Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 31, 1903, Image 7

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Fee ting
In dm lulni.
Nervousness, uiiirfrciililiig sleep, despon
dency. It In Hum j-mi with doing something.
'I'll" k hiiify m wcrii nm Iciilly nillril III"
reins In iir in they nrn holding the
ti'lim mill driving ynu lulu serious trouble.
Hood's Sarsapariiia
All" wllli Ihn nnut direct, bciithYlnl effect
(Hi Hi kLIncys, It contains Urn hett nnd
artiest sntisuiiccsfor cormtliiK ami toning
tllt'SIt organs.
Nothing Doing.
"I ilmi't think I'll wager villi you,"
Mill tho hsker, "you haven't the
dough "
"Hint mnv In," replied tint butcher,
"lint I I'o'i't H' ton puttliiK up ny
ttiiliDH." i;oton Oomtmirclal iliillutln,
llrr Plrat yuery.
"My tlrnr." enld Mr. Ciihlingn to liln
wl(n, who o tliuigurmisly III, "Mm.
Kli'kiliiov h iliiwiiktiilm mill wants to
rco you."
"Wlmt hns rli got on?" asked Ihn
dying woman Nobly.
Often the Cmt,
"111 choosing n wlln, said thn sranty
hulreil philosopher, "one hoiiltl never
Judge hy appe-arnncus."
"That's right." rejoined thn very
yimtiii in mi. "Thn homllest girls usn
IJy have thn moil niouny."
The Will and h. Way.
Orlnvml Hlatur Oh, Kiln", you
don't know how It would pteasu mo II
yon would only settlo ilown anil go to
worn with ii will. ,
Wayward llrnther Nv.r mind, sit
tiT Just wall till thn old man ahuflles
oft this liiorUt coll and you'll ' muo
to work with n will, l( Hint document
doeui't tult ino,
A Question.
"What do you think ol tliu new
lioarditrt" asked Mm. Harvein.
"Oh, I den't know," replied alar
h Aril. ' I think hn'a very polite.
"Klther that or vary aarcaitlc. Did
you hear hi in aak II I'd have thn
cream?" I'lilladolphla I'iom.
Doctor I think you understand fully
now thn directions (ur these medicines
and thla la for your dyspla.
Patient Why, 1 haven't dyspepsia,
Doctor Oh, I know; but you will
have It when you have taken those
other medicines. Tlt-Illts.
The ritneii ot Thlngt.
"If you were a woman," said the
bachelor girl who was entertaining a
caller, "IM ahow you my new frock,
lint aa you're a man I'll ahow you the
nllpora that go with It." Washington
loo iiKWAnn a I oo.
Hie rea'lrri of llilt i-ar will be rlaktt te
tearu lliat tlif i It at Iran ouo Art adtd illitiw
iliai eitura tiki lcu atila to euro lo all lu
atkirt. and tint Itcstsrrh. lUII'iCaUrrhCura
Liliaunlr )tilT euro known to the meiliral
Irairraltr. Catarrh rihraronitUuilonalills
ra, r"ulrri a coiiklTlullunal trratairnt.
HtU't t'aiarrh Pure It Uk n inlrrnallr, anlnc
Olrrctly uixitt Hi IiIimhI and raucoui aurfafra
til tlia jairtn, tltrratir dtklrnjrlnt thn founda
tlrrnslb lr butMliiff up Ilia ronitllaiiun aiul
a.siktlng nature In (Tolnr Hi work. The pro
prlaton hato 10 much faith In III curative
tion 01 ma uiM-aip, anil siting in panrni
tMiwrri. that the r uffr Ona Iliinrirad itollara
lor nr raia that it (alia to cure. Hand lor lilt
it lettlnioulala. Addrtii
r. J. fllKNICV A CO., Toltdo, O.
Hold br ilrtlf cllti. 7A0,
llall'i rarallir I'llll aia tha bail-
potllra ol Long Ago.
Illlilia No man kiowi hlmaelf.
(illibt-Tlmt'a true. I have Juat
been roading over eomn lottern I wiote
to my wife beforo wo wore married.
I'M adelphla ledger.
In a Quiver of Ragt.
Klrit Actreaa I wai entirely beilde
myroU with rage.
Second Actreaa on certainly were.
