Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 14, 1903, Image 6

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C J. Howard
Barton C Y. Drown
Bunlness Mg'r.
EMcrnl the poatoflKu at Cottars
Ortfon on4 ela mall mailer.
afctorlpllon prlra, 1.60, In .lnr.
AiWrtlln( nl mi' known upon
THIS rATKH li kept on meat K, 0. iiraka't
AdnrtlilOK A ft nor, M ami M Mtrchanu Kx
cbann.Ban Knnclwo, California, wlin-e m
atttt lor adwrtlilm ran b mailt for It.
Friday, August 14. 1903.
Too much cannot be said in
praife of the Oregon liurenu of In
formation located in the Union
depot at Portland, and that grct
efforts are being put forth by Port
land business men in behalf of the
state at large is evidenced by the
beautiful exhibit of cereals, fruits,
minerals, etc, now being gathered
and displayed in the rooms up
stairs. A representative of the
Nugget had the pleasure ot spend
inn an hour in the offices and view
ing the exhibits and through the
courtesy of George llerrel, in
charge of the Bureau, was shown
through. Mr. Berrel is a very
pleasant gentleman and shows
marked attention to every visitor
who comes. The visitors to the
Pacific Coast, who pass through
Portland's, depot all avail them
selves of the opportunity of seeing
the exhibit, and the good accom
plished cannot be estimated. A
very noticeable feature, however,
is the little a '.tetition paid the ex
hibit by those who live in the state.
The great majority of newspaper
men who visit Portland neglect to
o 1 n iry
Tki Company tnsUlid In Its Xiw Diptt
-Bili:tlne if Track Neirlr
The Delineator lor September.
All nioitH knowing tlionmolvoH
Indebted to the uiuUthIwiimI, will
ploiiw! full uiiil Nettle. 1 have mild my
dock ot rooiIh ami vlli to eloHo up
mv accouutx at iiihv. Dated AtmiiHt
Mh, llHVt.
Work Vigorously I'uahed Delegation
ot Stockholders from Portland.
Two pliyalcUiiK Imd n Ioor
lu coitverwitlon with Manager
PcnrsoiiH, ot the Orvjrou t South
eastern. It In learned tlmt tlietinllnst
fiTjr of the road front Mottby creels to
lieyonil Hocky Point In now com
pleted mul the K'U'K have lieen neitt
to the front and im now laying the
wteel from tin depot nt tlio Ited
Itrldge to the point where The; rond
again crosses How Hlver
The rlfflit.iif.u- v iriinir Iuih muv
nilvnnreri its wnrt tn n iinint iiiimit 1 tertniniiicly of the lfourfold Love
one nnd one-lmlf miles above the Margaret Hall has a helpful chapter
-.I nri.Uv,. mi. i tviirL- rf iiiUmr u I on the relations of mistress mid
The September Delineator is an
attractive number and presents a
charming and up-to-date display of
Autumn fashions. Letters from the
foreign fashion centres, and illus
trations of the newest fabrics, latest
millinary and novelties in trim
mings and accessories are valuable
contributions in this nit important
month in the realm of style. A
special feature is a Collection of
Rare Samplers, an illustrated ar
ticle showing many precious bits of
needlework that arc included in it
number of famous art collections.
In the Plower story of the Lilac.
A Mystery Luncheon, by Miles
Hradford, contains some excellent
snceestions for the table alone with
a good story. A house possessing 1 "jf-"1". "' '.'"''"".'v
the comforts and conveniences of it.""',,'
W1C IWCUUCIU Ullll wit "tin
architecture of the Eighteenth ce n
tury is shown as well as a couple
of pages of exclusive photogrophs
of pets of actors and actresses.
