A Mot Timi:. Hnmctliuo In the, " wo hiii' Iioiiih" Hllllllliy IllOI'llIng, tlll'IU WUH, lU'COItl- lug In nil ropoi (h, ii "luil, Iliiu In Ilic old ' (own." Tin' curly liners iIIh covered iiiiii'Ii IiIiiihI on the walk In frolil of it iiolorloiiH Iioiiho on IUci Htrtnl, oil)' Hull of wlilcli win readily followed mi Icuvn. Much hi iilu- llnll wuh i f mill nil sorts of hIoiIcm wcieclrriilnlci . It transfcred, how oicr. Hint "IIiiihIhoiiio" Dun Cox. mill lliii'vc Mci'iiiubcr got mixed up Willi Dr. roirio. the nitori'iiiioii tin Hiiiiihiihl.v mining over h giimo of curdM. Tlmilortor promptly nut tin iimiilmmit' lliin'l out ol IiiihIiichh rlulll ClllHO lO lilt' tlt'Ht I'OIIIld, HO till' Hloi'.v k'H'm, lint In tin' mix ills Kol tangled Willi IiInIiii' nil I lie ground, Aliollt IIiIh llmi' Mil'iiinher, I In vIhIIiIo IiiiIiIh'iI tin nml luniliilHlcil tin' doetorovei' tin bend with ii cliili, or lionnl or hoiiii' oilii'r Mini of wi'iipon of lorlnri', mnl nil Imt pin I'otrlc mil. .McCiimlii'i' illilu't Mtop to (IN. ci'rlnln Ilin cxti'iil of iIuiiiiiuch done, lull miiili' InicI.h, miilnptlll 'I'lli-Hilitv iii'lllii'r Hin'l nor McLuniber hud hccnuroiiml toliiqulro Into llii'Ntnti' of the iIocIoi'h In'iiltli. It In ri'porl od Unit Dr. I 'el t h''n lii'Mil wax badly ('III llllll ( llllt HCW'llll HtltCllt'H 1 hi I to Ik' taken li.v IiIh nl l fin 1 1 1 ik ili J Mir In ii. Sunn' xii.v Hint Imn'l wiih Hcmi'il up hoiiii', mnl Hint ii li ict or wnlti'il on llllll ill SiiKlnnw. Illlii'l'ri though! t lint McCunibcr wiim ilcnll n lilow from iim doctors HhI or from frljjit. Ilnl low mnl liclnilil tin-two Hporl lug mini hIiowciI up In tlii'lr nliMt chiirinlug condition Tiii-wlny night. .lllHl I1H though llll'.V llllll Ill'Vcr liml an argument with the doctor. It Ii nnili'i-Mtooil tlint owingio ini' nnitiri' of tin' trouble. Iioclor I'd lie will iml rmiHi un.v nrri'Hi . To l.oMi Itr.Afii. - A ivpri'M'liliitlvi' of tlii'NiiKKi't liml till' pU'llHIIIV if II VUll tO I.OIIg lll'lll'll Innt Sunday, via tin' Htt'iimi'l' T. .1, Poller through tlir courtesy of tlm Oregon llmlroiidnnd Nuvlgntlnii Co, mnl i hii v Hint It wiih im enjoy -nlilc oni' woiiiil In' putting It inllill.v. Tlio hli'nmi'r 1'iilti-r Im ttti up-to-diilc rhi'i- Hli'iiini'l', IIiiIhIii-iI throughout In ni'iil m ! mnl iH'i ft't't In con venience umt Ih amply large to fur tihdi good in roiiinioilittloiiH for nil who make tin' I Hp. except nt thin Hi'iixoii.wlii'ii II iHcoiiHlilcruhlyrrowd oil. We left I'olliigo tlrovi' Friday via the Southern riii'lllr to rortlnml mnl from there to llwnro li.v steamer completing the trip ilii 1 1 it llwnro linrrow gunge riillroiul which In always crowded, arriving nt Long llrni'li In kooiI llmi' for illiini'r. mnl tlii'ti out on tin-lii'iicli where lininl reds;ol beautiful Hiunini'r gills anil heartbroken young ini'ii mi' prom ruinllng from curly inorii till bile In tin' nfli'rnoon. Long llciich I" nn lili'nl plnri' to HH'iul tin1 HiimmiT. ot to go ciimplng ''i" u few weeks. Fruit uml vegetables, are us plenti ful iih any uinrkct mnl run I"' pur i'Iium'iI nt very n-iiHonnlili' prlri'H iih uIho lionnl. II Ihiiii lili-nl trip mnl wi'll worth tin' expense mnl timi' of linking II. Till' t. It. A: X. people urt to Ih coiigrutillntcd iipmi their good Htciiincr service afforded Hnw wlio I'lijoy mnl I'vi'rylmily iIoch ii river and ocean voyage. M'in'.Hi ri.Hi niin .u. Oi'Wiatiov LuhI MiiiiiIii.v nfti-riioon. Ur. lii'o Willi of tilts city, pri'formi'il u i-r.4 delicate Hiirglnil oporntlnn nt the Dr. Willi hoHpltnl In IhUclty. The oH'rntlon U kiiowniiH ovariotomy 'I'Iik putli'iit wiim Mr. Iliililmnl of this clly. Ir. Wnll wiih uhhImIimI Iiv Dr. .loh of thin illy. Dr. It. II. llurU'r, of Voiirollii, mnl wife, who IhiiIhou