Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 14, 1903, Image 1

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    sx i 7i & 0s
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering ami I'nrming Interest of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. ag
In Compliance with Ordinance Business
Houses Closed Last Sunday.
A 1,1. HUT 1' III All STAN II.
O. (). McClellnn Opened Wide III
DiiiirM miJ lllil I. mi'l Office Kindness.
When it wns generally known
Inst week that the City Council
lmil panted nn ordinance declaring
it "unlawful for any person or jier
sons firm or corporations to keep
open auv shop, grocer v, ball nllc ,
billiard room, card room, tippling
home, or other plare of husiuci't," i
all kinds of Hxxulaliou wns in
dulged in 011 the start, and many
comments of a nature unconpll
meutary to the promoters of the
scheme wetc heard. Some were of
the opinion, that it was class legls
Islatiou. Others thought, and it
would appear that the majority of
the buslii :ss class of the city is of
tills view, that it was a peice of
foolishness on the part of the City :
Council to be iullltcnced to passi
.such an ordinance. Many were In
favor of opening tip regardless of
the ordinance anil righting tliej
issue to 11 finish. Later on it was
decided that one house had better
open up and the rest remain closed.
Then if an attempt should Ik.- made
to convict the one violating
the new ordinance, the
business houses would stand to
gether uud bear the expense ol
trial carrving the case to the
Supreme Court if necessary. Ac
cording to this plan O. O. Me Clel
len, proprietor of the cigar, confec
tionery and ice cream stand, who
had u large order in for his ice
cream, was chosen as the one
to open, and sure enough
Sunday morning Mr. McClellau
threw wide his "gates," and the
usual amount of business some
hint n little more so was done.
O. O. Willard, who seems to
have taken much of the reson
nibilty of supervising the business
Intercuts of the city upon his own
shoulders walked iu an purchased a
five cent cigar. Straightway Mon
day morning Mr. Willard swore
out a warrant lor Mr. Mcueiicn 3
arrest on the ground of violating
the ordinance. The trial was set
for ro A. M., anil when
the time rolled nruinil quite a
crowd of interested and disinterested
people gathered at the office of
Recorder J. I. Young. All classes
were represented, ministers, church
members, newspaper men, business
men and sports, but iu all the vast
assemblage the lamiliar face of the
prosecuting witness, Mr. Willard,
was no where to be found. The
court, however, was patient; and ,
the hour dragged slowly by, while ,
the crowd rested lirst on one foot
and then on the other. As the
hour hand crnwled well aUng to
ward 11 o'clock and the prosecuting
witness failed to appear. Recorder
Young dismissed the case for lack
of prosecution.
About ten minutes after court .
was dismissed Mr. Willard was
seen coming in the distance, not
exactly with the speed of the wind,
but "by hand," working one pro-
pellcr after the other with steady
strokes. Mr. Willard was much
wroth, at His Honor, for dismiss
inir court without his (Willard's)
permission, but the mischiei had
been done, nnd the prosecuting
witness, after giving some ex
pression to his pent-up passions sub
mitted to the inevitable Mr Hub
bard, the proprietor of the Stone
berg cigar and camdy store near
the bridge was also arrested, but
was also discharged. As the
prosecuting witness failed to appear
at the time set by the Court.
To the Hon. Mayor uud Council ot
the city of t'otlngo drove, Oregon.
WlieroiiH nt 11 good citizenship
miiHH meeting held nt the M. K.
Ullliri'll Ol UHM , .IIIIIU-I, lirv.i, flllil
nt which meeting wo believe there
were more than persons pr-cxem,
11 vote, wiib t nken whether n rigid
enforcement ol the Statutes ami City
Ordlimneo relating to Bumbling nnd
cloHlngof millions Ih desired by the
cltlieriH and there being almost u
unanlmouHvotoforenforcenient of the
'"ai'iiI whereim at a Hlmllar meeting'
hold at the (J. P. Church, of thla city,
July 'JO, HKiil. whom wo hollovo there
were nioru than 1100 iiersoiiH present
nnd a like votu was taken with the
Hame, iilmost unanlmoiiH call for en.
forcemont of the law.
Therefore, we the undersigned, who
being present at these meetings, ro
Hpectfiilly submit this petition uh the
Bontlmout, wish nnd demand of the
good cltlioriH of Cottnge drove,
a. II. Kkkhk, C. M. Jackson.
