Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 31, 1903, Image 3

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    .Iiiim Kni'tumioN-
Traveling PitKieiigci A Knt .1, P,
.Inium, Inr tin! Huutlii'Mii I'licilli' (.:, mill
Alkimuur l' inwiim, of llin I), 1c H, K. Hy
(III, well III climol'iillHllllillliili thin week,
Inking iii tint mutter of arranging
joint exclusion Iiiiiii Eugene In (Mtnige
Gitivu mir llmnce to tin. Ned Bridge,
nviu' lliti . A H. I)., mill niton. 'Ilic
CI Mil 1 1 1 iOt I H llllVDIXll I It lllll)' decided
iiiiiim yet, liiil II lii thought tliiitthn Hint
ol tlm ni'iii'H will , lin iiiiiiugl In the
I'iiiiihii ill H Hui'k iir lull days. Mi,
Junrn Ih Inking tin- matter iiii itl Kn-
Kenc, mill will niiikii ii riiniil on tlm
rn mil lit mi i'iiiIv dale. Eugene people
Will iiiiiliiuiili'iiiv nine inlviiniiigii ol
mti'lt an iiiiiingcini'iil, nn hnii'lofnin II
I Mili been mi iiii'iiiivi'iiliuit n in I. j x i ii'iini vii
trhi to IIiiIuiiiiIii. Then' in no IIiiit
scenery In Oregon IIiiiii Hint of Itmv
river. The Hulling Is iixrelli'iit, nn well
H tlit hiiullng. It In ulno iiiiili'mlood
Unit II Kl'l It'll of base Imll uiillM'n will Iiii
tirimiuiMl for, noil noi'Morlon the pint of
lllll I il 1 1 1 oui I i'iillliiilili'n will I n n I mi I r i to
Ituiko llicm I'xi'iunloiin il i'oniili'tv suc
cess, Oami'Imi
There Ih a Jnll.t i'unii of Cottage
tlroveltCH JlINt mImivii till' Klondike
Mill IIII Mllxll.V ('ICck. Till' IIU'lllbclH
of lin' ninii mi' Mr. ami Mm, I' II.
Phillips, Mr. mill Mrs. Herbert I 'nklii.
Ml'N. It. It. .loll Ullll dllllglltlTH, llll',V
mill Hi n inn . Mr. mill Mm. .lumen Hen
nun, MIi hoh Mury riirrmi mnl Lucy
Nowliihd mid urn Hiking 1 1 ft cnne.
'I'lii' Imlli'H linto I x-i'ii thoroughly
ilniiii'xtli' while In riiinii, Inn I In' nii'ii
lllivn been i uniting riiiiiiuin t over I he
IiIIIh In much! of iiiiiiiiiliiln linn. hear
mill deer 'I'Iiiin fur mi Hun or bear
Iihm been bagged. Imt .Iiiiiii'm IIciihoii, '
wlin Ih now In with nil Mini" of liar
rowing tulcn of ndtcnturt on upper
MohIi.v t'lvi'k, l ii'x hkI tile Inr the
yarn Unit hi' ami Fonter I'lillllpn,
Iiii Ih mi IiIh linnii'Hli'ail sonic miles
above t lie camp, Iihm Imi'M siiccchh.
fill In flic liiiutumlcncli have brought
down a ilii'r with their trimly "llet
m',vw.' Mr. Ih'iiHon rcportn that tin
IIII'IiiIh'Im of IiIh flit up ari enjoying
I ho t in 1 1 1 iix Imuiciincly, mnl lie only
wInIich t lull lie might h hmiiI the mini
I lie r In JiihI miicIi a lid'.
Last Kili. I'.M I iihiov
'I'lii' (). it. s E. i'ciiriliiii mum a
HIICCCHH III I'VCI'.! ri'NH1't. Allllllt I All
tickets were mild and a ru.viil good1
time v. iih had hy all who atti'iiili'il. .
A hall ground hud been tit h 1 off imt
the llaki' Stewart ranch ami a game)
nrruugcd between t In- Cut t hk' 1 1 n v '
hoys anil tin- rail run it Imih ami Itl
was a lint mil', lull withal, otic chuck !
full of tlu Ix-Ht of good mil hit Tin' 1
Cottage ilrovclten won tin- game tin' I
score standing IH to 1 In thi'.r favor. 1
Tlio rail i iiail Imi.vh have n Htinplcloti
that they ran iln a turn or inn ihi -trr
next 1 1 nnilnro thcrcfoie enger
for'llii game next Snmlii.i. Tlmne
wl0 wlh til Mil the game In all ltd
glory hIiiiiiIiI Ih on mind next Sun
day. I'ni.r.iM Imh htiiv
Itli'lniril Tapp. k'hIiIIiik ni'iir Dlthle
Iiiih for a iiiiinlH'r of . wi in Ihi'D ex
iK'rliiii'iitliiK In ii'lery rulxliiK- He
Iiiih for Hcvernl hi'iihoiih niii'le iilte a
hili'CCBH, anil inch J car Iiicii'IimmI the
hUo of llin Ih'iIh; ami u hen 1 he tx'tixioi
rolln ariiiinil Iiiim phui'il al the ilU
ponl of IiIh ciihIoiiii'Im In till city, a
very excellent arlety of tin "i-cIImIi '
I .tint week he laforineil a Nnuuet
until that he hail alreaily planteil 'Ml
planlH IIiIh MeiiHon ami will put out
Kuveral liiimlrcil nmrt linineillutel.t .
