Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 24, 1903, Image 7

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    The Itch Fiend
Tlmt Id Willi Itlicuin, or lCcr.ciiin m
o ' tli o ou t nvu nl iniiiiifenlutloii ol ncro
i In.
It cmtioa III ItrtiliiK, liunilng, (ir.liiK,
drying, mill willing puti'lits, nil tlio furir,
lieml, blind, log or limly.
It I'ltlihnt do cuieil by outward iipplb
rations till' lilixul inilnt Ihi rlil of llm
lliiiurlly tn ulili'li 11 la ilui.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
1 1 us cutticl tlm moat persistent nil I 1 1 11 1 -rult
niiH'H. Aivept mi HiiliHlltuUi fur
1 IihhI'm no suhstltiito nets llko it.
VII (Uvea lllin I'le.
"I ratliur enjoy l.tiluii without n
lilrtiil ulrl." "Why so?" "Jleranso
I rnn ulwnya coax my wlfn to glvo iiiu
io lor lirmiklmt." Philadelphia
Plain Dealer.
Converting Him.
"I licnr tln'in wiih coiini remancoron
iirii'tml wltli your marriage?"
"Nothing roiiinntlv about It. Our re
ligious tIiiw dllfertid, my wlfn main
taining Hint tlio only liull thero ! la
iiion unrili, nml aim married mo to
ptovo It. ItuI lnmollH Nun.
No Need ol 1'iotcalatlon.
Turn Dlil alio ask you If she nt'ra
llm only girl you over lovtxl7
Jack No alio limit It (or granted.
b'oiuervlllo Journal.
lloo itictYAiin loo.
The readers of OiU 1' Mill be 1mi1 to
arn tliat ibere ii at leeit one dreaded di.eaMi
lliat aciviirs lias been alilo la rule III all lia
liase. ami that laralarrh. llall'aCetarrtit'iire
U tbe only iiiltlTnt'ura kuuwu totha tnedli-al
Irair rnlir. I.etatrli belna aeoiiailtutlmialOis.
faie, teitilres a roiutTtiiilunal treatment.
llaU'a t'aiarrti Cure la lakrn Internally, aeilrie,
JIlMilIf tifou the blood anil tiiut'iitia eiirterei
l llin ajratein, thereby d'Hrnylng llm loiiuda.
lion of ilia titrate, and Klvtnit the .etleiit
tlrenalti by building up Hie emittltutioi ami
tiaittlnf nature In dome; lt mirk. The pro.
rrtelnra have o rourli faith lit III t'urallve
powers, mat they otter Ona Hundred Italian
lor aur r.e that It falli to euro. Hcnd fur ILI
lit leilltnoulali. Jlddreaa
r. J. CHUNKY A ft)., Toledo, O.
Hold by druicUta. "to.
llall'a (aullr fllla ara lliebeal.
Juit (loud.
Klderly Cnitiiimir llavn you any
preparations tlmt will eradicate wrin
kle? Coniclentloua Druggist No, iim'arn,
but wo turn a prupnmtlon tlmt will 111 1
Ilium up. Chit-ago Trllitino.
The (teal ThlnK.
"How cultured mitl polished tlmt
Mr. Keratoma In."
"I know it. Whenever n wraon
llnga anything alio always calls It ion
luring It, tlouin't alio?" Clilcno
A Permanent Cure.
Hodge You mean to my tlmt Chris
Man bcionro cured yotiT
I'odKti Hiiro!
lloilgo Of appendlctls?
I'odgo No. 01 Ohrlitlin Science.
Brooklyn Life.
rlio'i Cum la- a coocl couth medicine.
It baa cured coiijtln and colds for forty
years. Aiuriixeisia. .weenie.
Looking (or Chance.
Mn. Qobang This paper aaya tlmt a
Kanaaa man aold Ilia wlfo for 18.
OobanR I wonder II It will ever bo
my luck to run arroea fellow who la
throwing money awajT .New York
Not Teo Precipitate.
"All, Goorgle, dear," alio aald to tbo
duke, "why don't you go to papa to
day? Delaieato dangeroua. yoo know."
"Yea, I rrnllia tlmt," lia replied,
"but I've only known you three daya
and thcts cet-rlcli-qulck echemee al
aya team to bo io risky." Chicago
A Prize.
