Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 24, 1903, Image 6

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C J. Howard . - .
Barton C. Y. Brown
- . . . IJdllor
Uuslnem Mt'r.
ftntrrii the potuifflre t Cottipf Grovr,
Ottf&n hm tMNmtS rU mall natter.
Sabfcrlptlon prlr,SI.AO, In Miltnrr.
Arit rrtlalAff Rntra miti ItVinwn wpwn
THis rAWtn u kept nn m m k. c. mk-
ZiITMllilJif Aftnj, MandSS ierianta 13l-
ebMi'e.ran FTanHnv.caiiiprni w
HMn tor urtTMUiln t can l a4t lor II.
Friday, Juu' 24. 1903.
The attention of the Nugget has
beat called to the tact that ait in
quiry was made some time since by
I' A ... . - - t . 1
nn unsiern pany 10 one oi me rcse
01 whs vicinity as 10 mc
of n certain rainine com -
pany's property in the Bohemia
District. The inquiry was on-
sweren 10 me cneci wiai mc tuiu-
rlarty had not done any work on
the property for two years and that
it, was, believed that the said com
pany had abandoned its claims.
Upon investigation it is learned
twit the company in question spent
latt year in the development ot its
properties nearly $18,000. There
ply to the Eastern inquirer, was
one of two things, either ignor
antly expressed, or advanced with
rnlllciotis intent. In either event
It did the company damage to con
siderable extent. It is charity to
sav that no man would intention-
ally nijure a company that was ' classes of refractorv ores a Uric- i Hlnckbiitte, was quite interesting
doing all in its power to develop its 1 queuing machine for'handliug con-' alul result"1 ' electing W. B. Den
holdtngs, and therefore the Nugget 1 centrates, and if the miners of the : "is T K- Campbell and Levi Geer
admonishes those who may in the J district will make contracts for a Coast l"ork is bound to have good
future receive letters of inquiry j certain innnnire nf nimi.u t,nr. I roads although some of our most
about certain properties, to be care-
ful about their replies. No legitt-,
mate company expects an nidi-
vitiual to answer an inquiry un-,
truthfully. Those who wpte for
information do not want an tnv
truthful or careless, statement. They
want the facts. . Therefore we
Aeivcs Willi 111c lacis ueiure we '
father, a reply. We should be sure
..... "-. vvf.v.
that we have gained all the facts
before we pas? an opinion. Our
prosperity to -a great extent de
pends upon the development of the
mines, ana while we should
Wisely innate any property, we
miuuiu exercise tare anu p.uuence
mat we uo uoi damage a property
through inaUvertaticy in securing
authentic advice.
Throughout the civilized world
there is regret at the passing away
of the aged Pontiff Leo XIII.
Protestants of the Christian f lith,
Jews; Mohamadeus in fact all
Civilized nations, of earth look
toward Rome with' sad hearts. Th
Pope of Rome, tli'e heaji of the Ro
man Catholic church has vested in'
him more power than a.nyother
man on, earth. While this power
is considered only spiritual yet it is
to a great extent temporal, and
. the nations recognize the existence
of great temporal power in him.
Leo has reigned- for many years
and while using his power for the
upbuilding of his church he has al
ways been conservative and quite
charitable toward those who were
opposed to bis policies. In dealing
with the different qatious on mat
ters of church be has, always dis
played diplomatic ability and great
statesmanship. The Roman Catho
lic church" has sustained a great
'loss in the death of Leo XIII and
the powers liope his successor will
be a man of equal taKnts, conser
vative methods and ability as a
One who is unacquainted with
the retail trade of Cottage Grove wonderfully surprised to
go through the snipping depart
ment of ajiy one ot the leading mer
cantile establishments. Great piles
of goods are packed and slypped
out every day to either the mitles or
logging camps and one can hardly
enter one of these establishments
without finding some one with a
long strip of paper making an or
der for immediate shipment either
by the O. & S. E. or by freight
wagon. Let the good work go on.