Illxaa Imliixtr.i that Ih ilcitcr. Inu of
much atteatliin, mnl Mr Tapp villi
uuiloiiliteilly urow Into a neat
rcvt'iiiiH from the Himie.
Hook Sioin: itKiiiivnn. , i
'I'll Haisle linuk Htinv, Mrn. Iloral
I'IcIiIh proprli'trenn. wan remnveil 1
from the room iH-t ween tliepoliilllce
ami the NiiKKi't lilllce HiIh week to'
ItH new home In the Imllillni; form
erly itcHiplcil liy IIith'm iiHxay olllt-e. i
.Mrn. I'IcIiIh piirvlianeil the proH'it,i
Home time nun anil Iiiih hail .Mcx-th.
TIioiiiiih at work inakliiK Home
neeileil ami extemleil repalrH, con
HlMtliiKof the rclliilMlilinr of the In-,
tcrlor mnl the IhiIIiIIiik of a hitoiiiI
Htory. which Mrn. I'IcIiIh will occupy
iih 1 1 v 1 1 1 tf noniiH. Tin litilhlliiK pix--N'litH
a very neat appearance, anil In
an ailinlralile location for a liooU
On IUi.ktimk
Tlm l.mik' V lliiiuhiiiii I.iiiii Ikt I'u.,
inis Ik-cm rnnaliiK Inilf time the IiikI
week. The cuiiipiiny Iiiih hct'ii hunlly
ciik'iiKiil in rcinovini; lin lowInK plmit
from tlio ulil ciinip mi Urn IIiii:iiIhiiikIi
ptncii to the new cuinp lit Itnck I'olnt on
tln'0. S, I'.. iiniiii line. Ilcru the
cc)iiiMiny !i.ih vuit UiiiIkt IioIiIiiih mnl
will imike il their pcriuiiiii'iit u Inter
loRKimt ciiiiii. It In iinilcrnliinil that the
('nil it will lie In L'Oinplulc iiiiiiluti orilcr
hy tiiu cIok of thin ucck mnl then tlio
ilnyly nupiilv of li'itn w ill he coining in
ami tliu mill will Im in full lilun hkiiIii.
Ciit Urn Turun,
I'rniii the Innknof Jim KiuV thiiinli
It untilil iippciir (Imt the ('ollni;i! linive
I'hilllliK Mill (.'". in out of llinteiiiil.
Ilia K)t hin Ihiinili loo n I'd r ihu clrculiir
rip huh hint Wciliienliiy, n ml the riinull
in he in ciirryiiiu nrtiiuiil i. piece ol iniin
Klwl llunh Iiii; onoiih for two" HiiiuiIm,
Dr. Jolitlrenri'il the iiiciulHir, mnl ill IiihI
rciiortn the uoiinil mm heallni; nicely.
While very painful Mr. Kox expectn to
he ii tilt to i t-s 1 1 1 1 if thu veiy imptirtiinl
ponitioii nt liulild in thu mill in tlie
uoiirne of il few dnyn, junt . a
tlimiuli ho llllll tllllllllM mnl linniTH to
Honour Intuiiiiht
T.O. llray Iiiih HiIh week piiicIimmmI
u half lutcrt'Ht In (len ICwIuk'h
liutcht't' Hliop, on Thlril hi reel. The
Ki'iitleincu iiin already umkliiK hiimio
CHMcn llul linpriiveinriltH In the IiiihI
iii'hh anil have HiIh week lulil In u
KootlHiipply of Hiiiokcit meat anil
Titnl. ttht'f linprovi'iui'ittH will lio
made lu the Itniuedlate future and
the now llrm expect to put oh a de
livery wiitfon mid calln will lie tuiido
at thu re Hhlt'iict'M encli uioriiliiK, ami
order will lio lllletl and dellvored
Wait Oiirroutte wan taken to tlie
Nortli Pacific Sapitoritim at Port
land jast Monday for tut operation
for appendicitis. lie was accom
panied l)y Dr. J. H. Hosmer vl:o
returned Tuesday night and reports
the patient doiutf nicely. Mr. Gar
outtc's mnuy friends hope to see
him home in a few days all 0. K.
Kinu Ciiauih.
