FUBSlTUfiB STOVES RANGES The place to buy .your goods is where you can gel I lie best grade at the very lowest prices. 1 have just received a new shipment of First Class Goods, and invite you to call and get my prices, inspect the goods and make comparisons before you purchase. Remember I carry a complete line of new goods, and when you want Dishes or Kitchen Supplies I will save you money on goods that bear the manufacturers guarantee of value. Call and Sec mc when in town. C.J. MILLER, West Side. - J. E. YOUNG JMorney-at-Latv oa on Main etrMt, Wmi 8Mt- ' Cottaob Grove, Ork. L t. Harris, A. C . Woodcock. WOODCOCK & HARRIS, &ttorntys-at-l.atr Sf4M Attention tven to lb. la ol Mine. EUUESE, ORK. J. S. MEDLEY Attovney-at-Laxv o o o : Otteon Main tret :-- Cottagk Grovk, Ork. CAUTION! This Ik not a Kentle word but when you tlttnk how lluiile ounre not to rmwhnM? the only remedy mil versnlly known nud h ivmeih' ihat hast Imil the lirgnit mile of nnj modi cine lu the worhl slneo Imn fur i lie cure and treatment of Ctuwmuptniu and Thront mul Limp trotiile ii h out losing It HTtNit pnpitluiit .ill thew yearm yon will Is- tlrmUul called your attention to lti.i-lioe , Oerumtt Syni. There are ho inun ordinary cuuith renietlio made l.j dniffttlsts mul others tlmt tire elu'iip ami good for liKlit coldtHrliniN. ln-t for severe CoiikIin, Bnmctiltix, Croup aud especially for Consumption, where there Is dltlicult exieetoriitloii , Mid coitghlligdurlnK the nights ittul . mornings, then.' In uothitu; tlketler mmi Syrup. The Si ceut site husjust lieen iiitroiluoed till year. Itejjulnr site "." cents At iillilriiKlstH. tiar man Jfc Uemetiwny 'o. iti' eon.n Ki:.itcii.ucTi'.K. OREGON Shoist Line ano UNION PACIFIC A. H. KING Attorney ni Law, WAXTKl. COTTAGK, GUOVK. OltE. J. P. ERY We would like to ask, through the columns of your paper. If there is any person who has used U recti's i August Flower for ttiectireof lndl i petition. Dynjieiwla, and Liver . Troubles ttiat has not lieen cured and we also mean their results, such ' as sour stomach, fermentntton of food. ImUltuiil eostlveness. nervous nnus,lnr.t.at.T.an! .v?.leiln. Iiendnel.es. despondent r,iV. ...... .- foiinp,, sietMik'fSiies-i In met. .ny SrwUHnonttTenaoMMns. Corporation trouble connected with the Ntomacii and Merwntlle Ur. or llvt,r? TllU m0,it.IU, mH iKvn 0otrOirro.n 4 Hinvrar aiore. I cold fur many years In all elvlllied COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. i countries, ami we wish to corre- ! i-pond with you and feud you one of . our books free of cost. If you never ' tried August Mower, try a 25 rent i bottlt' first. We have never known j of Its falling. Ifso. something mure I serious is the mntter with with you. The 2.i cent slie has Just been Intro duced this year, tiegulnr slie 7.1 cents. At all druggists. (L (J. Uiikk.v, Woodbury, N.J. Ourmuu &.Hem enwny Co. IHoiiii Timh Scnmri vs Vkiiivk Fill! fiolll l'lirtluml kriim ('liK'Hgn- "-nit Lake. Denver, l'lirtluml Kt. Worth. Omaha. 4:t0p.in. 1' :LMn. in. Kansas I'ity, St, vialliim- Loins, Cliicairo and . inittou. Kuat. Atlantic, halt Ijike, IKmvor, Kxprewi Kt. Worth. Omnlia. 