Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 31, 1903, Image 6

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C. J. llowrd Editor
Brlon C. Y. Brown Business Ms'r.
Intered the poftntnoe at Cottage
Oregon ai nerond clan null tnatler.
ubaerlUlon price, I.BO, Ina-Wiince.
Ailverllatne; lUtee Inai'i- known nnon
ttC Br Tl :
TlltH I'APKR li kept on file at B. C. IinU'i
Adrerllaln Agency, Mnflfl Merchartie M
change, San rTncl, California, where con
irecti lor eclvettlilng can I mailt for U.
Friday, July 31 1903.
The selection of H. V. Scott as
president of the Lewis nml Clatk
hx position is as cood nscould have
lecn mode. Mr. Scott has been
identified with Oregon for many
years and has put forth as much
effort for her advancement as any
one m4n ever did for any state in
the Union. He is a man of high
character, strong integrity and
national reputation, and editor of
one of the cleanest and best papers
in the United States. His selec
tion is not only pleasing to Oregon
but highly satisfactory to the Pa
cific Northwest.
A Cill for tkt Mining Mm of this State
to naet lo Contention it PertUnd.
OREGON'S liXtlllllT.
The Ictvlit and (.'lark Coiiiiiilt-RUin
innilon good xtnrt ill lt monthly
nat'tltiK hi'lil In rortlmid on the 11th
of July, nnd nctunl work was Ik-ismi
In preparing n. creditable exhibit tor
Oregon nt St. l.onls. Kxtcimtor
V. 11. Welininj;, of HllWboro. wiw.
elected (icnornl SiitK-rliiteiidciit. Ho
linn hnd coiifddembleexrKjrlcnce mid
excellent xiiccesn In his cIiiku ot work.
Mr. A. K. Miller, ot Oswcko, wnj state,
TIioh Joliusou otllolii'inln, nnd tleo
Patrick, of linker Clty.wero In tlilnclty
thin week, prepivrntory to lnnklnif tv
trip Into liolicinluMlnliiKdlntrlet. Mr.
l'ntrlck Ik n miner of uny yearn ex.
perlence, nnd I here with a view of
iimktiiK n thorough liiHiK-ctloti ot
Itolieniln with the oxtHVtiitlt.n ot
liK-ntliiK lietv. Ho I well ploilHod
with the Hpoi'ltnotiM of tire nlrvmly
prwentod to him. nnd foelx confident
that the OlHtrlct him not been ihIh-
The PP.e Oregon 1 ln, 'Ti n" &
Mineral District to meet under
the auspices of Board of Trade
elected Suerlntenilent ot .Horticul
ture nnd Agriculture, n position
which he lm heretofore held with
the State Knlr. nun Mr. J. H. KUk,
of Portland, a well known and very
conijietent mining man. wu elected
Suiierlntendent of Mines mid Milling.
Thc'police department of Port
land seems to be rotten. A boy
was held up the other day and
robbed and nearly killed when
within too yards of his home. The
police were notified but (ailed to
put in an appearance for nearly two
hours alter receiving notification,
during which time the highway,
men made pood their escape. Prom
the bold and careless manner of
the gang that has made life miser
able and uncertain lor tue citizens
of Portland, it would appear that
the toughs have a good stand-in
with the police. To substantiate
this comes Detective Joe Day, who
admits that he is a friend of thieves,
and defiantly states that he has a
right to make certain compromises
with them for the return of stolen
property on the basis that they
will not lie prosecuted, excusing
himself by stating that it was the
best thing to do as it was impos
sible to catch the thief. This
statement gives the lie to his words.