Why, you quivered even In the places
you were
Mlsplscc'd Affection.
Hhe kissed him and caressed him,
Hut 'twas not what ho dealred;
He only looked at her and growled
For ahe made tho poor nug tired.
Human Nature.
Home people practlre what they preach,
Hut It's it load-pipe cinch
They preach to others by tho yard
And practlre by tho Inch.
Then and Now,
"When I was courting my wife," !
said the sad-fated mnn, "tie were two
souls with but u alnglo thought."
"How about you at tho present writ
ing?" aikcd the Inquisitive youth.
"We still have but single thought,"
replied tho proprietor ol the sad visage.
"We both think we made fools of
The Unexpected Happens.
"Why that look of surprise?" askej
lllowell, who had Just finished relating
a remarkable story. "Don't you be
lieve It?"
"Yea; Hint's the peculiar part uf It,"
replied hla friend Naggsby. "I hap
pen to know that It la true,"
Hair Splits
"I have used Avar's HalrVlror
for thirty years, It Is elegant for
a nair aresung ana for keeping the
hair from splitting at the ends."
J, A. Gruenenfelder, Grintfork, III,
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on vour
own head, it loses friends
for you, for evcrv hair of
your head is a friend.
Aycr s Hair V cor In
advance will prevent the
splitting. If tho splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
ii.vt a imiii. All annuls,
If vour drurclit cannot siinnl vnn.
Stud us on dullar snil ws win eiprsss
you a bottle, lla sura and i-lte tha nam
of your nisrsteiriomrs, jkdilren,
. J.O.AVkucO.,Lowell,JIu.'
It hna hoi-it noletl that vcaaHa may
flont down ttri'iiin fuatrr tlmn thn wit
lor. 'J'liu cxpliiuatlon la that both I he
wnlcr mid tliu Hunting object nro lxlng
pulled down 111" hill by Krnvliy, but
tlio water te much mors rvtnrdod by
Pointing out the need of protecting
rgrirta, or white herona, an Kngllili
nut urn Hat call Attention to tbo wail
bllltlra of egret farming. Thla haa
been aticceaafully ratnbllaliMl at Tiinln,
and tin egret pltimra arc worth moro
III ii n their weight In gold, thu prollta
from rutllug Hid rcnthem from tli
Irfribt ail i ot i Id Ik Inrge.
Meteorology owe lla origin to Italy,
which, na Dr. II. 0. llollon noli, pro.
diircd etcry ono of Hie fiinilnmenlal
Inalriimeuta now lined In wenther ob-
ai'rviitlona. Tim bygrnmeltT wna In
velitid nbout 1 150, by Mrolna do
Oiiaiti niii'inomrter. lfi7H. by KgllHtla
Dnulp; Ihermometrr. 1MIB, by (lallleo
rnlngnugi. I (BO, by Cnrtelll; barometer,
KH.1. by Torrlcelll.
The new prat wood of Joaaph Hem.
mrrllng of Drrailon Ukea a Iilgh pollah,
mid la thirty-three to fifty par cent
cheaper than onlr. It la eapeclally rr-C'
otniaended for pnnela, parquet flooring
nnd cetllnga. Tho material la produced
by adding to tho wet peat eome bind
ing material up to five per cent of Ita
total weight, then forming Into cylin
der under high preaaure, and finally
drying at a high temperature for four
or flro daya.
An effort to determine from geyaera
the upper temperature limit of llfo
haa led l'rof. V. A. Hrtchell to con
clude that no nnlmitle eilit In atrlctly
thermal water, or thnne heated nlwve
I3 degreea or -IR degree 0. (100 de
gree or 113 degreea K.I. A fllamen
toua plant, one of the bacteria, wni
found at RO dogrre C, and a few oth
er atmple forma were found at 77 de
greea and below. How the proloplaam
of theas orgnnlama la mnda to realat
the coagulation that neually deatroya
life at a Utile above 40 irgrtt U. la
not clear.
ny raeana of rroaa-brredlng Mr.
I.uther Ilurbnnk of Santa Itoaa, Call
fonile. hae developed a variety of
blnckberrlea which nra perfectly white,
aa bright aa enow In the aunahlne, and
ao tranaparent that the aeeda ran bn
aera Inalde the ripe fruit. Tho aeeda
nre aald to be uuuaiially uniall, and
the berrlea are ae awert and meltlngty
tender aa the ducat of the black varle
tlra. The familiar I.nwtnn berry la
described a the grrnt-grand-parent of
the new while variety, to which lini
been given the nunc of "Iceberg."
