Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 24, 1903, Image 3

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    ItU'l'l IINmAI Tl:llWI Yl.All'HAllMKSrii.
V, T, liOwU made .IiIh olllco n veri
IiIciihiiiiI cull Tuesday. Mr. IhvIk
4'1'Ohhi'iI In' iIhIiim In IMW when lint
17 H'UVH of nj. Ho arrived heroin
tlio (all nl (hut .vein- imil Iickuii work
for IiIh brother llt near HrowiiHtlllc.
1'poii tlin illHcovcry il (lie riiiiiiniH
Mincer iiiIih'm ui'iir Jacksonville In
ISV.'i Mr. Lewis cuuglil (ho Kuld fever
mill rim uwny from his homo. Hi
rt'iiiiiliicil itt .1 1 1 c Umi in v 1 1 1c only u
shorl time mill went over Into Cali
fornia. Hilling the fill years hIiii-o he
li'lt lie iiiih iiiini'il in ciiiiioriiin, Ail
xotiu mill Now Mexico nnd wandered
liver the K'Viit plains of Timm. I Ik
IiiimIwo ucplicwH with whom lie Im
visiting;, Hum I'wIm, uf Mosby crook,
anil 'I'. It. Iuwh, n( I'liNtcr. On1. .Mr.
U'WlH llllN tllllll.V llltl'ri'NtlllK Mtlllll'M
In tell ul I'lirly inlulnir In HiIh stale
Mini California, which would make
Iliti'ii'HllliK itiuIIiik tor tint younger
1 ih A I I :. I1 1 : 1 I'iiom HoMl;.
Ili'liori comes frmii Kimono (hut
chuiiey iiiliiin, hum ul .1. II. u ii ill n r
tlin (Irlllln llitr.lwuio Co., of Hint
nhiee Hiiilili'iii.v disappotiivii (mm iiim
homo on Mniiiliiy IiihI. mill Iiuh mil
been soon or lii'iinl from since. Hi'
left tow n souictliuo Monday iiflor-
noon koIiik I" lln' i lver iri'MiiinuMi
to like ii I in 1 1 1 . A iinili i i.v ine iimiii
nl Hunt Nitw 111 tit IvIiik nnlii'i' ii (roe
Home distance from I lie rlicr hut
lield mi eoiivei'Hiilloii with lilm.
Charley Ih iiilti' n ioiiilur young
imiii nl iiliimt l!."i jems n( iikc umi
well known lioth here mill In IiIh
Iiiiiiii' town. Thin Ih the mv I time
lie Iiiih mysteriously iIIhiiiii'iiitiI:
tho other lime lie mine Imekull O, K
hut his family mid IrlemlH feu i (hut
houielliliik' Iiiih liupiiclicd to him thin
time. It Is hoped thill ho w III hIiou
tip nit right this time.
K i m:h llv A IIoiisi:.
,1. T. Itowluml, of Mimeiie, wiih
kicked li.v u horse nt the dicuouMlu
em I SprliiKH Sulunluy mul quite sorl
oiiusly Injured. Mr. Ilowlmul In
t'limpuuy with l.ol ili-cr, proprietor
of tiii'Hpl lliKH, hiul Kolie up the Count
Fork neur llliickhutte IUIiIiik umi
llllil tied Hie hoi-Hen to Ii tree. Due of
them liremui) lilhleneil nl soino
lliliiK umi Mr- Itowlmul went to
(Mllel lilm. Ill pnsslliK lieliltul (he
Inline he Ml ruck Ills loot iikiiIuhi
HtimelliliiK nml (ell' The horse Im-kuii
kicking mul struck Mr. Itowlmul on
the nnii breiiklliK the hone nhme
llllil lielow Hie etlmw. I'r. JSi-llleel
was called mul set the lirokeu hum
llllil re portH the pntlelit lining iili-i-l.i
Mr. Itowlmul will roinnlii ul the
nprlntH lr severnl ilnyn jet
Mil-cliell Wnons. (
Weber Ac Htovitr, (liisolliio Kiiglucs. Mcfonulek i!
Itukcs, Mowcm mul Hinders. (,'hurler Onk Moves umi v
ItuiiKi'H. Miinliuttun Htock unil Cuttle Food, (lull Cure, t.
Lice ICIIIor. Hoof Oil. Hiinu'mh Oil mul "Fly Keep Off."
Packing, Hone, Helling mul Htemii l-'lllhigH. f.-
Wynne Ilunlwnni Co., rroprlelorM. K
lleHt uiioiIm In town C. .1. Mlller'M.