pIl.VHll'Imi. Till' 0M'riltlOII Ih n very delicate one. tint mil with standing, the putli'iit Htooil the or drill In ii vi'rv Hiitlxfni'tory nuiniii'r, mid Ih now nicely rceoicrlng. A Vlrlol'H Don. A dog iuToniiiiii.vlmr u purl) of camper In town yesterday wiih pur tli'illnrly vIoIoiih. )1i wiim Irft mom' with ii wuKimtlrdnl Hit' purl, mid Hindi' ii ImihIdi'hh of lilt Iiik puhhithIi.v. He Hiink IiIh ut'th lulu tin' li'K of ii Him of .liiiiu'HMiiiitpniii'r.v unilci'lu'd tin' dri'HH of MImh Ada llrifll, Imt wiih liouten off. MnrHlinl Ntlli-H wiih uliont to kill the vIhIoiih Ih'iihI when tlm owner uppemvd mnl iiroiulHed to tuke him out of town, lie wuh ii tilooded In u m 1 worth f IIMmTonlliiK to IiIh miiHter. tliiurd. llAII All'IIIIJNT. Jim Allen, met with u hitIoiih ne cldent nt tin I'urlllc TIiiiIht fo.V llockv I'olut liiudliik' ki'oiiii.Ih IiihI I'rliinv. which will In v lilm nn for wiverul wii'kH, uIHioiikIi he Ih ulile to he uliont the hDwIh with the uld of inane. .lliUHpriniK nn nx out of ii cut lie wuh iipeidiiK! liml the In Htriimeiit Htmek the lil Uw of IiIh left foot, liitlletlliK u painful wound. Ill' I'lllllC til tllWII IIH HOIIII IIH pOHHlllle mnl Dr. .lolt iIii'hhoiI the wound mid ut pivHent wrltliiK Mr- Allen Im ruplil ly iivoverlnj;. Nr.w Kki:i Stiiiik. Al I'llleldRe mid Win. IIIkk'Iiih, hnve thlHWii'k oH'iicil their i-oiiiiiiImhIoii Iioiim' mid fii'd Ht,ori In the Walker Imlldlni;, on Muln Stnt-t. The kimi tli'inen have their tlrnt Invoice of KooiIh lu liml hnve already liud u trfllll I Hiile on Hour mid feed. The II rm IuIi'iiiIh to hnndli' nil kliidn of produce ami will pn.v the hlKlient inurket mice for It. Thu gentlemen urn well known here and will no doulit work up iiHplendld trude I.'iiii:. .1. K. llarivtt'H reHldence eaiiKht lliv ut the noon hour V eilnoMilay. A Hpnrk evidently hlew from the kltch j'ii ehliiiiiev and lunlted the hIiIiikIi'h. An alarm wiim turned In. anil the Iiiihh I'Diiiiianv ri'Hiiouded promptly, Imt hefore they arrived. Mr. Ilarrett ami IiIh nelKhlun'H hud run up a lud iW mid turned the uarilen hone on tho liliu.e, controlling It at once. No purtlculnr dntniiKe wiim done. Kl.KtrrlCII I'OHTMAHTKIt. A dlH'patch from WiiHliliiKtun 1). C, lii'lniiH thu luformatloii that 0. ('. Sturlevnut Iiiih lieen upiiolnteil pont niiiMter of Crow, liiino Count v. On?, vli'i. (!. II. Vurnev. coliduclH n Hturu at Crow, mid will no doulit entire Hilt Hfact oil to till) people lu Hint vicinity. Mr. Viirney Iiiih nerved thu people well and many ru- jtrot tlint ho Iiiih ivhIkhciI. tiuiiru. II AVIIAI'U I'AltTV. Moiiieof the. vouiik people of thin city participated In a hayrack pnrtv Woiliii'uiliiv evenlnir. mid u lolly .li-ivnminiM iiiIIuh out on the road to Ulacktiutte. Thone piirtlclpatlUK m! Alti Ivlnir. Will (lowdv. i;i liert Vi'atch. Clarence Mothc, Mr, iriiv.OrvllloTavlor. Horace llavniH lu.rt. willnrd. MIkhch Delhi Ditrhum Ornliii HarineH, Httii Hinltli, Olive wiiini'il. lthodii Klnir. DohhIo llnrniH IIchhIo lloylt'H, MiiKKle lloyk'H, Delia Whllo, Etliei Lottie. Hi in- I'lllNT MAl'H. Dine print mui8 of any towmdili iinunliurir. Oreuon Diltlll D strict olti.wliwf 11 11 vacant liiiidH for BOctH, ouch. If you want any Information from the u, n. iiinu umce, uimn'MH, mmhh (liinrnnteii & l.oilll Co., Kone Mil;clell Welicr .V Htover, (IiihoIIiki MiikIiii'h. .Mcl'ormli'k Ituki'H, Mowitm mid HlmlerH. Charter Oak stove mid llaiiKi'M. Miniliallaii Hloek mid Cuttle Food, llllll Curi', I. lie Killer. Hoof Oil, llarncHM (III anil "I'lv Kii-pOff." I'acliliiK. Hone, Helling mid Hii, am I'IIIIiiuh. 