Tbo editor of a weekly nowapaper in
Auitralia oflera lilmaulf aa a prlie to
tho woman who writes the beat eiaay
on tlm dutiea of a wlfo.
CITO f 'toianently ruret. NoBtnornerTouinul
f 0 anrflritUy'iiu0i'rir.Kliii"al!rrtNrrvt
llaiuirrr. Heud fur KrvMtt'J trial tinlllait.l trratlM
Dr.,Ud..MI Anhbt., I'hllulrlpUla, 1'a.
Aska No More.
Tom I can't help nuking my fiance
ocraalnnally why alio loves me.
Dick Me, loo. Mine anaya gives
mo a very satisfactory answer.
Tom That ao? What doea alio ray?
Dick Because. Philadelphia Iubllc
Not Strikingly Noble.
"Ho your daughter Is going to marry
n noblonmu.
"Yea," nnswored Jtr. Cumroz;
"liu'a enly a nobleman by profeasron.
I'tirronally I must ray be ttrlktiamoasn
pretty common sort." Washington
Ills lixpcrlcnce.
"Pa." eald the boy, looking up from
tils book, "whut does a man's 'hotter
half, moan?" "Usually, my son,"
replied his father from behind the
evening paper, "ilio means exactly
what she says."
Ready for l!aiter.
Deacon Cobbs William, It your
father sohuld hato (10 and noma one
nhotild give him 18, what would ho
William Nothing; but ma would
Imvo a now hat. Chicago News.
Hair Falls
'M tried Aver'. Hair Vigor to
stop my liair from railing. One
naif a bottlo cured me."
J. C. Baxter, Braldwood, III.
Aycr's Hair, Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
and restore color to gray
hair. f l.0 a kottta. AlldnitUhv.
If your drugs-lit cannot supply yon,
send ua one dollar and wo will exprcie
you a bottle, lie euro mad elTOtne name H
OX TOUT nearest eipreiaottTce. Addreii, D
' J, CAYlClt CO., Lowell, Mu! I
Htlaliiuiil (iiiiKrlly) I never nw n
Huiimii tin lutrtl to plortno na you nrr.
Wlfo (cnliuly) My Ofnr, you fowt
Hint I iiinrrlfil you.-C'lili'iiKU Dully
Mnklnif proifrraa: "Wlljiuna, Imvo
you niiliii'tl tlio baby )ot 7" "Alinont.
Wo'vtf not tlio two KriinilinotlierH to
nutitt lo nrliltnito tlio cnM)." Clilciiuo
I'ntleni'o Did you any alio citino
fiiini HkIiIIiik alotk? I'litrlce Yin; tier
mother nml fnthir were both inviubi-ra
of church oliolra In tliulr uirly dnya.
Yoiilitra Htiili'Hiiinn.
Mm. (Irnnicrcy Do you tblnli It wna
mi liili'iilloinil allKlit on tlio pnrt of
Mra. Nuwrlcli? Xlra. l'ltrk-Wby, no,
my ilt-rir. Klio liimn't bwii it Indy lonu
tiioiiKli to know bow to bo rtidi1.
I.. II... MM... ft..ll..h..t. Unv
my wbtTt'iibotita perftvtly, but I pro
atiniK my futher mid molbt-r would llko
to Ih dlreeliil to where 1 nni. Kuuaiia
City ludepi'iuletiL
The Owner -Heu bcrol You wnnt to
hnndlo Hint trunk more carefully! Tbo
Torter-PII look out for It. air. I know
n mnn who let one fnll on bin toea lnt
mouth, nu' ho ain't out of tbo liwipltul
yut." Town nml Country.
To Ita detriment: "One thing enn be
aald about our opern-hotiaea," remark
ed the Obaervi-r of Kvcut nnd Thlni;;
"too much intention aet'iuM to buvo
bein given to the ucouatlc propertlin of
tbo boH." Yonkera Ktnteamnn.
Snlimuinn (recoiumendlneMilue neck
tin with lnrK I'hik apota) -- Hut
wouldn't you like one llko thu't? I'm
aellliiL- u lot of them tlila year. Hnr-
. .ViiiM v Vi- i I,..Jl"'n nlr "d n ronr In tbo enra like n
nro you It7 Cl.lld-.No. air. I know ,....
enatle Cuatoitier -IndetHl! Ycry clever down the allppery rocka to help a blink
of you, I'm aure.- Harvard Liunpoon. Jug, creeping, much-Hurprlnfd youth,
All tiny: "Her novel la not one of bleeding from n hundred cute, up to
the ephemeral eiiccesae." "Indeed'" ! where hla clothea lay. He woe still
"Ob, yea., It waa published before 0 too daied to epenk. When hla breath
o'clock III the morning, nnd wua not
completely forgotten until unite n bit
lifter 0 o'clock In the evenlug."-l.lfe.