Tim while berrle are aa large aa the
There hn been aome talk In Eng
land lately of mlenrorlng to aliortrn
the voyage arroa I'.is Atlantic by de
veloping the harbor of Calway, on
the went eonM of Ireland, nnd connect
ing It by a wife Blrnmcra with St. John'a
In Newfoundland. The dlitancc from
Calwny to Bt. John'a la l.Slfl mllea;
Hint from Liverpool to New York la
rUM mllea, and from Kouthnmpton
a.tTO mllea,
It Is nksumed that transit
between New York and St. Johns,
nearly nil by land, could be performed '
so rnpldly Hint the time from Uitidon 1
to . iorg would ne cut down a
whole dny below the present fastest
Many naturalists believe that ani
mals Haeta seines unknown to hu
man beings, something not Included In
our fivefold range of seeing, bearing,
feeling, tasijng and smelling. Inaecta
especially give evidence of possessing
powers of perception peculiar to them
aelvea. The wasp ricmhex. anya .1.
Carter Heard, mnkea her neat In sand
banks that are aomeflmea acres In ex
,,,,, a. i...i ., ,. .. "
Icarefullr that It distinguishable
from the surroundlug smface, nnd yet
on her return she flies direct to It
without hesitation. Another waap, as
If poMraacd of n klud of X-ray sense.
unerringly locate tho hidden eggs of
tho mnron-bee under n thick Inyer of
sunbaked elny. nnd deposits her own
eggs In the snme cells.
; Two l.lttle Kiporlrnce. rrltli Thieves,
Willi nn Interviil or Thirty Year.
"One of my earliest experleuces In
'his city," enld a New Yorker of now
thlrty-ouil years' standing, "was with
n newsboy who tried to pick my
pocket; and among my latest expe
rience has been one precisely slnil
lar; this last experience showing, I
suppose, that I am getting old and
so have come to be regarded aa an
ensy mnrk again, aa I must have been
considered when I waa young and new
In tho town.
"The methode employed by the two
boya, working thirty yeara apart, were
Identically tbo snme. the hoy In each
enso attempting the comparatively
ensy pocket-picking task ot uxtractlng
money from the outside change pocket
of an overcoat.
"To do this the boy carries his news
papers, to the casual eye, held out In
front of him quite In tho ordlnniy
wny; but ho actually holds them with
the left hand ouly, carrying tho right
hand under tho papers .out of sight
nnd apparently helping to support
them, but wholly free.
"Offering his papers to a customer
thus the newsboy plckpockot advance
them closer nnd closer to the custo
mer, with an appearance almply of hn.
portunlng him to buy, until h0 gota
the pnpers close to the man's coat
nnd ovr tho change pocket, Onder
the papers thus advanced ho puis
forth quick, out of sight, his .'Isht
hnnd, with which to rlllo tho pocket,
If you leave It unprotected, though
ho may lose a chance by bungling him
self, nnd so glvo you n chance.
"This last boy thnt tried mo waa n
novlco nnd n bungler, who did just
thnt; aud I felt tho pressure of his
lingers on tho cont plainly beforo hu
got Into tho pocket at all; and I turn
ed on him, but not angrily, nor even
threateningly, but with a sort of re
proachful nnd regretful exclamation.
Resides being chagrined for myself nt
being picked out as ensy It really
seemed a pity that this youngster
ahould dollburntely act out, aa ho
coined to hnvo done, on the wrong
rnnd; to follow n wny Hint, In the na
ture of thlnga, could lend to one end
only :nnd I am euro thut tho !oy know
how I felt.
"I don't mean that ho figured It nil
out u cinctly na I hnvo trlod to tell
It to you. but he corlnlnly did know
In it general aort of a way. He "tun
ed hack Willi a ehained face, and at
tho anuie time with a Beared aort of
look, at though ho thought I might
get after him, after all; but when ho
rralltvd Hint I waa Juat aoft-henrled
and norry, and waan't going to do
anything about It, why, though I
atood and gazed at him for a moment,
lie, after Ida rlrat momentary look of
ahamefacedneia and nlnrm, Ignored mo
completely, and almply went on offer
ing hla pnpom to tho pnaaera-by na
though I hnd never eilated.