1O:S0a.m 8:1ft p.m. Kansas I'ity, St.' vialliint- I.0111, Chicago and jniitoti. Et. St.l'auf Walla Walla, Lew Fast Mail inton , Spokane, 7 -H5a. m. 6 p. in Wallace, I'liilman. via Miniii'Hiiilii , t. Spokane. Paul. Dnlutli. Mil waukee, Cnicago A East. not lis tu' tuk i't)i'i:s: NOTICK I'OU IMIHI.U'ATION. JEROME KNOX Attorncy-at-Law Prompt attention ld to Mining BnrineM Cottagk Grove, Ore. 7 Jl Hours r MRS. PET XO CIlAXtii: OK cuts. Tickets east via all rail, or boat and rail vial'ortland. Of BAN AND KKOM I'OKTLAXD. (V, nrl. IUtkIiI I "He looks like .i muiilcrer, miy w.iy, Wiuulerfiil how one can tend .i man's c'jiiroU'rfrom his face, eh?'' "livety trv it yourself?" asked the ni list, as the two were seated in the last speaker's studio one cloudy ntteruooii. "Often, and I m-ver made n mis Like yet. Easiest ihinR in the world." "Think you can pick a minder er's face from a hunch of this sort of stuff?" The artist turned to his desk, took a bundle of photos nld tossed them upon the table "They are an easy lot, and I'll show in a jiffy how easy it can be j done." "All right: just jot down mon ' the back of each your idea." "That is simply a snap" "Iletyou a warm bird aud a cold , bottle yon don't come within a mile of the correct thins. "Done. Here is the minister of the gospel. I marked him preach er. Here is a villian, if God ever made a humane being. I marked him thief. This ' is a grasping, greedy man; note the mouth. I mark him miser. Ah ! n Indv : sweet face. She would not hurl a fly. I mark initials T. S." were often found her kindness. This old chap .vould upon mens clothing, particularly sell the last stitch oft his back to underwear. If the purchaser ol a cover a tramp. lie would sit in j garment asked tor an undershirt the cold and give away his last I "P. S." it was understood that he wan ten I'niteil Slate Lund Olflee, IlixelniiK, Oil',, .In lie Will. I HUH N'utien ik heinliy alien Unit In now lilliiliee with I lie junvlHluiii, of the net of t tinmen- or June II. IH7S, entitled "An net foi I he Hle of Ninlier liimU in the Mien ni t'lilitiiiiiia.Oreiioii, Newiiln ami Wiioliinuloii Teiriloi v," an extended to ill the Tiilille Laud SIhIi-h Iiv net of An- N.w Y.Ml, l're What name will the next pope choose? Perhaps each candidate haa already decided in his own mind what he shall be called when he as cends the throne. It is said that Sergnts n. was the lirst pope who " .i , , ctvri'l.K ciiaugcti His nuiiic un ir.iuin. inv f itiiKiroe, tool l.sm papal eiuttr. mis oapnsaiiii name was Petes di Porca, or in English. Peter llogsuiouth. "Porca" in model n Italian is sow, the female of the pork family. Ho chawicd his mime out of deference to St. Peter, deeming it arrogant to style himself Peter M. He reigned in 844 847. I.eo X 1 1 1 . was distinguished for his lenniKss. He was, it is be NOTIt'K KOU rUHLK'ATKiN. I'liiled Mtil I ..in. I 1 itiwelmru, On ., Apr, 1 1 Noliee U lii'ieliv iini-ii Uhii iillanee w'th the piiivifinir "i 1 In t'iilifre of .lime '!, IST"-, null Alt! fill tin- Hide of Tilllliel I nliilr irn . I'lin 11 1 nni ii I ll .1 II III till' Htiih'K of I'lillloinia, Onifiiii, Vi'miiIii, and Witnliiiiitton I ,-rrlioi ,".1.1 xti mli il to nil till' I'lihlie I..1111I Mul, .In .11I 1 f Anumd 4, Is'"'.' LKVH.M I!. of Iwnilnn, Co, of l.iiiii'. ijii 1 nr. Iina fli in dsv lllisl in tliixoifn 1 l,,r - a, h, Ktaleinetil fi, 41111). foi Un- 'I of Hie SW I, HW H, Lol ol ,, s., 'o, Tutvimliip 'it South, of It. ni):. 