AIIIhoii and UiiHtlnKMlnHtalli'd two
more line chulrn In their liarber Hliop
on Main Ntivet lietween Kourth and
Fifth MtrcctN liiHt Friday. They are
of tlio modern pattern iiout attrac
tive, mid a comfort to their many
IH. iih I'Hi.vr .Ui'H.
Ulno print limps of any towiiHhlp
In ItoHolnirK, Ori'Kon Daud DlHtrlct,
Hlmwlnn all vacant IiukIh for f0ct.
em'h. If you want any Information
from the U. S. Laud Olllce, artilreuH,
Tltlo (iuarnntee & Loan Co., Hoko
.hurt?, Ore.
4l lil -i'. 'ii fJ- j0 jl...A-
Mild mil VVn'oiis,
Weber V Mover, (ImhuIIiiu Engines. Muf.'oriiili'l, ,'
ItakCH, Miiwitm anil lllnilciH. Charter On It Htovrn mnl '
llmiUi'M. Mmilial tan Htock mnl (!ntll( Knoil. (lull Cim, k
l,lci Klllur. Hoof Oil. IIhiiichhOII anil "I'lv Kirp Off."
I'Mi'klmr. IIiihc, IIi'IIIiik ami Hlcain I' IIIIiium, ,V
;j Wynnu Ilnnlwimi
'-vfi irnv T'-1 Mr T"T!'4'"aTrr'
lion't fni'Ktil tlii'Hlniw Aim. '
Hi-Mi uoiiiIh III town ('. .1. Mllli'i'M.
Dr. I.owi ociilii-oiitlflan llimi'iiii
I'liif line of clocliM at If. r. Mail
Hilly HfKKlliH wild III till' "'Ii.v IIiIh
Tin lloilcrn I'liiiriniicy Iiiih a neat
new hIuii,
Call at II. '. MiiiIm'ii'h fur wciIiIIiik
lit cii'iun initili' from putvttli'iilil 'it
l''lncHt llni' of Hllvcrwarn at II. '.
I. II. Illliulllllll vIhIIciI IIIIKi'll"
Cooling anil ri'(ri'Klilnt: McCMIuii'h
Ice cii'iun Hiiila.
I'm ill; .IciiiitnuH In vImIHiii? Itl the
city 1 IiIh wn'k.
Tin Wavi' liamlli'H oiil.t Htnliilari)
liramlH of I'lK'irH.
Iiiiiiil'iihi liaiKiiliiM at Itmikln'H Mil
Hli'Ktnri', Kiihi'iic.
AIiIoii'm fliocnlati'H hit tliv Iii'kC lur
Hah at McClrlliiM'x.
l.ailh'H Hhlrl wain! win at l'ucllh:
'I'liiiln'r t'o'n Store.
Dr. Iloxint'i- ami iIiiiikIiIit vIhIIciI
I'iii UiiihI HiIh wii'k.
I 'liraltuii IIi-hi i Iiikh nt your own
price al f. .1. MlllcrV.
I.avamli'r HllckH for hiiIc. Iiiiiilii'
of .Mi-n. l'. .1. Ilnwaril.
1 1 null llelini' wiim a
I'orlhinil WeilnewlAy.
pilHM.'IIK(!r to
will m'II you
Knowlt'H & (ioltyM
KooilHitt lowcHt prlci'H
lloli Illalr wan a
piiMHCimer to
SprliiKllcId WedncHilay
Itent i'Ikui'h on the uiarkot at the
Wine Ice frt'itui I'arlorH.
Smii'l l.ockwiiod of I.nralie, wan
vtnltur In thlHcliy HiIh week.
Dainty pcifunicH for tlulnty Hoph
at "Tlie Modern Phiiriuiiey.
Don't foiKt'l tlicelonlimiiutHiileat
Itmikln'H MiihIc Ilinme. Kiiki'iic.
New kooiIh, HIkIi uratle iimillty at
the liiwent prlceH. ('. .1. MIllcr'H.
Frank Whipple wmh In from Hlack
liutle tiili'I.Hllver iiiIiich TueHiliiy.
Ivlileer, of the Oivkoii Mineral
SprliiKH. wan In the city WedneHilny.
1 1 lull Krade chocolati'H and lion
tiniiH at the Wave Ice I 'renin Parlorn.
Uverylioily eatn llaielwood Ice
( ri'iiiu at the I'earl, nppoMllc the 1'.
Dr. Wattn' kIiihhi'h aro the niont
rellnlile anil lienellclatulaHHeH olitalu
alde. We make our ow n Ice cream and
calidlcMnl the Wave Ici'l'ivani I'ar
lorn. '
New Hue of llantier fiililoii platen
ami patteriiH Junt iimmioiI up at
Mr. mnl Mrn. Atkllif have returned
friiiu a nevcral wivkn Htay at IIdhwcII
Ilev llryiin and daughter, Mrn
.lean .ShellcnlH'rp'r. were In the city
MIhh Maud Illalr Iiiih returned from
a Hi'veral ti'kH vlnlt with frlcniU In
HiioUh, nuiKaxlui'H, iiovcIh, nil klntln
at llaifle Hook Stoix', I door went of
.1. W. linker. Htate Kami' warden,
returned from n trip out nouth hint
MIhh 1 1 iik' I I lemon way returned
from a nhort vlnlt to (iratitH Piihh,
hint Momlay.