Dr. I.nwu ociilo-oiitlelmi liiiKuni!
Tom Meilley wiih In Kimene Hun
iliiy MIhh I.iiIii Ourrln Ih vIhIIIiik In Mil-Kene.
The Moilern riinriiiucy Iiiih u neut
new hIkii.
dill itt II. C. MiiiIbimi'h lor wcilillinr
Ice uiwitu iniule Iroin pilriTiemn ut
I'ImohL line of Hllvci'WIII'e lit II. '
coolhuf mul ielat.iln: MeClellim'H
li-e creiim hoiIh.
.1. II. Crow, of liiitiinc. wiih In the
elly U'eiliiexiliiy.
The Wine ImnilleH only hIiiiiiIiiiiI
IiI'iiiiiIh ii( i'Ikiii-h,
linnieiixe IiiiikuIiih ul Itnliktn'K Mil
HleSdire, Uiinene.
AIiIoii'h CliocolutiiH anllii iwi mr
Hiile ut McClelliiU H.
I.UilleH Hhlrt wiiImI kiHh ut I'licllk'
'I'IiiiIh.'! co'h stiuv.
A. W. .Illlkereuilieilown Irolil Ho
lieniln Weiliiiwiliiy.
Wull pilper to hiiII ovurylmily
prli i'H nil eiin reiii-h.
Iw-lli. .1. I. Currlii.
, W. C. Iloren mul fmnlly liuve IiibI
ret iirneil from it trip to Wlni'lienler
ou.v. i uev went nown on Hie I'lJril
of June. Mr. Iloren ivportn Hint the
eoiinlry ilown there Ih fiillofili-erunil
lieiirmiil IheHtivniiiMiinilHiiiullliikcH
full or. (lull of nil kluilH. TIiohoiIk.
hIi Iiik to luuke Ihli t rip to llrulii
on llie.S. I', line mul from (here to
Ki'otlHlniru on the ( oohi' hnv Hlnf
Hue mul Hie liiilmiei' of the 'wuy on
the Hlmiiier. ft Ih one of the hlenl
pliici'M on (ho I'uelllc fount to k
CltlUlillIK nml Im ii plme or lieutltlllil
T. K. ItleliurilHoii, the iiiiihIi- iiim ti.
Mtner KtiHHcll, formerly of till
tilnce. lint who Iiiih Ih-vii loeuteil ut
l'iieliH for wvernl iiioiiIIih iiihI. Iiiih
nei-i'liteil nil olllce IiohIHoii with the
Itooth-Kelle.v LiiiiIht Co. ut Sprhiir
llehl. 'I'lie I'enil Confectionery for rnney
rmiilleH nlwityH In Hie Iciul. All of
(he leuilliiK IuuiiiIh Im (Ikhih, hiijoIcIhk
mul ehewliiK toliiu-co nt Hie I'cnrl.
MrM. A. .1. Hlrfilnrker, of llurilliivr. i
WuhIi., mul Kil.toriliiu.oIHiirlimllelil. '
vlHlteil heie Hiitiinlny unil HniulnyiV
wllh their lirother Crunk .lonluii.
Tim iHUilltlful cottiKe IniUL liy &
Hope I'eiiHter In the liorl Invent pnrt .a
of Hid city Ih ulioiil compleleil mul Ih
ii moilern IiiiIIiIIiik throtiKhoiit.
.1. T. Mo'xley, of l.omlou iunceil
tluoiiKli town Wfilnewlny enroiiteU
home (nun I'ortlmul where he Iiiih; ti
lieen for Hi'veml iluyn. yq
.1 II. OuvIiIhoii, the Hhoc maker, i?
will oeeupy the room next to tho
NiiKKet olllee, When viii'iileil liythelfit
Duyle Hook Store. fg
Tho M, W. A. I.oilw helil mi Inter-
Shirt Waists.
We liuvo tliem In While unil Colorn nml
In nil hIzch. No Shirt WuIhIh will Ik- ciirrlcil
over, which In proof enough thnt they will
lie hoIiI nt it lilfc illm-ounl.
Tor I.uilleH, ficntH nml Clillilren. Now
Ih the time (o purehiiw your lh,'ht weight
iiiiilerweur lor the wnrin wenther.
DlXNN fiOOtlN.
Oitr line of Summer Drem (IooiIh hiicIi
uh OrpimlleH l.uwiiH, DemltteH etc., mm
ut nlmoHt hull the former price.
fjow Slioe.s.
