nuoc'ht S TIIK ADVKRTIMNO MKtHUH S S hkat i rTara 2 Devoted lo the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Intercuts of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. V COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1903. NO a6 Willi WIMIWIM MHWH mmhmbwbmmm BUSINESS IN BOHEMIA 'Geo. W. Lloyd, ol tho Crystal goes to TJVittco to PurchoHe a Reduc tion. Plant. Cottage Grove JUrigineering Oo. gel s C Jon tract. F..I. IIAICI) TALKS ABOUT KOIIbSiHIA Ito ee Urlsht future lor the Camp Speaks Well ol Ills I'rupertlea Thej Vetuvlua, Oregon-Colorado anil "Jvcrslde. ; Secretary I'. Jordan, of the Crys tal Consolidated Milling Co.. Inte last week closed ti contract with the Cottage Grove Engineering Co. for the Installation of a iifty-horse power boiler, engine and a sawmill. The work Is to !)- completed in thirty days. Cottage Grove Engineering Co. is making preparations to com mence the work this week. The plant will be installed on the Mountain Lyon claim at the foot of the No. 3 level. In connection with this and which is included 111 the contract, will be installed a log hauling apparatus which will bring the logs to the mill for a distance of 500 feet. (ieo. W. I.loyd left for a ten days business trip to San Francisco last Friday. Mr. Lloyd's business is in the interest ot the Crystal Consoli dated, and when he returns he will have closed a deal for the com pany's 25-ton stnmp mill, which will le Installed at the earliest pos sible moment. With Mr. Lloyd the Ciyslal is beyond the experi mental stage, anil he feels that in tliis piopcrty he has one of the best ' mines in the Pacific Northwest. 1 However. Mr. Lloyd is interested in. other properties and just before he left for San Francisco, In con versation with a reporter, he said: "I was particularly pleased with our property known as the Bo hernia Gold Mining Co., which owns is claims in llohemia Dis trict. The conipanv has expended over in the last year in the development work of its properties. The principal work has been done' on the Gold Cross and Bohemia ( Girl claims. The drilt on the vein of the Gold Cross has exposed an ore body 535 feet in length. A crosscut shows the width of the vein to be 17 feet. 1 lie average value of all the ore is 510 per ton. Tests show that this ore will con centrate eight to ten tons into one, and the concentrates make fine smelting ore, carrying gold, copper and lead. "On the llohemia Girl a tunnel is being run to tap the Gold Cross vein which passes through the en tire length of the Bohemia Girl claim. This tunnel is over 300 feet in length. Quite a lot of ore has licen found in the tunnel, but the management believes that an additional length of from 200 to 300 feet will have to be driven be fore the Gold Cross vein is reached. "The company during the vear finished paying lor the Gold Cross and the llohemia Girl claims, and its officers feel sure that they have a great mining property in the group. "The other groups belonging to the company show fine veins but only the annual assessment work has been done on them. This year the company proposes to patent all its properties, and next year it will erect 11 large concentrating plant to treat the ore of the Gold Cross group." F. J. Hard, ot the Vesuvius, was in tliis city the last of last week and the first of this, in the interest of his company, his principal busi ness being the purchasing of sup plies, and he was chuck full ot business from morning until night. These supplies run into thousands of pounds and will be taken into the district this week. In connec tion with this he also received and billed to the mine ooo ciiiids of assay supplies, among which was a Cary furnace anil n set or Ains worth's best scales. In conversation with Mr. Hard that gentleman said to a Nugget man. "The early spring has hastened the commencement of work on many properties in the dis trict that heretofore have shown no activity until much later in the season. A large amount of money ' is already represented in ttic de velopment work now going on, iintl in fact there has probably 1 been more work accomplished this spring tliau in nuy lull season lie fore. The roads arc in splendid condition either by way of Hard scrabble or the Warehouse. The new road up Champion basin gives to that part of the district a long needed inlet, and will be greatly, appreciated by the property holders in that section " When the reporter asked of Mr. Ilurd what he thought of the Ore gon & Southeastern R'y,. he said: "It makes rue smile all over when I think of my first trip witli a pack train into the district. I tell you riding on a train halfway and the other half on one of the fine stages from the I-asliion stable beats the old way of travel all to nieces. "Though llohemia is moving slowly, marked improvements can be seen in all directions, and for my part I would be willing to see a regular boom 011, as would be the case if llohemia was in any