Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 07, 1903, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering mid Fanning Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. a8
AT Till! llliCKIIITIi
Contracts left for Two Tunnelt Nearly a
Mile Lone on the ISO feet Lerel at
Graat Quicksilver Mlnea.
Win Kcrtloy, Robert Phillip and
John Kcrtloy the l.uck) Contrnc-torn.
Mr. IH'IiiiIh, I'ichIiIviU anil chief
owner of th lllack llutte UtilcltHllvcr
Mlnlnir Co.. I" "till driving iiheiid ii
on tliOHium' t'xti'iiHlvi'Honlo thut Iiiin
churiictcrlwd all ol IiIh (iihtiiIIoiim tor
the piutt four yciu-M. The Black llutte
Mine Ih to U made one nt Hi- Ktviitt-Ht
uulckNllvor inlni'H lu tlio world, anil
neither iiioiim nor bralim Ih IwIiik
Htmrvil to bring ubout till ivmilt.
Am recently iiiinoiiiiecd In tlio Nwr
Kot Hit contract lor tlio big croBH-cut
tunnel on the KM) ft. level wait com
pleted a Mhort time ago. TIiIm tiiiino1
cut three vein. 7, IS. mid SO ft. wide
n'MttUely,coneliHlvly proving the
ureal depth of thin wonderful deptmlt
of cinnabar oru. Now coiiicm the In.
foriuntloli that .Mr. Delink Iiiih let n
eoutriiet for two Ioiik ilrlflM mi two
of tho velim referred to. One of tlitw
ilrlftH will Iw overthrew thoinnnil feet
lung imd will iK'lietmte nil the lil
tiro nlioot tlevelo'd on the upper
level.. The lllnck llntte Mine ulreiidy
him over Twelve TIiouhiiiiiI fivt of
ileveloH'dment work. blocking out
luiliicno bodlen of rewervo ore prepar
atory to future opcrntloiw on u very
largo Hcnle. Ono of the eharneterlMtle
eaturcM of thin proerty In the great"
er rlchueiiH of tho ore iim depth It at
tained. The ureal bonuiiiiiiulekHllver
milieu of Ciillforiilu are niiIiI to have
Keneriilly found their rlehent ore from
the WW ft. letel downward, and from
present ludlentloliM the niack Untie
Mine of Oregon Ih going tn proe m
exception to the rule.
Thai Oregon will noon lieeiiine a
grnt producer it iiulckHllver there I
no doubt. Doveloieiiicnt on ipilek.
HllverdepOHltHlu other purtHofthe
Mate la contln'ially In projjrc. an I
iih the iiulckHllver mine of California
are mild to lie rapidly ulvlng out iih
hIiowii by the Krcat falling off In pro
dtietlon from tlmt Mute, It lookn hh
thoiiKb Oregon wiih going to Htep
Into the hIiih-h of her hIhIit ntatc ho
fur iih iiulckHllver production Ih
concerned. Since the price of iiulck
Hllver Ih continually advancing, tin
demand IncrcanliiK ami the product-
loit ilccrcUMlng, the pn-Hcnt outlook
for tho lllack Unite Mine Ih verv
With tho ureat llolienda gold camp
at our went and the lllnck lluttc
iiulckHllver dlHtrlct at our Houtherii
iloor, Ctittngedrove occupleH an en
viable piydtlon. Keep your eye on tho
tail of,our kite.
ROME, Aug. 3. Thctc arc
tltoio who profess tonight to believe
that a pope has already lireti e
Icctcd, but the fact is being kept
The foregoing is corroborated.
CiirdiimlSarlo was elected to the
high position.
lie will be known as I'opo Pins
X. It is announced that he will be
crowned next Sunday.
ROME, Aug. 3. After three full
days of deliberation, during which
six ballots have been taken, the
members of the conclave still re
main shut up in the Vatican with
out electing a successor to Leo
X in , The futility of both the bal
lots taken today was evinced by
the cmoke which arose from the
Sistlue Chaiel. The second mute
signal tonight was viewed by an
other large crowd in the square
of San Pietro. It is estimated 15,
000 people were present. Great dis
appointment was manifested, and
when the little puff of smoke ap
peared there were loud cries not
lOHoph Sli-e who Iiiih lieen vIhIIIiik
IiIh noii-Iii-Iuw, Walter linker, on
Mimby creek, Iiiih returned to town
and Ih the poHw-HHiir of a miuIIc about
a foot hum. He liiiHjiiHtciiiiHi' to puck
a hiiiIIo iiround with hlm, for when
lie faille In Moinluy ho brought tho
IM'lt uf an eight tout coiigur, which
ho hud killed the tiny before on Moh.
by creek In'tween John I'arinor'H
Iiouki' 11111I the linker ranch. Mr.