"How la your youngeat daughter get
ting on with her mualeV" "Splendid
ly," auawered Mr. Cuuiroi; "uer In
atructor anya tlmt abu plnya Mozart In
a wny Hint Mor.nrt bliuaelf would
never Imvu dreamed of." Wnahlngtoii
How la vour daughter getting on
with her music?" "Splendidly," an- PrlKhml force In Hetry. Ills !m
swcrtI Mm. Cumrtii; "ahe can go to Rluntlon hnd more volume and flow;
a claaalcal concert nnd tell exactly I he had command, at his best, of a tell
where to applaud without watching J ln 'resbneas and effectiveness of
the reit of the audience." Washlug- Phrase; but In power of organization,
ton Htar. 'u discernment of spiritual qualities,
The Count (o'd enough to ben grand-1 b.e tttl1' fnr Mow tlie Concord poet,
father and ut.w Mlas Moneytom-I i loT 11 n a P00' Kmereoa must
bar aaked your innnima and abo glflbo reckoned with; the HmtuUlone of
1T conatnit-and .iow 1 cr Mis I hu '"" le 'ck order In hla
Moucyton I am ao glad! Hut won't It 'bought, nnd or thorough and large
bo runny to call you pnpa?I.lpplu-1 structure In bis style, are due to the
cott's Mngatlue. .poet's method ln dealing with hla sub
A London clockinaker has placed the
following notice In bla window: "The
misguided creature who removed the
thermometer from tbla door bad better
return It, aa It will lie or no use where
be la going, aa It only registers 125 de
grees." Ana went.
Hafcty In numbera: Ilraunlgan
Como home, an' teck supper wld me,
l'lannlgan. Flaiiulgan Sbure, It's past
yer supper time, now; yer wlfe'll bo
mad aa n hatter, llrniinlgun Tbnt'a
Jlat It; abo can't lick tbo two or us.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
"I recall a remark that Getieral
Grant made to me once ut dinner,"
said boastful Woodby Grift, "which
wna moat characteristic of the man."
"I think I can guesa what it was,
aald Pepprey. "What?" "Keep tho
change for yourself, my man." Phlla'
delphln Press.
"How wasteful or tlmt gardener!"
murmured the star boarder na be bit
savagely but hopelessly nt hla nt-parn-
gtut. "How Is that? naked the laud
lady. "Why. If be hnd let these stalks
grow one week longer be could have
sold tbem for telegraph poles, Hub
tlmore American.
I'lirwin Johnson Ah wish do mud.
decs oh ills congregation would bring
deyr babies to church wlf tleut. Ncvnb
mind bow young tley nm, Jess bring
'cm crliing. ir tley nm too young to
appreciate do significance ob do ser
vice, tley can, at least, yell an' keep
de deacons awake! Puck.
Tbo American Father: Ascuni An
other baby, and n girl this time, eh?
Haw doea It make you reel to hnve a
daughter? Poplcy Great! Ono or the
first things you think about It Is how a
foreign nobleman will come courting
her somo day, and bow you'll turn him
down good and proper. Phlldelphla
A heavier loss: Hnrk! In tbo darU
watches of tho night they could plain
ly hear footsteps In tho kitchen. "Hut.
giant!" ho exclaimed, hastily covering
up his head. "Oh, Henry!" sighed his
wife; "I wish I had your faculty fot
looking nt tbo bright tdda or tilings.
I'm sure It's that Hrown woman try
ing to entice my cook uwny." Kansas
City Independent
Ingenuity a reward: "ou say Ilur-
ton Is leading n double llfo? I'm as
tonished. He's the last man In tho
world I'd suspect of anything or that
kind, "Yea, bis wlfo's In Kuropo, and
he has to stay down at tho otllco near
ly every evening to copy wth bis own
hand tbo nice, gossipy letter his type
writer lias written for him during tho
day. Ho says it's u great scheme.
Ilia Ittou of Geileroslty,
"Did you turn that needy friend of
yours enipty-hniuled from your door?"