The O. it.S. K. excursion to the Red
Bridge uro becoming more populttr
euch week mid Superintendent I'enr
Bona in to be congratulated on the
Mucceart of thews outlnga und the
Iieople tire allowing their nppreul
ntlon by the patronage they give the
road. The run to the Red Bridge 1m
n abort one and through hoiiiu of the
pruttieat scenery In Lime, county nud
iH'Hldea affording the ieoplo u elianco
to get iiwjij'froiu bUHlnexauiidhouHc.
hold diitlea for a n day, It iiIho given
them an opportunity to liie tliem-
Belves nwiiy to the deep woodlnnda
ttlonc the Blmj'ly; 1miks of t lie rippling
Ktrcum and iiinnuructuru big fisli
atorloM. The O, &, S. It. U the moHt
popular piece of railroad In the
United States for every citizen of
Cottage drove feela that he owiih an
Interest In It uud nothing pleasea the
Cottage drove citizens more than u
ride on this lino and especially ho
that It runa In the direction and al
juost to the great Bohemia uilqhig
Don't forget the excursion up
Row river to the, Red Bridge next
Saturday. Round trip 6501$.-
If you want first-class, artistic
printing call at Bohemia Nugget
the m mm.
U Intmitw With M. 0. Wirier tki
Snilter Promoter, Oicltris too Foct
Ihit Parties Will do Noro Abut Int. t.
M.O. Warner, president of the
ltohemia Smelting and Refining Co.,
just returned from the south where
he went to talk with some of the
priucipal stockholders regarding the
installing ot a smelter in llohctmu,
He informs us that the urincinaU
will arrive at Cottage Grove about
the first or August to fully inspect
1 the district and th
offered and assures us that if a
suitable showing can be made re-
gardiug the tonnage of ores that
will be tributary to the smelter to
justify .the criction of same that Ule v"nsl m'
they will begin work at once. They , Chris Hnzeltoit is the boss fisher
are desirous of meeting ns inauy of 1 man at the spring now.
uie m tiers as possiuie niut ask that
each individual
or corporation be
prepared to make a statement of
What ores they can furnish daily.
The company will be prewired to
enter into contracts for the ores as
they can be analysed and are de
sirous of making contracts covering
a period of at least one year.
Mr. Warner assures us tint they
will put 111 machinery to treat all
BCler having required values, that
their ores will al be treated at home
makinp- nil nf the lnruf. in,,.
propositians now standing idle to
(begin operations on a permanent
! basis. But he requests that all
statements regarding tonnage and
values'I- bade conservative as thev
nave experts to check ui
measure an .irrfv.iin nrp iu imc
and if the tonnage falls far belo
the estimates of the miners it will
cause a bad impression. The men
identified with the smelter company !
are smelter men from a nractical :
standpoint and it was throuch the
efforts of Mr. Warner that their at -
tention was turned to Bohemia, and
frrv man it, M,a antiru ...........:..
r,..- c uwnu in '"c.numeiousto mention.
wueiuer ue lias interests 111 the
mines 01 not, suould lend everv
assistance possible to this important
enterprise for it will help all alike
and make our county what it
should be from a mineral Droducine
standnoint for with the minemUne
have and a mode ot treating same
at home it should place Lane county
amopg the iormost ranks in the
state. Remember these peopfe are
coming here for business and want
to meet the business men.
It was the intention of the com-
panytohave begun this final ex -
animation on the coth of this ai"' rin Only-'fte at Morgan ,fc lire
month but important business mat- h,Ht'8 nrue totv-
ters nave aeiayeu the examiner
whom Mr. Warner has just visited
and he can arrange to make a thor-.
ough examination beginning the
earlv nart r,f Annvit
11 r.i. -i!
