Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 14, 1903, Image 7

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    Loss of Appetite
In turn) T t 1 1 n 1 1 1 y , li'iir nr nun', tun) Ixiflrn
u iM'IrUHtr imctiiititiK'ioi,
J lil In v. liy M Is NrrliMiN himI iiin.1 pi-Homs
In 1 1 hiiIk tlinl miiNt k i mill iIoIhk or
i I l .i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 .
'I tin I -1 lliliiit Jim run iln fur I C ni-
I t' 1 1 1 i III lllll"
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It It) tnnliii y rrnilv t nt, Hlw n n-l
lull l -iui ln(n, mill umkInI In lt-ili(-!',lli"i-
"t 1 1 1 m km til nil tlh Ilit ciim'm nil rtliMiutili
trutiltlfn ii i it htilliU tip tin ulitih' MyNlrin.
(luiHtilrr Won llt lint Curries a Hear aa
n I'ntioiiilirairt-e
"Tills snir ulilili ytiti an on I ho
Imrk of my rgUl liiinil n lilslory,
mill wlii'iiiivrr I Innk nt It I ilrirt Imck
nii'iilnlly to tlin nirlliT ilnys of injr
II f '. mlil tint dlil khiiiMit, "ami run
not siiiipruss n fci-lliiK that aoriiflwwr
llli'li urn iiftnn fnrci-il Into iluiiiiicl
which n M' nut I'turtly wlint tlipy would
like. Whllm not HlloKfllirr miiotlnri-il
Willi rrurcU I ft'i-l Hint llila la trim
III niy own i'ni. W'hrii I Willi thn
m'rli'N of lirlulit tliliiiia Hint Imvo Imp
n'lliil, I he umiiinits mill Imiira mnl
liny npi'iit with conKi'iilnl aplrlla, tin
ciilcy lilts of iinrrntlvn which Imwi
murki'il tin' iriinri' of ninny nvrnliiKs
- lint why uii'iitloii all tlirmi tilings
"I ii in drifting nn tn tlir rlonluc hours
mill I kiii'm after nil tlin nlil mnu'a
clili'f ili'lliilit In In iiiiiiiurlc of tlilnga
nml liniicnliif of tlin earlier times.
CoiiiIiik I "irk I" tln ei-nr on my Irand,
I mlit nitliiT ili'nrly for It. It l
pity Hint I rmi'iot wenvn nroiinil tliU
fixpiTli'iirn n lilt of ruinniiro wlilrli
wuulil hi'litlitni tin Inr of tlin yarn
mill k'lve lirlllliiiirn In tint Ultra. Hut
tlila la almply n Kitinlilrr'a atnry nml,
u'lilln not I'lnrtly iimnnlf, It !iw not
Inlio on any of Hint irrttlrr coloring
nrli na onn llmla, for Instance, In Cu
min Dnylit'N atnry nlioiit how tlin major
loet onn of bla rnra. Ho Knvn up iila
car to ae a woninn. I got the ecar
roncliliiR for mi ordinary atakn In n
Knuin uf rartla anil no large itnke at
"It wna many ynnra ago. That fo-
Terlsh linpulan tn gatnlila waa Just get
ting Into my blmxl. Onn night I fell
Into a gnm with n crowd of iuimi, nil
of thorn but one atrnngnra to mn. Tlin
Knliin hart nut prngrraaml far lirforo I
l.-cnin awnrn of thn fiu-t that I wna
playlug agnlnat two rant aliarka I.uck
wna my wny on llio Inat round n nil
my hand rnllrd fur thn atnkn. Hut onn
of the aharprra waa lout on c-ttlnie
my laat ponny, anil ho threw down a
lirttrr hatiil Hinn nitnn nml onn wlilrli
I knnw ho had faked. A rjunrrrl ln
Knn nud 1 rondnsl out for Hit atakn,
covering thn money with my right
hand. Aa I did ao one of the alwpera
whipped out n long lilnded knife and
alnlibvd nt my linnd. Tim blnda pnea
ed through my hnnd and Into the table,
linnd, money and nil were pinned to
tho table, and until my frlenda cama
to my reacue I wna In n helpleaa con
dition. My friend pulled the knlfs nut
nml rrleaaed me. I got the atake and
thn acar which yon aee on the back of
my linnd la only a part of the price,
mid n amall part nt Hint, which I umdn
for It. Tho eicltemcnt and norelty of
Hie eiperlvnro Intensified tho gambling
Impulao which had fevered the blood
and Haaue of my naturn, and allien that
time I hare been a helpleaa nud hope
less gnmblar, enjoying the uaual for
tunes of the mnn who apenda bla llfo
III thla atrnugely faaclnatlng world."