If he was in a position to get the
stolen property, he was in a po
sition to get the thief or an accom
plice. The idea of a detective at
tempting to stuff the assertion down
the throat of the public that it is
necessary that heshould be a friend
to thieves, to the extent that he
must compromise himself, is dis
gusting to say the least. It would
nnnear that he is ver much in the 200 teet Deiow and alter running
power of the gang. If not, if his only 30 feet broke into the free
svrapathies are so widely extended milling ore that already gives spli-n-to
them that he must offer such in- did returns. He is on the hanging
ducements, he should resign his po- wall and the entire face of the tun
sition on the detective staff and nel is in ore. Mr. Hartly is nattir
placehis application for member-ally highly pleased and expects to
1 . . 1. T?.n. An I nAi itiln Attn rC tli o I'iuctc ntwl
curances Chief Hunt does not ap-1 richest bodies of free milling ore j tect. develop and I.Mer the mineral
rrar in a much more enviablelicht. ever uncovered in the district in I wealth and resources ot Oregon, to-
could not kci why Cuttnm- Drove
kIioiiIiI not event imlly become one ot
the Inri'Ht and lct eltU-H on tlio
coaxt. AUU from intuitu; wlileh Ik a
I prime factor hero. Mr. Patrick noton
A a result of recent nuitatiotl 1 ,,mt advnntasv for tnrinliiK.
Asa result ot recent n , HtlK'k ralKinir nnd uiIIIIiik are mini-
looKtng towaru a conveimoii ui tll ,muU n lmmjB(imi. ci, v
Oieuon niiuintf men. ays the Ore- ' ot I'ottatro drove.
gonial), a oil has been issued lor
such a meeting, to be held hire NEWS FROM "DUTCH'
under the auspices of the Portland
Board of Trade, commencing Sept-1 Tlio ninny friends ot Henry John
ember 7. , (.011 will lie ploiiKod to learn that lie
The movement U fathered bv I ls mnv bicntod tit Troy. Moiltnliil.
. ,, . A 11 iwi; and that belt. well ph-aw-d with Id
J. H. 1-iskanil George H. Durham ,-,.,.. there, lie Ik nt present
who have worked industriously to working for $i..V iter day and bntuil
bring the matter to the attention of , Ho exiieetMto k Into the cattle hu-d.
the various mining ...tcresis o. t..c ,r,,nU."wi,i'i; fnnn' "imieh" vlll
Ihi that ho Is a Ik Id lind eowlioy.
Tlio NllKjtot wishes Mr. Joliusou the
liost ot success In his new venture.
Ho was Idontltled with some of the
liost iiilnlin; proKrtlos In llohomla
for a iiuiuIht ot years, owning law
holdliiKs In siieli eompanys as tlio
U-lto.v nnd Hiawatha eoniialiles.
He Is au liouest. stralKhtforward
and Kood iiiluer. and It he makes half
as truod eowlio.v as he Is an alrouud
liiliuir nnd !rohxvtnr. ho will Ih
worthy ot eonstdt-ratlontiv thoernft.
Lewis Hartly, manager of the
Great Kastern Mining Co., came
in fiom Hhhemia Wednesdnv. and
is all smiles. Mr. Hartly states , imp irtant and highly remunerative
:e iust broken into a 'industr of mining in tlie tatate 01
It is believed that the. conven
tion will be attended by from 300
to 500 mining men, and that the
results will be highly beneficial to
mining in Oregon. One of the
principal matters to be considered
will be the formulation of new
mining laws which are to be urged
for passage by the next Legislature.
The call sent out by the Hoard of
Trade, with the signatures to it al
ready received, is as follows:
"We the undersigned mining
men of Orecou. realizing that the
tlint lii mpn linvn int hrnlrfMi intn n
fine free milling ore oil The Mineral Oregon has. during the past few lirldiro to tin
q.,-:.,.. n , , vi-ars. been tirosecuted with ureatlv ' Mrs. I'lteher In
wii tuu iu j. v, - ' ndviL-or and that icooklmriit tlio.Mllslck. have aei-e.tod
tine ago they struck the ore well renewed energy """or, and tnat j M(mlar , ( . Tn.ntilr
up on the mountain, the lead show- the mining industry ot the state i- m lm. Klvt.r ,Mlriet. i ,.,,.