As Ins company have all of their I
machinery ready to shipat a mo-'i)o.alengthot7."i)feet, width of aoild
ments notice it they decide to lo-'rod Ih1 s fet. . Tlie eontrattor anc
catehere, it will only take sixty I l"-?, In obtaining tli mntract
r. ,. j inurft file a bond with tli company
days from the time ground w for the full amount of the contract
broken to blow in the first .so ton nrice. All lilila miixt lie tiled on or
stack 'which' will be increased ac
cording to the ore production.
. Joshua Rouse, w'ho has been en
gaged in constructing a dam at the
Blackbutte mine was confined to
his bed all last week with a severe
Kitlack of stomach trouble, and on
Sunday wa,s removed, to the hos
pital at.Cottage Grove.
Bob Phillips, after a weeks treat
ment fqr rheumatism at the Ore
gon Mineral Springs, has returned
to work as agile and clipper as a
sixteen year od boy.
Jim Thomas is making good pro
gress with the new store building
at the Blackbutte mine, and
promises that the golden nail will
be driven August 1. There is a
good deal of talk among the em
ployees of the mine and deuisons of
Blackbutte of a big picnic and and again, and for nix long yean I have
dance to celebrate the completion suffered more misery and iiuony than 1 1
of the new hall and stote building, fan tell. It was worse than death. My
0 uiiiHlmnd spent Hundred ot dollars fori
A. C. Babson, an electrical engi-1 physicians' prescriptions and treatment
neer representing the General lilec-1 "lllluut va("- p"Ky we inovwl to
, ,-.' r ,. , .., J Bowjno county, our prei-ent home, and
, ,v. ww. u, iuiimnu, sjs;iii a u) ai . Orio Iuy I hnppenod to see an advertise-1 of excruciating pain from sciatic rlieu
the mine last week in consultation meat of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera . inatism. under various treatments, I
Wltu Air. JJennis concerning tlie ""'J Uiarrlioeu KemeUy wltli u testi
installation of the prop jsed new !no"'a' ol a man wlio.had been cured by
1 .- ' mr-mm I it. Tlio case was so similar to my ow n
Pw.eJ l".d 1g'lt'"g,P)a"J;SS!giM I that I concluded to try the remedy.
The rond imnrmwnotit tr.orinrr I The result was wonderful. I could
nt tin. f'rn., I, ..11 u,, c. j i
at the Grange hall last Saturday
..u.'..w..,.,.h. u , i ii l:
was well attended. Levi Geer
acted as chairman and Harvey
Taylor as secretary of the meetinc.
The following permanent committee
was appointed to take charge of the
road work, V. U, Dennis, chair
man, Levi Geer and T, K. Campbell.
The committee will co-operate with
the road supervisors of districts 15
and 16, A. L. Woodard aud J. W.
Uemis. The following committee
was appointed to go to Eugene and
solicit aid from the county court:
W. B. Dennis, chairman; Levi
Geer, A. L. Woodard, Wm. Jones,
Darwin Bristow, Wallace Short
ridge and Alfred Powell,
Work will be started this week
on a new drift on the 850 foot level.
The drift will be run on one oi the
three veins recently cut by the new
crosscut tunnel on this level. As
this crosscut lias cut the ore at the
extreme westerly end of the mine, J
the new drift will probably be 3000
feet long and besides opening up
the entire property nt the deep level
and will add several hundred thous
and tons of ore to the already im
mciisc ore reserves at tins great
Mrs L. A. Sutherlnud has been
a victim of the measles the past
week, "Litew has demonstrated
his fine qualities as a hospital nurse.
Dick Gatman is talking of stort
ing a barber shop at the mine to
run opposition to tlic ' Ioug Haired
J. 11. Ron-ic. who has been build
1 K a "" for Mr. Dennis at lllack -
) hiute, has been quite sick but was
able to go to town with Dr. bclilecl
the other day
Mrs. lleuias, who has been quite
sick, is vrottititT some better.
. . .. ,. ...