Nice wan down 1111 the creek and
''liappeneil" to have a nun with hlm.
Am ho wiih looking down the crtrk
from thepoxltlnn he hail taken Iiohiiw
a long aulninl hIIi out of theliriiMli to
the t-reek bunk, about !KW yurdn Im
low'hlm, which he reuillly recogulicd
to Ih a eoiiKar. Mr. Mlec promptly
took 11 Hhot at the lieiiHt. but Mr.
HIcc'h eye h not ho good iih It once
wiih. and ho iiiIhc1 the mark. The
iiuliual Immediately leaed Into the
hniHli. Mr. Nltt'Hoon hail IiIh bird dog,
reinforced by the Maker and Marker
lioiindH 011 the trail, and the cougar
took to a tree after a lixi yard run
Mr.Shv crawled through the brintli
and hooii found hlinwlf at the foot ol
tho tree, which proved to he a hiiwi!
me. Me lonketl from top to bottom
hut hn cougar wiih In night. I'lnally
he let IiIh eyen trace the IIiiiIih, ami
there oil a lower limb not ten feet'
from Hlicre Mr.Klce Httiod wan 0110 of
the moHt ffrocloUHlieUHtH that ho had
ever wen, iintwltliHtuudllij; the met
that the hero of thlH tale Iiiih Kovcral
cougar HcalpH to IiIh credit. In an In
Htaut the hunter wlilpxil IiIh kiiii In
to pOHltlou and planted a bullet Ih'
tween the coUKiirn eyen. Ah the nliot
wiih tired the cougar evidently made
an attempt to Hprlutr. hh ho lauded
within threefeet of the hunter The
IioiiiiiIn came on In an liiHtant.and nx
the liennt rolleil over, fearhiK that he
whoiild catch one of the iloK'H.Mr Hlee
put the inuiile of the Klin to the aid
iiiiiIh mouth and ae hlm another
chunck of lead, which Imiiledlately
niade a uuod concur oiit'of hlm. The
animal meiiHiirtMl JiiHt elKht feet. Mr.
Hhv broiiKht the pelt, which Ih a very
ffue one. to thin city, and turned It
over to Itoli't Alexander, who placed
1111 order for the "next one" poiiic
time iik.
And Ivvcrytltinj; kept in
Sliop at Lowest Prices.
1 First Clnss Harness
-CsX'alI and see me.
Closing Out At Cost
Window Shades Crockery
Mattings Glassware, Tubs
Carpets and Washboards
Our Entire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cost For
Cash. Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains.
E akin & Bristow.
Shirt Waist Sale 1
only of dlssapoiiitment but even
of derision,
Rome Is becoming extremely im
patient over the delay In the selec
tion of the new pope, concerning
which there appears to be no defi
nite explanation, owing to the rigid
secrecy with which the proceedings
within the conclave are being
guarded, Today practically the
only news that came from the Sis
tine Chapel was that of the extreme
ly grave illness of Cardinal Herrero.
It is presumed, however, that the
other aged cardinals are also suf
fering Irom their prolonged incar
ceration and the intense heat,
J'.tl leuks is now up to ti is eves
in work on his Baltimore group.
John Brttutl n the Sweepstakes,
is uncovering gootl ore.
The North Fairview mid the
Utopian are in active state of devel-
op-neut and each is piling up splen
did ore.
Reports from Mr. Shane's camp
are flattering. It has long been
known that Mr. Shane has some
excellent property.
The latest strike is reported from
Jackass Ritlge. Al Churchill is
the lucky man. He is said to have
broken into n very rich sliute of
free milling ore.
Advices from the Vesuvius are
to the effect that work is now well
under way, and at the end of every
day's work brings' forth most en
couraging results.
D. V. Darling, of Worcester.
Mass,, arrived here last Tuesday.
