52500, all out
Cottage Grove for a few hours and i)ariing js a oston capitalist, and of his own pocket,
paid the Nugget office a Very pfeas- 01Ie of the llMviegt co,ractors and ' I have also se
seen mauv other
US that I lmtMpre fif ihnt nitM TT. liMmtni, i nrnrurttAtf thnt rllOat-Atif met ir
prewmre of busineM in . interested last vear in the Bribe- develonine. and which show en-
mia Gold Mining Co., ' and couraging prospects. Among these
came here to make a personal in-1 is the property of F. I. Hard, who
vestigation of the camp. He re-' has been pushing his work for sev
turned here last Sunday, Mon-1 eral years, and who is rewarded by
day. when asked for his imp res- excellent showing. Having met
sions ol the distuct said:
'I have just returned from a ten 1
'days stay in the Bohemia mining 1
iciimps where I went to carefully
II. V. Hchne. formerly superiu-' Iook over the property and study
tendent of the Helena Consolidated 1 the proposition from an unbiased
, Mining Co, afterwards absorbed by standpoint, also from the position
the Oregon Securities Co., a(i ; as a director of the Bohemia Gold
' who accompanied the Portland I M"K Co. We first visited the
delegation of stockholders this Boslon SJ0UP herTe, a ,s "J
week, speaks verv flattering of the I 65 feet (and Mr. Lloyd contracted
rnnditmn nf ihi mmn h- c tor ss leet more at mar, time;. i
mt call
owing to
1 he Kast he would be unable to1
i-it the district at this time. He
his property over in the Horse-
ln.iven country on which he let
contracts for the assessment work
wniie nere. Air. joiinson is in
vesting considerable money in 1
Bohemia and is well pleased with
, reports from his holdings.
Mr. Hard while on his trip east. I
became interested to know what
he had. Finally, I may say, gen
erally speaking, I believe all the
district wants is constant pushing
to make it one of the world's famous
mining districts of the Pacific
Mr. Darling left here this week
for Portland, where he will inquire
into the contract business in that
city with the view of securing the
he has never seen a briehter tiros- nd ke property all that Mr. Lloyd contract for some of the world's fair
" . - ' n .. .1 :e t.: 1 n MH , f...:t,t;Hn . n 1.. , - . -.1
pect for any camp. While in the 1 represented ana it nis plans can De
hills the party visited the Star , carried out tbisalone will make us
Mi,,, nf which Mr ithno ic cn.r-1 a large dividend on an entire stock
intendent. On this prpperty within ! 'ssue;. . . . ,
zsofeet of each other, there are "We next visited the Contention
three big ledges opened with , and V,ctor- These, yMnS
twenty to thirtv leet of ore in each, were beller lha" had b?.en, rePre
and Mr. Behne invited the mem- sented 10 .me and c,an. easll' be P"1
bers of the party to get the pans,"110 paying condition, as enough
and select the ore where they,'as d?ne t0 thoroughly
pleased, and see what they could i demonstrate their worth andk they
get. He said it was an interesting especially pleased me. Tint Gold
sight to see the visitors pan, and c,ross and Bohemia Girl were in
watch the expresiou of their faces
when they got a string of gold.
saw things looking better for llo
hemia. Speaking of the Monte
Rico and Jackass ridge country he
states that much work is going on
nud that the properties in that sec
tion of the camp are looking tine.
Speaking of his own affairs, he i
says he has just completed the
erection of his assay building, j
which is built out of lumber and1
shingles hauled from this citv
and slates that he will have a force ' The assay plant is installed and is
ol carpenters at work in a few days, ' now in operation. He is now well
and that means the Installation of I prepared for extensive work on
the machinery in the of n both the Vesuvius and Oregon
few weeks. Colorado.
"Part of the electric maclriuery is The new trail from the Oregon
now on the ground and the balance Colorado to Ilohemii was coin
is being hauled this week. The ple:ed last week, and the crew is
bulk of the rails for the electric now going back over the work and
i Horscheaven creek, where a tun- ledge, which has now 120 feet of
nel has been commenced directly tunnel. The ownern have struck
on the vein. This tunnel will be some very rich ore on the Peek-a-
over 4000 feet long before it reaches boo, and it is said tolxneof the,
! the end Hncof the property belong- bert properties in the Atetrict. Thej
ing to the company, and will have Nevada is a new claim but the
niinineil at least 2000 feet depth, owners Uave already 30 leet 01 tun-1
uel and the ore is looking good.
W. IT Shane who is one of the
ing alter his business interests. u, ,n n... innnels for Hie whole ol steadiest miners in the camp.
Mr. Hard States that he never l... ...,i.i f th r.rnn. rpnrppnls three irronns. all lo-
III. IIUMH.IOV " " " 1 " f. ' I I "I O 1
erty. Many external improve- cated between .Monte Kico and
uients, such as the building of Twin Rock ridges and authentic
shops, tunnel houses, etc., are now report has it that he is developing
ilauued and will oe cousirucieu a verj ticii piupciiy.