.. H-vll:K.l.s -.uow ,he U,cme on
M, Rmvad from Knceue. who
:s at ule s,utneSl Cot his arm broke
last week. Dr. Schleef set the arm
and it is doing fine.
The citizens meeting held last
Saturday at the Grange hall for
the mirpose of elcctinc a board of
three directors to handle the money
subscribed for improving the
county road from Cottage Grove to
' prominent citizens who ought to be
, most 'er,efited -are ,10t lem""K
much aid but we hope they
I Iater "-
A. J. l-'rinch, of Portland, and
R. H. Grandv. of Seattle, were
Wishing at the' springs tiis week
1 and were very much pleased with
the-fOrtc and said they were com
ing back to spend a' few .weeks at
the springs.
W H. Lilts and Thomas Thomas
of Portland, were here.
, I Mrs. M. A Jolley, XoWe, O. T..
Measles are quite plentiful ill the!writ: t )Mn. llerbine for a
neighborhood, but are not bad and
! most of the people
nre well nr
! getting well.
Thw vkitnrs at 'Um inv nrp In
, "
1 Ta;Ior surveying
and platting the road from Cottage
Grove tn Blackbutte and work will
1 500,1 commence in earnest and
' teams and men will tie wanted to 1
wort: ; v contract or oy uie uav,
' '
-For years fkte . ak after iiibcoii -
.1 .I.-.,, i- . ....I,..., ...
I Pile- canine 21 tumor. all
I fail-l lllU,kl,n' Vrni 5aUu,.nru,l
1 Kqnallv iroo.1 for Hums and all aiilien
The Cryntal Coiisolidateil .Mining I
luvltea bidx for the conxtnictlon ,
of a wagon road from itx mtito on
r,i ,,f h,. nr.w... s.rltii
larforw July 26.
The road niiiat la-oonipleteil with -
in Hixtv daya from the Hlgnlng nf th
TlieeoihiMiny reserveM the right to
relect any or all hid.
Kiiaxk Joiiimn, Secy.
A. L. Woodard Informs the Nugget
that he ban "'Mt acres of tlinlier land
located mostly lu twp 21 and -'J,
range three west, which will cruise
on the average of LtJ.OOO feet to tlie
acre lenlden piling, wliltjh lie will Mill
In a body for 12 per acre. Ho also
Iiiih other timber lands located lu
Douglas and Lane counties for sale-i
cheap. I'artles
llltereaieil vjw lit
Nugget olllce.
OK ;
"About six vears ago for tlie first I .A portable saw mill of lU.tHK) fi-et
time In my life I had a sudden and se- capacity, without- power, now lo
vere attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. ......i .11 ...n.w .,..1 ,.t u.,.ri.,..,. iun
Alice Miller, of MorKan, Texas. "I Kot ,
i ,oiuf ,;, ,.,7i,, '
1 . . ., ..... i
nuruiy realize mat i was wen ai;u u, or
!ie.fe ., couij bo g0 a(ter liavini; auf
fered so long, but that one bottle of 1
medicine, costing but a few cents, cured
me. j-or sale ijy JJnitoi. Drug Uo,
M. 1 . 01 ineHiaie oi uregon lor jiii. i.uumr buiiiin'
, . ....,.! Utwtorottho uilate nt )ua II. (.'ollou, ile-
S$4&V:S.?53iSS SSS t c-eaneil. All Mimni having claim, agalnut
A . 'j 1 paid citato are liertby reqnlreil to prea.nt the
TO IMPROVE THE CITlf'S MQRiLS. Name to mo i.roi3rly verlHe-1, at V law ro.