"No," answered Mr. Kcrniudge. "I
didn't let him go away empty-handed.
made out a statement of what ho
owes mo and told him bow much In
terest he'd save by pnylti' cash."
Washington Htar,
Gossip," said Undo Kbcn, '"minds
mo n good deal of n shootln' match In
da street. Do innocent bystander Is
Jos' as li'bto to git hit as anybody
else," Washington Star,
Volume of Water Almnat Drowned mn
Ailrenturniia ytilli
A atory la told In tlm World's Work
of it youth who, pnrtly from iKiionmro,
pnrtly from n aplrlt of foolluirdy nd
vontliro. put ba llfo In Joopurdy. Ho
nnd Ida roinpnnlou wrro apondlnK n
viienllon In tbo Yoac-mlto Vnlley, nnd
hnd been flahliiK for motintnlii trout
on tlio Illlloiii'tli'.
"To-morrow," ho anld, "I abnll tnko
n ahnwer bittli tiudiT the 1,700-foot
"You nro n fooll" anld hla compan
ion. "Not nt nil," cnino tbo reply. "Tbo
rlviT la very low. Wbitt tbcro la of it
ttinia to ajirny In tbo Aral hundred
feet; It will dimply como down like
ruin. Why, you'd ko under tbo Ilrldnl
Veil youraelfl Only tbnt'a proaalc.
Tbla Ih HOinethlliK blf. Como on."
"Not I."
Hut I wna tbero to aeo. Tbo water,
na he hnil anld, enmn down, n coimld
ernblo part of It, In rnln nnd aprny tlmt
flew out on thn wind Incrediblo dla.
tnni'ea. Hut to crnwl down, dreaaod In
n bnthlni; milt, doner to thn inn In
at renin that full to tlm Mol and upon
the rocka, with it inurderoua awlab In
rnllwny trnlii, wna dnrliic to foolhnrdl
neaa. At any moment a Teerlnif wind
mlk'ht awliiK the wholo mnaa upon tbo
tnll, allm flKUro backing tentatively on
nil four down tbo Jagged tnlua a lope.
Ida eye-Klaaaea KlintlUK cheerfully. A
tendy breeze kept tbo fait awting out
n little the other wny, and tbo aprny
biirKfonctl out fur up tho other elope.
Tbo ronr wna deafening.
All at once tho wind ahirted. The
wnter awuiiK bnck, and in a flaah the
btimuii flguro wan blotted out In a
deluge that turned mo alck. For a
eecoiid, that aecined an hour. It play
ed on tho apot (tendlahly. It aecmed to
me, Htniidlng horrified there, and then
alowly It awept away.
And then there wna n movement, a
painful, crawllnic movement down
there on the alope. nml I acramblcd
rciurnmi ana ma extra glnnaea were
perelied ngnln on hla noae, ho aald:
"The oceana fell uikiu luo.
bnck to New Ungland."
"Sharra with Hawthorne and Toe
I'rlmacy of American I-ettera."
Emerson shares with Hawthorne and
Poe tho primacy of American letters.
Whitman riiuil be counted with tbem
jects, no nns enriched our literature
with a few poems or such directness
or vision, such captivating simplicity
or Imagery, such ultimate felicity or
phrase, that they will lay bold or the
Imagination of remote generations.
He was not great In volume or emo
tion. In tidal force and sweep of Im
agination, In Hint fullness of life which
comes to the poet whose genius Is
charged with elemental power as was
Dante's nnd Khnkspenrc's. He did not
look nt Christianity with the fresh and
original Insight which he brought to
other subjects. He saw the disorder
of socloty. but he did not seem to real
lie, the tremendous significance or sin
as moral evil. And nlthough he said
striking nnd profound things about
Christ, he failed to take tho measure
of tho dlvlnest personalty In history
a failure duo In part to the rorce or
tbo religious react lou In which be
lived, nnd lu part to his fundamental
view- of life.
In filte of these limitations, hp re
mains In many respects the finest
product of the old race In tbo now
world: the loftiest Interpreter of Its
fundamental Idea and mission; ono or
the deepest and noblest or Kb touchers;
or a lire ho simple, ao blameless, so
nobly poised between vision and task
that to recall It la to catch n glimpse
or tbo spiritual order or lire, and to
believe In the dreams or the pure and
the great. Hamilton Wright Muble lu
the Outlook.