Dave AIIIhoii, of ltoHcliurK', wiih
vlHltlinr hew with IiIh father anil
Seeuie one of thow i;raml harKiihiH
at Itauklu'H Htni-e. Kimene, liefoiv
they mi' all irnne.
Do not full to nee the new nlnrl
niiiHleJiiHt received at The Itlcliard
hoii MiihIc llonw.
tioodHpromptly delivered at ,nur
canip at leiiHoualile tix-lfilit raten.
Knowli'H ,: OettyH.
Two carloadH of inlncrH HiiipllcH
Junt received from Portland. KuowIch
iV (lettyn. Hoheinla.
Mrn. Carrie IIoIhIiikoi'. of Alliauy,
Ih In the city thin week vlxltlnjr with
Mrn. Harry Wynne.
Mrn. IM mi Mel I oattlo, of Portland,
wiih vIhIHiu; with frlemlH In city
Hunilay and .Monday.
Mrn. Wood wiih down from the
Wood-l'em'HiiUH camp at the lied
HiiilKt' luxt WedncHilay.
Ciiplnln and Mrn. SiicIih, of KuKcne,
ivturncd hoiue hint Mduday after a
few days vlnlt la thin city.
Win llennctt Ih homo from IiIh
WaHliliiKtou imtliur, and Ih again at
IiIh pont lu I.. I.urcli'H Htore.
Anything mid everything In tlio
Htntloncrv line at the Kaglc Hook
Store, 1 (lour went of poHtolllce.
.McCIcIIhii'h Ih the only place In
town where you can buy a box ol
Alilou ChocolatcH and lion Hoiih.
MIhh I'.nnta Ilryau, who InliiHt met
ing a Hpleiulld cIiihh lu iiiumIc at
I.orano, wiih lu tlio city Monday.
.1. P. Joiich. traveling puHnengcr
agent for the Southern Paclllc Co.,
vlHltcd In Cottage Orovo Tuesday.
Wall paper to milt everybody at
prlci'H all can reach.
Jw-lli. .1. I. Currln.
.1. W. AIIIhoii, of Portland, wiih In
the city Sunday and Monday vlnlt
lug with Mr. and .Mrn, J. T. AIIIhoii,
Leading: Grocers of Cottage Grove.
IJverythlujC new, fresh and clean. Where the majority trades,
evidently the prices are right. (Jive nn a trial, and we shall
endeavor to plenno you. Produce a Hpeclulty. Phono 4:1,
t jit, if l l h -M riui
Co., I'niprlelorM, ' ;
1rrr- iVWp-f Tir iT'-f 1' j.-
A Miimlnv eciiiHlon .lull :'ilth on
JheO .V S IC. Ilallroad lo the lied
Ilihlge Among the (ittraclloiiH are
lieaullfiil Hcenery. Ilslilug, liimllng,
bliicklii.rrleH. Iiiihi' Imll OoKngi.
Orove vh ICillroml Nine. Traill leaven
Coltage drove fi::i a. m. Train
teavi-H lied llrlilge .1:.'ll) p. m. one
fare for round trrp i ciiIh.
.loluiHiin Taylor Iiiih relurned to
Portland where he i-chihim-m treat
ment for cancer of tin face. Mr.
Taylor npent hovci-iiI wcckM there,
retiiriilnu liumo hoiiic weekn hIiicc for
a lent. He wan much Improved
when he came inimo, and UvU con
llileiil that lu time hi phVHlclaim
(vio MTiiiiineiiii,v cure mm.
S. K. I'ulnlefl late hint week for
MeKlnxle river, where he cnteiH the I
t'lllllloy Of tlli'S. P. Cfi . iih Ml-e war-
ilen. having under IiIhhiii.itvIhIiiii the
riilllpail.v'H timber traction the Me-
Keii7.le. Mr Ij'wIh Inn careful, and
well trained limberuian, unit will IIII i
IhepOHltlou tilth credit lo hlniHelf'
mid I he coiiipauy.