III imrnuiL mt Ulll 0 IHUDALo. I qmrcrt.avt tb nrflconf J. K. Vnuuir. In cotlaKo
St' ThoKOodeltlzenshlinneetliiir W I Oroie.Oreijon. within nix monih. from tHo
tr . . . ... ..,,. v
WJI ue neid III HUM . r. Ulllircil S!(,
next Hunduy oven hnr at 8
o'clock p. m., and the folio wine;
proKnim rendeieil:
itnu . 1 ' I V,,ifrr.ifin lull 3
Prayer Itev. C. II. Wallace.
Hcrljiturc Itendlne;
Soiib.., i Duett.
Introductory AddrcHs,
Itev. O. II. Fee!.
Uend(ne; , Jfrn. llradford.
w J'aHtor OhrlHtlan Cliurcli.
Song Quartette.
0en DIhcuhhIoii 15 inlmitt'H. v
Solo Allaa Sllsbv. 5
AddieKH itov. 1. M. lloyltB.
W Koiik , Conuretrntlon. 8
July !S.
Dow Kstcs and family moved to
Drain this week,
Mrs. Dora Collins, lof Wendling,
is the guest of her parents. Mt. and
Mrs. J no. Damewood.
Mrs. Sholer and daughter, Lilian, 1
arc visiting with Mrs. Nioler's
brother, Dennis Single of Uuw
John Ashby has been ipiite 111
with tuensles, hut is now on the
mend. Dr, Schleef was called to
attend him last Sunday night.
Mrs. K. K. Miller is staying with
her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Ashby.
While nt the dinner tahle at J no.
l Ashhy's, Gen : Mi
Iler was attacked
with one of hi severe spells, hut
was recovered enough in the even
ing to betaken to Mr. ti. Davison s.
Mr. Young and famify and lid
Ahuy and family spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mis.'l'. A. Clow.
Mrs. Geo. Thompson made a
business trip to .Kugcne Tuesday
returning Wednesday.
The crusher which shut down for
repairs last week is running again.
Mrs. Tompkins, of Gleuwood
, Heights, was a caller on Silk Creek
I Tuesday
Miss Heulah DeSp.un of the Grove
is speuiitng tier vacation wun .Mrs
John KUiott.
Miss Minnie Coiner is staying
with Mrs. Dr. Schleef for a short
M. Comer is visiting at
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Tucker ex
pccl , g0 soon to their cedar crtek
ranch, where Mr. Tucker will while
awav the weary hours of vacation
in rail splitting, bear and cougar
limning and fishing.
Madam Rumor says that Geo.
Comer has sold his ranch to a widow
lady lately from the east.
l)on't forget our shingje and ice
cream social next baturuay evening.
(number of yari. alul ean cheerfully
rwumtweiiu 11 nn wie muei iitr,,, u,-i
, medicine, and Ilie greatest blent puri
tier. It is a medicine of iHwItivv merit.
and hilly wcotn)llliei nil that m
.1.: i,.:t' l,.l..;a ..d....t it ...I ..
: VTl" " " ' . W... .?.' " ,T, " ' V
llrl1; ".'"
'l;' .hn. '"i;;
j J XTPw"" -
,lost etlieient luer rvKuUtor. '). at
New Kra Dmik Store.
1 Stnr. Ore., July 15
j ltldMfiir the Imllillli!,' nf n
'V'"""1' l'-1 SflinolDlHtrletJ.Vo. i
I.iine Co.. Orvuon. will Ih i
I 'frf '"iV.. llIJnTC!" Vlnin '
, MfWfirt, Mil r, I MIW U).. OrtWItl.
The lmnril (if illrvetorx reserve
rlwht to reject any or all IiIiIh. ,
(J. A. , Cluilriiiiiu
p.Ki'uriVK n:.n vuks.
Itlaokhaail.", piiiip'eit, Kreany laam ami
muddy couiilextomi, whicli uie mi coin-
i nion amoiiK ivonieu, enpeciauy gitm at a
certain av-'1. dentrnvinx beautv, ilin
rlifuriitir ami making repulsive, features
1 which would otlierwineapiieKrattraciive
land itiAnril. indicate that the liver in
out of order. An occasional lit) of
llerbine will uleaiuw tlie boHBlx, reti
; late tire liwr ami m 6ntalliitli clear,
healthy complexion. ftOu nt New Kra
. DriiKi'torc. ;
1 ....