31 Wynne llardwaro Dr. i.owu oclllo-optlclmi-KiiKeiiii WeMChrlHiiinn wiih In thei'lly Mon day. I'he IichI hrillld of cIkiiih at the Wave . The Modern I'liimiuicy hnn a neat new mIuii. I.ii' Mai lln Im down from lioliOiula I IiIh week. W. I). lluriniili vimied Alliilli.v ThurMilny. lie ei en tn imtdi' from piiivi'iemu ul Met lellilli h. Dr. mid Mih. lloHiner vlnlleil lu Ku- Kene t IiIh week. CiioIIiik iind reftiMliliiK: McCIcIIcii'm Ire c rem n moiIu. I eiiHelmlKUlilHiit Iliiukln'H Mil- HlcHtore, MliKi'lie. full nt the Wuvefora liox of linn IIiiiim for Siimlny. .1. I'", i 'ut trull Iiiih returned from n vIhII to the coiihI. AIiIiiu'm I'hocolutiiM nn- the limt tor Mali' ut MiClcllan'H. l.uteHt perlodlcalH ami IiooI.h at tin' KiikIi' liookHtore. Mih. Clair linker, of ItowluirK. wiim lu the city I IiIh week. I.aviimler HtlekM for nnle. IllilllllD of Mrn. C. .1. Ilowiil'd. KlIOWll'M A; OellyH will wll you KooiIhii! lowi'Ht prlii'H. M ik I-., a. V Ill-mi wiiHiin arrival from the north l-'ilduy . ('Iiiih. I orkriili vlnlted I'.llKi'lie IiihI l''rlduy mid Saturday. Dalntv perfuineM for dulnty jH'ople at "The Modern I'hurmucy." Don't foruet theiioHliiKOUtHiileut ItuiiMu h MiihIc IIoiihi'. I-, i me ne. W. It. DeiiiilH, of llluckliutti', came to the llrove one dny thlif wii'k. Win l.lwly, of lllucklnilte, ciime In Satiirdny evening from the iiiIiich. Arthur .leukliiH, of ItiiMcliurif, wan ri'KlHten'd ut the Imperial thin week. Crunk Cuihciirt mid wlfi'.ure vllt liik' frlemlH lu HiIh city. Mrn Win HnrrlH. of llludklnitte, wuh In the city the llrnt of the week. Kveryliody eatn Huzidwood In' CiTiim ut the Pcnrl, oppoHlte the I'. O. llrlHtllUK liaik'MiiiM In tooth mid Iml r liriiHhcH at "The Modern I'liur limey." Seeuie one of llnw rand InirKiiliiH at Itanklii'M Hlore, Kimeue. U'fore ihi'.v nre nil cone. Do not full to hi' the new nheet iuiihIc Jiint ni-elved ut , The Itlchurd Him MiihIc lloiim'. II iHpromptly ilellvereil at your eiiiiip nl reiiHimiilile frelKht ritti'H. Kno wIch Ac tlettyn. Two ciirlonilH of iuIiiith' HiippllcH jiiHt riH'elveilfrom I'orthiml. KimiwIi'm it ticttyn. Iloheinlii. Do your work iih wellnH you cun iind lie kind uml liny your drm;H ut "The Modern I'lniriiiucy." MUh .uille Mctjuii'ii ri'tiirued home Frlduy from KiiKeue where nhe ut li'liiled the tcuchcrH liiMtltllte. Mrn. (). F. Knox of Kuceue, who Iiiih IhtIi vIhIHiu; her huh Duke and relntlvi'H, In thin city for Home iIiivh, ii'turneil home Friday. .1. I. Taylor and (leo. CiiiiiiiiIuk lefl MiiiiiIii.v uiornliiK for Sontherii Ori'iton wMiere they will put In hcv erul uniiitliH proHHi'tlui;. W. II. Omiiuiii Iiiih jiuriiniKcl ten neri'H frotu Hi" Cooly entiile mid will devote IiIh time to ehlckeiiH uml cttKH mid Himill fruit raUliiK. The I'eiui Confii'tlouery for funcy cundlt'H iiIwu.vm In the lend. All of thu leudhiK lirnmlH InelKiirH.HuioklUK and chewing toliucco at tliePearl. M. M. Scarliiiiiiili. mill of Dr. Sear- lionuh of Civmh ell. mnl teniiier in the t nlverHlt.v ol iiivkoii, wim ii cnuer ut the.NuKk'el olllee Siiturdny. I'ry one nf Hiohi' dellKlitful far liuiBMap'M. iteuiovi'M iiuii'K iieiuiH, tun uml liiimtH color to the check ut AlllHiin A: HuHtliiK'ntoiiHorlalparlorH Sta'imth mid vliror comu of kooiI food, duly tllKCHtcil. "Foive", ready-to-wrve wheat anil imriey food, it i IiIh no burden, lull HtiHtuliiH. Don't delay the Itanklu cIiihIiil' out Hale of iiiuhIc uooiIm at Kuux'iio will hoiiii be over and you will lie kicking yniirMelf for not Hecnrlm; one ol the lilt; liai'KnniH ouereu. Womv iiroud of the line of plumm u nell, 'I'hey mv Chlckcrliitf. ivitn- tiull. Weln-r. Crown. Vone. Victor iind miiny otherH. Don't they look Kood to you? milium .MiiHic iioiihc, I'lieue. UIvhIh Min t hi uml family mid Mi'm. I'.liim A. Cot'tlu uml iimiKiiter i.iiici, who have beun riiHtlciitlnir at Win- chi'Mter liny, returneil hint Wednee day. .MIhh WllllaiUH. of New York, who Iiiih been thu KUent of Mr. uml Mm. W. II. Demi h of llacklilllte, iiuhhcii throiiKh thlniity on herrulurn holiui this wiH'k. iivler & I'hllllpH HiIh wii'k re- liioveil'thelr real entate olllee build nir from thu corner lot to the IiihIiIu ot to aiinilt tne new uricK oi .iouch and l'lillllpH. 