The Now York zoological garden In
Itronx park boasts threo very Intel
ligent monkeys Dohong, Pretty Peg
gy nnd Polly who were caught by the
camera while enjoying n meal al fres
co. Their table manners may not bo
of the best In tho world, but they
have learned to uso a fork and to
drink out or cups and mugs without
disgracing themselves or their tutors.
Curator Dltmnra and Simian Keeper
Miles. The trio dine In public only
twice a week, on Saturdays and Sun
days, and on those days are watched
by admiring hundreds.
Not Wholly Frank.
'Can you sincerely say tbat you
never descended to hypocrisy?" usked
tho man or severo standards.
'Well," answered Mr. llllgglns, "I
must confess that I onco sat nnd lis
tened to my daughter's commencement
essay and pretended to bo as much en
tertained as ir I wero at it baseball
guiuo." Washington star.
He Know tho Man.
"Whnt will my wire do ir you send
me to Jail?" pleaded the prisoner.
'I think she'll do better," returned
tho Judge
Tho cftlcucy or tho club has never
been fairly estimated.
An Ideal Woman's Mediclno.
So says Mrs. Josic Irwin, of
325 So. College St., Nashville,
Term., of Lytlia E. Pinkliam's
Vegetable; Compound.
Never In tho history of medicine lia
the demand for one pnrtiaular remedy
for fvmalo diseases eoualled that at
talncd bv I.yilln. 1'. I'lnklinm'a
VcKctalilo Compound, and never
during the llfctlmo of this wonderful
medicine has tho demand for It been
ao great as it la to-dny.
From the Atlantlo to the Pacific,
and throughout the length and breadth
of this great continent como the glad
tidings of woman's sufferings relieved
by It, nnd thousands upon thousands
of letters are pouring ln from grateful
women saying that It will and posi
tively docs euro tho worst forms of
femnlo complaints.
Mr. Plnkham Invltr.i nil wo
men 'who nro ptizzlvd about
tliclrliculth to wrltolicrnt Iiynn,
Muss., for ittlvlbc. Such corrc
flpntiflcnco Ih seen by vt omen only,
and no cliargo la made
Only 32 per cent of the inhabitants
of Geneva are natives of the city; 21
pre cent are fioni other Bwlss places,
and 47 per cent are foreigners.
I lnCO The ierlf. Hklrt Hupporter and I'Mtta-
...... rr i. ut
Ni ltuttnii.. lliirkte.
Ifnoka .r t'lna.
At) j-our fiHslibor. nil) want
Heiul fur sample alwl pli-e t,i menu. I.A
HJI.I.Kl-ih CO., Ituuiu I
I ainbrldfe Mock,
j oninwi. ur,
fturceMori lo John I'oole)
I'not of MorrlMKt Street. IHjrtLn4, Oregon
Tile 1:11 (!aillne Knalne- A ehlld ean run It.
Valvea and all working- parti eoiered up 2h.
p., lia. 4 h. p., lilo; ( h. t . (ao. "I'ut In a Ut
ile Uaaollne and then iro lo ileep "
Write lor llluitrated catalogue and (or prlee
on.anjttilng you need la Jbe machinery Hue.
Fill both fur flax tern collret, limarjr nl
Uraminitr rrd Inrlttdrd. X hall forgirli, with
tb apiM'intmfiitii and tutMTvlifon of a oiiWal
hema. lratlon In one of tb moat baulUul
reKlmia of th I'wiflc rmul Climate mllil aut
hraltbruU 'or cmlaloKUA a4drwi
Write for
Pur noxreoeicsr Sri'
Telephone rtainJ9r
"A tape norm eighteen reel long el
leaaicameon taa soauo atter my tuklnrtwo
CASCAltlri'S. IHU I am euro liat caused my
bad bealib foe the put taree yeara. I am attll
sailing uaseareu, me only cituurllc worthy ol
uao. w. uurri.ES, uaira, Mies.
PlMaot. PalMabitv 1'otfnt. Tail Good. Do
wwuu, ivovor oiosrii, i ceturii ur taupe 11H). C, OUO.
Ilril.f B.Mjf Iws'li tl..s HMlr..l. ttm V.rt. 311
Mfl.Tn.rtAft amteiisraiiteedbr aUdrug
HU'lU'UMU aim to tltlUK Tobaooo Uabiu
T?OAf PSA L :?. j
P. N. U.
No J0-IV0J.