other section of the world. There is enough ore to be seen, the ledges are so strong and every advantage for economic mining nnd develop ment so apparent, that if the people of Oregon would place more stress on mining than they do on agri cultural and stock raising, the demonstration of llohemia alone would attract to the state the same rush that has marked the growth of the states that have pushed mining to the front, as their most attrac tive feature of production. It is tlie precious metal that everybody wants; that the crowds arc after and the faintest news heads them to the section of the latest strikes. A few people want cattle and horses a few people want hops a few people want farms some want salmon and some prune orchards buj everybody wants gold." Regarding his own interests in Bohemia Mr. Hard said: "There is not 'much going on around my camp at the present time but work. The Vesuvius is running a level from the upraise blocking and pre paring to stope, and will be able to crowd the mill to its utmost ca pacity as soon as I am able to get the machinery installec. Ar the Oregon Colorado we are pushing ahead in the big tunnel, saving ore every day. We ate also starting work in the upper tunnel which will enable us to work in the ore on both ledges, "Capital work wilt be pushed rapidly on the Riverside from the upper workings. There is every evidence that this property will show as much ore as the Vesuvius or Oregon-Colorado before fall." HEAVY HARNESS HACK HARNESS BUGGY HARNESS SINGLE HARNESS And Ivvcrything kept in a First Class Harness Shop at Lowest Prices. L'nll and sec me. FRED GALE, K Closing Out At Cost Window Shades Crockery Mattings Glassware, Tubs Carpets and Washboards Our Entire Line of These Goods Will Be .Closed Gut At Cost For Cash, Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains. Eakin & Bristow. ROAD li'OYEHT A (looil Substantial Road to be liullt Prom Cottage (irove Through Ore. Ron JHInoral Springs anil to Black-butte. VURY NliCI-SSARY IMPROVUAUiNT The committee now working on the coiixtructlcn of the new roud to IllackhutU' Irnm Cottage (irove, rather the Improving an I general re construction of the old rond, held an Important iiu-cttntr nt (irangolmll lam Saturday and appointed a com mittee to coiiler with the county court. The road fund mixed by pri vate Niiliricrlptlon by T. K. Camplicll mid A. I.. Woodard now uitiountH to $111.11 and It lx pi-examed that with the inllucntlul committee appointed the I'imuty court can lie Induced to appropriate a xulllcleut huiii fit, ill In ir.w.,1 .w.ii, lilt, in 'l'l.i... i. .... i.. i '., .. i pound it in a cluxx road Into that dlxtrlct from I Cottage (irove. The INulllc Tlinln-r! IRTiiiit. The entire dlHtrlct through which the road gewi'roin Cottage Orove to Illackbuttc In wonderful in natural resources and the men who have the management ot tlieillffereiit hiRtltiitionx Iim'aIpiI t lien-Ill iirvwlilt- awnke progrexxlve biixinesH''- men, I who are putting forth every effort together with n large cxvudlture of money to develop the country, and they dexorvc not only the hearty eo oiieratlon of tint buslnexg men of) Cottage Grove who have ho willing Ingly contributed, but aim) of the' county court. A good roid will en hance the value of projierty nnd the county will receive back In Inm-nxed tnxcx many fold imuvthun It luvextx In enterprlxes of thin kind. FOR 20 CENTS t Cut this adv. . out IT12MS OP INTURbST. (From M. .V K. I!vlew) Aluminum becomes grauular and i brittle when heated to about 6oo deg. cent. At a slighly increased 1 temperature it becomes so soft that , it can be easily cut with a knife. 1 Hence, all that is needed in order 1 Irt ..i.ti.ArfvA If lu In ltont if tr 1 1m to putt ""-"- " " mortar. With zinc a similar treatment will give the same result. Co., Count Fork Lumber Co. and the Wallace Mlllx are doing a largo vol ume of huxlucxx along thlx road and are hauling In xuppllcx and bringing out fie pruductx of their mill every day In the year. The lllui-khutto mlncH at the termlmiH of the ri tad is one of the moxt Import mi t ludiiNtrk-H In Central Oregon and Is growing In volume of buxlnexH every day. Their After being used for si years the Brussels carpets which covered the adjusting rooms at the San Francisco branch of the U. S. Mint, were taken up last week. In these rooms the gold is filed down to proper weight, and as a result of the filing a great amount of ex ceedingly fine gold dust besprinkles the carpets, but in sucu lutinitesi mippllcx fur a large force of men kept mal particles as to be temporarily continuously at work are hauled lot. The carpets were put into a from this xtntloii by wagon and the furnace which consumed them, output of the mines lx alxu hauled The gold which remained when here over the wagon road. Tlio j run into a bar was valued at $9,000. Loudon Tliulvr.!c .Milling Co., a ?30,. ! IM- Gi and 'UAMILTON'BROWh )H0E(O& OWN MAKE. Bring it to Our