New Orleans Tlmca-Deniocrat.
Another R.
"Will, talk I hi; almtit namea, aalil
tlm oyalar. "I like May hotter tliun
"Vomlo?" roplleil tli plain lob
ator. "Of cnureo. Now, If It una the
month of Mary It would ehorlun my
vacation fearfully. "
In lloaton,
Jtulire What ilo you know nbout
tlit rnm?
Wltniifa I aoon lilm brliiR tlio atuff
lipKlnliH nml
Juilito 'Hint will ilo: f top ilou ii. I
riiiinot liKlen to bik-Ii un nlium of Inn
Kiin'o. I)lchnrK tlin prlfouer.
"Von hnvn been In many llnlita, I
mppoKn, l'nt7" nild n Inmlloril ti onu
nf Iila tonnnta. "Oh, a great many,
yor honor !" roplliul I'at, ininfJecloilly.
"And I aupiwao you Unlit grimly you
nover ilv In, I mean?" "I nlnnya
light till l die," aaui rut.
Storing Coal Under Water.
Certain kinds ol con I dotoricrato
rnpldly In tho ocoan nlr nml Ixird
Cliarlea llroeatoril lina uxproseod tlin
IhiIIoI Hint tlin total loan may teach 60
per rout. Ktoro undor water la the
remedy ol an Knglleli experimenter,
who, noting tho line iiinllty ol coal
dtuilKod Irom a harbor, ban kopt Mnn
mouthalilro etvam coal under eea wator
two tnoiitha with a I on a ol lota tlian 1
pur tout of hunting power.
Sanitary Ktcord tor llouaea.
I'aul KtrniiM, eonator (or 1'nria, who
in onn ol tho moit practical nuthorltlcH
on municipal uffnlre, la uliout to pro
pnuo that u cnmpuleory sanitary rucoril
should bo nttacliod to ovory dMolllng.
"I had a verv aevero tlckncts
that took off all my hair. 1 pur
chased bottle of Ayer't Hair
Vigor ind It broucbt all my hair
DacK again, -
W, D. Qulnn, Marieliles, III.
One thing Is certain,
Ayer's Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. This Is
because It is a hair food.
It feeds the hair and the
hair grows, that's all there
is to it. It stops falling
of the nalr, too, and al
ways restores color to
gray hair.
11.01 Willi. All fruililt,
If your drnKSlft cannot aupplr you
tend ua ono dollar and we will aaprua
you Iwtlle. IloauroandEli
of your nearett eipref a oPJee,
' J.O.AYfcrtCO.,I
lya the naina
ee. Aditra.
iiwau, aiaia.
My Hair
"If you rcfune me I ahull conimll mil.
i able." "Well, pn anya you can't huig
iiroiinil here." Now York livening
. Hun,
I lljnhnaon Will you lend inn your
lawn mower? Iljacknon Vea, If you'll
' cut my irtiii to pay fur tlio lino of 1L
Hoimirvlllo Journnl,
Ilnrry- Hho ovldetilly timdo nn Im-pn-aalou
with hliu. (Inorge How do
you know? Ilnrry I anw lilm devel
oping aouio aimpaholw of her.- -Vollkera
J I in Hay! If you'll notice, you'll aee
Hint moat of thorn big Wall atreet men
Inn i-d on n farm. Hum Vea, and Hint
la where they learned to water atock.
rrlncelon Tiger.
Teneher (tn little (l yenr olill - Now,
Freddie, what l a volenno? Kreddln
(With great confidence) Ok, I know
Hint! It'a a mountain that luterrupla
all tho time! Life.
"Mnrgnret, I think you chuipen your
relf by going hi much to the theater
with Mr. Jouea." "No, mother; on the
contrary, I'm making myaulf very
dear."- Harvard Lampoon,
"Van Major haa made n fortune In
the niltomolilln hunlncaH." "I didn't
know hu ninnufuctiired Hint claim
vehlcltn." "He doi-iin't; bo repnlra
thi-iii." Cincinnati Tribune.
Illggnr How do I know you re
blind? Do you auppuio I'd
only nnk for a nickel If 1 could mn
what a kind. llhcrnMooUu'gcut yuu
be. -New Vork levelling Kiln.