W1I15N writing to Hilvertlaere please
wentlttu tlila imper.
LJneit6out bjrup, 'ttuttu Good. 17m
br drufwlsli
fit Cjy CATHARTIC j,
jjRfejj. VAOI mash Rioiansio fjp
tar r
I KKiHarnuMaai
MaJ. Charles V. Kami, Who le Htlll tie
Inu! at Washington,
Tho first volunteer for tho Civil War
Is allll living. Ho la Dr. Charles 1".
Itand, of Washington. I. C, retired
from active prac
tice by rcKKoit of
tro ti b 1 c s o in
wounds rotelveil
nearly forty years
A certllleate In
the t'apltol of New
Vorlc Hlatc at Al
bany attests tho
priority or iJr.
Hand's tender or
Ills services. The
uic c. r. nx.xii. certinrate la slgnetl
by tho Mayor nnd two prominent eltl
reus or llatnvln, N. Y., also by tho
County Clerk and the Hberlff of fjetic
see County, stating that In lens than
10 minutes after the call or President
Lincoln, April 16, 1801, ror 75,000 vol
unteers: was taken from tho wires the
name or Charles V. Hand was enrolled
as a soldier. Among all the war rec
ords at Washington there Is none or an
earlier enlistment than that or Dr.
Itand, and the honor baa therefore
been given hlin by common consent.
Not only was Ur. Itand the first vol
unteer for the Civil War, but be was
also the first soldier to win the Con
grenslonal medal of honor ror distin
guished galantry In action. This event
occurred at Blackburn's fc'ord, Va., In
less than three mouths after his enlist
ment. His command was ordered to
retreat, and every man obeyed save
young Hand, at the time but 18 years
of age. The rest or hla battalion, num
bering 600 men, was swept In disorder
from the field, but Itand held his
ground, notwithstanding the fact that
the field was plowed by shot and shell
all about him. The enemy Anally ab
solutely refused to Are at tho loy,
standing bravely alone and shooting at
them aa coolly aa If he had a thousand
men at his back. Hand then crept
across a deep ravine and Joined the
command of Gen. A. H. Itanium.
Dr. Hand's patriotism and gallantry
have been recognized by two Govern
ors or the State of New York and by
three President. He was twice per
sonally honored by President Lincoln.
New York remembered him with a
gold medal appropriately Inscribed, and
the United States government has pre
sented him with, a plot In the most
beautiful part of Arlington cemetery,
where, at the proper time, the State of
New York will erect a monument
worthy or the first man to offer his
service as a volunteer during the
great rebellion.
Doctors Looking; Aakance at Them
Cooked Food Recomnieti4ei.
In spite of the atrawberry's centu
ries of popularity. It Is by no means
a wholesome fruit for everybody. It
Is not easily digested raw, and doc
tors usually forbid It to children un
der 6.
Its acid Is peculiarly unwholesome
for persons of rheumatic tendency,
and the fruit Is little less than a pol
son to some constitutions. Tbe doc
tor books do not set down tbe straw
berry among the vegetable poisons,
but what Is popularly known as straw
berry poison Is very common at the
spring season or the year, says the
New York Sun.
Marked cases or strawberry poison
ing are attended with rever, lassitude
and other disagreeable symptoms. In
some cases tbe race and body are
marked with large areas or strong
red, suggesting at first scarlet rever.
These areas run Into odd-looking
patches, and ln some Instances become
almost purple.
The usual remedy Is to quit eating
strawberries, but sometimes the pa
tients require corrective medicines.
Many who have had the disease. If
such It should be called, are able after
a cure to eat the berries In modera
tion. Some, however, can never again
eat so many as hair a dozen strawber
ries with sarety. A lucky few con
tract a strong distaste Tor the berries
after such an attack, and have no
difflculty In leaving them off tbelr bill
of rare.
Some, who cannot eat the straw
berry ln Its natural condition, can eat
it cooked, and the doctors recommend
tho cooking or (bis and other berries
ror children. In ract, tbe doctors nre
by no means so warm in their rec
ommendation or fruits lu their natural
condition ns they were a few years
ago, and some hare taken tbo attitude
that most fruits, ospechilly when not
grown practically uuder the eyo of the
consumer, are more wholesome cooked
than raw.