1 Wiit and will ufl -r pi (ail to kI.iim iiiii tin- il..,, l..r un..l 1 ............. .....1 ... laini mmiilil tiitiiu'e Milnnhle i,n iln iwlahlmli hei eliiliu to siuil land la-fore "'lila-r or l :. - tluin fm uKrlenllnnd J.J. Walloii, f. S. ('.MmiilH.ionei ut l'ira"' . -lid I11 ei-l..l, In- i-ln.in 1,1 nwiii .1,1111 ine iteiriHU-r ano unt'iirnii Slull- of Ore,, Iina llim day flleil In In- olfiue In-r ! nMorii i-liili'ii'enl No, M04, lor the pur-, haw of the S NV '4,S NK L.oiHec 34 111 Tp s, Illume V W, mul ill otl'i-r piiMif to hIiow tliui the land wninlit m more vuliiiilili' inr ita tinnier or -lone KilKelle, (Irvtfoii, -ni I'rl-lwv the lilt Hay of rpl, UNIX. She nnmen a wltuenM-a : J. II. I'aliiK-r, ('. J. Howard. W. A. thli iilDee at lio-el-inn, llnvnn on Krlilay tin- aintilny ol Aninn-l lim.!. lie iiiiiiii-s as ituniiei Jullll l'owell, ul Unlliik-i liroti Ijinn .si.oov. ..v .. . ..v- r ., I),...,... .-ut,.,,,,, Jullll l'owell, ul (JolhiKi 1. roi lnn lieved, the thinnest ie that ever ,ir,,'"', l 1 " ,fo Ore.. Juhu Overln.l-r. U.r. ...-e .! 1 r I.... III. """"" ""K"ll, ... ivilll I 1....I. .1 I I.... lived. All of his cardinal-, with the exception of Gibbons, are well fed men, so that we may look for some embonpoint in the papal chair when the election takes place, i e fore the time of Leo X 1 1 1 . a good, healthy, expansive body was re garded as entirely popish. To be of "popes sire" became not only a proverb,' but a trade mark. In the haberdashery shops of London the Any and all nermiiiseliiiiiiiiiit mlvernv- ly the nlHive-ilem-rilieil lund am re iieted to tile their elilluix in tliin office un or Iwfure aalil 4th day of Sept.. IfkKI, J.T. ItmiHiktH. Iti-giater. XOTH'K Hilt ri;ill.U'AT!ON. SANFORD'Sl For FasJiio nable Dressmaking main street Cottage Grove. Ore. Common Rough Lumber sn.oojrasR DI BOOTH-KELLY MILLS, SAGINAW, OREGON. ASK THE AG EST KOR TICKETS H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. Repairing at reasonable coarei. All work guaranteed fint-elaia. Watebea, Cloeks and Jewelry at Loweit Prlcei COTfAGE GROVE, ORE. BARKER & PERMAN proprietors of THE EXCHANGE -7 DEALERS is fine WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Mafnitreet, ColUee Oroio. Reildence Phone So. 2M Office Phone J. E. HOSMER, PHYSICIAN and SURdEON Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat a Specialty. Office houri from 9 to 11 a m from 2 to 6 p m. Sunday from 12 to 2 p m. Office in Madien Bntldlng, Main ilreet, COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON. ;Alltalllni:dnte!t!ub-1 S p. in. i jvet to chntiKC. ' 4 p. .For San Kruncii'eo "ail every five day. 2 2 GREAT NORTHERN Kail way TO- Spokane, St. J'aul, Dttluth, .Mliuiea)6ltn, Chicayo, AND ALL POINTS EAST. TRAINS DAILY FAST TIME. NEW EQUIPMENT THOUailOUT. Day Coaches , Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Bullet, Smoking Library Cars. Daylight Trip through th b Cascade and Rocky Mountains. For full particulars, Rates, Folders etc. call on or address J. W. I'HALOK, T. I'. A. H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 3d St., Portland Ore. A. B, C. DENNISTO.W, 612 Flrit Ayenoe, Dailv 1 exSunil'y Columbia Rivek t 8 p. m. 1 1 SuturdaylTo Astoria and Way 1 iu p. in. 1 uinumpi. A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon. 4 p. 111. except Sunday G. W. P. A. Seattle Waib. Th'e First National Bank Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Cottage Grove, Ore. Paid ij Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, available anv place n tlieUnitod States DA1WIM BSISTOW. HtBBIET KiEIK, neuaent, cuhier. f visit DR. JORDAN'S orut 5 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY r lOtt MARKET 1.. SAN Foiuritfn nn BMMa IUU u4 ImuLJ ThelarrM la at won TIieUrrMiAMiemlcaJltiiMaai (tttatul atlrmrtimm 4 A a vxmdtrful HiIUor rtiUm. i .,y,,",",,,T,l aayooabaet- tn oldiBt SpaeUJbl taut lalaa 'wl. KatallliliadVlrura T i OB. JORDAN PRIVATE DIStASfS i Tnl mmrtt u4 aalddl " Ca men wli ara UIT.rlnj A Irum lb effecta of youthtul Indu. r W.UUUI or finmi III maturr A raara, KrToiii .nd pbr.lcul ll.bllHj-, !,. f lolD7, 1.o.l IlKMliuud Inalllucfomriil. , l-muuii.j itpertuHitirrliWM, Hroalnlor. J Q !lZ!..V'r 1 '"5 inMlnwn 1i.mii will nol i a) ?!!," , IXKtw dofanoteJalralo ptform A W mlracl. but u wll kium. k. Wt.vM d Wra flinldan and Burcran. rrMmlutiil la lilaapIallr-IlUraara Tor JJmu, i .J,vp""'!f Ihoreufhly eradicated from t tb arauu wlibout the uieotiiaic.ir. i -urt ror Pllra. l..ur. and Fl.luui.ljy f Dr. Jordan'a apfclal palnlfw metbodt ' ' EVKIIV VIAN apnllnff to usivlU racalre ' loorAwiMliin,,0,1,,1 ularonlrilaliit. v r Wturtlt iiiHtrnnlct a Ati&JTlv CTTIl-a lainiunaiinii j-iikb, anaatnctlrprlraU. ClIARam YSRY KXJhOflBZJL Traaunant naraooallr ar by Uiur. aiBIUOii. Ifmnriu CATiOaaJa os. joxdan ii ccioii tttiM ecin. Dr. King's New Discovery II N I M 11 1 D-I. - O UI1H aad ta, it ti Art OL.ll Me 11.09 A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Oottlet free. : a Amon Tflfc Staitdsforfhobest that is niacin in Jfootweai: AT ALL LEADING DEALERS. C.GOTZAN&(9 AVAN UFACTU RERS, 5T.PAUU bucket of coal.' 1 "Humph; thought you would run 'ngainst n suag," softly said the i artist. "Don't mean to say I've made a mistake?" I "All wrong, old man. The one j you mark preacher was riddled with I bullets for holding up a train a year i ago in California. The one you .' mark thief is a minister of the gos pel. The next is no miser by any menus. He gives away $20,000 I every year in charity. That la-Jy 1 was sentencrd for murder life you 1 know. The kind old gent you I went into raptures over for his goodness is the mis r in the city. Tinted titiUe bind OfHre. Itiwlnirn, OriKim. Muv '.'ll, IOU'1. Niilici' la livreliy givm tlinl in I'niii iillmiiv uilli I ni' prnviamiiH llm net of t'oliurcaa nf Join- It, IHTK, I'tititliil "An Hi't fur 1 1111 nail' of IiiiiIht IiiihIk 111 tlir Slnlei- nf I'Hlifiiiiiin, llrcitiMi, Nevmlii. mid iilii njti.Ki Tfrritor ,"n i xlriiili .l to all Hit I'nhln AuitiiHl 4, I Mr2, A IIIII K J. Will IK. ol l utliii;,' litnvi . I n. n l,itni', Sinn, of (Ire., Iih llna iluv tili'd in llii" ulllri- In r Korn sliiti'ini'iit NnriSSJIifnrtlii iiiii Iiii. of Ihi'M': SK '4 of Keetiini So tpl'l Noidli, uf llnnxe :i V. mul mil niri r nriKil to nhnlv I hut tlie Unit aniiiilit in ...,.o,.I r.i..rll !, l.loounf "'" valiiiilile for ita liinls'r or 'alone , b , "' tlian for uurlcnlliirnl inirpoMra, and 10 the earth. I' torn these assmtip- ofitni,lili her elaim 10 aaid land Imfori tiotm he wears n triple crown, one J. J. Waliun, I'. H. ('nintniaaiom-r as high priest, one as emperor and ' , Kiwii. Oreieim, on Tuwulay Hie MiiiIpv. Willluiii Lli'l. ill lindnii. Milif Co., (Ire. Anv and all priamm I'liiimiiiL' nt vt'rwly llir alHive-dewiil'iil luinl" un reiinitted to Hie their Wanna m tlila allien un or Mure mid "ll diiy of Auk., IIKW. J.T. Ilmiioe. ItrniMiT. XoTU'K VOll PI' 111. If I HN pope s size, meaning short and stout. The pope calls himself (1) head ol the Catholic or universal church, 12) sole arbiter of its right, (j) the first to place on