We not only claim luit cuii prove to
you Hint our line of Low Hhoe HiirpiiNHen
uny line ever offered In the city. Tho fill'
line Ih Included In the mile.
A pletlllv Inker, wlui Iiiih Imimi
Jilllllli Hie roillldH KlvlUK elililliinM
lit Which lie preM-ntH vlettn ot one
ClliHfi mul uliotllel- lit the liiumrv
iilctun-Mer. wiih in thin town Iut
W'k, mul (he NuitKi't eiin trutliitilly
uny tlmt he Ih n Inker oil lie iiiiihI
tsiiKeniteil t.vpi' lie Imii( IiU
lionrd Mil nt Hie Illiperlill hotel, led
the primer inmi In the hole mul tried
tojpM IiIh riill In on the l''nnlilnii
liven- liiim. lie Ih ii f iker, u Hiitde. u
ilur.'mid iliidoiilitedly u Hilel. Hen
tleineii, look out lorn tnlkntlve Hurt
of it went, nliotit inlilille iiki- it till
tiltick -. (uiikIihI Iron uruy hulr.
.Willi ii piidnii lor women of eitH.v
Virtue mul u poker nunie. IIU uuiiie
lit W. I.. StlneiiHon. t l-'ini Wai.uim.tiin.
I'"ivd ilule, the piipttlur lmriieH
milker on Hie went elde who hnlni'ir
very nick tor (he iiiihI month, left
Thiirnilil. (or I 'el'. 1 1 WiikIiIiikIoii. hi
eiimiimiv with IiIh uncle .1 Shellen-
lterer l'reil Ih Hiilllcleully llltpioxeil
III health Hint he will uivnily eiijov
(huvllt und IiIh iniin.i frl.uiilH heii
miil thev urn very iiitiueroiiH Iioh
to w lilm linek III ii lew weekH eu
tlrely nt'ovcivil from lit hui-Ioiih III.
lie.! Al .Sleiliniin. who Iiuh MicceMH
filll v inmiUKeil the IiiihIiichm for the
piiMt two tnoiitliH will he In rhnrKe
ilnrhiK l-'ri'd'H nliHi'iu-e mul will lie
ileiiM'il to eiitertulii the limii.v eilM
(oiuerw wllh hlK liiirueHH limKiililH.
lllTTKN Itv A Hon:
Mrn. .I.T. Iliinl, IIvIiik near Wild
wood, wiih liltteu li. n ilou one ilny
IiihI week mid her hmid luully lucenit
eil. It wiw.ilurluitihelllnei.Ho(lierllt
tli'llnllKlller und Koine doK" lieKHlllo
IIkIiI nenr the Iioiimi when Mm. Hunt
tlliderlook to M'pnrute thein to pru
vellt the little lrl Im'Iiih dMlirlieil.
One ol the iIokh turned upon her mul
lilt her three HineH ihronuli the
f until heloi-e nlie could Ret uwuy.
She wiih liriuiKht to town mul Iiuh
been ill the home ol.l. I'. Currlii nil
week rtvevlliK treiltinent Iroin lr.
ItiiHiuer who reportH tlmt Hhe Ih Im
proving rnihlly mul will be able to
return home today.
Sh'K With I'vi'iioni.
.1, It. ItoiiHe, Mi'eHlilenl ot the CouhI
I'oik l.iimberCo., wiih broiiKht to
(hu city hospital Monday very nick
with tvphohl lever and Is now under
the cure ol Di-h. II, mid Kulherltie
Schlei'l. A Nuiiifet reporter called
at Hie hoHpltul TIiiii-hiIii.v uo u und
wiih Inloi'iuril Hint, though quite
nick he win getting iiIoiik uh well uh
could be expected mul would be out
lu a wii'k or ho. Mr. Uoiihc Iiiih been
Hliperlliteudlng the couHtriictloli of n
dam for the lllaekbutte (JulckHllver
Mining On. mul wiih taken hiiiIiIciiIv
111 w Idle al the woi-kn. ireHiiiiialil.v
from expoHiire.
I'iiohi.-o Im'oiii'oiia I'I:h. ,
The I'Iuihco Miiliutactiulng Co.
receutli Incorporntcil for S'.'.'.OIXI,
huve elected the following olllcetn:
I'rexlileiit. Hurry llrehuiit: vice pivhI
ilent, (leorge Alexiiiuler 1'eal; M-cre-tuty
und tiviiHitrer, Hell Morgan.