Miss Clara is, utuguun writes eu
) lien you wmit it iiliyslo that la mild
ami iroiitlc, vy to take ami certain to
net. always ue CliniiilKr!nln Slun'mcli
mill Liver Tnblots. Kur mI liv llenton
Drug Co
rttiblHirn iIkIiI with mi Hive on my
right lung" write J. K. II milieu, of
Pont, Pa. "unil uave mo up. Kvit.vInhIv
thought jy time liml i-ouie. At h lt
rt-nort l tried lr. KIuk'r New Diacowry
for Contuiniptioii. Tim benefit I re
eclveil a striking unil I una on my
feet In a few titty. Now I'm entlrelv
' It routpit'reil
hiiMt mul l.uug
III' Mnrvun Af
iirviiiitii. i riet one, nun, Tilal
iHitllea free. -
now koUik on,
Thecompnny U this wcckeomplete
Iiir the furnishing of the otllce rooms
In the new bepot, mention of which
wits made In Inst week' XiiRceU
Malinger Pearson ami Engineer
Wood ore well pleased with their
new qtinrters. and no one can dis
pute the fact that the new ilepot re
presents one of.the most substantial
Improvements!!! the city.
Star. Ore., July IS, 1HI3.
Hlils for the biilhlliiK of a school
house lu School Dlstrlctt.Vo. ilKI.Stnr.
Lane Co., Oregon, will lie received
until .Mm. 10. MM. SpceltlciitlotiN
can tie had by applying to .1. II.
Stewart. Star, Ijiiio Co.. Oregon.
The board of directors reserve the
rlitht to'ivject any or all bills.
('. A. IIaiii.ow. Chairman.
servant: nnd Mrs. Htrncy odds
it paper on Childhood. In fiction,
there is the concluding installment
of The Hois-llrulcs: there is the con
cluding story. A Florida Cracker, i
by Virginia I-razer lioylc; a pretty ,
love story, entitled The White '
Moth, by hdward btrntton Hollo- Ttio startling iinnotim-einent i hut n
way, and an amusing niouolege, i preventive of tilclilo luis been tllxeorer
An After noon Drive bv Mrs. 1 11,1 wi" Interest many. A rundown v
An Alter noon "e. " :s; tern, or dcapomleney invariably preet-de
Woodward Hudson. Among the !9ci.le .md aomcthlinr ban been foun.l
poetical contriuiuiuus mc. i uc tnai win prevent that eoiiilltinii whleh
The rnlla for the new tiassenirer
tract will lie laid lu a few days. The ! Song of the Com, by Minna Smith; , ninkea aiilelile Jikely
approach between the new track Grandma's Sampler, ay ""-ibium. It Iwine
and the ilepot will lie laid in con-' Eaton: Woodland Song' by Cllii-' ,lorvi.iJ will ..ironK
crete. Preparations will lie made as ton bcollard: 1 ne Argos
call ami consequently cannot vvr eoon 8 ,m8fllle for installation ' mund Vance Chenev; Comnsa
At till, llrat
thought of nelf tleatriietinn take Klectrlo
a ureal tonic unil
oy no- i liuilil up the svnti-m. It's ulmi a Kreut
Momncli. I.lver nn-I
merchants and business men m
general forget the necessity of not
only lending a helping band but of
visiting the offices and giving a
word of cheer to those in charge.
The exhibit is of far too great im
portance to be neglected. Every
person living in the slate who
visits Portland should take with
them something in the way of
natural products and visit the exhibit.
Kliluev ri'inilutiir.
itinn bv Klizabeth Ruircles. For "1") ow. Miiaiaciioii atniraiiteeil iiy
the Children. Lina Beard describes I "" "''" 'lrK.-ta.
and explains the construction in jiuj uim rnn ii r
of the turnliiK talrte at the rear of
the depot.
OltKllON MKt'l-llITIES It).
The foiimlatlnn for the new mill minature of the Hanging Gardens
site for the Oregon Socurltlea Co., nt of Babylon: Livingston B. Morse
the heiul of Champion Canyon Is has a Firelight story. The Mouses
Tin. sin. iT777ri,m At-Home: and iNicnaei wnitecou
Cottage Grove presents an ap
pearence of thrift and industry that
is seldom seen in a town of its size,
in fact many larger town would
appear dead, at least sleeping when
compared with Cottage Grove.