"IIo had had a good ahnklng up,
from hla failure with me and my dis
covery of him, and whnt with hla
wonder nfter Hint about how It wan
going to come out; but ho waa rn tiled
for a moment only. Ho wna a novlco
but he wna coming on.
"Tho mornl of nil thla la that.
whlln the great bulk of the nnwaboya
nr. Independent, self-reliant, cnpab.o
..tie caps, who .ro .trlctly on the
level, thero are among them, moro'a
the pity, aome who will pick a pocket
If they get a chance: and when you
meet a boy who Insists upon worklag
hla naners nn Mm. .nin.i ,n
viurPr,.;Peh'0 L""' ,yU,,."
your outalde change pocket, why of
bint you want to fight any." New
York Sun.
Itnrararr Cradlted with Ifavlna; Cored
lelonanaa In Unman Itelnaa
London la Juat now very much
i In-
terealed lu two aurglcnl cnaoa gl
reaulta In changing the nature of the
aiibjecta which promise to render vol
II ii III ii iisslstaneo In pointing tho wny
to tho reformation of crlinliiels. One
of these patients wn a boy of good
family who had developed brulnl In
stlncls which seemed to be beyond
control. He gnvo his time to the In
vention of malli'lou mischief, delight
ed In killing or wounding, was the
terror of the neighborhood In which
he lived and promised to grow up n
desperado and criminal. A clever aur
genu took lilm In bnud, examined til
hed with care, loented what be con
sidered the mit of trouble, removed a
luirtlon of the skull and thus relieved
the deforming prcsiure. The change
waa Immediate.
The lad forgot hla previous taatea
nnd hnlilta and wan restored to his pa
rents a normnl and lovable liy. the
complete nntltbesla of his former self.
The other wna n soldier who wna In
jured In n sklrmKh nml nfter hla din
choree tor dlaablllty became n thief
and burglar. Ills prevl iiih chnrneter
had been uncceptlon.ihlc. bis mllltnry
record wan the bent nnd the elmnze
wna nntumlly attributed to the- Injc.ry
to hla head unused by n blow from the
butt of n musket. When he wns taken
In hnnd by the surgeon be hnd nliont
come to the end of n career of crime.
being pnrnlyreil on one side nnd itn
nble to get nbout except on crutehe.
A depression In the skull sufficient to
bring nn nhnormnl local prei-aurr
upon the brain was found nnd nn opcr-
"Hon wns derided upon, which re'tored
bis phyalcal powers na well na hla men
,b1 nl"' mornl families. His dlschnrst
secured nnd he hns aluee lived
tin Industrious and lnnest life, with no
evidence of n deposition to go
New York Times.
Hmoked Oat liy HiilplTur, They Take
to ttie Water and tlrnwn.
When the United Ktntes mllltnry
trnnaport .Sherman arrived nt Manila
recently sho wns, ns la the case of
most other ships that arrive from or
touch Hong-Kong uu the way to .Ma
nila, detained for Inspection to sec If
she bad any rata on board. When the
big transport dropped anchor In Jln
nlla bay, therefore, the official rnt In
spector went on boord to see what
wns doing In the wny of rodents. If
tho -Manila-American Is to be believed
In less than fifteen minutes he hur
riedly left the ship nnd going nshore
reported thnt there wns on bonrd the
Hheriunn. neeordlng to the patent rnt
eiiuiniriitor In use it t -Mnnl.a. no fewer
Hum U.VMXX) rnts.
The Hheriunn wns Immediately or
dered to the on.iriiiitlne station t Ma
rlvehs. ns no ship on which the ills
onse-currylng rodents nre found It nl
lowed to dock nt Mniillu until they are
exterinlnnted. Accordingly the Sher-
mnn steamed buck to Mnrlveles.
When fche arrived there her hatches
hnd been opened nnd enough Riilphur
cnrrlcd below to kill millions of rats,
As soon ns the anchor wns dropped (he
suipimr fire were stnrted lu the hold
and In a few minutes the work of the
fumes beenme nppnrent.