Nell Maude haa auddeiily dlHcovered
that ahe ueeda exerelne, ao alio goen
out for a wnlk every day. Ilelle-Vea.
I henrd Hint abe had u lot of new
clothea. - Philadelphia Itecord.
Huintner llonnlrr I thought your nd-
verttnemeiit nld aoiuethlugaliout boat
lug? I'nrmer Oh, yea. Wo bnve a
boat nnd onra- only aometlmea tho
creek ilrlea lip. Town mid Country.
Murphy Will ye give me yer prom
le Hint ye'll love me forlver? Ilrldget
Sure, an' Ol'd lolku to do that ume.
Murphy, but Ol'm hnrdly of the opln
Ion that OI'll Innht aa lung as that."
Itnm'a Hum.
Iln Waan't Hure: "Stnnd up. Mc
Nutty," anld the pnllco tu.iglatrnlo;
"are you gullly or not guilty if" "Fulfil,
an' It'a minlir ns can't tell Hint till Ol
hear tb I Idlnee," replied McNutty.
(Jhlcngo News.
Not Too Noon: "This U rnlher nn
minimal hour for you to be going to
lunch. Not hungry no early, are you?"
"No. but I will lie by the time tho
waiter condeaceiiiU to notice me."
Philadelphia I'resa.
Klie Is It really tntr Hint the blind
enn deteriutue color by tbe'aenae of
touch? tit- Sure. I once knew n
blind man who wna able to tell a nil
hot atovu by merely putting hla llugcr
on It." Chicago Dally Newa.
Madeinolnelle Ily the wny. count. It
Ii very aukwmil. but I do not know
your name. ItunHlnn Count - Vould jou
like to bear It. ".Moat certainly." 'Den,
If you hnf ten mluutca to Mure, ait
town, and I rill tell It to you."
ltclle Married next week? Why,
you told ua you were booked for
penHinally conducted tour with n amall.
.elect party. Marlon Vea, dear. Hut
(ieorgn la the personal conductor and
I'm the amall. select party.- Tit lilln.
The Physician a Affront: "So you
have decided to get number physi
cian." "I have." answered Mrs Cum
rot; "the tileu of IiIm prescrlWng tlnx-n-eil
ten nud mustard plaster for peo
ple us rich ns wu arc!" -Wushlngiou
"Sny!" demanded the ugiy Imlhldunl
suddenly appearing from a dark alley,
"what time N It?" "Vou're Just nlmut
two minutes bite," replied the Chlcngo-
nit; "that other Kentleman you see run
ning away bus my watch." Philadel
phia, Press.
Qualified: Superintendent (of g:u
works)- What do you know about lay
lug gas pipes In the strivt? Applicant
(for place na foreman)-! know they
hadn't oughter be laid until the street
has Just been repaved. Ho gut the
"Well, Jones Is certainly a patient
aian with u temper hard to rullle."
"Patient Is no iiiuiio for him. Why,
Hint man has been known to go out
with his wife to select wnllpaper nnd
go through the ordeal without losing
bla temper." -llnltlmoro Herald.
Cause uf the Mirth: "Hrldgel," said
Mrs. Hyllyte, "your lady friend
mustn't stny so Into hereafter. Her
uproarious laughter woke me up at 1
o'clock this mumlug." "Vis, mum: I
wiib 1 oil In her nbout how you tried to
nuilio cako wan day." liidluuapulla
Major Dlx -Do yon think It's going
tn rnln to-morrow, Uncle Isbam? I'n
vie Ishaiii I dunuo. honey, it's mighty
Minbd to prognosticate. When de I.awd
had clinrgii of de weatbah 1 could tell
Biimlln' erlKiut It, but m'iisp ills yeru
weathuh bureau dun bin runnln' It I n
do Ishnui's bud ter gib It np.-.Iuilge.
llariica- Pin nfrnld Pin losing my
mind. When 1 Ikutow money fioin
any of my friends, I'm sure to forget
nit nbout It. Howes Why, that Is no
sign of mental decline. On the con
trury. It shows n line busliiexs eapncl
ty. Humes-Hut I nlo forget when a
friend owes mo something. Howes
That's all right. That's tact. Ilustou
At ii Hlno lt'-lii-niHii.
"You do not Inject enough innteiupt,
aplto and venom Into that word."
"I can do no better."