(int'ii Pitcher and wife, who hate
toou in llolieuibi for some time, Mr.
I'lteher lately havlnc charge of the
repairs on the road from the Ited
ie Ure House, while
is Ikvii overseelni; the
lour teet. giving assay returns clear rapuuv oeeomniK "c t'"""""1"" vorsaiuui wun a .miukvi 1111111 me
accross the ledge of 32. Mr. importance, engaging the attention other day Mr I'lteher stated thai
Hartly then put L forest work of a large number of our people and .he ,-nd()Worki m.w .a-aetlcall.
iraoiuB iui iuC lUir, - oxiHndeI. and that the road Is In
arge amount of piofessioual skill
land knowledge and believing
further that the time has now ar
rived when the mining industry of
the state ol Oregon demands the
formation of an Muci:t:iou of min
ing men of the state, to better pro-
excellent condition. Tin' several
brldKox have U-oti stroimthemd to
admit ol heavy hauls, and some now
road has Isen built, ilropplii); dowi
on the river lunik, thus avoiding
several pltehes that have U-cn very teamsters.
LVdl ill Ik II1U..11 luwt ..f, " - ' I . , . . .
Possibly it would be worth while the course of 50 or 60 feet of driv- gether with water iiKhts and pm i
to swap the police force for the ing. ; leges pertaining thereto, and 111
View 01 Hie LUIlsiaii' ami iiiwicasiu
demand for information relative to
gang of highwaymen
A year ago none of us were pre
pared to believe that the Long &
Bingham tract to the east of this
city would be built up and in
habited to the extent that now pre
vails. Less than two years ago
some little agitation was exercised
liluekheadx, plmp'es, greasy facen ami
muddy etmiplexton, whieli aie ih com
mon iimoni; women, ue-ciiilly girl ut h
riTliiin ate. dwdniviiiK ltnitv, iln
tlvuruik: and miikini: repnUire, feature
which m until otheruUttniiiienrattructiw
I the investment of capital in Oregon and ivmied. indicate that the liver i
out 01 onier. occasional (io-e oi
Herbine will e'eune the tmnels, reijii
late tlio liver and ho eitHtilieh a clear,
healthy eoniplexion. 0c at New Kra
Goods that have a value will sell 1 mines, and also in view of the fact
at that value. 1 th-ir iioarlv all line and branches
Shrewd buyers do not expect to , . . . : 1 r
I purchase at less than rightful value. 1 01 D"'m ;"c "rKin. .......
The house that fixes prices and ad-' ual protection and profit, hereby
'heres consisiently to them must of : call a convention of the mining
necessity tlx conservative prices. men of the State of Oregon, and
Stanuani values Insure roaular .....
" V ..-i.- ivi. ,i,,L 1... respecuuny irauni uwi icuiaciiw
in the matter ot tue city purcuas-, ' " - , ti of ie mini illteresls in each
mg tne six acre grove belonging to u does not riMjuIre an exiwrt to ; county of the state of Oregon as-
tne iong csi oingnani iraei, anu imy irom n one-price House.
nnn..A,rnrv if inln 3 ritt nfirl- ! it ton linicll Is Jtsktwl tit sfort. how
nf nnii nn Hint il '''i J I U J UllliL 111IL li-ivilll, CUi '
wi iiv. I ; , , . . - 'nccem
1 I n: L . Infill , 1IU llPlNllll 111! IIIV 1IUIII .,.-JV-u.
iwho confessedly tried to wet too I Commerce building, for the purpose has other timber ImnN liK-atod
mucn in i lie nexinnuiKv
When a snlesmnn
I1I. I1 ho will sell
' A. 1.. Woodard Informs thoNuswt
that lie has L'UiO acres of tlmlier land
liK-ated mostly In twiis i'l and -"J.