Out of the hatches there poured such
n strenm of rnts ns was never before
seen In the Orient. First by tho liuti
tlreds nnd then by the thousands, they
appeared nt the hatches nnd then leap
ed Into the water. Kvery 0110 trlul
to swim ashore, but the distance wns
fur too great for nny rat to swim and
soon the gront black line of puddling
rodents thin out.' Some if
them renched n point nbout r00 yards
off tbo ship, but none cot nny farther,
After the fumes hnd been working
ror nliout an hour the rats stopped'np
pearlng. An Inspection of the ship
wns mnde nnd not a rat discovered,
The Phermnn then re-entered Manila
and discharged her cargo. New VorU
A HmiikIiik Itailrond.
A hanging overhead electric rail
road for London, slmllnr to that lu
nso In Klberfeld, (lenunny. Is pro
jected by 11 group of Herman, Ameri
can nnd English tlnnuclcrs. A parlia
mentary concession will bo nsked to
swing the slnglo track required over
the Ihnmes from Its south end for
eight miles.
An Opinion.
'Do you think that betting Is
"It depends on clrcumslnnces." an-
sworcd tho town oracle. "If you can't
afford to lose. It's wrong: If you cnu.
It's merely silly." Washington Star.
We would like to know n man who
ran make things go right,
AlrS. F. Wright, Of OclWCin,
Iowa, is another one of the
:n: ' ,i, i i
million women who have been
restored to llCaltll by Lydia E.
Pinkiiam'S VegCl,blc Compound,
. ,.,....
ot a Wonderful Cure-
' My trouble was with the ovarlea ;
lZm, Latl .0tr.r. "r .J"Z
too fast for my atrenrtii. I ntmored
dreadfully from Inflammation and
doctored continually, but got no help.
I auffered from terrible drngglnir sen-
! r'srd.sIfnC,".
d the most agonizing headache,:
, No one knowa what I endured. Often
I was elck to the atomch. aud every
little while I would bo too alclt to go
Jo work, for three or four daya; I work
ft large atore, and I aunpose stand-
I HV!WJ.7.'!i.
suKge.vion ol ineno or once t coaId Dot thInV so I kept
W. itZnfefi tt'"o -newr. then another Hut
pound, and H la almply wonderful, we' PU'blug through thla tall, tough
I felt better afUr the flrat two or three raaa la very tiring work, even If you
dotes; It acerned a though n, wnlght are on aloplng ground sed can Judge
waa taken off my ebouldenis I con- , where you will come out; and when
tlnucd Ita use until now I can truth- it i. t.t .n ih kn la tAken
'"'I? 1 "m ""rely cured. Young
ougni lo taue your medicine. 11
costs ao much less, and It is sure to
euro them. Yours truly, Adii.aidk
rniitL, 174 St Ann's Ave., New York
City." tiooorf,Hlferitiitr'itittUf
in'FS The pwlmHklrt Happnmr nd Fuus-
lbuilo rriit,bmt. m iiuiion.. iiucki.
ii. kcimi sic fur art u .c-m.. i.A
i to swnii. K
caubrMcs Woes.
r(Jl.I.r7ITK (.XI., lloum !, VI
Fattens QUICK!
Cattle and Ilojjri for market. Shorten
fattening' period one-fourth, Bare Feed.
"I fd frvMUa KWark rood Ui lur nd trt
rr th rituat tttum 1 Ttr na lorinaMm im
oiuim.-'- icomlder
Prttttlan Stock Hood
well worth tli cot
1 would not b with
out It.-G W AKKir.
I'arker. 8. U.
U lb dealer
i.hM un.
i PI. r. below wwl
1'OltTL.ANU NKKIr Oil,. -QrtUad. Or.,
Cmil Agftnli.
I till J"i ir-f
Wtn- for
using Af
Tticphone KainJS-
edlcioo we have over had In theVcW lS.
week mv wife was rranllo with headache foe
nil tber rellreol tba palo In her bead almoti
ImmtdtavUly, W both recommtod Cucimi"
CaA. hTXDirouu.
ritUburr Safe t Deposit Ca, Puuburc. Pft.
riMiint. niatiol. I-oient. Tatte Good, n
Qood Nofer Klckeu Wcikeo (ir(irl 10c. iiclfiOo.