Most coast towns especially in Ore
gon are and have been enjoying
an era of prosperity that is building
homes for verybody, but none ol
tbem have the many natural re
sources of thedoorway to the great
Bohemia mines. Cottage Grove is
surronded by a very rich agricult
ural district, and while not so ex
tensive as towns further down the!
valley, yet is of sufficiently great
extent to grow vegetables, and
keep a dairying business for a town
of 50,000 to 75,000 people. Here
will be found an inexhaustible sup
ply of as good marketable timber
as there is in the world, and with
all this the greatest mining camp
in the west and said by experts to
nnw iM'tnir liilil.
side ami the lrnmiiil u nn.v i,i tributes an entertaining tale called
laid in three terrace. The electric ' Bobby's Garden. There is also the
poles are now lielmr set from the ! Sewing Lesson. The departments
electric power plant to the mill, ami 'contain much information of practi
work Is lielnj? vigorously pushed on ' cal value t,le borne.
the flume from the ilnni to thepower
The Leyner drills niul air com
pressors, that .have been stored for
several 'weeks In the O. & S. K. yards
In this- city, were shipped to the
front this week, nnd will soon lie
A portable saw- mill of IO.ihhi feet
I capacity, without power, now lo
cated 2i miles east of Saginaw, also
have ranch of m acres, good res.
deuce on same. Address 11. K. Joyce,
Saufnnw. Ore. Up
A little lliim; ttonietiiiiiM results in
death. Thin a mere aerated, iimitim
licaiil cuts or miiiy boils have naiil the
I ileum pena.ty. u ih luce lu have lliick
AUg. I.. I011V Arnica Salvo ever liamlv. It'atlie
Mrs. Jno. Elloit still continues to best Salvo on earth anil will prevent
improve in health. A mistake oc- l?'"'"'' wllen Burn. Sores, Plcers mul
rnrreH in 1at week's reoort. Dr. ""?"' V",v ' 'iun
" 1 Ktntilllll'a llrmi Vliitu
Scbleef being the physician in at
tendance instead of Dr. Wall.
placed In position.
A great amount of freight Is now I
belnghauled over the rond and six Rev. Bryan delivered a chart
six-horse teams nre In constant 1 sermon last Sunday which was
demand. 1 mu u appreciated by quite a good
1. B. Hammond, president of tile sized audience. Mr. Bryan has
Hammond Manufacturing Co., of ouly one more appointment at this
i-oriinnii. ii on the ground jiernon- place unless be should be sent lor
ally superintending the fulfilling of
his company's large contracts with
the Oregon Securities, and all work
incident to the carrying out of the
general plains of develc pment is well
In hand.
Saturday n delegation of Portland
stockholders In theOregon Securities
Co. are expected to arrive In this
city, anil will visit the company's
another year by the Conference
which convenes at Lorane the last
Sunday of this mouth.
Mrs. and Mrs. Ward of Siuslaw
ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W .
H. Long last Sunday.
j A well Improved farm of 1-1 acres,
I house, line spring of running water,
good npple orchard, 1 acre In straw
.lierrliM. An Ideal small fruit and
'chicken ranch, within 1.1 minutes
j walk of postollicuat Cottage drove,
I Oregon. For price and terms call at
' Nugget olllce. Hp-'.?
I Crow, spent Sunday at Silk Creek.
P. A. Clow and wife returned
be as good prospect for a gold pro-1 1 . , ""last Thursday from a weeks out-
ducinf camp as can be found in I e'"iln 0" ' P, ing on Coast Fork. Mrs. Clow
the world today. This camp has f "f,K expected to arrive pjcked wild blackberries while
been visited bv the Greatest minintr1 arc: t- hert ' there and I don't konw how many
men in America ' af tha the are ! C,Ve.r' !!r 'C-.?,?,"V T,1""-1 and cougars Mr. Clow killed.
. ' hi in. jA . ti . t rn 1.
How ever aliuh tat this time nt venr 11111I
Miss Bryan, Miss Ward and lady 1 1" this climate, it is the forerunner ol
friend and Messrs Elza and Elmer 1 "1'i,.l?r"!' A diapinMon u yawn, ami an
i mi mci uui leeiing even comes iielore
, the chill. Herbine, by ita prompt stiniu
illative' action on the liver, drives the
1 malarial cerms outofthe svstem, iiuri-
fies the bltxnl, tones up the system unil I
health. oOe at New Kra Dm
investing large capital is all
the evidence needed. Cottage
Grove has better prospects for be
coming a large city than anyother
town in the State of Oregon and her
wide awake citizens are grasping
every opportunity and putting forth
every effort to bring about the de
sired results.