1). II. llemenway mid wife left Sunday morntiiK for a Hoveral weekn outlmt on the Nounil. They will ul ho vlnlt Mr.mid Mrn. Wm lleiueuway of Seattle, wiiuu iiiihuiii. All Dlllartl and A nil row Hvamireil two of Kuueno'H well known mil' hIcIiuih fiirulHlieil iuiihIc for the prl vnte i niic nir party at tho r O. O. F hall hiHt Friday uvuiiIuk. rvinnftroTiVir'6Tnnr SKILLMAN & BENSON Leading; Grocers of Cottage Grove. Hverythlng new, fresh and clean. Where tho majority trades, evidently the prices are right. UIvo us a trial, mnl wo shall endeavor to please you. Produce a specialty. Phono 4:1. vjUUUUUUULtUULfUJU Wnons. i Co., I'roprlclorH. .J. -T: VV-'T1 fi. I. I'. D ivIh, of l.ormie. wuh In the city WedueHiluy mid favoii'd llohvm la NilKnet with a very pleiiHiint fall. Mr. DiivIh InforuiH the NiikkcI Unit the l.oi'uue creuinery Iiiih rlimed down for u few wii-kn on iiccoiml of wiiiflty of cream Iml will Im-kIu , riiiiiihiK IIKUllI IIH HOOII IIHlllC piHl-l Illi'H open up mid eremii IweomeH I more plentiful. While floHed Home viiluulili'lmnroveuientH will licmadi' i 'I'he tillfciiH of Cotliiue Drove nn" hoit.v to we the creamery tioM'. 'I'hev make a llrnt cIiihh quality of Imtter mid II Ih a home product. M. O. Warner mid .1. Ii. Henri vIhIIi-iI Iloliemlii dlHliict thin wirk looklliK flilo IheHiiii'lter proiioHltlon. 'I'lif- K-'it Ii'ini'ii report that they like me appenrmice ot the iIlHtrlct very much mid lire of Hie onlnlon tliul i wllh develoiuiient the dlHlrlel will afford III! excellent field for Ii Hllll'ller. mid wldletheKen.lcnien were "V1".'- i-oiiiciMatlini tin)! the rump will not IH? IIIHI hikiii ol. 'A private Irtirrfrom Wm WalliireJ of Tiichoii, Arizona, who iiieiitly ' Went to the hoHpltal at that plare foriipiH'mlliitlM.-lH to thuerfti't that i he Im rapidly Improvliii; iimler the tlvutiuent. The operation Iiiih been I poHlpoiifd. ami a M.VMtcinntlr treat-1 llieiit Im Klven with the view of (! link' him In Hhmie to Htiiml the i opcratlun iih hoiiii iim colder wenther K'tH III It C. Y. Drown, the IiiimIiicch iiiiiii uer of llohemla .Nuwet iicrom puuleil li.v IiIh wife anil ilnnnliler left Friday for I'ortliindandliolutHilowii the.Coluiiililu. He i eturued WedueHiluy mid Ih iikiiIu to lie M-eu at IiIh pont of duly with thatHcerene hiiiIIc of IiIh. lireukliiK through a healthy tan picked up ut Iiiiik lirmii. Kllrliluc mid IIIkkIiih, the new i'iiiii iiuhhIoii men. on Main Htreet. have Liililrd onntiruelive feature to their new uml prouilHliiK IiiIhIiichm. Thin wei'k Ihey relieved their new wiikoii mid now you ran hiv A I'm huiIIIuk fnee behind a Hue Horrel ilinwln the lirutfHt delliery In the city. .Mrn. W. T Keywr Ih havlnga neat twoHtory iVHldence erected on her lot lu the northucHtcrn part of the Lit v. It will be hi'veu roouiH and nicely luriilMliril.nl modern nichetirt. lire and of llrnt cIiihm miiterlal throiiKliout. ThoimiHiiml MiiHterHon have Hie eontriirt. C. W, Walliice. clerk of the Modern Woodmen of America, of HiIh city, thin wirk nivlntl a draft from the heiiil ramp forl'.INH) la favor of Mrn. Sarah Dennett, lu payment of policy held by her lute IiumIiiuiiI. CIiiih. A. Iteiinet, iiiaile payable to IiIh wile. ProfcHHor F. S. Day. formerly prlmipul of the public hcIiooIh of HiIh city; now holdliu; down IiIh home Hteud on the upH-r Sliiluw. arrived Siiiiilay mornlni: uml hh'UI wvernl ilavM HiIm wi-rk lu the IntervHt of IiIh llelchcr proMTty in Iloliemlii. dipt. W. S. Moon mid F. W