"Nonsensel Bpeiil; It Just ns yuu say
'plush' when you meet it rival In a
sealskin Buciiue. Life,
AtVulil to On lliuisolt.
Householder There'll h o in e t h I n g
wrong wltlp this bill. It's too big.
(Irocor'H clerk That's why the boss
sent mo to collect it. Hrooklyn Life.
Many n mnn lias n great head from
other than Intellectual causes.
Recommends Pc-rti-nn
For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble
Kx-Scnator M. C. Duller.
If you do not tlorlvo prompt and sat
isfactory results from the nun ol 1'oni-
ua, virile, nt onco to Dr. Ilartman, giv-
Ing a (nil statement o( yourraso and lie
will Ixi pleased to give you Ills valua
ble ailvlro gratis.
AiMrers I r. Ilartman, President of
The Ilartman Kanltraium, Columbus,
A Prophecy.
Critic That actor doesn't seem at
liomn In his work,
Theatrbal Manager No, lie isn't:
but be will bn miles buslneis gets bet
ter pietty soon. Chicago Nona.
TITO I'mnannitly furM. NoflnornfrTOuiDMi
rllu afu-p nralia).'auM.orlr Klloallrrat Nr
llmlorrr. end for I'ra irlaluoillaand urailMw
Ilr. U. II. Kllnr, I.1J..WI Ar J. hu. l'bllaj.l bl., l'a.
Iloth to lllamc.
John You nre always busy when I
comii in!
Charlet Well, you always come in
when I'm busy.
1'or fortv vrsr's l'lio's Cure for Con
sumption has cured courbj and colds. At
dragglsti. I'rite 20 cents.
The flaking ot lilm.
"It's ridiculous" remarked the
tailor, "to say 'clothes don't make the
"Think so?"
"Kure," replied the tailor; "why.
they've inadu me."
You Can Oft Allen's I'oot-IUse FRHC.
Write Allen 8. Olmilrd. ljt Ilor.N. Y.. for
free patni.le of Allen's Foot-l.ane. It curi-a
..r.....r arnioa
new or nam hlc eapy. a itci.iii imc lor
I.. ..r..ul n t all anil l.linlnn. alll1.ll0.
sIiiimIIH. iV. Iiou't accept any aubilltute.
An Uxplanatlon.
Arkett Why are they building to
many "akyecrapers?"
Knoltt Oh, teal estate costs nothing
up in the nlr.
Tlio Kind Vim lluvo Always
ture of Clins. II. FletclttT, and lias boon niado undor Ills
jier.Minal mijkt vision lor ocr IH) years. Allow no ono
to deceive you In tliN. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-fTooil ' aro ltttt Kvporlinontt. nnd oiiduiiKor tlio
Ileal th ol Clilldrcn Kxiicricnco nj;iilust JCxiiorlineiiU
Cnstorin Is a harinlpss substitute for Castor Oil, Pan.
Iiorlo, Drops and .Snotliin- Syrups. It is I'loasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarootlo
tuilistniu'c. Its a pro is Its ctumiutco. It destroys AYorins
nnd allays I'cverlsliness, It, cures Dlarrluva and 'Wind
Colic. It rollovos Tootlilnir Trouliles, euros Constipation
nud Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Fond, regulates tlio
Stomach nud Howols, kIvIhi; healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's I'auaeca Tito mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
W f , , iim I II I tftLLJ im
In Use For Over 30 Years.
SELTZER 1 tt St '
Catarrh of tho Stomach is Generally
Called Dyspepsia Something
to Produce Artificial Diges
tion is Generally Taken.
Ilonce Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host
of Other Digestive Demedies
Has Been Invented.
These Remedies Do Kot Reach the
I Seat of Difficulty, Which
Is Really Catarrh.
Ei-H. H. Senator M. (J. llutlor from
Houtb Carolina, was renator from that
etatfl (or two terms. In a recent letter
to The I'eruna Mfxlicino Co., from
Washington. I). C, lavs.
"I can recommend I'eruna for dys-
fiepsla and stomach trouble. I have
iccn using your medicine for a short
period and I feel very much relieve J.
It is Indeed a wonderful medicine be
sides a good tonic." Al. C. liutler.
Hid only rational way to euro dyn
popnla is to remove the catarrh.
I'eruna cures catarrh. I'ennia doea
not produce artificial digestion. It
cures eatarrli and leaves the stomach to
perforin digestion In a natural nay.
Thla is vaatly better and r-nfer than re
sorting to artificial methods.