If J. Hard, of th Vcsnvius and
Otegon-Colorailo Mining Corn-
was lust 011 die ground. I had no panics was in the city late last T,)e tllncl is 0f large construction,
idea that things hud gone as fast as week, laying in supplies antl look- ,.,,, ,,, nr :,K i,,.:..,, ,i,e ont-
.1 1 'im 1 1 11 i r... 1.:.. 1 : ... i " - o
iiiey iiuvu. iic 1111111 nun inline iiil
botli finished, while the frame work
for the Miwer bouse is up nud
ready for roofing. The poles aie
nearly nil set for the electric line,
nud the grading for the stamp mill
site at the bead of the canyon is
completed. The foundations for
the several buildings are now being
put in.
"Mr. Hnmmoud, who has the
contract for the building and plac
ing of the plant, is on the ground
W. W. Cochran and O. G. Gil !
bertson, who are located on the
west side of City Creek have struck
seme fine free milling ore. j
Prank Flesher and Lon Martin, j
are working their property
below the Shane group and are;
in good ore.
In speaking of his "Nemo".
property on Champion creek, Mr.
tramway and railway are on the
ground and 110 time will be lost.
We have two sawmills nt the pres
ent time and next week will start
1 the third at th; Muslck mine.
"The big double track 7x8 foot
tunnel through the saddle of the
mountain connecting the Muslck
with the stamp mill, is now in about
275 leet
"Right here I wish to call your
attention to a change that means
much to us. Todiy we closed n
deal whereby the Oregon Securities
Co. acquires the ownership of the
Broadway group, owned by Griffith
und Reed. This group consists of
three claim-), the Broadway. Uia
widening the trail to wagon
road width, and he feels satisfied
that he will hae wagons running
over it before fall.
Hxtensive work is going on at
thcOregon-Colorndo. An addition
to the bunk house has lccn com
pleted, and other external improve
ments nre planned. The big tun
nel is in nbout 700 feet, nud the
ore is holding its own in quantity
and quality.
At the Riverside Mr. Hard is
working a full crew with Alex
I.oiubtirg as foreman.
A careful survey has been made
determining the course of the Gold
Cross vein, and locating it close to
Gill Meadow was in the city
this week. He reports the camp
making a splendid showing this
season the greatest in its history.
"Of course" said Mr. Meadow,
the Oregon Securitlesis setting me M ado. . states ,ilat ilc has hist
pace, but all the propeVty owuers compielert j0 feet of tunnel making
from one end of the district to the alj lotnl ,25 feet besides the sur-
other are doing rapid and system- faee work Tlle Nemo l)0lv sh.0ws
atic development work. 12 feet of solid quartz. This claim
Continuing Mr. Meadow said: !ias atlraclea as much attention
l'.l. nanus uomg some ni-n-u- rr0m visitors in the camp as any
ported. These are in splendid
shape and only want working to
brinn eood returns.
LIKES BOHEMIA. j "I have also visited the Oregon
Kdward L. Haff, United States Securities camps and properties
mineral surveyor, who recently ar- and find they are doing a large
rived here from Cripple Creek, to 1 amount of work and much good to
survey the properties of the Crystal, the district. Their pay. roll for the
Bohemia Girl and the Boston group, .month of June was over $13,000,
was in the city this week and is and for the month of July over
enthusiastic in his remarks regard- $10,000, a large proportion being
ing the properties he is now work- , used lor railroad construction,
ing on, and the district in general. now used as a wagon road,
Mr. Haff says that the property later to be a railroad, which is
gives every appearance of .making) steadily approaching the mines,
a fine mine. The vein now ex- They are also tunneling through
posed is very large and strong. "It ! the mountain to connect the Mu
is my opinion," says Mr. Haff, sick with the Champion mine, a
' that when the Crystal people ' distance of 1600 feet. Thfcs in
drive their tunnel under the lake, itself shows the faith people have
I am sure they will break into an in the 'mineral worth of the Bo
immense ore shute." hernia mines who are and have
I like the Gold Cross better than been on the ground.
any 01 ttie otner properties that 1 1 "Mr. Lloyd has a U. fa. mining
buildings soon to be erected.
Gee. W. Lloyd, of ihe Crystal
was in the city this week. He re
ports things going on nicely at the
1 Crystal. The property is now
being surveyed with the view of
patenting, and the wagon road
route from the property toCbampion
basin has also been surveyed. Gill
Meadow has been employed to
build a trail along this route in
order that the company can get in
its needed supplies at a consider
ably reduced rate from the former
method. Mr. Meadow is already
on the ground and will commence
the work immediately. It is un
derstood that as soon as the trail is
opened to admit of packing, work
will be commenced to widen it
into a wagon road.
Mr. Lloyd has let a contract for
50 feet extension of tunnel on the
Bohemia Girl to Mike Goetz and
John Linquest.
A 55-foot contract on the Boston
group has also been let to Pat
Geo. W. Lloyd has purchased
H. D. Scott's interest in the Crys
stal Consolidated. Mr. Scott owned
something like a i-io interest and
he sold out for $2500.
nave looked over.