The board oldliwlorn Ih iih IoIIowh:
11. llreliaut.Dell Morgan, K .1 Kay,
(I. A. I'eal. (1. Uby. The head
oIIUvh of tho eompiiny will beninlu
lalned In Cottuge drove at tho New
Mru Drug Store Ahhuoiiiim poHHlhle
the eomiiuny will open iifui peclnl
lubrator.v for the preparation ot the
great lieultli drink I'Iiohco. 4
Mrii.M.H Watch.
fellnte lie Hie inline ol CllltOII
while iiuder die lulluriice oltoo niilcli
booxe Indulged In ft llttlo light tin
geivd exea-lno on Mundiiy evonlnv
relieving .luck DhvIh ol ii gold wutcli
and clinln. lie wiih uriVHteil by
MiirHhnl rnderwood mid liuideil In
tho cltv biiHtlle. He wiih given ii
prellinliiiirv lioui-ng beloio .liiHtlce.
Viiiighn WeilueHiluy mid bound over
lu (he Hum of :m toiiwult action ol
tho grand Jury.
'Movim Hih Oi riuii.
T. M. Meilley has moved Ida real
ontnte olllco from the rooniH recently
occupied by the Uerg Uron. iihhii.v
olllco to the liiilldlng formerly occu
4d by Sol DiivldHou, tho Jeweler,
lie Iiuh formed a pnrtnerHhlp with J.
S. Mlln mid togother they will open
up an up-to-iliitp real estate- olllco.
Ill, in: I'iiint Maph.
Illue nrliit iiiiiph of uny towiiHhlii
lu ItoHebiirg, Oregon Diinil DlHtrlct,
hIiowIiik nil vncuiit IiiikIh for flOctM.
euch. If yoti want any liilormutloii
.from tho I'. S. hand Olllco, nililivaw,
I'uriiltiiiilliHt elunHtit your own
price nt c. .1. Mlller'M.
KiiowIoh ,: tiott.VH will i-eli you
goodHiit towoHt prtceH.
The Itlnulluif llrollierH clrciin will
heat Kiigeuo AllgilHt '.S.
.Iiim. Ilem-on led Wcilneedliy for the
I'erkliM prairie eountry.
I.. It. hong wiih trmiHAriliiK 1iihI
iiikm Iii IIiiKi'iie Monday.
IIi'hI clgni-H on the inurket at the
Wnve Ice Cream I'lirlorn. IVcho wiim In liiltielie
WiilneHilay Jinil ThiifHilay.
K. II. I.ockwood. of l.onuie, wiih In
the elly Molntay oil liiiHlneHH,
I. II. Illiigluitn was In Eugene Mon
day mul Tuiwlav on IiuhIiiohh.
Duiiity perJumcM for iluliity H'ople
ul "Tin- Modern riiuriiiney.
New koikIh, High grind' iiuulltyat
the In went prlth). C. J. .Mlller'M.
Don't forget the cloning outHiile at
Itiuilflii H Mimic Hoiine. lugeiio.
The good old niiinmertlme Ih hen
nlno the IIIim mid "wnrin wenther".
High grade ellocolulen mid bou
linim ut the Wave Ice Crcniii I'lirlorn.
We iiiuke our own lit cream mid
ciwiilli'H nti Hie Wave Ice Cremn I'm I'
ll tin.
New line ot llmuier fiiHhloii platen
mul patlertiH JiihI opened up at
i .11 I t'll M.
Ilookn, limgilxIncH, tioveln.ull kllldn
at Kngle Hook Store. 1 door went ol
Do not lull to nee the new hIicoI
iiinnle Jiint nwlved at Tho Itlchmil
nou .MiihIc llolino.
Secnie one ot tlm-e grand burgiihiH
ut ItiuikliiV ntoiT. Hilgene. bcloiv
thi'.x are all gone.
Sum l.ewlH Iiiih Ui-ii appointed lire
warden lor the S. I'. Co. lor Hie Mon
by creek dlntrlet.
iioodHiroiiiitly delivered ut your
ciiiup nt rennonable Irelght raten.
Knowlen llettyn.
Two curloailn ol iiiIiuth' nuiuilleH
Jitnt received from I'ortlaiiil. Knowlen
- (ielt.VM. iiolieiuiu.
Anything mid everything in the
Htutlonery line ut the Kngle Itook
Store, I door went ol poHtolllce.