Il.rll.f Krmiif l.w..f ( kW.f., NMlrf .1. S.. .rk. 111
NO-TO-BAO m?o"lTrooicbiVi,aVil-1
chaws, mates.
rtfOAf DEAL Ef?.
P. N. U.
No Jl lOJ.
T1T1IKN writing- to advertisers please I
ft luennii
lnu tlU paper.
p JJ'i irY' """1THiflgM
raADi uash RienTtaso a
, There la surely no country half a
world away In which the Occldcntnl
traveler expect bo much delight nnd
to little adventuro a In Jnpnn.
Vot Krncat Koxwell lint recently
related a tale of terrible adven
ture experienced In Jnpnn y nn
Kiigllabwouiau but n few dnyt after
ber arrival. Hlio waa atnylng at a
little country village among tho hllla,
I ml had gone out In tho morning to
gather flowers. Tha path ran acroaa
tlm nnlnnrta. whern thprn Is a wild
ml lonely stretch of country extend-
inK for eT1"ral mllM; an1 l.he b""
of eoine wild flower growing In the
Ul, M her lMT0 tll0 trnll
imthlnklngly, and press farther and
farther into Ui waving tangle. Kl.
wan I short woman, nnd It reached
,7 , foot Ullcr." -he
i t(.)ng lt.r 8tory, "I ahould
hvo laughed nnd been out In n mln-
. ..... . v. . ...
ut0 or two; but 1110,0 few lnchM bUr'
Iw' "le nllve.
i "Almost Instantly I felt sick, as you
"!!.. W!? of T1
the gra. all
""'" 'o path, yet with the grns ail
round bovo m hcad tboro 7, "?
, knowing whnt would happen. I might
,be going right away at that very
momont, and the possibilities came like
.Hock. I bolleve I lost my bead at
t of from ,hc feeling thst eTery
tP 1 Probably burying you deeper.
" "c"'' "'"-"
I It was not until sunset, after a
whole day In the blazing sun, without
fooj or wter. conatantly wandering.
Iconatantly puahlng and tearing iU
atema so atlff and aerrated thnt tbey
Irtnlnlrlv- mnla Ilia hltmla thllt stt
H .. . . .
walked suddenly out on to open ground
u1 'ell fainting In a heap. When
,he recovered, atars were shining, and
nd fell fainting in a neap.
ane waa aione on an unknown mouii-
talnalde. She alept from exhaustion,
and the next day followed a winding
mountain torrent over rocky land, ber
shoes and then ber stockings worn
from her feet, only to And, at sun
down, that It had led her to a narrow
gorge, without one Inch of foothold or
shore. The stream dashed through In
a torrent that hopelessly barred the
Light-headed with terror, hunger and
weariness, she crouched for a time lu
despair. Then she suddenly waded In
to the stream and stood until after
dawn watot-deep In water, while a
rain-storm pelted upon her from aboro.
Whim or Instinct, she believed that by
the cool rush nnd sting of the water
her reason and strength were
The next day she retraced her weary
way nlong the watercourse back to
the heights; thence, fixing anew' the
point to which she must direct her
steps, she successfully made her way
back to civilization. When nt length
she reeled Into the hut of a kindly
Japanese woman, she had been four
days lost without food, nnd had walk
ed until her feet were so torn and
Inflamed It was thought she must have
them amputated: but she fortunately
regained her health uncrippled.
Allalitrd Ton Soon.
It had taken considerable persuasion
to Induce the old lady to trust herself
ln an automobile; bur finally she con
sented because, says the Automobile
Magazine, she was anxious to reach
tbe bedside of ber sick grandchild In
a village some twenty miles away.
The owner of the big automobile,
n a tA.,vln tl.m.i.l, T .n.- 1B1nn,1
had been very kind alxnit it. He
chanced to be near the atatlon when
the old lady found she bad missed her
train, and when he overheard her
lamentations he Insisted that she
should accompany him. His route lay
through that particular one of tbe half
dozen Long Island villages named
Ilntupton where the sick grandchild
They starte.1 t Inst nnd 1 everything .
went well until. In attempting to pass
a wagon which occuiiled most Of tile
road, the flying automobile went unex
pectedly Into the ditch, and rather vio
lently deposited Its occupants In an
adjoining field.
ltecoverlng from the shock, although
somewhat confused from the rather
unusual method of nllghtlng, the old
lady naked of tbe chagrined chauffeur:
"la thla n-a-a Hampton?"