Rememlxir the excursion on the
u. oc s. n. to me kco Jjruiee next
Saturday. The train will leave
hare.-at 7:30 a. in,, the usual time,
amf'tt-turn at 6 p. inf. Round trip
BACK. .,
You aswiiim; no rink vilieii yAii buy
CliuinberUiiii'H CoUc,ajlioloiu and Diur
rhoea Hjiinly. Ilentoii Ilrtt. Co. will
lefund ybuf money It yoii'nrjt not walla-
tle-i alter iisIiik it., it n every,wnere uu
mitted to Iju t
e moHt buw(s(ii1 remedy
in iifce for Iwwel cninpluinta and tlio
iih ami 1111
It is iileai'
oniy one iiihi never iniiw.
' ant, Hide and leliuble.
' . , ?" " " '
liave ranch of Ml acres, good resl-
deuce on same. Addrtvs H. K. .Joyce,
Saginaw, Ore. Itp
' '
Rev. W. L Itllny. L. I.. U., Cuba.
New ork. writen. "After tlfleendiiys
' uu iniliii-cil In ttv ltnlliird'H Snow I.ini
iiient, the first application giving my
nrst rellet, anil tlio seconu, enure relict,
lean give it unqualified recomineudii
tion. L'5c, COc and $1.00 at New Kra
Drug Store.
Mfttluu 1. hMrflliVvlvAll thuL tllfl. IIi1hIi!1MI
' tint ben duly aioliiteil by the County Court
unto nereoi.
iwiedthl. mhdayof Jnlr.llXM
AdmlnUlrator nl Iho oMulo ot Dana II. I'nlliin,
'I would eolith nearly all night
long," writes .Mrs. Chas. Applcgute, of
Alexandria, Ind., "and could hartlly
get any sleep, I had consumption so
bail that if 1 wiilkixl a block I would
cougli and- spit blood, but, when nil
other medicines fulled, three $1.00
bottlos of Dr. King's Now Discovery
wholly cured mo and I gained 58
pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed
tnciiroCbugliB. Colds, LaOripiiP, Bron
chitis and allThroatund Lung Troubles
Price 50o ami $1.00. Trial bottles fro
at Morgan A Hrelinut'a drug store.
t?lP Woods
C. L. Weber who has been in
Portland for a few days returned
Mr. Whiteside of lliruiingham,
Alaliama is here visiting with his
uncle. Dr. Scntbrough.
Mrs. M. K. l'ringle and daugh
ters who have leeu visiting for
several days with relatives at Sagi
naw returned Monday.
It is reported here that the little
sou of V. Walker living four miles
south drank a solution of strych
nine Monday and had it not been
for the early arrival of medical aid i
wouiu nave (lieu.
John Harnett and George Smith
are now running the flew butcher
The new hardwa.e store of Sly &
Hall is ueariug completion.
tiucxlri that have- a value will h-11
Hi that value.
.Slirewd liii.vci'W do not exnect to
puri-lliixe nt leHMtliiiu i-iirhtfiil viiliic.
Tin- liuiiM' Unit fLxen prlceM anil ud
liereH ciniMlHtfiitly to them iiiiiat of
iiectwwdty fix i-oiiHel vatlve i-1cch.
.stnniluril viiIiicm iiihiiiv rvtrulnr
prlceM. Wlien tliere la no regularity
of pi'lcu tlien Im no cei'talnt.v of value.
ItdoeHliot -eiUlii nil expert to
buy from a unc-iii-lec Iioiikc.
If too lilili-h Im iihUimI to Mart, Ikitv
ai'e you to jiidue what Im really cor
rect'.' Can yon depend on the 1111111
who confexhedly tried to jret ttio
linicli in the lieKilililue.'