T. M. Mkiilkv. A. II. Kino.
I). T. AwnitKV. 0. II. Wallace.
The following Is the ordinance
which was drafted, nnd upon which
tho above petition has bearing.
Oiidinanck No. 70.
An Ordinance entitled nn Ordi
nance compelling certain bundles
hoiiHCH to remain elowd for the
triiiiNiu'llon of hiisliii'HM on Huiithiy.
Tho Coiuuioii Council of the I'lty of
t'oKiiue drove diM'M niilnlii:
Heel inn 1:-II hIiiiII In1 unlawful fur
any perMon, im'ihoiin. linn nr enip
tlou 10 keen open mil mIidii, grocery,
I ball alley, hllllaril rtvun, inril room,
1 HppllliK limine, nr ol her place of
IiIInIiii'hn i-nepl iih lii'ieluiifli'l'iHTi'l
I'd on till IIimI 1I111 if the week cum
lllulilv nillril M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ill' Hie I.iiiiI'h
Day lor 1 1 n-1 hi i pi imi- ,if lnlini'iir l rullr,
Hlllllll till' I'lll'IMII'Ull' lllllllH nf till-
1 Cllv n( i'iiIIiiki' ili-cie I'nulili-il,
thai I In' uliiiit' prm IhIiiII hIiiiII mil
lipply I11 ki'i'pi'i'M of drug Mloii'M, due I
Iiiih iiIMii'h, iiuili'rliil.i'i'H. Ilvi'i'.v Min I
llll'H, llllllt'lM, Illltl'lll'IH, llukl'I'M, III I ,
Ii'Im mill ii'hIiiiiimIm.
1 Section i!. An. perHim utility uf n
! vliilatluliiif IIiIh orillnaiire sliall, 1 1
1111 convli-tluii Ihi-ri-nf In-full' the Iti'
rnnli-r of t hi-Cll.v of ' Hi time limit
be lined In a hiiiii lint In en-ci-il 10.
anil shall pai the rnsiH nl proHi'rii
linn nnd In di'fnull nf lui.vuii'iil "f
hiii-Ii line Mini 1 1 In- rnnlliM'il In thul'lt.i
.lull, mil In exceed iiihmIm.v fori-nili $L"
of Hiirli line.
I'lihH'il liy the I'ntniiiiili ('iiilinll nl'
the City nf CotliiKe Univi- UiIm :ird
day of August, 1MKI. Apjiriiii'il li.i
the Mai or this Mril. ilai "' Angiim.
Alton! II- SI. Vi.ATi ii. Slnyiir.
.1. K. Vim mi. Hit-order.
(Copy I
I .1. I". Yiiiiiik liii-ordi-r of Hie City
olCotiiiKi' droii-lu-rlty eerlllly that
tin-iiboie In a true anil correct enpi
ot nidiniinii- No. TO and of the whole
theieuf. Haled this Kit It day of
AngllM 1 lM:t.
.1. E.
iiisr SAiiiumu.
T. K. Richardson, who is n
ptouiincut stockholder in the i in
proved Mineral Smelter Co. with
principal business office at Koc
burg. Oregon, was iu tliccity last
I'riday. Mr. Ricliardson is highly
elated over the test already made
by his coiupati). and states that his
company will this week commence
the erection of a plant at Anaconda,
Montana, which is put in a! the in
stigation of prominent mining men,
witli the view of making a com
plete lest of the new system, to
deriermine the merits claimed for
C. 1) Williams and M. Ulanchard
were the founders of the company,
Mr Ulanchard being the inventor,
while T. K. Richadson. having be
come ii prominent stockholder, is
secretary. The big test is made at
Anaconda. Montana, for the reason
that it is purely a smelter country,
and the results of a test given ut
that nlace will lie Riven to the
world. The great feature of the
new system is the consuming of the
smoke and the combustible gasses
with tile use of any ligntic coal
without the necessity of using coke.
It consists of a double furnace, the
secondary (urnacc utilizing the heat
from the first furnace The heat is
driven down from the first furnace
and through the slag pit; up
through the secondary furnace.
Mr. Ricliardson states that his com
pany has given the system i
thorough test and they are all satis
fied with the results and are confi
dent that it will reduce all ores.