(sembleat Portland, Or., September ranee three west, which will cruise
l . , . t r i., ,1,. "11 iiii.n,t-iiii;v ill icvi i,f ill
kr r . t. am vu 1 u uiiiitl- wiiiil is reioiv ror- - j . . .
jviany were ui mc uuimuu iiul 11
was too early in the growth of the
city to undertake the purchase of
nronerf v- rpnresentimr a considerable
sum of money so the matter waslj,la"" and then tak
. . . . ifessesa willingness
aroppcu. in iub iiicaii 1 urc iuc ui) imnoli, iirovliN the customer Is not acting such other business as may-
has grown rapidly, the Long Cc , Informed. be'deemed desirable to nrom'ote the IIKNSON' HKU! CO. WILL Hl'Y IT
1 u:i! t 1 1 :.j ' 1.,.- ...,, ..1,4.. . . i rt
DWKnnm auumuu uus uccu iuiu uui m mu-i him. h.h mv 1 t inir,tc nf tht mines nnd mm-
and with the exception of a few lots ! ' r hlh rde X,il,nm pianos J$teMe
7 . , 1 1 ii 1 t,-i. 1... ,t. 1 and organs. One price with a reas-i industry 01 tue state,
that have been held back bv tbe nable"lIscomt for nil canli. ' Clark Taber, V. Cook, J. P. Phy.
company, and this particular grove, I rho ItichardKon Plnno lloaso is a In j: Redfield W. W. Catlin. A.
,3 at 10 o-cljek A. M.. in tne TMw I , Villi b. wi
bly-room ot tne inamoer 01 , , 1)OI,v (or H,r lu.n. HoiH
icrce building, for the purpose has other tlmUT ImnN located In
111K? 1 0f organizing a Miners' Association Douglas and l-ano counties for sale
1 asks WW) for a 1 f c,-, nr nrecon ndontinir a cheap. J'artles Interested call at
kes $m ho coii-ionhe. bta,e 01 ''"l.0". adopting a N ot tmt,K u
1 to et $1(KJ too constitution and by-laws and trans- t
the tract has changed bands and is j one-price house.
now covered with residences. On
the west the McFarland addition
has been absorbed and today Mr.
McFarland has only a few lot? left.
Substantial residences have been
built and that portion of his ad
dition which was considered "out
of town" two years ago, is' now in
in the heart of tbe city. The stray
lots about town have been picked
up and in nearly every instance are
now adorned with neat and sub
stantial residences. I he grove
still remains, but how long it will
remain in its natural state, unless
some one buys it with the sole pur
pase of maintaining it as a park, is
hard to determine. It tbe city
wishes to provide a park it is now
time to take the matter up and
make proper investigation.
I'.II IIAIIIISO.N Piano Hoi.'si:.
CottnKe Orove, Ore..
Ltmn I Foreman. MnnnKor.
! W. Dames. H. M. Cake. Dr. E.
i Smith. HverettK. Smith, H.
July 1-0.
Jno Ashby who was very low
with measles continues to improve
Mrs. F. E. Miller, who has been
staying with her daughter, Mrs.
Minnie Ashby, left yesterday for
mill No 1, where she expects to
stay a week and pick blackberries.
! Sessions C. I. Howard. Tohn Cur-
ran, G. A. Wiggoner, j. E. Miles,
A. K. Milner, C. C. Ueekraan,
Lack & Schraitz, J. H. Hazlett,
j W. L. Slater, Albert Abraham, J.
E. Davis, I. V. llrunday, h. L.
Freelaud, Joe McGbil, Joseph
Webb, C. W. Miller. G. L. Stidham
J. Frauk .Watson, J. L. LeKoy,
C. Haskeil. T. II. Crawford, V. II
You ai-Mime no risk when yon huj
('liaiiilM'rlaiu'K Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemed'. livnMii Orui: Co. w dl
lebiiid your money if you are not satis
fied after want: It." It "in everywhere ad
mitted to Isj the most suocwsful remiily
in ue for Ism el coaiiilaint" and tlio
only one thai never failti. It is pleas
ant, sab: and reliable.
