Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, July 17, 1903, Image 1

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ilj CjCj 15
Devoted to the Mining Lumbering and In rm i i Interests of tills Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake.
NO. as
Milling- arid Milling; Oolripmiy i.s
'.Wovgintz l.o 11 10 Fi'oiiT-Geo. "W.
Jliloyd is I3uck 1"Yojii .Boston
and .Bring'H SuccoHsWilh
Will Build a Wigon Road to Intersect With Champion Canyon Road Thi New Mill
- will bo In Opotatlon Early In October -Things L00K Good to Mr Lloyd. I
Geo. W. I.loyd, of the Crystal I this week lor 11 wngon road to con
Consolidated Mining mid Milling I tied the Crystal Consolidated with
Co., wild returned Inst week from I the new road up Champion creek
nil extended sluv in Boston, Mass., canyon, n distance ol 7,500 feet, and
wheie he Iiii.h heen working, body Wc nre this week advertising for
and solll for lloliemin, mid partial- bids for the construction of the
lorly for the splendid propei ties Mime in the Nugget. The grade
which he represents, uriived hack of the tond will he unite easy for
Horn the crimp last Monday after n n mountain road. The company
few days Inspection of his pioperty. dies not intend, however, to wait
In couvetsntioii with 11 Nugget for the completion of the toad, be
man Mr. I.loyd spoke plensaiiily "I lore It Installs its plant, ns the ma-
his sojourn in the Knot, mid most chiueryenu lie taken in over the
encouragingly of the conditions,
generally, in Bohemia In fact
Mr. I.loyd found things on his u
turii from Boston in a better con
dition thnn he had dared lo hope,
notwithstanding the fact that he
hiisulwuys been 11 firm advocotc of
Iloheiuiu, since the day he first
clambered up the rugged mountains
of the camp
In the Interview which followed
after a friendly greeting and a so
cial chat about the "weather", etc.
Mr Lloyd said:
"Yes there is a good feeling
in the. Kasl toward Bohemia, from
the fact that there is no especial
boom in the district, lint, to the
contrary, a steady, strong growth.
The people in the Hast have faith
in Bohemia. They Iwlicvr that
Mttsick road to Fiurview mountain
by fieight teams, and packed from
thereto the mines on horses. If
bad weather does not interfere all
the machinery will be in running
order by the middle of October."
A'heu asked if he noted any ma
terial improvement in Cottage
drove since he last visited here,
Mr. I.loyd said:
"Yes, indectl. I can sec a great
improvement in Cottage Grove and
in Bohemia district. It pleases me
the most to see that there is no
especial boom, hut a steady growth.
The road up Champion creek is
one of the best mountain roads I
have ever seen, and reflects great
credit upon the Oregon Securities
Company. The expense of build
ing tile road must have been con
continued development will make siderahle. ns it is built out ot solid
the district one of the greatest in rock part of the way. It clearly
United States. shows that the people behind the
"My rcccut trip to the district," 1 Oregon Securities have the greatest
continued Mr. I.loyd, "has in-i faith in the district. I note fine
creased my faith. The properties! improvement in the Oregon &
of the Crystal Consolidated Mining I Southeastern, which is now at the
and Milling Company ire the ones I Red bridge. Those who have for
upon which I spent the most time, years cone, through the Incon-
aud from my investigations, in I venience, expense and hardship of
company nit n my associates, wc : packing tlielr supplies Into tue dls
have come to the conclusion that ' trict can well realize what the rail
the property needs a mill at once, road nod the new wngon roads
Two tunnels are now being driven I mean to them. Yes, there are
on the property and the width of many improvements and it pleases
the ore bodies in each of them is, mo to know that they are of the
rf "in"
..dpecsai m
Until July 1st, 1903
Come and see me. My Stock is
greater than the width of the tun
nels, A cureftil panning ol the
ores show thai it will mill about
$ia per too on the plates, The
large amount of ore in sight war
rants the immediate erection of n
25-tou stamp mill. You can say that
I shall leave for San Francisco this
week to place an order for the mill.
The company intends to Increase
the capacity of its boarding house,
and for the puriiose of obtaining
lumber quickly will buy a saw
mill Mid place it on the grounds at
once. A survey was completed
right kind
In connection .with the above
Mr. I.loyd stated that his company
had decided to install an assay
office, the outfit having already
been purchased and Assayer W.
U. Herg, tue well known assayer
of this place; employed to take
charge of the office. Mr. Lloyd's
company lias already purchased a boiler from the Pacific
Timber Co., which will be installed
immediately driving the sawmill
and afterwards used in connection
with the stamp mill.