Mr. Richardson states that the
compauys smelter is looked upon
with great favor by mining men
who have had occasion to examine
into its merits, and that many so
lvations have been rccievedfor the
purchase of stock, but the stock is
all taken by the founders of the com
pany. The outcome of the tests at
Anaconda will be wutched with
much interest, as it Is claimed not
only to be perfect iu every detail but
n great money saver over all other
And Ivvcrythin kept in a First Class Harness
Shop at Lowest Prices.
L'all and svv. me
Closing Out At Cost
Window Shades, Crockery
' Mattings Glassware, Tubs
Carpets and Washboards
Our Entire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cost For
Cash, Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains.
Eakin & Bristow.
property. Theie are seven claims i
Geo. Patrick, a well known1
rftiirmi1 tvnr Lr lino tifn rintif nn
I Baker City Mining man, mention j these ciaimSi but numerous shafts.
ol whom was roaoe in iusi i,ave been sunk on the property,
Nugget, returned to town frornnjnml le claims thoroughly pros-,
weeks visit in Bohemia last faatur-, ifjve wen marked parallel
day, staying only long enough to veins bave been shown up and
transact little business, bunch up traced 011 thjs nrooertv. all tiros-1
some grub, and then hiked back pectjng free g0d 0f good quality,
into the district to continue his in- The company considers that it has
vesugauons. ... ' claims wlncli will in time be equal
Mr.l'airiCK speaus rigiuuui suuiiK
for Bohemia. He states that he
has followed mining all his life.
That he has been in all of the im
portant camps in the northwest.
Iu all his wanderings throughout
the great mining circle of the west
t) any thing in the camp. De
velopment work is now being hard
pushed, with two shifts, and the
property will be put on paying basis
as soon as sufficient development
work can he made to justify the
pref-tinn nf n rprltietion nlnnt. The
he savs positively, that he has never ilom f tj.e romnflnv is at
seen Bohemin's equal. He believes Corvallis .Oregon. Geo. E. Lilly,
the time is now at tiaru wnen 0f that city, being the secretary of
Bohemia will startle the world. He ' tl)e Comnanv.
docs not believe it has nn equal.
He speaks very complementary o!
the Oregon Securities Co. stating PAINT MINK
that the great work the compauy is
doing will revolutionize the camp.
and bring it before the world in a ' The existance of a body of the
mniiner tnat will piaceiuecapiuu ui -,". , , r,
world within reach. "Fewcf you 1 near Walker Station lias long been
-i! ,.,.-.i i- iir,vi- "tviint 'known, but until recently the ex-
,n,n,tn vnnr community and to ' conjectioti. Now, however.
Hohemia. Trausoortation is the
Shirt Waist Sale
From 15 to 25 per cent discount
on all our Shirt Waists.
Garman, Hemenway Co,
Leaders in Merchandising-.
Iu conversation with Geo. W.
I.loyd, manager of the Crystal Con
solidated Mining Co., now inactive
development in Bohemia Mining
Dristrict. that gentlemen expressed
his views regarding smelter for
the camp at the present time. Iu
view of much talk now going the
rounds as to the advisability of
launching a smelter enterprise in
Bohemia, the following brief view
will be read with interest; Mr.
Llovd said:-
"I do not think the erection of
a smelter plant for Bohemia ad
visable at the present lime. Two
characters of ore are characteristic
of Bohemia Iree milling and base.
The free milling ore of course can
be treated bv stamp mills, while
the base ore is treated by con
centrntlon nnd smelting. The base
ore carries iron, copper, lead and
The deeper workings of the dis
trict shows that the ores increase
in value witli depth; but at the
present time, owing to the limited
amount of work completed the
base ores do not carry sufficient
values to pay for shipping and
smelting. The ore, however, can
be concentrated from 6 to 10 tons
into one nnd will than pay a large
nrofit. after deducting the cost of
mining, milling and smelting.
While I do not see that the erec
tion of a smelter would do harm to
the district, still nt the present
time, I do not think it would pay."
have become
parties from Creswell
creat need- When you establish a interested, and they Cud by the most
comnlete transportation line Bohcm-1 searchitig tests that it is practically
I ..... iMavlinnotnhla ntwl linita fff n nt TAfl
ia will do therest." Mr. I'atncKrep- t,
:,iki nnil ptc. a company io mute uiiu uicpuic ii.
t.Pcts tn identify himself with Bo- nnu put ii on me marKei
The com
pany is composed of Dr.I.D. Scar-
,brough, C. C. Hazeltou, S. A. Mc
l Kay, W. W. Scott and S. A. Gor
rell, all of Creswell. They propose
I to organize a Joint Stock Co. and
the most prosperous P,ace a '"nited number ofshares on
,". "wi.,'c; ,C!the market.