A portable saw mill of 10.IMK) feet
capacity, without power, now lo
cated 2)i miles cast irf Saginaw, also
have ranch of sit acres, irood resl-
llehne, Fay Hrooks, George Cusiter, ! ,enoo ,, H(ime. Address 11. l. Joyce,
J. H. f isle, M. i. w tilting, utto KuKluuw.Dn'
M. Rosendale, Z. II. Greenough,
W. U. Dennis, John bherwoou, Jo- CL'HKS SCIATIC
Mr DeSpain and family spentPb Libak, Aug. W. Fisher, J. L j U(!V w u L L. I)., Cuba,
unday with Jno Elliott and wife, j U,,de"VOJd,,,I-,Ir KA r' I y.vw X"rkr !,'rltM : l,,l,r '"'''"
son. Prank Williams, A. 1. Oale, . 'of excruciating pain from ecintio. rheu-
In commenting upon the "dope
habit and its rapid and alarming
growth among the young men of
Portland, tbe Telegram states that
"the slave to this habit invariably
becomes a thief," and then that
paper wonders if "the drug pre
cedes tbe crime or the crime the
drug." There is only ope answer
to tips question: The crime pre
cedes the drug, lhe young man
who deliberately houses himself in
an opium joint and takes into his
system the deadly drug, criminally
rebels against nature anu society.
He becomes a moral thief. He
He lays a network of plans whete
by he may steal from society,
thereby retarding the progress of
morality of the world. He com
mits a greater theft than tbe man
who, free from the' brand of a habit
that has tarnished civilization since
the dark ages, deliberately puts his
hand in the pocket of the passerby
and lilts the laborer s daily earn
ings. He is a thief criminal
murderer! The crime precedes the
The Eugene papers are now play
ing "ball.." The are also playing
h with each other. Thus far
the score stand o and o.
Nothing in the latest advices
indicates that the Police depart
ment of Portland lias been held up.
The stteet cleaning order is. be
ing obeyed and the results noticeable.
Mrs Minnie White and children
visited Mrs. Geo Thompson last
A. L. Ellidge and family were
visiting relatives and frientls here
last Saturday and Sunday.
The shingle social held at the
school house last Saturday night
proved a perfect success both
socially and financially.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tucker de
parted yesterday for their Cedar
creek ranch.
Tbe farmers have all taken ad
vantage of the continued, good
weather and the hay is all safely
stored away. Grain cutting is now
in active progress
The members of tbe Cottage
Grove Comraertcal Club are called
to meet Monday evening at 8
o'clock at the Nugget Office.
Business Of importance, by order
ot Secretary and Treasurer.
No' 111111 or woman In lliu state will
lienitate to epeak well of Chauibcrlain'ii
Stomach mid Liver Tablets alter once
trvliiK them. Kiev ulwaya produce 11
pleasant movement of the bowels, Im
prove the appetite and utrenirthen the
digestion, l'or sale by lleiifou Drutr
50 thoroughbred Amrora "Nan
nies." Call at NiigKot ofllce for In
formation. 4tp Pt.
To get all the
lohemia Nugget.
news read the
G. W. Toh.ison. Phil Metsclian.
Gotfrey Graber, C..H. Drisbin, C.
E. Cochran, George E. Neuber,
T. II. Welsher, Louis Hartly, I. B.
Hammond, H. E. Ankeny, Bela
Kadish. E. S. McComaS. James
Craig, H. H. Lemkey, C. H. Pres
cott. C. H. Raffety. Walter M.
Pierce, George Conser, F. A.
Kuapp, Marion Palmer, W. F.
White, Max M. Shillock, J. B.
Wethersell, Davidson, Ward & Co,
B Fallows, W. H. Berg, D. P.
Patterson, T. II. Supple, B. Lurch
Frank H. Hughes, George Wall,
Robert L. Glass, D. M. Smith. Geo
L. Paul, W. B Hartley, K. K.
Kuble. D. W. C. Nelson. Charles
P. Borrows, John Ward, J. E. Wil
liams, J. T. Bolles, F. A. Bidwell
Theodore Dunn, Adolph Harr,
Emil Pom, Dr. C. F. Candiani, F.