Mr. Darling is u heavy owner in
the Bohemia Gold Mining Co . and
joined Manager I.loyd here and is
now making a tour luspeetatioti ot
the property. Mr. Darling has
identified himself with the property
in uotiemta with the determination
of staying with it and being an eye
witness to the event, when it shall
be declared that Bohemia is one of
the biggest things in the Pacific
Kdward h. Haft", United States
Deputy Mineral Surveyor, of Crip
ple Creek", Colorado, arrived in this
city late last week, and last Monday
leic tor uouemta wuere lie is now
surveying the claims of the Crystal
Consolidated Mining Co., mid also
the claims of the Bohemia Gold Mi
filng Co, As soon us Mr. Haft shall
have completed his surveys the
management of these companies will
make application tor patent. Mr.
HofT was formerly a partner of Geo.
W. Lloyd, the manager of these
All peraong knowing tlienisolveH
Indebted to the underHlRncd, will
plcuHO call mid ottlo I have sold my
Htock of gooda and wish to clono up
my accountH at once. Dated August
6th, 180.1. ,
The rollowing advertisers have change of advertisements in this
weeks issue and those wishing to vote on the composition of same as
per our oftcr in last week's issue will take special notice of their con
struction. Remember ydtt are to judge for yourselves as to the value
of the advertisement as a trade getter. Read them over and decide
which one you consider contains the most convincing arguments as to
why you should trade at their particular store: Those having changes
arc: Pacific Timber Co., Welch & Woods and Stanley Bros.
Cast your vote for any advertisers having any advertisement in this
issue. We will call your attention to the change each week during
continuance of the contest, utid are anxious to have our readers decide
for us whoshall have the $10.00 worth of advertising. Mail your vote
or bring same to Bohemia Nugget office using the coupon below. Be
sure and give your reason for casting your vote if you want to win the
$5.00 premimuu to be given to the one giving the best reason for cast
ing their vote as they do. Remember we will not publish the names
of voters.
From 15 to 25 per cent discount
on all our Shirt Waists.
Garman, Hemenway Co.
Leaders in Merchandising-.
When you want a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and certain to
act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. Kor sale by lienson
Drug Co
now running
After carefully reading the advertisements
in your paper I consider
the best and believe it the most convincing as trade a getter.
My reasons for so concluding I give on separate letter here
with enclosed.
Till Coupon good only
for mid contained In Inane of
AugiiMt 7th lOtKI
"Two physicians had a long and
stubborn fight with an abcees on my
right lung" writes J. F. Hughes, of Du-
jl'ont, Fa. "and gave me up. Everybody
lllUUglll UJ lime I1BUUIUIC. K n lust
resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. The benefit I re
ceived was striking and I was on my
feet In a few days. Now I've entirely
regnined my strength." It conquered
nil Coughs. Colds and Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed by Morgan it
Krehaut. Price BOo, and $1.00. Trial
bottles free.
Proprietory of
...The Miners Supply House...
Our Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Merchandise, Miners' Tools and ."immunition
Prices so low that the Sale is the talk of the town. The Stock is not nearly closed out,
though, for we had tons of goods to dispose of.
Come Now.
will soon he jotted
Cottage Grove.
Save money while you can. This sale
down as a past event in the history of
GROCERIES A good 30c cotTee,
roasted, now per pound JOc
40c coffee for 25c per pound.
Tea at half price, and spices and
flavoring extracts at less than wholesale.
Bankrupt slock from Ashland.
Good jewelry, too, in solid gold, silver
and rolled plate, will be sold at half its
wholesale worth because it has got to go to
satisfy judgment creditors.
The stock consists of? rii'gs, charms,
watch chains, silver novelties, pins, cuff
and collar buttons, etc.
. The quality is guaranteed. We have
been placed in charge to dispose of it by
the manufacturers, The G. A. Sodun & Co,
of Chicago,
SHOES For Men, Ladies aud Chil
dren, Not a great lot left, but big bargains
if we have your size.
MILLINERY Hats in trimmed aud
untrimmed. Flowers, Fruits, Foliage and
Plumes all must go at 25c to 50c on the dol
lar. Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Children
less than half price 2 I-2C to IOC UCh.
Liuen Handkerchiefs for men, regular
!5cat 0c
Suspenders, were 30c to 50c a pair, now
go for J5c. and 20c
In charge of the Elsea store
River Street West Cottage Grove