lllooinllehl of KiiKi'iie were In the city hint Friday, hhhIhIIiik In the In nt ill 111 1 1 ill of the ollleiTH of the Court of Iloliemlii, No. ,'EI, FoivHtern of America. The Nuet iicknowleKeH a pleiiHiint rail. It Ih miuoiinci-il that .Ian Price, of Spokane. WuAh , will oK'iiup UKi'iitH I-urnlHhtm; uml Tailoring cHtuhdHli ineiit In HiIh city by the llrnt of the mouth, huvliij; leiiKcd a part of the Htore room now occupied by the llartelH millinery Htore. Mrn Mary McFurluud. who Iiiih I hi' n vlnltliiKor neveral moutliH with hernlHter. Mrn. W. S. Ileunett, left for her Inline at Liberty Center Iowa, TucHilny. .She wiih accompan ied by her little hoii. MIhh I.iiIii Ciirruu Iiiih charge of the Fugle liookHtore during the aliHonce of M im. FIcIiIh, who wlil buiiliHenton an outing for a week or ten daj H. .lohu ThoiupHou In IiIh grund MuhIciiI Comedy -mid Vnudevllle en tcrtuiniiif nt will iippenrat the opera bonne In thlH'clty on Aug. It). Dr. I.owe, Kugi'ne'H well known oeulo-optliimi will be In Cottage ttrove Momluy mid till noon I iich- ilny, AugiiHl L'llli uml J.'itli. YVullace and Soiih huuleil thelirHt loud of roek for the foundation ot the .loncM an I I'lillllim brick liiHt ThnrHiluy morning. Stacy ItitHHell, formerly with I.. Lurch of HiIm city, mently with It. W. Newluud lu Kugeiie, vImIiciI frlemlH lu HiIm city tlilri week. The Second Southern Oregon Din trlct Agrlcnltnrnl Fair will lm held in Kugene Septeinlior 211 InHtlug live iluyH. Mr. ami Mix. Frank Sklllnnin mid Mrn. Dora Fliidn leavu curly next wi-ek for mi outing Ih the inonliilnH. McCUiluu'H Ih the only plare In town where you run buy a box ol Aldou Chocoluti'H and Hon IIouh. The lit t lo hoii of Frank Kby cut nulle wjillo wading In the river. W II. Lincoln uml wife left ThurH iluy for Newport where they will re main u couple of inoiithn. Mrs. .1. C. Wootln, of Star, wuh lu thu city Tliui'Hilay uml pnld the Nug get olll:e a pleiiHii it call. Try ii iIIhIi of.Wertherly Cieiunery Co'h Ice Croain at the Wave Ice Cream Paiiorn. Home made CamlleM iilwayM fivh and tliebfHt nt the Wave Ice Cream PmiorH (let your frultH uml caudlcn for Sumlny ut the Ware Ice Cream Parlors. (IIII Meadow, one ot the old Htand byn of llohemla Im lu the city this week. When we hu.v iiuullty. It tneaiii j ijiiiiI ty at "The .Modern I'hurmucy." II Ih minoiiuceil that a movenii'iii Ih on font for the trii iiixn t Inn ol u new hailklllK Hrui In IIiIh elty. It Ih uiideiHtood that hIioiiIiI the nrKan Izailun iM't-ffecled that the hank will occiipv the new lirlck of Jiuich Ac , I'lillllpM. now under coiml ruction. Iiiiiii'h I'rlce. of Hpokniie, WuhIi . 1 IIiIh week piirehaHed nlxly feet front on Main Htni't from Jiimen Mrl nr-l land, anil It Ih iiiiiIithIomiI 1 1 , I tn will eiecl n HiibHtmitlnl IhihIih-hh ImlldliiK In the near future 'l'1n- run Hlderatlon wiih I .1.1,. I'ltoy.preHldent of tliel.lloy i Mlnlnir Co. "arrived from fori In ml ; ThurHiluy afternoon. I pun iiIh nr j rival he found li letter iiwiiIiIiik him from T'oreinan Ceo. tltaliiim that lie' Ih now lireakliiK Into a heavy limly of K'duun ore. 'I'he work of liiMlallliiK Hie mvv miu'hlnery ut the Cot lime 'irnve i:ieetrli Co., im koiiik "ii wiin an oohhIIiIi' HIH-fd. Illld Mr. AbraniB Im of lh opinion that he will have the llew plant In oHTiitlon nlmiil Hie llrnt. The yoiinx people of thlHclly pur tlclpnted lu a m-lift danie at the I. t). I). I'. hull llrtt Friday I'lenliiK. Twenty-two coiipk'H were pri'M-nt. mid u delhrhlfill time wiim had M , MrH JllH McKarlimd. w ho ,, , '. , ' .' Ltu-nillnir n few wckn on the f mii nTiirneil to lo n Hi.h week. Alrn. McFarliind nan had a nevere attack of rheiimatlHtn CongreHHiiiun llliiKer.Heriiiami ami wife arrived lu HiIm elt v IiihI TliurH day, on