('. II. mill Vch Wnlluc began thu
manufacture ol brick nt their yard
one-halt mile northeast ol town on
hint Monday morning. A Nuggut
reporter culled nt thu yurd Monday
afternoon mid round everything
litiiiimlng and the llrst cIiikh brick
machine, recently Installed, turning
brick out nt thu rale of nhoutlSOO an
hour. Mi-surd. Wallace Inform iih
that they will burn a kiln of 200,000
anil possibly one or 100,000, the first
for tfio now brick building or Phillips
and .loans, and tho second kiln tor
the local domain! for Much, etc. Thuv
have mi excellent quality ot clay lor
the manufacture or lire brick. They
Iiavu also on the grounds a tiling
and preyed lirlek machine which at
preHent h not being used, This Is
olio ot tho Industries of which Cot
tago drove may well (erl proud mid
IL lining: In the hands or men who
thoroughly understand tho business
It Is an assured (net that a IiIkIi
gradu quality ol lirlek will be made.
At a Special Meeting the Drldge
Question Is Taken Up anil a Com
mlttcc Appointed Appointee to Walt
Upon the County Court Sunday
Closing Law Dcfcred,
Last Monday night the city
council was in special session ns-
seinblcd to take up the mattSr of
removing the bridge recently built
in this city by the county court.
The council decided to appoint a
committee to take the matter up
with the county court praying for
that body to definitely establish the
road survey across the river in this
city. In accordance with this view
Cotiiicilmeu Currin nnd Wall were
appointed to take the matter up
with the county court.
In the matter of closing the sa
loons on Sundays it was decided to
defer the matter until the next
meeting of the council, when it
will be taken up mid dispo-,ed of in
! its proper order. ,
Frank Jordan is down from the
Crystal where he has been tor some
John Itrund is in from the hills
this week. He reports Bohemia in
a flourishing condition.
Alf Walker and Herbert Leigh,
officials of the Fairview Mining Co.,
principal office nt Eugene, visited
the mine in Bohemia this week.
G. G. Graham, mining manager
of the LeRoy and W. T. Cattrall,
engineer at tue LeRoy, came out
for the removal of the county's
blunder, is being rapidly pledged
by tue citizens ot Cottage Grove
It is a worthy proposition, and if.
carried through will improve the
looks of Main street.
Advices from Bohemia are tt the
effect that the hills are fast filling
up with prospectors and miners.
Every property holder is arranging
to do all the development work bis
means will justify this season. The
larger properties such as the Ore
gon jSecurities, Vesuvius, Crystal,
Riverside, Fairview. LeRoy, "Hia
watha, Jtfdson Rock, Golden Slip-
Inst Tfr.Mni. for n ..t- , . A l JOIUCn Uie, UOIO CTOSS ami
visit. The gentlemen speak en-0regon.& Colo.rado. d Star are
couraginclyofthemosnectsof th' and arranging to do continu-j
camp in general, and are well mpme!'- 7. uWWJ "ml
niMip,i -fi, ii r.c. , r summer. Until freight facilities
the LeRoy.
A. W. Ziniker, who has been
visiting in this city for- several
weeks, left Thursday for his Min
were improved it was impossible
for property owners to work their
claims the whole year; but now
with the aid of the O. & S. E.
railway and the new wagon road up
erai i.ine group, wuere lie will . 12 hamnlnti creek. n tell n ih,.
commence development work im- Hardscracble road in good repair,
mediately. Mr. Ziniker says he ! there will be little if any time
will have something to show that, lost.
will be worth looking at when he
completes the season's work,
Fingal Hinds of the Glenwood
Mining Co , has returned from a
visit to Seattle where he has been
in the interest ol his company. Mr.
Hinds reports thut he met many
people on tlie bound tliat nave
V. W. Masterson, superintend
ent of the Champion Basin Mining
Co., which owns three claims in
fie Champion canyon, the Ajax,
Monarch and Helena May, is now
on the ground, the company having
laid in the summer supplies. Mr.
Masterson is driving on the lower
Closing. Out At Cost
Window Shades Crockery "',
Mattings Glassware, Tubs
. Carpets , and Washboards
Odr Entire Line of These Goods Will Be Closed Out At Cost For
Cash. Here is an Opportunity For Good Bargains.
Eakin & Bristow.
Knowledge ot uoiierata wlio are! tunnel on the Ajax, aud it is the
making many inquiries regarding ' intention of the company to ham-
tne several properties in the district. mer awav all summer. While the
I )
I Cut this ady. out LSh
! - "T and
I H Bring it to Our Store, and we
i HB
I lM a"cw 3'ou 25 cents for it on
HHk nn-v Shes we have- costing $2.50
i Lenders in xllercliandising:. i
The Redwood Land and invest
ment compauy.of Humbolt county,.
last week soul shoo ncres of red
wood tlmder laud on the uoith fork
of Mad river to Josinh Bell. The
price paid was, $53 an acre straight
through, The sellers recently
bought the laud for $50,000 and
their profits will nearly reach
The biggost deal In timber lauds
since the Wcyerliauser syndicate
tub i.ioirr plant.