McClolhin'H Ih the only plnce lu
town where you can buy a box ol
Ahlon fhoeolatcH mid Hon llonn.
.IiihI rei-elved (ho llllent lino of
pencil tiibleln that ever came to the
town. See them nt J. I'.- Cnrrln'H.
liroverClevelund forgetn the talk
ol prenldeney In bin pivneut Joyn. lie
Ih the pupil ol a big baby boy, born
.Inly 17.
look niter IiIh InterentH lien-. Mr.
Klcliurdnon Inloruin a Nugget i-e-porter
that he In now dealing with
Myrtle creek cltlwun lor the enlab
llnhiiieut ol a Mueller al that place
lining their recently piitenleil procenn
I niiii-iiuig ore. .ii r. KIcliunlHou
nnyn (lie procenn I- more perfect ami
nior 'oiioinlcnl tliaii mil vet put
on the inurkei ami imH bivn thor
oughly tented.
The building rci-oiidy piirclinned bv
.Mm. Dorn II. I'leliN Iriila lleo. Mc
(liiirii. mid formerly occupied bv
llerg Hron, an. ay olUie. In being
llttediii and a two-ntory uildllloii
added to It. Mm. rieldn will iiioio
her book ntore, now next door to the
Nugget olllce, Into thebiilldlngaliout
lie llllil ol Allgunt. She will add to
herulready lmt i-lann ntock ol goodn
and Invlten her putronn to mil when
ill iiii-ii ot Htutlonery. liookH. etc.
MchiIuUII'h lleibert Cukhi. .Ian.
Helinoii. the MIw'h .Mary Currlii und
Lucy Nowlnnd mul -Mm. Hr. .lob und
ranilly left WodtioHilay iiiorulng lor
the iiioHiilalnn above the Klondike
mill where they wlllcmup for ulmiit
two weekn.
IteportM cfiino Iroia Kugeue tluit
the K. of 1. banebiill team In lining
every Hpure moiiieiit. practicing lor
tho content with Cottuge drove K.
I''h. No tine Iiii.vh. thoColtage Urove
boyn mv exjiertH It twirling the
A young inmi by the name of Her-in-rt
Hiitiplngton iumiied from the
Albany bridge a dlntuure ol eighty
feet Into nix foot of water on Monday
and wiih nevrely Injured. It wems
he wan trying u high dive "JiiHt for
The ball game that wiih to have
been played betweet Helmet umi .lu
lentun Lodgen. K. ol I'., ut Kugeiie,
Thiirnday. wanpiin(iiiiieiloniu'coiiut
ol the iiiynteroiiH illnniippeiiranct' ol
CIium. (irlllln
WANTIJI) A hrlKhl, strong, willing
hoy (o learn patternmaker's and ma-
chlnlHt's trades. To the rlRlit hoy
tills is n rare opportunity. Apply I).
I!. Welsh, Pacific limber Co., Cottage
(iroic, Ore.
We are proud ol the llm of plmioH
wenell. 'I hey mv ('bickering, Kllu-
liull. M elier, ( num. Vone, Victor
and ninny othem. Don't they look
good to yon'.'
Itmikiu Mimic limine, rugene.
1 1 mix Itreliuul In running niieclul
exciimloiiH on the Count I-'ork rlvor
iroin tlie wugoii lirldge to the rull
roud bridge. Hiking mi occanlonul
Miuip nhot nt the J) ii inn In i ti nceuery
along the route.
.Icmmo W. I (on in Ih ami Tom Jenkins
lell Sunday lor Oregon City to ex
hibit the fiiniiuiH mumbled luilliiu
woniuii und biibe to the grout
crowd In utleiiilmice nt the Cluiu
miitia. Don't deluy the lliiuklti cloning
out nale ol mimic goodn nt Hilgene
will noon be over and you will lie
kicking youmclf (or not ntriirbig one
ol the big burgiibin offered.
Duke Knox. Hurry Hrehmit,
Hornet' lliirnin. KIvIh dowdy uliil Or-
vllle Kunpp formed the party who
I went down to Kiigonc Siimhiy to
ivHucmh the game ot ball.
! Mr. and Mm. .lohu Darker and
i Mm. Kd I'uilerwood left .Monday for
the alt linker ranch for a few ilayx
outing. Mui-hIiiiI Cuderwooil will
Join them Saturday.
(Julie a Inrgo uiiiuber of the liiem
bem of Coast l-'ork Kncmnpiiieiit, I.