Bohemia camp is the Great East-
.... r . MM . . !
em Milling i-o mis v.umpuuy
Samples of this paint has been
exhibited at the Buffalo and
was organized nt Corvallis.Oregon, ""lesion exposu.ous aim ,. ,,
,astycr with capita, stock of J
350,000, and lias oeen acnveiy
developing its properties since. It
prosecuted its development work up
to January 1st, last year and com
menced work again iu March this
year. Lewis Hartley, one of the
oldest mining men in the district,
has charge of the affairs of the com
pany and ill Us development worK
with the Orecon exhibit. A re
quest has come from Portland for
samples of the paint to be sent to
the St. Louis Exposition. Regis
Where Knclne Will Be Oood.
Visitors to the Oreiron state fair
has been done under his personal 1 this Inll will witness the greatest
racing ever seen in me siuic. omciu
business men have raised a purse
E. S, Lovelace, of Fort Itnusom,
N. I)., returned to tills city Inst Snt
urdny, from n business trip to Snn
Frnnclsco, where he went to Inquire
Into plnus and HpeclflcntloiiH with
the view ot equipping tho Sunrise
MlnlnRCo., with a reduction plant.
Sir. Lovelace laid over here two
dnys nnd then continued hU home
Joraey where he will complete Ills
nrrnngements, nnd will probably lie
on the Kroundngnln in 11 few weeks.
Ijwl8 Hently. Mining Mimagrer
for the Grent Enatern Mining Co.
wns In the city this week.
Proprietors of
...The Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and Ammunition
Son of J. S. Myers, Near Saginaw !
floes Down.
Irn Uuy Slvem, son of J. S. Myers
of Snghmw, two miles north of this
city wns drowned in How Itlver Inst
Young Myers hud goiielubuthliig,
not being 11 swimmer, ho soon got
beyond his depth nnd drowned before
iiBslstnnce could re-ich him. The
body wns recovered Sunday nfter
110011. Deceased wusl" years old,
nnd wns well thought of by those
who knew him.
To Ret all the
'Bohemia Nugget.
news read the
simer vision.
This company lias three groups of
claims known as Gieat Eastern No
1, No. 3 and No. 3. There are
eight claims in No. 1, located one
mile west of Twin Rocks, on Bear
Greek. 390 feet oftunnel ha9 been
driven on these claims, exposing
some very rich bodies of ore. No. 2,
consisting of four claims which
have 300 feet of tunnel work. Num
erous assays have been taken as
work progressed, and the ore in
the tunnels has averaged over $20
free milting to the ton. This
group is located nt the head of
Sailor Gulch, one mile from wagon
road to Bohemia. Group No. 3 is
situated at Twin Rocks, nbout 3
miles South west of Mustek mine.
There Is a wagon road through this
of $2000 for 2:17 pacers to be raced
for on Salem Day, which has 30
horses entered. These horses are
from the best stables in Oregon.
Washingion, Idaho, California aud
Montana, and it is excepted at least
twenty of them will start, furnishing
the largest field of highclass horses
ever seen on a track on the Pacific
coast. Portland, too, has contrib
uted a purse of $2000 lor a.20 trot
ters to be raced for on Portland
Day. This race has 27 horses en
tered, of which most of them will
start, making two of the greatest
racing events ever held this side the
Rocky mountains. It you are fond
of high-class racing, don't miss
seeing these to events.
Tho tiest nnd largest
stock of dry lumlierfrom
our OoiiHt fork Mills Is
now ready foi delivery
nt popular prices.
Houses built on the In
stallment plan. For fur
ther particulars, see,
Building nnd Sales Dept.
J. II. Waruer, Sunt
The Place to Buy
The Golden Sun,
finest Ceylon Tea,
Packet containing one
75c per Packet
First grade Gun
Powder Tea
GOc per pound
Second grade Gun
Powder Tea
50c per pound
Schillings Best Tea
50c and 25c
per package.
English Breakfast
still holds its renowned
50c per pound
First grade Spider
Leg, finest "Jap" Tea
50c per pound
Second grade Spider
Leg, nothing better on
the market for the price
35c per pound