The linn of illllH-rl mid Welch, of
I'llueiie, hate olH'lleil no n hIiih' uIiiii.
iih Albany . It. W. Welch taking the!
mmiagemeut of HUiue. Mr. Welch Ih
well known here an a good Iiiih) Imi-
ami trade ueiior. and A No I adver-
tlner. lie Ih the wnlor partner of
the Woo Ih A Welch llrm of HiIh place. ,
Itnlil. liillllii. iiccomoiinli'il In- IiIhI
daiightei'H. Mix Petrlc ami MIhh I
IIchhIi'. left for HoHWl'll SorlnirM Inul i
Momlay,. Mi. Hrlllln returning Inter I
III the week. MIhh HchhIc will remain
foi'Hoinu time, with the view of bene-,
lilting Her liealtli, and Mrn. Petrle
will keep her company. j
Cottage drove Ih IhiIIiIIiil- rli-li I
along. A kiln of ,'00,000 brick Ih!
being liurned to Ih lined In new bnlld-
lllgn now under eoiiHtructlon. Thev
an- linking rnnm population then'
within the next live yearM. HeglHter.
Aim jiihi ttaicn iih get i-iii.
T. K. t ainpU'll, of the I'aclflc Tim
ber Co , had the liilHtortune to halt
IiIh liornt' fall noon hlin. Hcvvrelv In
juring IiIh foot, hint Saturday, while
en rouie uoiiie irom the couiiiany h
mill at Alca. At IiihI mccoiiiiIh he
wiih Improving nicely.
Mrn. K. A. Cottle and iliiughter,
MIhh ICthel. left WeilneHilHV for Win.
cht-Hter Hay, via Drain, where they
will Join the Martin nart v. with the
exixi'tatloiiH of lining up on cIiiiiih,
iihii, hiiiiii, etc.. tor the next two
Weare proud of the line of plauoH
we nell. They are ('dickering. Klin-
ball. WcIht, Crown, Vow, Victor
and many inborn. Don't they look
good to you'.'
Ilauklli .MiihIc IIoiiHe, Fugeue.
.Mr. and Mrn. J. V Thornton went
down to the ItoHwell Springs Friday
for a nliort vacation. The Pearl
Coufirtlonery will lie lu charge of
Archie Thompson during Mr. Thorn
lon's absence.
AllnTt Seldiuau. uianager of the
Fred dale harness store received the
hiii! news from IiIh home lu Detroit,
Mich . of till ilciitli nf Ills Vfintim.ut
brother at that place on tlie'lst of
mis nioiitn.
WANri'.D A brlsht. stronR, wllllnR
buy to learn patternmaker's and ma
chinist's trades. To the right boy
this is a rare opportunity. Apply I).
II. Welsh, I'aclflc Timber Co., Cottage
drove, Ore.
The Cottage drove Kngluccrlng Co
plant, at Latham, received thin week
a looo pound hummer which will tie
IliHtnlled iih hooii us Manager Welsh
can get his building plans arranged.
Don't delay the Itankln closing
out sale of music goods at Kugene
will soon Ih' over and you will Ih
kicking yourself for not securing one
of the big bargains offered.
Dr. Watts the optician will be at the
Sherwood house In Cottagv drove,
Monday afternoon and Tuesday all
day, Aug. 3rd mid Ith. Don't fall to
co him about your eyes,
Oliver Hart Ih exei'liiientliig with
celery on IiIh lots lu this city this
seaooii. He has put out sumo JHI
plants and at present the Indication
point tn a tine crop.
Andy Nelson ami I'.lvls dowdy
went up to llhickbutte Sunday to
view the new electric light plant now
lue nurse of construction and also to
visit the mines
.1. D. Itlclimond. f Woodbiirn, wiih
a pleasant caller at the Nugget olllee
this week. Mr. Ih well
pleased with tlie town and thinks nf
locating here.
N. II. fatten wiih lu the city thin
week. Mr. Patten Is still on crutches
iih a result of an accident on the IStli
i f Inst month which caused him a
broken leg.
Miss Utile Stewart Iiiih returned
from a two weekn visit at her home
In ItrowiiHvllle, and Is again at her
place In dartnmi Ac Henienwny Co'h
MIhh Clara Van lltpcr Is assisting
nt the Thornton Ice, Cream and Con
fectionery ntore thin week In the
nhsi'iice of Mr. and Mm. .1. V. Thorn
ton. Try one f those delightful fac
miiHHageH. Removes bluek headn.
tan and brings color tn the cheek at
Allison & llnHtlng'HtonsorlalparlorH
M. A. Newman, of "'nn Francisco.
In company with D. It. Ladd, visited
the Knott mine this week. Mr. New
man In nil experienced mining man.
Mr. PearHiiiiH and family, of Port
ladil. who li'ivo been rusticating at
the Oregon Mineral Springs, returned
to their home lanf Wednesday.
Mr. and .Mm. Win. Houston nf Kit.
gene passed through Cottage drove
Saturday en route to Doreim where
they will vlnlt for awhile.
When we wiy iiuallty. It moans
iiial ty at "The Modern Pharmacy."
i Isaac I,. Drown, of I.orano, wan in
i lie elly .Monday and gave the Nag-
got olllce a very pleasant call. Mr. i,
llrown wiih very badly Injured hoiiio!'
four or live weekn ago by falling is
, iiiiiii a mini which iiii wiih iiuiiiiing.
lie Iiiih boon conllncil to IiIh room
1 nnrioif I lie Mine ami in IiihI hiiu n Hi
lo lie out again, but on crutehrH
which he hopes In Ih- able to aban
don III the cniirne of a few iliiyn. Mr
llrown also reports llmi IiIh family
i have all Ih-cii down with the measles
during IiIh Illness.