G. Eby, A. Newlands, J. P. Long,
limtlMn. under various Ireatiiieuls. I
was induced to tiy Ballard's Siioh Liiii
rnent, tlio first application tdvini; in,
first relief, ami tlsi cecond. entire relief.
I can give it iinipmliflHil recommemlii
lion. B5o, Hue and fl.(M) at New Kra
Drug Store.
H. F. McCatiley, L. A. Right,
N. Nunan, John Brown, J.
Mann, F. M. Hopking, George
X would coukIi neatly all nilit
long." writes Mrs. Chan. Applepitu, of
Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly
uetany sleep, I laid consumption so
bad that If I walked a block I would
couth and spit blood, but, when all
other medicines failed, three $1.00
bottles of Dr. kill); New Discovery
wholly cured mil and I stained r,H
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
tocuro Coii(?hs, Colds, Latirippe. bron
chitis and ullThroatand Lung Troubles
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle fr-o
at Morgan tWIrehiiiit'H drug store.
If you want first-class, artistic
printing call at Bohemia Nugget
A well Improved farm of 14 acres,
house, line sprint; of niiiiiln water,
Kod apple orchard, 1 aero In straw
beriies. Au Ideal small fruit mid
chicken ranch, within 15 minutes
walk of poHtolllcu at Cottage drove.
Oregon. For price and terms call at
Nugget oilier. Up-L'7
This has lout; been regarded as one. of
tlie mint dangerous nnd fatal diseases
to which Infants are subject. It can Is;
cured, however, when properly treated
All that i necessary is to ulve Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemedy and castor oil, as directed with
each bottle, and a euro Is certain. For
sain by llenson Drill; Co.
To Show you the Ncnlcsl, Newest nml
Nobbiest line of Men's Furnishings you ever
snw. And we are sure yon cannot fail to be
pleased with something you will see in Ufo
Hue of new summer styles.
Under Odd Fellow's llnll, Cottage (lrnc UrcKon.
Welch & Woods have it for less
We are Opening this week ti niee line nf
Can sell yon a good 10-1- Ijlanlcet for lloe.
Conic in nnd Izxatiiinc.
1 1 1 1
Leaders in
Low Prices.
.lien's, ISoy's,
and Youth's
Glen's I'iiH' Shoes
I keep all the best shoes and
at prices to suit the pur
chasers. If you want bar
Rains in SHOIiS. .ee tue.
. I put patches on ladies' fine
shoes, without sewing. The
patche don't show. I will
repair free all shoes pnrtiias
ed from me that rip.
.I.W. I5B0;TM:Y
Has flic (lii'cshcsf ino
of (iroeeries in Cottage drove. Not it can nor
paekage of goods on the shelves Inn tlmt is tts fresh
as is obtainable on the market. (Jtittlity guaranteed
Our I'rlces Are Hie Lowd an ! Satl.f;irliun Is u ar anteet
tlie man who wean
llr4 OlUd I'lilkUi.
lint In the world, Will
nut rru'k. tiM-l OT if ft
Urkf, lxok for trmde
lurk. II Dot at dealer'
tend for cfttaloKU,
Real Estate -Bargains
The following are it few of the many line bargains in
Farm find Town Property for stile by
MEDLEY & MILNE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
We cm locate yon if yon let yottr wants be known.
Notlro l hereby (riven thai the tmlerlKnel
tiHt tei.u duly Hixlnttfl by the County (Jo'irt
ill iiju niHiu ui tiicxmi iu r imiiu ( uiiuiy .iiinin
lutrtttor of the eiute of PaiiH II. tNtllon, ile
raiiMl, AU intoim b.vlniC ('Uliov .ftaitiiit lierby re'iulrerl lo preient tlie
finir.t 111 j. 1. t.iiiiiip.
roe, Oregon
iume to me itroiierlv verlllpd. .1
ouirea. at lae onireoi j, r
Younjr. I
lew ru.