1'eruiia has cured more cases of dys
pepsin than all other remedies com
bined, simply bocaur-n It cures catarrh
wherever located. If catarrh is lo
cated in thn bead. I'eruna curea it. If
' catarrh has fastened itself in the throat
or bronchial tubes, I'eruna cures it.
When catarrh becomen fettled in the
stomach, I'eruna cures it, as well in
this location a in any other.
I'eruna is not (imply a remedy (or
dyspepsia. I'eruna is a catarrh rem-
nly. I'eruna lures uyspepsia oecauto
It is generally uojwnueni upon caiarrn.
Lost Ills Identity.
"Bo you want to get married?"
"Yes, sab I'm resigned ter It."
"Ever lieen married before?"
"Two or three times sah."
"Don't you know for certain?"
"No, sah; atter de third one got me '
I never knowed who I wuz, or how I
come here." Atlanta Conatitution.
nuu-n iitlBT
(Va offtr Od Unndred tiollari Reward for any
raieol Caitarrri that can Dal cured ty LlaU'l
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY 4.C., Propa., Toledo, O.
tVe the under ilrnsd. bare knewBF. J. Chenay
for U pail r.rrara, and belira him perfectly
honorable In ill buaint a tratiiactlont and fln
anetallr ablalo tarry out any obllcallona made
by their arm.
rTTi Tscax.
Ifbolfiaie Prurclltf, Toledo,
WaLsi'.o Kiv.A Miavi.i,
TVblela I)n:rrnii. Toledo. O.
iiairaL'aiarrnuare taken Inlrrsally.aetlnir
ilrvctly on the blood and mueoua anrfaeeiol
uieiyttein. ptr bottle, bold by all
Snnrrliii. Tatlmonlai free.
Uafl'i Family. Pill, am the beiU
There Was a inference.
FocLfoii Ilnskln How do you like
my Hamlet7
Old BLagcr Oh, it was your Hamlet,
was it? Well, I didn't recognize it ai
1 Kl, ..... lll,t.. r If.
u.ib...v.v .. ..0
Hteplng Shinies Up.
Hoggs They say that, alter a time,
the engineer of a limited flyer loses hie
Jogged The engineer does, but not
the 1'nllman porter.
Iiotiirlit luis liorno tlio signa
Signature) of
Clnireli nml Prlvnle Inatltntlnna li
ce) Ih tlie Aid (trnntad
A recent report of the minister of tb
Interior of tho Netherlands Is of par
tlciibir Interest, Klvlnsc completo stn
tlstles of the amount expended In rhar
Itiible work In Holland, says the ltevu
K lentifliiie. This matter Is regulnted
In Holland by the Inw of June 1N.VI,
wbli h reeogiilzes four sorts of ehnrlt
nble Institutions those which nre ml
ministered by the state, thn provlm-ei
or the coiniuunes; those which belong
in ii church mid nre for the purpose of
nsslstliiK the poor of the parish; the
Institutions founded by lay bodies or
prlvnle Individuals, nud mixed Institu
tions which nre directed by the public
nuthorltles, together with the church
or private Individuals. In all of these
(uses there la a distinction made be
tween assistance given to those who
nnk It of their own will nnd those who
ore nsluimed to nsk and lire sought out
In an averago year the nsslstnnceat
the homes of the Indigent amounts to
n little more than M,000,000 francs,
of which 0.000,000 Is In money and tho
rest In provisions, the whole being
u.s.r.uiueu ....ion .i ., , .
Ill this total of expenditures the part
played by public funds Is 0,000,000
francs, tho rest being almost entirely
r nr(,i.i,o.i i,t ti, n ximrxhix tlio Tirlvntn
Institutions distributing hardly C00.000
,, , , ,, ,
franca. Tho churches distribute more
money than the public institutions,
ine poor wno uu uvi uppi iui no -
slutnnce arc almost exclusively cared
for either by the churches or private
Institutions, as the public ofllclals do
not possess sufficient Initiative to seek
out the sufferers. The amount distrib
uted to these "ashamed" poor repre
sents an expenditure of some 1,300,000
francs, which Is divided almost equally
between the private and lay Institu
tions and the churches.
The distribution of provisions and
fuel reaches tho modest total of 270,000
francs distributed nmong 15,000 poor.
The source of most of this assistance
, prvnte institutions, the public
grantK but ntUe more than 13,000
francs to 500 poor. The explanation of
the relaUvely modest part played by
the government lies In the specification
In the law mentioned above that pub
lic assistance shall bo granted only
when other agencies nre Inadequate.