The mini v frleiulM of Win Wnllme
formerly or t IiIh place anil of I 'res
well, wbl Ih pained to Jearu that he
Ih iignlii Hiifferlug from mint tier at.,
trick of nppeinlleltlH, and Is now In n
very dangerous condition. At last
reports he wiih going to the hospital
to undergo an operation but owing i
to IiIh weakened condition It wiih I
thought that he would hardlt wlth-
Mtaml the operation.
Don't forget that thete will be an
other Sunday excursion tn the ICed
llrldgu August 'J. The neconil game
of lillseliiill between Cottngu drove
and the Itallrouil boys will Ih-played
at the ball grounds on the lliike
Htewarl ranch the excurHlonlHtH
having option to nee the game or re
main at the lied llrldge during Its
, letter from Will Wallace now at
Tucson, Ariz., dated .luly JI stales
Hint he In lu the hospital fur aunHr
atlon for tipH'iuIlf llin. He Iiiih been
cngiigoil In the S. I'. Machine shops
at thai place for Heteral iiioutlin
pant mid It Ih hopoil by hln many
frlemlH heiv that he will rirote'r
front the oM'ratlou all O. K.
.1. T. Itiiulanil and family who
hate been cmnpliig 'it the Oiegon
Mlnerul HprlngH. returned to their
home In Ktigcnt Wcdiieseay. Mr.
Itovvhinil had the inlsfurliiiielo have
bin arm broken while at the .springs
but he Ih very rapidly riTiiverhig from
the Injury.
('..I. illiighaiu, who riivlveil IiIh
i iiniiiilsslnn iih fnri'Ht ranger last
week, Iiiih gone tn Ills station on the
Middle Fork of the Willamette via
llnheuila. He was accompanied by
hln nephew. Hen III ighnin. who will
Hieiiil the Hiiimncr in the mount mImh.
HIht llrown. who In fearnlug the
prlutei'H triitle at the Nugget olllce,
was taken seriously III last week and
narrowly encuped typhoid fever.
KImt Ih a splendid boy. quiet anil at
tentive to IiIh duties, mid ly Ih missed
at the olllce.
Mm. deo Kerr, who Iiiih had charge
of niie of the cooking camps nu the
new road up Champion canyon, in
the employ of the Oregon Securities
Co., Iiiih accepted a similar position
with theCryntal CoiiHolldated On.
ltvilal and Idnlia King, datiKhlcrn nf
Frank King, of Saginaw, who have Ih-vii
vinitiug their Kratidpurentn Mr. and
Mrn. W. II. Lincoln, relumed Imme
('. S. Martin mnl family, accom
panied by .MIsh Agnes Wuoley, left
Monday for WlncliCHter Hay, where
they will enjoy a neveral weekn out
ing. .1. IL Davidson has removed his
sIkm) Hliop to the building between
the Nugget olllce and the postolllcc,
formerly Decupled by the hook store.
('Iiiim Itiitau Iiiih returned from
Oakland and went Into the hills thin
week, where he will commence the
development of his mining properties.
Strength ami vigor come of good
food, duly digested. I-nrce .
ready-tn-nerve wheat and liarley
food, iuIiIh nu burden, but sustains.
The Pearl Confectlnner.v for fancy
camneM always In the lead. All of
the leading brands Inclgars. smoking
ami chewing tobacco at thePearl.
.lust received the fluent line nf
Iencll tablets that ever came to the
town. See them at J. P. Currln'n.
Dr. Wall acclilently sprained hln
ankle hint Friday, causing him much
lain and Inconvenience lu getting
around for several days.
Charley lloHinerlmsalivaily proved
himself, to ! a hunter worthy of
Oregon mountains. He bagged a
tine buck late last week.
J'.. A. Wlllsun Is In attendance upon
tlie meeting of the head council of
the lied men at Oregon City, an dele
gate from this tribe.
An Kxplnslon in tlie I nltcil States
cartridge factory at Lowell, -Mass.,
last Wednesday, caused the death
of twenty-live ihtsoiis.
Miss Iiessle Fluster, nf Lebanon,
who lias Ihvii visiting her brothers,
Mensm .luiiit'H anil Claud Clusters,
has returned home.
Prof. A. L. Ilriggs Joined his family
at Woodbiirn this week, where he
will spend some time visiting rela
tives and friends.
Miss Maggie Jennings, of Chicago,
visited this week with her father,
.Ian. .cuttings, nml brothers, Frank
and Theodore.
School will noon commence, so
have Dr, Wattn put your children's
eves In nhaH for the hard work that
will come.