In CotlUKe
if urn the
within ilx mont
date hereol.
Iiatedtnu I7tli day iilJuly. 1UQ3.
Adnilnlitratorof the estate of liana II. f'olton
Die lnnlCBt nnd inluhtleat little tlilnu
tlmt over wu uiadu In Dr. Khiir'n New
l.lfo Pllla. Tlieee nllU change rt'cukncus
IntoHtreniitli, liHllcHxnoBB into onerny,
bruln-fui; Into iiicnliil power. They're
wonil'-rlul In liuildln
1-25 1
up tlie lii'oll
Only 25 per liox. Sold by Mokiw fi
0. tt S. I II. li.
Time Table No. I
0 Take, Elfert on July 27lli, ISM
lo lake
NO II. NO. 1
Kaat Kant
Iloutid Hound
7-7mT a. m.
HI 7:.'W
2:itt J-.'ai
t IU 1 Vi
1M T.m mm
i;-i :H
'J.'IU 11:17
'':li H:'i'i
Kx(.i)it Holiday.
Cottaue Uitiv
Walden. .
.('urrln. ..
.('Vrro (Jorito .,
lied Hurl ..
Kleuort. .
Korky rolol
no. a
A. M.
Hi ::w
I' M.
4 ':
Hulijei't to ebeniiaHllliout nnlk'e.
freight vi III not be rerelvrd at (be O. .1 H
K. It. II. I - . . i t nllcr r:oo ji. m. To Iniure
forwarding on next I rain freight mint Ue
delivered In amide lime lu perinlt of Hi
I elriK billed.
JOHN II. f'BAttSON, General Managir.
No. I I ini' rruierty IMIxlUU, on
Main St, CuttiiK" lirnvc, iliflit in tliu
luiKiiii'HHi'i'nli'r, vcrv Hiiltnlilo (oi olljci'H
and xiiirii ImllilinitH, In now iicriiili'd
liy Oroit'ry alnru with ollieim uliovu,
Will lirini $40 rent. Ilent Invi'Ntiiiciit
in Cottniif linivt'. fgntX) will liny it,
f I r00 i'iibIi, lialani'ii on I lino nt H per
Price, $2500
No, ,'l I IntHwIilinuiv 7 room lioiiau
In linn rwlnencn portion of Cottiige
(irovu. A very iimtty pliico for it lioinu
mil niln' nny iimoniit of Kiirdt'ii mid
Price, $1050
No. 41 A llnti liotul lnilnoHa, Will
null hoiifu nml liirnitiiri!. nr will ci'll
fnriiltnru mid ii'iit liuildln.
Auk for f'urlluiiliiru. K0 ill-run 3 mitt went of
i;ottl!tlrovuoii innlii iiwil, it ft-w in-rt-n
c-lciiml, mliuini i!IiiImk nnd haw tlinbt-r
and piidtiirii liuid. Tliln Ib tliu clit-npi-iit
pUru of Imid in I .Mini i-oiinly.
Price, $500
No. K :'2 iirrim, llim Htock inncli
"inllt'HHtwt Of KlIKOIIf, OlClJOII, Hug
fulr 7 room Iioiikm und a ooil barn,
18x110 ft. lift iioruH 4)i cnltlviitlon.
(iood wt-ll wider anil niiimiroiiH HjirlnH
in iiii-.ii moon 1'nriii. 1'lcnty of wood.
Price per acre $H.SO
No.Jl loxcllint lotH oiiu block
fiom Sliiln Street, Ootliiuu drove.
Htri-t-tH on tlirt-fi nlilci. A in-tty pliiro
for n-Bldi'iire.
Price, $550
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bans
Kwt 111
runi-itiKTOiH ok
tie non Miles
A WO Ol'FIOK OK- -ru k
Iiolictuia and Llack
Hnttc Stages.
too TiiniiAiili' hnnliL mi