ii nliort vllt with Mrn. IlermiiniiH Hlnter. .Mrn .McKliuiei . lleo. Ilohlmmi Ih home from llo-. hemln, where he Iiiih ln'i'ii doing IiIh aumiiii UHiu'HHUient work on IiIh proper! lew. Attornev ,f. S. Medley HiIh week Hold IiIh property on Main Htreet to John CorlM'tt. recently from Calif ornia. Dave Orover gi.'M to the hllln HiIh wii'k to do IiIh uHHeHHiiient work on Home good looking cIuIiiih he Iiiih tlieie. .1. V.. Wheeler left TlinrHilny for New Port where he will limgulHh lu the Invigorating nitrf for a couple of weekn. (leo ItuliiH, one of the fn-igliterK. for Joe Cole, blew In from the Ho henilu end of the route IiiMt WedneM day. MIhh Lueille AbnilUH. who Iiiih been vlMltlng her couhIii, Mrn. Francln Howard, returned to her home Frl duy. tt'eutherly Creuinery CoVlceCreain Portlamll. (iiiarnntii'il the lient made, nt the Wave Ice Cream Pur lorn. Frank Jorilnii HHiut Sunday with IiIh family now Hojournlng at Oregon Mineral SprlngH nt Loudon. MIhh ornliii HurniH left for Albuliy. Friiluv to take a iiohHIou In the telegrnph olllee nt thut place, chim. Smiill returniil to thin place Momliiv night after wvernl weekn vlnlt ut valley polntH. hen von wIhIi Htntionarv. call at the Kagle liookHtore, -Mrn. Dora I' Ii'IiIh, proprietor. Cull mi J. V. 'I'horntou at the Pearl Confectionery. He will Ih- plcnned to nee you any time. J. S. Illmitou uml family, of Ku-gi-tie. lire riiHtleutlng ut the Oregon Mineral Spring'. DeiinlH Cooter. of ltlnckbutte, wiih a pleiiKant culler at the Nugget olllee thin wii-k. Frunk Whipple and I. V. Cooper, of mnrkbuite. Snudnyed in the drove. A new Hiiwmlll Ih In the conrMMif roiiMt ruction on "Wily Creek." near Drain. King F.dwnrd Ih on IiIh wny to Itohemln-whi' hii.vh Iloliemlii Ih not O. K. .1. W. SlniinoiiH, Htnte orgnnlierfor the M. W. A., wiim lu the city Wiil ncHiliiy and I'rlday. S. K. (leorgi', of Kugene. vlnlteil lu the drove thin wirk. Frank Miller, of Portland wan In the city thin wii'k. M Ihh Etta Smith left for Iloliemlii Friday. Don't full to read Welch Ac Wood'n ad. CENTRAL HOTEL. The Central hotel In now under tho niniingeiueiit of 1. K. ThompHon and hlHi'Htlmnlile lady and In enjoy lug a patronuge almoHt beyond Its canaclty. The Central consistM of US bed rooniH, bnggugeroom, parlor, otll ce and dinning room, '.MxIlO fi-ot In nUe. The houne Is extremely well IIuIhIiciI throng out. Ksiieclnl care ban bifii taken In the ventilation of every room along the most modern inethodHoI sanitation. The dining hull of the Central In a very beuutl fill room, large uml airy and would give one mi appetite whether hungry or not. The tnblon are always fur nlnheil with the very tient the market affords, two lu the old fashioned style ami four on the Kuropenn plan. The iiimmgcment of this houne Iiiih given such clone cure In every do lull of the himlneHH that they have been forced to rent rooms near the hotel to accoininodiite those who urcmixloiiH for the service of the excellent tables of the Central and now have thirty-live roouiH occu pled. Mr. and Mih. ThoinpHoncaiue to Cottuge drove about one year ago and took charge of the Cottage Grove Hotel under a one years leiifO which expired about two weekn ago and so well pleased were their pnt roiiM that when they moved to the Central they took with them eight of their regular boarders, tney will iimko ii great success of the hotel business and will command u large sluini of tho imtromige. They are pleasant people uml thoroughly un der stand the business. . MrB. Molliu Allen, of South rork, hy. says eho has pievented attacks of chol era morbus bv taking Chamberlain's Htomacli and Liver Tablets when she felt an attack coming on, 8uoh attacks are caused bv Indigestion ami these Tablets are )ust what Is