Mm. Dave AIIIhoii came up Satur
day from Itnseburg tn visit with Mr.
and Mrs. .1. T. AIIIhoii. returning
A. F. Howard In Imme from a sev
eral week'n visit at Portland and
Paget Sound polntH. He reports a
tine time.
Albert Wallace was lu the city a
few iIiivh hint week, returning to hln
work at Oakland the early part of
Mrn. F.hhoii, of Kugene. who Iiiih
been the guent other frleli I. Mrn. J.
W. linker, returned home hint Mon
day. Do vour work an well as you can
and he kind mid buy your drugs at
"The Modern Phuriuacy."
Call on J. V. Thornton at the Pearl
Confectionery. He will be pleased to
see you any time.
Hrtatltng bargains In tooth mid
hair brushes at "The .Modern Phar
macy," Ice cream and itoft drinks a Hiiecl
nlty at the Wave Ice Cream Parlors
J. F.iitul W.T. Cattrall, of the l.e
Hny, weio in from Hohemia this week
M. W. Davis mid wife, of Mohawk,
were ih the city this week.
Mrs Clara H.iker returned to Houebtirg
on Thursday's afternoon train.
Boy Jleinenway was a south bound
passenger Thursday.
doe House is in from Hohemia this
i (.
Siiirl Wnisls.
We have them In While and Colors mid
In all nl.'H. No Shirt Walntn will lie carried
over, which l proof enough that they will
be sold at a big discount.
For Lailien, (lents mid Children. Now
Ih the time to purchase your light weight
underwear for thu warm weather.
TIii-hyi a it only a few of the many bargains offered, and every (icmon should take
advantage of thin great opportunity to nave money on things yon need every day.
Lurch's Store
.1. C. Long, of tlie II nn of Long A;
lllughain. had a "long" face on hint
Thursday, mid when asked what
wan the matter, he told a Nugget'
man that he was afraid that the
bottom had fallen out of the real
oHtnte IiiihIiichh, iih It wan at that1
time 7 o'clock a. in. and he hadn't
Hold a lot that morning. After the'
reporter had exhatiHted IiIh supply of i
nyinpathetlc expressions. Mr. Long!
turned In the following news: David
I Inn has purchased four lots. Mr.
I tlehey has purchased residence prop
erty and Is already preparing to'
erect a neat residence. Mm. II. L. '
lA'onard, who recently purchased
property In the I.nug& lllughain ad-'
dltion, In building an attractive cot
tage. L. F. and deo. Stanlev, formerly of
Ashland, have purchased the N. F..
Klsea & Son Stock nf millinery, shoes
ami furnlshtngH nn the west side. '
Messrs. Stanley wen- the former pro
prietors of the Ashland Town Talk.
The boys established the pajK-r and
under their maiuigement It gained a
reputation an one of the brightest
and newnlent pais-m on the coast.
After Helling out the Town Talk they
went lo Kugene where they pur
chased the FainniiH ntock of goods
which they closed out In a very short
time. They lire good business men '
and are welcomed to our town and '
It Is hoK'd they will conclude to
stay with us 1
U' V U'UII,,,i,u rriirW- nf tlie
llrm of Unities tc Wllllamn, 1ms pur
chancil a grocery and bakery IiiihI-
uesH at Springfield and will move his I
tauilly to that place in me near
future. Mr. Williams Is a good busi
ness man. n thorough liellever lu the
use of printers Ink mid will Is? a
valuable acquisition to the little
eltv of Sirltigflclil. Mr. and Mm.
Williams ure held In high esteem by
their many aciualntmices lu Cottage
drove who regret to see them leifve
but wish them all kinds of success lu
their new home.
Thomas of Sebantapnol. Calif.,
formerly a resident of Cn'tage drove
wan here the tlmt of the week vlnlt
Ing with old friends and looking nf-!
ter bin timber Interests on Mosby
creek. Mr. Lee moved from hereto
California for tlr lienetlt of hln wife'
and boy and reports them rapidly
regaining their health, and thinks
he will return to Cottage drove ere
another year rolls by. Mr. Leo Is
the star Hiiliserlber on the Nugget
list, he now holds n nrelpt for nub-1
scrlptlon to Feb. U. lint,-!. i
AV. II, Abr.mi- .if the Cottage limve
Klectric Litthl Coin unrkingim i-hihiIIv
as possible on the new plant. The con
crete piers fin lin shun, engine and
dvi atnos have been lim-liiil, uml tin-
big boiler, nighty hore power, is now
ill oition. Iho iminiiger i now wait
ing for brick which he hopes to receivi
from the Oakland vards in a few days
The plant "ill be one of the most com
plete in ttiu male, ami win lie a ercui'
to the city.
Allen White, of drants Pass, menibe
of the general merchandise firm of U
II. & II. G. Co., Joined Win Gnrmai
the president of the conipnnv, in thi-
eitv Wednesdav and the two went ti
l'ortliind u business for their tirm.