Even tbe apple has been attacked
and many persons nre advised to eat
baked apples rather than raw apples,
no matter how fresh and mellow. An
additional reason why cooked fruits
are recommended lies ln the fact that
so large a part or the fruit In the New
York market Is sold arter being rrom
a. few days to many months In cold
AVhrtt the Marriage waa Worth.
A little group was discussing mar-
rlago fees when one or them related
the rollowing story: "A young couple
called on a minister I knew," snld be,
'and were married. When It was over
the new-made husband mild: 'I am
sorry, but I have only (I with me nnd
we need that to get home with.' 'Thnt's
nil right,' said the minister. 'You come
around In one year and give me what
ever the Job seems worth to you.' The
groom said he would do It, and they
went away." "Did he ever show tip?"
"Yes. he came back In n year and In
sisted that the minister pay him
Hwllleat of ltliiU.
Seamen geucinlly believe that the
frigate bird can start at daj bienk with
tho trudo winds fnom the coast or
Arrlca and roott the same night upon
the American shore. bother this U
n rnct has not yet been conclusively
determined, but It Is certain that this
blnl la tbe swlttest or winged crea
tures and Is able to Hy, 11111101' ravor
able conditions, SOO miles 1111 liuur,
Every ono who thinks l.o Is unlucky
can find something huppeiilu' every
dnj to prove It,
Were you worth ttio prlcu to your
mother she paid ror you?
PE-RU-NA isbefneW1 WOMEN
Says D. At. C. dec, of San Ernnclsco.
A conitontly Inrreaslng number of
physicians proscribe i'ertina In their
reiinlar practice.
It has proven Its merits so thorough
ly that even tho doctors have overcome
tboir prejudiro against so called patent
medicines and recommend it to their
"I Advlso Women to Use Pcruna,"
I Says Dr. flee.
Dr. M, C. Geo Is ono of tho physi
cians who endorto 1'criina. In a letter
written from Slit Jones atreot, Ban
Francisco, Cat., ha says:
"There le a general objoclon on the
part of tho prat-thing physician to ad
vocate pr.tent medicines, hat when any
one medicine enrcs hundreds of people,
it demonstrates Its own value and does
not need the endorsement of the profes
sion. "Pcruna lias performed so many
wonderful cures In San Francisco that
I am convinced that It la a valuable
remedy. I have frequently advised
Its use for women, as I find It Insures
regular and painless menstruation,
cures leucorrhoea nnd ovarian troubles
and builds up tho entlro system.
I alio consider it one of tho finest ca
tarrh remedies I know of. I heartily
endorse your medicine," M. 0. Gee,
M. D.
Mrs. E. T. Gaddis, Marlon, N. 0., is
one of Dr. Hartman's grateful patients.
She consulted him by letter, followed
his directions, and is now able to say
the following:
"Before I commenced to take Peru
na I could not do any hard work with
out suffering great pain. I took Para
na, and can say with pleasure that it
has done more for me than any other
medicine I have ever taken. Now I
am as vtell as ever; I do all my own
! work and It never hnrts me at all. I
If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Pe
ruea, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Limited Opportunity.
"Did you call at Rozley's bouse?"
Inquired tbe yoang doctor's wife.
ies. and I wish be bad sent lor me
"Gracious! Is ho serionsly ill?"
"Quite tbe revrese. I'm afraid he'll
be all right again before I get In a half
dozen visits."
Making Allowancea.
lironson I don't fee why jon abould
be to angry at your son for marrying.
We have to make allowancea for the
young yon know.
Muneon Confound it, that's what
I'm kicking about! I not only have to
make, an allowance for him, but now
I'll have to makn one for his wife, too.
Civic Pride.
"I don't know what we're goin' to do
about them two leadln citizens,", laid.
Broncho Bob. "They're look in for
one' another with six shooters from
mornin' till night.", "Has an insult
passed?" "No, it wasn't an insult,
bat some doabt arlz as to 'which was
the oldest inhabitant, an' they're both
determined to settle tbe question fur
good an all.
Yoa know when rich, red blood is coursing through
the veins, for it shows in the brightness of the eye, the
beauty and clearness of the complexion, the smooth, fair
skin, and robust, healthy constitution. It is rood blood
that imparts strength and energy to the body and keeps it in a state c!
healthfulness asd vigor. Good blood is the foundation ol good health, and
to be physically and mentally sound it must be kept pure and untainted.
reopte witn gooa mooa possess strong,
steady nerves and are blest with good
appetites and digestion, and enjoy
sound, refreshing sleep. If we could
always maintain the purity of the
blood then we might enjoy perpetual
icalth, but it becomes infected and
poisoned and most of the ills that afflict
humanity and undermine the constitu
tion are caused by an impoverished
or polluted condition of this vital fluid.