The charitable Institutions of Holland
ore public, 8,400 supported by the
number about 5.000. of which
church and aro private.
Kerosene was first ued for lighting
In 18-JU.
The highest mountain in the moon la
nt least tulrty-flve thousand feet; that
Is six thousand feet higher than Mt.
tioose-qulll pens and drying powders
arc still used In Kngilsh law courts
nud the House of Lords, and In the
French Chamber of Deputies.
Striking ret-emblant'e has been point-
id out between the remarkable ancient
ruins at ZlmLabne. In ItbodeflJ, and
antiquities In Cornwall. England.
Kite hawks have become so bold
nbout the garrhon In llurmah that
they swoop down on the miss tables
and seise food from the Boldelrs' plates.
A traeler has made the observation
tint coffee-drliiklr-g people are very
sildim given to drunkenness. In Ilnzll
for Instance, where coffee Is grown
extensively and nil the Inhabitants
drink It many times a day, Intoxica
tion Is rarely seen. The effect Is not
i nly noticeable among the natives, but
i he foreigner who ettles there, though
liiississed of ever such a pasilou for
Mnuig drink, gradually loses his 11k-iu-
for nleobol n he acquires the
, offie drinking habit of the
t if rniany has a pay wedding, at
vt lih b the bride receives her guests
wlib a basin before her hi which each
per-on enteritis deposits it Jewel, u til-
ver spoon or a piece of money, in
m ine parts uf Ccrmnny the rule is that bers on account of the mild climate, es
tbe expenses of the maiTlage feast t pecially during the winter months
shall be met by caeb guest paying for when the inclement weather ol the he eats or drinks. The prices
paid for viands nnd drinks are high,
and the young couple often make it
hnniUonie profit out uf their -wedding
renll.lng a Mini quite sufficient to
start them nicely In life.
A writer 111 Power tells us that In the
host stentu engines only six to fifteen the cite of a Hudson Bay company
per cent, of the coal burned actually I09'. Ft- Wallawalla, now known as
produces pi wer that can be used; tbe Wallula, and that on their eastbound
rest is a dead loss. Where does It go? t''P on April .', 16, Lewis and Olark
To begin with, twenty-two per cent, crossed the Cclumbia river here and
tiles up tbe chimney hi smoke, five per encamped about a mile from the Co
cent, is wasted by rndlant heat from ,ab,"'1 the mouth of the "Waa-
tho tioller; one per cent, drops through : 0"ab riveN
the grate: ten per cent. Is consumed In i wht E ,,. N Cott
pump ng water Into the boiler, while . .. , . ... ...
la 0.,.,t1 for l.v loot. .,!
The centro of tbe uiothir-of-pearl In
dustry Is Singapore. The shell oyster
! Is six to ten Inches lung, the larger
ones weighing ns much ns ten pounds,
j It Is found on bard-bottom channels
I between Islands, where the current Is
strong. In gathering It n direr takes
with him a bag of coir rope one-fourth
of an Inch hi diameter, made In large
meshes, which, while suited for hold
lug the ttliell. does not Impede his
traveling along the bottom. Tbe ap
pnriitus for diving has not been Intro
duced In the Philippines, altbough
Manila shell brings tbe high price of a
dulhti' a pound.
fiivlnu Dellnllo Information.
Next door to Alderman King's olllco
In the Ninth ward Is an Italian shoe
maker. A lawyer called ut the alder
man's otllco the other d.iy. The alder
man was not hi. The lawyer went to
the Italian.
"Do you know," asked tho attorney,
"where Alderman King Is?"
"Yes," said the Italian.
"Then where Is beV" asked the at
torney. "Ho Is ojit," was the reply. Indian
apolis News.
It Is a good plan for a wife to enter
tain friends of her husband oeenalonnl.
ly, so that the children inny not grow
up iiiiiikiiik tncir miner tiueaii i liuow
bow to crry ou 11 cguUrt-ntlon.
Miss Alice Bailey,
Atlanta, (la., tells how she was
permanently cured of inflamma
tion oi the ovaries, escaped sur
eeon's knife, by taking Lydia E.
Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound.