his bonnet a crown, llauiface V111. added n second crown and John XXti a third. The only sermon preached by a pope in 300 years was that of I'ilis on 01 l (urn mid 1Mb day uf Auk. IfXtH I. I. IIHIIMiK. I(i'Hlir. NOTICH IDIt Pl'IILICATIUV iX. iu 1847. A Kreat crswd had most notorious 1 assembled to listen to the lamoits Hut how about Padre Ventura iu Santa Andrea this oile? The artist to.sscd another 1 upon the table. Double dyed villain and a base 1 wretch, as ever lived 1 "As usual, wrong. A photo of j you after you shaved your lieard off ten vears ago. aoiv ive 11 go afte the bird.' SPAN OF IJFIi IXCKKASING gave a quick, half-expectant glance at the long row of men, then reached for a strap. A day laborer at the extreme end of the car arose and touching the brim of his hat WANTED SEVEHA L INDUSTMI. b"'i ?" 'l&L Otis pcrHoiiH In each Btnto to travel , Excuse me for waiting bo long, for lioiiKo eMtubllHlieil eleven yearn As he turned to step out on the unil with 11 largo capital, to call platform he limped, and all eyes upon inercliantH and njntn for kiic- were turned is his direction saw ceHHful and profitable line. Pernio- that one foot was bandnrpd TIip nent engnsrciiient. Weekly t.H, la "e loot was oatitlaged. the Hillary of m and all travelln ex- young woman turned to stop him, peases and hotel blllH ad van ted hi but he was already outside, stand cash each week. Experience not jMg by the conductor, with one foot loovo.Kii. .,11-owuii iuiuiuiwi mill un- rnicH frnm Itip flriAr .'lnao Lnlf.nil.lrmu.o.l m,,-l 'PHI.' raised ITOm tHC IlOOr. NATIONAL, :l Dearborn St., Chi-, The next woman who boarded cngo. the car had no trouble iu getting a . seat, Three shamefaced men rose at the same moment to make room (Imllana MeUrat Joumnl.) Medical men are discussing lecture by Professor Pfluger of the University of Bonn, on longevity I in which he asserts that the average I length of humane life is steadily in creasing, tie maintains that one third of all the deaths registered in Munich are due to heart disease brought on by the immoderate use ol beer, and that tobacco also claims a large percentage of the victims, I Among 40 centenarians who have come under his notice there was 1 only one smoker, while neaily all ! professed to a moderate use ol i alcohol. What Professor Pfluger most (Ne vork I'reiw.) seriously warns people againat is She was neatlv crowned, but not te thought and fear of death orettv. As she entered the car she The mind must be occupied, he A LESSON IN POLITENESS, . J. WALTON U. S. CommlHloner H P NESS Notary ruMio , for her. DY8ENTKKY OUKKD WITHOUT W alton dte JN ess i the aid of a doctoh. 1 oirrrr "I am Just up from a hard spell of LAWYERS 'tliellux'' (dyeentcry Bays Mr. T. A. i-innvr, a wen Known merchant of Urummonil. lenn. "I used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrrliooa Remedy and was cured wiwoiK Having a uoctor, l consider it the best cholera medicine in tlio world." O7rOOJv"l''er0'" no ncet' empIoyltiK 11 doctor I when this rem dy is usocf, for no doctor proscribe a lietter ineiliclno for Practlte In Slate anil Federal Court', Work In V, 8. Land Oflke. Kntrlei made aad proofa heard. If you want first-class, artistic iS'?! ",1lal.nt.!n a".y torm !' printing call at Dohemia Nugget I H pleasant to take. For sale by Ilenson office, Drug Co, 'vu In rtrrlor in CPPIITp ln,itm,ili. Hard working men who retire rarely live much longer. The