Dr. Geo. Wall, the city health
officer, in conversation with a
Nugget man this week suggested
that the Nugget should call atten
tion to the sanitary conditions of
the town, and that every precau
tions should be taken. The doc
tor says that the citizens should use
plenty of commercial or crude car
bolic acid in vaults and cesspools.
Remember it is for the protection
of every member of e-ery family in
Keady, J. F.
Catterlin und A. V. Gotldard.
O. II. Hlngen, president of the
Oregon Sccurtles is also exected to
arrive from Xew York, via San
Francisco. Snturday, and will prob
ably make nn extended visit here In
the Interest;of the Oregon Securities Co
and the Oregon & Southeastern K'y.
yi'liu London Chronicle: "At the
Crystal Palace yesterday!! John
So President Roosevelt and Sec
retary ol the Interior, Hitchcock.
are a little at outs! Well, the
Czar of the Interior mav possibly
discover "that there are others," if
he undertakes to work his bulldoz
ing repeater 011 "Teddy."
Would it not be better to take a
vote upon any question that con
cerns the general welfare of the city
than to pass an ordinance that is
not favorably recieved by the
masses of the business men of the
The garden hose came in bandy
at the Barrett residence last Wed
nesday. They are a good fire pro
tector. We should also bear hi
mind that we cannot be too careful
about fire these hot wiudy days.
A Denver, (Colo.) dispatch of
last week states that during n
storm chunks of ice measuring 10
inches fell. Now its up to the ice
man to grow green-eyed
Ruby Slagle has been quite
seriously ill with rheumatic fever.
Dr. Job was called to attend her,
at last accounts she was getting
along finely.
Gene Miller is the proud owner
of a fine new horse power wood saw,
with which he expects to make a
treeless track of the Silk Creek
The farm?rs here have tho most
of their grain ready for the thrash-
Tliompson, the comedian, who Hias ' "'B crew-
a very strong American accent, Mrs. Wm. Medley is entertaining
began a- three , months' engage- relatives from Washington.
ment. ah this comedian has the rcp-
lltfltln,, i9 l.ilr .l. I
i.i 1.,. ..... ...,!,.. . .... t to the summit of
where most of the comedians who 1 &ullua''
came over from America got their ! " "
comedy from In the vaudeville line' RINOLINfl BROS.' EXCURSIONS.
His success was Instnntaoiis and
everything he did was applauded Special excuntliiii rates on all lines
,, , '.' i of travel have been arranged for by
The character that was liked best tho management of Itlngllng llro.
was the Yankee. Never before was 1 thers' World's Urcatest Shows, and
such uproarious laughter heard as I those who wish to go to Lugene
irreeted the dance trlven in- tI,,u I where this great circus exhibits Frl-M-eiteu
u.t unnct Mm.ii by this , Aug. 2S can do so at very little
diameter. A here ho went to, orho w exjieiice. This will be the only point
he ninmigcd to disappear right be. 1 lu this vicinity where the show will
foro tho eyes of the audience remains ! exhibit this season, and no one
a mvsterv to be" 1 should miss tho opportunity to wlt-
a mjsieo to Dt solved. Mr. n0Hft t myKni; itrothers' circus
1 hompson s company wlllappear at , haslieen the leading ureulc exhibition
Curtis Veatch and family climbed
Bald Butte last
Nollce u htreby given thai ttia unJiTilnl
hat ts-en du!)- aiiolntrl bjr the t'nunty Court
ol the State of Oregon 'o r Lane t oiinly admin
litrator ol the citate ol Dana II I'olton, ile
reaMKl. All l-eriolu havlnx elalmi aialnit
aalueitaieare hereby requlreil to preient the
tametorne iroierl)' verlfleil, ai by law re
Jiulred, at the olllre ol J. K. Vounir, In Cottaue
iroie. Oregon, within alx month, Irom the
date hereof.