O. O. I'., went down to rlugoue
Weilnenilay to attend lodge at tlie
Wlmawala lodge.
,. 1 it )., ...... i.. 1 The Ciinhtirocery received a nniiill
u- i. .i,,v mV h, in . I, i . jHlilpinont ot walorinel n Wodnen-
Wedlienduy. J r. Hoollttle linn , a , ' .i,,,,.,,,,., ,,,.. ..
riinoh aliout (luw iiiiichi ,;',,, ,", , i.'Vi i,.-..,,. ..
."illctH u piece.
Stivngth and vigor come of good
food, duly illgonlotl. "l'orce",
iviuly-to-nerve wheut and barley
food, iuIiIh no burden, but niintiilnn.
eiiliie up from lloneburgSaturduy to cntlng meeting Tuenilay night, Inltl
hiiiuII fruit
out ol town and reportH the pron- j
pirln lor a good crop excellent.
Wonder how long II will be before
noiiie . I Im Crow lawyer, elevated to,
Hit position of dlntiict Judge, will1
dcclmti the ten eomiuiiliilmenln or
ileeliiratloii ot liuleiejideniv iincoii-Htllutloual
Try one nl those dellghtlul lac
miisnugen. Iteiuoven black headn,
tan mid lirliigH color to tho cheek ut
Alllnou & I Hint lag's toUMirlalparloi-H
Col. Iliitt. ot I'ortlmul, timber In
npector lor tho Southern I'uelllc Co.,
was lu Cotlage drove Monday.
White here ho appointed S. (I. I.ock
wood, ol I.orane. lire warden lor the
company lu the I.oraue district.
Ill-nut Harrison, wan u pleanant
culler at the Nugget olllce Into last
week. Mr. Harrison has been lo
ciitod lu Pendleton lor tho punt year
where he has boon running a Iced
more. Ho returiiH to Dike up the II. A. Nkeels, ot Sprlugllchl. has re
duties on Ids much near Divide and I moved to Dorcuu, Ore., where he ban
Mrs, Wilbur Mcl-'arlauil who bus
bi-en seriously III for several ivis'ks
past witli blood poison In reported
i conviiloHceut.
i Mrs. Annie Couch, of the Wave Ice
'('remit Parlors was visiting ut the
I Oregon Mlnernl Springs the Ilrst ol
the week.
will periniinently reside liens
Work at the brick yard goes mer
rily on. Over riO.(KK) brick were made
last week and some :ill,lKKI havo al
ready been inudo tills week. The
construction of the kllu Is now under
way. Tho inniiugers think they will
luive tho Ilrst kllu of 2iMi,(HW brick
n-ndyfortlio liivbythe INI Hi of Au-
A Sunday excjirsloti .Inly -U ti on
IbeO. & S. K. Ilallroad to the Ited
Ilrldgo. Among tlie iittriictloiiH lire
bemitlful scenery, llshhtg, hunting,
blackberrleH, Imso ball Cottage
drove vh ItallroiulNliie. Train leaven
Cottage drove H::i(l u. m, Train
IcuvcH Ited Ilrldgo .Villi p. in. One
film for round (rip (ft centH,
decided to locate. duard.
Kodak supplies, developing, print
ing and live Instructions touuiatciirs
at Hradford's dnllery. It
Ton new subscribers udded to the
Nuggel Hsi tlds week mid no soli-
tor In Hie Held either.
Mrs, I-' i:. Climubers, of Kugcnc,
who has boon visiting hetv ivtiirned
home Monday.
Harry Clarke, iiiaunger I'uelllc
Timber Co's eoimuinnary ut Alcu
wiih up Sunday.
Ico crenm nnd soft ilrlnks a hhh:
ulty ut tho Wave Ico Civaiii Parlors
When we say iiuullty. It means
i)iial t.v at "The Modern Pharmacy.
Leadlnsr Grocers of Cottage Grove.
CvcrvtliliiL' new. fivsli and clean. When, the inuloritv trades. i
evidently thu prices tiro right, (livens a trial! mul wo shall
endeavor to pleuso you. Produce a aneclnlty. Phone 4:1.
uIIiik two iiu'IiiIhtk ind UnUoiUtK on 1
Pacific Prlulc-m Siiiily Co. wiih In
Hie city Wednesday Interviewing tlio
Will. Itis-il left Tuenilay for llo
heiiila where he goon to annlnt IiIh I
liartner. Win. Orllllth. on (he llroad-1
.Mr. mul Mrs. W. II. Lincoln n-'
tiirneil Iroin it plea sun I visit with
tlielr daughter iit-Siiglnaw, Sntur
iluv. 1'rallk Whipple und .lenne (irlllln.
of lllaekbutte, came down Sunday i
on a short visit, returning Monday. :
('. .1. lloA'iird mul wife und hiuih
runtlcAteil the last of hint wcvk and
tlie tlmt of this at the Warehouse.