Store, and we- wiH'allcw vott 25 cents for it on any Shoes , we have costing $2.50 or over. Good until July 25th. ii, lie mi a Leaders in Merchandising. miners leave the mines, raising him-j self with his long arms, and as he. passes the rungs kicking them out one by one. He is supposed to al ways d 1 this just before an accident ; 01 someKiiiu 111 me urn".. MINING NOTES. G. G. Graham, superintendent of the I.eHoy Co., returned Monday from a trip down to the Siuslaw country and also to I'ort'aud. Mr. Graham has considerable timber interests on the lower Siuslaw. He gave tliis olTice a pleasant call while in town. Lee V. Henry, secretary of the r t.. r i... 1 1.. ,t.A l,civu) u, ) viiu una ncwii 111 tuw mines for several days came down 'Monday and reports everything iboomiug in the district, and work progressing nicely, at the LeRoy crimp, Joe Lawless went up into the district Tuesday where he will re main for about three months. The Nugget follows him. Geo. Ilohlman left Tuesday morn ing for the Bohemia mines where he will remain fur about two or three weeks. Mr. Ilohlman is owner of the U. S. A. group and and goes to look after work now in progress on his property. He has some very good property in the dis trict. Secretary Howard, of the Cham pion Basin Co., is in the district looking after the interests of his company. Secretary Frank Jordan left Tues day morning for tho Crystal Con solidated property In Bohemia, where lie will remain for about two weeks. D, K, Laid came down from Bo hemia MouJay and went on to Portland Monday night. Frank LeRoy returned Monday from the mines. 000 lumbering corporation owning xeveral tliouxand acrex of A Xo. 1 timber laud hi thar illxtrlct are piv pailug to Ix'glu the building of a large mill on thlx rond and near ihu (irauge hull. Thlx mill when com pleted along with tlieeuormoiiH out put of the Coast Fork and Wallace mill will iviiiliv a well constructed road. That It I the duty ol the comity court to appropriate (Uipls for the making of the road, no one can doubt. The district lx rich In agriculture, there being along the little valley nonu ot the richest and moxt productive furmx lu Lane couutv. Thlx, with the timbering The oriental amethyst is really a violet colored sapphire, which is an exceedingly rare geji and of bril liant luster. It is regarded as a sacred stone, and it is used ti orna ment the cross and the pastoral ring of Catholic bishops. The ancients often used the amethyst for cutting figures both in relief and in intaglio, and there is in the national library of France a deli cately wrought profile of Maecenas, .a Roman statesman of Octavius' time, engraved on amethyst by Disoscorces, one ol the four cele brated engravers mentioned by-Piny. DIVIDH ITEAIS, and inlnhu Interest win make It "Among the strange and weird otic of tho best tuxpuylng com- demons and bogies which were be munltlex lu the county. BcmIiIch , lieved by miners formerly to haunt thexo varied Interestx thUxecttouluiH the workings underground not the a health rexort that lx obtaining a 1 least horrible is the 'Ladder merited and well dexrved reputation, I Dwarf.' " said a former prospector. Tho Oregon .Mineral Springs, under I '"I never saw the creature myself, the management of Mr. (leer, have ! but he is described as a hunch Krowuiu popularity until they are 'backed, with a short body, large now pretty well known nil over the state and ninny people are going there for health nnd pleasure. The road should boas thoroughly Improved iw time and money will head and enormously long and powerful arms. Iu fact, he re sembles an exaggerated gorilla. His favorite trick is climbing the ladders by means of which the Miss Minnie Comer, who has been visiting Mrs B H Lee returned home last Wednesday. Mrs Chas Miller and Mrs Ida I Job, who have been visiting Mrs1 W S Miller hace returned to their i home on Coyote creek, nnd Miss Kditli Applewhite also a visitor' there, returned to Hugene last 1 week. , I The Aulauf baseball nine expect to be at Divide Sunday to make, another attempt to defeat Divide. I Hay and grain is nearly all cut now. The hay crop is nelow the average, while the grain Is thought to be all right. James DeSpain was out here Sunday. Miss Chapman is staying with Mrs John Veatch. Mcil and Iris McCoy were visit ing relatives here this week. Charley Hedrick, the section boss got a 30 day lay off giving him a nice little acation. " Round trip tickets to the Bridge next Saturday,' 65tts: Red The Place to Buy I The Golden Sun, finest Ceylon Tea, Packet containing one pound, 75c per Packet First grade Guu Powder Tea GOc per pound Second grade Own Powder Tea 50c per pound Schillings Best Tea 50c and 25c per package. English Breakfast still holds its renowned reputation 50c per pound K . ' I First ' gr'adi jSpfi'ler . Leg, finest "Jap" Tea 50c per pound Second grade Spider Leg, nothing better on the market for the price only H5c per pound liWAV BUiIHOLDER