"No, ma'am." he managed to gasp;
"this Is an accident."
"O dear!" said the old lady. "Then
1 1 hadn't oughter have got out here.
had II"
Had Iriist Traolc or (tie Case.
The youug woman who, when asked
If she had read Ilomeo and Juliet, re
I -.. . .... n. i, .... .. i'-..
plied that she bad never read Juliet,
lint ah thnnrrht llmmm u-na
but she thought itouno was lotly.
ZlLl ,i.?m.Tr 2tr tr I
village postmaster who kuew or piv-
tended to know something of all the
doings of the world, grent and small.
Some wiigs'Jrom it neighboring town
I who strolled Into the postotllce one day
1 thought they would hnvo some sport
with the wise man.
"I suppose It's pretty dead up here,
Mr. Pratt." said one.
j "Well, not so dead as you think I
guess there ain't much goes 011 that
I we don't hear about, even If It don't
' happen right here."
"Why, you people don't know the
war's over," sitld another, falling back
on the stock iihrase.
"Oh, you can't work that dodge on
me," replied tliu postmaster, look In
shrewdly over Ills spectacles. "I kuci-s
I follered the negotiations with Kitch
ener In the papers."
"Hut there nro some things that
aren't In tho papers," said another
youth. "I don t believe you know
1 when Shakspearo died."
I "Well, uo," said the postmaster, "I
didn't know that ho was dend, but I
heard last week hu wns pretty low."
Consumption of Iron In (Jiirmany.
In Germany the tinmitil consumption
of Iron per capita Is 1(18 pounds nnd
the production Just d. utile
rriTi i ,i ro .Tr i min w
I'c-ru-na Creatine a National Sensation In the Cure
of Chronic Aliments of the Kidneys.
Major T. II. Mars, ol the first Wis
consin cavalry regiment, writes from
142S Dunning street, Chicago, 111., the
following letter:
"For years I suffered with catarrh
of the kldneyscontracted In the army.
Medicine did not help me any until a
comrade who had been helped by I'e
runa advised me to try it. 1 bought
some at once, and soon found blessed
relief. I kept taking it four months,
and am now well and strong; and feel
better than I have done for the past
twenty years, thanks to Perana."
T. M. Atnrs.
At the appearance o( the first symp
tom of kidney tronble, Perana should
ho taken. This remedy strikes at once
the very roots of the disease. It at
once relieves the catarrhal kidneya of
the stagnant blood, preventing the ea
cape of serum from the blood. I'ernna
stimulates the kidneys to excrete, from
the blood the accumulating jiolton, and
thus prevents the convulsions which are
sure to follow II tbe poisons are allowed
"Yes." said the nervous man, "I
have a habit of talking in my sleep."
And tbe eminent cltixen who Is ex
pected to respond to an ovation In ev
ery town that the train goes through
"What a valuable accomplishment."
To Break In New Shoes.
Alwsri that In Alltn'i Foot-Ea. a nowdtr.
Itcurei hot. swestlnr. achinr. iwollen feet.
Curei corns, lnsrolng nails and tmnloui. At
altdmcxfits and inoa itorei,35c. Don't accept
iiTtub.mule. Kara pie rustled FREE. Addreu
Alien S. Ofimted, Le Uor. N- V.
Sign Wasn't Right.
He I wonder why Miss Elderly
never married?
She Oh, X suppose abe was bom in
the wrong time ot the moon.
He The wrong time of tbe moon?
blie Yes, there wasn't any man in
FITS p"m""tl7 Cured. ofltiornerTooineM
r,!J.?ftfli,td u'S.r',,f;,,'r!:V-V'rre
HeMorer. Mend for I-reM3trUlbo(tlendlrralle.
Dr.IL. H. Kline. LW..M1 Arch fct.,hl- Pm.
' ' -
Frogs Are Not Fishes.