needed to cleanse the stomach and ward off the approachlug attrack. Attacks of bilious collo may be prevented In the same wav. For sale by ltenson Drug Co. aiiirL waist 1-3 oil' Not of Ihrce Year Old Trees Dave llover, of HiIh city. romcM In' Hie Nugget olllee thlH week with' the chumplon apple Htory of the HeiiHon. I wo yearn ago nave net out two apple trei'H on bin reHldence 1 hit In thin city. The tni'M were one year old at the time of planting, and were of a choice variety, the mime of , which Iiiih nllpped the mind of the Nugget mini. Thin the Kecond year, the tree now lielng three yearn old, Mr. Hover linn picked twenty-two nppli'M from the trecH. One tni' liuil twelve and theotherten. ThoHinall-i apple wuh eleven Inchcft In lircuni-! ference, and the oneleft nt the Nug get olllee, which In average nlii-, inenHuren thirteen IncheH lu rlrcum- ( ference. ; ISicycle Stolen. Jan. Hart, of this city. p-portH Hometlme Wednendny night nome oneHtolehlH wlfe'n bicycle from their reMideneeln the McFarland addition. The wheel wan left by the Hide of the liouxe, and wan not iuIhh.k1 un t lit noon. The natne of the wheel In the Pennnt. NOT1CK FOK I'UIILICATION. L'niteil Staten Land Office, Hcebiirn, Ore , Apr. 20, 1003. Notice in hereby given that in compli ance ith the provisions of the act of CouiircpH of June 3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the mle ot Timber Ijinds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,,' as extended to nil the Public IjuiiI States by act of Aiigilnt 4, 1&92, NATHAN K. C0.M1T0N. ofCottiiKO Grove, Co. of Lane, State of Oregon has this day tiled in this otlice lil awnrn statement No. -1081 . for the pur chase of the west half of the west half of See NoL"0 Tp 23S,of Kangel WanUwill otrrr proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes and to es tablish Ids claim to said land before the Hejiisterand lteceiver of this otlice at Koseburg, Oregon, on Monday the '.Mthdayof Aug., 1003. , He names as witnesses : Frank It Phillips. Frank I). Wheeler, Joseph K Young, John D Palmer, of Cottage Grove, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lauds are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or before find 24th day of Aug., 19u3. J.T. ltiUDOiis. Kegister. XOTICK Hill PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Koseburg, Oietfon.May, 23, 1903. Vntlraia lu-rl'liv I'il'ell that ill COIUIlli- auceultli the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the ruulic l-anu Jnaies uy act ui August 4. 1S02, fiiHirve W. Kinlev. of lion Itiver.Co.of HayfieldStiiteof Wis consin has this dav tlleil in thisofficehis sworn statement No. fi'-'53 for the pur chase of the S t.. NE 1-4. NK1-4 NK1-4, being lot IjOI Section io lounsiup -o South, of 11. 3 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able forits timber or stonethan foragri cultural purposes, and to establish Ids Clllllll lO Slllll lllllll liviwiu u. w. U S Commissioner at Eugene, Ore., on Tuesday tne 25th day of August 1003. Henaniesas wunoescs: Frank Lvon, A. 11. Lvon. J . ltemmis, ot London, E. E. Johnson, ot Cottage Grove, all of Lane bounty, ure. Any and all persons claiming auverse-K- n, .ii,iv,..il..rrll'iMl lands are re- nuested to tile their claims In this office i . i ..p.i. i At i .... inaQ on or ueioresaiu -inn nay i .w, J. T. llmiHJKS, Kegisier. When you want a physio that is mild nml gentle, easv to lane ami cerium iu ni'i. nlwnvs iise'Chamberlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by ltenson Urug Co -riii: Grocery Store OF Medcalf Morse is the place to your groceries. lmv Everything is clean, new, fresh and of first grade quality. tes 1 j J ' iS I Lurch's Store S 11 1111 U animals to eat, Shirt Waists Wm take