When a HiileHiiiiin iihIjh !f,lw for a
piano and then UakiM :ll) he con
feHHeH a wllllnnncMH lojret SUM) too
much, provided tlie ciMtoiuei' la not
You will never Hud but one price
on our IiIkIi Ki'ude Nceilliaiii plauox
and orK'lUH. One price with u iviih
ouiible discount for all ciihIi.
l'ho ItlcliarilNoit 1 'lit im HotiM! Im a
oiiii-prk o limine.
Itll.'II.UillHO.N' I'lA.N'O II111 hi:,
Cottage drove, Ore.,
Ielm 1'. Koi'i'iiiau, .Milliliter.
. Tlie limieit and iiitglitiest little tiling ,
that ever was made in Dr. King's Nqw j
l.ifiil'lllx. 'I'licm pills cliange weakness
luiostrengiii, iiHtli'ssiiess Into energy,
brain-fag into iiieutnl power. They're
wonderful In liuildiiig iiiitlin liealt li.
Only 21 per box. Xuld hy Morgan it
4ffyraBZ2vrMBv iiuniiiiiiiiii,ai,id 11.. U
tlo Show yOU Uie Cfttcsl, 'KWcsttuul
vNObuiost liui' of Men's Iftiniishuigs you- over
Srw. Ami wo mv stifc you cnuuoL fail lo be
, iilcased with soiuctliiuK you will .see in lite
line of iicw stuiiniei styles.
Odd I'cllow'x I lull, Cottnuc (lroe
& Welch have it
We would like to
Customer of ours.
We are oHerin this week Hoys Sailor Wash
Suits at 0fle were .f.l.LT), others nt 70e were $i.
Crash Hats lio per cent off.
Handkerchiefs one cent each.
To make room for n large line of pants com
ing from a Woolen Milj who make pants only,
we will close out tit $1.00 the pair, paints which
sold at $1.7." to SU.fiO.
H7iei J')ii .SV- II In our uilil tin SO.
nn: rniut.i:ss n rsfi i.icits foh vorn
1 1 lis lh' (.rcslit'st lAnv
of Groceries in Cottage inve. Not t can nor
package ofoods on the shelves latt that is hs fresh t
as is obtainable on the market. 'Jn.tlity xtiarunlced t
(lor Trices Arc tin- hm w Mium Is liiwrmtlwl
Hear S. P. Depot, Collage Grove, Oregon
The Majority of the voters -aw til lo -end lll.SiiKIC II KHMAN to Con.
Kress, at the late electiun, likewise the Majoritvot tlie people ruw III to
elect the IVCW YOl'li ICUC'ICCf SfOI'C headipmrtcts
for low prici'S, ami by fair treatment, ami mpmre dealing. We expect to
hold the position we now oirupv. f ls-iug the clieupent place in town .
Our (iusls are clean and new, direct from eiiktern markets.
A. K.
Grocery Store
is the place to
your groceries.
5 Uverything is olefin, 5
5 new, fresh and of first S
fjjrade (umlit'.
m m
rPfput.V H Kd IWIIlHQir (row
to Kukoiiu today to
TiiMlall now
cera of Court I'opiilnr, No SI,
resterH of America.
for Less.
iVIcir.s, Itov's,
and Youth's
Glen's FincSliocN
I keep all the best shoes and
at prices to suit the pur
chasers. If you want bar
Kains in SIIOKS. see me.
I put patches on ladies' fine
shoes, without sewiiiK. 'I'he
patchei don't show. I will
repair free all shoes purchus
ed from me that rip.
.I.W. KHjVri,B,Y
All DllI'llcH IlllllOlleil to Him II. ,1,,,,.
Dl'llirt'l). uie hei'iihe 111 it (Mini fr lin
their accoiintH 1110 ihiounil iniistlio
pnld at once