" I had suffered for three year with
terrible pains at the time of men
struation, and did not knovr what
, tmMe ft, unl the docloT pro.
nouncfd (t Inllnnimatlon of tho
. ovaries, and proposed an operation,
" I felt so weak and sick that I felt
sure that I could not survive the or-
d"'- 41The to"DZ "cf, 1 , r?a'?,.a
advertisement in the paper of IjVtfla
E T.inui.,.,.... Veeetalilo Com-
pound in such an emergency, nnd ao
i ueciuea mj iry iu unai wu ray joy
to And that I actually improved after
taxing two uoivics, anu in me cnu i
was cured by it. I hod gained eighteen
pounds and was in excellent health. n I
Miss Alice IUilet, '0 North Iloule- i
vard. Atlanta. Oa. tSO00ftrftltiftritinl
Tlic nymptotns of Inflammntlon
nnd disriisi; of tlio ovaries urn
it f I till tlirolililiiK pain, nccoin
imnled by sense of tcndcrnpKfi
and heat low down In tlio aide,
with occasional sliootlnp; palnn,
Tlio region of pain sometinK'!
shows koino awelllnc.
Tokens of Peace and War Found In the
Kennewlck Valley, Washington.
Where the great steel bridge ol the
Northern Pacific railway spans tbe
Columbia river, hall way between Spo
kane and Seattle, Washington, and
near the confluence ol tbe Snaka and
Columbia livers there was (ought sixty
years ago a battle to the death between
two Indian tribes, probably tbe Cay
uses and the Wallahwallhs (r the
Cliiollhs which latter tribe wag a reck
less and thieving one.
Cheat Irrigating Ditch Computed.
The railway company has recently
completed a great irrigating ditch -5
miles long and SO feet wide that is
turning thla valley adjacent to the
weet bank of tbe Colnmbia (rem a Bage '
brush plane into what a few years
hence will be an orchard and garden
spot 20 miles square, with a climate
peculiarly adapted, it is eaiil, to rais-1
Ing all sorts of vegetables, berries,
peaches, apples, plums, cherries and
alfalfa. In the tearing up process an
old Indian battle tiound bae been found
on tbe tame cpot where Lewis and
Clark, tbe pioneer explorres, pitched
their camp and f-om which they
putbrd their way up stream to tbe
mouth of the Yakima river in tbe yeai
famous Ocnerals Fought There,
rtiis is all historic ground as at a
later date Grant and bheridan and
other noted army officers were sta
tioned in this vicinity Grant in 1852
3. Sheridan in 1855-0, both ol them
taking part in repelling Indian upris
ings. In tliii old battle ground, and
first by means ot a well, there was un
earthed recently, skeletons, flint lock
rifles, Indian bjads, brans badges bear
ing date of 18-10, broken hatchets,
spear heads, elks teeth and a piece of
cloth cr matting spun from threads of
weeds or hen. p. Kverything went to
show that this part of the Kennewick
valley was nt ono and the same time
an old Indian battle and burying
grotin 1, aa it is now known that the
Indians congregated here in great mini
higher altitudes drove them into more
hospitable regions.
Once a Strong Trading Post.
How many residents of Washington
state know that the junction of the
Wallawalla and Columbia rivers was,
prior to the visit of Lewie and Clark.
!! - "" "." uu l" "JUHBU
otates pays in pensions.
Mothers will Unit Mrs. Wliulovv'a SootMng
Syrup the teat remedy to ute for iheir children
tua teething .eauon
"I'm afraid my husband doesn't
love mn any more," said the bride of
six months, with an overgrown sigh.
"When did you discover the
"When I discovered that he had quit
leaving any change in his pockets,"
replied the young wile sadly, Kx
NOTHING SO onnn mn
Mikei Hem Liy snd Keep! thru, laying. Cum Coolers. Roup snd
all Dneiiei. It Strcoiihcni Vount Chlcii sod Hclpi Them Crow.
WOULDN'T BE WITHOUT IT, Chaa. Lack, HoMlla, Wash-Hyi
be wuulJn wlitiuut r'ruMitQ Poultry Fwod.
PRODUCES ECC8.-" an eirir i.rodmr frustdaa Poultrr Food
ba uu i(ub1 i, a. rayos, 1'aUwv.lit, Uhlo.
lruMlin l'oultry Book, FREE PatMUit itixinr Co., 8L Paul, Mian,
25 led 50c Pk.
The Soultmlct bai the Urgent capacity, Ii fattett
ivi i.wiu,.
Flrtl and Taj lop
M Km! Conutl Bjmp, imin 1(xh(. lH
IJxl In limn. Sfil.lhfilrttMI.ti- Ml
The Cut Direct.