plraHiire In offering the public bnrgiibiH In Shirt WnlHtM. all nobby hIvIch and up to date. You will find many of our Shirt WaMt-i (imt one half the former price iim HiIh Ih oiirwfond great cut wo have made ll them HiIh year. We will mIIII continue for a nhort time our big dlnrountln Hummer dri'HH goodH, nml Iiii ve you noticed our 10 and 2n percent dlHCOllllt on Ladle'H WrapiM-rn. tnB,.. Von will find it impossible to buy Summer Skirts elsewhere at the priee we are olTeriti"; them. giifUfMfiirnrmiifMrMFiirMritFMriifiiriiriiruniniFiinifiifiif Spring is bere-So arc we j With Spra- Pumps and Spray Compound. S Hoch. I taken and Cultlvatorn. Oliver's Steel mid Chilled Plows. zs Fish UroH. Wagons. A full and complete Line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. ZZ Mining Supplies our Specialty. 13 Piper & V TJiummjuiajiimiuiuanuaiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiaiiiiK :: :i: . :: :: :i: x x :': X X X X f J, l lay's fr guarantees to nave you money on everything to furninh a home Including Stoves, Ranges, Cart and Mattinp, New Bi Clearance Sale now on for 30 days; 10 per Cent Discount on everything:. EUGENE - OREGON $. t t -i: t Griffin & THIS OUAHAXTEEU COill'OUXll INTEREST GOLD BOND. Of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Richard A. McCurdy, President. This Gold Bond differs from any policy written by this or any other insurance compfiny in the following es sential particulars: 1st. The policy is by its terms, payable in Gold Coin. This refers to both the principal sum and the interest. . '2d. It guarantees annual-, for a specified term of years, 3 per cent in gold on all premiums previously paid. These credits may be drawn at the time they are made or at any other time, but as long as they are allowed to remain with the company, they will be increased by 3Mt per cent interest, compounded annually, until the end of the said term, and, in the event of the death of the insured, any such accumulated credits will be paid with the sum insured. 3d. At the end of the period during Jwhich premium payments are required (10, 15 or 20 years, as the case may be), the Company, if requested, will exchange this Bond for anew one for a stipulated amount, payable at the death of the insured and, in the meantime, drawing i per cent simple interest annually on its par value. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PA YAH LB IN GOLD COIN, The accumulated sur litis or dividend will at tho same time bo paid In cash, or it may be applied to Increase the amount of tho now 3 per cent Ilond which will also thereafter participate annually In the dividends of tho Company. in addition to these features which -are peculiar to theOold Ilond, It also combines all the advantages of tho DlstrlbutlonlPollcIes of Tho Mil. tuul Life Insurance Company of New York, such us full participation In the surplus earnings of tho Company, Cash Surrender and Loan Values, grnco In payment of premiums, Automatic Paid-up Insurance, etc. Full Information regarding this exceedingly popular and attractive com. bluntloii of Investmeiit and Protection for any particular age or amount may be obtained by applying to tho Company's nearest agent, or.cnll or write to W. A. WANN, Supervisor of Agencies. Eugene, Oregon. Shirt Wnlst 1-3 off but of, andenbura l Furniture Co, I Line of Wall Paper t -t- X t THE CUTTING QUALITY of any tool Is always u 'dsslrnble one, but of eq'unl Importance Is the power of retaining this quality go as not to require too frequent sharpen ing. Ily making your purchases of the Uritlln & Ventch Co. you uhvnys receive your money's worth In the best quality of tools and cutlery of proiierly.temiiered steel that Is sure to hold an edge. Veatch Gi lnirt;, Ore.