German census stntifctic show that iu 1871 the centenarians num bered 147 men and 287 women. As is well known, iu Munich the consumption of beer per capita is greater than elsewhere in the world, and the percentage of heart disease is higher. Iiecr has n worse influence on the heart than either wine or whiskey. Tobacco is better borne by adults and the aged than by youth. No youth should be allowed to smoke before the age of 21. .Wine has been said to be the milk of old age; it should not be used past the noon ol live. That the German census shows a reduction of old men since the war with France is natural. The age of industrialism, of the city life, of strain, of alcohol and of the venereal diseases, with increase of 'tabes dorsalis" and general paresis, the presant age of Ger many, as it is of the United States. Only the sedate and the temperate In all things can expect length of days, della Valle, Rome: but, the preach er failing to appear, "P10 Nouo' entered the pulpit aud gave the sermon. ITEMS OP INTEREST. The tight-fitting DritMi uniform is alleged to be the cause of much heart disease among soldiers. The Jews have a greater number of religioiiH papers, proportionately, than any Christain denomination, uud their papers are the best sup ported. Marriages overage 3000 a day in the whole world. Of 1000 men who marry, 332 marry younger women, 570 marry women of the same age, ai:d uinty-eiglit older women. The necessity for special asylums for those addicted to the use of co- I'iiIIihI HUIim Land Ollli 1 Itoaelmm, Ore , .liitu' I'm 1. Volii'ii in hiireliv gui'ii tlmi in loin iilunri' Hltli tln nri i-iiiii. ,,( 1 1 , - rl I.. 1 ml Stntr. Iiv art uf l'"iireii ol Jiima, Is7s, i i.mli .1 in Hi'l lor I lie anil' nl TllnUi UihI mil,,' alali'a of I'allfollilil. Oii'tfnli . NYt.iilu unl W naliliiglmi 'IVrrilory." in- vl. inli' l tu all llir piililii' l tu I Mali l ui'l '! u ltu-1 4, Ijil-J, Joliamia 0-U ik', ul ('..it.it,'. tilovt', I utility III I .Hill', Hlnle ol I lii'tl'in ni" llns iluv IIIihI in thia nil:, !' I ll'l umli .Inli'ininil No. ftflllT for I hi' iun luiM nf llif lola i and 4 of fivt.iin No. l'o n liii 1".' honlli, ol ItailKV.'l Wi'nl unil Hill utter piool In aliuw that tin' land mniiflii ia un re valuable Inr ita iIiiiImt or atniio limn fur HKrieiiltural iniriHWH, and to .lll,ial I11T I'lilllll til ail III lillld iH'fnn J. .1. Wiillnn, I'. H. ('oiniiiiaaniiii'r ut I n Hfiif, llri'Kiin, on l-ridav tin' Ihid iln of "v .l.'tntwi, ItliW. ! nnnii'a an lli)i'si'n LiiiIk 0Ihti, Alf'ixl L. I'oHi ll, Umia li. lirniin, llnrvi'V Tiiylur, of I'lillnii liimi', Ulni' COIUltV, Un enn. Anv and nil periHina I'lallnliiK mUi rin' Iv tin kIh,vp di'M'riluil In in I n air re iili'.lis !o file tlirlr elaiuia in tins oflliv offoi lieftuo ld IKtli day of Sr iiti nil r , l(08. .1 . T. IIhiiiiii . Itriiifli'i . Sim naini' na ilni'i-. Nullmnii'l U'. Wlnli', William Itioun, JamiM N Wallai'i', Clmrli-a L. I'lini'M, 01 ('nttaitv (Irove, laini1 Co., Ore. Any and all peraoiia I'liiiininv iidwim' lyttif nUivi'-di'M'riliiit landa art1 it1- iil0tiil to file tlii'lr clauna ill tin nllli'i- I'liittil State Uinl llflli'i-. lto-i'linr). Ore.. July Hill-, HHH, N'olni'i- lieiuliv liivun tlmt in i'nnili. ance Willi tin) pruviaiuna of llu Ai l of ('oiien'a ol Jiiiik 8, IK7N, enliilisl "An act (ur tin' mile nf IIiiiImt landa in Iln Statea of California, ()ritoii, Ni-uidii and Waaliiugtiiu 'ferritin