i W. H. Abriuns, of the Cottage
drove Electric Light 1'lniit, this
week commenced laying the con
crete bases and piers for the heavy
dynamo, line shafts and engines and
boilers of the new electric light
plant which he will soon have in
stalled in the company's new build
ing in the Long & Bingham aej-
ditiou, Muuager Abrnms cannot
true that I have the exclusive
n'crliis fnr use of certain tv-Des of1
He looks for Considerable Seattle comnativ is inoornnrnteH nn slnrt I fiininrvxi or nroeesses and thev will'
capital to come this way in the near has as vet been placed upon the I undoubtedly be incorporated in or
ttltlire. market, the owners nreferrlnc tn with other furnaces or processes
Sunt. Frank Hughes came in 8 ahead with the development! as may be determined by an ex-
from the Star Monday morninK work ns fast as their means will ad- pert examination of ores peculiar
bringing in u fine lot of ore from mit and s,10w P tr property, j to this district. Nothing prevent
the Star Consolidated group, some ' Advices from Mr. Masterson are to. ing, we will start 011 this tour
of it showing plenty ol free gold ' tlle eec' at he is progressing through the camp about the twen-
visible to the naked eye. He also! wltl1 the work in a satisfactory 1 tieth iust., audit will, I think, now
brought in about 50 p muds of ore' manner and that the ore in the be in order for the miners to. show
freni the ledge which he is nt,ovver Uiiinel, whicli is of free mill-, us what they have for us to do and
satisfactory to make contracts lor smeuiug,
to be one of! continuance of said contracts de
siring of gold oroumi the pan. He splendid location, being directly on pending on onr compliance. That
also has some samplet, of sulphide the new road up Champion canyon, is, giving proper returns from ores
ore which is alongside of thisstreak "'e'' watered and wooded, well sup-submitted for treatment, according
, which inns high in gold and silver. P',t!(' with tools, blacksmith shop to assays and determinations usual
Ml. Hughes is greatly encouraged , am' ennui, etc 1 111 such cases, we are uoi playing
with the outlook and next inorninir ... ... . .. at this uiuuc. We want a nia
leu wit 11 more men to push devel
opment ns fust as possibe. Every
foot of development shows more
present driving on. bcii g about io iK character, Is very
feet in width Tin- ore sho vs The property is said
came to thu state of Washington I at this time state positively when
was consummated last week, when
C. II, Cobb, Jn lies Campbell and
Unfits Smith of Seattle and Frank
Browncll of Everette paid $t,ooo,-
ooo in cash to the nuusiunir' estate
for 50,000 acres of timber lands on
Vancouver island. This deal has
been ou for more than u year.
Ashland Tidings.
the new plant will be completed.
but he will crowd the work as fast
as he can get material, The pro
curing of brick for the, furnace und
foundation is a difficult thing at
present. The briuk will be shipped
in from Oakland, owing to Messrs.
Wallace & Son being unable to fill
t ie order in time.
There i.s an eflbrt 011 the- part of
the citizens of this city to purchase
tue property 01 Attorney King nt
m. u. waruer, me sineuer man, ,, ,,. ,.,ri. .t it m.,M
was in Cottage Grqve a few days , l)e , ,he Hmit of foi)ishl)ess to j
since and when interviewed regard-1 l)e tiet, t0 S(,me e,s that wouIl,
ing tne proposeti smeitcr tor , o.
hemla, he tulked, in substance, ns
"I was much surprised to learn
the other day from some of the
the foot of Main sUeet, remove the j principal miners of Bohemia Dis-
linl1(llti(r ntifl tlinn mm.. tliM "lift,,." t-t.t ..rl.ln unrflrt Ivi.,,.! ...nd
cherished among mining men of the
uuiiuiug niHitucn move tue "new
bridge, recently constructed on
unique economical plans aud speci
fications by the county coutt so
unique and economical that the
bridge happens to be on private
ground over a few feet, thereby
allowing room for the construction
of n sidewalk ou either side of the
bridge. It, is announced that the
cit has offered to give $200 toward
the purchase price of the property,
and that the balance including $50
special form of smelter which it
was supposed we were intending to
install, They have heard unfa
vorable reports of the performance
ol the particular type ol lurnnce
which it was supposed we were
limited to, In order to correct
this, I want to say that we nre
limited only by the furnaces now' in
use throughout the world, and the
necessities ot the district. It Is
not work. No. we mean to pre
pare for anything in the line and
are well aware that upon our good
work depends a continuance of
patronage. I think it should be
well understood that we agree to
do this work right or not nt all and
it is now up to miners to show us
how much of this work we may de
pend 011. I kuow this will not ex
haust the subject. Principally I
wish it understood that fully com
petent men will be in charge and,
of necessity, square dealing must be
the order of work."
h'lae line
of clock at H., C, .Mad-
Extraordinary Values i
Glass and . .
Look at these prices, then call rtntlgexatnine
the goods :
50-piece fancy decorated full gold
dinner set $9 05
4-t-piece semi-porcclain dinner set o 44
4-piece glass set..... i 40
4-piece glass set, flint GE
4-piece " " engraved '. 1 00
4-piece " " gold enamql $1 85
Ask to See our Open Stock Assortment)
and Stoneware