Mm. Mary K. "Mnlone. of the Wave,
n-liiriied Sattirday from a wcek'ni
visit at On-gon Mlnernl Springs.
.1. S. Ailaiuson. of I.lttle ltok. Ar-'
kiitiHiiH, Iiuh accepted a position with !
I.. Lurch, Mr. Ik-hard, retiring. I
Mrs. .1.1!. Wluecoir. of Silk Creek, i
was in the.clty Wednesilay Inlying'
gooils iroin our inereiiuiiiH.
Mrs. .1. V. Hounds altera two
weeks visit lu this city returned to
her homo III lliigene Sunday.
Itobert Jllalr and. .1. I.. Peterson
drove down to Hilgene Sunday and
wltuesM-il the game of ball.
Do your work as well as you can
mul lie kind und buy your drugs at
"The .Modern 1'hnrmacy."
Thi-H.i are only n few ol tlie inuiiy bargains offered, mul every person should tnke
udvmiliigo of this great opportunity to nave money on things you need every day.
Lurch's Store
The Work on the Hew Road From the
Warehouse to Head of Champion now
Completed First Team Made Through
Trip Monday.
Dr. II. C. Scilicet went to Koseburg
Thursday morning to make Until
proof on his timber claim.
I.. I-'. Wooley was down to Kiigeue
Monday on business connected with
his Dorcuu saw mill.
Call on .1.
Confectionery. Ho will bo pleased to
see you any time
Few icopIe can realize tlie enor
mity of tho work now iM-lng done In ,
Holiemlu, nor can they (idly R-alb.o,
what It mentis to build H novon mllo,
road, such uh tlie one now completed
by the On-gon SecurlMes Co. The .
road was practically completed lust
Monday mid (ieorgo Itulns, one of tlie j
company's freighters, iniule tl.e tlmt
through trip that day. The road
has an average grade ol f per cent,
ami is one of tlie liest mountain
roads in the west. To appivclate
what the On'goli Securities l,o. Is ,
doing for Holiemlu in tlie matter of
I roail building one muni travel im
. route. Few people renlijso wli-it it
' t.ii.t.t.u t.. 1.1,11,1 It, flu. utiillli.
V. Thornton at the Pearl I talus. It takes months of tliehardest
kind of work, a thousand undone
iiggrovtitlng delays, ami an Immense
amount of money. Some will say.
O. well they are building the road
for their own beuellt. Thin Is true,
tint wluit lienelits the Oivgon Secu
rities. Ih-iicIHs the entire cuiup. mid
especially does this apply to those
directly interested on tlie Champion
busln side.
."s. K. Lovelace, nrrlved last week
and iiiado a several days visit to Ills
Sunset property on Adams moun
tain. Mr. Lovelace bus had a force
of men building a wagoit road from
his mill slt to intersect with the
Champion basin road, nearly all
winter, and now tlie road is ., early
compleleil. When ho arrived uere it (
was ids Intention to arrange lor the i
Immediate erection ol a stump mill.
but owing to tlie tact that It is
found necessary to secure a eniilt
from the government to use timber
for such purposes, and needing more
time on Ids rotid lie will probaldy de
lay the erection ol tho mill uiilb late
In the fall mid possibly until next
spring. '1 he Sunset is looking good,
ami a large auuiiiut of free milling
ore Is now on the dump, awaiting
reduction works.
W. W. MBstersoii Is opening up u
line ledge ot lice milling ore on the
Champion lt.u.ui .Mining Co's prop
erty. It Is one of the best located
proiK-rtles In the district, ln-bigon
tho new road.
tiik o. ami s. K. it'i.
The road bed ol tho O. A: S. Ii is
now ln-big put In excellent shape,
mid a trip to the end of the line Is ;
now a pleasure. Tlie company this
week finished Its depot at the lied
Ilrldgo. and the site Is fast taking on
the iippoiirunce of a bustling llttlo 1
town. The right of way gangs are i
going on with the clearing of the i
road tied from tho Ited bridge to tho
Wiirehouse. and In a few days will!