Haled tola 17th day nf July. 1'X
li c i.llvv
Adinlnlilraiorof the entaleof liana II. roltun
W.S.Bally, P.O.True.Tcxas. writes;
"My wife had been viiflerliiK live
years with paralysis in her arm when I
was persuaded to uo llnllard's Snow
Liniment, which cured her all right. I
have also tired it foroid sores, frost bites,
and skin eruptions. It does the work."
ic, fiOe and fl.00 bottles nt Xew Krn
Drug Store.
There is an old allegorical picture of a
K'rl seared nt a t!russhopier. hut in the
I act of heedlessly trending on n snake.
, This Ih paralleled by tint man who
I spends a large sum nt money builtllni; a
cyclone cellar, but nedects to provide
i his family with a bottleof Chambclain'u
Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea llemedv as
a safeguard against bowel complaints,
whose victims outnumber those of the
cyclone a hundred to one. This remedy
is everywhere recognized as the most
prompt and reliable medicine in use for
these diseases. For sale by Benson
Drug Co
A Handsome Tie.
There is no article that adds ko much to the finished
and correct appearance of a man's apparel is neat neckwear.
We hii vc what is correct and fashionable
Wo fire also Headquarters for everything you can
possibly want or need in Mcn'thfttrnishings. Quality high find
Prices most reasonable.
At Pacific Timber Co's Store.
Under Odd Fellow's Hall, Cottage Groe OreRon,
Welch & Woods have it for less "
We have received Kil. V. Prices. Pall line of
sample swatches from which to select made to
order ClothliiH; and Overcoats nnd Invite those in
(created to come III and liioct ami itei prices. We
lime sent lu several orders already which are lion
In work, mid will soon 1st here to show thelr
HiiierlorUy In style, lit. workmanship, utnl male rlnl
i nnc la and ask us who are wenrlin; our clot IiIiik
and Indue for yourself. Hit In Hue with u I
Judges and fnsl.v dressers.
IVItrn iiiii sen 17 fit Our .til II In so.
vi:iiii & woods
leaders In Low Prices anil Hustlers for HiisIiicsn
.lien's, Koy'N,
and Youth's
illcn's Fine Shoes
I keep nil the best shoe.-, and
at prices to suit the pur
chasers. If you want bar
KaiiiH in SHOIJS. see me.
I put patches on ladies' fine
shoes, without sewing. The
patches don't show. I will
repair free all shoes purchas
ed from me that rip.
Has the Freshest line
of Groceries in Cottage Drove. Not a can nor
package of goods on the shelves but that is as fresh
as is obtainable on the market. Quality guaranteed
Our Trices Arc llic bm ami Satlsfdftion Is uarantccil
the ojiera house this city Auk. !!0.
I..I r
DAVIS. To tho wife of 0.0. Davis,
of Lorane, Atijf. V2, 1IKJ:I, an h
poiini'l son. it Is announced that
his daddy expects to make a wood
chopper of him.
IIAKKIt To .Mr. and .Mrs. Itov
linker, In this city, Aiurust li', 1!KW,
a Klrl.
Would it not be better to enforce
the ordinances already on the
books of the municipality, than
to. make new ones,- that cannot be
Another year is dragging along
toward its end and no movement
regarding the sewerage question.
Sunday School and Communion
services at the Ohrlstlan Church on
noxt word's nay, August lWtli
Ford t Stiirneon, u prominent driiu
urm at nocKy jiiii ntution, Ky., write:
"Wo were requested by Dr. G. II. Stint;
ley to tend for Ilerbinu for the beneilt
of our cimtomurs. Wo ordered three
dozen in December, und wo are find to
nay, Herbine litis idvenHiich gatisftictlofi
t hut we Imvo duplicated thisorder thieo
tiuies, aim louay we uavo your suieinnii
Hiiother order. We beu to huv Di, G. Jl.