v, aai-kli-ndnl to all tlio I'ulilfe IjiimI Stains Iiv a-i nf AiimiaH, 1S02, CIIAItLLS L. HANSEN, of Junction City. County nf Ijuir, Sla i of Ori'Knn Iiiim tins tiny III11I In llils tilllre Ins sworn sliilinni'iit No. AltKifur the piiit'lniru nf tlm bit 1, S '., NIC I,. M; !,' Si: t,' ol Section No. ll. Tip. I'd NOTICE I OK ITIILICATION. t'nillst Stiili'a I.iiiiiI Oirire. ItiiKt'liniK, lluvnn.Muy, W, ItMH. Nnllt't- ia lii'leby Kivnn Unit in I'ninpli anvf Hltli tin- pinviaiiiiia of tlit aft ol Conuri-aa of .luni'.'l, 1H7N, I'lilitlisl "An ai'f fur llie siite of tltnlivr liunls in Hie MkIi's of California, Ori-vmi, .Ni'vndn, mid Wasliinytnii Territory," a I'xlrndt'd In all tint I'ulilic iml States liy aet of Aiiuust I, 1MI'.', di'iiriiit . Itipley, Sniltli, of Italian 1 West and Hill nflVr nl Iron liivi'r.Oo. of Iliiyllt'ldSlaltiuf Wis- prnoi iti slimy unit lint Inn. I sunlit is consul iihh iiuh iluv lllisl In tins nlfli'i' Ins more valuable for its iIiiiImt or stout' t Mini for iiKricultiiriil puriots, and to itslalilisli Ids claim In said land before (1. I". Skiimortll, C S Commissinin'r at Junction City. Oregon mi tlm Jlst day n(. September, loai lloiiaiiius as u itni'seca : II. I.oiin, lien. Aiideisnii, of Harris InirK, O.-i'Kon, A.. I. Ward of Vlda, (i.e., caine is being considered in llritish Otto Morton nf f resit ell. Ore. India. Any nmi iilipersnii8i'lnimliiiiuyern.'l.v r.... 1 1. ...i 1 ..1. .1 tile above described lands art! lenuKnlei'l kjiiv iiiillillLti tiuii.ua uiin ui ,,it,.,, ., , . 1 1 .. , rr r .1 1 r to tile tl e r I'l l IIS II t I a oil CI) nil nr buttei bears off from the soil less of i.(nr .i, ,i , ' I... , t.1. . I .1 . ... .I'll.,. us vuiuuuic eieuieuis tiiuu 5 ccuis worth of hay. One of the most regular riders with south iicrks loxliouuds is a small boy, who bestrides a black donkey bareback. Ihat wheat was grown in Alaska a centuary ago is proved by the discovery of two old flour mill .1. T. llmiiwFH, Heuisler. UI:I)UCI:I) liXCUKSION liATIIS. To the Seaside and Mountain Id-sorts for the Summer. 1 sunrii siaii-iui-iii .mi. i.'.'i.i tor tin- inir eliiisu of tlmS I. Ml'. ., Nl: 1-1 Nl'l-l, lieliiu lot I. nfSeellun No'.' Toiuislnp L'.'l Sniilli, . f It, II W. mul will nirer proof to slmiv that tin-land snutilit is more valu able fnrits tltnber or stnuti tlian fumuM cultural ntirjiostw, and to establish Iiih f In I n i to said laud licfoie J. J. Wallnii US Comiiiissioner at Kiiki-iiii, Ore., on Tunsiliiy tint tifilli tlay uf Aimusl IIHIH. lie niinu-H as witnesses: Frank Lynn, A. II. Lynn, ,1 llemmis, of Ignition , I-:. I). Julinsi if ('ultiixi- Irene, all of Lanu County, Ore, Ally and all persons elaiiiiiiiK adverse ly tlm ulMive-ileseriliil lamls are re quested to file their claims in this nll'ieii on or heforitsald Uitli day of Auk. HMKI. J.T. llllllMIKH. Ill'uinlei. XOTIOH FOlt I'UIILIOATION. Dulled HtattiH Laud Oll'ire. liscovery of two old flour mills,. The Southern I'ncllle Ctiiniinnv Iiiih I .. . Kiwohurg, Ore , Apr. SO. 11MK). built by the subjects of the Cnr, 1 ldnced on Mile ut very low mien )tn;u in hereliy iven that in coinpli in the southern nart of the Terri- loiluil-trlp tlcketH tu the viirlotm ru- l1,"1'1' wil11 V1." ItovImIoiih of tlio net ol u,,et.i 1. llu II... I ...... ,.. lyOIIL'reMH Of .Illtn, t I U7U .... I I... I "A.. ,0'y- . finineet on will I lie CnrviillU A. . et for the sale nf Timber Landa in tint jweemi; uiuior power, which