I liegin the construction of the second
bridge across How river.
! Tlie combination touch arrived
this week and will lw put Intosorvico .
(.right away. It lias boon retinishod, 1
and presents a neat appearance.
The finishing work on the depot Is
' lielug done as fast as possible, H. K.
Lawson having n force of live'
painters at work tills week. It la I
1 understood that the cauipuiiy will
remove to tho new quarters next
, week.
Jim Damp exulted, "We
do not,
Oa Summer dy io cloie
and hot,
Build up a fire and itew
and tUtml
A dUh of ' Force,' a bowl
of cream,
Isjnst the food to fit oar
And ktepi oi cool,"
laughed " Sunny Jim."
The automobile attracted
shlorable attention In this city
day and .Monday.
Mrs. I). K. Fields Iiiih returned
from a visit with her mother in
Hrownsvllle, Ore.
Fred Wright, ol Creswell. was
transacting business lu the city
Bristling hut-gums In tooth and
hair brushes nt "Tlie Modern Phar
macy." (j.W. Harney went up on Mushi
er ek .Monday to look after bis
Kvei-vboilv eats llazelwood Ice
Cremn nt the Pearl, opposite the P.
not a blood heater.
UttS Summer Food.
" 'Force' Is an Ideal rammer food be
cause It contains elements tor nourishing
erery organ of the bodr, Is easily dlijeste,
creates wbat we know is rigor, and at the
same time does not make a rirer ot fire
oat ot the blood. Psbct G. Stxxtos."
W. S. Chrisman & Ely Bangs
ill Tie Mi Mb
iiStg. Bohemia anil Llnck
Hutte Stages.
HKTTS To Hie wile oflieorgoHetts.
of Lorane. .Inly a. 1IKCT. adaiigliter.
First Class Turnouts, Double or Single
llCNTt JKNNIi: Tlie 12 year old
daughter ol Mr. and Mm. .1. T.
Hunt, ol appendicitis, at tho home
neur Wlldwood.
The lltte girl was sick only a few
davs. Dr. Hosiuer was called ami
upon determining the tro-.tblo liuine
diatelv telephoned lor Hr. Paine ol
Kugeiie. I'poii tlie arrival ol nr.
Paine the physicians decided tlmt
sue could not endure an operation
on account of Hie presence ol general
peritonitis. The family hav the
Hvmpiitbv ola host of friends.
Mesdanies A. P. Woods and .1. II.
rent-suns in enio.vliig an outing
near the Ited Hrldge this week.
Spring is bere-So are we 1
With Spray Pumps and Spray Compound. 52
Hoes, Hakes mill Cultivators.
Oliver's Steel nnd Chilled Plows. 3
T Klrth Bros. Wagons.
z A full nnd complete Line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware.
EE Mining Supplies our Specialty. 52
The Is-st and largest
stock of dry lumliorlroiii
our Coast Fork Mills Is
now ready tot delivery
Houses built on the in
stallment plan, l'or fur
ther particulars, see,
PACinc timiii:hco..
Hulldlug andSales Dept.
.1. II. Warner. Slipt
Thia tins long been rivlol as one of
the moKt iliiiiseroiis mid fatal diseases
to M hich infants are subject. It can bo
cured, however, when properly treated.
All that is necessary in to give Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrlioea
llemedy and cantor oil. as diiected with
each bottle, and a cure la certain. For
sale by Henson Drug Co.
Lavmider sticks for sale,
ot Mm. C. .1. Howard.
Griffin &
Till-: CIJTTINH (il'AId'l'Y
of any tooPls always a dsslrablo
one, but ot equal Importance Is tho
power of retaining this quality so as
not to require too Irequeiit sharpen
lag. lly making your pnrehases ot
tho Hrillin & Ventcli Co. you iiIwii.vh
ivcelve your money's worth In the
best quality ot tools mid cutlery of
proHrly4tempeivd stool that Is sure
to bold an edge.
Veatch Ci
Proprietors ot
...The Miners Supply House...
ifcOur Motto: Good Goods for Low Prices.
General Mercltamlise, Miners' Tools and ?lm munition
$ t -i- -P :!: :f: :: :: :i:
guaraiiteeH to save you money on every thing to
furnish a homo Including
Stovos, Ranges, Caroets and Mattings. t
New Line of Wall Paper,
Big Clearance Sale now on for JIO days;
10 per Cent Discount on everything.
-I r
ibtirg, Oris
Tide (limrrtiitee i.omi uo., ttone