Thursday morning.
The CottiiL'B Grove Knzineering Co.,
turned out its tirst boiler for a Kosehun
llrm this week. It was a large roil
lioller and attracted considerable atten
tion while bo ng put aboard the car
Mr. and-Mrs. C. W. Caldwell, ot
Silk creek, who some time since pur
chased the n nideure of Mr. Nicliol, in
South Cottage drove, expects to remove
to thin city in Septi'iniier.
.Mlns Nina OHtrniider Is home from
a few weeks Htuy at Eugene, where
sue relieved tne operator in me
Western Fnlou olllce during vaca
tion. Ralph Gil1, of Scio, it niemlerot the
(! . II.G.Co., is in the eitv thii-
this week, visiting the company s Gar-
mail A Hemenway Co store.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rest, of Gervais,
are visiting in this city, the guests of
Mrs. Kent's mother, -Mrs. I,. M. inomp-
son . i
T. M. Dovle. owner of the Burnett i
ranch at the Reil llriilge, Is up on a visit 1
from his A'ancoitverhoine.
The Folnom. Calif., State prison I
Iiiim hail an outbreak and several life 1
prisoners an at large. 1
M. Sy verion, of the Long ..A llingham
Lumber Co., made a htsiness trip to'
Salem this week.
Sirs. J. S, Medley has been quite ill .
the past week, but at the present writ
ing Is Improving, '
J. L. LeRov, president ot tlio LeRoy
Mining Co., arrived on tlio afternoon
train Thursday.
T. K, Richardson, of the Richardson
iiiiiulo store, was up from
Itoseburg this
Hardy and Nelson Crow, of Lorane.
made the Nugget ottice u pleasant call
Mr. and Mrs. Smith are visiting rel
atives In this city this week.
The Hod llrldge Excursion Is tlio
thing-don't forget It.
AV, W. Haw ley was in the city this
wetk, '
I Spring is berc-So arc we
jE With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. 3
Hoes, llaken and Cultlviitom. S
Oliver's Steel and Chilled Plows. 3
y Fish llros. Wngona.
5X A full and complete Line of Hnrdwnre, Stoves and Tinware.
S Mining Supplies our Specialty. 12
Piper & V
I JI T ITT JT 5 n ' i n
1 J. w. wsfnrnrturew).
guarantees to nave you money on everything to
v furnish a home Including
Stoves, Ranges, Cart and Minis,
New Line of Wall Paper.
Bi Clearance Sale now on for 30 days;
10 per Cent Discount on everything.
-ft-y-x if:-:
Griffin & Veatch Go
Near S. P. Depot, Cottage Groto, Oregon f
The Majority of the voters saw fit to send MNtiKi: It ERMAX to Con-
sress, at the late election, likewise the Majoritvof the people saw fit to
elect the VCW Yoi'k KjICkCt StOl'C headipiarterr f
for low prices, and by fair treatment, and square dealing. We expect to
liold the osition we now occupy, of Iwing the cheapest place in town.
Our GikxIs are clean and new. direct from eastern markets. i
call and A. K. Shevk, great k.
The licst and largest
stock of dry luiulierfroin
our Coast Fork Mills Is
now ready fot delivery
at popular prices.
Hoiim's built on the In
stallment plan. For fur
ther particulars, see,
Building nnd Sales Dept.
,1. H. Wnrner, Supt
Star. Ore., July 13, 1003.
llids for the building of a school
house lu School DlstrlctJNo. r23,Stnr, ,
Lime Co., Oregon, will be received
until Aug. 10, 100.'!. Specifications
can bo hud by applying to J. U, 1
Stewart, Star, Lane Co., Oregon.
Ths board of directors reserve the
right to reject nny or nil bids.
C. A. Haiii.ow. Chnlrnmn.
Dress Ciio(Mls.
Our line of Summer DroHH (loods niich
an Organdie Lawns, Dcmltlcs etc, Roes
at almost half the former price.
We not only claim hut cun prove lo
you that our line of Low Shoes HiirpasHes
any line ever offered In the city. The full
line Ih Included in the sale.
andenburp I
t. X t-
X X x X X-XJt
of nny tool In always a ilsslrabto
one, but of eipjal Importance Is the
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too frequent shnren
Ing. Uy making your purchases of
the liritlln & Veutch Co. you nlways
receive your money's worth lu the
best quality of tools and cutlery of
proerly,temiere(l steel that Is sure
to hold an edge.
j B9ll9nlBBaBlB0lli
i j
, THE m
i; Gi'occry Store
& Morse
is the place to buy
J Everything is clean, J
5 new, fresh and of first
grade quality.
For a lazy liver try Chamborlsin'i
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They in
vigorate the liver, aid tho digestion,
regulate the Ivowels and prevent bilious
attacks. For sale by Reason Drug Co.