is i.nHlern gradually to be supplied lo all the wimble which is LiiHtern lliilh'iiiid. to Detroit mul ll!i !Htdes uf California, On-iron. Neviuln. t liny, latter """" ''"""'k rerrllnry,,' iisiixtvnded wialtis liy aet tit nt Vuiiilim Alpine railways, isabout to be used Uti!f,''M '"r lml11 (,i'ber A1'" ,I,"I!IJ1,;1'1""1 on the Austrian Ariburg line be- Three day tlelietn to Yniiulnu liny, , NATIIANi:. CO.MPTON, twecn Landeck and Hludeuz. Kood unlitir .Siiturdiivn. letiirntniJ '' "ttaeo Orove, Co. of Lane. Statu of Cruelty to children isobvibously MoiiiIii.vh, are on miiIu nt Kteiitly re-, Jv'K"" ,I"H tl'1" day filed in tliin otilco not a serious affair iu Austria. A . "m;L'" 1,1 l'H "'"' 1"" H'Wiio ! . V""VnlH :"0"'tTl noV' , '' for.tl!" V,,,rT father who killed his child by ill i rVniJ'!!!,!,!.!!!'!. ""V. 'V!!1 1 H"k rSSM'1 rV' A I" h'A f! treatment was tne otner day pun- day ut tin-w isido. Very low round iuhed by eight days' imprisonment, trip ritti-H nt - also miido butweuu Major General Haden-Powell, I'"1' 11,111 'U"'HI1 I'olutaon the who made the famous defense orift,'""1 Mafeking dltring the Iioer war, has ! nliowlmr I'tii'tliind neorilnt,. ...,..f.i been appointed inspector general ol -Sunday lu the country and out Ol cavalry of the llritish army. To get all the news read the Bohemia Nugget. HOY CURHI) OK COLIC AKTKIt pjiy. SICIAN'S TIIKATMKMT HAD FAIL1CD. My boy when four years old was taken with colic and cramps In liH stomach. 1 sent for the doctor and lie injected morphine, but tlm child kept getting worse, I then cave him half n teuaiioonfiil of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltcmedy, and lu half an hour ho was sleeping and soon recovered. F. L. Wilkins, Shell Luke, Wis. Mr. WilkliiH Is book-keeper for the Sholl Lake Lumber Co. For saloby tii8on Drug Co. town lieonUi to huvo the dnv in loit. , laud. TlcketH from I'oi'tlainl to Yaiiulua Hay jrood fur return via Albany and I Kuat Side, or CorvalllH and Went Hide, at option o f piiHHeiigera. llajr- I iraut-checked throtlirh to Xutvnnrr.. A now featiiro at Newport HiIh year w in lie an un-io-i ate kiiii crimi-tim lu eharKu of an experienced Chlcntro teacher. A bcnutlfully Illustrated booklet (leHcriblng tho Hcaaldo rcnortH on Ya (iitlnii Hay Iiiih Ih-oh publlahqd by tlm Southern I'ncllle unil CorvalllH & ICiiHtern IlnllroailH, and can bo ho cured from any of their ngunt, or by addi-csHlng W. li. Coinan, 0 1' AS I'i Co., Portland, or Kdwln Htono, Man ager C & K It II, Albany. Oregon, oner proof to show that the land soui-lit is more valuablo for Its timber or stono than for iiKrlcultural purposes and to oh- tal) Hll Ills elllllll In u.,1.1 i i i...r... thu IteulHler and Iteculvor of this olllco at KoselHirg, Oregon, on .Mondiiy thu 'Jlth day of Anc. 11)0:1. Hu names as witnesses: Frank II I'lilllips, Frank D. Wheulcr, Joseph K Youne, John D Palmer, of Uottauo drove, Ore. Any and all pontons elainilnu advorso ly tho abovo.ilescrllied lands are ro ipiestctl to II In tlii'lr claims in thls oirico on or boforo said LMth tlay of Auk., I0U3. i. oiiiiMiKH, ucuiHter. l'UTSAN HXDTOIT ALL. A grievous wall ofthnos combs uu a re sult oj unhcariiblo pain from over taxed organs. Dizzli ess, lluckache, Liver eomplu hi t aiid (opstlpatlon , Hut thanks to Dr. Mim's Now Life l'llla tln.v nnk I't" ""I . ,? if. J!1!:.0. "ro Kontlo lint iV. ii im. niy coo. uiuirnn- ttcd by Morgan A lircliaut, drulggsts.