"The Victor and Contention
properties attract my attention. In
deed they are making a fine show
ing. I feel sure that they are an
extention of the Musick vein."
Mr. Haff came out here expressly
to do the surveying for Mr. Lloyd's
properties, but he is so taken up
with the properties that he ex
presses himself desirous of remain
engineer now surveying the proper
ties and will in a short time have
Ata meeting ol the directors o( tlio
public schools of this city, held thla
patents on the entire claims of the ; week i.t was decided to open the school
Bohemia Gold Mining Co. This he is Saptember 21 . A number ot essential
paying for out of his own funds improvements have been made this
which shows his unbounded faith in season, among them that ot reseating
the entire proposition. I must say, one ot the rooms with new single s.eats,
in justice to him, that his plans as and the partitioning off ot the upper
suggested are well and tborougnly hall and convertinc it into u room.
laid, showing the long and deep
study be must have given to the
property in it, always bringing out
the remark that it is sure to make
a fine mine.
did work on Vesuvius, the River
side nud Oregon-Colorado. The
Crystal Consolidated Mining Co. ;
under the management of Geo. W. !
Lloyd is in full swing." , O. G. Gilbertsou, of Glendale,
Mr. Meadow is just in I Was in the city Wednesday enroute
from the Peek-a-boo where, in to Bohemia whero he goes to look
company with Will Kdwards, I after his raining property. Mr.
much development has been done Gilbertsou is interested with Walt
on the two claims, Pcek-a-boo and Cochran in n bunch of claims and
Nevada, owned by Messrs. reports them showing up nicely.
Meadow, Edwards and D. G. Mc- He favored the Nugget with a very
Farlond. These claims lay turee-, pleasant call and expressed mm
quarters of a mile soutu ot tne iuu
ing at least tne remainder of tbei problem. I do not see where a
season if he finds sufficient sur- change could be made. I wish all
veying to justify staying. He has , the stockholders could see it as I
had many years experience in the' see it and as facts demonstrate,
work, and particularly so in under-1 then I am sure they would take
ground surveying, and his services hold and raise tunds enough to put
in the camp will undoubtedly be ; the mines onto a dividend paying
in demand should he decide to re- basis. Mr. Lloyd also let a con
main, tract of 50 feet more tunnel in Bo-
which will be occupied by Professor
Briggs in person. This makes nine
rooms, and in this way the district can
get through another term without build
ing. Professor Briggs has been re
tained as principal with Miss Estelle
Armitage and Gertrude Ilamblln as
first and second assistants, with the
following teachers: Misses Mickey,
Heinenway, Newland, Taylor, Kelley
and Mrs. Lincoln Taylor,
sick on Jackass mountain, lue
Peek-a-boo ledges are being
rapidly dev doped. It is a cross
If you want the best for your money
Just drop in our store and look over our complete stock of
Clothing, Shoes; Furnishings, Dry Goods, Drugs and .Groceries.
Wc keep only first-class goods, and arc saving our regular
customers money every month.
Our Hoffman Rothchild, custom made elothingjust
as good as tailor made, aiid 'from $8.00 to 812.00
saved on each suit. '
We carry the celebrated Ilamilton-Brpwn and Orthopedic
shoes for Men and Women.1 ' i ' ' '
Gar man, Hemenway , Co. ,
' Xemlei-N in Mcrclmiidisliig-.
I tS lh 7 i I f 1 . . .. .. ..
sel f well pleased with conditions. 1
Mucli work is being done on the Ore
gon & Southeastern yards in this city.
Thopassenger track, which runstothe
east of the depot was laid tnis week,
and the ground is now ready for the
enmttuction of the turning table at the
roar of the depot.
A sidewalk leading from the now
depot and connecting with the walk on
Main street wan also laid this week.
The cxcuiHk 11 last Sunday was well
patronized, nearly a hundred tickets
being sold. Hverybody appeared to
enjoy the day.
' Soma careless fellow sot fire to a pitch
stump on the- right of way above the
Red Bridge, and before anyono could
hardly reallio the situation the flames
pread Into the dry brush and then to
tho tops ot tho;inal!c8t trees, a)id for a
time It looked as though a forest lire
was on In all Its fury. Thanks to the
prompt action of Manager Pearsons,
foremen and willing' men, the Are was
aodn under control, with little if- any
damage done. Tho 0. A 8. E. bad a
largo amount of giant powder stored 11
short 'distance beyond tho lire, and
there was )dlj kinds1 bt hustling done
until the powder was'rernoved to a safe
place . j . -
Manngor i'camoiia --recolvcd a new
gasoline motor car for'uaeon the line,
fast Saturday, add it is'tipw In daily ser
Closing Out At Cost
Window Shades Crockery
Mattings Glassware, Tubs
Carpets and Washboards
i. t -
1 ' 1 "1 j I l ....
.j 1 t '
Our Entire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cpst For . .
.... . , .
Cash, .Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains.
Eakin & BrLstow.
1 11 11 min 11 11 11 111 1 in
a t