Sijijjtey takospleaaun in recommending
of America for years, but the show
has never been permitted to rest
upon Its reputation. Although it
long uk" passed thepolnt of comiie
tltlon, every season si-esa, greater
anil crnii'ler snow, nils .venr s per
formance Is entirely new, and entails
the combined efforts of 1175 wonder
ful artists In the equestrian, gymnas
tic, equllibrlstlc, acrobatic and aerial
line, together with forty famous
clowns and hundreds of lesser lights.
six Hundred and titty horses are used
i and a mnrvelous Trained 'imiiial le-
1 partmeut Is presented. The circus
, this season is greatly enlarged by
the spectacular production of .leru
stlem and the Crusaders, it paiitoml
inlc presentation of the well kuon-ii
and lieautlful historical narrative of
the Crusaders. Tho vast menagerie
has among hundreds of features the
odly living pair of giraffes, and tho
first baby elephant successfully bred
and reared In America, and tho only
rliliioceroiiH In capltlvlty. Therols
a gorgeous revival of the Itoman
hippodrome races, and many other
stupendous features lu this great cir
cus. Circus dav opens with a bril
liant street parade, three miles In
length. Don't fall to see It.
50e bottles nt New Krfl Drug
To get all the news read
Jlohemia Nugget.
Certificate of Disability No.Tl'I.WI;
also L7 S. Army Discharge. Kinder
please return to Ilohemla Nugget
'illANVIf.l.i; J.;ii.i.i:i.aN!i,
Star, Oregon.
60 thoroughbred Angora "Nan
liles." Call at Nugget olllce for In
urination. Itp I' t.'i
orncn uov wantud.
A bright ludiistlous boy, ambitious
and u'l.xloiis for a business education
can gut a position lu tho I'aclllv Tim
ber Company's Olllce. Ho must bo
polite, respectful, must not sinokn
cigarettes, or chow gum; must como
of Industrious parents, and ho of
good reputation. None others need
apply. 14 bid.
li II CO.
Time TaMe Nn. 1
To Take Effect on July 27lli, l!)03.
simnp to i.uasi:.
1 have some good grildo Oolswold
sheep to let out on shares for one or
more years to responsible parties.
Call on or address,
A. c. .) j:.nniniih.
Kill, West Mb St.
Kugeno, fire.
2: in
NO. 1 Pall NO. 2
Kait Kxei-pt Kunday. Weal
llouml IIoiiikI
7:ao CnllnBu flrovo li-ao
t-M tValilen.. Il.Ui
7 W . . ..Currln. II 01
7:6a . ..cerru tlurdo I0:,',7
8:01 Ilahor. 10 j
8:11 , . .Port-na 10:.'0
8:17 . ..Ileil Itoek 10:18
HM . . Stouart I0::l
8:'JS . .htur . 10:.l
8:10 ... Ilmky I'oiut .. 10:20
8:1.1 I r. Vllilwiinil..l,v 10. Kl
People to live, and
Money to be invested
Because of the natural resources and local
No other equally oo(l opportunity for a KIJAL
KSTATIv in vcrittjiciiL can-he found anywhere in Oregon
jit the present time.
Well located RIJAI, 1'STATlv in Cottage (Jrove is
one of the hest possihle investiheuts. It is safer than a.
hank hanks often fail.
V !in oll enne PliAl Iftt'PA'IMJ
'V'.'" ' 1 1 iiw uianer wnere
oe.'ttetl. Give us desenptmn. state once, nnd loom
We have, or can find, the property von want fo Inn.'
" - -"V
Tell us your reqi.ireineiits. Can give interesting figures niout
the growth of the principal Oregon towns showing that Cottage (Jrovo
is growing faster tlinii Huy other town in Oregon. We give nwav
valuable information nnd, sell all kinds of Keal IJsInte, nnd minimi'
MEDLEY .&, MILNE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bano;S
Kul.Jet't liielianKi' villlioiit notlro.
Krclglit will mil l.o rwdvfd at tl.e O. ,v S
15. It, It. Deinif atlor fi:00 i. in. To limine
foruarillni; on rnixt train frvluhl mtitl it
icllvercit In ni.le i lino lo it-rmlt ol III
JOHN II. I'EAKSON, (ltntr.l Man.jcj
I'llOI'ltlETOIH Ol'
Doheinia find Lhtck Uutte 'SloTrTIT
r' 'f n '
First Class Turnouts, Doiiblo or Single.