Tho Fork What would you do It a
mnn should cat with you?
Thn Knlfo I thoulil (col lnctlnal to
rut him.
ToChliago, Dubuque and the
Knst; to Des Moines, Kansas City and
the Southeast, via Chloego Great West
ern railway. Klectrlc Hub ted trains.
I'neqimlle.l service. Write to .1. 1.
Klmer, 0. I'. A., Clilcago, (or Informa
tion. Where They (lo Lame.
Mrs. Naggi I'sliawl Women
J'ist as much thinking as men,
Naggs Possibly; but they ipoll
their thoughts by diluting them with
I words,
RolorHon Inclilnu Co.
Toot of Morrlion St., PortlanJ, Oregon.
I'srMii Itaivkeye. Automaile, Pelt Feeding,
KaiiltteM stump luller, Kin horuMxiwer with
two herKii. Jiuckeye Hawmiu Machinery.
Klnen and llollerl. Ml anil Sllckner Uamne
' '
Knalnei write tin wben In want ot
aaicbinarr line.
Flubolh for Kn.trrn rnlli-ifM. t'rlmsry anil
flrammiir grulm InrlutlMl. A hall fbrtflrl. llli
thf appolnlmf nlil anil Mjprvliiloil of a carrul
homp. 1M-atlfin In oni. of It mmt baulllul
ri-nlon, of Tarlflc i-oaat. Cllmata mild anil
lirallhrul. For catalogue aililreM
'p OHEi;ON I'OltTLASfl
St- Helcn'A Mull
Iforrie anil day school for chin. Meal
tricallon si.aclou bnllillnir. Mulcrn
eul;ment Arailemlc. oil? re I repar
atlon and aKiia roursea Munlc, Klo
cutlon. Art. In charfrcof apei'lalista
llltitrsteil catalogue All depart
menti open September 11, t 3
'CASCAIirrrri do all eUlmed for Mn
an1 am aunir wouilerfn. meiliuine I havaorien
wiabed ror a medic im pieatnut to take and at lakl
bate round it in eaxcareu. STiica takluir lbn. bit
biood baa neon pti ruled and nr com-lexloii bat Im
proved wonder rm j and I reei nineli letter In e?en
j uiu.dau.iia; stLi.aua l.'jurull.'lauii.
n5.?"iBfc J",l!.!l"lb.'.'- Potent. Taste flood. Im
Good NeTer Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe, lllo, 2ic. 5oo.
lUrllaf Utm,t t ya.y, CH..,., k.w f.rk. Slf
Vfl-Td.nSO Sola and iniariint-eil by all drug"
t-U" I U-UJtU il, uu) I'UUliTobaeoo Uablk
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Till wonderful Chi
li tn dtxtor ti rallfsl
Xivat btTAiitM he curf
peopli without Optra
tlon that arfKlTen up
to (11-?. lie cure Uh
IIiok wondrrrul Chi-
herbs, roots. hud,
harks nud vrsflables
that an tntlrfly un
known to medical tel
enet In this country Throimh
iiiukp nanniPK!! reineaiea ui' iaii.out aoi'ior
known Um action of over fioo diTfr'nt rtiu
edlea, which he- sucr enn fully uhb1 in ltf?T-rl
diafaMM. Hi Kuaranteea tocur cattarh, xh
ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, iiervointiuvs,
ntnmat'h, tUer, kidneys, etc : hat hundreds of
tfstinioulaH Chr;wt modf-rate. (all an-t
r him. I'atleitts out of tht city writ fur
hlankn anil i-lrrulara. Send itarop. CUSt L
The C Gcc Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
233 Alder St.. PnrtUnJ. Orcfon.
Wuiiou paper.
P. N. U.
No JJ-1903.
-IX71IKN wi-IMiir toadertlsraplesl
II uieiinii
u this ppr
nMinwPNn an tup
rriland, Orjan, Coaal Agtuta,
and eaileit worker of anr Her Tltf made
w.tnu im.
Portland, Qragoa
H Brit ui MocttominrSu.. Portland, Ore.
f TiUpbou, Mils JM.
k$25 PER DAY
Can t made vrlth an
Well Machine.
Mule In alt lU-t anil
atyle forotlorwaterany
Iff i en'
Jf ffjj -313 Commer-
Jtfok TSAorausa RioiiTiats eggf
UHJ ttf