The French court of cassation, the
highest tribunal in France, solemnly
decided that frogs are not fisher. The
case concerned fishing privileges in cer
tain streams aud went through three
courts before the question waa finally
The Innocent
s The Gui
The world to-day is full of innocent sufferers from that most loathsome
disease, Contagious Blood Poison. People know in a general way that it is
a bad disease, but if all its horrors could be brought before them they
would shun it as they do the Leprosy. Not only the person who contracts it
C.I T.rc l.,.f til,, nnrful fittif lr.nemiHHt t. I .1. 1
Qnd eptionSl weak eye3 CatarThi anJ other eviden'ccs of po!sonca btood
sW tbeso little, Innorinti nre sff,r,Vr, .i. ,ri Ze....Zl Z, t .T
body's sin. So highly contagious is this form of blood poison that one may
be contaminated by handling the clotlnnr; or other articles in use by a
person afflicted with this miserable disease. There is danger even in drink,
ing from the same vessel or eating out of the same tableware, as many pure
and innocent men and women have found to their sorrow. The virus of
Contagious Blood Poison is so
first little sore appears the whole " "
sea i:l:t; respecter of persons
tainted with the poison, and the ,
skin is soon covered with a red rash, ulcers break ont in the mouth and
throat, swellings appear in the groins, the hair and eyebrows fall out,
and unless the ravap-es of the disease are rherlred at ttifa ornn-e wnr.
violent and dangerous symptoms appear in the form of deen and offensive
tores, copper colored splotches, terrible pains in bones and muscles, and
general breaking down of the system.
S. S. S. is a specific for Contagious Blood Poison and the only remedy
u. .,..;. t; .1 . 1 - 1 : 1 1 r
-u.iuu.wj i.a unt n aim iuktjiamwi illlu complete cure Oi
th d s Mercury and Potash hold it in check so long as the system is
under their ince; but when the medicine is left off ihe poison breaks out
ani,, l.j r .,,. , t.,.m.. t, c. . , !.i.
on Rheumatism and stomach troubles of the worst kind, and frequently pro
duce bleeding and spongiuess of the gums and decay of the teeth. S. S. S.
cures Blood Poison in all stages and even reaches down to hereditary taints
can be taken without any injurious effects to health, and an experience of
nearly fifty years proves beyond doubt that it cures Contagious Blood Poison
completely and permanently. Write for our "Home Treatment Book,"
which describes fully the different stages and symptoms of the disease.
.ri tfc'H',7.Xi'-!irtWrXvfjJ3fliJirf'J
to remain.
vigor to the
heart's ac
tion and dl
gestive ays
tern, both of
which are
apt to .'ail
rapidly in
this dis
eaee. Perana cures catarrh of the kidneys
simply because it cures catarrh wher
ever located.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the me of Pern,
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a fall tmtatement ot your case and
he will be pleased to give you hla vain
able advice gratis.
Address Or. Hartman, President of
The Hartman banltarinm, Columbus,
Woman' Beat Friend.
Patience Woman is woman's best
friend, after all.
Patrice I guess you're right.
"Certainly I'm right. Kven when
she la getting married doesn't a man
give her away and the maid of honor
stand up for her?" Yonaers States
man. For bronchial troubles try Tiso's Cure
for Consumption. It Is a good cough
medicine. At, price 25 cents.
May told a joke to Klo one day,
"Oh, myl that's old." said Flo.
"Oh, is it. really, dear" taid May,
"01 coarse, you ought to know."
Philadelphia frets.
Rcleraon Alncliino Co.
Foot of Monitor) St., Portland, Oregon.
Parious Ilawfcere. Aulo.natle. Keif Keetlinr.
vonerei. Jluckeye Sawmill Machinery, En"
Klnei aud Bollen. Bit and wlcsnejr i.anollne
fnzlneii W'rlt til when In want at anvthlnp
.r-ngl?'?-. WMO ln w" uyimng
in iuacmuer7 line.
Fittiboih for I-utern collre. t'rimarjr ami
(treunmar snulM liicludtl. AlmllfOf ttrU, with
the appoint men li anU aupr Ulon or m t refit I
bomr, l4XaUui In on of th idmi beutirul
regions or the Faclflo t-Oavit. Cllmalv mild mi
health fuL or catalogu addrrwi
ana removes all traces ol the poison and
saves the victim from the pitiable conse
quences of this monster scourge. As long
as a drop of the virus is left in the blood
it is liable to break out, and there is danger
of transmitting the disease to others.
S. S. S. is guaranteed tiurel v vegetable and
cures all