When the blood is diseased the skin
loses its healthy appearance, and tbe
complexion, its freshness and beauty
and becomes red and rough and full of
pimples and splotches. Itching, scaly
eruptions, blackheads, boils and rashes
break out upon the body when the
blood is too poor or too thin and acid,
and is not supplying proper nourish
ment to the system. Debility, poor
appetite, bad digestion, restless sleep
and nervousness more often come from
sluirirish. impure blood than anv other
cause. To build up the blood, restore its lost properties nnd make It rich
and nutritious again is the only rational treatment, and the proper way to
get rid of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. S. S. to accomplish this
disappear, tbe appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get rid of
those miserable depressing feelings and nervousness, and enjoy once more the
blessings of good health. S. S. S. is nature's remedy for all blood and skin dis
eases. It contains no minerals whatever, but is guaranteed purely vegetable.
Write for free book. No charge for medical advice or other information
rerhnps this is the best chanco that has been ofTered to
you. You can't affnrd to overlook It. Perhaps you will
sueecod best in a business career. We iltyou practically
for btisinetis, ami assist in getting you a position when
competent; all our graduates are employed. That's tho
vt holo story. Results are never In doubt with our gradu
ates. You had better sit right do n now and write for
catalogue which explains fully.
Jiellevlntr that the Bmlth-Fremler Ii the moil ropuUr typewriter on
the Coakt. wj hare purchased j machluei for our pew acbpol.
think Peruna is a great medicine for
womankind." Mrs. E. T. Gadd!.
Women are especially liable to pel
vie catarrh, female weakness aa it la
commonly called,
Pernna occupies a unique position in
medical ccience. It Is the only inter
nal systematic catarrh remedy known
to the medical profession today. Ca
tarrh, as every one will admit, Is the
came of one-baf the diseases which
afflict mankind. Catarrh and catarrhal
diseases afflict one-half of the people ut
the United Stntes.
The Most Delicate Scale.
Tbe most delicate scale is made by
fixing one end of a fine thread of glass.
Tbe atom to be weighed is placed at the
free end and the degree of the bending
of the thread under it Is noted. This
has to ho done under a glass which
magnifies 100 times.
The fJrcat Worry.
Weary Wairgles Are ye interested
in these chainless bicycles, Tiro?
Tired Tim No; the chalnless dog is
the only thing that worries me.
World's Comic.
Could Mention Two.
"By the way," eald the doctor, "the
president is talking about the 'fighting
virtues.' What are they?"
"Well' responded the. professor,
"there are benevolence and caution, for
instance. They are always fighting
each other." Chicago Tribune.
Whnt He Married On.
"Tom Ulgginside married, yoo tay,
on 110 a week? That took nerve, airy
how. What was be working at?"
"Nothing. It was the girl tbat waa
earning tbe $10."
I was ln wretched health; my bleed
was ln had order, my gums being
very much ulcerated. I began tho use
of S'. S. 3., and ln a remarkably short
Uzae was sound and well. If y appe
tlto increased wonderfully and my
food agreed with mo. I think it ia e
fine fizaily medicine.
Bockmart, Co.
For three years I had Tetter on my
hando. Fart of tho time tbo disease
waa ln the form of running- aores,
very painful and oaualng me much
dtacomfort. Four doctora aald tho
Tatter had progrossod too far to be
cured, and they could do nothing for
me. I took only threo bottles of S.S.S.
and waa completely cared. Tbla waa
fifteen years ago, and I have never
elncs seen any aim of my old trouble.
837 St. Paul St.. XConaaa City, Kas.
ana it aoes it promptly ana thoroughly.
S. S. S. antidotes and removes from the
blood all poisons and humors, and restores
it to a normal, healthy condition, and in
vigorates and tones up the grneral health.
When rich, red blood is again flowing
through vour veins all skin eniDtions
Thought Us Dead?
We're Very Much Alive.
S. D. Headache and Liver Cure Still Do
ing Its Great Work. S. B. Cough Syrup,
livery body Takes It. Everybody Likes It.